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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. DECEMl.ER 8. 1911. FOR LiERE f.l All'S CHRISTMAS ' . ' - J '' " ' $cKtsticos hi Santa Clans iFcrSral&sait. anil Wires. HOCKEY TEAMS GET INTO LINE v The aaaa who traveia wtth a suit cat to alwaya eat the lookout for corn- pect toilet article that pack eaalh and Ukt ap little apace; cooaeqaeptly tbeae aaao caareoiencee perer fait to auke a kit Chrtotmaa gift. Tb UlnatraUua ahewa the aery latent thing n toilet arceaavriea deatroed especially far tbe reqotreaaeata of th a alt ceee. la both fat ta area tk rosea are aaaife - af pirBkia. and tb earkpe-tlle took . tag affair whlrb. faateoa eecaroiy with . a "anapper" bold a vary Oat hilr- braah mounted aeatty la erooy. Tb vkrtotlr at thla brat ar of tha beat a,aatlty aad quit aanaetwue woogh ta amooOly rat lata place tha hinal r 1 J J 11 - m. Stroai Sersns Eelnj 6att:ere(l For LeaU8 lo Ksw Tort WANDERERS IN LINE Mil Tee That We Tle la tXH-S te Re eatee figM Nw Veek A. C ed CraaaiM A. C ta Be Repcood by Btrong Tmwm. '. Tha aaavaavaaaaat that tha Waa- derera' Hockey clua will l reprvweet ad agmla thto aaaaoa la tbe Aaaateau Hockey leagwe la New Vart haa la rraaavd tha actirtty of tha caacha a4 aaaaaata af tha othrr mm, a ad f 1 v I t Km raa acrr cam. af tha avarara aaaa. Thta braali la Sttad lata a Urti urkn. ta- "ea with rmitwbL im atber roatnraoc. wkirh ra- . aaaatWa la ahap a bin book, rontaio twa hraabn. a with rW brtetin lotaade for bnashiait rtotbt- aaa th ather artth arhita for tvaortDt Aaat fraai tha hat. Oar or Lth thaaa caaaa waaM aukr aa idral rift Graa Hia a String Ba Thla raaa for th vwrst h.:i w I v ar aaay ba araraa of raffia iu tb. axi work part era abowa Krr.-. tu. f .ha atraads bea.r ocrumj br rl. aaaik tied la pretty N. Lnl ri: boa aa aatarat tahal raffia a la thla raaa and bmkW a riibair re- MaatkMk Tha ball k tint lanltW tha : J- . - y 'I r - r - v- ll ": ... - I ' toJ i TYf 1 r taaaldar aa affort a kto aart la hoM y laataad af aa ranta fur a act af aUaa a cawardiy"- -lfaiyr airtalNd Mr. Ta-h-ard. "Pa a' kaav. aah. what tbal va'd aaaaaa ta a aoathaa aattaaaY It aaaaa btowt aak-Woudr "Laava D ill hi m Mr Tawhard 1 win rapty ta tha Mtar Ulva yoar aalf aa caarara aUat It." -WaU. aah. If f laat U walklac tata tha towa af daih It to ya aa affaf. I waofc my hauda af yaa ba ta htottad from th rart h Tha aait da Mr Hrraar u att ttat la kla adka a-aUlac fur aatrr cUaata vhaa a tali saathHaaa la a i vary toac mtt raat. iia atin niiina aatabairaai daya lb pavp aflar a pair af IWbi troaarra atratH-l Collecting a Debt From a Suthro CcaU mm In AatcUUum Days Bj RUTHVAN DARRoW fK-. A A A i 1 1 U tba aoathara atataa arrr aa dlffarrat froaa thaaa of tha aorta aa a paapkta ftaa a ratt-0Mr. Tha caataaaa pra rallUc ka that troparal rt ara la taaarad by cHaat a ad lakntaaca Baaia af thra diffaraajraa hatwua tha tar aartlooa ara Uhaatratrd la Iho'fot toartac dUKncora hlartla Rrrwar. a ' .' VI. . . . , 'aaa tak - m . k . daara arar tha lavrtv with nM h( k hair falUac aad a wM btiatutrd aaibtara. aatarad and aakrd If ha waa Mr. Brawar, Cpa tla aaaarad that ha waa ha aatd that ha waa Major Da