Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
'-' ' -I " WATMi INDICATION. (t. occasional rain ""TV .i.rlv wind. " " MORNING VOL. II 133 WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I 5 GO ' Tbo tally nvmKZ -XM two on Portland and lwlw V latea In vry mOm at Ctaakav mu County, wHh a eavlatloa r 30.000. Are y an !TlNft J OREGON CITY, OREGON, THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911. Pn Wm, 10 Cisra , raiiM, ' HIS CHflRCE UnCC CHUN II SUCCEIOEO SV DUAL OUARDIAmamr Of TMRONf. f. '3 EfPORTED TO HAVE WEAKENED EVE UP TO DATE. Lfi Or. VVhkh Ma Tried To Uphold. Announced Cu f Undoing -Compel, mm Fall. otKi.v l. 4 An odlcl, an .MkrUiC the roaignatUm of tho lie- i innce Chun, wa issued nmoy - ik. Kropros Huwager. M ! lu4 t, awsiber of tb rablnet. and (kIuU h that (bo ndiitlulatxation na uiMiwUr oiid constitutional -rtwnmrot not jrot boon tan. .t.i nullralloO iroM, I bo poopl' w-.rti ro broken and I bo country w . . . i tu loruon wio irni i. .I.,. .r iha llaaent. a dual guard -..kin of ifao thron la e.tabliohed .... nlai-o being laaon jwim; vj .,k ii., i a Maachu Prlnca and form - f.i.l..n( i.f Iha Kalloual Aasom i - ... , Hy. and llau HUI vire-rreai- m't of ! rnr council. Tk Hrol rrgret that hi repont tan. raroa too lata and fool that If k continued In por bi command iwl4 to disregarded. T edict continue: -II wopl and prayed to ro.lso tbo x.m. i (ha aama lltno oxpreaalug kl arot Intention to abstain frura aolitir Tbo Einpro Dowager, liv IM la Iba palace, waa Ignorant Of tbo i.i of affair, but now know that rtllt.m oxlaia and figbllng continues awiag everywhere, wniio I no com- mrm of frtandlf nation aulTrra. Th rcmi U honest tbougb ambitious. Mni inUlml. b ba harmrd th o k. thrfro. Ill roalgnallun I ac- tptd " Tk rdirt domand loyalty to in alnl.trr. from tb oplo. who -rnuat anw r.llia that tb court doe not ahjart to tho urTndr of tb powor wi(4 In tbo tnroao." PrliM rhim haa ImmiiI tbo rblnf Bg- r In China alnro tH doath of Em kmr Kwang Hu and lb . croproaa rwi.x.r In 190. from tbo dark in oblVb folktwod bo omorgad rulr f CblR. At nn tlmo waa Prlnc Cbun'a ro- trnry a amooth on. II triad to bia tonlddla grnund. which ploaaod noltn r iba Manrhu roartlnnarloa nor tb wlr pmgroaalvoo. II bandlod tbo praaant cwlal with porhapa aornothlng Im than hi old lima vigor, and ro fot rrporu haro blntrd that bla mind woakenlng. WW; U'REII BACK, SAYS SINGLE TAX GAINS MIoSOURI CERTAIN TO ADOPT NEW SYSTEM, DECLARES OREGON LEADER. IANADA IS KG ACTIVE PART Ohio Conatitutlonal Convention Ha Big Majority Favorabl To Initiatlv ' And Rf Wm CHARGED WITH OTHER CRIMES COMMERCIAL CLUB TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENT SOCIALIST DEFEAT IS HOST CRUSHING U)8 ANOEIJC. I)o. Cotuplot Murn from US ot of SIT prrclnct hi yatardy't municipal oloctlon glv Oaorga Alrxandrr, Incumuont. candl dato for th (jo4 Uovernmont Loaguo for Mayor. R3.7N. and Job llarrlman, orlallal. 6J.29J. Th two mlaalng proclnct ar In Iha iiitmrb of Wllmlnatoo. Thf bad ragtutratlon of a Uttlo ovr fW ind ar ainctod to run about n 'twill Alatandor and llarrlman. Tha 'ntlr (Jood Oornmont tlckot alixtad No goclallat candidal for any ofTIco t am within C5.000 rota f winning. MT. PLEASANT CLUB TO REPAIR SIDEWALKS AUTO VICTIM HERO FOR FAMILY'S SAKE JOHN WELSH, HURT BY MACHINE. CARES FOR WIFE AND LITTLE CHILD. ROAD MOM GETS BIG li 'tPETUS SUPERVISORS AND OTHERS DIS CUSS MEANS OP IMPROVING THOROUGHFARES. NEIGHBORS ASSIST IN KMC COURT SUGGESTS EOT KM TJX Mother 8trickn, Aftr Moving T County, Fathr Go To Port land on Errand And la Run Down. BLOW AIMED AT RUSSIA. NEW YORK. poc. . Abrogation of lb treaty of friendly relation b wit th I'nltod tSntea and ltul d In 18.12, waa urged In apaocho dallverad by a loen man of National rnmlnenro