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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
OREGON rl Vol XXV St Helena, Oregon, January 24, 1908. No. 7. THE MIST I LOCAL Talk to Ko ColumldsCount Hank u- A ha lwn Wl1 " Mr. and fleet th-t Mr. Ilawu'e b-rlallv Iwprowd. heath I ma. hkb W 1 .-I..-...', .tor HI ll.mllnn Wunwarae llltl,..vl-. Many artt.lhei .t," ..I end the many bargain ,,, h.a will be P '""'. it .i i until It l( voor butlnca buy iw.w for part clar ' .. i In awdher pert 11' pmTH of Cmi.k l',xci.iMi-Charle 'Bl-lt,ti,Hr..dl4 ml hi bout t Deer ItUad l noon Wedneada Ial tmm .,h trouble, Mr. KngtitJi had been .irk fc,r ome time -vrt dy . .n..- v.i. it.ath bil on! I able to Lv. In " rotu' Tb In nrralwitt lake place Unlay tFrlday at lbret Itland. u, w. II Nw.l l'utlbd, vi-biti old friend b ' Wdar. The 81. Helen "" Company re tion neat Monday, During tlx urn tlwtdown great deal ' hat been don In tbe r ol betterment and the pUnt U (n belter condition than hrloie, Th quarry i ' probably a!v .ill be S. ilehm'tetalel induelty. The demand Ut th product pr1' ... ....11...1...I and each year will ? a greater numtr l m employed, that t!wr- l b i (... - thrlr lamiltr. & Whit An.ler-m -l i tMDtr. I'ulroniMi bir W clKr Ut County tbU wfV. T1it KrrvMtf hivtwttttrhobttalt mlhn' untie irrltal mrrltn Mlhrlr chorch in .mlinn lhU . HnUM? U Urrt n l !fl lrt of itrr i liH nuuilnl-'l. Mr .ri W, Vtcl. Rnif't r ""r ----- t ni hfri .wr money rtnn Mr. L 1 I'liicVnc lir-l nl U borne l lirr tbmnhtrr. M' "". ,n ,bi itrni i ilM. bn nn t jwinlul llliic'. l burial io Hie (Ml fvttnw e-rorlrr nl Wnrrro Vc-!ur.-lii iiniii. Br. Mnwtrr wrlrl th !..jrl wrvlf, (. VincM- nt tirniWr .- Ib l'ttel ArtUn ol IUmlt. il V !sK lrltl" Irmn th nnlri '(tn.tc4 lh Innrful. I W'e are r'iiea'.t to (ttrnil lb lbnW ol bet relative to tb wol) olthia cummiinlt for the kimlne thuwa dnrtng her Wet am Mr.Thoma ll)vef)?o. o thl citr. hu recently reelvil (rum I)uilitt. Ire UuJ, ctleol ta mill l hi nctar, Jiilm ml Thouiat Hoeniln, iltel in iriAnn-l I71M, Tliey are filletJ wl'h the qiuinl nlil enlnit oJ that time, but a lur a. their ltl phreoloy U eoncerrt e.l. jiir to be lully up to IViMi.NA-Tbe nett meetlnu o( r'nnio n (irKe lor Columbia County will be ItrM at Warren on Ratunhv. I'ebnwry lit. Don't luiKet Ibe date, ami ure to nttrinl, A larK n'l ethuUtiC tiicctlnx U riecteil. White A Ainlemm' January clearance ale lor bargain. For 8 ile Chcap-jOne Da) ton couHint W Mle with tnriifablli, ona grocer coNce mill, on cheee lioic ami knlie, ue tlity gallon oil lank and pnmp, one iioten Kpiare canity Jar. Innuire ol I.. Swell, Kainler, Ore. The team ol Mr. 8, Vincent, who ru- Mr near Yankton, got out ! blcon trl lint KattinUy liiomiitK a lia coming, ilown the bill on tho Hoiilton mail mt hcyoml the Walter bonne. 