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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1911)
s Tip . k.lahnnd. filth UfoMcr.orswccf Cf off bio Cclal Bargotow In suits and over- Is jo be had at c store of J. Levitt. Lr them more ty to spend on for other holr- y gifts. A WUKU HCWISCISSUr1 ClCNT." Are vo" ;X so' sec that icy Investigate our VgXmas Sales. j. LEVITT Atfc for Premium Ticket. " 110 ".tWAS-D Ik arroal an conviction I say person or poraono, wn w L.hilly timat) eopla of Th iM or luDKHMti anr w Lr as b0 plac4 Iher by w Hit Waterloo. MUajr-IW fellow! And bow d your fort u hot tmr-l opeoed livery lbl U .-Kw York Mall. Llndbmrg MIQH OLA as TAILORING BOS tailing Sidy., Portland. Phono Main 1161. Stories from Out of Town city for Iho present and may prou. aiujr i iu ladranilo Inlor. California Naval Orangoe, II cant pT doin two Utrn f'r .& cuia. Kri day anj Saturday at The Hub Grocery, v"nifr fivTsuio ana ower airla. Mr. A. J. Kulxht of Ceuby. ac companied by her uitilbor, J. f. Lwyoe, and Mra. George Mka, t In tbla city on bualooaa Thursday. Mra Knight baa been makli) ber bonis at llio ImlUa fur tbo pat yr, but re lumed to (uby during tb auniiuvr Nobel baa plenty of good charts lit stork. Cream, Hla and iJuiburair Aoy quantity. Til Main airrvt Mr. and Mr. A. IE. Moore, of 1)1 ton. Ill; Mr. and Mr. U W. (ota, of Portland; Mr. Ijoutae liarcroft of Nowberg, wer In tbla rl' Wodna day sriernoon and evening, guesta at tbo bonio of Mr. and Mr. A. 11. Wllinot. Mr. and Mr. Moore, who aro aunt and mirle of Mra. Wllinot, aro making their f)rt vial' to Km 1'arlflc coaat, and they are dllKhted with It. oapeclally Portland and Valla Walla. W'aab , and may derld to U fat In una of ihna rltley In Uw near futuro. Tby l-ft Thursday evi-liing fur I Jt Aturnlna. ihitri hav mill r. ,,ir-T7TT.-. M,M irT I..mltwn nil rH, gnd the Inter leave for tholr homo Tbey l-ft Illinois In September, and bara vlaltad many cities while rn rout to Oregon. Mr and Mr. William llayburst, of Portland, spent Hunday wllb Mr. apd Mra 111 Undaley Call at lb Hub Grocery Friday or Saturday and art nme fin Naval Orancea, IS rrtita pr doaen. to dot on fr iU cnta. Mr. Charlfa Krll and on and Kred M. Kll. of Aurora, wero In Orvgon City Tburday. LOCAL PRICrS J. Mor. of rortUnd. a la tbl Tltnraday pt Noyr. of Moado brook, waa n city WodDdy. r Pl.rr, WrlcbL of LibrJ, M pno City Tburday. . Vu Cravaa and ooo. of Halilal. tm la t h la Wutntatll. Trad irhaf.r. of MoUlla. u Ib tkU Wadnvaday and Tburaday. fix lanvat fanev work lino and jbanlaon'a allka at Ol C. Ely . JWl Larson, of Shorwood. waa jUila city on Tburaday on buatn. rahr. of Tb Dallo. waa among Orogoii Ot yUltori Wodnooday. karlrt Polland. on of Iho farmor Nw Era, was to thla ell Tburo- rt William Jon. of Carua. waa t tb Oregon City lltora Wed- H. Varnon. of Molalla. a bualnra I of that plaro, wa In Orogon Oty Mn4ay. William banlela. of Ikiarer Creok. In thla city on bualne Tbur. t morning. s ' lll pay you to D. 0. Ely for purrhaalng toyg elwhr. r May, of navr Crovk. ono in w known farmvira of that Y In tbla city Wodnoaday, "la Ana A lid rodeo, who h boon fl HI for the pant two wk. la fh Improved. Monro rah. of Union Hall, wont Portland. wtnai1av. whoro bo 'l lt hla daughter, Mr. iJiwronc pringar. ranl'a Oalld and Iaughtr of "otKidaronal rhurrh will arve hot rwr: V(M)dmon HH. Saturday, B to oly 2Bc. Ilaaaar In aftarnoon. mr nd Mra. Jamoa Partlow. wno r bei.n amending tholr honymoon f Portland at the Hotel' Portland, rjturnod to Orogon City. Ixra fliam lin till boon f- V'n f"r tb pat ton daya from flilonlng In bor Angor, baa ro BmHl hav -,ni. ih. Martin r. Mri- A. J. Knlahl and bbr and bar 'r. Mra Ethol Fttrruson. of Can by. I" m thla rltr Thurda on tboir J to Pnrtl.i.4 k.r Ih.v will It. . Mn- J Hurrougha. of thla city, who m Winn Varv III tnr evaral week. r takan to Portland Wodnoaday a ronn. whara ah will undergo a rrt,(,l operation. and