Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1911)
y, a4,t wevwevw , .,..-... jf- The tween latac In ever S5" o u HJ U A N U II N U A N U' . IL. Lr-lfk U 0 U . tarscOTSWHj e mam CeanftV. wjfla) BMSlSlSM C ' KAXI. Are yew WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 VOU II-No. 135, Pa Witt, 10 Cfeiru OREGON CITY, OREGON, 8ATUHDAY, DECKMUKK 9, 1911. RECALL HELD TO 8E OPERATIVE ATTONEYENtRAL RULES THAT AMENDMENT NOT SELF-EXECUTING. ERE UCISUIM IS KtCtSSARY . ...I,,. Oololon tuaat.U Thai Petitions In Lincoln County Not Bo F' y Cler. gAlJCM. ! Thai tbo recall iBV,t,dmrnl lo the Oregon eonatlluHon niratV. and -ttM (, u not sWeaeniOi.U Ihe Enat oplplun of Attorney o.rel Ciaeford. k.mlad down today for II II. Ho.rU. rouaty CWk. of IJooola county, who . ......... il..n .n lha nolttl baw fqurll miu - B(M uf a mui ob fool In l Ut eoun iu circulate recall petitions ..-In.! th. Fouuty Judge n1 " wf U" Ointy Corumlaoluuore. irnco b-lore Ibis point bad beos -mmhI on by lb. office of tbo Aiu.r when, su eaalaiani offered ,n oplulow thai Ibo amendment a,tfi-cuUug. Utr an opinion was doen lor tbo District Atturn.y ol (Ms district, which held that school Jtrwiuroi were not subject to tbo re call, largely along Ibo eauie Unas In eufporet-d In tbo present opinion. The opinion. of today. huwevor. la aeplu In Ho noiuro nod det lar. that ibo recall provision U not U lerutlng nod thai furtbor legislative tnsrtmmt lo required before tbo re called amndmt.ut will become effec tive. fiidT ibo opinion tbo AttorneyJn ml dlo that tbo rcall pot"m U imh IM bjr tbo County Clerk and ihlt olll bring tbo mat lor U an Uuo iBd ovontually will turnUb an oioor ' tunny for tbo Bupromo Court finally to pat on tbo point UIK SVnPF S&YS HYDE POISONED HER KANSAS CITY. .!. .. Now- tho ad of tbo Jay tbo toollmony m i trial of Dr. lL Clark Hrdo. charid f.h murdorlnf CoIimioI Tbomaa II. gwoiw. tho Into mllllonalroa nlo. MIm Marcarot Bwopo. today told tho Jury nor dramatlo aiory. Hft narratWo.waa a rolow or tho k'lig al-o of IIHooa In tho 8opo houio, Uh a-clBl omphaal laid on ki-r tratmon'. by Ir. Ilydo. Tbo atalo ronlondo thai mo puj Iclao Injoptod Into hr arm a quantity of grmt. Dr. Ilydo malntalna ho gao tbo girl nothing moro harmful '.han an injociliin of campboralod oil to llmulalo hor pttlaa. MIm 8powo toatlfiod that although ho baa baj tho rm troalod by a oral phyalclana. It ailll palni bar. Tho lnm-tlon aa gUn )--omlot SI. 1909 OTHERS TO BE HELD ON DYNAMITE CHARGE PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGA LL : S i mi. 1. THE OTLET ItJEXr CIlAUlAUQIIAiBffS WHllf Wl WAt jiiuii wimvmvci umC Tft PCC MATU f in. " I I ., S s! fpy take oo bZtjT) WILL srr RECORD X-SeCRETARY GARY DECLARES PROGRAM IS BEST EVER ARRANGED. ROSS PRAISED FOR SLUCTWJIS Chicago Oporatlc Company to Called Btat Attraction In Circuit CHhor Entrtalnor Aro Lauded. - fC:iD'-CiP5ufE A SWtgTREVVARO TOB DEAR UTTLE BOQBT COHHIIIttAHPUUUKIi TO DISCUSS ROAUS. W. BRUNTON. Snd Vie Pridnt of Amarican Mining Congraaa. CIIICAQO. I)nc. I. Raymoud Ilurna. manager of W. J. Durna' dtoctlo agf.ncT In Chicago, nalrt today that Trank Rrkboff. of Cincinnati, who wm oxpwtod to bo tho atar wltnoaa In tho MoNamara caao, would bo oitrmlr ii, .A it,. i-.iirl nrand Jury anil that hi. taatltnnnv would roal tha "hlghor upa" In tho dynamttlin CuniDlracT. A a roault of hit arrt