Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
IN THE STREET WHERE I LIVE. tb lha ttreet where I Ilea, at the end of the) lawn, Jfiere, la never a rattle of r heelt Dp and down, Rut the liillany mutcof rattling Iran And thaelilminof nuir little birdatn the ear, While tlie apple that hanf In lha tree o'er the lawn ; Are aa red aa th tnn when he leera through th dawn. And the tnnahtne It (Uterine aver between Qlil naniee'town handing of arange and green, For th leant In th olear autumn Urn art a KT th ilreaa of th llltl mlM over th way VVuen h trip, with that charm that demur. ' nee ran give, to th llttl fray church In th trel wher I live. 1 there ar tree trar and tender and r blue and (weet That h)k through th window that face on mr ttreet, . And a pleaaur ther is, when th hour (row late. In watchlnc the lover who nan o'er th pit And whin per uch nothings at lovera will glva. n th thadowa that (all In th ttreet when I Ur. In the ttreet wher I liv eh, Hi manr long rear She I live) ther in truth, and Ma only " i through teart 1 can are th old place. For th (tract It hat grown. Till the highway it paved, and th house art tone, 1 And Hia only in dreamt, when th (tar glim mer down. That I liv In th ttreet at the end of th town. Charlea Gordon Roger. A DliOPPED LETTER. David Elliott was what ia called a good boy. ETe thought it was wrong to ' crib red would not for anything have .'opened his Homer during "Rep," though if the fellow next him hap- 'pened to have loose leaf on bia knee ... . , that waa another matter, of course, and w hrm '"king a glance at her and implored him not to toll any hat just before getting on hia legs. He body. To show bow fond he waa of had a hatred of bnllying-eepecially I ber David promised not to say any , when he firt went to school-and was thing about it. and she ran away, lear . always most kind to the small boys, jg him ,0 pick n tba piecet ,nj Everybody knows that a certain amount .crape p as much of the caviare as be of discipline is good for them, and that I could, which wasn't much. She did if they become arrogant the truest kind- not make her appearance at lnncheon. ntsa is to show thera their real position t She sent down to say that she did not in society, and this David always did fl very well, which, between a guilty by a moderate and jndicions use of the conscience and too mnch caviare, ia middle stump. He was never cruel to quite likely to have been very true, dumb animals. Sir Water looked for bis precious jar. Cats, by the way, are not dumb an- ,nli ot seeing it told the butler to put traals. aa everybody who has ever bro- u on the table. kenacat'a leg with a stone well knows; -If you please, Sir Walter." the man indeed they are really beasts of prey. eaj,i, looking shvly at David, "there's aotbat chivying tnem ia nothing but none of it left ; it's all gone " tiger bunting on a small scale. Above sir Walter only said. "Oh. indeed," .all, he never told lies. He was always but he looked as if he meant to say a .iuIOi01uiiiicuii auu.gooii deal more at some other time, if people sometimes carried away a j Later in the afternoon be seut for David wrong tmproasion after asking him a and told him that the servants denied onestion it was always because they ! naving touched his caviare, and that bad not put it properly. ' j aa he had been seen in the dining room In the midsummer vacation, when 1 that mnrnino- ha ,.i,,,tt ,. i,. Davirl VflR 1 1. ha wAnt in Brwnfi a eiuik I or two at Ingleby manor, where his nn cle, Sir Walter Elliott, lived. He was much lie.'ler off than David's father, whe-Was the youngest son and a clergy man, and from whom David bad learn ed his love of truth. Now Ingleby manor was a very nice piace tor it uoy ro spend his summer holidays in. It stood in a large park with a lake in it, in which there were quite a number of fish. A punt was moored in one corner of