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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1911)
J- : lJlATMl INDICATIONS. I .,iahU wlll'l. 1 - V.'r W.unead-y; WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1560 OREGON CITY, OKKGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMIJEU 13, 1911. Pb Wbxt, 10 Cures m is w fflHV IIIDIA L,Tl. MOWN AND BLACK BUB- jlCTS SIS AN CCKMONIAL. Umir THRONG DELHI STRUTS ,. Thai H. Will Olvt ba n""- ura, M.o.y rr ropw tr t dueatlon Otn.f "IS THAI YOUR HERO. SISr IlldU. I II !(! . . . 4. I ... . - P. M(J bUt k. Kin Uwtn V and " " . . (.... i.r,w l.lina.l cT .r..i Ktnureaa of India The . . tiln ali.rv flil waonmi w - - , Durlutr. '. aa.rt4. ur I glj apertarlew f rod-rn llmee. i. t0 mihlilir' .reeled oo lb. I waaM'ul lll ,b r,r' by hlh fl""11. UrUUh ciUlW h"'' ruI-r r nactnd , lf"' bljcb hu t,d ,ndl,,n EuU. mm ! prominent pr tn4 In lb larger n before n Hid of I he opU i fc.'llJx ' JwUrtnl rutftwul ih thuuriU M tt,duMiBl id rionktJ 10 h , to II !! coronation. TV if 4 (wrfM-l fur lb niainl ( .iwulrr aad uot unlowartl rOil warrll loJIa nrwalaa fata 1 nl t "" aplaAhad and nivrad In th aunhtlil a Iba D ti, tad auldirrir of lha ryal pro uiua aia'la iblr from lha irtr tamp lo h I rral lamiH'farf i!'o1mi. bra Iba arlual ai-rlam-k of Iba imMrur and hla conirt r..iL.ain lha rartTnunloa Iba Kim Wror mada II ani.wn Ibal ba would tt l larKa aum or mortar for popu .ltuilin with ol har atria lo fol tTha Vli ortiy annoiinrau th: ma Uai v rbarmatl llb Irlbl Ci k mntumiilaiad lha removal of Y Mian rapltal hara from t alrulla klralla ku Ittwli lha raDl al Of III I .1 f I - .. I 1 I . raoral of lha capital would coal r awooo. Wit V X i V ' Vi f,l 1 - - - . - IL- TARGET MCI THt XMA3 Q VIST 10 M TKCCT COMMITTEE INJTRUCT- ED TO DISPENSE WITH "UN- NCCEStAMV HELP." :MNCDUTE INVESTIGATION ORDERED uga."" BMr' That Naw y- lam of Bookhaaplng a Adoplad la Appravad By Boi'd. DIMICK DENIES HAVING FAVORITES LADIES! Por Him! NOVtLTlia. THAT MEN AND kovt LIKE rOH CHRIBTMAB. HIV ARE NOVELTIES. I Man, aapaclallr for Xmaa mil hi aiak nt nraaanta for kll that w aurprta than from i t nor, raory Vaala, Bilk Bcarf. nUd Mufflara. flultcaaaa. Hand- ". HandkKrcliUfa. ' Olovaa. BMk Vnpandara. Rarfara. flwaatal CoaU. J 'fn. Uoalrry, Jawal Bala. Hh "!. Hmoklni Jackata,yUinbrllaa. Thla Uia anawarl Tot Ua rairaflB nt tha llolldari , - - - Full Drang Bulla. Warm Ovarpoata! PeClAI Slightly Imparfact ln rMv $10, Elk Robaa $5. Only pitad numbar laft. Price Brothers IXCIUUVE CLOTHIERS Not Llka Othara. 6th and Main Sa- MAVOR ELECT DECLARES HC WILL TREAT FRIENDS AND ENEMIES ALIKE. 1 1 1 WILL FOT LET COUNCIL DICTATE I Will Apply My Own Mathoda And " Uaa My Own Judgmant." Saya Mayar-Elact In Btatamant. wiNTI ftHAW RETAINED. 4 . - a. r.r.nn r'llv. Or . Iktc. 11. 1911. To lb Editor of the Morning a. Knlerprla. Oregon City. or. w r wlah to thank rou for th . atory In tha iapr thla morning a ahowlnx tha flthful work of rhi.r of Police Kd Shaw during a the paat year. Hla appointment la one of the very beat acta of lha iirnwnall admlnlatratlort. If fal'hfulneaa and efficient aerrlce a by a public officer count for any- 9 a Ihlna thara fa parlainlr DO ei- cuae for talking atxut changing the Chief of Police. - Sincerely youra. ' W. 8. U'REN. Tha I H Council, al a ap-clal tueel- t...h.. afternoon. Instructed the Comiulti- 'ii Blraata to l-tlll it.. -n Knainear'a office, and aia- pen with rmphiyw thought to lx unnec-..ry. .... rh.lrmaa of Ch. " J lha meeting that he did not know what action would he -When Major Noble w appoln ed City Frn.ln-r.