tho apP- hxnalon of othor mn l 0IP: BiMin irkhnn1 i tno go-hntweon aitln rl -A noaaaa frOIA tbO M0 Namara and tholr omnloyara whon yon tho mall and telegraph wor eon.lderod unaafo. Burna ''ta wany facta hot bttherto mado puhlio nd othera that at no timo havo bon more than nnyorlflod rumoro. ORGANIZE CAMP TONIGHT. A ramn rl flnna nf Veterana will bo .k. Wlltamatte hall tO- HKht. by State Organlior Huntington Th.n.0 ho hao algnlflod their Inten tlnn nf hnonminc momlira are 0Hir n nmnll. S. P. Sortpturo Ctarlea llnhhla rxon Hayford. H O Paddock, rnrtia n. Mlllr. Dronton Vedder, Ooorgo W. H. Mlllr. A. B rtiirkl.. n ti nlmlnk P.. TV Rolllnaon, - v.. i.. ........ Jcuonh K..l- BV.nlr V I"WllV. A- L Wlliinma, D C. Wllllama. Ooorgo Hat ''rf, Hamuel natdorf. Kdmond DM "rf. J. , a. Tufta, T. J- Mayor. W. H Hohhlo.' William Johnatnn. Oeorgo M Clvdo k ii rvmur W. E. Griffith 0. R rir'imth rharloa A. F. Prloaler nd Conrad Prloa'.or. . . . . i.t tii... At tha meellng or tno v.apnai i.a- ay Aaorl""n ln 0,hU,d" Wed . .. . L l.lna.ln M-ktn fll tlotS t n.lay nigni mo i"'"-! . w lhe waa npiwinioo w w county court regarding the road boun darlea In Gladalono and vicinity: H K Croaa. ch.lrnl.n: Charlo. RlaW. o. E lleaihman and II. i Q. gtarkwealher. P-e.ld.-nt Kertchem, ih. iinM(ln to ordr. ex' nl.lned what had been ccompllhed , bT the aaaocla'lon. and the proapec-a building tno im.i - Newell told how roada had been built a Tillamook county a.m ...f.. -hat delegatea bo apH)lnted to repro- . ia. at I Mil ffr unt certain roromuunic. - - aaval mtTlrin encea: Mr. iro... -'----:. nermanent chairman oi mo dvlaed placing tho two ma.n r.u nmnlng north and aouth between th. riackama. river and Mllw.uklo In one road dlatrlct ii t. McOovem. oi uiaui. the realdenta or mai c - their aharo toward tho '"nrome"J of tho road Chne ru.....-. jenninaa , . ... t..vinn rountr . i.. .ii.i mull at Medford. how tho roada nan c.u. able advance in proper. 7 ' -"- --rtr of Ola.laione, oam - ?.T.r-, , I., M?n. th. Pacific H'Rhwar. w th. CP.UI lllbway. If th. .mo..- ment. w.r. mad. w t, V'--;- which th. road. won. . . ML Mr. llenmrnan. "i - SI" though th. Capital IHr ; Should ho along the j'' J th. Portland Railway. Ucbt A Tower rnrnnany from Oladamna through Mel- drum and Jennlnga IxlK: TI'IilA. Okla.. Dno. 8 flooccaafiilly maintaining hla heart action by mana "f a nulmonary pump. th. attending William Hubbard, who. In n va . v. in ha dead. ar. w inry " " - , Wntiftrin inm h. ha. to IIV.. Huhharrf .n i-nn worker. agd uffored a paralyala of hi reaplratory wan lRBt Wednoaday. HI. ca.o l Miagl, n !ho aurfoona. . DO YOU KNOW that tho Knterprla. 'arena Bargain Pariod la now on I aj on book paf tor particular!. Jut ,'". 'J w' ' WEST UUID RESERVE PLAN HERE TO SEE KOTHER COUilTY USD. ID BUY FAIR GHOlii T. J. Gary, ei-oecretary pf tho Will amette Valley LUauiauqua aaia r ri day that tb. program arranged by H. E. Croaa, recently elected eecreiary, for tho meeting next year waa tho fineat In tho hUtory of tho aaaembly. Mr. Oary realgned th. office, tearing that tbo work might interfere wun hla dutlea aa county achool aupeiin tendent. Ho la an expert In cbautau que work. Mr. Gary aald the next Chautauqua ahould be tb. moat auc ceaaful ever beld at Gladaton. Park. There la no better attraction In the chautauqua circuit than tho ChW caeo ODeratlc Company, wblch