tbe lake, and a stream ran out of it in which there were delightful little pools for bathing and plenty of water rats that were always ready for a romp with the terriers. In tbe bmitv were a billiard table, with a whole net nf pool balls, and a room full cf gnu. In tbe stables there were six or seven horses, and a number of dogs lived in ilitferent parts of tbe place. There wn also a skittle alley and a large Lit: lien garden. In fact, it waa pertet t paradise, and like every other paradise it contained an Eve and a serpent both cousins of David. The Eve was named Lncia. She was a year . younger than David, but she always showed promise of growing into what ahe now in tbe handsomest woman in the county. She was an orphan and apent a good deal of her time with ber uncle, who was very fond of her, as in deed was everybody else. David fell in love with ber at once, and the more he loved her the more he disliked tiis other cousin Hnghie. He also dt-Koi.-u-d him and considered him a boy tO Spend his Summer scng, which is a rude word and one not to be used to anybody who ia big enough to punch tbe bead of the boy using it. Indeed, though Hugh wag not altogeth er a gentleman ; still less was be alto gether a md. He was a very handsome boy and gentlemanlike enough in some things, bnt be was not dressed quite like tbe Imys at David's school, and be did not know bow to treat servants. Worse tbitii all, be dropped bisb's not always, but only if be got excited about anything. David will never forget the look that came on his uncle's face when, as they were watching a county match one aft- ernoon, Hugh cried out, "Well 'it, sir; well 'it indeed!" He turned quite pale and said, very quietly, "Come, boys, I think we've seen enough of this, "and they bad to leave tbe ground, althongh tbe second inning was only just beginning. But, in spite of this, Lucia tiki el Hnghie much better than rhe did David. When she climbed a tree, it was always to liim that she called to help ber down, and when they played cricket she never cared how far she had to run after tbe ball if Hughie had bit it. Once it was a very hot afternoon, and David couldn't get Hnghie out he called out fur fun, "Well 'it, sir, indeed!" Hughie only laughed, but she turned as red as a turkey cock and walked off into tbe hon.'tv leaving David to field as well as bowl. She aud Hugbie used to go off for long walks together,' leaving David to lounge about by himself and wish that his nncle would send Hughie back to bis mother, little knowing that the time was close at hand when be would le very near to being sent borne in dis grace himself. , Now, tbe nncle of these boys was a .'rnan who thought a great deal abont eating and drinking. Indeed be thought of little else, for Wwu too Utj to walk nml too fat to cars about tilling ami never opened lnxk by any chance. One reanon that he likeil Paviil bi tter than Hindi wbioh at that time he certainly did waa that Hnghie had I ' CT eVAUKlllV llltit an immense, healthy appetite, which I.! him .,v... :v,m.,.. k t.i get, without much carirg what it vu o long aa there was plenty of it, whereas David w much more partic nlar, and generally took only what he ...... . vui u aUM un wuiu nail seen Ills uncle take, knowing; that Uiat waa pretty certain to be the beet. It happened abont thia time that a friend of Sir Walter who was in the embassy at St. Petersburg sent him jar of some very apecial Ruwian deli cacy which cannot be got in England, even if an Englishman on Id be found clever enongh to pronounce its name. It waa a sort of caviare. It looked like black jam and tasted like a mixture of aea water and vinegar, bat he was charmed with bia present, and aa the jar waa a small one, and he had been warned to keep it out of a draft, or away from the light, or some such thing, he would not trtist the servants with it, bnt kept it in a apecial place