Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1894)
Oregon City -WJPERPRI V2L.28. NO. 15. OKECJON CITY, OKKGON, FRIDAY, FEimUAJlY 9, 189i ESTABLISHED 18CG SE coihts. Cl'dlll nmirt ncnn.a Drat Monday In "iiu wurii stuuuajr in April, No- l'r hale wnirt lu session Ural Monday hi eanh Cm nilaalonnre oonrt miwle flrat Wednesday liar II rat Mouday of acli nuiiilli, D. W. KINXAIRII, MM JOHNSON. J INNAII(I A JOHNSON, CIVII. KNOINKKIIhTnIi Nl'KVKYOIIH. Hallway lacalliiii ami minairiK'lliin, brldgna, plana an J .ailnial.a lur water a ( l jr . Drainage ami street Improvement ol towns Special attenllou (Ivnii in r)raiilillnf anil bin riiillii I 1IAYKS, ATTOHSKY AT LAW, Oaio.m city, Ox o OOU Will irectln. In all Ih Pnurla of Ilia aula. 'v.nuriior Mam ana MlajlKIt .treets, uiiixMiie rl hiiuaa) P O I N T.i On a complete household outfit there lins never been such jiriccn offered in Oregon City an now quoted by "y CAKK Y JOIIKSON, I.AWYKR. Coruar Right ami Main streets, Orifon (ly Or.gun. ItKAI. KHTATE TOHKI.I. AS I) MONKY TO LOAN. J" L. POHTfcK. ATTOHNKY AT LAW Ainaarra or rsoraarv t exuHsii. Sine nail lo Oregon City tiaiik on otli street. 1 O. T. WILLIAMS. 'kKAI. KHTATK AND LOAN AOKNT. A good Hue ul business, roalclruca ami aiiuurban Property. farm Property In tracts to mil ru easy terms. Correaixitiilenre prmtii'lly, Offlce. dour la L'aufl.ld A IliinU.y't drug store. ,Q II. PVR. ATTOItNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Office over Oregon Clly Hank, onox city. OXUOM BellomiJ Buch. An inspection of tlio quality of their good will convince you of tho correct ness of their claim. A special low rate made on largo orders. ALL KEPUBLICAN8. Lively 31(etliiftr of the .State CIuIih In I'ortland. A!( ADDKEttH TO THE VOTERS. Officer (lumen Wessons Whr Voter of Oregon Miould be ftepulillcau. the QREGON CITY IRON WORKS, New and Knlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work exifuted in the bent manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING -A-SPEOIALTY. Prices the lowest to bo had in Portland. Shoo on Fourth Street. near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. 7R. JANNKY. J I.AWYKR. NOTAKY Pl'M.IC A INHCHANCR. Office with W, Curry Johnson. 1 DA D.C. LATOI I1KT1 1, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN STMKXT, ONKOON CITY, OHXCION. Furnish Abstracts olTllla, Lnau Money, Fnre Oloaa Muriaaana, anil traiiaact Usurrel Law koalnrss. Poktlasd, Or.. Feb. 7. Surprising activity was nmriid'Hleil in the cunven- tioii of Oregon's young men's republican tlulii, wliicli met in tliecliamler of com nierae yeHterilny. It was (be sigmal gun of (lie camijaiKii, ami (lie deHfening ruar it mailt) Maa the signillciaiil long-pent-up feeliiigs of (he buslnein men of (he state fttiusc intert-gts Lave Ijeen injured by the recent "change. " The repiesenta tiiu from all or(ioin of the state ex ceeded the sanguine expectations of thotte whu considered themselves in formed. Long before (be hour had arrived for the oeniiig of tbe convention the roomy assembly hall was crowded with repre sentative republicans whose interest and entliuitiaMu found vent through im promptu sjieeches of stirring nature, in which stale politics was sandwiched between amumenU on the tariff, income tax and tbe Hawaiian questions. It was clearly evident that no cut-and dried programme had been arranged for the convention, for it was everywhere under stood that nominations were to be made in open Reunion. "This was not a matter of politics with me," said one man, "but puraly a msttter of business. The country is going to ruin, and my busi ness with it, snd I, for one, sin going to tiy lo slop it." Ttie general opinion was that Oregon must set tbe key note for the campaign, as it did six years ago, and that the industrial salvation of the community deiemls upon the success of the republicon party. The convention was railed to order at 10 :40 o'clock by I'n siileiit Thomas II. Tongue. The committer on credentials found the delegate present almost as many and Irom as widespiead an area as in found at the state conventions and all When your children need a laxative or stomach ier earnest in their determination to -ow you Can Save Money turer will come into our market and of fer his cheap merchandiafl in competi tion with that produced by American labor, and capital, frightened bv ths situation, lies In hiding in bank vaults. These conditions existed under the ad ministration of Mr. r.uchanan, when the government was in the hands of the de mocracy; they were predicted by the re publican parly in the last campaign as sure to occur on the return of that party to power, and the predictions have been fulfilled by even the shadow of the Wilson bill. a mongrel tariff measure that