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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
K VOL. LV. NO. 17,017. PORTLAND, OltKGOX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1915. PlttCE FIVE CENTS. : i' ' . . V X r ES1GNS FROM CABINET Wilson and Secretary Dis agree on German Note. PEACE VIEWS DISCORDANT Other Members Said to Have Threatened to Retire. Un less Policy Were Firm. EARLY ADVICE REJECTED Appendix to Note of May 13 Disapproved at Last Hour . by President. WASHINGTON. June 8. William Jennings Bryan, three times Demo cratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States and author of near ly 30 peace treaties with the princi pal nations of the world, resigned to day as Secretary of State as a dra matic sequel to his disagreement with President Wilson over the Govern ment's policy toward Germany. The resignation was accepted by the President. The Cabinet then ap proved the response which had been prepared to the German reply to the Lusitania note. Acting Secretary Robert Lansing will sign the docu ment and it will be cabled to Berlin tomorrow. .Resignation Takes Effect Today. Secretary Bryan will return to pri vate life tomorrow, when his resigna tion takes effect. It was learned that he intends to continue hia political support of the President. Rather than sign the document which he believed might possibly draw the United States into war, Mr. Bryan submitted his resignation in a letter declaring that "the issue in volved is of such moment that to re main a member of the Cabinet would be as unfair to you as it would be to the cause which is nearest my heart, namely, the prevention of war." The President accepted the resigna tion in a letter of regret, tinged with deep personal feeling of affection. Conclusion Reached Dramatically. Dramatically the official relation of Mr. Bryan with the administration of the man whose nomination he assisted so materially in bringing about at the Baltimore convention of 1912 came to an end. It caused a sensation in the National capital scarcely paralleled in recent years. Ambassadors, Ministers and diplo matists from foreign lands, officials of every rank and station heard the news as it was flashed by newspaper extras tonight. They interpreted variously its effect on the delicate sit uation that had arisen between Ger many and the United States. The res ignation of the staunchest advocate - of peace in the President's official family spread broadcast the belief that the policy of the United States as definitely determined on would as sert and defend .he rights of the United States in any eventuality that might arise. Original Plans Changed. Originally, it was the intention of the President and Mr. Bryan to have the announcement of the resignation made simultaneously with the dis- patch of the note to Germany, but when Mr. Bryan did not attend the Cabinet meeting today until Presi dent Wilson sent for him, rumors that the President had been unable to bring the Secretary of State to his point of view filled the air. Finally, shortly before 6 o'clock the news be came known "and was confirmed. Just when the subject was first broached between the President and Mr. Bryan is not known definitely, but the fact that Mr. Bryan would resign was known to a small circle of officials as early as last Sunday. When the principles on which the note to Germany should be based were dis cussed at the Cabinet meeting Friday, Mr. Bryan found that he could not reconcile his own position with that of the Administration. Work on the note went forward, however, Mr. Bryan keeping his secret, as did other officials, awaiting the hour when the communication would be ready to be cabled. Mr. Bry Absent From Meeting. The Cabinet assembled for a final reading of the note. Mr. Bryan wa (Concluded on pas a. Column 1.) RYAN MAN OF 60 TAKES BRIDE, 54, AT SEA COCPLE JEARLY FALL OVEU BOARD TRYING TO KISS. Launch Ollie S. Tossed by Choppy Waves and Party Hangs to Rig ging as Service Is Read. NEWPORT, Or., June 8. (Special.) A romantic wedding; took place nine miles ut, sea today on the launch Ollie S.. when Mrs. Sadie Smith,- 54 years old. of Turner, was married to "William T. Clouston, 60 years old. of Jefferson. Captain Louis earner officiated. The sea was so choppy