in the dining room. He did not offer any of it to his young guests, and this made Lucia very anxious to taste it, for she was a greedy little thing and ate almost, as much fruit as Hughle him self, v One morning when David was pass ing the wiudow be peeped in and saw Misa Lncia, with the 1ar in one hand and a snoon in the ntW. ftatlnir thia horrible mess aa if it really bad been im' He watched her for a minute or I two anJ then went suddenly into the I !m' She 8creHlneJ "J dropped the 1 J" th gTon.nJ'. wher " w" smashed. Then she began to cry and lvul1l ..," .... Zu eaten it He was sorry that David shonld have allowed other people to run the risk of bearing nnjnst blame. He didn't mind the lost particalarly, but was sorry that David bad been so reti cent. ace to wh(.r8 hia littIfl n1av,nflta .Mt nn - widoW lpd. a aolemn l.wlr nr. h-r childish face. Then David bad an idea. "I did not take it, nncle," be said. "Who did?" "It was 'Ugh," said David, still looking at the girl. What be said to himself that be said waa, "It was yon." If misunderstood, was it bis fault? "No, doubt, no doubt, " muttered the kindly old gentleman, with a troubled look, "but but I'd rather you hadn't told." And all Hugh's aKtutuxhed denials did i not save bim from punishment. A dozen years and moro have passed over Ingleby manor and those whom it sheltered during these summer holi days. Sir Walter Elliot is still alive, but he is getting very old. and it seems as if be had not many more years to live. Lucia is now a spoiled beauty, who rules the manor anij everybody in it. David a hard working curate, and Hugh has been sent by him to an army tutor, baa passed into and out of and hnrst and is now a lieutenant in the Q. D. O. (Irish Chestnuts). Only the house is unchanged amid all the changes, and as David stands, after dinner, on the terrace that runs ontside tbe long drawing room and watches in the clear summer sky, Bur le clocher jaunl, La lune Conim un point tur un I. bis mind flies back to that unfoigotten summer when he first saw the place. What a happy time it was after Hugh had left and what a pretty child Lucia was! Even then be was in love with her, and now now that she was in the full bloom of her beauty what more can he say than that be is in love with her still? Will she ever return his love? He has been in the bouse a week, and he hardly dares put the question to him self. And yet his visit ends tomorrow. Can he go back to his dingy parish, leaving it still unasked and unan swered? Suddenly a white shimmer ing cloud, in the midst of which a spark burns brightly, appears round tbe corner of the bouse and moves toward bim with a fron frou of silk. Tbe next minute Lncia is standing before bim, a filmy lace shawl over her dark hair, a cigarette between her red lips and a saucy smile in her eyes. "May 1 offer yon one?" she asks de murely. "There are no bishop about," and she holds out a silver case with ber monogram enameled in red on the side. He takes a cigarette with a smile and lights it from her awkwardly, for be is no smoker, and is wondering what bis recti - cuulil say if be could see him at that ii:o:jji nt. Lucia laughs at him softly, H;irin;;s on the balustrade that runs along the terrace and fiits lurched, swinging bur buff colored slippers like a schoolboy and blowing tiny pertutned clouds into tbe midsummer night air. Tbe diamond buckles on her insteps twinkle in the moonlight and then dis- appear under billowy out nnder ber frock. lace that peeps "There; now I'm qnite happy," she "Oh. for heaven's lake, don't takotlmt tone, there' good fellow," aald the tlragoou good huinoredly, "Youaee, Lm-ia a ao d n 1 mean ao awf'ly fond of chaff; ahe'lt yet hentelf Into a ' - uover so nappy a when she happy uiakin a find of some one, just as she't been doin to yon. And yon must have been goln very badly about what's in that letter, but