Mra. J. E. Vatrber, who loft ''fl invar, i . tnr lia An' are now at Long Beach. Cal., w thoy wilt probably remain dur- r in w ntor Vny ?Ro will ba charged for aupper Ufar avenln from K to 7:30, at O0,rni,n Hall, by ladle of EplPl "n. nacaar In afternoon. "t lino of rura In Oregon City Chrlatmaa alfta at D C. Ely'. L Plntta nt thla ftlty. left tbli for Pfuatin irtahn. where be h ...i .f..i. ik. train run- J between Pooatollo and LaOrand. Mr Pint, ramaln In that DEMAND FOR SEED . POTATOES STRONGER Tharo I a Brmor ton for wwd pot toa and ordor from tb aotilh aro lurraaalng Callforula wanta at tbla tlmo mnalai principally of American Wonder for aeod Dealer are offer ing a high a 11.35 Jer central for the at Oregon country point. 1 lie general prlre. however, range from 1.35 to 11.30 per cental Buying of potatoea for Arliona ac count la Incroaalng with perbapa only on operator In the field for the bual- ne.a r mat territory o ar mm vu local trade I concerned. Itirchaaee for thla account are being made from &c to II per cental mllb tbo higher nguro being generally paid for good qimllty at country ehlpping point No bualnea la at prevent paaalng In fancy Oregon Hurbank. Ouo hlp mont of thla claa of atock to tb Han rranclaco market waa turned down by th receiver, therefore tbo trade rrfuao to take further chancoa until tbora la an Improvement In the sentiment In tbo Hay City. Prevailing Oregon CUy price ar aa follow: fruit, Vegetables DRIED TRUITS (Buying) prune on bl of 14 pound for tO'a HIDES (Buying) Oroon bldee. 5 to c: aitra. 5o to c; dry bid.. 12c to ltc; abeep pelt. 2& to T5c each. Hay, Qrln, Fd. HAT (Buying) Timothy. $11 to f 15: clover. II to ; oai nar. y o 110: rolioa. i to in; -. to 116.60 OAT8-(Buylng)-C.ray. I IT to wheat. 128 w 2; fihady Brook dairy food, 1115 per loo pound. FEEr(S!llng) Short. $17 to m m r A haWWakal. :; rolled barley. i.w.ov. i"-;; barlor. I360: wholo corn. 137. cracked com. $38; white. 2 w u. bran $IT to $2S. Butter, rourtry. ag-TWVn- 50 to $5.15. BUTTER - (Buylni) - Ordinary country batter, ibc v e. - dairy. S0c; creamery, w POCLTRT (Buyl0K)-Hn. a a ' nn ranrh e. 40 tO WILtONVILLK. Mr. J. T. ntigarald and children vlalted friend In Halem on Saturday. Mlaa Tllancho lllla, the popular aalealady n Aden alore. pent the wk end with MJra Jlatan, at Bt Hel en. - r Mr. and Mr (. K Uould left Mon day morning on an eitendad vlalt with Mr. (Jould parent, at Mlnneanolla. Minn. Mary llrot-at rnim bum luat Wed naday and apent the vacation wltb her parent at Wllaonvlllo, arriving In tlnia for tbo Thankaglvlng turkey. Andy Haaaollirliik wore a beaming ainlla when be boarded the car Wed-ii-dy to apend Tbaukaglvlng with friend In Portland. Mr and Mr. Norrl Young onter talned their linniedlato relative at a very elaborate turkey dinner on the feat day of the year. If. I). Aden, our euterprlalng merch ant, wtnt to the W City Saturday to add to hi aplendld a took of good, by making another big pircbaao of Chrlatma tblnxa. Xlr. Itayborne, aon In law of Joe (Ira ham, haa purrhaaed the old B'.lne baiu:h plare, and ba tbo lumber on the ground to erect a new dwelling. 1 ha new raleudar aent out by J. W Th truton 4 Hon. of the Farmer Hunk, aro aplmidld largo one, and will aurely keep u all up-to-date for 1912. Iter. Illahop I continuing the re vival meetlnga which have been going on for the paat two week, a tba at- t ... . 