baa been engaged," aald Mr. Gary- Among th. artlaU will be John B. Miller. aolUL of tb. Thomas orcne. tra; Arthur Miller, Apollo Muaical So ciety: Tftoa. Nutlger Gannon, Apollo Muaical Society; Leonora Allen, tt- prano, and Edgar Nelson, pianist and pipe organlat Another attracUon will be Byron a Troubadour., a well known 8panlab and Mexlca attraction. The tronpe and Mexican troupe. Tbo troupe have world-wld. reputations. The Cambridge players, another attraction. have won fam. throughout tn. united States. They give selections from "As You IJke-It." "King Henry Fifth." Taming of tho Shrew," and aeveral Shakespearean plays. There ar. sev en members. n S. Piatt Jones, who will have charge of the platform work, waa praised by Mr. Gary. Among the speakers select ed are Dr. William 8 pur goon, tho fa mous London clergyman; Bon. Frank P. Sadler, municipal Judge of Cblca go: Lou J. Beauchamp, the famous hu morist; Clinton T. Howard, temper ance orator; Fred Emerson Brooks, Western poet; Dr. Len O. Brough'on noted Georgia preacher, and probably John Mitchell, labor leader. A special children's attraction will be McCormlck and Bronte. Bronte is a dog that la more than trained, and appears to be educated. Mrs. Hoehn Brltton. received- In formation Friday morning of tbo death of her daughter Mrs. Howard Ewlng, former! Mlaa Dora Sumner, of this city. Mrs. Ewlng recently arrived In Seattle from Alaska, and was In her way to Oregon City where she was to visit relatives, when she waa sine n. Mrs. Thomas Trembath and Mar tin Hntnnar of this city, sister and brother of tho deceased, left Friday avenlnc for Seattle. Mrs. Brltton, be ing unabl. to go on account of 111 ness. Tb. body will bo taken to Cali fornia for buiiaL Mrs. Ewlng was- born In Indiana, N-oTember . U78 and lived in tnis city for som. time, bsvlng come her. wlih her mother. 8h. was mamea iw (inward Ewlng about eignt years ago. Mra Ewlnr is survived by her nus- hand who Is In Alaska. Her momer, sisters. Mrs. Thomas Trembath and Ml;s Edna Sumner, of Portland, and one brother, Martin Sumner, of Oregon City. V 5 ERNEST VALKER IS ; NAMED ARTISAN HEAD The ArtlKane bay. elected officers to serve for the ensalng year as fol lows: Master Artisan, Ernest Wal ker; superintendent. Dr. L. i Pick ens; Inspector, Mrs. Mary Harvey; secretary. J"rs. E. H. Cooper; treas urer. J. A. Tufts; senior conductor. ui.. MaudA iJchtbody: master or ceremonies, Mrs. F. F. Linn; Junior couductor. Miss Annie Oardner; mu sician, Oscar Woodfln. nun candidate waa Initiated at th. meeting and our applications for mpm bershlo were received. There ar about 40 members of th. society. Th. Milwaukl. lodge will com. here next Thursday evening when a spec ial program will be rendered. Road Supervisor Harrington was m- stmcted to make arrangemc.... SK a .P.o.a, election to vo on road asuessmenis in SCHOOL DIRECT TO MEET T AXPAYERS 5 BOARD SAYS MINE WRECKED MAINE WASHINGTON. D, 8. (Special.) ....1 side explosion meaning min hlew up tbo battle- apan'" .hln Maine In Havana harbor, accord ... ... . reoort by the Vree- Innd board of Inquiry Into the dlsaTter L'f..v announced this afternoon. Following ,h. Issuance of tb. Vr.e- land report, Hecirtarj vi i... thia afternoon Issued an "V-V:. :.r,-mnt declaring that tb. , explosion under th. battleship Malne-i bow flr.d a quantity of black T! in the lnch reserv. maga- P" ' , . in tha forward ma- lrvnionitiiia " , WASHINGTON. Dec 8. Governor West todsy urged Forester Graves to dopt his plan of consolidating Oregon school lands In th. forest reserves, so as to give th. stst. a compact body of about 75,000 acres for us. aa a state forest reserve. The forester Is Inclined to favor me plan, but be wants an cuuB . . . . 