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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1911)
MORNONCi -E-NTEKIPKISE 1MB W1ATM INDICATIONS. j ;n r occasional ralii iir7iir; north! wind. J;"' " lH,r""a- WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 OKROON CITY, OREOON. THURSDAY, DEOKMHEIt 14, 1911. vol n-N"-m Pa W-x, 10 Owrn ,4 ffflK BILLS COST MONEY-DIMICK -Ayo" ELECT TILLS JUDGES tITTtl ! H'T POR NttD 10 LtQILATION. 0t m m ma now $4 fcy Oro dy Lavyr tt Aid t County lr Otpd. ST1PP READY 10 AID TAVERN PROBE DUTAICT ATTORNEY H At OFFICIAL INFORMATION OP LAWLtlMU NO mmm puces just as bad OWi of Tndr Age laid to Hot . plid With Whitkay And Tak.n on Joy Rid. wuiTl-AND. II ("jk-ibI - Ttst W lobM.4 Ibruugh th Or iii.latur which coul lb. l lt,ri "f money and In J only f ! tb tu of ' u 1vj nd 'h rea"n twr I. '' "or "y ,n MiMlfg of iad ' A, b.llr of Oranl II IHmUk. Mayor Lr, pf Oregon nir. H Beid kitr annual "" ' m ( oanly Judge and rwmmleaUia. .rt ! th Commercial Club lmlrk mntwiud tb J-ff-r-rt .h hadhery; abandoned, ha sal. I. "ar being bum. b appropriation of iono f..r rea-edlng burned tt ' ll"0 appropriation fr lb Aa bi reniennlal. etat. moa !" . u.mif falra. and nw board 14 cummlaaUma eratd In urb bum ytt, ..Id Jui1 llmlra. that It la Mrorr build atalrboua. to 14 offlr.a for th.m. "lb beat r ta m public blhM ! o eodmo lit k" of ,h' hl,lh "1r,, Ur.- ba dwl.rl tt rtl br auplauM from tha awmlxTl f 'ba .nanll hlinlrk ala. d.all ft blow at 11 1. 1 la lai. dalarlng that It Ur. turh a baT burdao cnt b CrtCrtrr and ainall farnr that ha tU ba unabla In mtl It. hlla tba ef'u'' u rt JulM d.l-ai. in lh nmt ft.r rburrh. In .Mfh Mr Hi-o. m4 h llluatratlon of 0rr tarn oanad br l'""' romny' ttli arraa of whlrh ar a..ld to. an ploya and lmprtad. Uh Iba r alt that lha ll J4, " !( Hmlrli drlrd th.r l o acb a.ampU lhl In nkn" iwtlf. " . Ha aU d-p.r4 Ik .rotnlactitia aaa ef iba lnliiatl. knlnc of niruurM br rUIna to Aw, on lb. ball. H P"""" ... ....i iham on aha ballot .A.t.A ..n.t.aa Tha tnubla tib atm.a oirra, ha ald. la that lhay raad tba calrhr liaadllnaa of "" ra. anj thn tnt . hlB"'"" li. r oriilpraiand It. Ubo lln " to raad tha ltt Evary o r. U uld ouht to famlllarlM blroaII thoroughly Uh tba lt of rnaaaur. (Cnntlnuad on p4l l ) NOB LE AMAZED AT ACTION OF COUNCIL IXPCNSei LEaS N PROPORTION TO WORK THAN EVER 0E f OR E, HE AY. ITOIIOK OF BOOKS INVITED EnBlnar Oaclaraa Ha Ha Only Two At. Kant And Thay Will B Ndd To rlnlh Work fttariad. WlLLAi METTE IS JUST PLAIN TOWN ELECTION OF 1906 DECLARED VOID ICAUE OF ERROR of, officer. COURT Dfl) KIT CANVASS RETURNS VoWra T Glvtn Anothar Chanca To Mako Town City . -Junction Ravaala Kagardllif a rrixtt lh( (ha rlr( Atloriirr' tiffli a nil) uroraa I leil tba Wllukl Tatam. Itoput Hi(rlrt Adurilry Hllpy aalil Wadlia day nlfht thai (to coin plaint had Ixwn mad ( 0 hlui In an ofTlrial ay "All I know uiil lb allr4 la lOva at tba blai a." ld Jud hllp. "la Wlit have tiwo o tba ikmtMita f shall fcaalal In an llittaallv it. lion If I find II oreary to do o " HharllT M aiao anuouiirad Wad n.r iba. ha IU llhou( of n'll Inlorniadon rKardl(i( tha flar. Ha aald If tha rrixirt ri trua and th Milaaukla auiburiu did not an forra lha la, tha rounty would do o Tha ila- la mndurdMi unarr a III ro oblallaed fnioi Ilia rlly. A dlaoauh fr'ra I'orlland aa: IU.lti'UM In Multnomah rtun(y ar not much uattor than th MHwau kla Trn It a at Iba Claramont (hat oiii lr a takrn aud acrv- lih drlnka and no quillu4 aakad only a f tilb( ao Thla raa I lU lnr.