raotayaa aad that ha waa thr baatar af a anr rroa ha frVod. Mr. lhaaibara. Mr t'hanitwra W- yaaakC towyar fraaa Naw Cc 1&( faary t tiva ka th auoth,, ortt)4 ta a lawa la Sowth Carvliaa aad haa aat hia ahlu Ua rarrwd wtth hlta a tottar ta WtHUai To hard, a 9oath ChraUaa pUe(r af tba aid aHaoi. who. taktac a taacy ta tha yaaa a.irthrra ar. daalrad to ca hia aoatr baataaaa Kat putxs aftrr Brmr'a arrival Mr Twachtrd ratarad hia adBca. trJ hlta with all tha vurdUUty af a aoath aad mM. 1 hara cailwd. aah. aa a aaatta of I hara a raw which I wtah tarn rrarx. iu raflU rarer, on aad of tba twlaa U ; lac allowed to hass oot of tba raaa. aa that a leaxih af atria atay 1m pal ad ff withoat tmaglint tb tall. Th ' Drraibr. twin rl nw nakM m rift fi-r I a. avuexar curaa ami roarx. . aS ara buy aaw trytac ta roaad ap taleat fof thalr raapactlva taaaaa. It ta gaaarally balirrad that tha Sc. KIcholaa Uotkay elah wia ba rrpra- aeated Uua iraaaa by a aaach atraacar taam than taat yaar. Kay tJoraVia will a sain ba at tba bead af tbia or caatoattoa. aad tba ktrca aaioaat vt ax-co4la aaatartal that wDI ba a rail a bio wH aadoabtadly Uaa ap aadrr tba Gordon, baaiier Tba CrearvBta will ba rpmatrd by a traaa that dr aot abow a mnX pot aad with tba adrantace of a ara aaa'e piaytac torrtbrr last year ap- paara Ukaly ta rapcat aad carry cS tba chaaiptonabln. Tha plaaa of tha Naw Tort Atbletir clab ara dark, bat that la alwaya th til tba aaaoal naetia. wha tba Bate of player are handed In. Tba narfcey dab team boa Id abow Improved furta aver taat year, bat U hardly ranka wtth the other trams aa recarda ptaytntr atrenrtb," aad anleaa tba other tea ma tarn over pome extra play era the aqaadrnrT-harsce of Jimmy Brltton. will have a dlfflonlt Uma. Thla clab haa alwaya been under handicap In crttlac a team together. and thla year la bo etreptkw. Aalda from tba fart that tba VTaa derera win ba reptvaeniad by a team and that Tom Howard will act aa coarh. nothloc to known ot the Waa derera plana. la 1H .1 Howard took aqnad of ptacttrally creea r lay era and taraed oot a ureal team. It la anderatood that ha la wllllnc to take a alaallar rhaaca tbb year It la likely. however, that one or two veteran will be engaged aroaod wbtrb to bntld th team. Tba leajro meeting will be held aboat Dec. 12 tn New Tork. at wbk-h time the ttata of pla.Tem will be haii'l ed la aad tb acbeiln: adopted .Tli , aeaaoa will etart Immediately after i the boildaya aad will end aboat Mar b L The teama will becta prartVa early la ueretober and win oa area la a rlon axalnat tba beat of tbe Cfeaadlao aaoateara aod atoa agalnat tbe Cornell aad Will ma college tea ma darlar w- i u . m t i.mir.s i letter Mr. Brewer ha.) ot hlat "I ahoald be twi-iy t Ua Mr. Chaathera ailfa. ti." aald Itfc lat ter, "bat aur rod In (be awath la aab BMttora forbbia atr aieWlna hlaa. "Haw aa. aah r "Na aeettac raa lake pla-a aaiier tba cede af thla tut aad aeveral 1Kb ar at a lea wherein uac of tba priori- paba awea the athrr atooey I aw the awar af a Bote tnti by Mr. Cham ber, ft bavtaf ba aiade pavahle ta aaa. TWeefore I aaM de'ttae t" aaeet tba ceatieeaaa tl moraine " "Aad yawtaa tnr. aah. ta repat t my prlacipal that