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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1911)
U0RN1N0 BNTKKPKIBK. KIUDAY. UKCKMBKR 8. 1911.- ( - i Of 'i hokxs ErrmiFsisE CagQCJ CTTT, OREOOH K. K. BROOIC Editor end Pv.j.,r. IWT t, im, a Qk t ta ram sr avcurmn. v Taar. lie 11 M la atnaiaa. fey Pour Month, hr 1M IN J CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES rS Paav. M aa. Meat Pag. Pe Bc eaa4 riVMiN soaitaaa ear IBret aieartlna.... Piiiih aoaiitna) Imi. aes. aa nl a mt4 rtra Baacuaa. aaa? aaat 4MB (MUhMl lUMaa far Va WhU Btotarpriaa arm a aWilr. far ftvtliiu lata Bar tfc waaknr. rre Ibe aavart ta trwaaa'rrraa' rraaa Uw dally e Mm a na k;. antixwt raiaar. ta rata wis a Ba a huh far ta at t Bar. aad Ia am aaaa tnr as rial eoattam. Cua umM anaaaiar tarty la Mkatov to) tka Banana see. Lal advarttaaac ( Ttrroa ea'vefttelaa' IM aa i c'aj rvertUa at la tu tae u took. .- ta apaclai aaaadlUowa go arahaa "Fire SaJ- J Bankrupt kW Unr. laaiaaata tt mcfc flrat Inaartt ; a1--MMaJ htaarthHaa kum aaltar SB tank. Nm Iteoaa aad well an-TOea aroataa af aaartt. with aitaraat ana h Bledly accept. Rcta4 a ay atfcain ta prepay imi CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. THE MOKNINa ENTERPRISE liOa Ml at Ibe foUowtsg store 4) every day: Huntley Bro.--Dnig Main BtreeC . J. W. MeAauity Clfmn 8alh u4 - Mai. K. B. Aadaraonv- Mala Br Etna, at. E. Daaa ConTacUoaarv V , Neit door to P. a ' City Drag Stor Elactiie HoteL ' ScaoaaborBj Conf actios ary . 4 ' ' SttasU and .1. a Adaia.j ' Dec 8 In American History. lM&-Joet Chandler Ilarrla. JoarnaUat aad aotbor of tba "Cacl Bcmoa" torlca. bora: died 1008. IS02 Thr Gnnaa and Brlrlsa tea tinna at Cararaa ekiaed and tnr ea roja to VroczoeU kft tba capital Aa Inrtdrat uf th forplm claim dlapata aMtb tbr aotorkxu Caatro. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Front aooa today to aooa umboitow.i Baa acta 420. rlaaa 7306: moon rlaaa p. ax: plaaet alamry arra after avaset: 2 a. ax. moon ta conjnnctlop vita NeptOD. paaalns from wtat to aat of tb plaocC PRIVILEGE, THERE AND HERE. Th larg landholder of Great Brltaia ar Belling their Taat estates. Within the few monthi alnc It waa definitely known that th LJoyd George budget mad a new' law of taxation, under which ' land rahie would b taxed. progreealYely, to a ' point where It would becom ODproflt able to hold larg acreage, th ' great landowner ar break tag ap estates which ha remained unchanged, aare in th way of In creasing acreage, for generations. Some of their lands they are reUln- lag, to be tilled by their tenant, and out of the productiveness of wnich ! they are able to calculate the receipt of revenue for torn year to come. But the con nt less thousand of acre of Idle lands, in field or forest, with held from agriculture for the sport , or the pleasure of their owners, un der laws which left them free from taxation, are being everywhere sold. This la not strange, from th eco nomic point of view. It la what could have been foreseen, from that point of view, and what was actually fore seen by LJoyd-George when. In apeak- , Baa as, r i sagr IMM MwtkM Rant Miw airv tkM IM -, hea Oral Birttia . is Bow nir ethar -ha first aaa-a. per teak aad minim ......B I, aoala lo war Mm; Be aat nana Vo B. Wu(i Per BaJe. T lk aaaae aa aa IM aiSar ahaia taaaaiaa atTlaa af iaal a4'i iriaaan the mmi. i III t " HHIIimMIHIMHMHMIIUMIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIlT I The Individual Soul No i More Immortal Than the Individual Body Br MAX VXRWORN. Professor of Physiology In th Unl- ' . . versify of 0B-THE SCIENTIFIC CONSIDERATION OF LIFE AND DEATH l LEADS NOT TO RENUNCIATION AND PESSIMISM, BUT TO V ACTION AND THE JOY OF At all time and in all hand. Wtat, then, is immortal I there is only a continuity of living subetance. I'ut this also has a be ginning and an end. J nut as living substance was once able to apr ' on the earth and indeed was forced to appear when all its conditions came together, so also it must pass away from the earth as soon as its conditions cease, and wherever and whenever, upon tnv heavenly ' bod in the universe, the conditions for the origin appear anew there living substance is formed out of lifeless substances, and wherever and whenever the conditions of life cease there also living mhetsnc returns to lifeless forma. .t ! The phenomenon of human consciousness ceases with the life of the cerebral cells, but the life of these cells is extraordinarilj fraiL Even the stoppage of the blood for a few seconds seems completely to inhibit consciousness. These acts have been experimentally con firmed upon men. HENCE OUR INDIVIDUAL SOUL IS NO MORE IMMORTAL THAN CUR INDIVIDUAL BODY. tag ta tup port of ta kadjvt, aaJJ that ltala a aalf 4oemm 7r aa it IU oparaltoo, pratttcaJly all of tha Ul aa4 aaprodnctlra land ta Croat Britain woult b aadar cahtra (Kmv. Bat It aivat luprraa Anortcaaa paaang atraava that tholr ford satpt, aad tha Ua)4 frravry. ar lac aa (h fli at trkta ar boat. Thy nad a Utaauo rnttU for their M priih. Tay fought au perbly. bacaaaa ao U'rl. Gam to th cor, aa4 aa tW aa tarn. It rma nr to hav occurred to them that It would b bl ajooey la their pockeU to rai i great corrupt koo "ind anfl go orer to th KoitM' of Commoaa and unlcruilu th mtala try. They fought ta th opan, aalag very legltlmat treapoa. desperately, and at taat with their backa to th walL When orerm helmed, they ac re pt4 th reeulta of th war aad ba gaa aeUtag oat their eaUt. ThU wa admlrabl. It waa th rleaa grit which toe 4owa without whtolag. It waa th aalf-reapwcting prld of h Brttlaher uot only la hlmaelf bat la hlBountry. aad ta th aovarelKaty of tU twer. But It waa not aucb poUUcal warfare aa Americana of thla geaeratkm hat been . taught to be tter th hoMera' of prlrtleir make when defeated. Vhea our holder of great pi-Wl-lege a; beateo, after flghUng to th Mat ditch. atth polla and la ourL rrpreaenUUT legtalaMr bod lea. th hrst, thin? they do la aead for th .lr rra Th-" r aanally hrnirej bidWldua's Jralned for finding, in any law objected to by taeir cuent,tecu aicaliUet which will eKher defeat JU enforcement, or postpone It bo long anything may happen la the meantime. The eminent eounael may discover that aomewher In th meas ure aa I has not been dotted or a has not been crossed. Anything whlcfc will get the case Into th courts will aerr th purpose of delay. Our pro lletred tlaaaea ar hard toeer- Thvre ta nothing of th sportsman la them. Th contrast la so striking that. In Its Ught. we begin to see why It ta the Englishman sticks to hia lords as he doe. Clean fighting and hard hitting and a good surrender when inevitable command the respect of mankind ev erywher. and It la aay to understand why My Lord still flourished In a country consecrated to human liberty, whea aad where, by playing the cad. he would long ago have been wiped off the land. HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS . TO CLASHON GRIDIRON The Sophomore and Freshmen and Junior and Senior football teama of the High School will play tomorrow afternoon at Caaemah Park. The line up will be as follows: Soph. Fresh. Senior Junior. Morris, John Fredericks B. C L Dungey O. Morris, Graves R. T. La Kelley riaaegaja B, a U Gault afatbeson J. Beatl Harris L O. H. Betsel. Green Bosch. Grave ' U T. R. Seeley, Grimm L, E. R. Wilson (CapL) Caufield Or Croaa Dam bach R. H. L. C. Beatl Rotter I H. R. Quinn MIchels (CapL) Th boys have been practicing hard the last week for tha rime. Keen rivalry exists between the two teama and an exciting contest Is expected. The gam o'clock. will be called at 1:45 SCHOOL EXPDiStS HELD WITHIN LEVY (Continued from page 1.) of disbursement over and above the amount represented In the Income from the county and state acnool funds and tuition will Just about equal the revenue from a special levy on th valuation of the school district. which Is a little more than $2,150,000. Bonn DOING. placet life and death go band in LIFE SURELYi. NOT. .At mont Miin Door of the Strongest Bank Vault Ever Constructed ' . " - .. .