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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
VJ tution say it win reopen. ,nru IMMUNITY llllllff? ruip run' - inniwa NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Dmdenssil Form for Csr Easy Headers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS X Raums of tho LM Important but Not Im Interacting Evn, of tho Past Wk. Burnt and Kuef clashed In court and almost earns to blows. The miners' federation niay deft the Nevada constabulary law. Colorado etcck men in their conven tion upheld the government' foreetiy policy. Walsh, the convicted Chicago bank wrecker, says he merely made investment. A New York grand jury ia making a searching investigation Into banking frauds. Evelyn Thaw will again tell her story to the jury despite the effort! of Jerome. The Sovereign bank of Canada, which baa failed, waa largely a Morgan Institution. The government may decide to ran teemera on the Pacific coast to defeat the monopoly of the Pacific Mail, Judge McPherson holds the Missouri law airainat the transfer of railroad suits to the Federal oooit invalid. - Louis Glass, convicted Ban Francisco briber, who is ill with pneumonia, is somewhat improved. He is 63 years old. Senator Borah opposes the Aldrlcb cnneney bill. New York banks have a turplua over the legal reserve. There is a great deal of revolutionary agitation In India. The three miners entombed at Ely, Nov., December 4, have been released. Boyeitown, Pa., bat burled all of it dead. The total fatalities numbered 173. The United States baa found it neces sary to Interfere in the Haytian revolu tion. German scientist have succeeded In manufacturing rubies of remarkable beauty. Attorney General Young, of Mlnne ' iota. Is a candidate for the Bepubllcan nomination for governor. California shippers are determined that the Southern Pacifio rebate inves tigation shall not be a farce. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road intends to have its line finished into the Northwest in time to handle a part of the 1908 crop. John R. Walsh, president of the Chicago National bank, has been found guilty on 64 counts of misapplication of the bank's funds. The minimum penalty Is Imprisonment for 270 years and the maximum penally osu years The Sovereign bank of Canada has (ailed. Fonr Scranton, Pa., girl were burn ed in a factory fire. The United States torpedo flotilla has arrived at Rio Janeiro. The Japanese premier considers the emigration problem settled. Montana mioeowners have united to build a smelter and fight the trust. Haytien rebels have captured two towns and the president threatens bom bardment. Pope Pius has the gout, but the alarming rumors about his health are not justified. An effort is being made to keep Eve lyn Thaw from telling nher story at the second trial of Thaw. Colonel Goethala thinks about $32, 403,863 will be needed to carry on the canal work this year. The president has decided to let the Federal troops remain st Gold field until some action has been taken by the Ne vada legislature. The largest savings bank in Dallas Texas, has suspended. The temperature has reached 6 de grees below aero at St. Paul. Japan denies that there is any secret about the location ol tier Meet. A majority of the house committee is opposed to the Seattle fair approprl ation. The National Woolgrowers' associa tion ia opDoeed to Roosevelt's land policy. The Kentucky legislature remains deadlocked on the senatorial election Governor Beckham still lesds. ThTNew York Federal court is in oulrlng Into IJarriman'a stock deals ad has ordered him to answer ques tions. Anarchist Conspiracy in Rio Janeiro to Blow Up Fleet. Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 81 .The Bra- tlllan police hare discovered an anai- ohlstlo plot hers having as Its onject the destruction of part ol the American fleet now lying In the harbor. The con spiracy, while centering In Rio Janeiro and Pettopolts, has ramifications in Sao Paulo and Mlnas Geraes. An individual named Jean Fediier, who reaided In PetroDOU. was m chief conspirator here, although it is understood that foreign anarcnisw are deeply Involved in the plot, redtier is believed to have fled to Sao raulo and the police, who know bim, have Deen eent to that place fcr the purpose ol apprehending him. On of the detec tives who was well acquainted with Fedher, having served on the ponce tore at Petropolis for some time, re turned from that place today. After having made Inveetigatlon there and had a long conference with the chief of police at Rio Janeiro, the latter gave it to be understood later that the Sao Paulo police are on tli track of the arch-conspirator and expect to arrest bim soon. PLOT 18 REVEALED, DEFENSE IS FIGHTING Hall and Mais Trial Making but Utile Progress. HENEY IS MOVING WITH CAUTION Station Largely Given Up to Reading of Letters Said to Show Contplracy. MAKE GOOD PROGRESS. Is Too But Philippine Delegate Say It Soon for Home Ru. San Franoisco, Jan. II. Speaking of conditions in the Philippines, Benito Legarda, delegate to congress, who, with hi colleague, Pablo Ocampa, has arrived here en route to Washington, id todav that bia people had made great progress under American ruie, and especially along educational lines, and added: 'It is useless to talk of Independence now. I warn inoepenuence, oi course, bul how can we have it? That is the question. 1 do not care to risk the property I own in another civil war or to anarchy that might follow an at tempt on the part of my countrymen to govern themselves at present. It is asserted that his fellow delegate would work in harmony while in the house of representatives, bia only aim being to improve the economio oondl tiona of the Islands, worse now than it has been lor SO years. Both delegates want to secure, if possible, the reduc tion of the United States duties on Philippine sugar and tobacco. Both are greatly interested in the Japanese question. Legarda is a member ol me rrg res tive party, while Ocampo is affiliated with the National party. t.-.l...i i. 18 Th govsrurnent yesterday continued laying the '' '; tion of the case against John II. H and Kdwin Mays. Heney Introduced ome ou -. written from June, tww. w re,.. ber. 1903., by Hall, Mays, Looujlt, Stratford and Putnam. Moi sucn hi ium .ill r.,ll,ir todav. ..... . . Hall objected seriously so "7 " lettef, written by Secretary ii""" ... ui.i Inaneotnr A. R. Greene, dl- iinyma to Investigate VMS i.n. in' nuinose is to alio that this Investigation was prompted by settlers, who had appealed vainly tJ Halt to act against the fence. Hal object to the letter because, a copy and nnt the nr him slier lias own I because it Is irrelevant iii .in d.-hla the uuestions Us morning. l!n!!ke Hall. Msvs raised numerous objections In the courae of the day. Toe steps in me gveruuiu dsnce of conspiracy will bs sbout I IMInM. First To prov Hall and May nau frequent knowledge from protesting t- llera of iiie fence a eaiiy as marcu, I BOO. Second That Steiwer. Zsehary ami Hendricks caused various persons to file nn Und (nr their comtany. in order to m,nlaia the coninanv'a enclosure cl public land. Third That Hall and Mars took ao steps to nrosecule the oflenders, though they hsd full knowledge of the fe twlng snd ths conspiracy for more than thie veara. At this stage, Steiwer ia esperted to testify about the alleged understanding by which Hall and Mays were not to croeecute him and his essuclsUri. One of the terms of this alleged agreement waa Setiwer's vote for Fulton. George brownell is stpectsd to testily that Hall promised bim Immunity from land fraud prosecution for bis with drawal from ths contest for Hall's oBic. KEEPING RESULTS SECRET. Part of Lmlua' Party R turns Prom Japan. Sao Fiancisco, Jan. 21. Hon. Jos eph Pope, Canadian secretary of state, and Madame B. Lemieux, wife of the Canadian oostmuter general, returned on the ship Mongolia from Japan where Lemleox went to straighten out the difficulties between th two conn