1 m inata1 nf arr- on a anrinaasw a The forestry service will mane further examination or tne auuauuu .1.. ..rvM and make a report rr.1.- nu.,iiir la hODeful that tb. J- slred consolidation will bo sanctioned. West also took up wun mo o'"- tarv or tne interior m it-i..- Justing conflicting Federal and tat. .i.ima for acreage under th. swamp t.Am ! He SUggesteu me DIMICK AND JAGGAR TO nUHMKR SOCIETY 'S i.r. .nnolnt a SDOclal agent to consult llvered by former County Judge LI01 w.7h .Jolnfd by the J R. Webster, of Multnomah and th rt.tL with a ylow to adjusting their sponse by the president of th. asso' State, wun a yiw 10 . . AC, , th- n w WnniimtL Tn resulting In th. dea- jjl rectors meeting tha courthouse make a repori oi of Oregon of tH this Tb. School City a taxpayers at evening w.U maa- and dltures during mo -;;' xhe p.ndlt.W tb. Jja.mnn payer, that no Increase bo made. r ' VOUNG COUPLE WED. JohnVr;w..tOf th-. ?ty. and Ml. Cora M. v'1h,l,n'y' j r. Wer. married Fr MT Undsborough at th. jr lhli mans.. Th. coupl. will "v in , city.' - Coupl. Oranfd A marrlnge license waa laau..I rri dsj M Virginia Henderson and V.r mm C. Ollddan. tv vntT KNOW that tb. Knterpr.wH nargaln Torlod I. now on? year-end ""' ,nr nsrtlculari. Be. ad r baca p-a- lna .a.m. followed truct on or tne A model of th. Maine, ten feet long, made of tin and bent In the .hap. 1 of wreck was brought here by tn. K.rri Tt showed minute de taila of the bavoc wrought by th. nloslon. It shows that a great secuon !. .k. J.i.'i keel was blown np- ward above th. main deck. Indicating the tremendous force of tb. explosion. Th. board submitted to Secretary M Jyer . detailed r-port of It. Investl whtrh he sent to Congress. The flndlnw substantiate tb. conclu Mons reached by th. Sampson board. C K. BILL ENTERTAINS. , Grand Army Msn Receives Friend, m Now Homo, n K Illll entertained a number of Mends and relatives Thursday at bis new bom. In Gladstone In honor of ?r Mr. w. C. Brown and nis aaur." . n f Ma grandson, in"""' ' . Sheridan. Th. day was sp.nt moat enjoyably. At 1 oci. - - dinner was served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. J Cunnlnghsm. of 9" Cr"' C'V "S daughter. Mis. Grar. Co.t.lloJ Mr. and Mrs H R. Prown and children, or SadMnna: Mrs. T. F. P-rown of Park, place: Mr and Mra. C. O. Brojrn. of Parkplac, , rlirforences. and"lt Is probable this will be don.. , Tbls Oqv.rnor, wno remamea after the departure of the Governors' train, will leave this afternoon and overtake the party en route. The Governor. Senntors wunie a..