6 contemplating giving a leap yar dauce on New Year. Tby haven't aa yet decided aa to tbo exact data of tbo occaalun. Highland grange met laat Saturday. Tbo aloctlon of officer took placa, which reaullod In practically all of th old orrictiri retaining their old place Tb K. O. T. M. held Ita regular meeting Saturday. Much entbualaam I being manlfcatod In tbo progrea of the lodge now. Three new member worn balloted on Saturday night, and 1$ new member were Initiated at tb pravloua meeting. . Henry Oroaamlllor, Will Mclntyrn and Vernon Lurkln ar going to The Dullea Saturday to p-nd a few week. TWILIOHT. ar tiMi deep to bo dropped. Mr. Kalkenhagen, of Kaatern Oro gon, I vialtlug at the home of hla old iX'lKblHir, A n tone Batalgla. Mia (irabam and her two niece, Roeet'a and Joaephlne, epent Tbank giving at th borne of Mr. and Mra. Norrl Young. "Mr. and Mr W'atter ara 1ack In Wllaonvllle and will be welcomed by their many friend. Mr. Waltera la rlerklng In Aden'a tor, and baa rent ed the beautiful borne belonging to Mr. Aden. Mr. and Mra. Frank Too pent Thanksgiving day at tbo borne of Mr. Too' brother. Superintendent Toozo of Oreaon City. Mr, and Mr. Frank Seely. of M'ial la. a pent a few day laat week with Sherman Seely, at th old farm and were ahaklng hand with old time friend ! Reed Graham kt three aboep on Tueaday night, and I on tbo track of aomo dog tba. ought to be brought to Juatlc. I A mo Silvey. who I blind, had an added mlafortnna on Tueaday at noon, w hen the houno which be occupied. : wa burned to tb ground. Mia Nettle Haaaelbrlnk. a popular and beautiful WlUonvllle young lady.' wa married Saturday evening. Doc. i Ind. to Mr. Mallory, of Portland, at the homo of 'ho brlde'a olater. Mr. Jake Peter, th Rer. Blahop. cf the : M. E. church, officiating. The wed Mr. and Mra. Geo. Scbrelner vlaltlng relative In Stllwood. Mr. H. O. Joehnk baa gon .to Marnhfleld to vlalt her aon Kdward, who I an attorney at that place, until after Cbrlatmaa. Mr. and Mr. A. H Harvey enter mined tueata from Mullno and port land Tl anksgivipn V. J. Meindl and family, of Port land, a pent Tbanbaglvlng at Mountalu Ah Farm. ' Mr. and Mra. Curtta Dndd enter tained Thankaglvlng. JMr. Elaert and family, of Portland, Mr. - and Mr. Dodda. of Can by, and Mlaa Leial Mc Donald. Bert Harvey ha accepted a poel tlon In Oregon City. Mr. Henry Schoer' parent, Mr. -a4-M tm M yura. of M eilco, g re vlalt Ing at the homo of Mr. Scbeor. ' Tb teacber and pupil are making preparation for a Cbrlatmaa enter tainment. Fred Oliver, of Greaham, waa a gueat of Mr. and Mr. Geo. Laielle Tuesday. MOLALLA, Tb acbool entertainment wa a de cided ucce laat Friday night. The county acbool superintendent and one of hla aid wero present and spoke of the aweet girls and wise boy of the present day and th advantage tbey had for learning that the boys and girl of th past did not have. J. R. Colo contributed hi auctioneering talent to selling th beautiful basket which netted a enug little sum toward the achool atbletlca. The Mlise Nora and Ruth Herman responded to enchore with musical number. The orchestra wa composed of Mr. Rid ing, orcan: Mr. Tom Riding, violin Mr. ToHver, accordlan, and Profeaaor Willie Dunton, cornet Molalla people have got together from .ho Adams" Corners to the pub lic scalea and ar building a ne eight foot sidewalk. The young light stepping generation gave Carry Herman's garage a foot warming last Saturday night. A stock of goods Is being placed In the new toro of tbo glass front the groom baa already prepared an krtlatle bungalow, and will take wltb them to their new homo In the Rooo Cl'y the good wlahe of hoata of W11 onvlll friend, who extend congratu lations and the wish that their path way through life may b atrown with rose. W. J Wlrta lectured at Dover Sun day morning and at Flrwood Sunday afternoon. a number of voung peopl were on- . , rnr..m. umuIii tertalned at dinner Sunday evening by j M,a Gertrude and Alta Evans Mra. W. F. Flacber. . 1 wora bono for Thanksgiving. Gnstaf 8tuckl Is penaing a iw , , Wnrfe took a vocation day at homo. ,u(j rlrlted relative and friend aev- Glen Corey ba returnea irora dpo . , dyi week. 8c 45c. SACK II. IS to VKOETABIES Carrot. 