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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST UATHtH HOP DATA. TALK SPRAY AND PRUNING. Lciflo ComI MoFBror' AMoeltlo Mirlott Ccunly Prullmsn Plan Mor Wants Orsgon AOrosg. I Prsq isnr Mtlngt. 4.l.,m Tli bosid 01 ltrniors lor naieru Tli Marlon Count ll.oii. 1r.noftli iolrto Ciast Iloi.imiw. cultural society t.aa decided to hold nnlHMt hew lst wkaud form- slther weekly or bl-wmkly meetings U,, s plan for aawnsiinngw name mi remainder of Ui winter for Ui -il tlx Imngrower in ma , in simmisI purpos of stirrsdlns Inform. Lgof Imps ownsd by Mali, ths Han eonceruliig Uis proper pruning kail ma of growers who nav sigueu iiisiapraying or iron ir. It ha been krtlliitlon smi nyiaws 01 union iiuunu. uiai at una mealing tlx time la Ll ilia scrg 01 each, so snort mat all Ilia subjects In which til ! pipm'tal thai this Infornistion fruitgrowers ara Interested cannot be (I be at hsd snd eompiet anon ana aaiiaracuiilly dlauoaeed, and that aa a a f..r tha flul tlm It will I known wanlt Uia grower get partial Informa- iiltely ho many acre 01 nop areivion, wucn is 01 mils practical naa to .n In irvipm. inis iniiu-maiion isiwiein. ai in weekly or bi-weekly Lu.iv In order to ascertain Uia pro I meetings, speclsl subl.rts will h uk. gilewi of seissg rpint4 In thai up, varying according to tha particular ,.n ami alao Ilia nam 01 grower portion of their work the growers sre art ntli a roemiars dui wrtoisoout w perr.nm. Jhus tha subject of not Jollied. I pruning will be ona of Ilia Ort oonsid 1. rk of gstnsring uia suikiics iim lor in rs)o that tha pruning unitoalwl to tha secielary, Jiaeph I season la now on. After that sprsylng will be tha subject of lectures and demonstrations. Vtm of li-rtlllsers. menial and Ulna of cultlvsl on. thin mug iroi, tw., win ne taken up as ovation eeeuis to demand. rmmiuirr. and arrsngeinmus were Ue ,t ralea a fund 01 fl.lMHj to pay imuiedlit sipeuse ol Uia oinl. Inn aurk In Oregon. While no iar. lit effort will he made to learn Uia lug nf hop that will ha plowed up mm.hi, ll la prolauls that pretty I lea of tha silent of tli plowing trill b gamed. hingls Mill for AH". Itany A ahlngla mill, with a e. if of Bti.UUO ahlnglea dally, will n B.ll.hed In Albany thla winter by TlioiniMoa and fcloier C'lamer, ki smpbiyes of tha Cortlea Lumber tany in Ita big plant al Mill City. tk will beam on Uia naw mill a u a aatielartory location la found. ti men bars centred the shingle ufscmrlng machinery of tha Mill Piling; on Harney Lands. lturne Th bmlneea of tha United rHato land omca in thla elly for th quarter ending IVretnber 31, 1907, make an osrallent allowing for thla eounuy, tha total eutrlee and proofi ior mi pariou covering oi.suu.aii acre and tha payment, lee and corn in la alone amounting to fttf,t4.64. The month of Iiepamher brought In I2B.0O0 01 tola aom. When It la ronalderad Uiat tha financial pan held bualneaa In fuapenea a good part of tha quarter, It will be aeen that tha tnortnent lor ealtletnml of Harney eounly and con llgooaa coootiy I deiermloed ona nulla, athl lte alao aeoatrad tha k'ihipot a Urge tiody of gproro oannol W .topped ber, ami ptopiaw to make lb III Wy large ona. Claia Factory for logana. hit'ne hugena blda lair to have a fert.iry In tl near future. Cio VUthiwn, an eipvrt giaaa blower, a one ol the prumolera of Iba ry at Coburg, In Ihia county, offer kit up a plant Mating 10,1) If the ten of till city take (Uirk la coin Ui he iirrnnl to tha amount id ). Maihleen claim to ho tkil Biiple raplial. The matter will at l taken up by tha Cmnnieivlat Walcomo to Naw Induitry. Oregon City Nothing In recent mia ha Ifotighl ao much aallefalclon to the pxopla of Oregon City aa tha announce. o.etil that naw taper mill la to be aooetrueted at Oregon tlty on tha Kat thla ol Wllatnmclte Fall, fronting tha b,wln. with tha Inatallallon of two ma. cl.lne of tha largeat cataclty al the otiteet. Not (era than 3(K) men wilt be furniahed amploymenl, and thla mean that from 400 10 0U people wilt N added to tha population of Oregon City within a year, and that there will be a and .1 I. piobahla ibat ao,m.acUo0 r,,1,?,",,u,,n .'TT l ,'" iaimtrr ta taken lranedia.lly. Labonon MIMa Kaooon. any After being elaeed lor three I, the I eloon pwtar mill ha re- a. I uik and 60 men temporarily Ear In employment. Tha r. Ral