j"' derltaa t aet himr "9a le aa tbr t aav ladbad batwaea aa." r - r : parajrraa aan eoaa raoit a cvraoaati to pat la yo' handa. bot befo' doing aw I thlak It expedient r make eome i pUaattoaa A retain Cdwla Chamber to laJebted to me fo' a a rodo'aemr ai f hia Bote, wbkb I aaa obllgrd tu wy to the amoaat of IUJO and IntereM Mr Chamber la .oa of oa' Hrt ga Uemea. high toead. Boao'abte and m-b aUlre ta the qua t My eoda eaeat of hia Bote wa a p'xooal fa to' la him It wao aot paid at aiata'lty. aad thoagh the tranaaitlwo ivt piare all aaeeaage," Aad. ouklag a profrtaad haw. he wttbdraw la half aa hear tb major retaraed with a rtterk ar (be rare of tba Bote. 3ZK Brewer rereivrd it wHh thank had pat It la kto r tetbnok "Aad Bow. aah akl the Bteaaea ger. "1 preaume there ta anthlag ta trmt arraarlag fa' a meettag batwua ya' and mj pnadpalT , "Nothing atcapt the tnterC" "The latrreatr "Tea. air. tbtttrel. Th Bote haa rra all yeara. aad I hetteve a gai Interest ta thla tt makaa Mr CXau bera Indebted ta at for the an af PC If paid tti.r ' Tha etaltor atared a the arwwket ta aatoalahateat. "Do re aaeaa to ot. aah" he .iKt wha 4a bad r red h'Bnett " Ur Taorbard ' woa'd mea aurh a thing aa tstereat btti- 1 bav wrlttee yor pntwpal that Mr. Toorhard ha ah;ng t.d wtih thla matter If Mr ("bawber lateed teebield hlmaetf U-hiad Mr Taacbanl taat aad of farinx Btr Ilk a ma a" -"Eaoegh. aah I abatl repnrt ya ward ta my prlarlraH A txt without walling to hear a Brv Mr TV TVi tayae walked rarxdtv oot nf th fllr A third teterelew aa anrn aa tba manaagar roo'd rrarh hia pria rlpal aad ref nra. i t'natMa fand Mr. Cbambera very b for Itivwer' Wood, and ee, taarninc tbai ib i-rtll bar bad lattiMted thai im .h 4 tug hlmef behind h l rri.-ad Toil Chard the debtor lar-ail rt.:l H.1) tag a r run mi ff atreH a,k be made a Bote fur the aro-ntit ..( ie la tereat doe aa hi forti.r hi.sratlno. drew a cherk aod gave it au tnd 'a. I 4 fiiM Pays for the MORNING ENTERPRISE n whole year II r Mnil -tlurinfj Itargain Pcriwl, iiow on, which clout lKHfincr31, 1911. Take advantage of th!$ offer by fHying for a renewal of your mbBcription at Itargain Period rate, and tell your neighbors ahoyt this snap, THE MORNINO ENTERPRISE A WHOLE YEAR : II Y MAIL ia. who caa baag It XtrAt hia or oa the wall of haa rouca or Praaawta Fee Yewof Mcav. Aa HTr(iWf fr-roi i a year Mbrrf:'a far a ataraaiae. bat of coarae thj raa b offered on.'j wbeo the aaaa la a relative or Intimate friend tto tte in iiteratcre to famCLar to La gltvr Koaad books, too. a aaoa.'y ap preriated. bat aana?1 bnoka. aorh aa diariea. verae, bfc.. H.: are aridoaa aaed. thMseB'tnea the Dit book ia a Ki3t for the ;alt. ar.rT Bgxla. aot every aaaa keepe a dVary ajl mai why th kir.! la a rUk to A leaiher fraaaed raleadar win al waya Cad a plare oa a ataa'a deak- foaotabi pea) abaaVl oaly be given a haa tba doaer kaew rxa-t!y tb kiad tbe re- l;4eat ill. The aame aaay Le aald f a reanera. aa the aaa jorlty of aea prefer to eater, tha atae aad make they like brat. NEW NAME FOR POQL Wrll Be Known H Paeket BHiarda. Ia the furore the game of pool la arhv-h amateur player lake part will be referred to aa purfcet billiard.. The new aame for the