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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1908)
MIST PRINTS THE OFFICIALCOURS;-130001103 I CI OREGON r b-i n i -u- . ' - : ' St Helens, Oregon, January 31, 1908. . w w w V 3 11 LOCAL ColuotW.Cualvw Lc",riw, Urt .1-.... mmj.iMri - - ..uuil-flirt boat t . ui.i. f..r iian.i...a Catupaay't ....... ..i.v tie en ... U.ttotd he - -IV.C at Rt' . . i .itiiaiintt ! fifties tn ma wuniH County warr.ul. ''' ... u .,U r.lL wa. mliamcd until the fourth ITOIUIttUta I vi"7 "' . " . w . ...... of War.. vLlted Wlyt'rtu.ry ' . .. i',....iiitTnnl .olltaiinaroll. uvcinv. Uobl. Monday "Ight to iuoy" i le l at lb quarry l the St. Helm of lb. Gobi. Grange. V Vv U Friday morning. Mite .1.. Uobl. met ..... . w , ,.. ... ...... . ...-.I- lit ravlve it. aueuit" - Nlu- have been ported " .pectat K'W'l meeting I" I"- N- 7 (Warren), to be twin on reonwj " tnv.tigatlug ,"lM (wing luo . K""' by wlrt'l ml(Ut wow 11 rt n U ewntI ttu ,,,Wcm. A tit ' " wU.Mli!tHr, nwi " """ i with tli p-.puUtion tw .liwtkt Mr. h. WhwUr, ol Virri.u.n.(r., t... (lw tlC .... Ai nl AmII. Mr. Hrnli . . . ,,..1 Vhi ( .. .. - i ... .1.. nutitrttcc ol typhiiiit fcYr ri(J w taken to Unil lur buridl. All), l'err. ol Italuicr, WM i.lewmt culler at U. MW ofm-e Urt UimIui mwnl tliroujjH n ope- rt(ou tlil wk in rortlt lor tin re- uiuvl ol A.I.10UL. gnrnth tlwt on rtrucU (rom Hie trto the noe, ... fi. ....I raniM tienineia. n ration w .tKrewlul nl win reu.rc .... hewlnz. but lie il U umHt trraimem Mr U'.lu.r !. l'rv. tliU muml tlicu- Ul athtrle lio ireilr over tin lUlnier u,. . i ll.-lrn viuor ih WJnm.Uy. We utulcruu.l4t!ut be ii ... i..u o. natrauit become a per tuaiiert member ol t!.e eilHorial cirpt or ..i....i.u (Vimiv. Aa ne a wi ami a tiixwtrr lor ltl comnmnltT w bope il may be to, May when th graftim ta don. Tbe ira ao me what mor kill Lt.. - .llnw tha traea to fOW Jt In lb different praclocli ol CuUbi nto th re ood. County op to data, with their polllUsl AnJ Qf method will U aRillUllona; . . aucceaalttl II earelallydone. In lhr of a I . . . Mill Mminjtnft to i , I lour yra iooe "' ll ...7 bear again, and, bainglow, nbtpray ed aaally ana tua irniicarwi " 1 Apiary Auburn Iteavor Fall Clitkanie iwrlaUud .i.,.-. !. ami ibiw. LtlM au.tpmp. P . . ..jik.tM mi 1.. ca-ly ' - - .i4r. Ore LrW ir.ismluw "the M1'B P"1' 001 ferny t,w r .... -.If aitri Rainier! Hrry Ue. " , 4 1I N1 Skkm. Veriwnia. tieorgU CUtdiaie. N" c,", el eM tailed. boMl to Mull L... f.m.u. on liury W Lt !!: TU. u-ir. i Couniy. r Iniere't on Time lejit. C'otuwMa Cwuuly tUnk. ,r. Libel and Wet ar i h iltia k tor I lie K.rra l hot a new rk eioaliel M tb the old one -j.-i ttia new ill cml ia Hie oei-ltwho 01 md that the muulrurr age. f-0 lor tlie old cinJier. hlml(. net d.r to l! reaidene ol Mr. Torey. .. .. i. h. ii orxaiil'ed rkcial . . . .. ..l. . inrililfltP ol aooui fill. oriinled Hie l'i' ol puttintf t-elenlon. i T and!.. II. Ciimbr. aecirury A meet t i. lield eere Sund. altereoott l ... ...I .DO ...7 -21 .... -I ... . Mi I) ...J Marnlilaud Selinleui l4k Toinu Uainler 0 ifc-aciDuoaff ritfiiit i Warren - ...2 V.'i ...t ...3 i..l . ai -12 , .tW .12 .l .... -41 -10 ...4 .... Ill 31(1 40 20 Teacher1 Examination I II- . f "Under preaent eonamon. u m ponibU tt ipray old orchard occaaa- ' ... . . t - -.n,.!