piled m man log In the Item rnl Uiat (ha mill omld not pply of fuel won,! for tha lego ronumiil(in of SO oorda dall. ikii mi wa the cane of I ho ehut aoine feare.) II might be dua to financial ilringanoy, but the lipt rreiiniptlon ol wo;k ha ra- I ronfldeiice, Lltll Snow In MounUina. It.ny lm4 mow la raportwi In tha kitalna ol thi t of tha Hal tint iiian for a great many year. aimer only tha hlgheat pea ka and r eie cover,), t,H tha ally. thoiiith far tin In Hie inoontam rri in anow. li, iuU Irom Hi fr valley and headwater of the li itntiain river are Ui the mtlm-t there la no anow at all now on tli mi 111 tanyun wliera tlie anw pmlly eeven or aight fet dn p in '1 targa rimbar Land Sal. i-iron t;ityTha tranafer of 1.M0 "l iiinliered landa on the fm-r river in i iackainaa eounly ha -'n pumic, through a cleeil ' in otlke of County Kecorder oy. 1 ne price Haled In tha dre.1 at about H per acre. Tha aaer I tha Mo a I l.nmL, a Wot Vlnrlnla rnrtv.ri l..r ' piircliaeed tha property from tha ii i.uinir company, of H.glnaw, Inilil Road Wltl Oo Untir tha Hammer Albany Tha real property of U (vlli A l-juiern Kailrrwd eomtaoy eiluaUhl In l.lnn County la to la aold lor delinquent lata. A majority of Ih alock la now owned by ih llairl- man Inleiiata riharifl Hmith baa be gun Ih advert ieement of th property lor public Bale February 17, Tha prop erty advertleed Include Ih radbed and light of way of Uia company in thla eounly, the roundhooa and ma chine ehoua at tbia rlty and aom tract of real ut adjoining Albany. POUT LAND MARKETS, Finite Applra, 76c2.S6 par hoi; pnachea, 7 6c (4 1 1 per crate; pear, ll.15tXl.7A per boii oranberrlro, H.60 CollJ per larrel. cirrtlilra Tumla, 7Ao per aack; rwriota, Mo lr aank; beeta, $1 par aack; bean. SOo per xiuiidi cabbage, le pet pound; cauliflower, f343.2 per dmen; celery, 13.60 per crate; onion, l&C'iSfte wr dtwen; pauley, 20c perd'iten: pea, ao per pound; pep per, ol7e per pound; pumpkin, 1 I i4o per pound; radtabia, tva tier dm n; apinach, eo ir pound; tpronta, He ier pound; auaali, 1(1 lc per poima toniatoea, 12 per box. Onion f I.Ho(3 per hundred. Potato iHilivered Portland, 60 76o jr bundnxlj awnct potaton, 13 pr cwt. Wheal Club. Hta; bliieatam, f)7o; valley, H6c; red, H3o. t)i. No. 1 white, 127 .80(3)28; gray, Itarley Haed, IJ7.60 ier ton; brew Ing, 132; rolled. 130. lotn Whole, $33.60; cracked, $33.60 Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $ per ton; hiatorn Oregon timothy, $21 21; clover, 116; cheat, $16; grain hay, POLITICS 'IQUHC LAHOELY. Hanay Tollo Banaatlonal Story In HI Opening Statement. Portland, Jan, 17. In hi opening addree in the Hall-Ma.) conpliai'y ..... eeHiruay, rrancia i, Meney cliarg a.1 tliat: Hall wanUxl rearinulntuient a TTnit. ed HlaUa dUtrlut attorney and nought election 01 nenator Mitchell and Kul ton to that end. Ila forced HUb) Renator W. W. HUi war to vol for Fulton In Februar IU03, by threatening Htalwer and other wun criminal pnaetution (Hall then being United Htate dlatrlvt attorney) lor Illegal leoolng of public land. Fulton waa a party to this deal with Htalwer and nae-l hi Influence In Hui wer'a behalf to oue Hall to Inatituu olvll prweingt agalnut Ktclwar In- alead ol criminal. llrownell wanted to anoreed Hall and had pledge of UDIOrt from Mitchell ami ruiton. Hall forced Brownell to retire and ao lo notify Mitchell aod rnttcn, by threatening ilrownell with proeeoutlcn tor acknowledging forged land fa per, for which Hrownell latar wa Indlctod through Henry. Hall threatened Hermann, William on and Milt-he 1 with land-frand In diet men t if they did not ewur hi re- appolnlment. Hall hal agreement with SUiwer. -acliary and Hendrick hv which ha allowed them to maintain their I lineal lencea, liila being lb alleged mnnpir acy. Hall aay b and Mar will bcth take me aland in their own uefrnee. L. K. Wbtr, attorney for Hall. aid that when hi client flrat learned of Ui Illegal fence lo 101, he not! Red Htelwrt, at al.. that they mint not lenoa government land. Wetwter de- nlad Uiat Hall waa actuated by ulterior motive, politic or other. Wltne rutnam and King ttifid that they Informed Hall by letter of ui lencea aa early a March, 1000 Tha fence war not removed until IV06, after Hall waa outlet from owe INVESTIGATE HARRIMAN. California Will Probe Into Action of Southern Pacific, fan Fraorlaco. Jan. 