triea, which arose over the question of JaDaneee Immigration to Canada, and the conteauent riots at incomer ana in other Canadian cities. Lemieux re turned on a preceding steamer. The secretary of state, and trie poet master general were eeut to Japan sev eral months ago with Instruction to reach some agreement with the Japan ese government, whereby the immigra tion of coolie to Canada would be re strirted. What suecees attended the mission is very carefully guarded by LPope. Madame Lemieux had not been made a confidante by the government oliicials. The party will leave here to day for Ottswa. Water of Lake Are Blessed. St. Petersburg. Jan. 21. The annua ceremony of blewings the waters, dur ing which, in 190S, the emperor nar rowiy escaped assassination by means of the saluting cannon, took place at Ttarkoe-gelo instead of at the waters of the Neva, The imperial blessing was bestowed on the waters of the lake In the palace park amid thesaluteof guns After the ceremony the emperor, accom panied by his mother, reviewed the gnard regiment. Th empress did not take part in the celebration, as Itinera still confine her indooi. Ruf Hs Nothing to Say. San Francisco, Jsn. 21. The case which was begun against Abraham Ruef yesterday before Judge Lawlor is the one in which indictments were brought against him for the alleged bribery of supervisors in connection with a Iran chise of an overhead trolley system for the United Railroads. Ruef refused to make any statement tonight regarding the change in the attitude of th prose cutors toward him and their decision not to give him immunity. Glass Taken to Hospital. San Francitco, Jan. 21. Louis Glass, former vice president and general man ager of the Pacific Telephone A Tele graph company, who was recently con victed of bribery and sentenced to five yesrs' Imprisonment, was transferred from th county jail tonight to th Lane hospital, he being quit ill with pneumonia. , I nam net w waoeiMru . uj- ir , -- District Attorns, l"!" Ne gotiation Ar,Ovr. San rr.nol,J.r..lK).-nw-2 nomtfedlal.Uy ' ,.fl prosecution 1. - eonttnu. ll negotiation '-""-; Kuef, th. central figure . .. . ...... ..( .ranting him case, in in n" - e--- - immunity. U t-W - today lh. prosecdl"" ..... u...f la. nut on lilal befot J"'' vim --- - - a Dunn on on of th niny cna'g- bribery for which h ) n Indict!. "lf!;r,J..-...,i.tlono( ths i.roeeeulbn n.tltliui with Kuef. U MW lutt m.s tlma lh "."...11 U...I oarllal Imrauuliy In U.ld...tloohl.UI,lng t.. wtUM ,Uud and trnthlully testifying H .. .11 1,1. Umiiaactions WiU lin , corporation oltlolalt to be tried on the charge of bribery. .,. Whenth Plilrlcnonrt o ' - nil if TENANTS IN RIOTS. Rat PROGREE Jury Second la Ball U: la Dot Day. ..n.i.,l lia dertaloa declaring vo Indictment for extortion ii . u..i..,,lia to which Ruel had al ,,dy pleailed gmlly. it c lis rged that lluef, realising tnai me " i WW Ih awlaMllbtMtHla. tHssJlllOO, manded full lumiunlty. This th pro ecntiun would not consent to giant, an titers followed series of tonfer-nce In which Kuef endeavored 10 secure w RUSSIAN FOLLOWS FLUT. Objset to Paying Mor Thn Thsy Fix Thsmtelvss New York, Jan. 18. Forcible resist- ante by tenant whom an Upper Kast Side landlord was trying to evict result ed yesterday in th gathering of crowd of two thousand or mors tymptinisers in th neighborhood, who made so much trouble for the police that th precinct reserve were called out. Dor ing the rioting tour women snd a nam ber of men were taken Into custody The riotous demonstration began when a city marshal and about 28 as- istaot visited the blork on the south tide of Kast One Hundred and Kouith street, between Pint and Second vv mien, with HO dispossess warrants lor families who had unitedly demanded reductions In rents if a dollar a month and had refused to pay the landlord's collector more than the new rate they had Died. The taking out of the furn iture from the rooms of the first family visited was ths signal for an attack on the marshal and hi men by