Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
lilt: MIX K NKNATK. I'rmltlcnl of tin I1. N. mill Offlrert if hcinilr ImhiihuiiiIimI. Tint iiaiiiilciorrlsoa n. huh U miimlit went varied m Ilia I nut iiiiiIiij( by tint in trtxl ml It tn nf iiHiiiiriil citIiiikiiIch In vluilliitf k llturary irowrmti of mom tliun iihiiuI ln(irHt. Tint kI"" nluli wiu itix- I'lltHllll Nllilml 111 (lilt ( (liu IllllTfNt of ll.u wcunloii by lliclr liiNlrlti music. A rm llnilun t.y i:. J. Mi Kltirii k was linlrlily ronilnrml Ntul lUtt'iiml to with timrkml ulit'iitlon. Tim limiiKiiml mltlrvmi o( rrimlilmit Aii.eron was, vihI tliiinn Ii'rtlly iiIhihIiI mul it einlirmcl loviiml lniHirltil 1111I1II0 (inintliriiH with mind utluruncr tliorwun It U livro ulvtm in lull. Following tlio liimiKiiml mmu:Ii the otli ot olllt wit iiliiilnUuirtnJ by Col. It. A. Mlllnr, tint retiring president of lh wmitii, flr willed K-i lini of in tmt ami uiatkrd alillliy worn mud by C. II. Fy" 'reiili'iil of the avimle), J)r, V, K. C'urll, tht) ri'tirlnn pri'dlili'iit oil lie t'lilted Hlalt, Col. It. A. Miller, Ida re tiring iri'ldi'iil of the senate, and otliom. Tl'e new ollkvra, a noti hIxjvo, were llieii Installed Including Jm, 1', hliawan argcanl-at arum and iio. ltlneamou cleik. ltoulliio biiHliivca wan then tuken Up followed by tlie iliBeuiwInii ol Kenalor KIikw's aeveiileriith ainemliiiHiit to the constitution granting to women tlio riglil loVoUi. 'Alleran litreeting iliMMiminii a Vole wan In ken of Ilia Uille in Ilia aildieiiea ainl it wuh found tliut all bill two were In favor of the amendment. Tlio vole of tlie aeiiNlH wan then taken and remilUul In I ho amendment' ut lug by a mujority of one. The ipieetion fur diM-tuialnh at the nuxt lueetlng ia llie National Hank. Muslims r Ai'i'KHwj.H'a adihikm. In bill inaugural address tlio reahlent oleel auld : (iKXrl.KMKN or TIIK Ha'NATK ANII KlCtOXlW (YniKa: In atvordmuo with a t'lintom (hat ban jirevaileil in tliU ruiiiitfjr tinea the election of tba jirt'eidt'tit ol the I' oiled hlutet under our coiietiliitiou, I ajiH-ur U'furo you at Oil lima fur tlie ure of bnelly addreteing you, and to au tumn in yjur ireemn the obliga lion and iluiiea Incumbent iixm the cboM-n thief executive- of the Tailed FtiUri of America. TIU riNAfd IAL g.l'KHTIUN.( Coining aa we do into thla Munition, at a time lieu our people all over thia land ar auliering fur want of remunerative employment, and when tunre la din' rut and fear on the part of the h'I; wlien the capllalltta a.ew It holding their mean from the, ordinary avenuvi of buxineea, thereby crippling and greatly retarding the Industrie" and bnniiunt of our Mople, I dwiii it ineuinbent upon mywlf to unie uon you, ai the law-making branch of Dili government, that you thoulj at onee endeavor to reaiore confldenre and therehy om up the indimtrlea of thia country, to Unit our artisans and lahorera iiiuv aguin Hud remunerative employ ment. TIiIh, in my liidu'iiicnt, can only lie brought about by the lawmakera of thla country at once Ukimt null action, aa will immudiaiely atop all unnectHary expenditure of the peuple'a money, and thuieby bring iheexpeniietof the govern ment within it available reimurce. I am of the op!iion tlmt you ahutild pro vide lor Ibe iminedlule uoiiiNge of the Mugnorago of the tilver bullion now iield in the treasury, to a to provide the money nceary to nivt the deficit The Hjlhy of imulng interett bearing bomli to meet the. current expentea of the government in time of peaoe, tloct not meet v. ith iny approval. TDK TAKirr Ul'KRTION. We are imprewied w ith the importance of thlniuetiim. The larill lawt thould be to framed and maintaliMd, that they will tecum to our producer, laborer and aflnunt, inployment at K'l waa, and thuieby aMHiire lo thorn the meant whereby they ciin tecure for theniHelve and fitmillea, comfoitablu boo i el with tbn mean