that when the bridegroom attempted to kiss the bride after the ceremony both nearly rolled overboard, and during the cere mony the skipper and bridal couple had to bold on to the rigging. Though there were about 20 witnesses present Miss Ruth Young, of East Couch street, Portland, who acted as bridesmaid, was the only person who got seasick. Congratulations and a storm of rice greeted the couple as Captain Carner turned his craft toward port. The par ticipants came over yesterday to be married at Neptune's throne, with only mermaids and the legal amount of wit nesses about, but the rumor leaked out and a merry crowd stowed away on the launch to see the wedding. After a honeymoon at Newport, the couple will go to their future home, "Lone Pine," Turner, Or. CHINESE WILL COME WEST Portland on Itinerary of Honorary Commercial Commissioners. NEW YORK, June 8. The honorary commercial commissioners of China, having returned from Philadelphia last night, today visited the plant of Thomas A. Edison In West Orange, N. J. Their eight-day visit to New York and vicinity terminated tonight, when they left -for Providence, R. I. Thence they will visit Boston for three days and then begin their re turn trip to the Pacific Coast -by- way of Springfield, Mass., Schenectady, Buffalo, Detroit. Cleveland, St. . Paul, Duluth. Spokane, Seattle and Portland, Oregon. TRAIN KILLS CONDUCTOR Oregon Electric Employe Hun Over Xear Jefferson-Street Depot. Henry May, a conductor on the Oregon Electrie Railroad, was killed at 10 o'clock last night by falling un der the wheels of his train, while switching in the Oregon Electric Rail road yards near, the Jefferson-street depot. He had been In the employ of the Oregon Electric Company since August 26, 1911. He came to Portland recent ly from Forest Grove. A widow and several children, who live at 827 Gan tenbein avenue, survive. Deputy Coroner Smith took the body to the public morgue. SALVAGE IS "TEN STRIKE" Skipper of Schooner and Crew Saw Wrecked Claremont In Two. COOS BAY, Or., June 8. (Special.) Captain John Swing, of the gas schooner Tramp, with a 30-ton boat, put a force of men aboard the steamer Claremont, wrecked here two weeks ago, sawed the vessel in two and towed the fore part, 75 feet long to his premises in the vicinity of Pony Inlet. The salvaged section has five large steam winches and considerable other valuable material for which he should realize several thousand dollars. The wreck was still on the rocks when Captain Swing made his ten-strike. MINERS OBJECT TO ALIENS British Refuse to Work With Ger mans or Austrians. . FERNIE, B. C. June 8. British min ers in this vicinity today refused to work underground with Austrian and German miners. The day shift re ported for work, but the British sub jects demanded that alien miners be excluded from the coal mines. The mine superintendent said he had no authority to keep alien miners from entering the workings. The British miners announced that : meeting will be held at which a de cision will be reached on future action. GERMANS QUIT TURKS' CITY Exodus From Constantinople Indi cates Concern, Says Writer. PARIS, June 8. The correspondent at Athens of the Havas News Agency tele graphs that the departure of German families from Constantinople is regard ed as an indication that the Germans are concerned over the present posi tion of the Turkish army. The despatch says the peace party in Turkey Is gaining headway with a movement for the replacement of the present cabinet by another with Tewfilc Pasha, ex-Turkish Ambassador a,t Lon don, as Grand Vizier. BRITISH AIRMEN HIT GHENT Great Damage Reported Effect of Bombs on City Held by Kaiser. AMSTERDAM, via London, June S. The vTelegraafs San Van Gent, Hol land, correspondent says heavy damage at Ghent has resulted from a British air raid. The correspondent adds that no details of the raid are available. Ghent is 12 miles northeast of San Van Gent The Telegraaf also says that It learns that the closing of the Dutch frontier is in connection with enornous transports, which are all going t the Yser line. BRYAN NOT VERSED IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS Domestic History Sec retary's Forte. DIPLOMAT TAKES MEASURE Trained Assistants Men Who Served With Elihu Root. CHOICE MADE