1160 per aack: parenlpe, to . .A. Inrn M XI. Za lO ...WW. lV"o. on g.. Mc for 45 and 60c: beets, $1.60. beet. $1.50 POTATOES Best buying 5c l per hundred. CNIONS-Oregon. $1 15 to $1.50 hundred; Australian, II par bund Livestock, Mests. niticir (L4v weight) d,-. and 6H01 cow. 4H; bulls, 6i S 1 2o PORTLAND GIRL IS COLLEGE MAN'S BRIDE r Mlaa Kthel StaW, of Portland, and Mr John .warV wno naa v.. i- W ". nlMMl WOd tho court house. " ,t Ht .v.ninc at o clock at Paul'.' EPopal churct , Rev, C w. rtor. nerforming me in .ZireSTbobrulo-,. e A Ur and MTU. the aaugnier w - v . . n ii.nil and I a Btaley, oi r""""' h brld. esteemed young woman. TM room, I a gradua or a J,... mnA la a civil engineer aim tractor of i'orii eNVf RTAINID. mat at tne cont TWtNTV-NINtRl Vlna-a Th' . and Mr. Harry 8. Moody homo of Mr. and Mra. Harry ""r:T moaV Soyabl. Mr. ana ,n)1 and Mr.. H-nry -.-.jv- Hn Mr. E."j; and Mr.. W. R- I4 A. aton-i u - Ig"- . . , . j. K. i;o o ana w- w. icvernarx pur- Hit T" 'i PM ( ii bril. d bMwl " regteterod CoUw.ld mediate relative of th bride and. groom being In attendance. The ( " " groom la well known In our village and wa formerly tatlon agent ber I BARLOW, until hi removal to Portland. In hi I bualnea capacity hero, ho made many Mr and Mra. Henry Ollbortaon wero warm friend, who admired him for shopping In Portland Saturday. his sterling manhood and capable qual- Mlaa Lewie and Mlaa Anderson took Iflratlona. Tho young con pie will Thanksgiving dinner with relatives In make their home in Portland wnero Astoria, returning to neir acnooi sun- FIRWOOD. day evening. Ferdlo and Freddie Ilodby. of Port land, cam up for the dance In Aurora Wodnoaday evening. Hattle Irwin and Mr. and Mra. Geo. Zleglor wore guestavof Rudy Zim merman s family Thanksgiving. A number of our young people at tended th ball at Aurora Wednea.1v evening. Mr and Mr. Penpel'a aon and wife. of Palein. vlalted tbem over Thanka- glvlng George Perg waa homo from Oregon Agricultural College for Thanksgiving. Tbo world wage on In Stafford about aa usual. Farmer have their work well In band and when 1t ralna tbey let It rain. Mlaa Lydla Aernl Is bom for a while, tho first tlmo In months to s'ay long. She Intends to onter hlgb achool In Kast Portland when tho February term opens, and he baa laid up suf ficient fund to carry bor far towards a good education, demonstrating what a girl can do If she mako up her mind to do It Mr. Nuasbaum'e finger I not' aa painful a It ha bean. H now get aomo aleep at night, but be till ha bad looking finger. . Will Hchatz bought a new feed cut ter and William, Jr., tried It It seems It wss not properly adjusted and the bandlo Jerked out of hi band and hit blm. which resulted In a very black eye. It waa a close call to losing nia Ight. Wo ar glad to say It la Im proving. Mr. Powell I be'ter, having bad a sore throat Meaiames isemic ana Baker aro both better, but not entirely well. Mra. Aernl and Mr. Gobhardt made a pleasant call on Mr, neu ter last Saturday. N Tba Dclkar brother aro having mor wood chopped to haul to town next summer. They have given Geo Sarrfn a conTact to cut 100 cord and Guy Groa aa much mor and Mr Aernl' nephew, late from Swltzer land, ba taken 60 cords, all of which will mako quite a clearing. Mr. Delkar, Sr., haa not been very well. Qua Gebhardt and hla oon, Harry, and Fred Baker have beep working In Dr. Reeae'a hop yard at Appledalo a portion of the old Kruse farm, but the rain Tuesday drove them home. nrotxacted meetlna- ls being held at the Baptist church tbla week, wltb good attendance. C. M. Gage. Mr. Cago'a aecond aon. who baa been edgerman In a mill In Coos county, and baa not been home In nearly five years, started for homo and mother Monday. Nov. 22nd, but tbo bar waa so rough tbo boat lay outslda all day Tuesday, but when It finally arrived at Astoria ho decided not to risk tbo boat ao took the cars for Portland, first aendlng a dispatch to all brothers and sisters he, could reach, and John A- boarded hla car at Houltoa. and they arrived at Tualatin on the electric after' midnight and walked home, four miles, after two o'clock and not forgetting tbelr old borlsh tricks, which aomo of their schoolmates will remember, they whistled with fingers