iieceHtry fur their tupport and education, with a reanoiiHhle proKpect for them lo lay up a Milhi'ient amount, no tluit thould tii knens or mitfortuiM) overtake them, they would not be demit ute, and at tlio tame lime providing a aullicieut amount of revenue to meet the expen' of thin government economically adiainittered. t'I'ON TIIK UCKtTION OK AlMJl'lHINd NKW TKItlllTOKY. It teemt to me tlmt the rapid develop Client and growth of thia country in the pat, in population, agriculture, mining and manufacturing indiiKtriet at well at our commercial iiileretta, Imve clearly demon! rated the wlHilom and fore thought that intlm-nced the great men of our country, to from time to lime make acceoHion and iicqmro additional terri tory, It Ht'i'iiiH to me that wo nt no dlHtiint period of time, will recognize the great Importance for u to exeit anil em brace eyury honorable opportunity that we may have to extend our borders all over all of North America, Contral America and the adjacent Inland of the poa. Tlio peonlo of .till country recog nize the mintuko thftt wag mailt) when our chief muglHtrate a few yearB since reftiHod to allow the senate of the United State to perfect and ratify A treaty with the republic of Nicaragua, whereby we lout the favorablo opiortuiiity of acquir ing control of one of the greatest outlet for the product of this great and grow ing part of North America; It alo teemt clear to my mind that at no die- liint date our people will regret the action recenlly tuken by the chief executive In Mlteniptliig to rcNlorn to iower the de- poNcd ip n o( tlm Handwich Inland. I would euruently urgo upon you the Im portance and t hit necetxlty for you to lake anch acllon and embrace every rf portunlly contitlent with our riNlional honor, a will remedy the mlNliikt re ferred to. The action of tlm ml in I ml In charge of the American linvul force at Km Janeiro In giving to American hlp in thorn wler proleclion agiiluHl the iinreuton thle rlaimt ot Admiral iMiatna, meet w h my approval, arid entitle Admiral lleriham to lie commeded for the honor able cou rue which be ha taken, INTKMNAL IMt'aUVKktKNTt. I would larnetlv recommend that you iimke a liberal approritiont aa the financial condition ol the treatury will admit of far the Improvement of our river and harbora. In ooucl union, I rarnenly commend to your consideration the want and nee ailhr ol our people, I-t u ttrlve to gel her for their advancement, their pro Nriiy and Imppine. If we ahould in ny wy tecure for them that irorlty and happlm-ii tlmt every good and law ahidiug ciliieu of thia free coiiuiry it Junlly entitled to, then e would and thould feel ournelven amply repaid for oiireirort In their behalf. (ieiilli inen of the nenata; I detlre to ex pre to you my aincera thankt and appreciation for the gn-at honor which you hum conferred upon m. Having the uluioet colilldence ill voiir h ibiIijiii, ability and loyalty to a free anil hide enlent vople; I triint you will ever find me a your chief executive, cheer fully alrivlng with you for the advance ment, huppinut and prox'rity of our eople. Wacheno Tribe No. lit, I. O. li. M., i preparing lo give an entertainment in the near future, uml a the Itcdmcn't en lerla riinentH are alway a grand tiu-ce, ihlt one may Ixt looked forward lo at an event lo ecliptu all former undertaking. On hint the Iribe wavinled by Urotlii-r J. Moore, of Modoc Xo. I, for the purxxie of inducing Wtcheno N'o. 13 to enter into comxlitiun for atro by lo he given to the Ih-mI team in the rciicrva llon that give the bent work in the adoption degree: alto by lira. Wildye, of Minnehaha No. 2, and llro. Ir. Paul J. A. Kemler, of Willamette No. t, and editor of .the Arrow, the olllcial organ of the order, I'orllend. The brother ad-dn-aned the order in pleaing manner, and infuted contiderable intarett into tlie meeting. Menu. Tierce