--, .T i . - Jy' ' 'llvvf HlrM -i . i ,' . j j , - eri , n, "raa .... -:. v . - . '. -: - , xv ' . -v vv v . J . i ' ' i ai ' i ' i . T iik: vault which will hold tSTHaxartneB and mooeys of on vf lue great trust eompaaiea ta .Naw fork cwnatructioa ta th atroogaat faa TKa llluatratloa a now Thla door weigh thlrty-aiD ton aad ta thirty -lx Inch thick, exclusive of tb bolt frame, which ta ala tacbea alga. Th euterceocy door aad frame weigh forty-one aad a half Una. Aa Idea of their else may be galaed by cvo partBoa with th maa standing ta front of them. Th building la ft0 feet bucb and baa forty stories, four af which are below th street lev at It la the falgb at bank building ta tb world. On tb ait of lb building ta Revolutionary day stood tb John Simmons tavern, at which th banquet la relebraOoi. vf th evacuation of New Tork by the British waa held aad ta which Jautaa Dnaa waa laauguratad aa th first America, major of New TerL Wants, For Sale, Etc WANTED. WANTED Tourists and local people to ae my collection of arrow-haaos coins, Indian trmkeu. i!d aumi and curios of u sorts Will bu or sail In this tiua. Hate aura good bargains la . second-hand forullur and tool. 0org Young. Haiti w near Fifth. MAN AND WIFE want housekeeping rooms for a year. Phone Main 2 GUI. WANTED Girl to work for room and board, while attending school. In quire 1101 Jackson street, Oregon City. ' OR BALC AlltbM'bBlLfi Yt)K jSALE live passenger auto. Urea nearly new, newly painted, first-class shape. A bargain, or will trad If unincum bered real estate. Q. care Enter prise. FOR SALE The famous New Oregon and Clarke seedlings strawberry plant. Price very reasonable. 8. O. Dlllman. 611 High street, Ore gon City. FOR SALE by C. H. Llvesay, carload of Trojan powder, Juat received. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dtmlck Lawyers. Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEY. Dlmiok, O. D. BTBT, Attorey-t-Lw. Money lewaed. abstract fiiralaaed. Ua title xsmrad, eetatt Battled, ew aral law boat nee Ova Baak a4 Oregon City. IJ'rVn A BCHTTEBW Attorneys I .aw, Deotacher Adrokat, will Brae Mc In all eourta, make o4lotloaa prta Bldg.. Oresoa City. Or BUILDER AND COTatCTO. HARKT JONB8 Bnflder and Oeneral Contractor. Fsflmarae eaeerfullj given o - all classes of bulldtn work, concrete warts an rinfnre maeret. Re. Pboa Mala IP INSURANCE. H. H. COOF1CR. Foe rir famranar and R Katat. Lt a baa die your propertl w buy, an and vcbsn. Office la Vaiarariae RMs;., Oregon City. Oregon CLEANING AND PRESSNO. CHICAGO TAILOR8 suit mt'lt to order from $10 and up. We slso do cleaning, pressing aad repairing, Tbre doors south of postoffc. "musicians." . ALBA BAGER, teacfter of wlod and string Instruments, director of band and orcheetra. WL1 furnish mtnl for any occasion. Call at Eleirt. HoteL NOTICES. Summons For Publication. - la th Circuit Court of tb State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Thomas B. O'Reilly, Plaintiff Will ha haaariad at aae aaat a war, fire pjaarttaw. bait a aaat a44IOaaal Bar Ooea. Owe kaah ear. II ear aMerth kaJ hoa ear. It aavaej at Bar aauai, Caeh aaael aaoaaijaar eraer aa an has aa aaaw aauimi t aHtai taw aac. Ma faiaaraal raasaaalhlrHr far arrars; whata am aaaar fraa outlaws aetaaa wUl fe aasatai far aaaram. athalaiuaa akara tta la the bank s new building now under ever built It will accommodate IHO a the mala door of the vault closed. To Mary O'Reilly, ribov named de fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON. yo are hereby requir ed' to appear and answer th com plaint filed against you In th above entitled Court aad cause, on or be fore th Cth day of January. 