she sccma to think bet ter of it now, and she aent for me and gtre me my order to tell you she was taly chaflin you." David bad sunk Into a chair and waa Sow quite pale aud trembling, "She told me she'd refused Sir Charles Scutlamore becanse she loved mo," ue groaued, "and that if aheeverH mamed anybody it would be me and nobody else." The dragoon shook his head and looked grave. "Too bad," he said sympathetically. "She really shouldn't, you know. It really isn't fair to a fel low." David jumped up from his chair In a passion. "And alio sent yon here to tell me this," be cried augrily. "I don't believe it No girl could be so heartless." "It's true enough," said Hngh. "Seems odd, doesn't it? bnt she'a a queer girl. We've been engaged for three mouths, and it'll come off as atxm as I get my troop. It's a very good ar rangement, because I'm to have the manor, you know." David smiled unpleasantly. "Are you sure of that?" tie asked. "Why, yea certain, unless my nn cle should change his mind." "Then, I suppose, "said David bitter ly, "that it was only in pursuance of ber peculiar vein of humor that Lncia told me that he'd left the manor to me." The dragoon pulled his mustache and looked uncomfortable. "Oh, come, I say!" he said. "A joke's a joke, bnt that's goin a little too far. Aren't you mistaken abont that? What did she say?" "She said," replied David slowly, '"Don't you know? Uncle Walter's left it to yon?'" The dragoon considered deeply for a few minutes; then a smile broke ont on bis sunburnt face sud be laughed heart ily. "What a wicked little thing it is!" he said admiringly. "1 see' now what she meant by sarin 1 waa to ask yo'J if you remembered that she told yon she'd dropped a letter outside the house." "Yes," David said drearily, "I re member. What baa that to do with it?" j "My good fellow, don't yon see? The ! letter she dropped waa an II. She meant to aay that he'd left it to Hugh that ia me." Exchange. The Rev. Joseph Haven, wno preaenp in Rochester, N. II,, during the Ihj-I quarter of the last ceutnry. has been al ways remembered for his genial spirit and his inexhaustible humor. Oue story j told of him has many parallels, but it ii I quite as likely to be tme in bis case as I in any. The boy had been guilty of some grave offense, and yet would not confess it "I can tell who did it," said the parson, and accordingly he culled together all the boys suspected and explained to them that he had confined a rooster nnder a kettle in a darkened room. One after another thea must pass in and touch the kettle. When the guilty boy touched it.he miht expect to hear the rooster crow. The lads tiled in ami out again and , , . , , .til'"1 alii, run win na.v a ni-i;nsiiir urn, i.nm, were made to display their lingers. All nian ed by tny In lb orlil fur Ha henn Un: bnt those of one lud were sooty. He, tho guilty one, had not ventured to touch the telltale kettle. Youth's Companion. Hentibla Treatment of Come. , Light shoes, abort shoes and clumsy shoes produce corns by compressing, cramping and rubbing against the joints. A great many of these pedal blemishes are hereditary. In any case it ia a good plan to suppress them. Every medicine merchant haa a variety of "cures," and nearly all give temporary relief. A poultice made of vinegar soaked bread crumbs will cure a little corn in one night It is not advisable to let a corn grow. Either rub down the formation with pumice stone or remove it with a knife. A little opposition will discour age it, provided sensible shoes are worn. In pedienring, as in manicuring, the feet should be soaked in hot water aud aa much of the waxte material brushed and rubbed off as possible. New York WW " Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Wooi.nRmnit, of Worthnm, Texaa, saved thn lif of her rhllil hy the use of Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral. "One of tny