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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
I a f -T4 aw.arajaarf V -, V WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 if 8 VJ VOL. II N. l.'7. OKKOON CITY," OKEOON, TUKSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. Pn Wixx, 10 Ciirn THE OTtLE'tf PFPPFTDATFn DV WAIT- urnm in i . O'RLTI TO DEFENSE SHAV'SRETDMI KILLS ITS MASTER, 'ft, WILL SURRENDER LlPgPTRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL : I CINKAND BOOB AT THTfRAClSTTFAfR MTTFIaTSVi OF REFERENDUM URGED BY PEOPLE HORSE DIES ALSO iSf FAIR POOH SIM(gpQB FALLS 0yRJ5ADj T V -' i a . . REPORT THAT BURNS MAY Bl ' NAMED POLICE CHIEF ?U JULIUS NORRI8' SKULL CRUSHED 'FATHER . OF- OREGON SYSTEM" WANTS TEST SUIT STARTED At ONCE- AND ANIMAL IS VICTIM Or" STARVATION. CAUSES COMMENT. ion OFFICIALS M,0CE AND IRONWORKERS TO OIVK SELVES UP IS US' PORT. BSCUTOI IS GIYEK RECORDS Mt promls of Immunlljr Mad t Man u.ptl of Complicity n Dynamiting C- IMXANAI'UUH, IXKJ. II. TIC Olio w ginn official of Iho International At-Utlou. of Bridge and Btrurtural nBur" 'o surrender volun urily to lb government la tp"ld ta ! Natloowld Investigation or i;sitilt ou'.rage It aa anuouncej that without re-ittaBi-o being pflered. letter and rrurU bav lx0 ronvyd by da-t-ll. etiaged by lb Rroclots' AaMM'lallou from lh beaduuarter of U lrnnorkir' association lo ihl rUy to ll offir of the I'nlted HUIm yiirlit Attorney. So promls of Immunity to men attitwcted of complicity In tha dyna miting conspiracy hav tn mail by tha government." d lared Charles W. Millet. I'nlted Htale IMalrlel Altor ay "Hut, of eoura. will accept tliWu- from any direction to be pre sented to tba (rand Jury hen It re tinues tta session next Thursday." "I ha got tha evidence from tna offlr of tba Ironworkers' ao iatloo." MM Ih.tectlv Foster, of tha Krectors' Association, "but I Will not aay who turned It over to ma Wa could hat obtained a search warrant and made raid, but thla waa not necessary Walir )rw, rounaa) of tha Kr tift' Aa"rlaIlon. addrd to laMoctWa yler alatxmant that ha rrfltrd that Iba alatua of tba Invaatlgatlon bad Wo mad publlo at thla Unia -Wa haa mada avary andravor to imp tbla altuadon rovrrad up until tba rompMlon of tb grand Jury a Inquiry.- ba aald. -I will not rotununt oa tba altltuda of tha official! of tha trnnaorkrra' asportation. " PORTLAND LUMBER PLANT 1$ DESTROYtD POHTIJlNtV Or, Iac. U tHpaO III - liurnlii oar an area, of fio cr, lira tonight daatroyed virtually tha ntlra proorr'y of tha Waal Oro gun limbar Company at IJnnlon, en tailing a km of IIM.OOO. lth Inaur im, probably totaling 175.000. Tha mill daatroyed aa ona of Mia finait of Ita hind on the Coaat. Al though tha mill hir.n to oprata 10 April. Ii0, It aa not until a f montha ago that ne plant waa entire ly rompMi.d More than loo men are throan out of work by the conflagra tion Thx fire waa dlarovered by K. C. Miirru. nlghtwatrhman, few mlnuica before 7 o'rlurk. and only thirty five Bilnutpi afer he bad been In the rn in room, where It orlKlnated At Brt he aaw a light and thought It waa Ihll of Ida ttillla-rlirhf I. lit It greW larKir he Invea'lgaied and dlacovrred lh dlne ii -h...,i.. t ik nlM flrenian. ho waa tba only other occupant of th mill at the ilme. Inalrurtlnu him t" blow "he whlatle. while be itarted tftn tin in it 1 likvkr ih. flra rirleliinlml la a nixtt-ry, na there waa no delirla of any ort I a the engine room. Imi VMit Knw thai (be Enterprlaf -nrriil liargaln I'erlod la now onT 8- ad m back page for partUuliira ll . ., .. j.i . . . i i a II . t i - ii ... ,"'.'