1912. and If you fall so to appear or an swer, tb plaintiff win apply to tb Court for th relief prayed for In th complaint, which ta. that tb marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolv ed, and for such other and further relief aa to the court may seem Just aad eqnltable. Thla summons ta served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. J. V. Campbell. Judge of the abov entitled Court, which order la dated the 2?nd day' of November, ltll. The data of tb first publication of thla aummons la November 24. 1111. and the last date of publication la Janlary I, 112. TH08. D. REED. Attorney for Plaintiff. OREGON CITT, Or, December 2. lilt. To the Stockholders of the Clack amas Southern Railway Company: You and each of yon are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of th Clackamas Southern Railway Company will be held In tb office of the Secre tary, In Oregon City, Or., on the vtb day of December. A. D. 1911. at th hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at which meeting a Hoard of Directors will be elected for the ensuing year and other Important bualness will come before the meet ing. GEO. A. HARDING. President. O. R DIMICK. Secretary. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS. iNotlce la hereby given that the Coun ty Superintendent of Clackamas County will hold the regular exam ination for applicants for state snd county papers at Willamette Hall, Oregon City, as follows: For state papers commencing Wednesday, December 20, at o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, December 22, at 4 p. m. Wedneaday Forenoon Writing, United States History, physiology. ' Wednesday Afternoon Physical Geography, Reading, Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods In Arithmetic, Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, Civil Government, History of Edu cation. Psychology, Methods In Geography. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics, Methods In Language. Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, English Lit erature. " Friday Afternoon School Law, Botany, Algebra. Saturday Forenoon Geometry. Geology, Saturday Afternoon General His-1 tory, Bookkeeping. Yours truly, T. 3. GART, ; County School Superintendent. CITY NOTICES. Ordinance No. . An Otdlnsnce authorizing the Issu ance of Improvement bonds In pur suance of an act of the legislature of the state of, Oregon, known is "The Bonding Act" as the same has been amended. Orsgon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. That In pursuance of applications of owners of property to pay certain assessments for th ' Improvement of street and the construction of sewers In Oregon City, Oregon, aa provided by an th stale of Oregon, nllid, "At act to provide for th Isauane of bond for t Improvement of street and the construction of ' sewer la Incorporated cltlea and for th paying of th coal of such Improvement and laying of sewer by installments:" aa amended by aa act of th laalstatur of th slat ot Oresoa. approved February 2. lPOt etilliled. "An act lo amend aee tlona 1. I. 2. 4. t, and T. of aa a-t entitled. "An act to provld for the laauanc of bonds for th Im provement of atreets and th lay ing of seware In Incorporated cities and I he payment or lb coats of uch Improvement by Installments, filed In th offli of lb Secretary of Stat, iwbruarr 22, ll3" ap proved. February J. ll. and sub sequent amendatory act thereto passed by th leclalatlv Aaaembly of th slat of Oregon; th Msynr and Recorder are hereby authorised and directed to etecut Imnnvemrnt bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, and deliver lb.' same to the Treasurer of Oregon' city, who shall retain aald bonds until ordered by the Plnane Committee of tb City Council of Oregon City to deliver aald bonds to I he successful pur chaser thereof, who shall pay to aald Treasurer the amount