Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
6 Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME ;.T CO.'H NTKAMKK, In Krrai-r Jam, h, Imif Hlcnamr IIAMONA. LtvtnniiiiN( iTr. I.HIII Mtruin Vim m, V p Ml. iki p t. HUNIiA V. 7 m. II ,:. in. 4 11 p. m. !. m. 7W. m. '. m. II Ma. m. . p. I". twn til. Iliiuuil (rip Vi iwiila. Tltrip cnnl lahjcdt chitliv without notice - Tin rmt I'ANNANllKII NiKAMKK, A LI ON A, TWIK roTI,ll.l. A mi lliirKiHr. 1 f vr pnriliitiil Tuylnr "Irei ilix-k t 1 uo A. M. ml ! (Jr'K.ti City lor Halwin J 16 A. M 1 UMilnjf, 1 lHiitil)f awl Hlunlr, Leave liidjrMiidriice 6 u A M and Malum 7 SO A M n.l (irr,(..u I lly I (JO F M lor Port land Monday, Wednesday ml Friday, I'm! Hum, .m1 anvmiudailona ami low ratal. Nu way liaiaht handled. M.arl rU oil lliruiiik lirlijiit. NOt'TIIKUS PAI'IHC HAILWAY. WOHTIf K'll'KD. ('Illornla Kanrtwa lllirouiti) kuielmrg lH'l (way aialloni) III til cil ii. Kotaliiirf IjtI (tray nation) t'alllnrnta Kiprvva (lliruiiRli) 7 It, m. liVp. iu. ( 91 a. Ml 7 II i. in TIIR MAIIJI. MalU North, I a. lu , I p. HI Dp in. klalla ooa ! iit Hoiilli, a. m.,7 JO p. ra. in. a mu TM. Ori-noli ( llylo Kly.l'arua, Miilinnaml Molalla Iravm al U in. and arrltva l li m. dally. On-con Clly In iVIy. Mlnk.l'Urk .Mr adow Hums. I'liluii Mllla, Mulimi ami niton, Irani al lua. hi liivaday, lliurlay ml Maltirdey, lid re liirm on lullowlna data al I S5 p. In KUIItAY, FKHIIUAKY !), 1H1U. An m.l.NNT School. Uv. W. L. Mulloy rvturiii'd from CwvallU on Mon day nil ir api'iidtiitf ny iln.v MMiotliiK Itev. 1'. A. Mawln 1'iiiiiliii'liiiK a Mrlna of revival rnwlinue whitli lie rr)il It irujrt'aHiii willi iMrytt 'oli(ri'Kulllili ml iinuli lnliTot. WIiIIm there lie vlaited llm State Agricultural culli'ua and ol ll lliat too murli ratuvot I aald ol ll iimimitfiiionl unit the iniHioime work Mnft carried on tlifru. Ilu found I'rvaldi-nl John Woe ntlrrinK nd entfrprlalnu man with III own work ml tliti mI)uI wt'll In Imml. Mr. Mol loy found it very inlen-atlng kuIK tliroi)li tint a.erl depart menu tin! im mpfcliilly pleaaed with tlio ttcn tlon MK itivmi to Inatnirtion in nri cultural In all h hramhea. lie urprlrted to 6 nil edcnriW bUckanillh nd maclilin Iiuhi where almoat every thing that li made out of Iron latum! out, the iioyii at tlm m hool btln the work mo n a well a rai ticul loameii. JtWai Ixiaiiko. n Halurday even ln Jul. Contt'llo who llvxa at HUrkauimj Mulk-hU thouuht that he would tri meut with a imiall cartrhlK (hell wbkh waa loadnd to wmi what eiruct fire would have uon M, o ho lm tl It In the move and replaced the eovttr. After walthm infhVirnl time he thought for It to pxplodelf It w Kolrnr, to he carefully tiHk ofTlhn lid to n'i what had In-come of ll. He h-arm-d imii h WMinur than he i-xiiHi-led for wild a lianit and a wliix MoiiHrtliinK ittruik him on the'lip und waa fliulxMldod wi deep that it waa found neceiwarv to call I'r. II. E. Ft-rrin who extrauted the aliell from the wound and atiU-hud it up. Tliu patient ia doinK well and at pri'mml has no t-urionity a to the r-lfm-t of (ire on powder, llo haaalno learned thut tlio ahell aa well as the hullut can mako a pHlnful wound Kihk ltova Oct. On Monday evening at ahuut 0 o'clock the Fountain Are bell Ik-khii to aend out il in ilea of alarm and a moment later llitt Cataract 111 wan warninir ita iliemlieia that they were wanted at their porta, tini. kly the boyi wero hold of the ropea and out in the mud, the Hook mid l.uddcr i-oinpaiiy heiuit the tliHt to ft their cart out upon the atreet. The Hidewalk waa quickly crowded with people ruahiliK about to aeek the cuue of the aliiriu and from the action of the firemen It waa evident that they knew no more about it than the Keiieriil public, for ihiiiib wereaiiirlinu up the atreet and home down. Finally an no lire anHared In Muht the apparatus wua aiiin run under ahelter. The alarm v aa cauacd by an incipient blar.e iu a Chi mme wartli Iiouhu. HtiKi'Hiac Paktv. A very pleamint aurprlae party win given to Miaa Lorent at the home of her parent! at Mount Pleatiant on tho evening of the 10th. The eveniiiK waa pleanantly apent In kiiicb and iihihIc. The court eon n young hoHteoa contrihutod several tiloHHinir liiHtruir.entul aoloa. Those present . were,: Muaduinea Martin, llendricksou and Jhonke; MiH.iea Mollie Ilnrkley, and Annie Wilohart, Myrtle lieorio, lllancho It. and Nettle McCord and Minnie Jhonke; Meaar. Hondrickmii), Morton Haynea, Homer Martin, Aichle McCord, Arthur and Clarence Hnnaell and MuHtera Melvin McCord and Carl Jhonke. Want Pay for Pi'i.i'. The suit of the rnget Bound Pulp A Paper Company aKninnt the