1 1 thrown from the buK nnu tne borne ran nt full twil throiik'll the iwn, freelnif tlieinelvc rwmtbe biiKBjr in front ol Mr, Day'. Mr. Incent wa comlileralily brult(t tint no Imnei were briikn. The buKRy barne, how rtr, Mmtd to U badly In need of re- A Mr. Seullert, o) Tba Dalle, ba eni to lb Ml.t0mt-eii Initiative petitiotl lor proixncj w (, t alt(fHa pHre ol (trolerllnK 'be aalwon, ami be ak u to loalil him In aiiriii um.'trnl huiii'mt of lKnturr lo have it ple1 upon the lialloi at ilia next elcctimi. Wvll tmrilly We Have mi !c.e o ilcjirive the 111 net H.lirruirii of their niran of earning tbrlr liviMK In orilrr Ui la'.ten the uo)SIh run ll heU on th upier river, ami mI U exactly what Ihiabill rifopow t0 do, v want to warn ibe nlieruten, however. Dial utile they ur Knltti fijjlu throuKh the reHl (he Mate the hill U very likely to become law, a It a ill appeal yery atroiiKly to thoM wlui know itothiiiK about the man ner In which the fitliiiiK buMiie I c'r. rieil on. dyrupaf White l'ineamt Tir. thoohl eliable cou(h rernwly. For tale by A.J. Deminif, drtiKKln. Sher'ifl Martin White ha iMrtinlty re rovered Irom bit eickneu and i able to attend to official bumw tin. it I bard to keep a good man down. I have, money to loan on approved real ratal kerunty. IV. If. f'OW KM.. St. Ilei-u. Oirgun The yinni( ali of St. Helen are en titled to IiikU pttu fur lite very miccvi. (ul Leap Year ball given by them l.t .Hatnnlay eveninn at Mawnlc Hill, ll i that h ever lakrn olace ben. there ta- log quite a number prewnl Irom lloultf ii tutgtii( from the weert they nude ol tbelr firvt attempt it mliihl he well for I th. young ladie. to Mveclurse ol all the 1 i. ... . ..t , ,.u,req. ,r.r. , rhere ha been cmlilerall tlckneat in town thi week. In Ibe l.itu:rt of Mr. Law. Mr lv, Mr. IHarre, and oth- The prevailing Complaint appear to be 1 grippe. Mr, r. A. Krtion, the liuil Serol lumbia County nevy conn bo iw. wa a i Si, lle'en lavt Monday. Mr. Krtkoncaoie for the puqe of aeetng j uk ., u, i MaTCi the bandiotue building aith a beatililul jon the up train i lie young lad tc ol (atrked llreet in Iron! of it. and witjM. llrleut certainly never do anything. greatly dtuptaainted on iinltn nothing j bail Iwen done In that line, bin t'lil 1'ie i il.l t!uik ttiil orciipied the obi aland j 4ttd I getting uglier day by dav. , nima, ; Mr. Charte Mu.'kle an I hi Mitw Ann and Am George, ate iravrd-1 Ing in Southern California and may ex- trnd their trip ti the City ol Metico, I "It.ivtll j been lio.ll l d lor eoine tittie Titer X)vt l) be aWnt two wtih a pain in my li ft ImttltltT, 1 i!e month. jctdeil t jive CLaiiilwolaiti' fai t lUtlin Mr. W. II. Powell and wile were Port land vititor by the Irald on Friday lit, reinaini'ig over Sun lav. We n'ti;e Mr. P.iaelf name i'l the b? ing among thw who cru-tci't the ho! aandtolthe Mvttic Shrine, a nocial au- uex of the order ol Maannry, ST. HELENS SCHOOL NOTES In Rhetoric liter will be cnntib on St. Helen, ptiblUncd In the nei.r future, Tit wond jrr in a! .-ebra w 11 ii nitiml,. lil n. in. 1 1 it tie eullaliiiil. ' " Or.l mk In Civil Ooverimi. lit imd hylulogy am give i weekly 1'rof. Allen' room 81. IW...I will ' an .p-p.lie plitrw fr a fmu ei.Hdy hlU . t. Th pnblif Mslnad K wi-tild i (faal plee for It. i"' J. W. Alli-n, pr nr -r 1 1 t. it.' ena achool, mid pll ly of the ableat lea.iher In Co tliuMa C.niuiy, would l n goo-l tali ll im f .r c mniy clioul ftlperinlHiide'il In lh itniiii')! election. There I great IttteioH t;tk' In dr.i'-j luir