bid for tb said bonds. Said bond ar laaued for the pay ment of a portion of th coat of th Improvement of streets and th laying of sewer and th amount shall not exceed tb sum of f !9.SoO In th aggregate. Th denomination of th said bonds shall be aa follows: 5 bond for 1500 each. Said bonds ar to be dated tha first day of fWember. Ill I, and shall mgtur la ten year from tb date Ihsraof. and hm payable la aU coin of the t'nlted State of Ameri ca, aad bear Interest at th rat of sit per centum per annum. Inter est payable serai annually, aald Inter eat to be evidenced by coupons at tached to aald bonds, provided, how ever, the right to take up or can cel said bonds upon the payment of the face thereof with atl accrued Interest to the date of payment of any semi annual Interest paying per iod, st or after one year from the date of aald bond. Is beraby reserv ed to Oregon City. Section Th Treasurer of Ore." goh City Is hereby directed to credit anon receiving the purchase price of eald bonds. S face value there of and accrued Interest to the said Improvement and Sewer Funds, and all premiums to the general fund of Oregon City. Sec. 1 Whereas the City Coun cil of Oregon City baa heretofore found that th condition of these streets and sewer Is and waa dang erous to the health aad aafety of th people of Oregon City, and hav let contracts for th Immedlat Im provement of the streets aad ron Btrurtloa of th sewer, aad where as tb said atreets and sewer ar till in such condition so as to be dangeroua to the health and safety of the public, and that It la aere aary to provide funda for tb con tinuance of the Improvement there of, and that aald continuance la nee eesary for the Immediate preserva tion of the health and eafe'y of the public, la the Judgment of th City Council of Oregon City an emerg ency exists; therefore Ibis ordin ance shall take effect and be In force Immediately upon Ita appro val by the Mayor. Read firs time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of .the City Council held on the (th day of December, lilt, and to come up for second reading and final pas sag at a sperlsl meeting of the r Electric Arc Popular They still possess that element of novelty dear to the American heart and thai solre the problem of giving Christmas gifts that are 'dif ferent." Imagine how pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cop or elect rc cigar lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand kerchiefs, "as usual" A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for Madame s five o'clock teas, a chafing dsh for the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, a flat iron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. It should not b forgott.n that th slctrle Christmas gifts ar all , V USEFUL Q'fta. Each of th... dvles Is dlgnd to do some en thing bttr than It can be don any other wsy, whether It Is to pereolet eofUa, to.rt bread or furnlh th powr for running a sawing msohlns. Th I In, ef electric Chrletmss gifts Js s somplt that In It will b found a suitable gift for ovary member of th family. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. t MAIN OrPICC 7fh and Alder Streets AN INVITATION With 4mpi on., Mur.i mA n.aiil., Am ml ,A fHi'C""Mi m"m w a- - w..w ,w . - n.irm nnentl aarvV w ar In eealtlo business snd ldlyldul thshaai thtr Is la Bsnklna. Yur (ntrts Drill sr " and w cordially lovit yu I f t th f. Ileal pibl stnL The Bank of OLDEST BANK ii i.ATxitiHhirra pvMt r j mutbliw THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK j of OREGON CITY, OREGON , j CAPITAL, Irwnaaet Waaral San ate Bwaieeaa V miaiiiaoaiananani m " unnnai" City Council to be bld st th Ctma rll Chamber of Oresoa CUT, Or ... on IWetuber It. 1111. at o'clock p m lly order of th Council L. BTIPP. Recorder. Nolle of Hearing of Watsr Strl Aaaaeemsnt. Nolle I hereby give that th ap Mrthnment of tb coal of the