popa.'ar pastime wa decided oa at a meeting f the Natloo al Aaaorlatioa of Amatear Billiard Stayera ia New Tork rereotty becaaae af the odtam wbl'b ta attarbed to the a4 aame oa acrotuu of the dlarepa taba way lo wbSrb aome of tbe rbeap er elaaa of pwsh devoted to tbe game are eaodTK-ted. Tba aaanriattoa atoo derided to bold the Brat aarlooal amatear porket bll Hard rbampionablp toarnameot In New Tork beginning March 4 and eootlaa :ag for two weeka Do Ore ttill Hole Two Caa Trtlee. Alfredo Dr Oro la atl?l tbe three raab- ioa UHUrd aad pool rhampioo. Adam aad Era ta aame tbrb- eadaat eoa Catov." Wattiea. '-Ther Drabablv kaew what ther were raiatog." aaid Dlngbata- Ha peTa ' ' taw ert aaa -faJeade. foaatd rbeomeirea aaca la pimai aalna of a aapply af eboeav la ataad af aeeklag aoitabia atoea tbey gat at tbetr toea ta It the aboee wbaever it waa aai tiry. - h, yea 'a ago. I have aot yt tea relat jAto take at onr-e ta the nunhrm cutter ba'aed Rot I naa expiaia to yo. enlp aah. that with aa of the mtb It H at a raatom 'amoag gentlemen to remind each ether of tbeae little otnlr(ln I woold aot think of aaklng Mr Clinni bera fo paymewt. bat I've ba itilnk leg that I woold eado'ae tb Dirfr nrrr to ya' aad yo might etur-reat to tb aaaker that If It to p'fertly t-ouven lear- "I aea." lnterrapted Brewer "I'm to collect aa owner of the anre " "Not ao faat. To' mlgat auggeai that, baring a p'aosal Intereet la lb mattr. a amall potion of the amuuni doe woold be acceptable. Fa'tbe mo I moat lafo'm yo' that aaaaa ya a-i vey rlrnmpe(-tly yo might offod Mr. Cbambera Indeed, ba might , aide' hlmaelf Inaalted. In wbk b ra h would challenge yo' to mo'tal romiMit aob. In tbat raae be woatf kill y. fa ha ta ode of tbe beat abnta. if m tha beat. In tbe aovth I abowid be very aorry. ub. If In attempting to" -"Have yoa tbe Bote with you. Mr Toocbaid7" "And bow. nob.- aald )..r f- w ttyae. "my priajcipal hating t .. b-jrrj hia ladeMrdnew. than any barrier again! hi aaeetlnc yn' unW tha rode. thre'rearMrf itbi i- an. reaaoa why aboatd aot praed r (n the prellmlnariea. I demand th n.tu of a gentlemaa artth wbm I ran ar range them." "One moment. Biajor. Will fun k:nl If be aenied? I dealre to wrtt a b t- Tbe ma)or aat down, and Hrv t took ap a pea. bet laid It down aixi took a daater aad wa giae a rapbuard "I bare wo good o'd Knto t) boorbno here Major. I ranoa ak a gutiniaa to wait on Bm wltbool if feting blot rvfreabment" i a 0 " a . ' I - : , :-- ( . , . . . c ( . oJ - " - wwwwwvOCvv RAQJ.OAD KUSf RAIS TRESTIf (Coat I need from page 1 . lm aKvv KLe .kasa aueK. W W WW W W w W-1 IrnJ Uwv W w W W -- w w - rliy ba la riled to auigeet aame waa fcuncllman Hall called attentloa to :b condition of the ppr part of Molalla avenaa. aad aald that It b"uld be repaired at oara. A not her councilman aald that 8eveath atreet Im needed repairing. Tba attaatlo i t the atree eonunlttao waa eallaxl tn De Kontarne waaaombat tacgr ihe fart that more than one year ago ad. bof pi,ri oat a gta of tiw !i i it waa authorised to repair both KXS. TAYIC2 IS OOTID Au::;:t7 ' (CoeUoaad from rue I.) tHr aad Arnul It O aop-d Itrew r waa wnnug a letter to a frt-u'! ak lag him t 0 hi aeermd In th