- ChamberlRin, Renresentauve lneru and J N. Teal today had a conference with Secretary Fisher and Reclama tlon Director Newell regarding the West Vmatlll project, without defW nlte results, . .Secretary Fisher and Director Ne well expressed favorable Interest in the nrotect. hut could not say It wonlo be undertaken before tb. completion of reclamation service reports on th. sdequacy of th. water supply, for .11k.. .ntire or specific units. Tbeae reports. Newell said, would b. redy bT December 15 or January 1. nt water rights of nreent water-users neioro a""" in an he reached as to the suffi ciency of water supply for ht. Gov ernment . , Protests against adoption of the pro ject mad. by advocates of tho John Dy project will hav. little or no bear Ing noon the decision regarding West Umatilla. STORES OPEN NEXT WEEK 111 EVDilNCS The program. of th. convention of county Judges and commissioners to be beld In the convention ball of the PortlfMid Commercial Club next Tues day. Wednesday and Thursday has been announced. Two Clackamaa county men Grant B. Dimlck and Frank Jaggar will make addreases. County Judge Beat I e waa to bav. mad. a speech, but he wtll be unabl. to attend the convention owing to a press of probate business.' The address of welcome la to b. de livered by former County Judge Lionel re- aasocls- tlort. Judge G. W. Wonacott Tues day afternoon wtll be devoted to pro posed good roads legislation wltn ad dresses from W. a Bristol, J. If. Al bert. Salem: Georg. F. Rodgers, Sa lem, concluding with a discussion of the convict labor bills by James B. Cole. The addresses for Wednesday morn ng will bo on "Probate Law and Pro cedure," by J. R. Nelir T. J. Cleeton nd others. For Wednesday after noon, addresses on in. -juvenue Court'" by Judge Victor P. Mopes, Benton county; Edward C. Judd, Clat- any county; to be followed by general discussion. 'Duties and responsibilities of coua ty commissioners" will b. discussed at the Wednesday afternoon session by Hugh M. Price, of Lane county; I Horace Walker, of Umatilla; George B. Saunders of Baker, and W. L. Llgbt ner of Multnomah. , "Taxation, Coun ty and Stat.," will he discussed by Judge Dimlck, and others. Practical road building and car. of Indigents will be the subject of tho Thursday session. Th. speakeu will b. Judge G. D. Culberson of Hood River; H R. Chapman, of Multnomah; Mr. Jaggar: W. P. Alley, of Tilla mook William Rlddell, of Polk; C. A. Oallovray, of Union, and H. S- Wood- 1 cock, of Josephine. I Friday there will be an automublle trln to Multnomah Institutions, the visitors going as guests or Multno mah county. The philharmonic Society. hrougb Its officers, has obtained me hall of th. Masonic building ror ua weekly rehesrsala througnoul m. sea son of 1911-12. beginning next Mon day evening. In future th. renearsais 01 mo a clety will be iieid on the first and thir.l Tnosdsvs. and the second and fourth Mondays of each month. This la made rceeJa-ry because th. piano la leqnlred b- the Eastern Star on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Sine. t.ibIt ieht a number 01 appnca Hons for membership, have been re ceived, and It Is confidently expected th.t hrforo tha books close, December 19. the society will have at least 150 voices. The Philharmonic Orcheatra met for Ita weekly practice ln th. ladles' n.rim- of the Commercial Club Fri day night Th. nights work consist ed or tne reer uym "T.nva Tales of Hoffman." Offenbach; and the PROPERTY OFFERED BY CIATION FOB M.000. AMOUNT , OF DEBT. ' rans ran' 'of wo Court Take. Proposition Undor ? Ad visement Argument RoaaroV Ing Franchise For Track la Hoard. That th. county pay tbo indobtaaV ness of the Clackamas County Ftr Association and tak. of tbo property at Can by was a pro position mad bT officers of th. association to