tcoros of tenants. Angry women surrounded a patrol man who had gone to the nisrxhal's as sistance and had half torn hitctnt from his back when assistance arrived. He arrested four women. Several demon strative men were also eent to the sta tion house. Ths police were by this time struggling with little tucresa to disperse an increasing crowd of angry demonstrators, hut other arrests by the officers finally hsd the effect of putting a atop to the trouble. The immediate purpose of the dem onstration was effected, the mtrehsl deciding not to attempt the serving ol more dispossess warrants at the time. Naval Officer of th wise "iw-i Every Movement. St. Petersburg. Jan. 1U The Im portance attached by th Russian ed n.lmlt to the lesson to bs learned from th vsosg of lbs American bat tleslilp Beet under Rear Admiral F.vati it shown by lh fact thai th na offlorr, Commander Aleiis Iliatehkoff, it following th fleet around th Horn, tiavelins from Port to port by any meant h ran obtain. He adapted W'a course oaly altei bis repreted riust fur permission to join tne iiip two been refused. It Is reported here thst Diatrhkon totvreded In getting on board one of the American waithlpt al Kin Jsnetro, and ths entire Incident of this oflWr's activities had been a source of some friction between th Huealaa foreign minister her and th admiralty. When Karon Rosen, the Kuesian mtaa4ot to th United Hlatee. was Instructed to aak lor a permit tr lHaUl.kofl to join Adailral Evan, he declined on ti ground thst h knsw hi request woold bs unfavorably received at Washington, rhereopoo the Ruse lan adinlrallv, after further corrrspomlsnre with the Foreign office, Instructed liatchkurr to apply persons I ly to Secretary Mskatf. This the otneer did, Dai in vain, us waa therefor ordered to follow the fleet ss closely as hs Could, making as of private steamers. PROQRtSS IS SLOW. WILL THT BUT Till IERnj fe.Ur.Hd RtatM Attorn Ha i Edwin Mays at Bar No a. p la nation U Qlvon, foilland, Jan. IS. Twelv taltsiactory tins w wie guveiti and 10 in uoieu , werw eeieriaii lerday lo dsieruiln th guilt or U r,flr of John II. nail, si L'r rttate attorney tor Oregon, and K. Mays, who ar jo'i'J rg-d wiia. legally fenelng publio Lands t rtwn Oregon. ri nrsi wior, aiirwj ft.. en, tstmer ol Utonon, Una cotttt. a accepted t II o'clirk ami lbs jn est completed at O 36 O'eUrk ysslaMH sflernooo with the acceptance of Htr Krerken, a (aimer of SII1 Us crxinly, and a brother of lb Brl tai selected. Both side) Md ha then this peremptory ballest for Ui nam ol Henry f reertsea a reevhed, bul h s subjected thortwgh queStUsnittg h StaKlsl ri eutor llensy befur twlng ecepU4. When eourl enavwetd yajWetr morning Mr. Ileneyerealeda Mweisw by announcing Ihsl of lb I! deieoaet named lo th lodictmont only 1111 aa Kdwio May woold be tried tt U time. Hit I l lure lo I ad Irate wbta f W. Hielw.r, Hamlltoej II. Iletxtiws and Clarence K. Zetbary would b wist If at all. I believed to gl rolo ki report thai ihese Ibrw aVftndanitarw been promised Immunity In rm Important leallttmoy against Uwbt J.lendstii. Th Ut4tniiy of delendanU, II has lm rmre4, considered aentiat w lie rasw el giteromeul sgalntt Hall and Ms;. Hsll-Mays Trial at Poflland May Take Waskt to End. rortltnd, Jsn. gl). Neither Prose cutor Heney nor IImi Iswyer for the de fendants will hsiard a preitictloa a to the tuns that will web required to con clude the Hall-Mays conspiracy trial. One week already ties been consumed and the government hs nnrrely a beginning, only nne of Ma many im- Wirtant wuneaeni hiving been riimn- ed. More than 70 witneaMU .,r the government are In the city, summoned to testify against one or more of tl, 1 J defendants named In the Indictment, but time the prieceution hs de- lded to try only Hall and Mye at this time. Mr. Heney saya he may note I all of the government's witneases. In this way the trial may be shorten. ed aomealiat, but II all (, the w lines.. take the stand, the case will drag along for weeks. There is little doubt