com log affair of honor. Brr wmt tr, or tore not aad tore thm ut "Tea. anb Here It la." And. taking! ery time he rre op a n.. f q a bit af paper from bla porketbuok. be handed It to tba attorney "The Intereet" began Brewer. "There la an earn thing aa Intereet among on geotlemen of the aoatb "Bat If I collect tbe Inter! yoa will have no objection. I preaame" "Only that If yo' loaolt Mr. Cbambera by mentioning fJie matte' of Intereat ba wDI kill yo " AH right. Mr. Toorbard: I will do what I caa to collect tb debt" Two day later tbe dlilogoe waa re- en med Mr Too hard came Into Brew era oflre wildly etrited and with aa open letter la bla band My dee boy." he ex lalmed. -what have ya done? Bead tbla" B rearer rad l deolre to give yoa aa opportaalty to rorrert a mlatake by a young pettifogger from tbe north, who baa written me aa In aoltlng letter demanding payment of a note which yoa ware kind enough to Indorse for me and which I did not find It roavenlent to m at maturity. Aa apology from yoa for him will be accepted. If yoa do not think proper to apologue for him I will treat him aa ba diatrr." , Tn reply to that." aald Brewer after reading tba Bote. "I a hall write Mr, Cbambera that yea bare a thing to do with tha matter. talUag Mm tbat I wHI layne poarj oof BBotTier ilrtnk M Bally Brewrr flnlabed a not.- (hat ein d to meet bl approtiatlon Ilandlna It to fe Kontayne. he aald "Major. I Lb roar rjfiluloo a a rrn tleman If ttiM f likely to t a earl factory not to year pr ii-iial" Da Kooiayo look the note and read. rarmll m tnr dear Mr Chamber, to Br my nrtfit arte harn) oolo(r for aar mom may hava aritir ray in am wr.mTxrr r, mf BOr.n to(Ua ,WWJ TWTW ""uri bj a iit (bat foa wre net tha man of honor I hav tm row to ae. it affaar that aa anon a rvqam ior prmni er rotir aot due lo goer ate rrlxj ut. Teuchard . pr eented In dua form ree raaoomlml lmm4. atety It gva me ateaaura lo racall vry epprobfioua riUll! I Bav either wrlttrn er apokaa I am year a4tat aarvant MARTIN BRKWEK Mr. De Pontaynaread tb letter with yea wide open. Ulnce be evidently did aot know what to aay Brewer helped blm by angjeatlog tbat before be departed be take another drink, in wbleb be (Brewen woold be happy to Jo!a blm. . Since there waa aotblaf further to be aald or doae a boot tha mailer u wia aropped. Brewer became Intimate In Cbambera' family and Anally married hia daughter Hia father In law to the day of hia death aever aaw tba point la tha traaaartlon whereby bla eon-ln-law had collected a debt from him. Keep at It, Tattered Tire I've Been trampta foag yeara. ana ana. aa' It'a ail 'caaaa I heard the dor-tore recommend walkla' aa the beat eterctaa Mra. Prim Well, tha debtor ara right. Walk along. Preabytertaa af tha Boath. . r-aoamra for tba Peaay PATIENCE., Ultrw I thaak A it I prrcrrre that Pabxncc ia eta iarr foAaothrt. trio bmei a out barveati at the loog reauk George MeeaxilL - A. f ntaneiai Ttp. -If I aboabf pat lljOOO la" bank that paid rorapoaad Intereet at the rate of per rent, how long woold It uke for tbe principal to doobleT . " "It lever woold doable. .Tbe. bank woold baec'-Cbleaga Bacord Herald. Uiear Claae. "What woold yoa rail author oa a via t