and writing. Tim cilia In U ke 'pii. nil I Ktnti- pean Hittoty mtt doin- well. Wo liiivj nil blwil pl.m. having ""Ivhrouip lirniiclnlia, or develniw Into atj reorit and illlnlinj t3:.1t) p. jat'ackiif pneuinnitia. but glvo it the nt- Tht fhnol lta ruil kllbl.t tll li In j fan. Hon it dencrv. i nnd RtH rid of ll. Take tinier rwf. Allen, Mr, tjuick nnd Mm i .,i),. i A no nit t of M.rin In the achool m piVMilnj for th i-omiu eiimlniitlou. j Wo hu i',eol' two of iiiieoiifd alueiifl' wtllch limy be rfpirtetl if con-; ,M Con tlnuail nny longer. Dkhhu HatTan AUCk QcicK KAINIEK Attorney Thoma. of tbUcliy, ha uq. ceeilecl In lormliig a trurt aRreeruent b laeen W. C. and hit creililor. anil Hie laundry, which ha been tlmt down lor eeveral week, will nin be in oper ation. I'arker Htennlck la (lie trunice, oil. with the niil ol the Comrnvrvial Club ami th citiun of kainier it Uex leclel that the creditor will be lwid In lull. Awet ei)jlitc.-ii thotmnd (lollar. with lumlitle ol alMiilten tbouwnildol lu The machinery I all new and tho roiiKhly no t date, and a a laundry I much needed here there iano reaton why it (bould not pay well. The icreat Dr. Knna will x'we a pUno recital In thltcitv i.rat Turodny evening, January ZHth. Tin it a rar opportunity lor iiiu.ic luver ol thi county and anv one iK-airiiiK lonave neat ncrveil alioulil write to the Secretary of the Commercial Cluu. The contractor are jedting ready to uvkiq operation on llic new waterwork. fhrt will begin to tly on the 2ltu in.l. Seven lainilie have arrived in tltia city the p4M week and will make tbn their luturc home. lloy. II you are ever invited lo a lap tear jnriy oon I let anyiliuii; nnml lu your wv, even if yog nan't dance. Co. You will have a ruyal good time. The you ii k lailte ol St. Helen, gave the tirit leap ver party ol the wawm lt 1'rnlay evcuniK Vn Dial evcutiiK twu younir men boarleil the up train happy in the I lulu,' III that they were III only favored one Irom Kainier; but on entering the Miiokrr louml a third party. They im mwlialety accrnirtl hiui, "llello. where aie y.'ii uoiim'" From the third party, verv "Iloulton." The lint 1 lu.ll.. kMU. .. .. . mI.ii.. Tl.i. .11. "'' Pr,y- "Are party. "Are you ifomit lo top at Iloulton all mulit?" Tin luo much ; a lir aid mile apread over hi face when be taw that he wa diu-overed. From the thlnl party. "Well, 1 have the r" Wlow. my Rirl I couiintc to Mtiw leKl lo meet me." Hut when the , Undcl at Hoolton. three young uaic were watting to e-cort tttrm U hi Helena. Dnnctiw wait unlulieetl in until nearly midnight, and when Hie party ol Ih third part w "K" an.i "D ' etcorl the partlir of the trcon.l part (rout the hall bu aurprtte wa cmnpli-te Thatikt lo Mr. ( l lie nua'tettr tat down to a lo-jlum li lit lor a king. 1'ionipilv at H:IH He billowing morning the voting l.t.lie. tii' ready atul ewortrd ibeir I tli mm .1 Iwurit.Ml lh tr .iti .. l.ame ShoulJrr ( arrtl , ...,,,. i i i .. ln iniiuti-m nl the tiiiticlea and itlickly vl. Id I i a li' appllcalluiia of ChMtiilM-r- in n r.iiii Iwl.ti. Mr, t. 11. M' Klwee jul ljit.m n, .Sex l.tuiisw ica, witter: a trial, with tin- r-HuillHiiu 1 trot prompt ri'iu