BY WILSON Relationship With Representatives of Foreign Governments Peculiar. Amused Contempt Incurred by Oddities of Action. Br JOHN CALLAN O LAUGH LIN. WASHINGTON, June 8. I was dis cussing the Secretary of State ' with a distinguished foreign Ambassador in Washington. "Mr. Bryan," he said, "is Ignorant on all questions of foreign relations. He is wonderfully informed on the politi cal history of the United States. Re call- to him the Virglniua case, which almost brought your country to war with Spain during the Grant adminis tration, and he will Indicate that he never heard of it. Get him in conver sation on the slavery or any other national question and he will tell you exactly where every statesman stood with reference to it. and the effect of his altitude on his political fortunes." Merits and Fault Dlscnased. This was the best analysis of Secre tary of State given in the National capital, where the virtues and failings. the merits and faults, the abilities and idiosyncrasies of President Wilson's Premier have been constantly under discussion. President Wilson never questioned Mr. Bryan's loyalty. When the Ne- braskan accepted the State portfolio he did so with the knowledge that he would be under the constant suspicion of intriguing for his own ambition at the expense of Mr. Wilson. Probably Mr. Bryan realized that the man who once wanted him "kiuked-lnto a cocked hat" had no real regard for him, though he expected and believed til in to be grateful for the work done In behalf of his nomination at Baltimore. Political Compensation Expected. Necessarily, Mr. Bryan expected to be compensated for his self-sacrifice. He knew that Mr. Wilson was in u awkward position, that he would 6c forced to tender him the supreme place in his Cabinet or suffer the odium of having ,-turned down" his belief actor and the consequent hostility or the lukewarm support of the Bryan ad herents. He knew that as a mem ber of the Wilson Administration he would have to support its policies, even though they were foreign to his utterances and views, but he hoped to bring them Into line with the policies he had advocated personally for so many years. He knew that outside (Concluded on Page '2. Column -4.) HE CAME TO ! INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 62.2 decrees; minimum, 4S.S degrees. TODAY'is Wednesday fair, northwest wind. Kose .Festival. Rose Festival on and Queen Sybil holds sway. Faa 1. Number of hotel patrons tax limit of city's hotiplrAlily. Page 15. Cruiser South Dakota duo to arrive In Port- - land today for Festival. Page IT. School children will appear this morning- In first of wondrous pageants. Page &. Friday's parade order arranged. Page IS. Coronation of Queen Sybil Is Important in festivities of Day. Page 8. Thousands of happy folk wander about on brilliantly lighted streets on Festival eve. Page 14. Portland arranging to welcome thousands of visitors. Page 14. Wax. British Parliament questions pooling of salaries of cabinet members. Page 5. National. Secretary Bryan resigns. Page 1. x Text of Secretary Bryan's letter of resigna tion and. President's reply. Page 2. Diplomat sayM Bryan was unversed In foreign .affairs well informed as to history of own country. Page 1. New York press glad Bryan is out of Cab inet. Pago 3. t Bryau to take stump for peace, presaging hopeless split in party. Page 3. Counsellor Lansing will sign note to Ger many, as acting (Secretary of State. Page 3. President's note to Germany to be dispatched today. Page 0. Domestic. Suffrarrlsts of National Association deplore rniutant policy of rlvul organization. Page is Oregon horticultural exhibit wins first honors at Sa.ii Francisco exposition. Page 1. Congressmen seek clemency for accused mid shipman. Page 23. America to have billion dollar 'wheat crop. Page 13. Sport. Pacific Csast League results Portland 4. Salt Lake 2; Oakland 7, ban Francisco 6; Venice 0. Los Angeles 8. Page 20. White Sox regain lead In American League. Page .20. Entries for Pacific Northwest Association track meet given. Page 20. O'Brien and Troeh star at trap shoot. Page 21. Skaters hold tryout over marathon course for Thursday's race. Page 9. National League scores. Page 9. Pacific' Northwest. Roy Farnum, on stand In own trial on mur der charges, admits