In their moutba and yelled their peculiar ear-aplittlng calls when within a mile or ao of home. awakening all the doga and people and even the roosters. Some thought It a panther; others, someone In distress, and various surmises wore Indulged In for a number of daya, until tho mys tery waa explained. The next day Arden, the eldest son. and Mra. Hoi ton and husband came, making quite a happy family, party although three of their number were atill missing Mra. 8 week and Henry, of Burns, Ore gon, and Mra. Howard, of Ritxville, Washington. -. Mr. Gary haa aent word the Teach era' Institute will meet at tho Stat ford acbool house Saturday. Dec Dtb, and a big dinner wtll ba had In too primary room. All aro expected to turn out which we feel sure they will do. The Institute 1. a great help to anv community where they meet aa It drawa teacher and parents nearer io- rether and wo feel confident w nau have aomo new thought to carry home wltn n at the close. Born, to tho wlfo of Walter Nuos baum. of Stafford, a -pound girl De cember 6th. Mother and baby doing well under Dr. 1L 8. Mount', care. tholr gucsta Mr and Mrs. Conor, of gollwood, aa,- Mlaa Cook, of Portland. On Tbankaglvtng evening a prayer service waa hold at th Grace ChapoL Oscar Freytag wa a Lodge caller Tuesday. Kr. Daly, of O'ogon City. I plaster ing Mr. Morse's now houro. Mrs. l!4lfb Truscot entertained The Circle Wednesday. 1 Mra Merrltt and son, Henry, of Port land, aro visiting with Mra. Cbarlea Redmond. Tho enrproter have commenced to build new bouse for Mr. Shook on ber r.rrvg n Blsnton street Mr. Reed, of Hubbard, baa been a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mra. Dave Hardy for the past week. Henry Cnrmlchael won the diamond ring which wa. given away with tb boxea of candy at the Stover store Mr. Ed. Roeth wa an Oregon City visitor Monday. Mr. and Mr. J. A. 8oebe, who hav spent a year and a half at Newport, have returned to Jennlng Lodge. A telegram conveyed tbe sad new of the passing away of Mra. Pbelpa, of Phelps, Michigan. Mrs. Pbelpa wa sister of W. A. Mack, who camped at Langhlot on tbe bank of tho Wil lamette at tbla place last summer. Mra. PhcJp .pent the entire summer hero and made many friends by ber act of klndneea and charity. Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Cook entertained Measr. and Meadames Iaing. Card and Hose, and the Misses Ollle and Andry Rose last week. The evening wa spent with carda and refresh ment were served. Miss Helen Pain ton ha been un able to attend achool for aeveral daya aa she ha been entertaining tbo I -a Grlppo. ' T "TtJ Mr. petzold, the popular Oregon City Lflfcher, bought a number of cat tle from thi place thla week. Mr. and Mr. C. P. More pent their Thankaglvlnjf at Jamh!ll with tho Jat-1 ter parents, Mr. and Mra. IMIL A pleasant surprise party waa given by ills Esther Heatbman for her par- enta. Mr. and Mr. H. u Heatbman, on the evening of December 2nd, at their homo near Meldrum. Tho oo- caslon being their thirtieth wedding anniversary. About fifty were present and th evening waa pleasantly spent with cards, music and gamea. Re freshment were served. Mr. and Mra. Grant Lewis and Mis Vera and Master Earl Lewla were guests of Mr. and Mra. Lewla In Port land ou Thanksgiving day, returning home Saturday. a Mr. and Mra. Conway and children spent Thanksgiving with the latter'a parents. Mr. and Mra. Da Shields, of Clackcmaa. . olftd a(at09ot&tiy oMbwflttastajni Lvawio 1 ar: . Carrta CtaKoaaua Cattt, Mary takaa Batty. ftaMM a Wvter, OrrJt Bcbr Stow, Jan Addaoaa, IS Plagg Young, EnnaaJtav PankhorH, Florence Nightingale, Clara Bartoa, FJIzabotb Cady sUaaloa, Suaaa B. Anthony, Uierotla fcUMt, Qaarg Eliot, Elizabeth Browning. CMPftiotl Bronte. Marguerite Fuller. Sarah Botbj hardt Mra. Raymond RoblneV aVor. Anna Howard Shaw and Mate. Oar. It waa explained that tba Mat was drawn wltb an ey to tho who h4 done th most-for women. Carrie Nav tlon and Lady Tennessee Claflla. Coo alao were suggested as entitled to a place. 