and in raaoluHon adopt t a largo maa meeting held In Curnrrle I f nil tonight." The meeting wa under th auapleo of ha National Cltlarna' Commute hlrh plana a ajrte of aimllar demon 'ratliyia throughout th country In h nojt month In proteat agalnat dl flnilnirtlnn by nuaala In her refuaal 'n honnr th paaaporta of Jowlah-Am-'rlcati cltlxena. WEALTHY JEWELER SLAIN. NRW YOtlK. Poo. fl. With a fro aVnii and many cuta and brulaei 'ont the fara anil ahnulder. th body "f ' R. Vogel. a wealthy dealer In .";wiry. waa found today ln,tne on fn"'"'m of a downtown office build in, fTiiiiuiiion or low ri" ''""d that Vogel hkd mad a deapr Aitht for hla llf. Th polio bnllev that Vogel waa '"ion, lnto tna baaement by tnia Coroner bollove th thieve at - i-in iu niirn in ofioy i " ',, but wer frajatrated becau th oonr k . . . .I - iihj aHiau. BUILDING COLLAPSES! S DEAD. 'NniANAPOUH, Doo. V (Special). Thf. . i tn ha riaAll pt-rmina era aii"w" " - a acoro Injured alg anrloualy a " roxiilt of tb collapaa ot new hrer.ntorv Pnnxni. building erected y thn Trcat o-Ut Company her to- Ten other atlll remain unac- ""iited for. Th known dead ar: - Pred A-hor, Henry Barnes and M """liny. ,- . f work 'tF.nriB JUIIJ'IHU r C1" In the l.nll.llna at th tlm It Vn,l In uiKin them and or half of "i were hurled bnntv tno mou 'In of hrlnW mxriiF, and wood. PMLAPKUMUA. Dec. 6 Th Ma Namara brotbera wer riMnlbl for iploal'on bar which damaged aUuc tural Iron work of aereral building oprratlona, according to William J llurna. tho detectlv. who today ar rived in Philadelphia from Clvland. "Yea" aald th detective. "I am poaltlve that boib of them wer r ponalbl for Ibo oaploalona here on atmctural lnn work, during tho l few year, and Other are Implicated. Mr llurna aay th lnve.Ug.tlon her Involved th exploalon which oc curred aliout a year ago In th caf ,.f Harry Kdwarda. a nght Pr''lr which aa being rcon.trctel tni another .that damaged th Iron being pUced In p.ltlon for th. Philadelphia lltapld Tranalt lorojianya road on pelawar avenu- - ---- Thla work wa. being don by tbo American Prldg Company. I In thea oiploalona no peraon wa. killed or Injurod pllowln lh proalona ,.W. - djr- I found in an aney nmr ,he plttaburg Plat Company. In tho center of th city. llurna a-y "bo '. kBO"e.t I on of th McN.m.ra. wa. 1twd at a central hotel th day th. llo . .-j t,U. occurred. II r ."ir'OrUoMcManlKaltold h.irt be enmo ber unorr """"""n ' Mow up a railroad bridge, but whn he found th atructure n(,r,rt eral tenement bona, he foared tH-rt would bo loa of W- YOU OUGHT TO HAVE $34.54, HAVE YOU? Th- Commercial Club will gW big entertainment next Friday a week when the apeclal rate, of $10 for real dent member, and 5 for non-realdent member will bo dlaconUnuod. Every merchant, but on or two. who wer not already member of th club. hav taken advantag of th reduced rate, with th reault that tb club l now on of th atrongeat commercial or ganisation. In tb tat. Congra man Ilawley, who waa a guoat of th club recently., declared that It waa th Hve.t buaineaa organisation that bo had Tlalted durtrig bla trip through bl dlatricL The road auperviaora. who wer gueata of tho club Wednes day, wer enthualaatle In their praia of It. work. Th club headquarter, have been remodeled, mid everything haa been don for tb convenience and entertainment cf tn memuera. t i not reading tb Morning RtUerprlB. why not? Year-nd Bar gain period la now on. back page. f Th Mount Ploaant Clvlo Improve ment Club met at tho Mount Pleaaant choolhouBo,Tue!uy evening. Among tho que.tlona dlacu.aed wer th roada in tho vicinity of Mount Pleaa ant, and It waa dolded to bavo th Oregon Clty-Monnt Pleaaant aldewalk repaired. Tb roaident. of Mount Pleaaant built thla walk about a year . .f .n miu-iim of mora