thw Co -ty Court at a meeting Friday. It wag. also suggested that th. county coU appoint a superintendent to hve ebarge of fairs In future or the pre ni management could bo retained. Tb Indebtedness .Is almost H,. and th. land and fair buildings ar valued at about 812JDOO. It waa ex plained that it would be tmpoaalbl for the county to lose, ana me fer would relieve tn. associauon wi big burden. The matter was lason under advisement '.': --" Among those 1b attendance were) James W. Smith, president; O. D. aTby. treasurer; O. E. FreyUg. vvco-prwaa-denf M. J. Laxelle, secretary , and John R- Cole, R. S. Coe. W. W. Btot- hart.' M. J. Lee. W. H. Bair. ueoraw DeBok. T. U Turner, A. J. Lwts, W., W. Jesse. Henry Melvln, Hans raav son, H. M. Robblns and Mlaa m Robblns. Letters urging tho transfer of th. property to tb. county wor. re ceived from L. L. Walker, th. Canby banker; O. D. Robblns and John F. RjB,er- ' . v Officers of the association aald that ln case th. grounds were ever aband oned for fair purposes they would b. nsed for a poor farm. Tbo proceeds from the various exhibitions bar. been sufficient to pay the Interest on the debt and other expense. The court beard argument on th. franchise of the Portland Railway. Urht A Power Company for a spnr track at Eleventh street and Milwaa- kle Heights. A decision win 00 .red next Thursday. it waa decided 10 hear strances against the vacation of cer tain street In 8onth Oswego at tha January term of court 1 4 in . ;f. 1 A a tt A ""J ':;! -.TV ''' :M, T; F. 01IEIL GETS . EIRST Mill AYO T. F. 0NH. who has been an em ploy, of thd Willamette Pulp Paper Company several years, waa the re cipient of a $5 gold piece Friday troja th rnmnanv. WblCD. Will DIM ewarwa each month to employes - giving" tne best suggestion for Increaatni; tne ouv mit of the mllL Tbo next award wtll be on January 8. mo uaw" must be written and sealed. They are placed In a box. and examined at the . .-! month hv the officers. Funeral March of a Mario- h several good suggesUoas nette" by Gounod. , Aner me rru made by the empioyes, ano many miw lar rehearsal tne uance oecnuu i" " are expected In Decern oer, aa ,ne Uced da.c music, in. msiruim-u.. players of the city have aeiennin.. tnat there shsll no longer be any for hiring bands or dance or chestra from out ol town; and to that end laey hav. regularly organls a onulniied themselves with tb. very la'est mufle. and under rroieseur d- . . - vita ger ar. prepared iu .n ittnrlnf srareKaiion mai be Imported. They hav. already ob- i.lnl a contract for supplying m leading local dance organlzatlona dur ing the coming winter. . HEMIC ELECTED MAYOR OF SANDY sre Uklng Interest rn the competltloa. Mr. O'Nell was tne winner 01 me prlj. offered by the company. ? H T. SHIPLEY AIDS William Andresen, chairman of tbo committee appointed by the mer chants, to set a time for the closing of the retail stores at night announc ed Frldnv evening that beginning Monday, "the retail stores would be open l.i lbs evenings until Chr!stia, In order to glv. persons who work during lb day opportunity to do their Ch 'atrnas shopping. T com ml fee which is composed of Mr. Andresen, Krsnk rtusch and L. Adams, met Fri day even-ns. Before th appointment if -I committee two years ago, many nf tha stores were open In th. nliigs y, yar. 1 r.h.rt.e H0ar( without Quorum. Owing to lack of a quorum th. meet. Ing of the Charter Board called for Ust night waa not iwia. JOSSELYN AND PARTY INSPECT B S J jsselyn. president o the Port, land Railway. Light ft lower com i.nv. ami other offlclaU Of the com ... 