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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1911)
M0KN1N0 KNTKkPRISK. WKIWKSIIAY. DECF.MBKH 13. 1911. F.102riL:G ENTERPRISE C3SQC3 CJTT, OKEOQW ft. K. aftOOIt, Kdlwae end Pwhtletiac. , IMl. at tV. ' ,. w P 1 aaapa B( .vaaaa tftli"1 waer Art a Hmk On Yeer, by ma Sta Matha.,av M-fca, by aa. fcr ions sr ucscnrmii. n . M M . IN . IN . M COHTRACT ADVSRTISIlf 0 RATES first Hu. ""WW! I'M. P ear M1 erwrarres .le Northern U aot Include ta thta total Engineer of the Pennsylvania have Just eubmltted tbr reporta m to tb quantity of rella which will b re quired hi 111 It U understood that th estimatea cell for a cocslJerebly larger ton DM than the 1 $9,004 too which the penasylvanla purchased thla year. Geaerally the rail orders ara much heavier thaa laat rw. Walla the rail mllla ara alack at tha present ttma these order ara In dicative of tha business para that ta being aat for tba coming year. How New York Guards Her Harbor; Explosion of a Submarine Mine rilMil oniii any Swa nap-ar ashr tatea Knit aaV par asTaW (SMrOOata tea etnac Jka Ana ew. Mr I Be we IImj e t.awlae iliir taTastta. Far aaie. at wwr fires saeactMa; slimiaal Rata far a4eertBaiwa) a attratt wis) a m Salty, tar Jtniiiann eet Bar a traakly. Vet,,. , the a' at Irwa'pnii frwaa UK Aauy ta tat to. wttaest ranaa-a. tha raaa wis as Baa far raw at Owe m. a4 IS as aartr hi aUMi as tha aiiaa, at t. ., aat ai fca? aaau Va Weeatlv m aa that aeiMai eeastaaav tiar wton i Ctrews 4rrtw4aa ana aa arfaj ir art tola at Me ee aa osce. Tin aaJa" aaJ BeaArup Sale" BaVar- aacamta raW rtret pwrtian iawal aaaprtkpaa aaau imaitar ava mm It raaa an arell ailiiai arltcaaa a eearN. wltB fcsteraet ta lorari ana a t&ar tmi . aarasaa wavar mvial anna We by ataaiaa t a aaj gaaM every day: CITY OFFICIAL NEWIAMR. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la oa aal at tba foUowicg atoraa HuaUa Broa. Dras ataJa StraaC - J. W. McAaulty Oxara - Savantb and Mala. K. B. Aadaraon. Mala aaar 8Utb. U. K. Dana Coafactloaary .. haxt door to P. a CHy Drms Btora Sactrie HotaL BcJaoaabora Ooafactioaary STnlk aad X Q. Adaaaa. BOSTON PENSION PLAN, Boatoa la to undariak to provlda for tba raUrmaat of Its UOorara oa a peoaloa of kalf pay. Tba Inaoratknj ta rrcardrd a a a tap toward tba altt mata paaaloDtnc of all city amptoyaa, and la harmony with tba aarvlc peo aloa. for pollccraaa aad Brataaa arbJcb la qalta ranaral Tba arguneot la put forward that city laborara abould racalva tba aama conatJratkB that aaambara of tha pollca and Ara dapartmanU ara ao corded In thla raapact Tba Boatoa law bacomaa affectWa la March and proTtdaa for compalanry ratlrrmant at th aa of aaraoty and make any city laborer who baa reached tba aga of alxty. who baa. beam ta tba am ploy of tha city aot leaa thaa twenty Bra yeara and who ta pbyalcally tn- capaciutad. atitbla for retirement and penaion, at bla own requeat. Tba other clOea of tba country will watch with tntereat the reeult of tba Bo loo experiment ; ,1 ' J TUB actual eai thaa daya t prohaMlltlea Tta Offended One. n didul vote U tba laat elrtka." aald tba Georgia moooablaer. "Bout tea year afo tba sovefmrot mortally aflrended oa aa I balat took ao la- tercet la it from that day to thla." But you aaoald vote: you abould atand ap for your rtf bta." That'a Jet It." aakl tba toonablaer Tre cot to keep dudVIa' all tba time. ETr time I atand up for my rtsbtt tba rarcoo fotka draw a bead oa m. aa tt covtrmot glta mr Atlaata Oooatltutioa. Dc 13 !n American History. 1815-Tb rtty of Dolalb borned by the Brtttah, aa Inrtdcut of tba war of 1812. 1862-Battla of FreoVrirkaborx. V made metnorabla by tba dlaaatroua . cbarfa of Federala affalnat tba ' atoo wall at ktarya'a Height. 1000 Jedjre IL tL Lortoo at Teuaee aea appointed Juatlc af tba Caitcd Btatea auprama court. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. - . (From aooa today ta aoao tomorrowj Bun Beta 42$. rWa 7:13: mono) rea 1:13 a. m.; planet Mercury TWWa . PLUMBING TRUST. Tba plumbing trust la another of J ha combination a hi restraint of trade brought to book by tha Taft admlnla l ration. .' Thla particular trait had control of all Bale of plumbers' aappllea in Jtha Rocky Mountain anj Pacific Coast regions. It aold only to such dealer aa Tended their waxea at prlcea eatab Ilsbed by tba trust Of course tha ultimata consumer paid tha sboL The data of the caa was gathered by tba represaratatlTea of Attorney. General Wickers and prepara tions were under way for the Institu tion of proceedings to dlasolre the trust when the chief factors In tha combination declJed that discretion was the better part of valor and con- ( fen ted to dlsaotve without the neces sity of eourt procedure. Conferences ara In progress be tween the trust agents and represen tatives of the Department of Justice as to the methods to be aJopted in tba breaking up of the combination. ' n.a insuii . 'Way fts MayvM aa cool twward Mr. Dowwrltar" Becaaa be made a personal re mark she dldat Uka. Qe told bee something was aa plain aa the aoa oa bar face." . , '. Whafa tba aaatter with tbatT "She thinks she's got a pretty Baltimore Aaaartcaav THE ETERNAL There moat be something be yond raaa m this wotld. Even oa attaavng to bis highest poasibalkies - be ake a bird beatng aaanat hia cage. There sometkag beyond, O deathless soul, (fee a seaahrfl. aaoaamg lor the boaon oi the ocean to wbjcb yoe belong r -CKapn. "Well, nave you tnooght of a sen tence cootalning the word dynamite T aaked the teacher. "Tea. atr: my sister Rose wouldn t let yon kla aer. but my sister 1 Mo all aalKbL" Roaeleal. Har Say 8a. "I asked your has band laat erenln If be bad hie Mfe ta ttte over again If b would marry you. and be acid be car talnly would." "lie certainly wouldn't" Ooutnc Post. RAILROADS BUSY. - .... v Prom Pittsburg, the center of the country's steel Industry, comes the report that rail orders booked for 1912 delivery aggregate 175.000 tons, including 60,000 tons for the Louis ville and Nashville, 61.000 for the Burlington, 25.000 for the Norfolk and Western, 19,000 for the Atlantic Coast Line, and a number of smaller orders. An order of 40.000 tons from the Great Tha Eaaiavt Way. Young Wife Arthur, dearest, bow do they arrange these pickles la the bot tle ao nicety T Young Ilenbend They pile the tr kle np and then blow the bottle around them.-1'blUdelphia Bulletin. Lett In Practica. "Che la a woman with a very strong mind." "Not as strong ss It was." "How do you knowT" "Just besrd ber givlns her husband a piece of It-'-rblladelpbia Bulletin. Chaos. "What's the meaning of 'chaos 7" " queried little Lola. "Chaos." explained ber elgbt-year-old brother, "ta a great pig pile of nothing, with no place i put It" Chicago News. A Jolt ta Remanca. "Hobby, you have s to k of my hslr haven't you 7" "Next my heart." "See if yon csa match If in some puffs when you go downtown -Wash ingtoo 11 era Id. nttiiintniiiiima Develop Means of Trans- i: portation to Reduce Existing Rates Br EDWARD J. CAT TEL, Chief of 'Bureau of Statistics and Contracts MAT THE WHOLE COUNTRY NEEDS IS A MORE ENER. GETIC DEVELOPMENT OP MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION, SO THAT HER SYSTEM OF ROADS AND WATERWAYS y MAY SUPPLEMENT THE EXISTING SYSTEM OF RAIL ROADS. While I am no particular friend of the railroads, I do feel tbat as s nation we are loebg ranch of our native strength and creative power in a great war to save pennies on railroad tariffs. ' In all onrTrtudy of this question of transportation we continually blind ourselves tothe true condition of affairs bj taking