purchases of poison. Page 7. Degrees are bestowed on -01 at O. A. C. Page 7. Commercial and marine. Oregon June crop report ts highly favorable. Page 21. Government estimates record crop of wheat. Page 21. Chicago wheat trailers sell, expecting bear . ish .report. Page 21. War specialties and coppers strong features of stock market. Page 2L - Depth of south channel over Columbia bar Is 27 feet at low tide. Page 16. Portland and Vicinity. East Side waterfront fire loss may reach 4OO,0u0. Page 1. Officials and employes at City Hall uneasy over possibility of changes, due to elec tion. Page 16. New Commissioner and re-elected officers take seats July 1. Page 22. Bryan's resignation pleasing to many Port land men. Page li. George L. Baker and C. A. Blgelow elected City Commissioners. Page 4. ' Mr. Daly will ask Council to give Jitneys time to comply. Pago 4. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13 DEATH OF CATTLE PROBED Baker County Commissioners Are Investigating Causes. BAKER, Or., June 8. (Special.) Cattle are dying from an unknown cause In the vicinity of Hereford, ac cording to a telephone message received last night By George Elliott from Frank Elliott, of Che Hereford neigh borhood. Twelve head of Mr. Elliott's stuck have dropped dead on the range within the past week, and yesterday two belonging to Frank Hardman were found dead in the corral. One of them was cut open on a sus picion of poisoning and the lining of the stomach found to be partly eaten out. The County Commissioners have ordered the stomach of the cow shipped to Baker to be examined. THE RIVER. BUT HE COULDN'T FIVE BLOCKS AFIRE; LOSS IS $400,000 Standard Box Factory Burns at 2 A; M. FREIGHT YARDS ARE DAMAGED Big Tanks and Burnside Bridge Threatened. ACME MILL IS BURNED Blaze Is Most Spectacular, Glare lighting Up City for Miles in All Directions Two Fire Boats Save City Dock. At 4 o'clock, this morning the Are was slill burning, but was believed under control. Fire that swept clean five blocks on the waterfront just south of the east approach of , the Burnside bridge caused an aggregate loss estimated at more than $300,000, possibly $400,000, and threatened other valuable neigh boring property at 1:30 thfci morning. The heaviest losses were suffered by the Standard Box & Lumber Co., esti mated by the superintendent at $250, 000: the Acme Planing Mill Company, loss fixed by officers at $19,000, with $9500 insurance; Page & Son, commis sion warehouse. ' Freight House Is Damaged. Five freight cars in the Southern Pacific and O.-W. Ri & -Jf yards were badly burned and the freight house used jointly by- the two railroads was damaged also. The estimated loss of $400,000 in cludes the roughly estimated loss of the box factory and planing mill, a vast quantity of lumber, and smaller plants consumed, as well as the dam age to telephone and wire service, the Southern Pacific and O.-W. R. & N. freight office and railroad equipment, which caught from the sparks and the belching flames as they "Were driven eastward by the lively northwest wind. A launch tied up near the mill, ex ploded and was destroyed. Municipal Dock No. 2, which was dedicated two weeks ago, and the Burnside bridge .were threatened for a time. The firemen mauelieroic efforts before the bridge was considered safe. Two Horses Perish. Two horses belonging to the Stand ard company perished. The police and tiremen rescued 16 others, one being led out while his tail was aflame. One of the dead horses was "Old Nig," a favorite on the docks for many years. Ihc 16 horses were saved by Patrolmen Maine, Warring and Day. Most of the books of the Standard company were saved by the office force, who braved the flames to save them. Manager Malarkey, of the Acme Com pany, saved many of his books also. The officers of the Standard Box & Lumber Co. are: Isaac Gratton, presi- . (Concluded on Page -4. Column 4.) GET ACROSS. OREGON EXHIBIT IN HORTICULTUREWINS COLD MEDAL AWARDED AT SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION. Experts From Four Corners of World Pick This State Over California . and Other Fruit Sections. BV ANNE SHANNON JIO.NKOE EXPOSITION GROUNDS, San Fuan cisco. June 8. (Special.) The Oregon horticultural exhibit. C. N. Kavlin. of Hood River, chief, has