than $300. A neat aum waa turned over to th iM..nrr i Mra Edward McLaln, who had charge or tb ontnainmeni glv.n at the achoolhouae Friday ve nin. nh. hftiic th chairman of the - ... . nntnrtaiument commitlM. A our-' Icaiue on "Mra. Jolly 'a Wax Worka" wa. given. Mr.. T. O. Clark w. ap pointed chairman of the commlfoe for th nirtar.ment to be given at th achoolhoua In December. Reaolutlon. relating to tho late Dr. W. E. Carll were adopted. Dr. Carll waa an honorary member ot the Mount Plea.ant Civic Improvement Club, and had often addreaaed the club. He alwaya praised the good work of the club, and aaal.ted In the Improvement of the roada and aido walka in Mount pleaaant Tb alngle tMx aontlment la grow ing In all part of thla country and Canada." declared- W. 8. U'Ren, who returned Wedneaday from a trip EauL.. . Mrt U'Ren, after attending a big meeting of lngle taier in Chi cago went to Cincinnati and then to BL Louia wher be wa th gtieat of leaders In tbo fight for tno aaopuon of th land tax. ; "The conference In Chicago waa well attended, and all those present were enthualaatle," continued Mr. U'Ren. "Mr. Fels waa in aiienaanoe, and took part In the proceedlnga. Tb report from Mi.aourl wa. especially aratlfrlnr. There aeema Lo be no doubt that the plan to exempt all per sonalty from taxation will carry ai wo election next November In that state. Most of the atates were represented at the conference and there also was a lin. detention from Canada." Mr. U'Ren aald mat tno aeiegaiea were pleased with the report he made of condition. In Oregon. He declared that they were especially delighted with" his announcement that the ln dlcattona were for a victory In Clack amas county. "The alngle tax advocates go furth er In this state than they do In Miss ouri." said Mr. U'Ren. "Wo -were de lighted with the report from Wash ington Btate'tbat the alngle tax senti ment Is gaining ground there dally. Tho succ-ss bf bo new scheme of tax ation In Vancouver. British Columbia. Ill fnrr Rnattle to adODt th tingle tax. Other cities In Washington also will adopt it. The report from Cali fornia and other atates were favora ble." u. TTTn nnt two (tava In Cin cinnati with Daniel Klefer and Her bert Biglow. lealer m tne -movement to have the Initiative and refer nfum Inenrhorated In the constitu tion of Ohio. He said that ninety of the 119 members of the constitutional convention favor the Incorporation of these measurea In-the revised consti tution. Mr. U'Ren was the gnes in Cf tula of Tit. v. p. Hall ana u. u. Mooter, leader in the fight for the alngle tax In Mlsaourl. . ik, rnnat nltlful case of suffering and want In the history of Majority Favor BuUdlng Mfaln High way. First and Lateral Gradu allyLuncheon Given Vialtora. ' Clackamas county wa reported to the Oregon City police Wednesday. , Hla wife critically 111 and their two month old babe needing constant at tention, John Welsh, a wood cutter, suffering verely from Injuries re ceived In an automobile accident In Portland a week ago, Is doing bis ut most to care for bis little family. Their home Is at Crescent Ridge, Just beyond iia Jone.' Mill district Tbo family moved, to this section about two week ago, and Immediate ly afterward Mra. Welsh was trlck (u. Mr. Welsh obtained work, but wa called to Portland one day and while crossing a street was struck by n aiitmnnhlle. ' Ilia left leg was ser- lously Injured, and for two daya he was cumpeueo to seep 10 ma mu. Kolrhhnra beard of the oredlcament of tho family and have furnished pro vision, and aided In caring lor Mrs. Welsh and her baby. Mr. Welsh I a young man, and will be able to earn good wages as soon as ne recovers from hls.jujury. A big Impetua waa given the movo- 4 imnAA . MAili nf rnakav- uieui w v w .www w. - I