cognizance only of that body of freight which now moves and figuring what given reduction of freights would amount to on such a bodv of mov ing freight, wholly ignoring the larger volume which would mova were rates of transportation from point of production to point of first shipment cut in half, as thej could be cut in half were the country ajsteniatically dereloped along the line of good roads and good water waya. .' .... "-- , ' i ' . ' ' V 'L-J !" i actual eatraace af koatlle warships lata aa Its porta 8 1 port la of. electrically controlled submartae ml sea la aae of the la. at modem war. New York barbur, for eiasaplav where such ait-hta aa that pras anted la the llluatratkm may be seen from time a time whea teats of Its bidden dafeoaee are made, has a system af mine protection whkh would be put Jato active operatloe ta case of war, I hooch, af course. Its details are carefully guarded by the war department enVlala. Submarine mines are of tww typea. the self acting and the controlled. The at ploaloa here pictured la tbat of a controlled tulne that ta, one roaaerted by wtre with a mine station. la actual warfare such a mine would be Bred by observers oa shore, who would watch from twe stations the approach of aa eaemy'a ship and when tt had reached a point directly ever the mine ee de termined by the lateraerttoa of the Uaea of sight from both stations would Close their rlrralta and explode the charge. ! ; ,' g?c r. . .i School to Give Social. A a entertainment and shadow i clal will be bald at the West Side school next Saturday to raise money for the basketball team. The literary nart of the program will be as fol lows: Exercise "Waiting for Santa" Fire Primary ruplla. Recitation "Greedy Jim" Dorothy McFaddea. Recltation "Proof" Charlle Wlnkel. Song "Sleep. Baby Sleep" Third Grade GlrU Exercise. "Cbrlstmaa Stars and Bella" Primary Puplla. Recitation "Mothers Always Do" Zen Bah LytseQ. -Wet Weather Talk" Lester Farmer. Exercise. "OIJ Man a Nursery Rhyme" Third and Fourth Grade Bora. Song "Santa Clan" Fifth and Sixth Grade Puplla. ' Recitation "81y Santa Claua" Adella Armstrong. Recitation .... "The New Reindeer" Em matt Shields. Song.- "Santa Claun a Jolly Man" Third aad Fourth Grade Puplla. Songs "Star of the East" Advanced Puplla. Debate: Reanlred. "That Governor West la right la allowing the liberty he does to the convicts of the State Penitentiary." Wants, For Sale, Etc IS taa aaaavied at saw Ml a war. Ural kaaruaat. hall a eanl aSSIalaaal aaaaa II aat one Baa eore. U ear aaiu. Hna aaaei ears. a aaaeaj a aar aaasaaa. ana aa aawn mini mb the aaaaar. IN tlaaaatal raisaaslSIHtr tar arrwra; whan arrara aaaaar reae nenaiil astus wut a araaiaS tar eatran. anajtaaaaa ssies ta WANTIO. WANTED Tourists and local people to sea my colloetton of arrow-beads coins, Indian trinkets, :d stmi and curloa of .' aorta Will buj or aell la this iiu lae toraa good bargains la seen4hand furniture and toola. ffearge Vouag. MalA u. Firth. COIM JUDGES FAIL TO AGREE ON ROADS PORTLAND. Dec. 12 The county Judges and commissioners of Oregon refused today to go on record as eith er favoring or disapproving the Issue of IIO.OOO.OOO In bonds for good rads in Oregon, or as favoring the creation of a State Highway Commissioner, at a salary of $5,000 a year, and an assis tant commissioner at $2,500 a year. The Judges and commissioners of the state were assembled la annual convention at the Commercial Club. It was the sentiment of many that the power to build roads ought to be left, aa tt la now. In the hands of the commissioners and Judges, who, It wss pointed out knew the particular needa of their counties, and Just bow much of a tax the property owners can bear: It was also aald tbat aa effort bad been made to obtain copies of the proposed bllL Indorsed by the special committee, appointed by Gov ernor West hut that those who ap plied before the time of the meeting had received the reply that no copies had been made. PENSION BILL PASSES. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. The Sner wood service pension bill, where adds upward of $40,000,000 to the Govern ment annual expenditurea by granting Increased penslona to Civil and Mexi can wsr veterans on the basis of length of service, was passed by the House tonight by a vote of 229 to 92. despite the determined oppoaitlon of many Democratic leaders. Between Friends. Miss Elderle'.gb-III let you Into a secret If you'll promise not to tell It Mlas Toungn--AII rtfhf. Mis F.lder lelgb I'm enrnped. M!a Younger Ob. fudge! ?np;oe I do tell It 7 No one will beMeve It Chicago News. "ear a la tartar. air. Tltewadd. can't I get you in terested In settlement work 7 "Why. you might. What do you want me to do 7" "Settle this little bill you owe H hears, tbtalIor.--Wablngtoo Herald. DO YOU KNOW that tha Enterprr year-end Bargain Period la now on 7 See ad on back page for particulars White Queen Hour This Is The Best Flour Obtalrv sbls. Lay In Your Winter Supply , of Cos I New. Hayy Orsln, rssd and K off set Poultry Food. Oregon Com mission Co 11TH AND MAIN a , Oregen CWy. V WANTED Four man to board and room by private family, good table and rooms, $4 50 a week. Inquire at Enterprise. (t WANTED To buy bouse In East Oregon City with small payment down; rest monthly payments. Want to buy direct from owner. AdJreaa "C." Ralerprlse. FOUND. FOl'ND Will for glasses office? party who advertised In Enterprise call at FOR SAtC FOR 8AIX One black mare, com ing four yeara old. very gentle, but not broke to work, weight 1 150 pounJs. Farmers' Fred Yard. O. T. Hegdale, owner, between Second and Third on Main wtreet, Oregon City. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND Ft' EL CO, V. M. bliihm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the el'y. 8AW1NO A SPECIALTY. phone your orders, pacific 2602, Home B 110. FOR SALE by C. K. Llveaay, carload of Trojan powder. Just received. FOR RENT. TO RENT Rooms with board In private family. Address "A." care Enterprise. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck at Uimica, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEY. i. D. BBY. Atiorney-at-Law. Money oases, abstracts rtralsewd. laa titles examined, satatte settled, gaa era! law buataee. Over Bank at City. ITILEN aV SCHUWa-aU Attoraeyfrel Law, Dealaeher dveaL wUI ra uoe la an aeurta. anaae ceil setae Blav. Oraanai City. UILOCR AND CO-eTaiACTOR. HARRY JONTO BoOne aad Oenenu ' Coo tract or. Eattoaates eheet tally given on all ei eases 1 of bstldlsg work, eoaerete wants ana rel a forces ecaaarete. Res. pViaas Main 111. INSURANCE. I. H. COOPER. Foe pita tueeranee and Real Batata. Lac aa roar properties we buy, aeJI aajeavangax Offloa .. la ranter arise Nldg., Oregon City. Oregon. CLEANING AND PRESSNq CHICAGO TAILORS suits mads to order from $10 and up. We also do cleaning, pressing and repairing Three doors south of postoffce. MUSICIANS. J. ALBA 8AGER. teacaer of wind and string Instruments, director of band ' snd orchestra. Wl.l furnish muilo fof any occsslon. CM at Rlectrtc HoteL PIANO TUNING. PIANO TITNINO If you want your piano thoroughly and accurately ' tuned, at moderate cost, notify ! Piano-Tuner at EWtrlo Hotel. ; Strongly endorsed by tha director ' of tha Philharmonic, who will per sonally vouch for bis work. NOTICES. MULTNOMAH LODGE NO. 1. A F. A A. M. Special communication thla Wedneaday, at 1:10 o'clock p. as., for tke aurpoee of conducting the funeral ol our late brother, E. T. Wood. Members ara requested to attead. Ylaltlng brothers Mat, 8 I. STEVKNH, Wx-retary. Netlse af AppHsstlan fee Peel Hall License. Notice Is hereby