ehlldren had Croup. The cuiie was attended by our physlelnri. snd waa supiKiaed to lie well tinder eniitrol. One nlKlit I was tlartled by thn child's hard lireatliliiK, and on K'iIiik to It found It ttran Kilns. It had nearly ceatrd lo lirenllir. JteallzliiK that the rhlld't alarming condition hail become poanllile In aplte of the medicines f:lven, I reasoned that such remedies would 10 of no avail. Having part ol a bottle ( Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral In the limine, I (rave the child three clone, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited remits. From the moment the Peetoral waa given, the child's brealhliiK drew eaaler, and, In a ihort time, the wan aleepliiK quietly and lirealhliiE naturally. The child In alive and well Unlay, and I do not hesitate to tay that Ayer's Cherry I'eo tural saved her life." a AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. 0. A yer k Co., Lowell, V aaa. Prompt toact.sureto cure . A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The following remarkable event In a Isdy'f llfo will lntint Ihe nailr: "Knralnng lime had a hrrlll pain at my hrart, whlrh Hut-ti-rwl almiHt lm'Mantljr. had no apptli anil could not alixip. I wmilil he rinillii In lit up In ImhI and tx'li h ( frimi my atnni. ai'h until I tlnmglit every mlniiln would I my lnL TIivim wa a rwllii nf opprKMlnu alNiiit my heart, and 1 h afraid to draw a full brent li. I nmliln't aeri'p a hmtn with out altilng down and ri-Mlngs hut, tliunk tliid. Iiy the help of Now HiMirl I utv all llnit h limit and I ftl like anoihnr Wnmnti Hit fon iiolng the Niw llonrt t urv I had tnkin dlirimnt M'alld romiHlIn and Ixi'ii m-alcii hy ilivtnnt without any tM-iu-tli until I ai Imth ilUimntKiHl and iIIhuii,hI. My hii-lmini ImuKht me a liottlit of lr. MlliV Sew llvnri t'ure. and am happy to any I mvir n un-iuil It. aa I now have a tpli'mllil appi'tlte ami alii' p wtill. I welghmt lij hhiiiiI ahrn I U- (nn taking the remedy, and ml turn I wiiii i can- in emv iu my ra haa bnn truly iiiarvvl anv iiiiiiie ,i na erer In kiwi or any bt'iivllt 1 err re. relnnl fnim phylrlane."-Mr. Harry Htarr, l'iittv,i, pa., (Vi.iNt IJ. Hf.V lr. MIW New llnart In re l told on a pml. tlve guarantee Iiy all ilriiKuKln. or hy the I r. klllea Meillial Co., Klkhart. I ml , on ri-lpl u( prli-e. It per bottle, tlx Umli tv iureu urv- paid. Tlilt gn-at tllM'opry hy u eniliii'iit tim'lnltnt In heart dlx-atr. routalut feellliel opiatii our daugeroua drug. For ialo by Cliurnuui A Co. 13 IN YOUR OWN HAND. ralmlatry taainnra to tail what the llnea In jom hand uidli-aie. Ii will atnnae you, If Dinhini; Tin above ilUurrant almual eiplalna Itietr. 1'h' Um ku ,f the LINK OK I.1KK Indtratea iimhanh .! lo vtiN-h yon will lite. Krh lilt ArKI. ail rl ea yiei Ihlrly Ti-ara. Wrll niaillnl LINK Hp II K it di-noirt h'rain poarr : cl-ar LINK Op Kulti'U NIC. fame or rictire. Boih contain.! meat anrcri, In lite; but yno. nmat kern np with aiioWe i't.-aa to win It. Yua lll Hnd liirnlv of ih.-aa la I iMnore.t'e Kamlly Mvaxlne, an anrarilvrly m. viiini tnai every nrainer nl the ramlljr la rnirr i .Inn). Ii la t dni..n mtiraainre In una. ACI.KaH M v K OK HK.MtT 6eprakt lendrmeu: t ir-ihi LINK OF KATK. prarrful life; the me ar ll rrookrd. A aril . di-Ancd LINK OK HKM I II unrea yon doctora' blllt; an will the hrailn hint, III Dentoreat'a. No nthrr Itiatfastlie publl.hre ac tnanv aiorire to Intrreal the houie circle. You ell be aublect toeatreine of hlph aplrlta nr dotMt enrr If job hare th Olltlii.K OK V K N I H ri msrkrd: keep np viair aplriu by having liemorrr, .Maanne to read. Iiy auharntilnif tu It for I Mil you will rm-eive t tfillvry of eiiiuUilr work. ( tri or wat vtltie, Naldra the auirh nren ITv.'lllK'ht-a. " I'm I Daliv!" whlrh la nf tfri-at iremliim nl'-tnre tlnioal t rra lieitv. and eqnl to the original oil painting whirl rot .vn; tint yon will nave t maailnr Hint i-ann 'un- I. an, .ui'fn maiirr, tnai win hb a von potiit nn all the inplrt nf Ihe day, ted tl tl.i f nie. a-u! HfTftTni Itema of Intrreal about th. I i.ii.