lias passed the house and is now before the senate, posseaaing all the de fects of free trade, a tariff for revenue and s protective tariff without the vir tues of either. There is no proximity for the country under such a policy, should it be adopted, or while tbe threat of its adoption hangs over us. It compels the farmer, the miner, the shepherd, the lumberman, and the fruit- raiser to sell in a free-trade market and buy in a protected market. It is rlamt legislation with a vengeance, tint robs the many to enrich the few. Its effect upon tbe revenues and upon business is already apparent. For six months the deficiency is 10,000,000 ; tbe admin istration must borrow money to pay running expenses; and business is at a standstill. When is March, 1803, not yet a year ago, the republicans stepped down and out, tliera was a surplus in the treasury; the music of the spindle filled tbe air, to the glad acco-npaniment of tbe hammer ing of the iron-worker and the whistle of the plowman. The little tin dinner pail, about which there was so much concern because of the tariff on tin, was the morning companion of tbe tailoring man as he went forth to his work. AX EMINENT MAN. Death of. IV. Child of Phila delphia An Honored Career. FEEnIDETIT I.OiYNSDALE REhIOXEV Defaulting- School Kupr-rlntendent Albany's Free Brldte The Brazilian Trouble. Philadelphia, Feb. 2. Mr. Childs is dead. His last illness began with a fainting spell which seized him while in bis office in the Ledger building, on Janu ary luth. He became unconscious and a doctor was hastily summoned. Restor atives were applied with the result that in an hour the patient wss able to walk with aiais'ance to bis carriage. On the following Sunday night his phyisiciaus reluctantly admitted that paralysis of tbe lower limbs had accompanied the stuck There is but little reason to doubt the immediate cause of (be attack was over work, and the anxiety attend ant upon his efforts to see that the memory of his life long friend, the late A. J. Drexel, wss properly honored. The day upon which the Jattack came was spent by Childs in preparing for the Drexel memorial services held in Drexel institute on Saturday, January 20. George W. Childs was probably as widely known as any man in the United States and there can be no doubt he was by far the best known resident of Phila delphia. His popolarity in thiscity was wonder ful. He was a familiar figure on Chest nut street from the fact that when in tbe city he always walked to and from the Ledger office and so resnlur na n in mere was business sutivity everywhere; his habits that if he did not appear and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses tor twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared mr an emergency, get a bottle of JJ It. CROSS, ATTOKXKY AT LAW. Will Psactics in All cocara or ths stats Real Katats snd Inauranrs. Omraoo Main Sir t. txL Sixth aiirl Ser.nth, oaaniis citv. on. M. HANDS, NOTARY PUI1LIC, KKAI, K8TATKA INSURANCE. Office In the P"t orflna llullillin, Oii'juu Clly, Oregon. OIO, C, SSilWNSLL. MtOWNKLI. A HKKSHKH A. a iiaaaisa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OSSIION L'lTT, ..... OSSOON, Will prarllr. III all llir cmirti of tlio auto. Ol Sr.. nvxl door to C'aufW'ld A llutillcy'a drug alors. F, F. WIIITK. W. A.WIIITK WHITE BROTHERS J'raetieal A r chit rrtit jr Builders- Will prnparp plana, aluvatlmia, working rio t lla, ami apeeincailniia lur all klmla of Imilil Inva Hpeclal attimtlun alvmi In modern out tannca. Katlmntna fiirulalmil on applliMtlon Call on or addruaa WIIITK flltOH., ormou city, Did fHK COMMKltCIAL HANK, OF ORKOON CITY. Capital, ..... lioo.OOO TRANSACT A OKMXRAL HANKINd Bt'alUKna. Loa na mails. Illlla dltrotintuil, Makda col lection. Iluya and aolli nchanno on all point lu the United Slatea, Europe ami Hong Kong. Pepoalta rccBl-cd ulijiwt to chock Inlorcat at tianal rati-a allowed on time depoalli. Rank open from 9 A. M. to 4 f . at. Saturday evviilnga Irom S to 7 r. M. ! C. I.ATOURETTK, Premdent. r K 1IONAI.IIHON, Caahler Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Tinning, Plumbing and General Jobbing DONE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At the most reasonable rates. afflT'All work is done with a view to Inst and satisfy all concerned. A. W. SCHWAN. Whop sin slevenl li Sit., near llepol, Oregon City. oik for the success of the republican ticket. At the afternoon estion after the list of delegates had been reiorted it was de cided best not to adopt resolutions so the committee appointed to prepare resolu tions was diiected to prepare an address to the voters of tbe state. President TUoe. Tongue, of Hillsboro, delivered an able address touching upon the political situation in all