(U(l by tha grand JuriT and lha girl poalilvaly Idaiilinad tli aallrr bo Bxrl ma nqmir a"" hol Iba room In hlrh aha waa aard Unnron Hoad. bfr Ibar ar tor nad rooaaa. liua.aa (raii lbl to lha hour of aarly dan I'artlra of drunkan mm an4 woman an j l... ,k...ffiira wobli a- wn.117 .t.i. i..,i.vard aftrr an all night pmi 1,.. . 7 .. 1... ThaV IO at t,rakna-k ail and thla I on r-a .t ... ... man autumolilla aon iavi - ...-, - . ..). ...rtimlar naJ. hn riornia . . f haa rclJ.n( natar rachlu lb .art of tb public. a a. a.Milaarfl tnU Ul I II V . k .,ih.nigl. ntl tn It r nor vm .nd ijm. li- j..nn. tha houra.aiioi ...-..- . n..k. In autOIIMlbll'- ll la at lb ro-Jbouaa that oan lt.din-rin WU..U-. - , . four. - 'r'. "I" .an.' unM in ,OIlralU l. - .ufflcl-nt 11 1. .... '";,:;;. .M IT CUSS OiU.D IS HOY ASSURED City Knglm-r Nobla darlarod Wad- Head a V nlhf ih.. ik. ...... li. ' " " . T.mHir 171 JIB offi bad l)n reduced to a mini mum. a-pi'a lha action of th City Council In liialrucMng th cornmltu- on (rta to reduc tha forra of ampluya In the department. "Th engineering eipenaea bav wfwwrti iiiirr um pnai )ar (nan evar befot In proportion to tb amount of (ret lmproamant," aald tba Clly Cuglueer "I invlu tha taxpayer to com to my ornc and lnpct lha book to e for themaelvea that thla Itrlllknl la ln.u I I ... ..wn. 1 II... viii iwv ui.u uuuor mi, uiif racaiTing u a month au1 tb other 140, and they ar uot only eiiglnear but aupervUora of alreot They ID h needed until ne ruu in in 7ar 10 compiet id work (hat ha been atarted. Two men war let go recently after th bulk of th work had been flnlahed. "Tb aalartea of my aaxUlant bav been far tx'low thoaa paid al"lanti kMf. if... Mn. . r ,1 . ... h.r4..l and I want th Ui payer to lnpct lliviii. 1 urn uiiuf ia iiov au eipeuaivv "ii for th work acrompllahed. and I cannot undentand th action of th city council. I expert to niak a va por! at tb next nx-etlng of th coun cil whicn win iar out an tnai 1 nn U" FULTON MAY ENTER RACE AGAINST BOURNE Ovar 1 1 light. I Th ..M. J'-jVr. or '!!' A common pract.c. ih chBuffaur. a (0 itr ka up an . ... and offer mem , ,nd one ,r runhed out to th W", th.m thar. lo return w cdrlnk. Hat tber can unle th'T. Ch.uff.ur. trln to -'-- on Into l.klnc J ' J " " ,ny afternoon ,h. downtown rn. nflh :rreV7wm .bow m,pN A flrat claa Oretfoo Clir " to lorger a dream of tb. futar. but Inttead la rapidly Homln n W t.mpll.h..1 fxt. During? lb p e yeara or b. mnr or Ib aporadio Btlempta to organli ha bn mad., evaral of th. locaJ plyr apendlng rooiderabl. rnon.y In th. .Kempt TAhll. not a llttl tmporarr uccea et aom of tb tffrt. porman- Ml A.