-ho:d, be-ila furniahinff Intrrrailnif n-adint ei.-iirrr. born irrtve and ray. for the whole faniili l id wlit'e De'norrft'e la not t fa.hlon niarain, I'a ftvnn peif-a are nerfrct, ted yno fc'el nh H. irre of coal, all the patli-rua you wl-h tu liar entire i m rear, and In toy tlx yon rh'-o-e Hind In vour aubarr'ptlon at nnee, otty 00. and fun e HI -.illy jf'-i nvi-r t'Art) In value. A'hlri trr nnU il-iii-r. V, aVntilng. prmmvat, IK Ka-i Mill Hr., - York If von tre nnarnaalnird with thr I 'lyi-liiM. aend fort .nerlinencmty A lar-frOI' I) IMMil.K rnran l.nniv j t lanr TIII XVi.l H. HnrM. iv: loi K'lliT DIVISION Of TIII'MII. miiKelll: l O' O SKl'OVII M IhlDN. n a.oti. In ' f.iru iv. T ii Mul'T or JITITKH lieiokma inih'-on : thai of ATl'dN, pnui me : tlirM'N. I vi. ,t.;i,mi,-- H'I'n ron t.r; MIHIS. Imavii a. I on- VK.M'- ! v. .,' ;.l.amre ; ami MKIII'I'llV. ;n..l ir- -n X "Mr a-V lr aa abnvr ard i-oil A ll he .lire lo po-ae.a the laat aud Uiuat Vtiualoa 'a.:iv. Cjcta- V'U.,and tl.uOpor Ono cent i .... r:'.im iins tlitKAT Couoil C'mir, promptly currt whom all otliort full, Couehe, Croup Bora i ".., ouBiKurw, vvnoupinir kOUKn II nil Aat.imt fur Conuumpt'on It lint nn rivuh lias cured thouttnris, mid will cips you If takenln time. Hold hy Or wl'ts n a ifiiur nntee. Vur a L:.: i 'bn-lc or Cheat, nan SHILOH'S BF.LT.AI;ONNA HLAaifcRx!. SmLOH'SCATARRH ilitveyi'uu.t.irriri' 'liila rerui!'lylaiinariin teedtucuroyuu. 1'rlei! :i-t.i. In Joetor I reo. For sale hy C. 0. Huntley. COPYRIGHTS, CAJJ f OBTAJN A PATKNTf ' For a pmmnt tiiawer and an honeat oiiininn, write to HI I IN N eV CO., who have had nearly nfly yean' eilierlence In the patent bualnnaa. l onimunli'a tlom atrlrtly wmflilentlal. A Handbook of In formation dnnenrniiMt l'atenia and bow to on. tain thera tent free. Alao t catalogue of meebau leal and aclentino booke aent free. .t;tT"J1ul,.en.t,ir'"",n Munn 0- roelT tpectal niituwin the HrlrntlHr Amrrlran, and O.'.'i'JLi i"'!Vht. widely Perorethe piibliowith. mit t to the Inventor. Thn tolendid paper, laaoed weekly, elenantly IlloalraleU, baa hy far the lanieat clroulatloo of any telentlne work In the 'ifl7la''jrear. Sample oopiea tent free. B Hdlrie Bdmiat, monthly, iA) a year. Hint-la il i "lr """""W ooniaint beau, tlfill pltlea, In eolort. and nhntmrranlia of nooeea witn plant, enabluur bmidert to ahow tot lariat dealfrna and teeure oontrarta. A adreaa ML'aa Co, Htm (ukk, atil fiauauwa -1 vr l'BA J : uottio.-Hi.l VTJi fJt vi za ZLS CAVtMIO.inUCMflKKSi Society Directory. IKKutlN t'lTV IIOAKK OK TRAI'K, Mi't'la at Cnllit lliMiniiii Heminil MnuiUy I on i'Ii in i 11 1 )l . Vliltiiri wi'li'nme, r. K. Uti.NAI.IiHO.N, UhO. f, lllUlWNKI.I, Hni'relary, frealiluut. AlihAllAl LINCOLN l ol'Sl'li, NO. 4, Ja , tl. I'. A. M. Meeta every Saturday evening at K. til I', 1111 Vlalliui brother! mail wiilimme II. K.MNITH.C. T. W. tlamiNNtN, H H, UAVKL LOUUIt. NO. .V A O. It. MivlxiM'nml aiiil Inurlli Haluiday eveiilnia at KiHiilil t lull, t'tiib)'. Vlalliui litnlhera mail welt'titne. K K t'ARl.TON. A K HMAHK Reinriliir. Mtaier Wurkman 'ar71tiIN S ItHANCIt, No. M7, t!. K ul A.'" Meela every t ueailay evenliiir at their hall eniuer Main and lentil Hlreeia, lirrfnu I lly. N. t'. Mo t at l a.Hi'e'y. T. W. H'.i.ivh, 1'ret. Ml'l.TNoMAII l.olMlK,'Nt).' 