- lully, awl an aocn oreniu . many .arietlea. few of which ara ol any ... art .. at. u.ttuul WtaVka mf ll .e l,a pone.1 the wuutnmie ymj ... inaleagrattYLUo Suwtowa orchard and will handle iw ontpot through th WillametU Valley Apple urowera w cialion. alreaJy 'For many yeara tnee oia orcni have been ol no value tp their owner. , 1 Haw iwrwa - - - r Nolle la hereby given tM the County iUtit preMnt totm wm be eon i...rintHti(lent ol Columbia County will . nl,lte nulaance. Bat by hold the regnUr eaaminalion ol app t fu - wlU, YeUow Sewtowaa they lard f Tkaaka u-. .i.rar..W thank our many Irienda lor tlvtir rinpliv and kln.lnea Under . , ... i.. li Itpnravelttcnt. in thf death ol our I'athrr.alao ealend th.nka to lite St. Helen, cboit lor their kmdnea inint!lng. O. II- I?fll.tSlt r " ti.. M.nlur examination ol appli eanla lor Slate and county paper .t i Helena. Or , a follow. irr.ii KTjlTR PArKR U'ntneadav. Feb. 12th VUiim". .- at 11 o'clock a. ni.. and continuing nnui c....i. (.'Mi l.ii!i at 4 t. ni u'-.iM.iVenmanbip,pelling.hi- tory, phyalcal. geography, reading, psy chology. Wi kiii a UL at a very alight cort and a mlnlinnm ol labor, become moat valuable aaaeU to their owner. , "Thl matter ha ben vety carelully considered by the leading horticnltnrUt of the elate and the plan wui oe ci-- out under the direction w me d Board o( Horticultore and Uiroujn lar va a St. .Hj-jiKe.' tjr H-ww. M VreJi. ol I' Helen vUitur Midy have monev ' 'a on W"1" ..aleaWteaevM"-?-.,. St. Itei-n. Oictfon I YANKTON ITEMS. vu, IaWKo. 1J I. O- O. I' . tiMtatlattea) ol aflieer U vcimu. Theft wei wven.v five PEACOCK FLOUR IS THE BEST II o, don't kno ''"'')f,Ul ,,,,,1 noltvei. bui aaea "" vi a. Itobliuoa. of Uoulton, ' at the Mjple Sunday i. . Kluu-r eltemkil r"" ....i ii.,.r ul llottliott tew dny .i m flie Ijainia aie holdinf! Ihia veil at the church Kill ...i,.-.. I. . if tha varioae counties. Tburaday-Written arithmetic, theory L., nmctau bIe that every Prn in ol teacliiim. grammar y.. ne - r ;ooo. made phytic., civil government. inja time the- brnrii- Iriday-rnvMoiogy, Ke"-i"v ,ean that are eyesore n " ...i... u...n.h i;.iMinre. I, ' m i....m. .'ml.tlv ai well aa nrout- potltlun, aigeuia, ., kit win -- L- J..-IU.KV. tilane eeomeirj, imo. general hUtory. chool law. voa coijitv rrr;a Commencing Wedneeday. Feb. 12th at inVlock a. m.. and eoniinuini, FrWay. Feb. 14th, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wclnetday renmannip. b.wt. .. i. ..lintr i.hviicat Keograpuy uh..i... . . - ,.- . Thurnlay Written arimnww., ol teathiug, grammar, phywoiog I ieatn.UK. a"""- ' . . . i'..,,.!... M'hiwl Uw. Civil kuJ iltih Kallh he bouht tha U Lernmnt. Kneliih literature. Kdjiipn v."' , a . it-ima. Dreuoo. tin SRHh t acrw ol Uie uiu i ,h. Cooper Co. and will ele.r It UP ol January, l)a , , .r ... 1 ; i Cn-intendent .ouniT r-uwi . - (01 . . a k t,. ll.Bi v Harnett U vi.itmg " Irieud aud nelgiibora ii. ankt -n. a. t.f...a.a- tlravil a. iiktt SutiYoua mtn .a(.w nr.iha. Mr. Wrown ba buaghl laity ace "1 '-"' t,mUr ' , m.k.. lhn l Uj .on of i i;, ltn,ii win loioie lV Uvd on the llydeplaee. TIKE S0TICB v.. :. ,.t, piven that I will ot t -;i.i- r.,r the acU or con.luct tu u. .on n,h"uwT,,,"'LT"; ; v, or wll mane on nw. , LEWIS M. IlilUhoro, January 8.1, IB". egratlem-uot 't gen,. WgUr mw I .1.. ..tier!, ol M. k ir im Mum ioo ... - . ; Muckle'a l 't "' I riacJ,ily r.rk, lloullon 1 4" ' ' llk, , the CoUm-H . . .ITrmtCo. It Mem. Impaw-W. that t try we ;- -- IU( ,h. waW. ; ,lVlllue,cd wa. lelt o,ni and hry i 0U.ndw.k..l.t.ea...a . ii.,K until it ""K but Ur.did Botgt ii Hon"'. m A Sonl. ol Vernnma. w ,or,u"'? ' . borlck. Sir. acroM Hie u.