-,l.all... haa.B Vdkalllltfvd. It I to th Corom.rclal Club In th prent Initanr that th Dana i lebied for It and prant nipcea a fund waa ollcltd from v...i . ,r ih club, ...inn. Illin l 1 r 1 1 1 1 . a .imMi rom for rehearaal a.ipplled. and In fct Bll tha marhlnery of th. Commercial Huh employd to trt th bnd n, .. . . . . . . tMirmanen. "H'll, aim gel l on ir- - . bail Not a cnt h4 be.n rjlred from Ih membar of th. b.nd. t... 1 . tha hlahet Indoraemenla .nd roferancea. not merely aa to niualcl .blllir. but aa m work accompllahI In otner .. ain.. ki. . 1-. 1 h has liven prtrtlral of hi .blllly In th trannformatlon which ha taken jlnc 1. .... . 1 1 1 mamu ha met uia nana, nioiiar - . hi efforla with th Cunby lnJ 01 hlch he la tha conductor. rWrMary Ijtmll h. or4ad from tie Kant . numb.r or tn. - 1 . V. - mmf fulUr I" ---1. 1 IOIIB. .11(1 III III. M ' - " U the Intention of th. bn4 to P " j v.ik villi lth- ....I. vn nur unu-. w ... out doubt b. th. rouBlcBj "t of l" yr. Great Holiday Reduc , tion Cbarle W. Fulton, ex I'nlled State enalor and antagotilat of Jonathan Iiourne. may yet becom th hop of thou who aeek .o overturn th unin. aflnainr liNir aoma lime a aulet movement baa Ucn on foot among; aome of Ih 01a guara nepuinicana 10 put Fullon to (h ironi onr room, and 'he Morning Atorlan. publlhed in cs.iion'a nM hum! at Aatorla. baa now taken lb lead In urging bla can didacy. Mr r-iiltnn rovlv alJeiteDi4 . dl reel nwer when b waa Baked If k. 111 hai a ra'ndlilata. II laid h had aeen th front page editorial of . I t a I tlla,a tha A'orlan unaer m. oeauiug o"" Oregon Want Capable Men In th I nlied Statea Benat?" Bddlna; that (hi waa publlhed without any auK geitlon or connlvanc on hi part. "I am not prepared to dljicuaa tb. matter at thi tim.r 'u m -'-tor. ' I will not aay tha. I will not b. a candidal, nor will I aay that I will ba a candidal. I bav given th. matter no consideration." Wlllamatt. U to b. mad. a city again. Tb. town waa Incorporated aa . tlty one, but Ilk a certain per Mtnl... nf vaivl tia ll.n a Ar allaai1 vacclnailona, "tt didn't take," ao th. htmuil will hi In t.Jk r. ru f Mt A IV plication wtll b mad to th. County vouri januar a lor 10. mcuriwuuuu i..l ll I. ftirmiftit lha rnnrl will call an alectlon at wblih th queatlon will bo voted upon. Cltlrxna of Wlllumett tn th. early ...ri ..f 1uia Mia. ai.nltrallfin lo tha ("niiniv Court to call an election to vote upon incorporation. Th elec tion waa Mid October 9, lus. ana th propoaltfcin wan carried by . largo ntTlper wpfa elected, and. (0 all Intent aud rmrpoaea, the com munity baa n a clly ever alnc. However, tb .tatute provld. that rui..rna nf iha elertlona for the In corporation of eltlt ahall b mad to th County t oiiri. wnicn anau can van tb vote and declare th reoult, and nam. lb city. Tb election of-fi'-erB of Willamette, It ha been learn ed, failed to do thU. with the reult no city. . ' Wlllamett proceeded to do bual .k. ..m. a a real, bonarldeclty. and mayor and other officer bav been elected ai varioua 11111 And. en paaaant. aome of theae el tlona hv. been the real thing. It la recalled that one of tb moat popular men who ever lived In the thriving city town, community, or wnai-.. It mi be called at, preaent, won by leia than ten . au lu" r ll . t,... h..n ao hard fought and cloa. that at lea.t on. bad to b. held a aecond time in oruer x tha rt.Hlred reault of th majority ai m -.-..