alven. that we w 111. st the aext regular meeting of the City Council apply for a lloeuae to run aad regulate a Pool Hall at our place of business, Msla street, near HUta street nr a perum oi tnree months. IUILY PRU'K CITY NOTICES. Notice ef Acceptance ef Street lv j prevement Notice la hereby gWea that the City Engineer of Oregon City, Oregon, has filed hi certificate of the com pletion and approval of the work done by Mr. II. Jones, contractor for the Improvement of Ninth street, Oregon City, from the east tine of Ceater atrvet to the west line of Taylor street' and the City Coun cil of Oregon City will cunslJer the acceptance thereof, and all the ob jections to the acceptance of said Improvement at the Council Cham ber of said Oregon City, on I Decem ber T, 111. at S o'clock p ta. Any owner of any property within the assessment district of aald Im provement or any agent of aucb owner. may at such time or any time prior thereto, ap pear aad file objections to the ac ceptance of aald Improvement, and such objections may be considered and alt the merits determined by the Council at the above aamed time and place. This notice la published Id the Morning Enterprise and tha time and place were Oted by the order of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. v la 8T1PP, Recorder. ' AN INVITATION Witt ample aapltsL aerte saseuntlng, sbssHsm equipment and a genuine desire ta reader helpful finensie.1 tfT ' ws ar In peeitlen ta five business men and Individuals Utah! ' thsr la In Banking. ' Yeye Interests vrlll fr" If au have a flnanalsl kaaj . and vra sardislly Invite yei la test st hsrne here, using su la the fullest peasibis astsnt ""ai The Be ok of Oregon City OLDEST BANK III TBI COUHTY D .at1)U a ,a.u THE FIRST NATIONAL BAH oi OREGON CITY, OREGON capital, tramnas a inaral Beatawag Suslnsea Oesw teeaa A. s. t an iai lainanaiaaaiaaiiai mi 'niin atumiai sn i rwewaaii'i iiin'Maiiaiiaa - u- 'll-mm,i, ,, SemstMng Frent Nethlng. Some rb lid rva were core aaked by SB Inspector si a arbo4 elamlastkoa. whether I bey knew the aueaolug of the word -wcsmIsL' tine little girl, bold log ber band up, attra-ted the ootfc-e af the tnsi'ex tor He tle-lre! ber ta answer the qne-ilon. uon wbtrh she gate this dcfloliiou: .Nibidy des nothing, aad every body goe round telling It "-Ate Mana. Steean Pew sr.. , It kt saW (bat Aotitreaiue. Greek architect sod ma t bet! aaav knew the Power ef ateaia I Uti . A UuSstten er litaaa. "rm sola to aartie show tickets Sst guy slipped me." aald Meandering Mike. ' "I wouktal go near a show wtd dai aame" "Ware de matter wit Ten Night a la a Barroom 7" " . ' "la dat It7 Aa' I rome Bear mlaals ttl I I'ougbl ft waa Ten Man la la a Bathroom." "-tVaaningius Star. DISCONTENT. Much ol out discontent in tJe ta due leva lo any tack in our own lot than lo the sertntng ovrrsbunjance in lhal of our neighbor U he had aot so much we should discover fewer deli cienccs (at out trlvrs. Ve are not so greslly ctuaaluiied wah what we Iran as wrth what he has. Discontent born ol envy is a loe lo fee teems. A piece of eid fUIticd rsndle w k worn around the leg In the garter place neat te the sklu will preteut ot cure cramp In the ralf ef the lg or In the fw4. I have proved this by ter sutial ierleu-e. I ilete this would prove effectual In preventing swim uters rtanin, Thoae liable lo rramp white la the witer would be wUe to try It Com (M betting wrap)! around tba body from the armpits downward saved, ike life of a autu suffering ago ay front alnier rramp. It gave In slant relief -National Mdgatiae. fsreaen en Ine Wnest The naiat general puulabmeat for crtmluala i-oodeiuiied tw death la the eighteenth renlury was I be wheel The tkllui waa laid out sad Uxiad te a Urge wheel, ibe eieruthaer break lag Ibe hove of bla anna, lege sad thighs aim a heat J true) tier, bla del' IvriMia auiulilatka ef ahnb was ai ways applainled by Ibe rowd.