-"-- , .i.i-,,1, ol ier. and eleit n' . .. ..... i.... to o long n"B'" - IMitorge llr.m, mtllwrigiii a. ... .im-jr " , LraConpnatraCn't plant t Hoa rati within two hmir. - ST. HELENS SCHOOL NOTES CUT AND GRAFT i i hrmrkn. oliUtetnand a miw .lhrf Ifom Iwlge thioujehoui lire iHUte. lUiaCIaik. ol iw ... ,ro"" " ,UV. M the Urlit dew, ":'im . Jntin and th. an t hit aork it aid by tbo wno it, to he wn laulllea. Meetive nHVcer inrtallnl weit r.trnieki, Noble Oram!; W. A i. Vice t.r.ud i C. W. Wlakeiley. ji Wui. U. Koaa. Tteaurer. ih iimtalSation all partook ot 1. Uin th.rn.ler ana otur : ure n l hn InrnUhed I'V voltinleer. . t-nmnner i ling ol ,. recitation, etc' -o - - , ' hr claw talent among tlte nitiiiii btullier and there prenc lioroughly apprnclatedr an.l M.i. C t. M,.lni ftfturned m-i.Lv fr.mi an ealended aud very fcnit tu Kartern Oregon, mpol White Pine and Tar. the old It cmigh i. iiiely, For wl by ,A.J. '"K. driigulrt. (t...,.,m u..n. ...illwrlL-ht at ttl ii- ,i.u wrrk are Stuart Mc Kic. Ml. gr.d; Maihew McKie. -r gra.l.-; Amy Uobiuvm. 2d RMdepand hi... t.-v:ie ol the ll graoc. . I, lit nil. fbiif noil la out ol which greatly interfere will. hoirtlug or lowering me nag . M a Ul'we Make Your Old Orehards Bear Good Fruit . ' I.... Khoi. InnnirutaU-d in A niov.-iuu - V. '..n-j ... r i Willamette .gtheftag. tl.rn. R.iier,vWtor Tnea-" " U)t) d, or,hii. KIST .. i kl. It miitA twill V luft' Saturday and will be laid op lor eou.e time. . . . . " . A waon roan na e pc tha we.t aid. of the river, "f. Kutlel toward Vernoni. withouteroaiug AVneZry crowd of younar folk got ' to ffUier mllh lunch bnaketa and gave Kthel Wew a pwnunio p.- " K'fn niw nri -' j. " " ralgia in bt lace. frank Houtlmlge, after finlahtng the , Klt-Buxtn telepbone line.ianow woiE in "up aline in the Ureen Mouutain "th. Valant danger of Mr. a. Mr.. Clus Hult died January 20tl end , la? pieaci ip c.wn. family t li neigiiwKiw- . . Kev E. 0. Hornahoe eame to the val ley and held quarterly meeting at tr '...Ilia over laat hundav. He preed al Reaver achool liouw iu j " dny alioi noon. - mMtta lo'nl lorg """",,,, ttl0rni.K , Warran tomorrow lHal nct ait'l. me ...... .,uij.ra mav ,l art ol 'ta'nl";i ; v Teio... e,rct.pW'di"lrU C,V .m I . . a ..a.rVUHIirtli ar--- kitem. treatment to alt. Try While Uo T A. v.i"'" " Tieoiier Mmou.UonUna.Or. i "w' " vil(1 prorty. or up- Kdrr a lair trial we are convinced Unit l." ' ., ... n.a'chawmin Uwiu ncur s. ip- I new hKbt. beig itrodcl by Mr- "0rcgon, or at Soppoo.c to Henry R . Ii...i.h. ..I Kcap. are all tlml . r1""' JM flalmed lor them. One can be en any m the irtiiu ol a very unfortunate iitrltt ii. M.....tatf l..t. .lie WiM A In tlKhtening a pulley which had tkrt ;m. when the pimey new in, one ple:e 4triklng hi in to the right ml putting it out. a (xl rUun .i.- li to aelvcl from and . - . altcmlinil Uia recital. Hy v. ..."a , Mtnlv C'opeUnd lt w npr" lunkcr ol the Book Keeping Pepartuient. Ti pupil ol the upper ,Ve are , (ll((.t,g..tpcnn,!...hiobvlhe ...u.M,lr ir U.rr...iuovemeut and many arc b couiin. illw prohclenl in i p,o(. Allen will .r"'l Winraay a.- Sunday in Po.tUnd ana rmw uUing .Iter btwlnc-affair .ml renew- ing old actpwlntnncc. We would greatly itmX i ..... l.ini.lR and ruitrou. We would like n little he. ) ."