Willamette Pulp ot Paper Company waa on triul before J ml no Bell inger in the I'nited Stutea court Monday afternoon. The plaintiff aceka to recover fifty tons of wood pulp at three and one half eenta wr pound, shipped from Lowell, WaHhinfton, and conainned to the defendant at Portland. Thia pulp was dertroyed by fire on a dock at Seattle, and the question in point la the owbnr at that time, Receipt, note and order books at the KtiTkRi'uiHK office. i That Wonn Contmact, Home few week allien tlm letlliiK of a ciiitrai t for the culliii of 1(1,(101) cord of wood for the Kleclrlc Co, wua noted In these coIiiiiiiih, ami It wua aiippoaed that the choppers would he at woik mu this, but delays have occui red and ultlioiih tlime la ciiile a cump of choppers loculed at I lie month of tlm Tualatin ready to com inein o fiillliiK timber, they have not yet felled a si Irk except for tlie'r own ne, although they hove been -xpcctiiiK every day to receive notice to goto work. No another delay has occurred by reason of rhanuo in conti actors, Mvasra I'.utilurf Brothers havliiK aucceeih-d to the con tract. They have lawn huiy thia wm-k arranxliiK bonds and other detail", and hoo to have a K"d forcaof men at work vcryaooti. Was Fmxioku On Monday evenliiK the faucet in the KNiKHraisic of fice were leit alihtlr iien as the even- ilia was eoM an aa to prevent lUnxer of the pipes freDiiiik. From the flooded condition of the floor and Ilolman's furniture ahop In the rrxirniim It looked aa though a lar(i aectlun of the Wil lamette river had been run through the ofllrn, and the only way that it could Im accounted lor was lliitt the pressure waa very liulit at iiiilit and when the fire holla rang in the ev nlng the force waa Im-reasi-d on the pumps and this cauacd the dulcet to run and overflow the sink. The damage In thia oflice amounted to hut little, but curtains', car pets and loiitiKea on the lower floor wete ciaideialily damaged. On I.i.Ncoi.N'a lliKTiniAV. K.of P. hall waa well filled on Monday afternoon by patriotic i-ltliena who had met to honor the birthday of the dclcndcr, Abraham Lincoln. The exercim-a were conducted under the auspices of tho Nous of Veterans and included patriotic airs by the fife and drum corps, s-iiim, and speeches by Cap tain J, T, Aierson, Itev. Oilman Porker, W. K. Johnson, C. A. Hermann and Cliaa. Mi-nerve. All present ainiak highly of the mcelliia and the interest taken therein. IIckkan IN Jam .Two years' imprison ment In die county jail and a fine ol 11000, the a-ntence lmioHcd hy Judye lltdllntier in the doted States dirtrirl court on Tuesday marks anotlier chapter In the life of William Dunhar, merchant and opium unuKxIer. He waa taken to juil to serve liU sentence. Uloui ia fill in WaaldiiKton living at one of the beat hotels and oaaociatinK with cabinet olli cera, treasury ofllclala and tlch. (uch ia life nnder a democratic administration of justice. IIkatm or Mas. Hwitii A eorreapon dent at Needy writes I hat tliedeath of M ra. Lury A. Timith, wife of Samuel .Smith, liv-ln-iuar Needy, oocurml on February lOlli after a abort illnra. She waa a highly esteemed lady and her death la regretted by all w ho knew her. She leavea a hus band, three daiightcra and one son to mourn her loss. Funeral services were conducful by Kev. Parker at the Smyrna Congrega'ional church, on Monday Feb rtniry U'th. Sckcial Mkktino. The Xcisly Kepub lican club will hold a special meeting on Saturday, February 17, 1KH4 at 7:30 p. m. IiniHirUnt hiHinesa to be transacted. The speakers for the evening will lie Judge Meldrum and Hon (ieo. C. Krownell of Oregon City, Hon. E. C. Maddock, of New Era ond Hon. J. B. I'iinlik of Hubbard and other local speakers, lly older of the CoMaHTTKK. Jota Wkk SiiscaNtiKn. Several of the boys of the Seventh stm-t achwd who are just verging into young man hood recently became Inhued with some immoral ideas which led them to the per petration of acta.which resulted in an In vestigation upon the oart of the directors as a result of which four of them are expelled for the rest of thin quarter. It is to be hopeil that tliu le.ou will p O.e a salutary one. Somk ItivKit Cmanok. The, popular mute of the liiimona, Jack Hoover, haa quit tho river and biin partially arranged to go into ImsineNH at Wooillmrn w here himself and a friend are negotiating for the purchase of a hardware store. A. B. Graham w ho has been slopping on the dock luia-tiiken his place on the ltamuna as purser and mate and T, P. Kandall will hold forth on the dork. Ei'woiunu Lkaui'k Skhvices. The Epworth league w ill conduct the services at tho M . f: church