maa county at a mass-meeting of road supervitors, public-spirited cltlsena : aod members or me voubij the Commercial Club aasemDiy room u-.Hn,id,r it waa the ' unanimous opinion that the roads be Improved, but there wa a difference of opinion aa to bow tne wore anouia do uubv. Many of the speakers thought tb main roada should be Improved first, the worlt starting at tb market cen ter. In order to glv tb greatest benefit to the greatest number aa soon aa possible. The aupervtsors adopted a reoohv . tlon providing that they meet one a , year with tbo County Court and otkv era Interested In highway work to exchange views and have a better un derstanding as to what should be done. County Judge Beatie, who pro- . sided, speaking for the County Court, said. that a meeting would bo called early next apring after tne elec tion of new supervisors. He also an nounced that an eight mill levy would be made, half of which would be used for rpad purposes and the, other hI for building bridges and liquidating the road debt Raai t., horning Hn'rpri' WASII1NC1TON. Dee- (l.-(Spwlal. ,n ,h0 united Statea i U'en"Ln!...,',nn;.lde. their Treaaury ia'i'ar....- -- . ,ul. in tho " .bowed that Z Jopu'latU April 15. 1D10. wa. 97The lotat amount of 0'Bn82c5,; ol , it is. Thu thin country 3.tiin.Djo.i- ' M'ORAW FINED $20. HAVANA, Bbout them nP tn. Zyor C U nd Umpire RIRlr. JMhe National league, are poorer by 120 nch' . called. Mo- they .aid. h3 was a i negro JV, Cuban, huatled up a pair or wniv icernsn and then the submitted to h M way to JnlL Th fin cam luter. ti,,.. CouDla To Gt Llens. Hcnao wer "u'; neaday to Franc. Huston -JJonl nialr- Lvr Hoaaack and J-Tank i . Sow-ard I sdd Rthel StHh-y nd John Stewart. " ' if you are not rending th Morning Enfe?;;; why notT THM-i- nja gnln Period Is now on. Be on back oaaa. , III n I i i Hi Hps, TSON'T."fail "" to tell your kustanJ tliat you would like talle silver for a gift. Stow kim tkis advertisement so lie willknow tke kind. Community Silver is tne lest plated ware made, lut costs no more tlian other kinds. 8lct your Xmaa Gift from our lmmn. stock of 8trllnB "Silver, Community nd 1347 Rogers Bro.,' Plaited War. Li PROGRESS TO BE BIG COUNTY AID giadstone favors SPECIAL ROAD TAX it waa th nnanlmou. sentiment of those present that a specla tax be laviari rnv tba lmnrovemeni ui a road, at a mass-meeting of citizens held at Gladstone Wednesday evening iinrio the auaDlces of the East Side Capital Highway Aasoclatlon. John F- Klrtchein, president of the asaocbv tlon. presided snd addresses were made by H. a Crosa. Mayor-elect of Gladstone; Grant B. Dlmick, Mayor elect of Oregon City and Gordon E. Haves. It was declared that the Pa cific Highway should paas through Gladstone, although tbere was no oo Jectlon to the contemplated bridge over the Clackamas River near Its mouth. Several of thoee present aaiu if the highway passed through Glad stone other bridges would be bnilt over the Clackamas. You may know a whole lot about Clackamas county. But the man In the Eat your personal friend per haps, wants to know as much as you do. You cannot spare the time to write him in a alngle letter about all of the opportunltlea offered him. The Pnt.rnrlM la Boendtnc the 'tme and money to tell the whole story of this An.mir, Vnur aaRlatance Will oroou- n th. fl.lit nf mibllcitv. If you ness should bo represented. It yon bav not slreaay- given am 10 m im-ii-.nlrltel movement inform ua and we will have our representative can upon you. -We, are for progresa. Are you? WRITES OH. BALLOT 1 VANTS DICK" SPOUSE KEEPS LATE I, SAYS WIFE Charging that be remained out 1st at night. Ella SttllwelL Wednesday filed suit for divorce against T. A. 8tillwell. They were married Septem ber 2. 