0RE60.I CITY TO PLAY FAST P03MD TEAJ1 Tbo Rose Ot y Park team of Port land will play tho Oregon City team at Canemah Park next 8unday. Out of aoven gamea tbe local team haa won aix, tied one and haa-not been acorod on the present aeaaon. Although not very well known in amateur football circle the Rose City eleven la a team to be reckoned with. It la made up of some of tho beat players of their weight In Portland. Fitzgerald and Coleman were two of Columbia University's crack tackles and Dooley, quarter for the vtaitora, baa played against the home team be fore. Gale, left balf and captain of Rose City Park, la also well known. Thla team waa picked with the avow ed Intention of lowering the color of tbe local eleven. Oregon City I somewhat handlcap per"by tbe- tomt of lllatnarekr V Fro man and P. Long, on account of In juries, it la poMlble that on) or two of these men will be able to take part In 8nnday'a game. Oregon City. Line np. Rose City. Slier - Dodge R. E. C. Freeman, JLoughason . . .Fitzgerald R- T. Ward .7 Andy l R- O. Montgomery F. Freeman R. K Carol he -s (Capt). U Smith LOQAN. ane and will visit hi parenta a. Fir- wood. ... Mra. Eva R. Hart and ramny apeni Thanksgiving In Portland with tne former', sister. Mr. Tom Kerby. Jsmes Wolf, who la hanaung wooo. at Eagle i:reeg, was viaiuu friends Sunday. A. Malar went to poniana ana As toria Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. K. D. Han were in Newberg and Portland to attend the Oregon Dairyman'. Convention a few day. thla week. Mr.. W. Bosnoim, who ia iu u pltal at rortland, I. reported to bo Improving, and It la hoped that she will aoon return homo. REDLLAND. , Mr. Oithout's uncle and hla wire, fiorr Iowa, aro visiting hlra. CO Ttill ha. rented an 80-acre nop yard a lllllsboro. CLACKAMAS. The Redland M. E. 8unday 8chool 1 a lk.lalnea anfof . Is arranging ior a ,u. ...... talnment Saturday ovenma, v. We have been asked to announce that ,ny pa!ent. whether In or out of Sun L.t.,i who exoect their children tn attend and participate in tho usual property. It 1. tres may give their contribution to will move Into th the Superlntenaent. u. u; "-; worth, or E. N. Mroc. .o..v. will be appointed. Do not contribute unless you expect to be present or represented. All money must be paid In by Dec 15th. Tho rork crusner wa a l . a. aW Aaa aitntiinl Af day and baa to lay on u rain. . Mis Jones, teacner or mo nr school, will give a Shadow social Fri day night for tho benefit of tho achool. Jiistlre Samson Is expected to help. Dr. Chase, of 8llverton, waa In Red land last week. Mra Eva Oldham and family went to St. John, to spend Thanksgiving with her parent., Mr. and Mr. Child- The recital given by Mlaa Hilda Brant at tho Congregational church Friday evening of laat week, waa of pleaaing Interest,,' Miss Brant's aeloc tlona wero choice and finely rendered to an appreciative audience. Mualc furnished by local talent rounded out a good program. Mra. Howell sang, "Face to Face:" Rev. J. L Joneo, John Howell and Mra. Howell gave a spirited rendering of the Welsh nation. al hymn. Miss Margaret Jonea waa accompanist The proceeds netted $10.80, one half of which Miss Brant klndlv donated to tho LAdlea Aid. Arthur Mather, who la a atudent lu the Oregon Agricultural College, wa. at homo over Thanksgiving. MY. Rellly ha. sold hi residence understood that he e 8troet house for returned Pfui.. wattle Gasktll ha. ,m iraatern Oregon, where .be had a homestead. CLARKES. Jack 'Frost waa a nightly visitor sat week. . We aro glad to hear that Mlsa Zol ma Cummin, la convalescing so rap. Idly under tho care of Dr. Mount Goo. Sagar ! homo from tho log ging camp again. Kugeno Cummlna haa closed hla mill for tha winter. The danco In the grange ball Thanksgiving eve was a auccea. both financially and .oclally. There waa a large crowd In attendance. Some of tho