-- An Injunction auu oroun th. downfall of-WUbimett. aa a city. - Iviaunau aTeaa ITla II1IU Uuaaa.Tgfia''" of right, of Vty fnr "i-?" through certain atreet. of he e r Th city finally oecioea idh ------ 1 . . ... ...t,m of Ita own. and began condemnation proceeding, for Tb right, of way. Mr. Downey ob . 'a .hronrh hi. attorney. J . .' . ... ..I. i .n anawar ae- DlmlCK l'n' . ui. daring that tb community waa not a city He " lnd dowl1- ,or Ul k ,,.reaented the City. COllld find no record of the vot making th. town a city having been canva.a e.1 by the County Court. 80 Judge Stlpp Bdvloed tb.t th court be Bp- oealed to call an e.i"" gens of Willamette conld vote upon the queatlon of Incorporating again. w w M . . , .ii'k.M la a rltv 80 the qiieaiioii, " " - - -nor. city?" I. t lea.t relevant. And the well-WlllBmette. Ait TTlhi3 rGmid TODAY and TOMORROW Halcyon Vaughn Tipton Colored Monologist and Specialty Singer Our picture ptoiMm and Mr. Trplon't Kltctlom will be chntJ tach Jay. PICTURES TODAY FOOLISHNESS OF JEALOUSY Highly Amusing NICOTINE CONSPIRACY BROTHER IN ARMS Watch for the Big Headliner Coining Soon "WAISt9-9 A BIG FEATURE OAK GROVE JOINS ROAD WIDIT SENTIMENT UNANIMOUS AT BIG MEETING FOR IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHWAYS. ElimSVST - -Vs ' Croaa, Author Of Cash Syatem, Ad vacate Naming Of Road . S maatar ftpaclal Levy Favored. That Oregon City had th. noil re markable growth th. pt yer In Ita history la .hown oy reporv mw - Ml.a Anita Mcaxver. wiu umm phsted Uklng.the city achool cenaua Mia McCarver report, that BTty aven residence bav. been erected In th. city alnce the cenu. waa uiw w- ...r uo and 100 homes have been remodeled since then. About twenty-live homes nave m"i. r-w von ifvnw that th. Enterpr. year-end Pargaln Period la now on? Sc. ad on back page lor pariiiuim. Two Couple. Got Llcanaaa. Marrlg llcenaeB wer l.sued W ed M.'"'" m nForest nd in...nh U Stratton and Mabel May Meeka and Samuel Waller. 57 OREGOII CITY HOIIES BUILT PAST YEW REPORT OF SCHOOL CENSUS ENUMERATOR SHOWS RtMARKABL GROWTH 100 RESIDENCES ARE REMODELED. .vera number erect)! been the annually. Th. Increase In the ttemuue tt th. Oregon City High School tkta aon was 100 per cent and grades th. attendance baa a4a M leaat 20 per cent greabw lata la 1911. Several additional Learners hav. been employed, and It 13 blta)T ed atore will be needed next year- SOtAT03S GET UVE YCtE RESOLUTION 35 BECOJI IXB Of COMCiAt CUD ,f,,rn.n. . ,t th Th.r are no "'. ,ho ar. roadhouae. ,h;rm" ' Men mu.t taken tber In "o lor. u bring tb n ,utomoblle. U not nnromn,.... n((ht whl.xlng along lb. ro ..U M by , a P-rty - M enouKh to on or t 1r' " .ir,e. chll- alt.nd high school. wh.key dren of tender J1 hnTt. B freely " ' .'r,. ,-roprle- n.d women of forty T con-,1r tors, waiter arm ' '. n0 ..r.aenc. Of Ih -ncn of their Ther ".; m tlon. pro'?