next Sunduy even ing. A special program haa been pre pared. There will be some excellent papers on the organization, pledge, motto and future of tho Kpvvorth Lerguc. Oood mutriu and a hearty welcome to all. Static ok Ohio, City ok Toi.kdo,) Lucas County ) Fkank J. Chunky mukea oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Ciiknkv A Co,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State of afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh Hint cannot be cured by the used of Ham.'b Catahkii Cukk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence, this Otli day ot Deccmoer, A, D 1880. HKAL A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the sytcm. Send for testimonials froo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. a7"Sold by Druggist s j 75c. TEACHERS' COLUMN All coiiimuniculioiiB for this column should be sent to II H. Stamkv- iuthkK, Milwaukee, Oregon, somk rin"l. statistics. Numlierof svliool district in county, including joint districts I l.'l. Numherof persons of school age 7-I0) . Number of pupils cnroll-d in puhlic si'liools 4087. Average daily attendance H174. Avoiage moiitly salary puid men $42. HI, Average moiitlilv salary paid ladies $.'15.00 Number of t4uchers holding life diplo mas, three. Number of teachers li'ilding state nor mal diploma, ton. Tuiiibcr ol teachers holding state di plopia, twelve. Number of teachers holding state cer tificates, nine. Numlssr of teachers holding first grade county certificates forty-four. Number of teachers holding second grade county oirtlllcute, fifty-eight Number of tcur.lier holding third grade county certificates, thirty eight. Number of teacher holding permits, five. Whole number of teacher in tlie county 170. ll will thus tie wen that the local sup ply Is for in excess of the demand, yet notwithstanding this fact the superin tendent is constantly in receipt of in quires aliout vacancies from teacher of Multnomah and other counties. A MONO TUB TKACHKKS H. M. Toniliiisoi was in town the past week preparing to teach at Mur qnain by taking out a permit. Victor Dickey began a three months term in uistrict No. 10 near MolalU lust Monday Mist Kate Hunk ha been re-employed for a abort term near Wilsonville. A. B. Hihhard bus been employed to teach a month at Orville, district No. 22. After finishing bis term there he will teach at Muiino. Mr. II. Hammond of Concord, district No. W baa been conducting series of siH-lliuj schools which prove to lie both intererting and Instructive. Mr. I.keof Harmony closed his school with appropriate llw-rary exercises, the leading feature of which was a well rendered drama, "Bread on the Waters." aciiom. it K PORT. Following are the names of pupils in district No. M who were neither absent nor tartly during the month ending Februarv2: Koacoe Frost, Kay Vine yard, Lee Eckeraofl, Charlie Roth, Fred Rolh, Bessie Sleight and Cordelia) Stevens. Althka Phblps. Teachers. SOX SCHOOL NOTKS. During the past week Snpt. Gibson visited the school in the southern part of the county. He report them all in a flourishing condition. Miss Ida Y-xh-r is conducting a sue ccaidtil term in district No. 02. which was formerly taught by A. C. Yoder. A. J. Shannon is teaching a thoroughly successful term in -district No. 01 near Needy. Miss Hut tie Willoughhy is doing work which is a credit to the profession in her school at Whiskey Hill. J. P. Yoder, recently from Illinois, is doing efficient work at Needy. The Murqtiaru school closed last Fri day. This school is small in mimU'rn, Yet tho percent, of attendance haa been very large during tlte entire term. Miss Phenm McDonald was teacher. The school at Marks Prairie is pro gresMing nicely under the manuKcment of Miaa Helen M. Tavlor. Barlow school ia moving on in the good work wirh P. L. Coleman at the helm. rittng and German are taught of evening. Chas. Crittenden who has been teach ing the Samson School, recently closed a yery successful term. David Warner w ho recently closed a successful term near Eagle Creek has itone to Cunby to procure hop roots for bis new yard. He will continue to teach. A Demooratlo Pratootioniit. St. Ahokstinis, Fla., Feb. 12. Rich ard Croker, in an interview, says he thinks it unfortunate" that democratic congressmen are not allowed to vote for protection when necessary to the inter eats of their districts. He fears free sugar will lose Louisiana to the demo crats, and also fears the effect of the income tax on the democracy in New York. Free wool, he thinks will cause serious dnmagos. Ho believes in mod erate protection for American indus tries. Croker ' Bays