that between two and Ihree weeks mois at Die least will lie required lo complete the Introduction ol testimony and tub- mu wie case lo the Jury. Thnt far th testimony has not been damaging to Had or Mays. IOC NTI'VINO THE OIA0. Many Seysrtewn Victt4Bur' far HogeHlo, Hoyrtwn, Pa., Jan. H. Onst itml and seventy mrsosit pertsM th Hlxstdes opera rVKtso Br MMf sight, aitniding lo flgarea eomnlssl I'onmsr Strttwer last aighl. Tb of dead inelode on Unman, who at hi life fishllng th fire, and oa i Jacob Johnson, who died from lejarh received in Ui blssing playboo. Three charred ball ware reem from lb ruins of lb bolldlog ysga day, snd of lb IM bailee or r Uisi li la th ImproviM! ruin of tV building lit bev been ofllallyS llally identified by i-rowlBg rekina or friend. Hot mors than IS of Ih scllrs as ber of bodies (eoxrred from tb k bars besvl. There at severs) Irata klsh will never be reeogataw-J, U re tlrsnger to th audleleat Is llneaeed Ux play, INOOR8IS SPARKS' AC f ION. Hsytl 1 In Revolution, Pott An Prince, Haytl, Jan. The first ai:tnal operation of a revolu tionary movement against the preeent government ol Haytl took place yester day, and so far ha been tnrcestfiil. An expedition composed of Ilaytlena, who have been In exile, under the command of Jean Juneau, effected a landing not far from Gonalves, 65 miles northwest of here, and occupied that town. Th government la taking measure to resist th movement. The revolutionary force alio occupied St. Maro, some 20 miles from Gonalves. Warships Sail for Magdalene. Ban Diego, Cel., Jan. 18. All that was left her of the Pacific squadron sailed this morning for Msgdalrna, to remain for tit or aeven weak, indulg Ing ia target practice. 7't" iinif',iiiii-t"Trnrii'"''. ' i im iisinnniMti. Htrvsstsr Trust It Flnd, Topeki, Ksn., Jan. 211. Judge liana in the Kluwne Courify l),trict court here today, awessed a fine of 112 goo against the International Harvester company, which the court found guilty on :l counts of violating the Kansas anti trust law. The maximum fine is 11,000 a count, and the minimum II mi Tlie criminal suit was filed a year ago by Attorney (ierl Coleman, who conten. e.1 that the harvester company whs being operated In Kr,. in Ji..i.7 ii i .i . - ., . . '"i- ui me anti-trust laws, will betaken. Ail appeal Judge Rscslv.t Esplotlv. Addsm of the Jvenll conrt, b'uy received in his mall . .tick of what rstodyriamll , solidified nl'ro glyclerlne, .1, notle, , was no,ln to detonate thi . ffill J"lK Ad'l,m Caucus of Nvada LtgUlstort ley port Qovsmor. Carin, Nev,, Jan. H A Jolnl em of the trxrlsl rommltter of Us enale and a"irihly of the Neai H Islslnie met yr.lrrdy and frames' I joint rrihtt..n which will m lntrJ e. in I he senate today asking th (r"w dent ol th l olled Stale to " trw iaj In tioldfleld until ub tltot the stale can provide either P'm force or other means to ttialntai a4 In lbs camp. This it a decided W for (iiivernor Spark, as lh comll framing th resolution lrmpf JO memUr. holh Rennblltaos sal Oemorfata, with tb pro and elements both represented. Th resolution will ndubtdl P the senate, whll Ui general Mf Ion among lh nemlr ol the houae It that ll wilt go through U4 body by a small majority, lbs llng Kepubllran and the s'7 strongly lemocratlB. Want to Pino Standard, Chlrago, Jan. 1. IHstrirt ney Hlms. npott arilvltig May ft Washington, where h I Mmoghl I have dicued th matter with ft lenl KiMieevelt, nnoiuxe.l Ilial make an eflort to bring th SiawW Oil company of Indiana to Irlsl week on tba i.m.lnin. nof count " tlie Imltctmtnl retnmeil gf'tt corjioratlon. It will he possible I event Uial th eoinpeny thonld be viclsil on each ooiint ol th Indlrtoiwj to Imrwa fines urattnf a M"1 ISO.000,000. PAatiwkne Bl Itla Pair. rVaUl. Jan. Ifi-Whll tb W-JJ no! received by with approval by majority of th people, Clonel nd others have recently began t menl to poatpon ths Alas-iJ exposition until 1910. Th fin" condition In ill rrt of lh vxtW and fallnr to reall on Mrtaln h" monsteaoo UU slaa lo b