1 - i nniiv came to Oregon viur rnuaj i the pre.Mdents private ana in spected the company s nowmva. mo party sIko Inspected the power houses a- rnfudero and the tun near Esta- cadn v Mr. Jesselyn did not comment nnon his trln. but It Is known that he Is pleased with the results that are helng obtained In this county. Just hefore returning to Portland the party visited the electric plant on the West 8lde. . . . . i 1 H. T. Shipley, on. 01 tne prommaai residents of Willamette, surprised the nnnlls and teachere or tno nrst woo u-nnd rrades of th. Willamette school Friday afternoon when he pre sented the school twelve noons, mr. Shipley showed excellent Judgment In the selections of tho books, and his gift was not only appreciated by th. nnnlls but by tne t.acners aa wbil irn. (hna vaara Mr. Shipley wa. tha rnt reeular city election in . m.mlwr. nf tbo Board of Sandy municipal officers wer. elected Educflt,on of Willamette and during , .as follows: vi.vnr Paul R. Meinig; recorjBr. v 1 . .IT YJoll. v.iot nrav; marsnai. n. vt. ...r A. O. Melnlg; councllmen, 1 1 - . 11 wet irHarard Iliirns. George won, n. Hoffman. Casper Junker, Henry re- t nun Mniniiz.. . , .. ... Mfi.ihre electors voteu, auu m election was a quiet one. Two F ntd For unnaing. John Break ford, charged wi.n in- tni.atlon. forfeited his ban 01 so. John Hendrlckson and John Sllvo, ar- .tl on charges or mioxicauu.i. were fined $5 each which tbey paid ENTERTAIN3 LITTLE FRIEND8. Ruth Spaglo Has Delightful Blrthdsy Party. k nlaaaant aurnrlso Darty was given Thursday afternoon at me nome Mr .iM Mrs. J. C. iiDBgle in nou-r thlr dauahter. Ruth's sixth birthday .nnlTPrsarv. Twelve n:uo mm r-l.nrfa nf Bllth. enloved me inrrnimu in D.m. after wlrtcn a neiicKiua u "-J". . . . ktrfkii.. .llnnar waa served ny mra. UN lll'.-j ... . T7-.I Spagle. who was assisisu or mvm. w .rit Van Wnv. Those attending, were Aims van- . . 1 1 .1 n . Dna w r.lartva Moore, muuru pHith Pna rethel and Edna Jotie, win A. Timn Parollno Forward, Oretch- en Harky. Camilla Spagle, Hum op- gle and Emily Bernard. tr mn era not reading the Morning iPnternrlse. why notT Year-ena uar- galn Period Is now on. see no. 00 back page , ....... ' bis tlmo In office and since that time he has always taken an active inter est In the school. BANKER HUMPHRYS, HURT ClTniilG WOOD John R. Humphry, waa seriously In jured at bis home, Tweuin aim "-. Ington streets. Thursday night when he almost severed the forefinger OC his left hand. He was spiuung wm. e bone was cut entirety mroug.-. Dr H S- Mount was sumraonaw. w It is thought that the digit will be saved. The Injury Is very trtdnfol and Mr. Humpnrys win noi o to resume his position In the Oregon City bank or several daya. CON SU MPTIVES TO BEIDttV R.d Cross Seals Will Be Beld Fer Thalr Haaf1t. Red Cross seals have been pkaoed In several or tne stores ior w. the Woman's Club' the proceeds to fo toward the caring of - tuoerosswio patlenta. The patients whi .om for at the state Instltntlen n tnlCT Thos. who are onable a SaWStte t er medteal trentmaent tcr.m 7 Mra. andt Off XJrr-4 LT- ! iwtft3i,niB v-:r; "'i-j it 74 i X V5 . 1 f v ? "I,