young ladle, of tho grange are the present. Phlllln Arnold and bis brotner, re cently from tho Eaat, left for BlacK Diamond Tuesday evening, expecting to vet work In the mines In that event th parent, of Mr. and Mrs Arnold will loin thorn. Mr. and Mr.. John Howell and Mra. John Davis, mother, of Mra. Howell, reft Saturday evening for Black Dia mond. Washington. . The florist Mr. Lwrence, haa bought the Wllnon property, near tho rrana-o hall. Mr. Lawrence 1 asso ciated with Mr. Herbert, who Uvea In tho house near tha greenhouses, and which waa formerly occupied by Charlo. T. 8treet . The dance given by tho granger. at the hall Thanksgiving ov waa nleasant affair and well conducted. Aa tbe ball haa passed Into the handa of W. F. Haberlach thla la the last dance given under the auplce of th grang era. Th Todies' Aid Of the Congrega tional church, will hold the annual baxaar Friday, December 15, at th rrana-e hall. Tho aale wll etart at 10:30 and continue through tbo day Chicken dinner will be aerved at noon, and lunch In tho afternoon and oven In All orlcoa will be reaaonanie. There will be preaching aervlce at th Conareaatlonal church at 11 a. m Sunday, at the Methodist church at T:80. 8unday achool. League and En deavor aervlce. In each church as us ual. Th young folk report a good time and attendance at tbelr Thanksgiving ball. Potato buyera are around again try ing to get bargains. Carl Klrchem haa gone to Bouth Junction. Wasco county, on a visit Mrs. Tunle Hughe, of Redland. will write up Dairy statistics of Clackamas County for th State Dairy Associa tion which meeta thla week In Portland. W. P. Klrchem 1 In attendance at the State Dairy Convention in Pprt- and. Mr. Taehonp is contemplating trad- ng hla farm here for ono on Columbia 8 lough. Wo regret to announce the death ot Mra. Jane Hammer, of Eureka, Cai She waa born and raised here, her maiden name being Potter. Flftv-flve wore In attendance at Orange Saturday bealdea vlsttora. A busy day waa spent; new otftcora elect ed and program ronaerea. Master, yj A. Kohl: secretary. Ulaay. sioper; lecturer. Mra. Klrchem: overseer, A. Sloper: treasurer, F. P. Wilson steward. F. Kohl: assistant, Ar.nur Funk: chaplain. Mr. H- 8. Anderaon; K A. 8.. Lllllo Anderson; the court ladle, were. Helen Tracy. Irma Hau ler and Iva Gerber; Q. K-. Geo, Tracy Evorvbodv come to the entertain ment and basket social Saturday, De cember 18. at the hall, given by tho young people and Women a WorE com mittee. Good music ana gooo mo. Ono more warning: Whoever the owner or tne poor om wuim uui may be better care for him aa bis name will be aent to the proper of ficial, a. aoon as learned, ao says the Woman'a Work Committee. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Improvements still go on In Mountain View. F. M. Darling haa cut down tbe large oak tree In tbe yard and la put ting np a green house there. Mr. Haakel la building a new work abop on hla premlsea. O. W. Griffin Is putting mor 1m provementa on bla house. - O. A. Vanhoy and aon, Claude, are working In Jennings Lodge thla week where each haa an acre of ground to clear, and will alao build a house. 8. V. Gibba and wife went to Mil- waukle laat week wnere they have a feed stable. Mra. Retta Seabolt and baby of Mt Tabor were visiting Mlaa Ella Dar ling last weekk. Mr. and Mra. 8 pears of Prlneville were visiting tbelr daughter, Mra. J. E. Call van laat week. Charlie Barto who went to Wash ington hut September, la here again. Will GUIett returned to Walla Wal la Monday after visiting with relativea here one week. Tho bible atudy class met at the home of Mra. 8 wan son laat week with eight ladies present and next week tbey win meet at the home of Mr. A. Mauty. Robert Allison of Sherwood came to town to apend Thanksgiving with hla mother. Tbe whooping cough la In tbla berg again thla falL There 1 still some sickness la thl W. Freeman . Lawrence .... Humphrey ... White, (Mgr.) r. ' u