Im provement of Water street, Oregon cry, .or. from the north old of Hltth street to the south lde of Heveiith street, has been aarertaln- edand. the proposed aaeeaamob baa been apportioned aad la now on file In the office of lb City Re corder of Oregon Ctty. and subject to etamlnatlon. Any a objections thai may be made la writing to the City Council of Oregon City snd filed with the said Recorder wtthla tea ditya after the first publication of this notice will be heard aad determined by the council before any ordinance aasesslng lb coet of fal.l Improvement Is pasaed The proiwrty aaaeeaed for said Im provement Ilea on the eaat side of aald Water at reef proposed to be Improved and, the tine of lot abut ting on said part of said Water street farther! from aald part of aald Water street and aald part of aald Water street. Thla nolle la puhllahed In the Morning Enterprise, Ibe flrat pub lication being Ibe Ith day. of Da. cember. snd the City Council has set th 11th day of December. 1111. at I o'clock p m. at the Council Chamber of Oregon City ss th time and place of bearing of aald object lone. L STIFF. Recorder. Notice' ef Hearing f Waafclrylon Street AaaeeameM. Notice I hereby gtven that the ap portionment of the cost of the Im provement of Washington Street, Oregon City. Oregon, from the north Bide of Seventh sir, northerly to lb Abemathv Creek ha been as certained and the proposed sea ment baa been apportioned sad 1 now on file In the office of the Re eorder of Oregon City, aad subject to etamlnatlon. Any objections that may be made la writing to the Cltv Council of Oregon city sad filed with the said Recorder thereof within ten days after the flrat pub. tlrallon of this nolle will b beard and determined by th council b- Christmas Gifts .vnin t tMllnt la ta.imi m . hav ftntnslal h4a st hm her, Hina r tiuu2 Orefioa City IW THE COUHTT StASOaSu, Utasa) treen I A. M. t a, , for lh passes of any 0r4lataj assessing th coat of said Imsnn, ' pl , i Tb property Msad fv tal4 la, provement lie on both slda of q. part of aald Wiahlnilus tra poeed to be Improved sad th ft, uf lota abutting on said pan Waahlngtoa street fsnketeat fna aald part of I4 Waahiastoa to and aald part of said Wtaaiarat aireei. Tht police puMlaheg It 0a Morning Enterprise, tha Rrvt amg ralhm being the Kb 4sy ot nn oer, anq ina niy ruunrt katai Wealth day"lrTpceniUr Itn - tt'rlora p. tit . at the Council CW twr of Oregon City as lbs tins tat place of bearing of aald ob)artbH U STII-P, Kscorser. Neiice of Hearing o Viivnt bH&Z N. S, AnL Notice t beraby give that th aaa mltte appointed to aarmisi the benefit to each K parts thereof, or parcel a reel estate lying la Sewer Dutrfct X . Ort.tily, Ori. ia4 ia eri bed as follow: Beginning at the rente f T Iturea street and the aorta katt Eleventh street sad runalai ssm oa tb eweier line of. Vaa Sana Street 4T1 feet. Iheac east Tat sat to th weet line of Tarl ttrea. j thence south 167 feet to Ik aaaey J line of Tlfh 1 1 real, these g ( 101 feet o the easier Hat 4 Twelfth alreeL Ibvare ft at - feet to the north line ef BevMB ' Street, theotw west (71 feet at Bt north Ho of Eleventh street l at plac of beginning, baa bmos M - report and lh aaaa-asmeai kaaa thereon la now oa fll la Ik ttm of th Recorder sad subject t a i amlnatlon and Ibe City Coeadl a said Oregon City baa set Moaay evening. November It, 1IU. at I o'clock p. M. la the Council Out her of Oregon City aa tb t ax tat plae Inr hearing aald obJerttoM B Bald assessment aad yo ar ketk) aoMfled that any objartloaa, hka may be made la writing sal fiat with the said Recorder oa or ate the llth day of December, lllLsfl be heard and considered by tb sat City Council at the time aad aa) hereinbefore specified be for mj Ordinance la passed sata at Coal of Bald sewer. Daled December f. till. U STirP. Rerorsat. 7 Mary O'Reilly, Defendant. ( . act of the legislative assembly of I