17. After 29 year of qulearvnt obedience, the fiat board of tallmad commleinner flew full Into tha lace of the Southern Pacific eompany tlay and ord rd a tearch- ing inveetigallon into the relating pro- cllvitlc of the Harriman line, the Kama Fe aod the halt lake load. At the aama time the board, with the aMlitance ol Attorney General Wabb, patned the reapoomblllty lor eflireeioue o-tion to the door of Uovernor tllllrtt. It ll with tha chief eterutiv to au thor i the eipenditur of Uie nrooey that urh an investigation will coat, and Mr. li.lMt baa no alternative but tocboia aquarely bel ween the people and the railroad. The tudden awakening of the board haa developed a unique aitualion. The tale railroad commiiaion la alway been lb object of tender car on the part of William F. Herrin. Now tha ooromlaaioQ ha auddenly decided to put Mi. Herrin and hi aaeociaUa 00 the carpel. SEtKS TO RETAIN TROOPS. nge In Blue Mountain Reaarva. innglon Tha prenldent haa jtiat pnnianMiiion .which eliinl '31, 43 acre of the Hlua toon r-t rmwrve. a reoommen.lmt hv lll: alfalfa, $16; fetch, $14 rt aervh-e. Tli greater rart of I Hut ter Fancy creamery, SIKjpaSo per ' eliin natfd i I Dound. Tlie lauiularr hit alao Poultry Average old hena, 12c per rhaiuM to eioluda .nine l,.l pound; mlied chicken. lltWUSo; "l land, title to whloh l,. .--.1 prlng chicken, ll U(112o; nKatera, II. a . . I I U.-t II-. J - - J -1.1. .L I,.. ... Kuvernineni, M"M to Resume In Snrln-. kker Cltv The ........1 Kl'laild (told Mine, notvl tut n w iun two-dava' m:nn. It A.,l ' ronuma work In the mine in irlK. nmnef havine Li nll.. P Kmilein and Unnlk... i-,-.. .... I, lUIIIMII. HHlOc; drviaed chicken, 14c; turkey, live, 16c ; dreaned, choice, IHo; ga, live, 910o; duck, HK17o; pigeons, 76c(4$li eqnabe, $1.60(42. r.ggr Fresh ranch, oandled, 30o per dosen. Veal 76 to 126 pound, 0(3)1) Wo; 126 to 160 pounds, 7o; 160 to 200 pounds; 6(38 Vo. Pork tilock, 70 lo 100 pounds, 09 7o: packers, 6 7o. Hops 1007, prime and choice, eo 7XJ) P" pound; olds, 1 01 2o per pound. Wool r-aa tern Oregon, average beat, 1 vada Legislators Are Unanimous In Approving Policy. Caraon City, Nev., Jan. 17. At the afternoon acaelon of the aaeembly yes terday a resolution which paaed the annate in the morning, petitioning Ih pieeident to retain Ihe troop tempo rarily, paased without a negative vote. There waa no argument on either aide a to the merit ol the meaaure. Uov ernor Hpark waa at Uie speaker's deck, and a he cam Into the hall was greet ed with applause. Speaker rikagg, who has opposed the governor in Uie matter ol calling troops to Nevada, left the chair aod Speaker P10 Tetn rolaom placed the motion be fore the house. 8kagg failed to vote on the meaiure, sbevntliig himself at Mil call. The governor is receiving congratulation from both parties since the passage of the bill. There was s meeting ol the Joint committee this af ternoon in referenoe to taking up a measure for policing the state. It is likely that this measure will be Intro duced by Monday. DOINGS OF THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS I Want Hearing Changed, Washington, Jan. 17. Represents live Humphrey, of Washington, lia reintroduced a hill of last nceaion pro viding for the hearing of Alaska sp peals at either Seattle, Portland or Han FrsnolHMi, instead of merely at the Cal ifornia city as st present. Mr. Humph rey does not expect Uie same trouble that was encountered lst year, al though Representative Kahn, of Call' fornla, has sanerted his intention of fighting the bill. Mr. Kshn claim that Uie majority of appeals from Als- ka are matters of California Interest. Monday, (January 20. Washington, Jan. 20 The senate devoted over two hours to considering the hill revising the criminal lswa of the United WUUw. Ths senste adopted a resolution offer ed by Tillman directing Uie secretory of ths treasury to send to Ihe senste a tateinent showing the number of na tional bsnks placed In the hand of re ceivers as insolvent since Jsnuary I IV03, the capital stock of each, the nsme of Uie receivers and their com penaation and the names of all attor neys or apeclsl employe under them Henator Fulton secured favorable re port on his bill to divide Oregon into two Judicial districts, one east of the Cascade and one west. later the bill passed the senste. Hecretary Cortelyou asked more time to report on the various bond Issues. Henstor Fulton today in rod need 1 hill appropriating $260,000 to reim burse the Kherman county settlers for land and improvement of which they were dipoeeed by the decision of the nupreme court. 