and lawrence were aioutid on Tbuniday with a remonotraiH which they Were circulating aiueng the nteidenta of Fall View proteating aguinxt allowing cowl to run at large In thai pait ol the city. When thown to an Kntkhckiik reporter it contained nearly all of the resident' name. Many who had previously tinned the petition to al io cow lo run tigned the rcmonhtrance a t lio y claimed Ilia', the other had been mitre presented to them. Tuesday morning J. W. llatdorf went up lo the wood camp at the mouth of the Tualatin and act about forty men at work cutting cordwood on the big contract trad which be ha from the electric company. There were about fifty-live men waiting for a job and he had to dit apoint tome of them. The employ ment of even thia numlter will be a boon to the laboring men of tbi city. II. Z. Ilurkhart and wife have en gaged berth (or San Francisco unin tlie Htttte of California for Saturday. They will bo aocompanied bv their eon, Frank. They leave a large circle of warm friend here who w ill be eorry to have them go. The anow which fell along the Wil lamette Sunday to the depth of about four iucliet wa Reveral inches deeper back on the hill, but by Tuesday morn ing there wa but little left to remind one of the cold and wintry blast of the Kat. Mis llertba (.'base, who bo been pop ping in tbi city with her aunt, Mr. K. I). Wilton, left Thursday afternoon for her home in Colfax mu:h lo the regret of her acquaintance here who have enjoyed her visit very much. Rev. Cowan of Tabor, Iowa, baa ac cepted the call extended lo him by the Congregational church of tbi city and it expected to arrive in about a month to assume, the duties In connection with bis pastorate. 0. P. Miller has secured the large upper room back of the I. O. 0. F. hall and i having it fitted up for hi personal use, having moved up from Portland for the purpose of living and working in Oregon City. Co. . made a fine appearance us they marched down the Btreet led by the Willamette Kilver Cornet band yester day when they were out on their parade for the Bhow in the evening. Mrs. L. C, I'rigg intends leaving for Calilornia to return with her mother who ha been Hponding the winter there and who Is in very poor health. Assessor J. C. Bradley la gotting hi hook ready to start out assessing for 181)4 on the first Monday in March which is the time fixed by law. The railroad company are aguin en gaged in removing dirt from the foot of the bluff, in their yard here, which is being used for ballast. (Jlmslly Find If True, Tlm Telegram of Saturday note that a liuimin eye, frenhly torn from it socket, with hits of Ib'xli banging to It and a drop or two of undrind blood mark ing the (dace where It lay, wa found by the brakemun of the Southern Pacific north bound overland piiHsenger train on the fiont platform of the tiiull car Just after It left Oregon City. An ex amination showed it lo lie a licrfcct human eye, and that it hud been lot-t by Its owner but a short time before, but there wa nothing to show how it was lost, nor who wasilt owner. The brake mun notified the conductor and other trainmen, who pronounced It the eye of a human being, and at the L-ttreet dcot, on the east tide, a number of the passenger examined it. No one could furnish an explanation of it peculiar location. The theory wt mggesled that the engine might have struck some eron, crushing hit head, forcing the eye from the socket. The mall car waa one car removed from the engine, a fruit car being between it and the lender. Keveral hobo were riding Ibe blind baggage last night, and It i not improbable that (he !io!k engaged in a fight, and one gouged out an eye of another. Ileal F.lale Transfer. of transfer for week ending Feb 10, 1HIH. II P Walker to Andrew J Walker undivided ' of 0 acre in the aA I hitcomb ) I. C No3H, 1 1 , r 1 e in sec .'HI 1 Oregon Iron A Hieel Co to Joseph MrConnell lot IX), blk 01 in ill ex tent ion to 0 I A 6 Co' first ad to Oswego Ira W Lacey to Mary Ann Ijicey .'LI). 