congress should either pass or dofeat the tariff bill at once, aa something must be done to re lieve the busincsa uncertainty. Bolial Lead or Wounded. Rio Jankiho, Feb. 13. Admiral da Gaina, commander of the rebel fleet, who was wounded in the neck and arm by bulletts during the battle of Arma- caro irlilay is In a critical condition. Every effort is being made to save his life. Father of Seoratary LiM ont. Cortland, N. Y., Feb. 12. John B. Lainont, of McGrawvillo, father of Secre tary of War Lamont, died at his home last night after a lingering illness. MAKE THE WEAK STRONG Is what our drugs help to , do, for they are always freah and pure, and will do what your doctor ex x;ctH of tliotn; and you may lie nure when you liave hought anything at our Htorft you have not lx;fcn overcharged. Patent medicines, toilet prepara tions, bruBhes, combs Everything in fact to be found in a first-clans drug store, and please remem ber our sjM.-cial pride is our ttz&Si new remedies to our stock and at all tunc driving' to merit your patronage. C. G. HUNTLEY.j PharmaciHt. A CIRCULATING LIBRARY In Oregon City at laxL Not a very largo one, but which will be increased as the business will justify and its patrons desire. Tho charges are fixed at the very lowest cash rate 2 cents xr day pro vided, however, that there shall be no single charge of less than 5 cents. Come in and see what we have and let us tell you more about it. At Huntley's Book Store, Next door to Com. Bank, Oregon City. D K V I E S TIIEHIOTOGRAPIIER, Would be pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. jELLOH 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 90 other towns in tho two states on the line. vjuick, accurate, cheap, i All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect on a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard aa Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Sucoesjor to U. H T A L, Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kiijs of any tloseription furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly niaile. Duplicate keys . to any lock manufactured. Shop on Main Btreet, next' to Nohlilt'a Stable. CITY TREASUREK'8 NOTICE. Notice li hereby then, that there are lurtl- olent fuiuls ou baud U) pay general fund war rants outfllautimic endorsed prior to October 9, ixy.1. Intercut eeaaea with the date ol thia no tice K. 1 HOLM AN, City Treanurer, Oreguu City. Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. If, 1W4. TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore JUST : ARRIVED! -A COMPLETE LINE OF- all Ik Winter Jackets E -Direct from New Ladies' Cloaks in all Styles and Misses' and Children's in all Patterns FULL LINE OF Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash meres and Henriettas. We have a new and complete stock o' LADIES' MACKINTOSHES, Of the very Latest Styles. Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is the largest and newest styles in the market. TH0S. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CIIAGE. ftir LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOK THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U'T-E. STR. SARAH DIXON, OKO. M SHAVER, Master, Will leave Portland Daily, except Sunday, at 2:00 p.m., for Oak Point & way landings connecting with STR. C W. SHAVER, For Claskanie Monbays, Wednes days and Fridays. Returning, arrive at Portland at 10 a. m., Daily except Monday. The company reserves the right to change time without notice. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington St.,or on board steamer. This is the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehalem valley. JOHN A.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner ol Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. 18 STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! JUCi 'H.....-I-"r.--T k .r,Tm, i i 1 1 1 i i York consisting of- DRESS GOODS! Portland Cowlitz; River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG loaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTH WEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and , Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning tha following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. VM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Prairie Nurseries DAVID J. CANDY, COX, Prop., - OREGON. Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Prune, Plum, Apricot, Nectarine and Almond. Trees Strong and Healthy anl, True to Name. Special care taken in digging to prevent mutilating the roots. Orders promptly filled. Primps to suit the times. Write for pricejj. i