tV 'ii'ki' Elllo-t Donglaa . Gale (Capt.) . . . . Campbell ' ....... Wllaoa ..... Coleman Terray (Mgr.) ....... Dooley BIBLE CLASS TO MAKE POOR HAPPY XIIAS The Friendly Bible , Claaa of the Presbyterian church met la the church -parlors Wednesday evening: and ar rangementa were made for waking preaenta to the poor of the city Cbrlat maa. It waa decided that each mwm ber of the claaaea of the Bun day school belonging to the club bring a parcel containing; grocer!, clothing. or something elae useful The mem bers are enthusiaatlc la their desire to make present, to the poor. Four applicanta were made mem bers and there were about twenty five members In attendance. vicinity. J. 1 Ott'a children have had severe colds and aore throats. Mra. Maggie Curran haa a severe cold and aymptoma of pneumonia. Mra. Nora Carrico la taking care of her. G. F. Glbbe went to Salem laat week to apend Thankaglvlng with his son Wm. Beard and wire had a ramny reunion Thanksalvlng. Their aona and daughter and famlllea were all ! there. t R. Petxold fa having a windmill put 1 up at hla alaugbter yard near Molalla avenue and Warner atroet J. Lewel lea and A. Mauta are doing the car pen ter work. ' 1 Fred Lindau and family, of Clark ea, visited with E. W. Hornacbuh and fam ily last Sunday. SUEERAGISTSW 20 GREATEST WOMEN CHICAGO, Dec. T. Illinois women, membera of the State Equal Rigbta Association, today announced a Hat of "the world's twenty greatest women, which they offer to compare with llsta E. W. SMITH REPt-IE. Morning Bnterprlae: To tbe Editor: I beg to challenge I the etatement made by Dr. Beatle at tbe luncheon of tne uv wires on Tueaday and I am willing to certify on oath that the Oregon Commission Company refused at two different times to purchase straw from me, once Just before harvest with the result that I have last year's straw, aa well aa thla year'e atlU In my harts. Respectfully, 10. W. SMITH, Twin Walnut Farm. JENNINGS LODGE. White Queen Flour Thla la The Boot Flour Obtaln- able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of Coal Now. Grain, Food and Koireci Poultry Food. Hay, Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN . Oregon City. Thankslcvtng day brought about a number of family reunions and din ner at thl place. Mr. and Mr.. U Wilcox are enjoy ing the company or tneir naugnier, Mrs. Holdon, husband and children, of 8eI1wood. Mr. and Mra. R. F. Stover'a dinner guesta numbered nineteen. Out of town guests being Mra. jaconson ana mre. mm from Newport: MT. and Mra. Ouerither, of Burlington, and Mr. and Mra. Stover, from Laiuoreiie. Mr. and Mra. Roberts had aa their guests the member, of tho H. C. Pnln ton family. George Morse. Mlasea Ma bel Morse, Carrie Scripture and W. Beckner. , Mr. and Mra. A. C. MacFmrlanea guests number air. among them being Mrs. Rled and MIsv Doris, of New York, who will remain until otter tha holiday. ... Ten of their Portland friends en circled the dinner table at the H. H. a-mmnna home November 30th. Mr. and Mra. Bhenofield enjoyed '.ho company of tholr grandaon. Wgllle oh.n.fleld and wife, of Portland, and u-. rmuxF nf rrbltlam. Oregon, at htr nnma on Thankaglvlng Day. Mr. and Mr.. William Cook bad aa NOT EXPENSIVE t.. .... u. ''z;:7:X baths, cost no mor than you would pay to live , ai J boteU Room, can be had from 75 cent, to P r da, Meat. cafeteria are aerved from ZO coma up - - Batba range from w coul. . ..-- In the 'usual grtll prices Wc Do Cure Rheumatism ..i-Vvt' Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousanda. Write for lUue trated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium and tbe methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium Is aeoes slbl a It I. located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R. ft N. railway, and special excursion rales to be had at au us agenta. are HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKK. ORtOOM. , waltcr ii. pieace. prcs.-rtct. Mr .4 i