- -Id Mr ,. - cooncll ga?a him power aaalatanta anI tnair - ...ggeated by him. The ac lo. of lb. council to-lay taaea ii . j -- and ,e.ta It In tha Committee on Htr-eta. I hara no Idea what will be dona, and cannot ten un... - i. x.Ha Heveral mem- her. of the council fought Mlnt the City Engineer b-ing given ";'" authority when h. "Vnt- Tha council, awo. iu'" - . th. hnnka of tha Hty. Th. old on. ha. h--n n.dequat. for Un'' nell urn me i - . . Th. Mayor, aaver.1 month, .ro announced that n. -ch.nga. Th. y.l-m whlrh wM . t. 10 C. naca- oughly np-to-o.'.- . i iJrt In MeTar a,.Mng of Maaara. Holm.n M.y.r. tain Iho book, and In.Ull th. new ayatarn. PORTLAND MINISTER BROTHERHOOD SPEAKER great Holiday Reduc tion on all Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until , January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given .. ..,..1... fnp of Calvary ered an Intereatlng "Jll nUht . he banauet of lb. Pr Mbytjr B Dr. "iKcr i Zvel!" decKthVrih. effect au.ted 10 th. ..t.-mcnt of h. ,.B rellg ou. ana t"m.n tur-a II. aiao - - .,.- ,hou)d be aawignea .o -. - .i.i.k ihM were belt nnca. Kred J. TOO., prfaniem .h,1. Rev J H. lJndloroiigh. N. erhool; H.v. J. u. ' ar. W. Ilowiann. - 'j-f.Mor Forbe. rlaon, C A. Mumr. pr- bV len or th. church. Ahout flftt member, were """"';. oKr. will be elected at th. next meeting. n..lnnarf. Maet no. Pcnonl n Tr;r ; , h. d.acnt.nued Oraded Union win h Purcell. PRESTON ESTATE 13.75a ' ...... n I. Preton. who The eaiaie . - . . ro. dJd November 27, wa. filed fof pro- (iranl IL IHuilck. Mayor-elect of Oregon City Tuea.lay reiterated the atatement that he had made no prom laea to appoint men to office.. He mltted that b. had been aaked to ...n.. rartaln men. but declared that he had mad. no declalona. Judge nimlrk gar. out lh. following atata ment: "In anawer to the article In tha Morning Knterprlae today I wlah to aanur lha people of Oregon City that they will during th. next year hav. one of th. cleaneat and beat governed town. In tha atate. I ao not propoae to play any favorite., and my worat enemy, will receive th. earn, treat ment aa my beat friend. - "I have been Inrormea inrougn me article In the Morning Enterprlae that a number of councllmen hav. organl ed for the purpoae.of dictating whom I ahall or ahall not appoint to offleo, i Haaire to Inform them to ad vance that I will apply nt own rneih- oda and uae my own judgment wiui out being dictated to by a aolltarr i r tha Orninn Cltr Council. III"'!!''.' " V..r. " . "I will conault with in. ineuoir from time to time and take them Into my confidence for th. pur poae of giving to ore.... v ..j atralght. honorable bualn.i. admln latratlon. which this city la ao Juatly entitled." FIREMEN TO GIVE BALL. Th. ball to ba given by the mem bera of Cataract Uoae Company No 1 at nnach-a Hall Chrlatmaa night, nromUea to be a moat enjoyable af fair Thla will be the tenth annual hall of the company. The beat or mu-lo la to b. provided by th. com- i. tha firemen of thla city are all volunteers there la no doubt that many perona win . committee In charge Is compoaed or Charlea llannaford, John Ropel and Frank Hall. Wlf. S.ka Divorce. Gertrude Drown Tueaday aued Alec Drown for divorce, alleBlng desertion. They were married July 22. 