1. A. F A A. M. " llul. la ta reKiilar eninmiiiili'alliiua nn drat ami llilrtl Halutilayanl earh imiutli at 7 Ml r. M. Brethren 111 (ihh! atailillna are Invllwlto alli'lid. I. L I'i'lt ikll, W. al, T. K. HYAN. Km'retary. I I.Al KAMAS I II A fit It. Clai'kauiat I'hanter Nil '1 It. A. M llenlar t'liiirorailiiii third Uuinla) ul th mouth al 7 ai II S. Hi KANtiK. II. P. (1 !. UV,Br'v. OKKonN LoliilK, Ha' a," I' 6. O, t. " Meeta every Tlturailay eteu ,.a at 7 ,1 oVl.x't r. M. In the Hi', I Kellnwa' Hall, Main alreel. almnliert nl the Ontvrar luilloii In attend. OKO C. KLY, N. O Thn. Hyan, Heeretary. oHWKiloXol.uK. No a, I, it. o r Meeta at Odd Fellilvt't hall, Oaorto, every kliiiiilay venilif. ' I a 1 1 1 1 1 at bretlinui mail ai'limne W. J. I'lllNAr.K, N. 0. J. r. Kil tv, Hee. r.I.M KNl'AMPSIKNT. Nu. 4, I. tl O, r Mneia Ural and third Tuioday aiil eai'h mnuth, tlll.ld Kellnwa hall. Mumliera ami vl'III'lS pairlan ha, rnrdlally Ini ln-1 In annul J. A. SIKWAKT. W. II tloWKLU Si'tllie. t'hlel I'alrlareh. tt AfllKSirYltlliit, Kti'iii Ueeta Tueaday evenlut al A.O. I', W. Mail. Via- ling nivaitiera Invltel. J, II. Ilnvtaan, Harliem. I'M Aa. Kau.v, (' l K CA.NHV U'IMIK Mt, M. I. O, U. T. Ueela Oral and third Haturday evrtihi( nl each mnuth al kntiihl a hall, t'anliy. Vlaltliif nirniiKra alwaya made wrli-nme Kl.Lt Kjiiiiiit. tier litn. Kmiuiit W.C. WOODMKN OK TIIK WOIILU, WIMamelte Kalla ( amp Nn I In, ninli M and tlh Tueadav nlarlila In raih mnuth In K. ul P hall. Vlaltluic tii'inlilaira made arlrnme. K. R. MaatiM. t'lerk. K. M. Kai.a.f. 0. SCSItlsK I.OIM1K, NO i A. O. I' W , Mreta every arrnnd ami Imirth Haluiday olrarh tmitiih al It llaimvllle, (lrf-..n M. C. Viil'Hil, M. W. John heriirdrr. I'lii iKttN Lol'iiK. Ntir iA Aroir"W. Meeta everv Thurly evenlut al Oild Krlinwa hall, O, wr.. Vlalliui titi'lln.ii alwaya ael ei-'tie J, IM'aaraat.1. M SrtAi aa. Keenrder M w. Mill. Al. I. A l.nlii.K No. IU, A O. f. . Mn-ta Drat aud third Hatunlay In earh niiilith at irhiail hniiae Vlilunf nirnil'ra made ! rmnp. T. n. srirr, M. v J W Tm nn lire KAI.M flTY L'llitiK. OK AO f. W. Mrvla every Haiiirday evenlui nl earh tminlh lu A. O f. W. hall 7th hi. All tiilimriiiui brethren eixdlally Invited In aiiend. T. K. laAl I.T, M. W. tlmi ( ai irr Hmrder Kot'M'AI.N Hunt: ro . No I. Hriular mrrtlni are., nil V) eilueaday In aeli ! miiiiih at eiiKlue ln.u.r, eaat aide Main aiiret, , brlueru Krteuth and i.lflllli , J. W,8twat. Her. II KTAilHT, K'rm U. r irisx. rnreniau MOl.ALLA OKANOK. No. 40, P nf II. Merit at their hall tl M'rlxhl'a llrlde nn th tereud Saturday nf earh laoiilh tl 10 a. in Kellnw ntrmliera made welrnm. .. J. NtLanH, Matter. K II. Cnorta. Her. WAHNKK OIIANilK. Nit. 117. t nl II. Mrrl li.unli Saturday nf earh nionlh, al thlt hall In New Kra. I . I . H llllaina, Maaier Mr Mav Waldn.o. Her') MKADIt KOHT, Sn a (I A. H lKI'AltTMKNT OK OHKi.ON. Meett Ural Monday nl earh ntnnlh. al K. nl P. Hall. Orrfuu I lly. Vlalliui rnmradea made I welcome. HAVII) MrAKTIIl K, Commander. MI. V l l.ii a aa a. Adjutant OKN. LIIOOK I'OHT. No. W I). A. KTIeM mrlit ul Orrtoii. Meett In trhrail hnuae at Needy nn Ural Hat unlay In earh mnuth at i o'rlork p. m. All Cnniradra made welrumv LI lliixtNua, II. THnMeaoN, Ad)t. Cnmiuamler. HONS OK VKTKHANH E. D. haker Camp, Nn. I mreta every Ural ami third ihiiradny ovunliif ol raeh K. ol P. hall. W. It Johnann, Captain ; H. 8 lleloinv. rlepre aentatlvr liv hurainimiit; (i. 1 1. Wi.hI, lat l.lenienauii Alonin Wlrkhein, id l.lruiruant; C. A Herman. I.l Srrteaut. CLAI'KAMAH I.OIIliK, Nn. ft7, A O. U W Mreta Drat and Ihlrd Mnndey In earh month, at MtralKUl'a Hall Vlaltiii( brrthern wrleome. C. K. 1'e.aas , a. Hum una. Kee. M. W. COLCMIlIA HOOK AM) LADHKH CO. Heeta Aral Frlnav of t.i-h mnnlh l I miiiitain engine iioiiae. uiita. ATHkV, I' rra u. n hi.low. nro y. C'HAt. Ilinita. S'rm CATARACT IIOHE CO NoT J. Meett aeenud Tueaday ul earh mnnlh tl Cat arart Kinilne huiiao. W II. Iliiwr.i l.. Hrea tl. II. H-tow. Hee'y. J. W O l onkhm., K rn AC1IILLKH UH)(iK, NO. US, K OK P. Merit every Krlday iilKht tl Ihe K. o( P. hall Vlaltlnii KulKhlt invited. K. I, Hiii.Man, (!. C. K. J. J.ol It. K ol K. ami 8 IICTTK CKKKK OKANOK. Nn. Wl. V. nl ll. Mflcti at their hull lu Maruiiam. aecond Hnt unlay In earh month at lu a. in. VlaltliiK meinneraaiwaya welcome. I IC I ..'L. ... .....n.u