f." For atle by A. J. U-mii f. dfny:jit. We y Jnlercat on Time DcpoaiU. Coluinliia Cottuty lUuk. A Higher tleullb t.ctel "Have reached a higher health level incc I hcj;nn titing Dr. King' New f.tle Pill, "write Jacob Springer, ol Wet I-'Miiklin. Maine. "'Ihey keep uiy Kmiach, liver and bowel workiuj( just right." ll Ihese pill diwaitoint you on liinl, motley will be refunded tit Ilnttltoii, Warren, r'tpuoe, ul leer .Island dealer. If C. 11.1jIL. - - - I"4 w I'imw went li tin iiihsimidi in fort and 1 . weea wU to lw tualeU .m... . K W. J.irbtn nud wifn At. here for we-k'ri visit with TlnM. JoMuii, of r.iun, Mr. S tiiiiiel Mti'tn returned hum on Wed. ,day from a vttit with her j f.,, il.tml. Mrs, M, Kvrvbner, of Lnfayette, is jvitiiiiiK witlt Mr. nnd Mrs J. 1'.. Wan. iiHUntiiner thia wei'k. linu'l Take the Itlsk .... l( Unvf) B ,m(, h of nM Jif 1)lt ,c, u tXttlt 0s), I)lltil it Uo.ima CliamU - tl ilu'a Caiugli Hetmily and you ale nre of prompt relief. Fiont a ttinall 'h'RIii'Hi H li timl tue. of tbli preji- tmion has extended to nil parm uf the United Stittea and to ninny foreign uiitintiie. Ita many lemuiKaUie cure .... ..... of congli hiui com nave won ior h una wide repiitatinil and extenive ue. Sob) by A. J. Demlna, druga'nt. ST. JOHNS St- John I growing rapidly and aooo will lie known aa the manufacturing and flipping part of Portland. During tbe yer 1W" there were aeveo factorie bought location and fix are in operation nd the teveulh it clearing two and one half acre and will lie in operation tome time thi year. There was alio a fine eight-room icboolhoute built, which I now uted a high achool, a large iteam ferry which can carry tig team and large number of paMcngera, and a city hall which i a lwo-tory brick and rcry fine building. Our payroll 1 about fIA,0iMl per month. Kkmknmkrthi and keep your eye on Si. John during tbe year of 11)08 and I WW, for thing will I doing here, a the Swift Packing 1'laitt and tbe Jame J. Hill road will be completed and fit. Jobu i going to vote twenty-year bond for a large dock, etc. The large Indus trie are spending more money here than niot people cm imagine. St. John is built on a solid foundation, for duriuoue rich men's panic it (bowed itself to lie suhttantial. The Peninsula lUnk here tood tbe test and proved to have very conservative men in ita man agement. . There i itlto soon to be another bank here, which bat it building about com pleted, to be known as tbe First National Hank of St. Johns. I giiena 1 have said shout enough, tbo I have not wid one half: but when yon come to Portland speud the best five CeuUof your life by taking the afreet car acThird and Alder, Portland and enjoy a fine ride of about forty-five minutes and get oil at CiiiCAtio Stkkkt, St. Johns. and I will prove to you every word I have said i true. J. E. COLVIN, Cement block Building, Chicago and Jerxv Street. St. John. PEACOCK FLOUR IS THE BEST II yon don't know this to a fact I will prove it to you. Yon neod not even buy a wick ant it yon nr convinced. M. C, GRAY. The Pure Fowl Law heeretary Wilson , "One of the object of th 1 .w it 1 1 tniorui the con-uiiii-r of the prenence of certain harm