-l'sul Irruli Subetanae and Shade. A man went to bla pariah priest sad told him. with a tang face, that be bad aero a ghoat. "Whea and where V aald I bo -ene. "Laat Bight" replM tl MR. "I was 4isitng by the church, aad up agaluat the wall ef 't did I tn-hold the epecteT." "la what shape did If appearr ask ed the prlewt. "tt apeared laTbe abate of a greet saar ' "Go bme sad bM your tunrue about If. rejolnett Ibe aor. "You are a very tltntd man sad bars beea frightened by your ov absdowT Ijwvtnn AnaWrra. I'OIII I peace. Ill I . l' J THF TRUE GRACES As ambet ern acts a a-raw. M does beauty aJnuration, winch only lasts whir the warmth contmu. but value, wwdtwn, grHKirtrss and real worth, like the loadslone, eever loae lew power These are the true races, which, as I lotney feigns, are bnked and bed hand in hand, be cause a is by thesr mlkienc thai human hearts are ao nrmly united lo each other Burton. Suo) DAOGiwnrr Mrs Catherine Iirlttoa, sccoapaW by ber danghier. Mrs. Thomas Tns? bath, loft TueaJsy evening mr I lo attend tha funeral of Mrs loss daughter, Mrs. g. flossr lug. a ho wss a sister of Mrs. TtW bath, Mrs Ralng died at fetV Wdoea.lay. after aa lllsess ef sap eighteen hours of abscees of st brain and eomiillratlnns ew. on her way to this city from JsasW niassa. to apenu ton si mat wit) M mo" her. whan she ws strtrkea. Tba remains will be Ukea te taV Franrlsm to Mr. Eainr fanW borne, snd will be laterred is 13 faaellv lot la thst rltv Tkev iJ - - - - - - - - - irainieniea ro nan rrancisro sy s Kning. woo arnvea in Seattle a, day, having been sumoioeed kr tow graph, and also Mrs, Drittoa Mat -a Tremhath aad Martla Buaiaer. thl latter of whom I a brother af deceaaed. klrl twlne waa fnraiarta Wlaa nr Sumner of tbtrliy, having baas rm tied to lloaara Kwmg about tspt' yeara ago Mr. Klng was fta-awY pnaaenaer agent of the Pari Be rW Mtvsmshlp Company alth ktaail ers at San Francisco, but reresHyvJ promoted lo me pneitkia or agssta the roMpany st Juneau lie It aw of the beat knowa shipping an along the pacific Coast, and hat has la Its service for the past aUwe yeara. MISS CIS PRATT ENTERTAIN! Mlas Nan Cecnran Is be Moetea rstisnce tiuav Miss Cls lurrlsy Pratt eat h boateas Monday evenlnr at aa atw lalnmetil of the patience I"diw On The evening was devoted to aea work and card. Miss Hates Dsslw won the nrise. RefreshmeaU vaa serred. The next meeting va b held during the holidays at (he haw of Mlas Naa Cochran. Member attending at tha anew i Mlas pratt were MUs llslea fntan Mtaa Met HarJIng. Mis Pea tan ton. Mlas Illy Pratt Wynne Hannv. Ml Naa Corhrutat Ml a rtVtt. Pstrorilse our Bdeertlseet, Electric Christmas Gifts Are Popular They still possess that element of novelty dear to the American heart and thus solve the problem of giving Christmai gifts that are 'dif ferent." Imagine how pleased most men wotild be to receive an electric shaving cop or electrc cigar lighter, instead of neckties - socks, and hand kerchiefs, "as usual." A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for Madame' five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for the college girl or bachelor maid. "a disk stove for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. It should not b forootten thst thsse letelo Christmas gifts ara all USIFUL s's. Ksch of thsse dsvlaas la daslgnsd to do soms on thlnfl bsttsr thn It can hs don any ether way, whsthsr It Is tV pereolata eotf, tosst brssd er furnish tha power for running a sawing m.chln. Th lln of .Isetrle Chrlatmss gifts la ao sompl.t. thst In It will b found a (ultsbls gift for a vary tnsmbsr of th family. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN orriCC 7th and Alder Streets e -.- i L..''.-,lV .