its bearings. When he referred to William McKinley the convention went wild showing that Oregon republicans have a strong lean ing to the Ohio statesman. Ulticers were elected lor the ensa a market for w heat, for wool, for lumber, for coal, for fruit, and no necessity for soup kiU hens. Tbe laborer could hold up his head, a nun among nu n, and earn s livelihood for himself and those dependent upon him, and this because the policy of protection had rescued and conceived the Americsn market, the best in the world, for American work men. Tnis policy of protection, under re publican rule, changed and modified as experience suggested, culminated in the McKinley bill and produced, an era of prosperity without peer in the history of nations. The question before you is, Shall we plunge deeper into thin abyss of promised free trade or return to the rock of pro tection, that protects every industry that bears on all alike and preserve the dignity of American labor? But the country, misled for the time, by the false theories of tbe democratic party, have voted for a change, and the nation today, without distinction of party, stands aghast at the result! The results of republican legislation on the street at about his regular time, people began to wonder whether he was ill. To all appearances Childs was a robust man, yet his constitution was very deli cate. He was of a highly nervous tem perment and with the attack, which proved the beginning of bis last illness, came almost comolete nervous prostration. ing year as follows ; B. B. Beekman pres- i for ,l,e Pa8t iHy years have demen. .1..;-. t . ..I at ru tfwl lha fu..t th it im . n imTua- z T ident; J. C. Leasnre Frank Davey and O. II. Carey members of the executive committee A letter from J. N. Dolph npon the political situation wss r ceived with much applause by the convention. At the evening session of the club many spirited addresses were delivered. The following address was then read and adopted. ; ADUKKSS OF TIIK TIIK BKI'l'BLICA.N VOTKH8. J. JONES & SON, HK.AI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Storos and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. IMIK fON Till! i.owi:nt. 4tvShop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope & Co's, Oregon City JJANK OF OHKOON CITY, Oldest Bankloi Hesse Id tbe Cilr. Tald up Capital, tfi0,000. rsaainiNT, VICS FRKMUSNT, OAHIIIKR. HANAORR. TIIOS. CHARMAM. OKI). A. HARIHNO. 1.0 CAPSIRI.D. CHASLS1 H. CAUFISLD. A general banking biiatn.aa transacted. Depoalta rcoelved aubjeot to check. Approved bllli and notoa dtacomited. Count and oily warrauta bought. Loans mvla on available security. Kiohanae bought snd sold. Collections made promptly. Drafts anld Avallanle In any part of ths world Telegraphlo exchangee aold on Portland, San Praaclaoo,- nhlcaga and New York. Interest paU on time deposits. ubAreuts of TIIK LONDON CHKQUK BANK SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fino election of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead - in Brands of Cigars. ' iiti:NrKiirioN m.hi:fi i.i.y i n.i.r.n. Shively's Block, ...... Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. " Special Dills Cut to OrderHFF Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY, OR. The republican clubs of the state of Oregon, through their delegates in con vention assembled, In view of the vast interests at slake at the general election to bo held the lirst week in June next submit the following, and beg that in de termining your political course on that occasion you give the matter herein sub mitted your earnest consideration : The depressed condition of the coun try has no parallel in the history of the present uencrution. Mines are shut down, factories are closed, business h suspended and labor. is without remunerative employment. This, com ing immedidtelv cn the passage of all the branches of the federal govern ment Into the hands of the democratic party, we cannot but attribute to that tlio conditions existing. I n the piuttorm upon winch it was elected it promised radical changes in laws, and pronounced the policy of pro tection under which the country had prospered as unconstitutional, and in the interests of the few as against those of the many who threaten the repeal of the tax on the state bank circulation, thus flooding the country with the irre deemable wildcat money of former dem cratic administrations. After the election the country took the democracy at its word and began to frame its business to meet the promised changed conditions. A great financial panic ensued. It expected free trade and state bank money, and will buy only at free trade prices, when it buys at all. It expects its wool from Aus tralia, its coal from Nova Scotia, iron from