.."' " "' " " I GIRL AND H. L PARK WED M. K. I'ark. of tbe Taclfic Highway Oarage, and Mlaa .Mattle King, oi Shelving. Mo., were married Monday afternoon at the Treabylerlan Manae by Kev. J It Ijindalionmgh. Mr. and Mra. lurk met when aha vlaltej here agoul a year ago. Bhe arrived In the rUy Monday afternoon and ahe and Mr. I'ark decided to have tho cere mony performed at once. She waa accompanied a fHr at Manto. laano. hv ner mother, who will vUlt Mr. and Mra. Tark In a few week a. Tho cou ple will lUe on Hlxlh atreet between (Vnter and High. Mr. Park la a aon of Mra. A U Park. Kv. iJindalKirough aim) oITUiaieu at the we.ldlng of Mia Umlae WI1U and Carl Johnaon at the home of Hotter! Sartln. of Maple I-ane. The bride la a niece of Mr. Sarlln and came lo (hi county Ihree yeara agV) fn.m Cornwall. England The brld.v broom l Portland engineer, and l employed In bridge building. Maccabaat to Elect Offlcere. Tiialalln Ten! No in. Knlgh'a of Maccgbeea. alll Initial in dldntea and eiect offlcera at W ikkI man Hall thla evening. All membera aro urged to bo preaent. ADMIRAL C B. MOORE. Ha la le. Charge ef Naval Train ing Statten at San Franoieoe, i o o j i Hend the Morning F'rprlaa. Ill f I I I JMss Gift 3 T'0". Aii p-ch...u.tfr-.f. '", ;M ijiiim toft rflst- y br0thERS CO. I J WIFE. SUING, SAYS HUSBAND IS CRUEL Alleging that her huttlmnd la ad dicted -o the line of Intoxicating 11- .r. nnd baa treated her cruelly, Matilda Am-nenu Monday filed ault l - j ..mhiit T. P. Araeneau. I q h,.y were married In Portland No ivember 1. 1908. nd aoin after, ac I cording lo Ihe plaintiff the defendant begn drinking henvny. bob huahand frequently curtted her, and Pi-cemlter 2. 1911. while they were living in Tortland he atruckher. No rhlldren were born to Ihe unlbn. 0. A. C. TEACHERS TO LECTURE HERE L I WOOD IS DEAD AFTER LONG ILLNESS Z. T. Wood, one of the well known realdenta of Oregon City, who had been lit for two yeara. of heart dla eaae, died at hi home at Twelfth and Water atreeti. Monday afternoon. Mr. Wood waa born In Indiana, December ,a nil .nit would have been alxty- three yeara of age next Saturday. He came to Oregon about thirty yeara ago, and aettled in Portland, where he worked aa a mechanic He came to Oregon City when the auspenmou bridge waa being built and after Ha completion returned to Portland, where he lived until about fifteen yeara ago, when he returned to Oregon City He married Mi ciemenuua Marrs, of thla city, and ahe with their nineteen-year-old aon aurvlve. Mr Wood wan a member of Mult nomah bodge No. 1. A. F. A. M. and the Knights' and Ladles of Se curity. Mr. Wood waa employed by the Willamette Pulp aV Paper om- ptiny for aevera.1 yeara. MRS. FREYTAG LEAVES ESTATE TO CHILDREN BODIES OF m AND BEAST IN STALL! Grocerlaa In Buggy Indicate That Agd Rancher Had Juat Re turned From City When KHIed. Tbe funeral of Jullua Norrla, the aged rancner, who waa killed by a borae In bla barn at his home near Maple Ine, was held at the Holnian Cndertklng establishment Monday af ternoon, the Rev. 8. A. Haywortb, of ficiating. The Interment waa In Mountain View Cemetery. Frederick Calger, a neighbor, found the bodlea of Mr Norrls, and that of ttie borae In a stall. Mr. Norrls skull wa crushed and hla body and arm were brulaed. The body waa found Sunday after noon, and the horse that bad killed him and then trampled hla body lay besled him. The animal had died of atarvation, and two cows that -were In the barn were almost dead. Cor oner Wilson aald tho man had been Horl mnr. than a week. A box of grocerlea In his buggy In dicated he was killed after he had re turned home from the city on a shop ping trip It Is believed he wa kicked on the head by the animal as be waa fastening It In tbe stall Not having Been Norrls for more than a week. Mr. Calger went to hla house Sunday afternoon to see If anything was the matter. Repeated knocks on the door of the bouae failed to arouae any one, and Calger went to the barn, where he found the bodies of the man and horso. Norrls' wife, aon and daughter are now residing, at