1!1 acre acres in tecs 10 and 17. Hi, r 4e Kliner K Charman, U'tia A Char msn, Mary M Charman to F V Puttksiiiier lot 1, 2, 3, and 4, blk It, Clackama lleigiit Surah M McCown lo II T Slalen lot 7 and 8 blk 5 in (iladstoiie 17 PK) 300 S M Mi ow n to Carl Y. Ohleen lot 20 in blk 10 in (iladstoiie Widow !e Waele, heir at law of I.eojsied Dick by her attorney in fai t to Theresa Schavele l.W acre in F II ColUrd I L C in t 3 r 1 e M II Knelling and wife to Harah Kesterson and William Keaterton ne4' of nw U of tec 25, 1 1 , r 3 e con 40 acre 050 000 Jacob Roap to Katie S Wolfei part of Wm Donaldson't D L C in tec 4. t 5 t, r 1 24 Willamette I-and Co to M M Butt lolt 3 and 4 blk 4 Park Place :00 Albert llat.bart to Figi'ne Kellen lierger lot 2 blk 17 in the Oregon City Annex 150 Ira Olxen to Annie 0 Olsen tlie un divided f 01 32 1 5 t, r 1 e con 80 acre 1 Peter Rediger lo Thoma B Killen 10 acre in I V Murray's I L C in sec 7, t 5 a, r le 200 i Joseph Rue and wife lo Edw.rd lUtdorf lot 6 blk 81 in Oregon City 000 O W Taylor and J M Taylor and wife to J T Apwrson 7.80 in acre in the Hiiam Straight DLC tec 29t2, r2e 475 Sarah M McCown to Helen B M Kinesrmm lots.1, 4, 0, 6, 15, 10, 17 and 18 in blk 16 Gladstone 1200 J P Olsen and wile to Christina Haag ni of sw i of sec 28 t 4 s, r3 e 1 2200 Is Your Title Uoodt Tbrouith carelessly drawn deed and iinerfect donation land claim tnrveys, title to may tracts of land ia clouded, (let an absolutely correct abstract before purchasing, of H. J. Thorue'a Numerical System of Title AbstracU. Office in the Juggar building, opposite lluntiey's Irug Store. Removal. ! Tl. ... -I.. l.d,.l nlfl..A lias V....n rk. lll'lll O iutii nv v.i.vv ... .. moved to the Jagger building, opposite Huntley's drug store, where they are prepared to furnisu abstracts on short notice and guarantee ihem to be corroct. Workmen are now busy getting the new pump in place and it ia exected that it will be ready for trial by the last of next week or the first of the week af ter. When it is in rnnning ordor insur ance rates in the city ought to be re duced. If the machinery works at con templated the service will be excellent and unsurpassed in any town on the coast. Max Scbiilpiu returned from a flying trip up the river to hi old home Tues day. . Our Candid Advice. It is seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual adviser or family rhysi cian, but there are times when we feel satisfied in calling the attention of our many subscriber to an article of true merit. We feel justified in eayimr that Muoro's Revealed Remedy contains more actual merit than any medicine it has ever been our good fortune to test. One trial bottle will make you as enthusiastic as the writer. For sale by ad druggist. Rncklen' Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, P.ruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by U A. Harding. Want to be Ttai-lier Following it the list of applicant for certificates, whoaie now undergoing ex- j (initiation at the court house with iiHr- Intendi nt (iibson, (ieo. L. Story and M s Fannie, I orter a examiner: liosieM. Wells, Klla 1. Knight, Ada Hughe, Katie Doolittle, Mattie Gray, Minnie Joehnke, Maggie Watenpsiigh, Corn I-inon, Annie Donahue, Mury liosch, Knimt Yoder, Joie Fullerion, Georgia Ruth, Mr. M. E. Zeek, Klla Itutter, Cora Martin, Rett ha A. Dueling, Hattie Teegarden- Larella Marshall, Artie Seaman, llilma Willing. Theresa Orr, Aiice William, Jennie Noble, liirdie (iulentine, Lizzie Illig, Eliza Steven, Flvira Lee, Belle Jones, Lor a M. Shuck, I'hema McDonald, Mary Young, Julia Young, Lee Rogers, L. L. (iribble, K. M. Ward, Harry W. Oard, John L. Uard, Ada Oard, Elsie Bray ton, Alice Olson, II. F:. Skirvin, John