toe r "Well, oaieaa they go op oa aero pianea of Hteracare I (boa Id claa theaw a aoderwrltera." - Baltimore Aaienraa. ' -., ' Bead tba Morning Jkiarprtoa . Anything ta Pleaae. "Jobn. the cook "a aba doean't Ilka tba plara." . i, ' . "Doea aba refer to aa or to Lonejy. tine J If Ma tbe town that doean't aait her we eaa move to aome other aoborh "-Waahlnpton Herald v Uaaei etO'iera. Cooking In a uoiil.l lailler la aome time aw niow that nka ahoald know that addluw a tabteMfaauuful of aait ta lb aater la tbe outer reaael will ralae (In- Iftuperatar of the food more genkly. ropalr both mreeta. and that tba confmrU for tha rock bad bean made. It waa aald (hat tbe committee might hava at any time during tha aummr, bad tha work dona. Tbe committee waa aoih orl7d lo atari tha work at once. The tret committee alao waa antboriaad in confer with Harry Jonea and Mof. fa't A Parker regarding the Improve tnent of Center atreet nouta Of Waih Inrton. , ' The atreet committee reported at fnllowa regarding tha treetle of tha CUrkamaa Boathers railway; "0nilran: We. your committee appointed lo confer with tba Clacka amaa Bon t hero railway official rela tive to tha croaitng at Wtahlngton and Fifteenth treta. report that wa have met with tba official nf aald railway company and find that tha algnaturea have not all been obtained lo the ronaent of tba property-ownara tn tha dip In tha atreet aa provided In th franrhlaa and wa ara prom I a d by aald offlclala tbat tha aame will ba procured and Died and anon tba aame being done wa recommend that tha City make tha dip In tha atreet ac cording to tha franchlae, an trident for the clearance wtahed. "In regard to the bent being driven In tha ntdewalk wa ara Informed that there la a water pipe of tha city on the weat aide of tha atreet at the property Una and that the railway company waa compelled on account of aald water pipe to ahlft tba entire crowning weatarly a aufflrlent d I fiance to avoid thla water pipe. "We are further Informed that Ihe railway company offered to change thla water pipe at ita own etpanaa In order to drive tha bent In tha proper place, bnt that tha Bnperintendent of Water Work thought thla change woold not be advlaable and Inaamnrh a tha railway company had It ttn oer an cat and on tba ground and were compelled to drive tha weatarly w ot me water pipe It nat nreny ahlfted tha entire atrocUire weaieny tna aame dlatance of the ftret ahlft." Thi caaalna tha m. on th eaat aide U ba driven weat of the property line. Inaamnrh a thla atructnre will probably ba fhang d within a abort time on account of the change In tha flonthern Pacific track wa recommend that tha bent ba allowed to stand nntll gnch change la mada lor aad her attorney a appeared be fore Judge Eakla aad declared aba had not beea nerved with aummona. Mr. Taylor, however, proved that Tba had publlabed tha jutnmong la a newapaper. a copy of wh!rt waa mail ed lo tha defendant The former de cree aaa et al t and Mra. Taylor wa giraa an opportunity to make her defenae. The plaintiff, la hi appeal aak for a reveraal of thla de clalon. Mr. Taylor alined thai bee ana. nana arid a mine In Ooldfleld for annul i:,000.0O0. which nun, he atlll