Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, FKUKUAKY 10. OREGON CITY OmCKRS Uror, - - lllrurn SlrnlKht, . . LL Porter Ubiri ol ruc - .. Cku. Niihhlt Aawonr, . K 8 t'.liff TfNwniw, . R. U. llolmnn Cur tlrt!M. K. K. Iri SlTOHCoinmlMlnnf r, C. rlfthrock, Jr. 8i.(i I. ol Wir W'orkt, W. 11 Howrll Utj Kneinrer, - p. KtnnMr.1 Ccunclliiii-C. O. Albrlcht, Jr., H. L KHly. t K. Orwnmio, J J. Conk. R F. Jcr, II. C. 8lrvu, Oo, RroujhloD, H. Huwvll omiril mwiilril WhIumiLt of each month In city hall. VTh nay t build up Orrtron City Is U (t1e Oregon City pwpl jour aurooairp. &PRAY OF THE FALLS. JYicea the lowest The Red Front. Whiskers amputated without U S. No chloroform used. pain. Boarding-at Mrs. Howard's will satisfy jrou. Corner Sixth and Main streets. Kloier Heardesty, of Seedy, has been aiointed a notary public by the gov. ernor. .Justice blanks, real estate blnnks, and all other blanks at the F-NTERrmxi of' fioe. Portland prices. The recvnt heavy storms throughout tte East prevented the arrival of eastern m il! Thursday morning. sSeeat the head of the local column tlje coodtiions by which you can got the JtSTkKPRiss at a reduced rate. ill you want an attractive sign gee lyvis the painter. Portland prices. M op back of Pope & Co. 'a hardware sire. pow that spring is coming you will to select your grass and garden M -Is and the best place is at the old re- lij le store of Charman A Son. It. C. Hawley, of Logan was in the cw on business Wednesday and reports t.Jj roads between Oregon City and i-L-un In a very bad condition. t he Portland Dispatch of recent date 1 winces that, two new candidates are t-i the field. Steve Green, of Oregon Cf y, for Governor, and Senator G. E. liVves, of Oregon City, for Congress. ItTiidds Both are good men. Iid-Winle.r Fair excursion tickets, Oregoa City to San Francisco and return, via Southern Pacific Co'a Shasta Route, will be dared on sale January 23rd. Rate; $27.50, including five admissions lo the fair. Titketo good for thirty days from 'dale of sale. POLITICAL BEES. UOXNETS FVLI, OF THK IU7.Zl.Hti ISSECTS I.OOKINti FOR IIONKY. Pointers for Rpiubllran Some Peni ocrallc (anillJalcit The Local Pot Ki'glns to Mmmer. There is no claim made for Ayer's Sarsaprilla which cannot be endorsed iy scores of testimonials. This fact lainly proves that the" blood is the source of root disorders and that Ayer's ! by remaining where he now is. Sarsajwrilla in the best of blood-purifiers. Try it this month. Last Monday the tax roll for 1893 was turned over to the sheriff with the war rant for (he collection of taxes duly at tached, and directly thereafter that offi cial began to take in money. Mr. Hack ettstatett that quite a number have al ready a ailed themselves of the oppor tunity Htl'oiiled them to liquidate and have paid in full. The.dra.mi, "The Last Loaf." which was prenen'ed by Canemah talent at Tope's hall last Friday evening was well attended and the program as presented was much enjoyed by all. The receipts from the two entertainments were suf ficient to procure a bell as desired and nday morning Directors R. C. Ganong, W. A. Hedges and T. M . Long, accom amed by the clerk, C. 0. Rose, will go to Portland for the purpose of purchan iu the bell and seats for the school The Rusehurg Review in referring to to slate politics says that Congressman Hermann is making a hard fight for the republican nomination for governor, but the chances are that ho will finally give it up, and accept a renomination for con gress. Other leading candidates for gov ernor J. B. Eddy, 0. N. Denny, Ex Oov. Moody, D. P. Thompson, and Hon. C. W. Fulton. For the other state offices, Frank Baker will probably be re-nominated for state iirinter, although W. H. Leeds, of Ashland wants it Phil Metchan for treasurer. Ed. Hirwh, of Salem, ex- state treasurer, is slated for secretary of state, but E. B. EcKlroy will enter the race against him In the convention. If he fails in this attempt the latter will take a renomination for school superin tendent. Frank Kigler, of Oregon City, would like to have that place, too. T. 1. Geer. of Salen, If. B. Miller, of Grants Pass, and Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon City, will contest for the con gresxional nomination in this district if Hermann gives it up. In the second district, Congressman Ellis, of Heppner, J. C. Leasure, of Pendleton, and C. A. Johns, of Baker City, are the leading candidates. S W. Condon will probably be nominated for attorney-general. On the democratic side of the house, the most frequently mentioned candi dates for governor are Attorney General Chamberlain, J. K. Weatherford and Judge L. L. Mc Arthur. Gen. 11. B. Compson, ''jigadifr brindle" of the O. N. G., and state railroad commissioner, wants it and claims that be ran get the votes of 7000 republican G. A. R. men, in addition to the democratic strength. Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, late can didate for supreme judge, would, also, be a strong candidate, if he would ac cept the nomination. Regarding the o'her state offices there seems to be few aspirants, because, no doubt, of the uncertainty of an election on that ticket. John Myers wants to bo governor and is looking for the plum to fall in his lap from the democratic convention. Congressman Hermann has announced in a telegram from Washington that he is not a candidate for governor but that if the people of his dsitrict see fit to renominate him for congress he will ac cept. This decision opon bis part is in i accordance with the wishes of the majority of the people of the district who believe that he can best serve the state H. E. where they were served w ith breakfast after which, through the kindness of Mr. Jos. Simon, receiver of the East Side EUvtrlc line, transportation was granted to the entire party to Oregon City. I'pon arrival there Charman Broa. invited the entire party into their handsome estab lishment and so royally feasted the boys that the Chicago journalists let out a yell that discounted any college, that ever entered the field. It was as fol lows : Well! Well!! Well!!! This beats Chicago nil to Well! Well!! Well!!! leaving Charman Broa., President Geo. Brownell, of the board of trade, ably assisted by Messrs Rands, Burk hart. Smith, Charman aad others took the party in hand n 1 visited the great plant of the Portland General Electric Co. Returning from there the party visited the woolen nulls where death reigned supreme not a spindle was moving, and passed through its various departments. Leaving the woolen mills a special car was placed at the disposal of tho party, through the kindness of P, F. Morey and Manager Good, never let an opportunity pass to make it pleas ant for the members of the press. A run waa made to head of the falls, and the party was shown all over the (treat under takings of this company. Returning to the city, a splendid luncheon was served at the hotel, where President Brown ell of the board of trade, made an in teresting address of welcome, dwelling upon the great future that Oregon City has in store, and impressed upon our eastern brothers that the day was not far distant whea Oregon City would he the Lowell of the Pacific coast ; her great and magnificent falls, whose enormous power was to be harnessed by wires of steel, was to furnish the power that would drive immense factories and create great industries. He firmly impressed upon the eastern journalists that only 8000 horse power was now in use and that there was thousands more that would soon be utilized in developing a new era of prosperity for this section. Mr. Brownell was more than eloquent in his remarks, ami met a most nnthimiutic applause at the tenniniation of his ad- i ' dress. Other short speeches were made until the hour for leaving arrived, Chicago gentlemen, through the writer, desire to express their heartfelt gratitude1 for the generous reception extended to them by the sitixena of Oregon City whom they will alwsys bear in mind as ASH WORD AMI (JIMP. Mill Active In Hie Camps of Joiners (ieml Meetings, It waa neai ly 11 o'clock when the Workmen left their hall last Saturday night to wend their way homeward, the lodge having been kept at their hall some later than usual on account of the large number of initiations and a large amount of important business which en gaged their attention. Among the things which they ate proposing to do Is to found a library in connection with the lodge. New by-laws are to be compiled and a committee of live membcra has been appointed to do the work. Invlialions have Won issued by Achilles lodge, No. 3S, K. of P. for the meeting which the lml n will hold on the ltUh In honor of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the order. A litetary and musical program has Itccn pieparvd