1 be aenate today passed Henator Ful ton dui cotierring jurirdictton upon in aisui uircoit Federal court to dt tormina In equity the rights of Ameri csn clt liens under the Mehrlng sea ar titration and render judgment thereon Washington, Jan. 20. Unrestrained opportunity to eipreas views 00 ths immigration question was afforded members of the nous todsf by the de cision to tske up and consider a bill sp- propriaung for an immigra tion station in Philadelphia and so many took advantage of it that the code of law bill, which the managers bad planned to take op, wa side track ed for th day. The dissuasion of ths Immigration station bill opened up ths whols sub ject of Immigrstlon and rxcited the in terest of the entire bouse. Members from both sides of the chamber cla morrd for recognition, which carried ith It the right to spesk for ao hour, if so desiied. The debate was notable in that It was indulged in largely by members serving Ibeir first terms, who foand in Uie bill a chance to make their maiden efforts at speech making on the floor of Uie liouae. The entire session was devoted to a considerstlon of the bill. wbirh was paed. Thursday, January 18. Washington, Jan. 16 A complete change nf front aa exhibited by Uie majority In the house of representa tive today In the wmsidetstion of tlie bill to codify and revise Uie penal laws of the United Btates. the psclBc spirit displsyed by the committee on revision of laws toward th oloee ol yettnrday's aeasion, when it sppeared a though the sereral amendments strengthening certain provisions ol Uie bill re siding corruption In Uie ap pointment of person to publio office would be adopted, bad vanished today and Instead every loch of ground wss lought over to keep smendments out of ths bill. When adjournment wss taken, only sis sddltional page had teen diapoeed of and bat one or two verbs) amendment by Uie committee bad been Inserted. A resolution was adopted that the hooss convene st 9 a. m. instead of 1 2, and remain in ses-lon until 6 p. m Lunch hour to be from 1 to 2. Washington, Jan. 16. 80 persistent havs been the effort made In th boon of representatives to amend the bill codifying Ihe penal laws of the United Htate that the committee on th revis ion ol the lsws today consented to let down Uie bars, and as a result the measure wss changed In some Import ant psrticolsrs. Tb pacific attitude of the committee In thi regard aerved to modify the opposition to the measure, end In consequence the proceeding to day were devoid of th bested argu ments which have characterised the previous debate. When the boose ad journed there were pending a number of other important amendment, which seemed to meet with 00 psrtlonlsr op position by the committee, bat which were passed over until tomorrow. The portions of the bill whieb st ir acted the most aUention were those covering the giving and accepting of bribe by senator snd representatives. and the sale of endorsement or support lor sppolntlve public omce. It is to the amendments touching these ques tions thst the house will devote itself tomorrow upon resuming consideration of th bill. Tuesday. January 14. Washington, Jan. 14. The recent bond laaus by the Treasury department was again th subject of discussion in th aenate today, being brought for ward by a resolution offered by Culber- son, calling upon ths secretsry for addi tional information concerning the rea son that induced hlrn to award bonds to Nstlonal banks instead of Individu als who, be declared,' offered a higher price than wa bid ty the bank. Ths rev lotion went over nnder th rale. Tillman offered a resolution embody ing a new series of inquiries concerning Uie financial situation. Th aenate refused to confirm lour Ohio postofBce appointment at th in stance of Foraker and Dick. The bill granting leaves of absence to homestead entrymen during December, Jsnuary, February snd March wa paased. Washington, Jan. 4. The amount of the fine and the length cf the term of Imprisonment to be meted oat to offi cers snd director of corporation for violating the law with respect to money contribution