Cuba, Its fruits from Italy and Ger many, and tbat the European manufac- trial party, whose policies are best calcu lated to serve the interests of the indus trial classes. Its first concern is to find employment for labor at renumerative wages, snd to protect a laborer in bis rights. That is what the workimiman asks not charity. We cannot, in closing, forbear to direct your attention to the Hawaiian islands, and our conduct as a nation toward them. The best men of Hawaii, representing all classes, and through the veins of whose American ancestors coursed the blood of those patriot men who promulgating the sacred principle that it was an inborn right to overthrow a tyrannous and cor rupt government, had dethroned a licen tious queen and established a provisional government, looking to annexation to the United States. The stars and stripes were unfurled to the breeze, while our American republic was asked to extend to them a helping hand, and to give to them a part in our great nation, or rec ognize them in their righteous efforts to become a free and independent people. A republican president accepted the trust, and a republican congress would have gladly extended to the struggling people the strong protective arm of Amer ican civilization. But a change in our national administration has wrought wonderful results. A man who has had more experience in hauling down than in running up the old flair, was given ex traordinary, unwarranted and unheard-of power, and forthwith dispatched to the islands and under whose direction, sanctioned by the president, the stars and stripes were hauled down, a repub lican and free government attempted to be overthrown and a base and corrupt monarchy, ever hateful to a free-bom man, attempted to be re-established in its stead. We believe we voice the sentiment of every patriot when we allege that this cowardly and un-American conduct upon the part of a democratic administration ought to meet the condemnation of an outraged people. Do not wear im permeable and tight-fit ting hats Uiat constrict the blood-vessels of the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Renewer occasionally, and you will not be bald. I Liu Ooiity 8aptriiteideat Miisiag. Albany, Or., Feb. 2. A little oyer one week ago County School Superin tendent Gr F. Russell left thia ultr os tensibly on a trip to San Francisco. The county officials discovered today that be has been guilty of systematic robbery of the school fund and that he took with bim considerable county school money. It has been customary for the school superintendent to draw money for school districts from the treasurer and send it to the clerks as an accommoda tion, so it was easy for Inm to escape detection. In some eases he forged the names of clerks and in others gave fic titious names of clerks of school dis tricts having no existence. The full amount of his embezzlement is not known. Over $1,000 is known to be stolen and perhaps much more. When last heard of Russell was in Omaha. lie telegraphed his wife here asking if she would come to hira. She refused and returned to her parents at Shedds. Rusfiell is aged about 33 and had heretofore been considered honest. Ths Best Should So Likewise Portland, Feb. 2. J. P. O. Lowns- dale, a member of the state board ot equalization from this district, has for warded his resignation to Governor Pen noyer. (Mr. Lotvnsdale was elected in June, 1893, and being in the 4th district and second class) would have held the office until the first Monday of July, 18!'(i. He was president of the the board at its last two sessions. His action In not causing the assessment for 1893 in Multnomah to be reduced to lower figures than the other members thought best, brought him into disfavor in Portland. Ho Toll Bridge Wanted. Albany, Feb. 5. The special election held today to vote upon the question of placing a toll upon the steel wagon bridge across the Willamette river, at thiscity resulted in a majority of forty nine in favor of maintaining it as a free bridge. Will Continue Another Month. San Francisco, Feb. 5. The Mid winter fair will be extended one month beyond the time first proposed. The managers have decided, as there was a delay of a month in opening, that it should be made up at the close. The fair will not close until July 31st and probably not until August. Death of a Pioneer. McMi.nnvills, Or. Feb. 5 Thomas I. Shadden, the last of the pioneers of 1842, died here yesterdav, aged 86. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free from dandruff, prevents the hair from be coming dry and harsh, and makes it flex ible and glossy. All the elements tbat natuse requires, to make the hair abun dant and beautiful, are supplied by thia admirabla preparation.