-A"',' .ifuiw. tl girl. Ir.r.:. ..rail variety ar T. :"r. and .morally Mj common .........lon ot ao.." battlea ar. over pi , no ,rM F'r. W '"", i .r ,ow many or i d ,re out Bt fight V.o m MWlf 1,I..M .nd dead to Xm(Ml men .frompanylM d m(rnng now Br out at night ar h .n acronlpanro.a a nn B mi"""' ... aa paraiv.e -- .nougn " ih bollc uld pl' 'P... bt the. '?,u rh.r.ct.r rar-lT occur, arrets of U.I. c han J ,, oyer There I mo,t "?k ih. exception Ih. roadhou.. thP bar. tlll.a-W - HIGHWAYMAN on ia:if bVll- -..I ROBS EVERETT um Whiskies, Brtndisa, Winc and Ojsn January 1st 1912. All goodi Cr&W and saticfa '. D. M; Klefosen 421 Usb Stmt A gift that will add to every boy'i good times ita Brownie Camera They work like the Kodaks lAfM IMJ Here U the SI Brownie Anjnexpen.n4ih2t ougWy practical little camera, loads in daylight takesquarepjcti 42 1-4 and has a vT.m.cui lens and Eat man rotary shutter. sjVTSflKTT, " nank of Com Wver.lde 500 by hlfth m,rr. waa robbed of nour avman. Ju.t betor. . .n ail the c- m.n iw;lB";; nl toth. ,nd pointed a re ,mBnd- today The man tomers Window a..u "",', -keeper, v Kroeger. l 'k 'ht. In. Bll the money Kn rled from jifttlMjriplrt U55WoWyliablea paring raLhfL!nni? tic lena, 6 1-2 incjf"dutorntic fating JocklequippdwithF:PiJC. automatic shutter with bulb release. Price $10. th.-jr::ri and"th th.. .TC"mh. buni..n andn- r . swa Huntley Bros. Co. aanil by Beverai p---' Sentiment was unanimous for tb Improvement of the roads In the dis trict at a meeting of taxpayer! held .. .. . k. . .,..,(.. . nt tha IT a at AMa uuiivi . i n "... w. .hv " - Capital Highway Association at Oak Oiove Wednesday evening. A com- n.l.u maa namAfl In malfA an Inv&atl- ...... .-j - . - . - gation and report at a later meeting the levy neceaxary tor ine imp ment nf th. River and the Oatfleld Hoad. and the oroportlon of the U'.r.'.J .V . . J. K. Kertchem. pre.ineni oi we m- aoclatlon. called th meeting to oraer. . n .1 InU ah.t han hAAfl aCCOmDIl JDH. H declared that tu association had stirred up good roads' sentiment,l ItlA MllintV. H. fl. StBTk- wealher was named permanent chalr- a Ik. m..lnr Tha DrlnctDBl in on . " i v . - n . Bpeakera were George C Brownell and H. E. Cro- Mr. ro.s, anmur of th. ca.h roal systptn, which wu adopted i 1393. .!'.- that 12.000.001 bad been eocnt.on the road of the county tn i he pt eighteen year. "Since the pasmge of the cash road system." said Mr. Croaa, '".here has been no more plcknlcking" In road building The 'sheet anchor In the roui system In Oregon ia mw Th next In Import ance are the supervisor. The super- visor ahould be carefully selected i.v...... r.ian hhln nr oolitic having rin m-lth choosing them. "J'"'"I 1- -- -- c.k ... , ia a law uiiiu uom- M. u a.., - - - self, for the county coun cn..o. .1 ...h r. in ttm. to this work. There ahould be a rond master, who i kla kuo nnaa. 1 ne .'inn linurir-i.. v i,i Is cotnlng when common sense win exercised In the building of roaos ih as me as Is now aone in p...- business enterprises. That part of the county between jhi.u.. Oregon City should be made one a trlct This would Increase the terrt- ritory and result in greater co.u,- .ncy on th. part of the supervisor "People go wnere i'"-' " and good roads," declarea Mr. an,.- nell. "It Is Jmpoflslu'e to Duua up community without us nav...B By roads. No man has done as much for the roads of this state as has Mr. Cross. There are zuu m...