for political purposes fur nished material for a lengthy debate In the house today, in connection with th consideration of the penal code bill. All amendment to Increase the pens I -ty or en large the scope of the law, bow- ever, were voted down. Thee amend ments, without exception, emanated from the Demccratic side, but th one that brought forth the most discoseion was by Cockrsn, New York, who want ed the fine fixed at $10,000 nstead of not more than $1,000, and the Impris onment at 10 years instead of not more than one year. When adjournment wa taken at 6 o'clock 86 section of the S42 had been disposed of. DAMS AND LOCKS 8AFE. New Express Rstss. Jefferson City, Mo., Jsn. 17. Th new schedule of express rate recently agreed upon by tha board of railway oommlasionsrs and the express com panies doing business In Missouri, goes Into effect today. In round figures Uie schedule provides for an srerags redac tion of SI ear eon .- Willi Ing ton, Jan. 16. Senator Ful ton haa introduced a bill appropriating $250,000 lor a revenue cutter for the Portland station. The bill hss the sp- proral 01 the Treasury department. A resolution wss passed declaring that no communication from heada of departments would be received unless sent in compliance of law or trans mitted by the persident. Carter, of Montans, oppose giving public land to the states for various purposes. A bill hss been introduced creating a bureau of mining. The senate calendar was cleared of nearlv everv bill upon It today and the bill to revise the crlminsl laws ol the' United States wss taken np aod dis cussed nntil adjournment, which was taken at 4:30 until Monday. Wsdnsiday, Jsnuary 16, Washington, Jsn. 15. Bacon today introduced a currency bill aud ex plained its chief features to the senate. Bacon ssid that his bill wss an amend ment to the A Idrich bill and embodied many ol its' provisions, as it did of the provisions of ths bill introduced by Knox. He said It omitted railroad bonds from the c Issues of securities that could be used as a basis of circula tion. Th senate did not receive a reply today from Uie secresry of Uie treasury to its resolution railing for information concerning Uie financial situation, as had been promised, snd in It absence Aldrioh assented to the passage of Cul berson's leaolution on the same subject. Without further comment, Ihe resolu tion was adopted, Th resolution providing for ths re- m lesion of mor than halt ths Chines ii .. ., 1. Goethals Say 108 Fet Will Be Limit of Vessels' Beam. Washington. Jsn. 21. Colonel Goe- thsls, chairman of the Isthmian Canal commission, today resumed bis testi mony before the senste canal commis- ion. He detailed the structure of the various dams and locks, giving it ss bis opinion that all ol them, especially the big project at Gatun, were going to be absolutely safe and capable of use in passing the largest vessel in the world through the canal. Colonel Goethals said that he con sidered 110 feets sufficient width for the canal locks. "If we made them much wider that thst," he said, "it would practically call lor a widening of all the drjdocks of the world. We will be sble to accommodate ships of 108 feet beam in the cansl. I doubt if the beam of ships will ever be greater than tbst" A proposition to work both nigbt and day on certain parts of the canal is under consideration by the commis sion, according to Colonel Goethals. The bearings - will be resumed on Wednesday next. MAY SKIP BUENOS AYRES TRIP Probsb Torpedo Flotilla Will Go Direct From Rio. Washington, Jan. 20. It seem probable now that the torpedo boat flotilla on its way to the Pacific will not pay a visit to Buenos Ayres, aa was intended. According to the original plan, the flotilla was to proceed from Rio Janeiro to Montevideo. Now. however, as the flotilla is said to bo three days behind its iUnearry, it is probable that Uie entire cruise up tho River Flstte will be cut but and with out stopping st either Montevideo or Buenos Ayres the little vessels will try to Disks the run from Rio Janeiro to Randy Point, in the straits of Magellan. The torpedo boats will thus be givon athorough test of their ability to make a long distance rim and will also be able to catub up with their schedule and accompany Uie battleships In th psassge of the straits of Magellan, a .wiw.iui.4hw, v;i,.x,i land. Cai.