which it ia UOieved will prove very in teresting. At the meeting of the Woodmen on Tuesday evening there was a good at tendance with initiations and business to engage the attention of the camp till a late hour. Past Consul It. V, Cooper and Consul Commander R. O. Moll of Portland were present anil assisted iu the work of initiation. Five new appli cations were received and acted upon. The committee on arrangements for the entertainment on Tuesday evening an nounced program comprising music and literary productions together with a brief address upon the advantages of the order. Woodmen are authorixed loin vile their friends as a good time is ex pected. A. L. Bean furnished work for the Redmen to work UHn at the last gath.'r ering of the council around the camp fire on Tnexlsy evening. The G A. It. and kindred organisa tion, the Sons of Veterans and the W, R. C. are planning to move from the K. of P. hall to the A. O. U. W hall on the hill. A delegation of about twenty went from here last Thursday evening for the purpose of organUin Aurora lodge L'7, , There were present repre sentatives ftom all surrounding towns T) I including Oswego, Silvertoll anil Butte- vine, lne loilge was organueu witn ten scarlet degree members and twentv-one initiates. There wen altout persons present including those who constituted the new lodge and they rejxjrt a good FOR HONEST GROCERIES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES GO TO THE GROCERY STORE V. Harris, Prop., Successor to Fields & Sons, Next door to Popo A Co.'a Hardware Store. ESTABLISHED 1883. TENTH YEAR 1893. 500,000 TREES Osueo flureris Oiler for the coming sciison one of tho largest nnd most eoinpMe stork of trcos to l.o found in tho Northwest, consisting of tho following: 100,000 niih ull the lending varietiea, l'm.UX) irune With Ituliun nnd JVtet in tho lend. 7",000 1'eitr lturtlct and muny others. 10,000 cherry hest sweet nnd sour kinds. '.Ti.OiX) jNMieh Kurly Crawford and many others. '-'5,000 plum nil of the tx-st. 5,(KK) Jiipim plum Udh old nnd new sorts. 10,000 npreiot hest kindrt for this elinmte. Also Hinull fruit, grK vines, shade, nut nnd evergreen treea, roses eto. Send for new descriptive catalogue now ready. Address WALLING & JARISCH, Oswego, Oregon. ADULTERATION the most whole-souled, liberal hearted ! ,ime ml 11,8 V u' people they have met anywhere. Hayes formerly of this county ia expect ing to secure the nomination from the populists in opposition to Mr. Hermann. In the local political field tumors con tinue to fill the air and it is so mixed that it would be folly to try and pre dict the outcome. As the time of the convention draws near new candidates are likely to be sprung and some of those now mentioned are likely to draw out of the contest altogether. 31 r, Maddock'j friends are urging us a reason why he should be re-noniinated by the republican convention that he the Aurora boys The bum-lit lor Co. V for Thursday le Old Coloulal Time. j night attracted uenural attention and Following is the nroirram of the enter-1 from the way in which the reserved tainmenttobe given at the Cornea- went It was evident early in the tional churcb on Friday '.evenina. Feb. j k that there was certain to be a good 23, at 7:30 Ye Mayflower, 1020. Violin Solo, Miss lilaneh Beatrice McCord Guitar Solo, Miss Elsie Brayton "Ye Embarkation of Ye Pilgrims." Hec- itation and Tableau, Miss Gertrude Humphrey. "Ye Landing of Ye Pilgrims, " Solo by Miss Mollie Wilkinson. Violin Miss Blanch Beatrice McCc rd "YE COURTSHIP OF MILKS STANDLSH," Miles Standish, Clarence Purdom John Alden Charles Wilson Priscilla Mis Maud Upton Elder Brewster, Wm, tawthwaite Indian John Lewthwaite was beaten unfairly two years ago and j Messenger Roy Case that the party owes it to him to permit him to make the race again this year. J. L. Pollock, of Oswego, is spoken of in connection with a nomination for the lower house. George W. Prosser. who has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the state senate, was in the city on Wednes day and says that he is not a candidate for senator, but that his friends are in favor of bis permiting his name to be Anthony A. Cowing, just appointed I used for sheriff and that he has consented ereiverof the land office at Burns, Ore gon, is a brot her of attorney T. F. Cowing of this place, who was in tlis beginning of Cleveland's first administration