1906. In Seattle. George C. Brownell and William Ston. represent th. plaintiff Read th Morning Ee'-rprlae. TODAY In the Days of Gold (A Weatern atory full of action) JacR's Umbrella The Lost NecKlace A Good Show Every Day U yon sr. not reading lh. Morning Enterprise, why not? Year-end mr gnln I'erlod Is now on. See ad on buck puge The Grand H'glvclase Photoplaye Alwaya. .t-1 1At r i a. a ST Who vouldn't be delighted to "get a Victor or Victor- It's a real pleasure to own such an instrument; to be able to enjoy the world s best music whenever you want to hear it. The Victor is truly the ideal gift for every one. And i it is a lasting pleasure an unecjuuicu uuicl; ui l.uu- . .i i . . i .'..." tainmcnt tnrougnout tnc year. nmc in and hear tlie V ictor ana v icior-v ictroia. i-ei us show you the different styles- $io to $250 and 1 - - .. . 1 explain 10 you our casy-jiayincni piiu. 1 1 ,1 ' meistei? & AncJi?esen JEWELERS Suspenstoa Bridge Corner t ... Victor and Edisoa Dealers Oregon Cltr SINGLE TAX MB1 CALLED Uia DIMICK AND STIPP SAY SPEAK rER8 MAKE MISLEADING STATEMENTS. ASSESSMENT COMPARISONS SCORED Hedgea Warna People Agalnat Bills Which They Do Not Under eUnd Report T. Com. Ltar. SHERIFF TO IMGATE . ALLEGED DBI MILWAUKIE TAVERN. CALLED HAUNT OF WHITE SLAVERS, CON DUCTED UNDER LICENSE OBTAINED FROM CITY. Sheriff Mass aaid last nlgbt that no complaint, had been made to him regarJlng the Mllwaukl. Tavern, which baa been described by Port land newspaper, aa a den of Iniquity. uA.r aald the aherlft. "1 shall tww,.w - I m.k. an mvedtiKatlon. and If I find 1 th. rharcea are true, ana l uae jur.- dictlon I ahall make arrest. The 'tavern complained or " onuer jnrlsd.c'.lon or lh. municipmy m -.-ukte. It pays a city license to do business, and ahould be regulated by the city authorltlea. However, aa I have faid. I ahall look Into the U.l B. City. Victor-Victirola a Virfnr-Victrola is Here! A genuine Victor-Victrola, bearinf' the. famous Victor trademark, priced at only J5. Come in and see it and hear it. No obligatiort to buy, but after hearing it you won't want to be with- U0?heCr .t,I $25 to $250. Viator, $10 to $100. Easy, payments if desired, W-U.1 Vk- V?oy HUNTLEY BKUintRjw. Alleglu.t that prominent advocate! f tha lnle tax are making mi sUteroenti In the campaign that haj ; been started In this coun'y. merooers ; . .A,lu of the Uv. Wires, at me womw luncheon Tueaday. aaid It waa the duty bf the orcanUatlon and the bnsl- nees men to refute 'he' margin, auu "thVvotera know th. truth. Grant Dimlck. Mayorelect or Oregon .. .. t iv. cttnn Cltv Recorder. wrr" among those who declared single tax oratora were not adhering to tie troth, and the re"l,, -er aT 1 it vtedsea. president of the club, and Mr. Stlpp appoln ed committee at a meeting i- . inaHirite tax measures. which will be Toted upon at the next general election made a prenm."