Collatt, Kalie Feather, J. tl . Imel, Amos Card, 8. M. Tomlinson, Dudley Boyle, Edgar Steven, Daisy Danvr, Levy Stipp, II M. Switzer, Marian L. Fernley, Mary Daviea, William Hankint, P. Coleman, Aletha Pbelp, Flb-nora Redberg, Law ton L. Mxre, Hattie Oinlher, Henrietta llolcomb, Bertha Knight, Bertha Urihblo, Thoma Davie. On Saturday evening there will be a theattical entertainment at the school house at Park Place to which the public is invited. A pleasant time ia assured Admission 10 cent. M. C. Livermore exs-ct to ttart for Concur dia. Kansas, next Monday, lo re turn to bit faim there, which he bat had rented for several year. Oregon City fire company No. 3, or a it is better known, the hill company, will hold it annual meeting and election next Tuesday evening. That sign for "OurBo" on the bill board near Sixth alreet i tlie workof Howard, the artist, and it is a dandy. Born, On F'ebruary 4th, to Mr. and Mrs (i W. Hoflsteter. a daughter. V Your V I Heart's Blood I Is the most Important part of C3 your organism. Three-fourths of tJ the complaint to which the ty- JL w tern is subject are due to impuri- y ties in the blood. You can, there- TJ fore, realize bow vital it is to I Keen It Pure V m .. .. . r :r T ror wnicn purpose nothing can equal It eflectully re- ft n n rm ,mriliritl Si cleanses the blood thoroughly V - I, 1 1 ... 1 1 . m anu uuiiaa up inc general ncaun, mm Out Tiyll im Blood ud Skla diMva auilcd Imlouridilmi. A V SlfrSPEtlFICtO, tab. 6i V Iu lb County Court ol the 8tie of Oref oo tor the Cnuutr ol Clackamst. In the matter ol thei Citation lo Heirs and De ntate u( laviil viseea aud all others Williams, o c'd. nnknowu To the HherifT of the County of Clackamai or any other Sheriff to whom these prenti phall eome lireetinir; In the nsme ol the 8tate ol Oitkod; You are hereby reiulred to rite Mehsla Amanila Teelr, Msry Oravet, Paviil B. Tope, Kruest K. Poi, pauli-1 K. Pope. Hanlte H. A. Pope, and dart-tire Kloyd. helm ami devlneea nl said llavld Williams, ami to all other unknown helm or devlM'ea, II any nurh there he. lo be and ap pear iu the County Court nl the slate ol Oregoa for the county ol CUrknnisa, at the court room thereof at the court house iu Oregon City, in the ssld sountv ol Clackamas, on Monday, the .1th dayol March, A. II. lssH, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the:i ami there to show cause II any exist why an order ol sale should not tie made as prayed for in the petition of the administrator of said estate of certain lands to said estate belonging-, to pay claims against ssld estate, expenses of administration aud taxes: which pi'iltion is now on file in said Court, and u which netitioti the land asked to be told is described as follows, tn wit- The north half of the smith west quarter ol section teu in township tour, south of range one east, in the district ol ls-jcl subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, eontaiiiliig eighty acres. Also, the following described tract: the north west quarter ol the south east quarter ol sec tion ten (10), township four south, range one east, containing 40 acres, more of less, being in all one hundred aud tweuty acres, more or less. Wltueas the Honorable John W. Meldrum, Judseof the County Court of the State of Ore gon, fur the comity of Clackamas, this 30th day of January, ltM. JOHN W. MEI.DKt'M, County Judge. Slate of Oregon, County ol Clackamas. I, Deo. K. Ilonon. County Clerk of the above named county and state, and Clerk ol the Cir cuit Court of the county of Clackamas and state of Orck'ou, do hereby certify that the foregolug eoov ot citation has beeu by me oompnred with the original, and that II Is a correct tran script therelniin, and of the whole of such orig inal citation, as the same appears on file iu niv olllce and In my care and custody. Ia testi mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand (Seal) and altixed the sell of said Court this DOth dayol January, A. u, ixv. UKO. F. IIOKTON. Clerk. S-2.S-I By H. 8. Stkaniik, Deputy. I FREE I " ff IfiOO worth of lovely Music lor Forty ft 1 1 1 . . Cenlii conslstlne ot ioo paces slw fun Sie Sheet Music of the Ulest. brightest, liveliest and most popular selections, both vocal nd Instrumental. m- gotten up In the most manner, In- -a J; CKiJinR tour larRe slie Portraits. CARueNGITA. the Soaitj Danctr, tr f AOttiC WSM, ( Srtat Pianist, r5 - AUtUNA PATTI and m mlNNie SUIUMAN CUTTINQ. Z aPDNIII AU. OMDtM TO - THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO Dundwav Theatre BUg., New York City. 5 rsNwasacRB wantid. ( Heart. )) 1 this rrar. Mtd nmko up for kmt llm Krrri'iSrrd Anulforl(lwiU gv you many valuable hlnoi it atwut wbat lo ralM and bow lo i I nunrli. It contains InforaiavXy Oon lo r bad from no otburjr J tourr. FrM la uXL f p. M. Ferry ktoS Detroit, SJT i FBii mm w Tubular lantern 4 h; 1 gal. jug Kc; 1 gal. stone rnilk pan lOn.j 12 bunched rnatchi! 2'c; mixed tea 22c.; mixed candy 10c.; flour per barrel 2.75; 10 lb. Ix-Ht granulated rnitjar 11; liquid nhoe dmming IOij. good roast cofTee 2"c; 2 lb choice uncolored tea 7.x;.; good green tea f;(te. 5 gal oil C-rc. (can extra); New Orleans molasses?, cbeapest to thn bet. Misses 25c. 1iohj to 1-lc; ladie 2."c. glove Uj 13c.; boys flboeH 10 tt 2 were $1.35 cut to 11; men' $1.20 underwear to 87c; ladiw f 1 under wear to fJc; 60c. underwear to 30c; goHarner imperfect 25c; ladie and childa wofjl mittens cut to 10c; menu 75c. glovea cut to 57.; ruij leru leggings to 7c. White wool yarn cut to 50c. per pound; Fhaker flannel cut to 13 jt. $1; blanketi), ohawls and corBctfl reduced; Some 50c. pieces of dretif goodH to clone at cost; ee the good you can get for 20c, 24c. and lflo.j Ixiyg hip rubber boots 2 and 3 at $2; ladies' low rubbers 20c; commor rubbers 35c; storm rubbers 50c; silk thref d Sc.; 7 spools cotton thread 25c; needles lc. ir package; 5c pencil sharpeners lc; misses glove to cloHe at 5c; buttons lc. per dozen; cotton socks 5c; overshirts reduced; . hammers 25c; boys' 50c. caps now 10c; niinse $5 cloaks now $1; mi.w rubbers 1, 1 i and 2 cut to 10c; $ 1 albums to close at 50c; boys' Barlovf knives 10c; 25c brooms cut to 17c; zephyr 6c. a skein; maple syrup to clone at cost; miHues skirts cut to 10c; ladies' skirts cut to 24c; shoe also at hard times prices. HAMILTON & ALLEN Marvels of cheapness U UNEQUALED IN PRICE; UNSURPASSED III IERIT Tlie Nei Peterson Magazine Universal v commended by the press as one of the best of American Magazine Iu contribntorf are among the most popular American writen. iu u.usiraiions are fine. It it store bouse of choice liter ature and art. Its low price U a wonder. Send 1 1. oo for a year's subscription, or 50 cents for six tnnntrta Tt Willi hmtw kj a big investment L J Simtts Cn, I tests. A. TEAR E The New Peterson Magazine y PHILADELPHIA. r The two Magazine Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can got the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. vnnrE of FINAL BilTTLEMENT Iu the County llotirt ol the 8tW of Oregon for toe County of Clackamai In the matter of the estate of Reuben Roots. deceased. To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby Riven, that the undersigned executor ol the ette ol Heuben Roots, de ceased, has died his final report and account as such executor Iu the county court of Clacka mas countr, state of Oregon, and that Wednes day, the th day of February, A. D. WH,at ten o'clock A. M at said county court has been fixed and appointed as the time and place for the settlement ol said Itnal report aud account, and the hearlnr and deiermlnlne of any and all objections thereto J. W. ROOTS. Kx'r of the estate of Reuben Roota.dec'd, Brownell A Uresser, Att ys lor Ex'r. l--.a-2S KUBUS Ana B-nvble Lautative and NERVE TON 1C. Bold by I)riiK(rals or tent by mail IT., 60c., and $1.00 per package. Sample free. TT0 VfA The Favorite TOOTH FCVT.X3 IVii IiUorthea'eoihandUreatli.l6o. For sale bv C. G. HuniW. Fialabllohcd 1N6S. t PIONEER Transfer1 and Ef e$. Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the citv. RATES - REASONABLE. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All 'Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. jl5U.r0R CAGE IT WILL NOT CJMKTfJ I UM 1 OREGON CITY. Arthnr's New Home Magazine 3 Choice Literature, Stories, Poems, Sketches of Travel, History, etc. FREE Sm"""H $3 00 Notes on the newest styles in dress, IH floriculture, etc. Valuable b onae hinta, pretty, designs in needlework. A piece of choice Music in every number." All for onry f 1.00 per year. Handsome premiums for gettini np clubs. Sawol Cast. B " 'A n f Artlinr's New Home Magazine I PHILADELPHIA. One Vesr for f.7S If you are interested in Advertising t- you ought to be a ub-. ecriber ot Printers' Ink: a journal for advertisers. Printers Ink ' is issued weekly and is ' filled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds ' in the advertising biwi- ness. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a .year. A sample copy will be 6ent on receipt of five cents. I ADDRESS PRINTERS INK, W IO Speuee St., - Nui Yoek NOBLETTS STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATKU UKTWEEN THK B13DGK A DEPOT Double and Single Rign, and sad dle horse always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn tot loose rttick. Information rt-arilinit uny kinci or stock promptly atundfd to ly pwson ! letter. horses Bought and Sold. Sunday Services. 8T. PAl'L'8 CHl'Kt:H-Episcopal- Rey. J. 4. EekKtorm fastnr. Services at Uo'clnek a ln smt 7:30 p. m. Prayer service every Wednetd t f evening. FIKST CONGKfiGATIONAL CHURCH. Has. Pa'ior supplied. Services at 11 a. . aixl 7:80 r. M. SMtiday Sehnnl after nionimv service. Ptayer mcetink WeduesdBy eveuina Ht 7:S0o.clock. Prayer meeting ol Young People. Society ol Christian Endeavor every Sunday eveninK at 6 prempt. PIKST BAPTIST CHUriCH. Rv. Oii.mah Pikkr Pastor Morulug Service at ll:Stind ly Schnnl at 12-lf; Ewilne Service M; RitRtiftf prayer rueetiun Wednesday eveniug. Moiuliiy Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evenin pwedinn tbe fimt Suuday in the month. 4 cornial invitation tn all. ST. JOHN'S CHI KCH C ATHOLIC.-Rkv. !L Hillkbkand. Pastor. On Sunday massai 8 in4 10:80 a. Every seeond and fourth 8111 rtaf German sermon after the o'clock mn At all other masses Euellxh sermons. Sundnr School at t M r. n. Veiu, aiioloteili'.i) subjects, and Henedictlou at 7:80 r. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHrRCH.-hr.f G. SYKKa, Pastor. Mornin service at It; Sunday School at 1Q:UI. t'l iss meetiufr n I; r r mornliiK servlre. Evening service at 7 'SO. Epworth 1'acue meeimir Hundny evetiinir il :30: Prayer M eetintr Thursday evening nt S traiifera cordially invl'ed. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Rm . 9. W.Uiboniy. Pastor. Services at 11 A. M. anil 7:80 p. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Youug People's 8(M" .ety of Christiau Endeavor niin every Sunday evening at 6:90. Wednesd7 evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats free. EVANOTLICAl.CHUUCH GERMAN - Ai . Ernst. Pastor Prcachiug services every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. U. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M. (Hc. P. Holt, Supt.) Weekly Prayer Meotlaf every Wednesdty evening UNITEIi BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Presett ing every Sunday, except third buudKjr of each month, at 11:00 a. m. and 7.80 p m W H jc LaiN, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m.-i. J), SiKft:a. Superintendent. PrayermeellcftcrSii Vi ednesday eveuiug. r.