jui.n, j, n, n in i r., Hecrelarv .Mauler. MKAI'K HKLIKK COUPS, Nn. ISAHr MKNT OK OltKOON. Mrt. M. H Pllalmry . . Prealdent. Mra. K, I.. CiHdirane, - Treaaurcr. nra. j, ii. Mtniiiia, - Hcnretarv. Meett nn drat and third Tueadayt nl each month In K. nf V. Hall. Members of corpt "'Hi aiMoau, coroiaiiy weicuineii. r COM PA NV. KIUST ItKOIMKNT. O. N. O. Armnry, Third aud Main. ItrKular drill liliht. Monday. Ileiiiilnr bualiieaa muetliiKt, flrat louuny oi encn monin. okkk una. J. W. Ohiioiik, ... Caalnlii K.H Kelly, - . Kir. I Lieutenant I,. It. Plekena, - - Second Lieutenant TIJALITIN OKANOK. NO. HI, P. of II. Mceta laat Saturday ol each mnnlh at tholr hall In Wllaouvillu. U. II. IIknky, Mihs IIkiia Hiiahh, Hco'y. Maater, OKKOON CITV IIOHK CO., N(J 8 Iteeular miwtlnt; third Tueaday nf each month at 7::l P M J.I) Kknnkh Prea. II. M. Htkanu R, Heo. H, Nkk.ijk. K'rm. L. A. H. OK K. I), HA K Kit CAMP, H. iiK V, Meeta In K. P. Hall on the aecond and fourth Monday eveulnva ol each month. Mb W. K. JOHNSON, Pret't. Mitt Norka CAi.trr, Hec'y. Red Cross Suppressed Manstruatloii PAINFUL Menstruation AndePHUVCNTIVEfor Pills lltllKUlLAHllliN, Are Safatnd Reliable, t-f Perfrrtly I Inniilrat. The Ladies PRICE 851.00, Sen! poitptlti on r tire Id ot price. Mony r-ftiinlej If not g w "- m ae tiDcnona Co., vt moinet, Iowa. For flalo by Cliarman it Co, f'-l av Purely Vege. . MM Wlcl N-ver EAST AND SOUTH THE SIlTsTA UOUTE Of tho SOUTIIIiKN TACIIIC COMl'ANY. Kxpresa Trains leave I'orlliiiul Dully, Hmi.h l I Krlh. Mr. M 7 It P.M. Ill tnt.M. w l.v Ar Piiriland Ar Oreaniit'liy l.v H. Kranolai'ii l.v .n a, a. T lw . a. 7 mi r a, MNINtl CAMS ON OtlPKN Hllt'TR. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AHIl Second-Class Slooplntr Cars Allai'hixl to tl) (hruuiiti Iralua ItOHKIIt'litl MAIL (llallyi. ' l. M. I I Lv Portland Ar 1 1 ml p. i I Lv ay .v 1 1 .-vp. i Ar lliiaeliura; l,v I7u). i t .11 A. M .VI p. M Weal Hid IMvialun. UKTWKKN POHTI.ANH AND OOUVALLI. Mall Tralu. Dally (Kteepl Kiilidav.l ' ! A . a . I l.v '"' PnnUiiii "Ar T'ljikrl 1'J " LA' i'"""'" 1 '"". At Albany and t'nrvallla p.inliait wllh Irahia ol Ortajiin and Paellle llallrnad. Riureat Tralu Imilv (Kirepl Hiindayl liti p. a. I Lv I'lirtlaud Ar MiiMluuvlll Lv riA.H ma, u 7:'iVip. m. I Ar THROUCH TICKETS Tit A IX POINTS IN TIIS KAHTKIIN HTATKH, CANADA AND K.l'Kol'K I' a ii lie uliialiied al luweat ralea (rum I. H., Aseul, Orri.u t'lty, H KoKIII.KK, K. I. Hour II n, Manaaer. Aaa I (J P. aud I'aaa. Ateut. I Through Tickets TO 4. tTl w Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. 1 DAYS TO CHICAGO tlic'(2uickct to Chicago ami the Hast. Quicker to Omaha ami Kansas Citv. 1 PULLMAN & TOURIST HLKEP KRS, KKKE HKCLlNINti Chair Cars, Dining Car. S. H. II. Clark. ) Oliver V. Mink, Receive. K. Kllery AiiJerson, ) For rutcH ami Reiieriil iiiforuia tiiui rail on or luliiress, W. II. IIURLIIURT, Asst. Coiil. Push. Agt., 2'A Washiugtoii St., cor. Third. I'ortlun.!, Or. -TIIK- Oregon Pacific Railroad K. irADLKY, Ktooivcr. Direct Linn Quick dispatch Low fmijht ruto iN'twccn Wil luinotto Valley jHiintH ami Sun FranciMco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. S. S. Willamette .Valley Lcavi'H Sun Friindwo OctohtT 17 and 27, antl Nov. lo. LfuvcH Viiqiiiim Ootoltor 12 uml 22, and Nov. .r). Thiri Com puny rcwrvcH tho riglit to I'hango nailing duto with out notice. HIVEU STEAMERS. Stcainor "Hoa" loavos Portland Wcdnonduy's and Suturduy'H at 0 A. M. II. C. DAY, Gon. Ag't. Salmon Street Wharf, Portland, I). It. VAUGHN, Gen. Ag't. &a . FranciHco, Cul. C. C. UOGUE, (. F. A P. A., Corvallis, Oregon. WOOD TURNING SCROLL SAWING BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Parties doHlring Wood Turnlnir. Pat terns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows , and . Blinds TO OfoDER. Q-- H. BESTOW- B4 i . m ii n ii n 4 w. vi I r is v. S2 flour1? Honrs YAQDINARO tM