-, Mr. Hedgea said that It would take weeks for the committee to make a thorough Investigation of the meaa nrers. and that no definite report could be made untu an me u-" be submitted to th. -voter, had been I presented. ...k.i "I finny ' i"uR';'"' very orten In lwklng up questions of imimrtance that our constitution and laws are fast approaenmg -tlon because of new laws and amend ments, where It Is Impossible to tell just the fet of the amendments to the ' constitution or the passage of .... ..( a tiare failed to S'lfft- Iclentiy consider bills presented and that I feel there musi oe "- ; ment aroused to vote against all bills that are not underatooa. or our iw. .i-iva nut ranltal now In the state and keep capital now seeking Invest ment out I believe, though, th. In dications are that voters In -future, more than In th. past, will vote against all bills they do not under stand" . Mayor-elect Dimlck spoke In part as follows: "I think it Is the duty of the mem ber, of th. Oreogn City Commercial Club to take some action against th. unfair presentation of the assessments made by the County Assessor of Clack amas county and enuallxed by the board of equllliatlon. Those who are advocating th. single tax are not act ing fairly In preparing their state ments that they are sending broad cast, and I desire to call your atten- .k. .rtloU annearlnr In the Oregonlan of December 12. whnrfl'n a singl. tax advocate tells of C40 nnJocated In Clackamaa (Continued on page 4) - MRS. ANNA DODGE TO j BE BURIED TODAY The funeral of Mra. Anna A. Dodge, flftv-two years of are, formerly Mra. c.ui WHirhi who lived In thla city from 1890 until 1905. will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the First Baptist church. Rev. S. A. Hay worth officiating. Mra. Dodge died In Ballard. Waah., Sunday, of heart dis ease, following an operation. The In terment will b. ln the family kH In Mountain View Cemetery. Mra. Dodge Is survived by two sons. William D. Arnold, of Crook county; a R. Arnoia. of 8ellwoo4. and Mrs. Kate Fennimore. of Port land. She wa3 born In Jcepnln. county, her maiden name being Anna . cka waa m charter member lIlllllUtVT. IW of the Women of Woodcraft of tnia city. ' H yon are not reading tb Morning Enterprise, why not? Tear-end Bar gain Period la now on. See. ad on back page. Ask for the Red Trading S'.am pa. Th. stamp oT full and beat premium. ' . . '. . ADAMS Oregon City's Big Department Store HOLIDAY SALES The best Is the cheapest. HART. SHAFTNER A MARX Suits an Overcoat, are atrlctly In the lead. If. th. suit that aatunea. - Suit, or Overcoats. ' ' ' $20.00 to $30.00 ' t HERMAN VVILR Suit, or Overcoat, at 'special Holiday price. $ 1 0.00 to $20.00 1 . .1 charge., which have not com. to raw In an official way. and ao tar aa any authority extend, ace that the lw . are olwyed. It I find lb. plac keep ooon utter It o'clocg Siim4ay nlgbM I at.aU arrest tha meu ln i harge and pioeeruU th.m to tha fullest j.tent ol tVe law." . According to the port'and n.wapnp er. voung glrta are l ireti to the place and 'mad. victim, of wht "la very an t notorloua chirvMera. SUM iff , Steenc of Multnomah county, I. aaid t have been aakel tc make an Investigation. v.. -1 1 - ', M .: H ! ? A is- I ii '4 .-fit D. M. Klemseh 421 Main Street 1 by a widow na ar.. v Vila . I . . I . t