tWllaonvllle. where they own a farm, and word haa been aent to them as. to the disposition oi the body. Noiris and family formerly lived In this clf, near tbe Barc!y schoolhouse, but about three yeara ago bo bought a little place near the Abernathy, where he ha alnco re sided. Realdea hla wife, Henrietta Norrls, a danghter. Miss Emma, and a aon. David, all of Wllsonvllle. survive him. TUSXKS AMENDMENT IS OPERATIVE FORCE NEARLY SELF-SUSTA in Attorney-General, lit I Declared. In i Rm.rVab.e Incre.M In Revo. .5j An. f..... fUirf That Th. From ,BC Logialation Waa Sufficient. -I alncerely hope tha'. the contro versy over tho recall amendment to tbe constitution will be aettled by the Supreme Court as soon as posal nalri W H 17'Uen Monday. "I cannot aee that '.he recall Is Inopera tive or not Bcirexecutlng as la con tended by the Attorney-General In tne Lincoln county caaes. The recall has oeen uaed three tlmea, and the news papers in, at least one case,, reported Mr. Crawford a saying the amend ment was aufflclent. Nothing waa aald then about additional legislative action being neceaaary. "The recall waa used last June In the case of Councilman Ellis In Port land, and the eonatltutionality of the meiidment waa not aertomly ques tioned when recall proceedings were Instituted against we Mayor oi u land, who was retained. It was In tho case of the proceedings against Judge Cone, of Roseberg, that the newapap ers quoted th Attorney-General as saying the amendment waa aufflclnL" The final opinion of the Attorney General was given R. H. Howell, Coun Clerk of Lincoln county, who asked Information on the subject In connec tion with a move In that county to circulate recall petitions awlnst the Comity Judge and one of the County Commissioners. The question I)a4 been passed upon onee before by the office of the Attorney-General when an assidtant is said to bave onerej an opinion that the amendment waa self-executing. mrt of Present Head of Department. 'J. PROPERTY WILLED TO NEW ZEALANDER Mayor-eiect Grant Dlmlck'a appoint ment are agitating the public mind to no small degree, and especially la ti.1 true of the Chief of Police, for the word has gone out that the of ficial head of Edward U Shaw, who. . . I . - II j Das neeu in cnmrne m me puuro mw : partment during Mayor Brownell a. I ministration, la acheduled to fall In : tbe basket, and that Charlea B. Burn, who held down tbe Job during many sunny and stormy regimes, la to be , appointed. j? H Judge Dlmlck la non-commlttaL H refuses to express hi Intentions. If b has any and declines to Indicate for the benefit of a curious public joat what he expecta to do. He has stated that he has made on promlae of ap pointment for any -office, within tbo gift of the executive, and that bla hands are as free and untrmplled as th. hlna alrv or worda to that aSaet. ' There are a lot of Deonla who bo ' t't lleve Mr. Dimlck would like to nam) Rums aa police Chief, and some of thru anme nannle uv that tha III MSB - ' r ' v', lar clamor against a change would ba ,- ao great that tne new Mayor wotua j not care to face It, but tho Incoming- I .. I. M.aln..ln1nM . (11.1111 like attitude on thla Important maEtar , and baa aald to some - or tnoae wm ) have approached blm tnar he wonM nmhthlv rail tn a HnTn nf tha citT'a Influential men and aak their opinio ana tnat ne wouia d guiaoa oy ix. I 1. '4 The will of Peter Clacessen. of George, who died recently.. was filed ,for probaU Monday. The testator left all his property to nls bromer. tieury, of New Zealand, who Is apolnted ex ecutor. William Mat.oon haa been named administrator Mr. Clace.wn was the owner of a ranch, and had aome personal property. He had Jived n this country several 'ears. If yon are not reading th Morning I Eiitercrlse. why notT Year-end Bar gain Period Is now on. tee ad on back page. GRANGERS