poaaeaaea. flha aald that ba de. aeneo ner while they were traveling in a.urope. leaving her with only forty-eevea cnta. Hi Read tha Morning R.pr1aa.' BIOOC CLUB INTIBTAINID. Mra. r. T. Otirftth enterulned tha Thu raday Afternoon A net Ion Bridge Club of tnl city at hey borne In Port land Thuraday afternoon, tha priie being won by Mr. M. Ulooratte, Itrfreahment were aerved. preaent were Mr. W. B. ITHan. Mra a Chaoman. Mra. b. P. Rand, Mr. II. K. HtralghU Mr. J. N wianer. Mr. CO. Huntley. Mr. H. g. Monnt, Mr. Theodore Oamnnd. Mr. U R. Jonea. Mlaa Braala Rhrppard. of Pert land; Mm Nleta Barlow Uwreaca, Mra. K. R. Brodla. Mr. U A. Morrl. Mr. U. w. Iatourette. Mra. rharta nreio. CHILDREN TO OlVt PLAY. "Tom Thumb'a Waddlno" will " r-n.niea at rratbyterlan Chureh. me primary department of tha rToyienan rbnrrh win - preaent "Tom Thumb' Wedding- in th rhorrh parlor this evening, and It eapecieo toe entertainment will ba largely attended br ralallvaa a.4 friend of the rounaatera who am iae part. Mia Alma Moore and Mia r.uia nrnnenei will hava charge ot tha ewenainmeni Tb wadding march l to ba played by Carol Rly, and after the- tableaa, tha following program will ha given: piano nolo, Violet Beanllaa; aong, Velma Randall; duet Clyde Brhnnbel and trance now. land; nolo. Helen Toote; recitation, flammn Mrfrtv- solo n.v a -l. . - mi in BLUuv bar; plnno aok), Dcrenoa Andrew. MIM HURtlUWT tNTtRTAINt. Mia Ada Hurlburt entertained at her home In nladntone Wedneaday evening a few of her friend at pro greaalva whlat. . Beveral rocal and In trnmental aelectlon ware enjoyed, which were followed by refreahmenta. Preaent were Mia Mahla Mora, Mia rTthel Bharp. Mia KlUebeth Oallogly. Mia Rlebboff. Mlaa Julia Baker. Mia Chariot! Iiaker and. Mlaa Molll Rnae. . . . , MBC J.J '-' ' Oregoh City aani raor to" Orrgoa City eerkt Bart to men. Oregon ClCly otr W tie for laveatmeat. Tto rX Edition tell a bat a hart ' bualaee ahoald be rapreerttai 1 aot fall to lend your atf certad movement (or a lwJ goal City. Tha Protrea tha Enterprise alma to tell thai about Oregoa City Ckct County; H our rprottl'a not called upon yoa ilpbw bo one ahould be orarluokai RIAL MTATt TflANIfl Robert and AWIra 8. Loaa" P. Louden, northeaat quartaf i tlon 14. toanablp I aoati, "tf HO. K O. and Emma A i. Hill. JO acre of eeetlok H. hip 1 aouth. rant Jtv' i . iJartd N. 8mlh and Bly vail to A. J. and Mary Haft 18. Covell; H.ITa. ,tat1 N. F. Neleon to Mphla ' Hp, weaterly ball of kHi at nun! rli: 1200. ' . Carolina Bldlnt Mf7J Bklrvln and norrla Bklrrin, Clackama uoanty; 1. ' GUILD TO OIVI , Tba following win l-' lha eapper nd b JJ by th ladle, of StJ M' at tha Woodmen hall tomr" noon and aol; , .,. k,i Hupper-Mr. Rnaln. rouJ , C. Oanooc. Mr. r. T. Barlow. Mra Rfrt f Candy-Mr. J. R- "i10: Apmna-Mra. A William taramoni . ' Ma Tha rwfnghier of t Kl"l -their committee: . J jr B tipper ur. a. yrl B. Moody. Mi H. 8. T. Field. Mr. Na Pw rene. ' . . . g Fancy Artlolea-lira - - Mr. W, A. 8h-man, - ApronawMr. P. Randall. Mr. J. XT ;- ; r.nJUH K. A. Cl Marjory Caufleld. WW ?, ' , clmuh. Mra. Thaonor v avanlng will ba oi i If ron are not rann Emlernrlae. why Bol? I gain Period I Boa back pace- .1,.....-.