-" to keep P practice Iroin la.t year. T , Rhetoric elaa Un t J' Bntaiw.1 will ereatlV appreciate any , on thi. ubecl from .ny one-eM11 lot the older folk. ...... AMC.H "- DKSStBt UATTAS SCAlTOOaSE kollce t Ittddci on 8pw Work ttond lit it ii,. .iii,. timiiM. It ulvm three t the light of an ordinary coal oil ona-thlrd th tpne lor oil, illitmch. ! tronbU to th hooaf Mialit5lrty.ol HOI.UO... -M-- UlOUia, - U .uUaring with U grlM Owlug to ...l ..u.!fieiitloniii road dUtrict Noi3licttMi.ti;o; with J. M. "ill- F.UW- ......,,lord!.lrict No. V an ami pe , .,M ... . Postoltice, aio i;;::w;&.'0-v.u,,g aud Hry , CouBtV Judff jnr inn nr. ,,,.i .1..... ta i lot orouild. orwlthill l.w mi ill ii u iii" v ..I the itroull l. nllowlnit lWllll' - - - i l..e,n to Hr"t out iroin """"i and then t with e.low New T,.mvo.l:el.ti.ll- 'l!", bv, ,,e Suie lV-d Ol Horticulture. W.llimielle Valley AuiWt.ewr.. .H-Utt u. vbtch s've inn .oimw... - xll.V.u. tniiik. aro round and it i .Witvdto graft ,.rpendiculnr cm "" , lhronIliU.a bark and nomall .ecliou o and acloui m'rttM nuer o;-...-.-7 on ibo lde ncurest imuanuvu.v....... - t. tl.aa Itkat. rH'lUllff ' " 1 rinuiU, bark nod through lit cut anil for I.U.IU..B. The bark lu rimuiu oe - lit Miugly v.mnd tht projecting, .chui Leonid b. ttaJd.d well waxtHl, especially ne-"..'. - In the Utter mothod c!on. .lwnW be . .. . u i i.t,M below the top of limb are dwlrea. me '-"i- - -. " .;. i uietho.1 ol graining. o.U,Uee.houfdhveU.,irtUpre.1 n..l before M.i l.; Cut . JU. whole top Willi cross - S thai the ra."J- U. not pllt or it far .. , . . i..,i.t.ln the work. It lal two in " "" , lw j...,-.i mi tlie tou ot the .0 on are - - , The Columbia Lumber Compariv re . u-l- Mr. A. an- tUitteioiei... . . . uam-ll i uianaging the abippn.g depart- The Ciiapniitn Timber Company U adding more men and .evier nitwhinerr to lia ar.w.W large plant, and nothing , . ..i, i..m .i.a n-ill but a complete lauuu m .- abut them down. I) HoUdav i bony .hipping tue 'appio that have' made Scappooae a tda.-e on the, ami from all accuoi a lame a.-w-a- win oe a ov; ';: T.-e real.iBin'e i : .uth StMPse. biimod to Hie g rottiid Saturday The h.s wat about l. WO and ripreenta the livings twelve vi-uri. on mountain homenead. Mr. aud Mrs- '.a. .imi -topping in Kuvenpjrt, lown, for the .'.. Mr Mr,. W. . in loor heallli and hone to rvgaiu it there, j) v. Price ami tniui'y are wiuieru g In Uedlamla, t.'aUtornia. Ml.1. Marie and Maude Wall are vt. itinit Irienda In U Alible. , Mr.. A. K. InimUt h U teaching the eighth and ninth gradee, in the pie! of I Mm. lUsiirwtiom, who resigned. , M. r. .. k. xmirafOuaidEra- rue acu.Mi uH - , . Hon pinna !r an eight-room sidioolh-u. W. It-Uois. ge I helping in Watt 4 Price' etore. , :.,... ... liratit Lyniil n n?cuvwiu ""' tmk of typhoid fever . . . A. tleltsiuan loai an .j ... - .- manner a few week ago, win out hunting. Having . ripple, a mn.l h caught lt in hisarin and stanel hm with it The bird, irtti an opportti itv. atruck him in tlie lett eye with i " . . i A..ln lliaaiirht ,hrp laK, ueatro, ... Hev. ernon iooi ...v....... lege, vlaitcl his nuinoron. trieiu.. a S,ppoore the , p.t w eek. . ; J' JT rttKUV r.iiu e .r. - ahip'ment to Hongkong, China, thi. Uood toad, and good KhooU U now UwlScopooosatloij.u. , - rump vrui ii.-". --- - - . .1 bar to oe "" -- .SSS' liZfiF?: Co., Oak. i i r ; f J.J . 'SI u P