ful dnw in medicines." The law re- fifiie that the nuiotint of chlotoforni, opinnt, morphine, and other habit form ing drug be stat it on the I .la-l of each bottle. ThemMnuiiitt trersof Chn ntier Iain's Coujh remedy have always claim (m! ilmt tlmir remedy did not contain, any of thene drugs, and the truth of tin cluitu in now fully proven Ha no meiilion of them i on tho InUl. Thi remedy ia in.t only one of tire ttfettt bill tlitt 11 In use for coughs and colds. IU value has In-cti jirovdii I eyond ite tion during tltp many it has lieen in general IU', Km tule by A. J. D-i ing, druggist. To Road Builders Plans (in. I tiiecirlcationa for one mile of roatl, beginniug ntwbttt is known an the Ibtkur I'lnce, in Iloulton, and ex tending westward lo tin junction of nhttt is knoall ns the Ilitclielor Pint road, can lie sreu at the St, Helens uost- nlllce, the ll.itillon postoillce, sud nt Knad 8tiiervitior ltespain'a place at Ititcltelor Flat. The coutract will be let Febtutiry ll!tlt. After a (air trial we are convinced that the new lights being introducad by Mr. A. R Immish.ot Scappoose, are all that it claimed lot them. One can be seen any night at the editor's home. It gives three times the light of an ordinary coal oil b utter at one-third tbe i xpense for oil, and la much let trouble to the house keeper. NOTICE OF 8CN00L INDEMNITY SELECTION fulled Statm Land 0ce, Portland, Orafon, January U. MM. Miille I herel.y elren ibal the Stat of Or wn, on January I, Ha ai.pllwl MtM tU ol ik of Hccll.m IV. T., and Bird la thin oltica a IM of Htho.l Indemnity SeleailoD In whleh II nelea-UMl Mid laail: and Ojat aaJd lit! la otwa l'i Ui public for In.pectiou. Any and all perann. elaltning advertelytha abuva deKrllMnl land or auy Ureal aubdlvUtoa lliemof. or clalmlna me aam aoder Ike min eral la. onkalrinf loahov said land In aw muro valualde lor mlDeral than aarteuliaral pttrpoawi, oru.ot,J-l to said arlcetlou lor any It-jtal n.aauu. ahould III their claim or their am.layita of pnitcoi or ewotvat la ml oAc on or twfur the 2nd day of Mareh, I'xa. AUiERKOB fa. IlttEWeB OEO.W, BIBE1,' Berelver. 11TAT109 la the Count v Court of the HUM of Oreroa for the County ol Ciil ioabla. In th uiaiwr ol the uu of S K. Hadaoa, de- eeaaed. To a. c, Hndn. of Pendleton. Oreyoa; f. M. Htdoii, of, Orexon; Jaiaea C. Hndaoa, ol Kainier. Orn.-Hi: knu jf Intite 'I ryon. of h raiuenio. Calllnnila: Mr. Hull El wall, of Sloe, We.hlniiton: Mr.. Naaey Wtaaburn of Mayeer. orriroii: Mm. ftiwle Kerman. of Arleta.Or (on; and Mary livelier. Alice lieeker. Frank Itrar. Bill Oeekeraud Klt.rl.i lieeker, rhlldren of Kaelul Hwlw, brreaaed. all nf the stale ol Idaho, whrma rentdeoee In e!dl erate 1 ttn tiniu;atd ui all other bein and drrtaee on known. If any thai-bat and to all other per-, tout tnten-W In the real property of and be loutrini to the r ale of a. K. Hudtoa, deead: Oreeiln la the name of the Sure of On on; ' You and eai-b of yuu ara hereby died aad rs- 3itln.y to i.MNur In lh- county court ol the tat- of Ortion fur lha eouuiy ot Columbia at the rourtrnom thereof, at at. Helen., in ald cuniy and ntau. on KalunUy. tbe Uth day ol February. 