- roads In the county, mu m. In ltd Infancy. More work could have been don. had a better system been adopted. Rut we should take advant sge of the mistakes of Ih. past and not repeat them In th. future. I oil ,,cs should not be considered when are appointea ior The best men miuu. regardless of friendship or ..n.i,..i .rTlllatlona. Roads ar duiu aclpntlflcally In Europe where they have engineer, and contract, who are nave r. a business X greit .ecret In building thorough- fre la '": cu......u . Others who .pose - radget, B.aOMa.r.p.N"-: C. W B'.iey " v" " weather. invest!- The committee nan."u i .,. " .k. nib nrove dl- ffnta condiliona in frirt wd a-t s 'e njPo of H. O. Starkweather. K. IX Olds and J. A. Kuk. Cow Taken To Pound. Th cow that had been taking pos- nr Vardi on Washinelon teenth sire-". - " -nesrty K Chief Of Vo ice nimw - cow will be kept In Cmnd vmll theowner appears. WASHINGTON. Dec . (Special.) Contea of th. resolution of th. Ut. Wires of the Commercial Club or Ore gon City have been received by sena- . - mnA MnrAunixuiM ana loo m.- retarr of war. It favor free canal locks in the wiliameue, u:ii iu . . . v kv iha nrooertr owners Ul HP. o . for th. right of way "eiorbltant. nn- .a.eM.hLa anil innum nut. ue ihb' Likewise, th price of 1800.000 a-ked .k. DnriUnd Rallwar. Light Power Company for the old lock, and additioual rlghu of way on th. went side la condemned. If th. gov.rnm.nt Is unable to effect reasonable arrange ment right of way should be con demned without delay, says tb. reso- l...l-.n Th. matter Is In th. nana or secretsry of war. MONOLOGIST AND SINGER AT GRAND THIATne ivuat. a ii a aaAv. I. in at rtMt for thofl aMenfllPK The Grmn Ttteatre today and tomorrow. u aau.nou i ... nt nt.ntnnlavB. Halcron I f filial . f " ' - Vaughn Tipton (colored) will enter tain th audiences, rncm main tho same. Th. program will be changed each day. f nn vrii? irnnw that th. Ent.rprlse vear-end Bargain Period Is now on? See ad on back page ror particulars Secretary Latourett. of tha Com mercial Club urge, all bualne. raan who hav. not taken advaoUg ot tet reduced membership rata, to do o at once, as the time limit will axplra A- morrow. Almost, every . Daataaaa house in the city Is rprant4, UN menrbershlp baring been lncraaaed thirty-flT. .inc. the inauguration tt th. .nI.l rat. of $10 for raMt member and 16 for members. A big entMta.nm.ui honor of th. new membar. haa baaa planned for Naw Tear.. CHIEF SHAW fBAISCD. Z ORKOON CITY, Or, Dec it. w & (To the Editor of th. MorBina; Hnterprlse.) I reel mat of Police Shaw ha made a good. officer, and th. record show, that be ha made an exeeiieai tarn of police. He I. tn. kiaa oi. man who should be retained. There la not much encourage- men, tot good men to old A public rKMltlon if. after they nae done their duty, heir place are to be filled with other men. hew- ever good they may be for police purposes. O D. EBT. Ask for'thc red trlding sump, the stamp of lull val: ue and best premium. at The Up to date Furniture Department Laden with new goods in Furniture, Stoves, Rugs. Qrpets, Beddings, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and Wallpaper. men roads. charge 8ntacrlbe for th. Of Bute, art- THE CELEBRATED Ostermoore Mattress FROM $15 to $25. BuyyourJiondayF .L. -ADAMS' OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE. I 4 good his escape. ra.ron.f. our advertl".