1908. In Portland. The plaintin says that her husband told ber August 12. 1911, that he no longer lover bed and slapped her on the face. She says they were then living at 833 East Ash street. Portland. Mrs. Stlllwell avers that her husband began bla cruel treatment soon after they were married. She asks to be restored to her maiden name, Ella Nessly. Read the Morning Rirprlae. Judge Beatie Preside. -. The meeting of the supervisors wa called to order at 10 o'clock in tho County- Court room by Judge Beatie, William Mattoon ana ti. Blair an Kra nt th Count ourt. Judg Beatie explained that the general road fund had betn overtaxed by repeaieo oo mands from various district and that the court bad necessarily decided up on plan of retrenchment It was suggested that the. various , dtatrlcta levy special taxea for use in the dis tricts taxed. After a general discus slon the members of the court and the ..ruir. firtv of the fifty-Ova tn the county being preeent adjourned to th Commercial assemDij rwm ii.,. innehaon waa served br tb club. J. E- Hedges, president of tbo club, was toostmasier, ana lauiwu. were made by Gilbert L Hedges, T. i r.r and H J. McGugtn. Mr. Gary said that he had learned that many penons who objected to special laxeo, owned little If any real property, and thought It would be a good plan to examine the assessment rolls to so what lumi they would have to pay. ; Mr. Gary said the objectors could bo confronted with the figures, and. the Joke, at least would be on tbem. Marka Now Road Era. Mr. Hedges declared that the meet ing of the supervisors marked an era In h Mtnrv nf that building Of TOSdS In the county. He declared that tbo interchange of Ideas would result. In a better understanding and give road building an unprecedented lmpietus. "An effort should be made to bav the levlea as near the same figure each year as possible," said Mr. Mc Gugtn. "It Is discouraging to nave a small assessment one year and a large one the next II. e. Cross, Mayor-elect of Glad stone, tho first speaker after tho luncheon, declared that a roadmaster should be appointed to have general anpervlslon over tho work on all the ( roads In the county. He said the of ficial should have a thorough knowl edge of the latest and beat methods of building thoroughfares. (Continued on pB 4) i w th mnxt enthusiastic sup- rir nt r.rant l. Dlmick for Mayor at he election Monday lost his vote. The man's Identify Is not known, but he made it clear that he favored no candl-lnte for any office, but ms iqoi offering for the mayoralty, no am nn i.t. iha tlm to mark crosses aftpr the names, but simply wrote ncro". the front of the ballot, "1 vants Dlmick" "He got Dlmick all right" a'd one of the clerk, where I he ballot was cat. "tut he did n"t aid bis hero for we wer compelled to throw out the ballot ' , SUBURBANITES f.v Burmeister & Andresen . OREGON CITY JEWELER9.' , ' ( HAY GET LIBRARY BOOKS librarian of the Oregon City -library, announced Wednesday that tne new ruie iiihurlmii towns to lake out book, not only applied to West Oregon City. Mount neaaaui, ui stone, but to Canemah. Maple lne and othef towns and villages wi'hin two and one-half miles of tho court house. Miss Buchanan said that there had been an astonishing increase In applications for books and that h library kWns being extensively patro nized. Many new book, have been received and donations are being made almost dally. Are vou subairlber to the "Horn ing KnterprlwT 11 not you should call and let us pn: m on ,h" "ul ' 1 a-iaitilpo'uuii isn m.inl'.iA Holiday Millinerv Sale Our low' prices of Ladies trimmed Hats make our price less tHan half of regular Millinery Prices. See our special of Ladies' Suits and Coats at ; $14 L. Adams Oregon City's Big Department ...Store... : 't 1 ' ' it' "'if A'' '- a v