URGE BIG INSURANCE INCREASE The Lower Columbia Fire Relief As sociation of the District Grange, at a meotlnir Mondav adoDted resolutlona providing for Important amendmen'a to the constitution oi tne siaie or gnnlzatlon. The association suggeau iK.i thn mil rlmiim amount of risks be Increased from $2,000 to $t,(h)0 and tnat agents be paid a percentage on the amounts of policies Instead of a flat rat as Is now paid. J. L. Kruse elected Jlrector for the district Tho meeting, which waa largely at tended, was presided over by Presl- I dent Dickerson, of Oswego The rec orvmeudutiona will be acted upon at the next meeting of the state asaocla- ' tlon. 4 (Continued on page 4) Great Holiday Refcc- ;1 ''4 tion on DO YOU KNOW that the Enterprise See ad on back page for particulars vearend Bargain 1'erioa is now ou; Whiskies, Brandt; Wines and Cigars; . January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given ; . I ) D. M. Kleihsen 421 Main Street A if The will or Mrs. Emma Allna Frey tag wife of Oscar E. Kreytag, Mayor of Gladstone, who owned valuable real entf In Portlind. as filed for probate Monday. She bequeathed It truft to her children, Claytou and Orva. the buildings at the corner of Bunt Ecnth and Caruthers streets and at the corner of MUwaukie ana ue- con streets, Porllana, ana ner me in surance The executors, her husband, and E. G. Caulleld, are named trus tees. It l directed that the propertv be sold before the oldest child be comes thirty years of age and the pro ceed be divided equally between she children. The trustees also are direct ed to rive the children $1,000 each when they marry. ti. ...utntrW riirectn.l that care be taken of David, an Indian, who work ed for P'er M Rlnenrson, father of Mrs Frevtag. many years, ana mi" he be given s Christian burial. The will was signed September iv, w w w m a Mlcrrv Cfturistoiai; Free lectures to the people of Ore gon CHy and Clackamas county on topics or real Interest will be offered during the winter by members of the faculty of th. Oregon Agricultural yollege through the Oregon City 7 .L..i. .nit t a meeting of the Board or Directors Monday night, City Superintendent Toore was aulhorlred to arrange a .erles of lectures wl h the O A. C. people. These talk will be heid In the auditorium of the new High School building, and the dates will be announced In the near future. Th Board of Directors Monday night tendered a vote of thanks to Mrs Norman R Lang for the girt or a handnomely bound set or ten vol umes of Walter Scott to the High The libraries In (Tie three school buildings have been completely reno vated the hooks classified and cata logued More than 1.000 volume are now available for th use Of th stu dents In the high chool and grades. GODDESS OF JUSTICE BACK AT OLD STAND Spick and span In a new coat of paint and enamel, with a glided crown and well balanced scales, the .God dess of Justice, which was taken from the roof or the courthouse, arter twen-ty-fiv years of service, to be repaired, has been returned to the Clackamas county temple of Justice, and. accord Ing to Judge neatle, Is ready for an other long term of service. Th Brains dropped from the left hand of the effigy several years ago, snd when the workmen were taking It down to he repaired th left arm was broken off at th elbow. Tho surgical opera tion was mad with the uae of two bolts and a few nails, and new scales were provided. LOTS OP FUN IN TOYLAND Come and lee the splendid assortment of toys that happy Old Santa has displayed in our Toyland Basement. Make your selection now . . i land let Santa deliver the goods. HOLIDAY SALES of fnnrvarjiclesand useful merchandise shown in large assortments. FwTjable linens and towels. Stamped lines in towels, piljowjoff and doilies. New neckwear and handkerchiefs. OREGON CIT,Y'S BIG DEPARTMENT STOHQ .-.; rat.