received the gold medal in close competition with Wash ington, Idaho and California a: '. East ern states and foreign nations. The Jury on awards was composed of famous horticulturists from "he Neth erlands. Japan. California and the East. A- tremendous triumph for the state. Oregon spent on her exhibit J2D00: Washington, $7500, and California, a much larger sum. Success of Oregon Is due to her exhibit being purely horti cultural In character, every item being practical for horticultural purposes. There is tremendous enthusiasm among Oregonians here over Oregon's first big capture, borticulturally. from California. AERIAL VICTOR REWARDED Victoria Cross Given to Aviator Who Destroyed Zeppelin. LONDON. June 8. Reginald A. 0. Warneford. the young Canadian sub Lieutenant in the Royal. Navy, who yesterday In an aeroplane attacked and wrecked a Zeppelin dirigible over Belgium, received the Victoria Cross to day. Warneford's exploit marks the first (Tine a Zeppelin has been brought to earth by a monoplane. He dropped In cendiary bombs on the Zeppelin, which crashed to the ground and burned up. The members of her crew, 28 men, were killed. TWO FAIR DAYS PROMISED Storm Is Coming, but Weather Man Thinks It Will Miss City. Kar weather for Portland for the next two days at least was predicted by Theodore F. Drake, assistant district forecaster, of the local branch of the United. States Weather Bureau, last night, after observations were made and information was received from sta tions throughout the Northwest. " "There Is a storm coming in this gen eral direction," he said, "but I believe it will miss Portland and touch proba bly Eastern Oregon and Idaho." Tuesdays War Moves THE big battle In Galicia has not yet . reached a decision. The Austro Germaiis have crossed the Dniester south of Lemberg and have assumed the offensive farther south, and, ac cording to the Austrian official report, have succeeded in pushing the Russians back between Kolomea and Kalusz in Eastern Galicia. This operation was necessary before the Teutonic allies continued their ad vance toward Lemberg. as tho Russian attacks In the region of Kolomea were beginning to look dangerous after the Russians, as reported from Petrograd last week, had inflicted a rather severe defeat on the Austrians In this district. British and Russian military opinion is that the Austro-Germans, after their big effort, which regained for them the greater part of Galicia, have about ex hausted themselves, and the view is ex pressed that they will soon have to se ci Hnd fortify a line on which tiiey can withtsaud the Russian counter of fensive, which already has made itself felt on the lower San. If the Russian positions were really dangerous, these authorities say, the allies long ago would have taken the offensive Jn the west to relieve the pressure on the eastern front. It is true the French have been attacking at sev eral points between Rheims and the dis trict north of Arras, and in some cases have been successful in gaining ground, but the British are remaining quiet ind it can hardly be said that a general offensive in the west has begun. The French are considered- to have been successful in what they have un dertaken. North of Arras they have gained additional ground, and north of the Aisne have repulsed four German counter attacks and extended their pre vious gains. . On the other hand, the Germans say they have repulsed some of the French attacks ' north of Arras and to the north of Soissons, the scene of the Germans' last important victory in the west. The operatlops on the Italo-Austrian frontiers are pretty well screened by the consorship. There are indications, however, that a big battle is imminent, if it has not already begun, along the Isonzo River, where the Italians ap parently have decided to launch their principal attack. The Italian cavalry have all crossed the river at one point and it was reported from Geneva yesterday, although there is no con firmation, that they have pierced the Austrian line. There also are reports that the al lies have again taken tho offensive on the Ualllpoli Peninsula and have de cisively defeated the Turks, but this likewise lacks confirmation. German submarines continue their activities. Among their latest victims were three