ap pointed register of a land office in Minne sota. Spraking in connection with this matter he says that his experience was that at the expiration of his term his for mer lucrative business was practically lost, consequently a government position tor liim hereafter muBt show more than a coloring. Mrs. A. 8. Dresser writes the Enter prise that there is living in the back room of the old Baptist church on lower Main street at the corner of Twelfth street a poor woman with three small children dependent npon her for support who would be glad of assistance in the way of work. She is not an object of charity but if those who have washing or other work which they put out will asnist in this way they will be aiding a worthy woman, who wants to and can earn her livelihood if she can but secure the work. During the past week there has been a change made in the arrangement of the Electric hotel which greatly adds to the convenience of the hostelry. Heretofore when guests wished to be shown to their rosms they had to pass out on the street. The changes consist in the cutting of a doorway through at the landing on the uiain stairs and the building of a stair way in the office so that there will be no more necessity of braving the element in passing to and from the office and din ging xoom and the rooms on the upper floos, to permit them to use it in that connec tion. A note from the ENTKBPHisa corres pondent at Carus, states that the people of that locality are urging the name of Frank Jaggar for county commissioner, and urge as good reasons why he should be nominated, h'S Alness and ability. They also point with pride to the fact that in all public positions which he hag held he has performed the duties well, hon estly and with prudence. Mr. Jairgar is a man who has shown his ability to handle business carefully and economic ally, and he would make a good com missioner. From Barlows comes the news that Wm. Barlow of that place Is being urged for a place on the representative ticket. The people of Clackamas are mention ing the name of Alex. Thomson as a suitable candidate for county judge Mr. Thomson was for four years county school superintendent, and is pretty well and fovorably known throughout the county. H. G. Starkweather's name has been suggested as a suitable candidate for the legislature. He was mentioned for the office of school superintendent two years ago. Those best acquainted with him say that he is not tinctured with thepop nhstic idiosyncrasies for which his father is noted . The Visiting Journalists. Concerning the visit of the Chicago representatives of the press to this city last week in charge of a committee of the Portland Press Club, Mr. E. L. L. White, president of the club says in the Portland Chronical : - The party was escorted to the Portland Magistrate, Council, Wedding Guests, Ye Pilgrims. Violin Miss Blanch Beatrice McCord Banjo, , ...Ye Indian and ye Elder Guitar, Miss Elsie Brayton John Alden of Today,. . .Grace Whitlock Old Hundred and Doxology, Ye Pilgrims Ye big folks 25c., Ye school children 15c. Hello There! Shaving 15 cents including Sundays and holidays. Hair cutting in any style 25 cents, at Henry Wilehart's barber shop, the best place in town lo get a first class shave, next door to Harding's drug store. Baths in connection with barber shop. The Chicago Inter Ocean, that great Republican newspaper, has not suffered by the recent era of financial depression but has gone right along adding to its foundation stones a large and substan tial circulation with a stride thut under the circumstances is truly wonderful. At one time additions to the subscription list were coming at ttie rate of 800 to 1,100 per day for the daily issue, and as high as 1,500 perday for the Weekly In ter Ocean. The result of this is to pi nee it easily at the head of the list of great Chicago newspapers. It is certainly a good, clean, family newspaper of the highest order. Land for Sale. 423 acres of land for sale on the hard times basis; 100 acres near Clackamas Station at f.30, 100 acres improved at 60 and 150 at $40, or 50 acres of choice river bottom land given for clearing a like number of acres. Write or see K. C. Hackett, sheriff's office, Oregon City Oregon. Farm for Rule. A farm of 56 acres on Pudding river 2 miles east of Woodburn, part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser or will trade for city property. Apply to John Dbapkb, Charman Bldg. or Sidney Smyth. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by C.G, Huntley. attendance, while all who saw the prepa ration of the play as it was being re hearsed were loud in its praise. "Our Boys," as prepared and staged, is certain to prove a decided hit. The St. Helena Mist, conducted by Messrs. Davis Brothers is one of the live go ahead papers of the Fifth district and is alert in the interest of the people of Columbia county and the state, and hen it mines to politics it makes repub lican chips fly In prolusion. Djtlsg I'luulog tod Keptlrlsg. 1)1111. ADF.I.PIIU HTKAM DYK AC LKASINO Wirkn, l O.k. bet lit anil M.. 1. 1'hllllp.. I'lirtuuil. orri'io TVR I). 8. STKVKKR. fiKNTIHT. HAS RK 1 f moved lo odd Kelluwi' temple S. W. 11 tnil Alder W. F HAHRI 4 CO. ?2!Llr,!? Aflntt. $75 tl RiHMiv ttf. TtM IbaMMtbWiakw, 1 1 ib for ft faii IB MM 4tW. , rliM m1 trim Ua-a tltBHl ftttlSI UM bMM. Vs ak llM t IM. tk MMblM-t M aa hrfl wIvm. MWH flnvra.Mtt4kM4a ittf V. br.Adltb,BO atiM. .krap, Jrthi.trrM4 Ulrvalw tftM. U, Ik. (ItlniMi J. Postoffico-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OH. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices v:e meet Portland Competition. Gary & Wissinger. Let us have a trial order. THE BON TON. A Btrictly firnt claHS renort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. All the Best Brands of Cigars. Is carried out to a degree never before known in all kinds of products in order that they may be sold GROCERIES CHEAP. Have not escaped the per nicious effects of this latest scheme to catch the frugal buyer. MARR & ROBERTSON. - Make a specialty of carrying Only First Class Family Groceries of whose purity and quality there is no doubt. The are not undersold by any other grocery in town. UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING, MRS. C. P. WINESET. Largest stock of Collins and Caskot kept Mouth of Portland. Also cloth corerad and Metallic Caskets furnished to ordor. Ladies and Dents' Burial Kobes in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call. S. F. SCRIPTURE, Manager. BROWN The photographer1 Is prepared to make photographs of all kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Babies' and Children Pictures a Specialy. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery of Ilardins Second door Drug Store. north S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical Blacnjith AND GEN'L WORKMAN. All kinds of Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner s meat market on 5th street. WASHINGTON. D. C. Tna National Tnirun ! do utflng upon tta 17th jmmr of phfirmmtnftl morww. No irihr Aunlljr Wfflkly In tii country DM had tucll trowih, And mlntlinn1 ll m iwy. It lnui vry County In Um (Jnltml Hft, aa4 bw i'IuIin of mi t writ ni al nwirly mvnry 1'onIoHIc. II hw totliiMl lid proud tMMltlofi Mildly on lu mailt M a Uglily liiiriLlii family aawnpapnr. for tr)e Year 1894 It will Iw niwla munh twttar anil mora attrarllva than avar. Whlltt i-Haliilng all of Ita prwiniit popular fraW uraa, It will oouiiantly add naw onaa. Its FeTJre. Wnr Himtory, "T nian who actually atrvad au4 IbiiKiit In tha MniKila, tthnrt Mtnrim of Romano, Travtl, Riparlanc and ftdvtnitura, hy ItMtdlng wrlUtra. tcfitoriulm uptiolillMK tha raiiNM of tha vtranfl, and maintaining Uia hlglnwt loyalty to tha (ovrn rnwnt, and tha promotion of tha baat lntartata of tha Wliola jfopl. 9Vamhlnfttn Vat. Full arrounU of what It taking plain at tha Mtut of Oovarnnipnt i careful ra Eirla of all lmNirtant Dialtm in CoitRrtv and tho ifWMitlva OpnrtmiiiHa ; giMwlp about public num. Hmttmrnhmltt impn manf KOIUhI hy a lady of National reputation. tv. A, m.t tr, m. C, h4 . r. , mora full and oomplat than pohiliihad by any oihar papar. Airinuiturml Mtmpmrimmnt, oare fully atlita by rmrtlrl man. amrl JVatao, oarafully 00m pi lad. Th Nathimal Toibuiik In mrletly non partlwaru and thoroughly A martmn. It hallnvaa In tha greawl tiod to tha graataat numhar of our naopla, ami tho ighaat davafiiiimaiit of our InatltuUoua-Ui National alty and oxaitad loyalty. It nl.lm. to fl mora and IxlUr nwtt.r for Hi. mm if iwa w wrk Uian ny oth.r pulillivtinn. r.v.ry lln. Ui.t i pnl In It to written far II, and hu tppMrml In nootlmr pir. I mm alMI r llr-lal lur, AiMrw THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, 172 NIW YORK AVI., WASHINGTON, 0. O.