1W-, at 10 oeloek la tbe lore noon; then and there to th. w eauM, If any vti.u, why .o oMerol tale of ter la real prop- art; beli-iiKinn to the eatate of aald deoraaad, in I.I county and mate, ibolud aot be aada a .ra;.-l ir la the titlou ul I. at. fioaa. Ibo .linluiairatur of told ealate, on u lu aud cu'irt. Ihe real pniMrty drwribed and petitioned to te told In aald -tiuu ! aa lollowa. lo-atll: 1 he W eat half of the Northeaal quarter and lha kiut hal' ( the Ni.nliae.1 ijuarter of It Towu.hlliT North, Kance i Meet of the W 111 ameit Meridian. corulMltty of land with ma lini.mveuieuia thereon; and an utvllvlded one hall (uteres In and to tbe Monhwcu Quarter ol the goiitfctrml iuaru-r ol tertlon U. Tawuhtp ; North. Kaiur 1 et of the Wlluunnie Me rt.liau; all uiuatod io tbe County ol ColaatUa, State of Oreiton. Witliellie Hod. R. 8. Il.tUn. Ja-Hr ol told Court, Hh the 1 of Mid (iurt Affixed, Uu th Uv of Jauuao', A. I:. I' on. (! ) -tteat: W. A. Uarrli, Clerk. VV. Jl. Hur ell. Attorney IvrtPeUtlooer. TO CONTRACTORS ANO IUIL0ERS Kroled prtvU will be received by tb dt rifl'.r-. of -h.M.1 dUtrict No. au, up to February l-t. 1WM. at J ovl Ht p. m . for the eonttrwltoa 'H a iHiildhie to he liked for a.-huot purpaaea la aivordanr- wim plan, and tbeefflcattuna lo be i a at the Ml. i prinitnr oniue, tH. Helen or at Ii. K. Ili.k' . V.uktou. ore. The ill in reen the ritht lo reject aay ' ii. all bi.l. rerurir.1 rhert for leu per eeul of the autoun, uiuaf etvornpanv vat-h bid. All bid. .hiNtid be marted "Btda for achool houaa lit .ll-tnel No :i. 'and a.1.lre- lo Kft ANK BKuWN. achool Clark lil.lriil No. 30. .Yankton. Oreyoa. SUMMON In The Jn.itre Court In and for Colon Prrelael in the Count) of Columbia. Slateof Oregon. Vk..r Fu;er. I'lalntilT va n.e A; Fir l.uuiber Company, a Corpora tan llefeiillantt. To me piure Kir Lumber Company, a Corpo ratioa. ileleiiilant: lo tne name ol therttateof Oregon: ou are berebv re-iuirvd to appear and aa .t thp enmplalnl filed aicalnrf you In the ah.iv- eutttle-t artlon on or before theTlhdav ' of Man-It. l'.tM. that twine tbe day Died in lb omrof the rourt for you lo appear aud anawer. .ti.i more tniui tlx meet innu tne ar.1 puoit allmi of Ihla.noimona: and If you loll to to aoio-r alto Htiawrr tbe pudulirl will taka iuda- it.ent Mirrtln.t you for the sura of and bia eo.Laud dt-bumement. ot tbta action. Tint ..intiuon it pnbll.bed In "The Oreeon MM ' o!e a foratx auei-eaahe week, by order nl II. I'. Watkina, Jitaiio of tbe Peace, nt and for I ntoti Precinct. Columbia Countr, ' Vi .1- ..I tiresntt, dated the 16 dav of December, mi;. I .rr putille .Hon Jan. 24, l!kei; Last publication iluu li is I'Aei. W. H. POWELL, Altoraay for Flaintifr II. r.WATKINd Jutlr of the Peare. ni - jsirs cr.Zi.TtSTSEwB mmi h ,:.V2HT RUNNING Jfyou wunteltbera VlbeBtlnf Shuttle, Rotatf 8bulliorarlnrleTlimd fCAafaAtfcAJ etewltig Mncltlue write to THI NEW NOME SEWINQ MACHINt C0MIT Orange, Mastv Many -ewlnf machine, are made to tell reemtdUa) ualnv, but th New Home U ai.a. w -, Our suaraary never run out ftald by Mtharlaeei eleajer asalfk ..... tea au a ' J. S Crane, Portland, Or lria(X,0k- " " Iauid.Cai.""." 0 I rWH (r, t