Norwegian vessels, the steamers Trudvang and Glittertind. with Iron ore and lumber, respective ly, for British ports, and the bark Superb, with grain from South Amer ica for Queenstown. Others sunk were the Belgian steam er Menapier. with the loss of 17 lives, and the trawler i'entland. REALM OF ROSEDOM IS ENTERED TODAY Queen Sybil Will Open Reign Auspiciously. ALL OREGON PAYS TRIBUTE Festival Ruler Is Crowned This Afternoon. SUNSHINE IS PROMISED Children's Parade to Be First of Week's Brilliant Pageants and Girls to Give Concert Great Floral Center to Be Opened. PHIC1PAL EVENTS ON TO DAY'S ROSE FESTIVAL PROGRAMME. S:30 to 9:30 Bu,nd concerts in business streets. 10:30 A. M. School children's parade in charge of Robert ICrohn, marching on Grand ave nue, north from Hawthorne to Holladay street. 1 P. M. Judging of floral dis play in Festival Center. 2 P. M. Opening of Festival Center under dli'ection of John F. Carroll, and coronation of Queen Sybil, under auspices of Kuyal Rosarlans. 2 P. M. Opening of rose show in Meier & Frank's store. 2 P. M. Arrival of United States cruiser South Dakota in harbor. 4:30 P. M. Children's choruses In patriotic singing programme. 2700 voices, at Festival Center. 8:15 P. M. Rose Festival chorus in concert at Festival Cen ter 10 , to 11 Dancing on Park blocks and Columbia street. (For detailed Festival . pro gramme see Pago 14.) Queen Sybil rules. While she will not be formally en throned until this afternoon, she rules in spirit this morning. Queen Sybil enters her mythical do main under most happy auspices. Her subjects are filled with Joyous delight lu the knowledge of her gracious pres ence. Even the elements promise to be kind to her. "Fair tonight and Wednesday with northwesterly winds." was the weather bureau prediction last night. "Northwesterly winds" Is interpreted as a good omen. Their disposition to bring fair weather and sunshine witli them is proverbial. This Is Portland's ninth annual de parture from her wonted activities into the picturesque realm of ' Kosedoin. This is the ninth time that Portland has capitulated to the charming de signs of a rose sovereign, but only the second time that she has abandoned herself to the raptures of a queen. Lubt year it was Queen Thelma. This year it is Queen Sybil the popular choice of the multitude. Entire City Unna Gala Urt, For weeks and months Portland ha3 been preparing lor Queen Sybil's in auguration. 'Way back in tho dawn of the new year plans for this year's Fes tival began to take form. While Ihe Festival directors and their associates worked industriously behind th- scenes only faint knowledge of their progress drifted out to the busy public, engaged in Us accustomed at fairs. But within the last few weeks and especially within the last few days all Portland has been making visible dis play of her plans to greet tho queen. The streets and public buildings have been taking on a gala appearance. Th? roses encouraged by the billliunt sun shine have issued forth in their most attractive forms and colorings. The people have become animated with a new spirit tho Festival spirit. Portland Ready to Pay Homatsc. All Portland Is ready this morning for Queen Sybil's commands. Inauguration of the 191S Festival will be marked at sunrise this morn ing by a salute from the United States cruiser Boston In the lower harbor. From then until late Friday night Queen Sybil's domination will be com plete. From then uiitll Friday midnight a continuous programme of music, pageantry and heraldry will provido entertainment for the gay festival throng. Beginning at 8:50 o'clock this morn ing the Festival bands will entertain the Festival crowds on the principal business streets. The musical tlomc-nl will! be emphasized in this year's events Hardly an hour will pass that does not produce its quota of music. Inasmuch as the school children's parade on Grand avenuo this morning is expected to attract thousands to that thoroughfare, a concert has been provided to take place at East Sixth and East Alder streets, beginning at 9:10 o'clock. This will be conducted by the Washington High School Girls' Glee Club. William H Boyer will by the conductor. Qarrn ta Lead Parade of Children. Tho children's parade will move (Concluded' on Page 15, Column 6.) 9