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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1908)
S t .. V.,'', i rp E OREGON Vol. XXV St Helens, Oregon, January 17, 1908. No. 6. MIST LOCAL " i Talk to Ross. Columbia County 11 ik, Mr. Am Holladay, of Scappoo.e, cap tured Ant prise lor bit four-tier diaplay of Northern Spy spple at the session i 111 Oregon Stat Horticultural Society held In Portland thi week. That I nothing new, however, he elwey win. The regrc'table'fact U tbt there were not mora Columbia Count applet on exhibit. It it our great source of future wealth, for no conuty in America can grow belter ile than Columbia County, Oregon. The whittle of the Wettern Cooperate Company's factory at Houllon made pleasant tnusic in the ear of iha whom it awakened to the eatlof labor latt Wed netday niorning. The enforced Idlrne has been anything but pleasant, especial lr to tho whine financial coeiRllon mule them dependent upon credit. It i hoped that the quarries wilt soon be run Rlii If, and with the advent of spring weather all trace of hard time will have disappeared. Men who hare been able to secure atcady work at high wage for several yean ahould not bar destitute wiien title !r a lew weeks, flrut unfortu uately they generally are. Are ym Interested In good light? Would yon like to hive a llM candle power Incandescent gat light in your home wiihmilexpense of plumbing or gat fitting? Tbitianow poaaiole In every home or in I act wherever kerotcne oil eta be imukI. In the city, village or on the Itrnt liny an "tnden" nuroer. which will fit any lamp and which will pay for iUxlf in a lew month. in m turned up or down; no ttnell ; no smoke; t no wick to trim ; chiuiey need be cleaned only once in wth, and will not break from heat or water. The cheapen! and beat light ' on the market. For particular write to A R Ituinlach, Mcappooae Ore , exclu aive agent fur thi territory. Sheriff Martin White, who ha been ick lnc New Year' Utf it Hot a wi! a hi friend bopd he would In by lhl lime. Tbe trouble appear to be neural gia of the bead and bat effected hi hear !ugtiia' "n WUelay he went to Portland for treatment by tpnuallat The tas levy for all purOM thi yeir. onttide of weial roail, cltv and ecli ol ' laxe ha been fined at teven iiti'la, tw i mill being for road purpntce. In ad dition to tilt the rataident ol St. Helen will tw calle I upon to par five milt (or ape:lal road, school, and city taxe to tal of twelve mill. The aatel valua tion of the county h JtH.Tsit.r.Yi. and a aevvn mill la raises iicr-e over laat ycarof about Tbe tax uioncy i apportioned a follow: Stale. l2 2Wi School, iJiMTi); Library, f M; Sol lirra and Sailor. IW7; County, fJ, 7.H; Road, fM.o'.l, Tilers a wtrrant iudchledncaaof fi'.W, caused in great part by cruising Hie timber. There are a number of appeal against the nsaiMinent of timber laud, and il the county loses ol rotirae il revenue will be reduced, One hit it I red candle powir Incandet cent light on a kcroaene oil lamp. Great it Invention ol the pre win tune lor a bright portable light. Burner fit a" kerosene oil lamp. For particular wiite to A. R. Inimlarh, Sctppoo.e, Ore., ex cluaive eiit for thi territory I.akmidk 9rCK l-'anvi Cn luuor J II. Dobbin, hi wife and two little ilutightera, were vNtlng Mr Hnhhlna' mother and family nt Lakeai le laat wceK Wore t irtlng on their long t'iur through the South. Th"V are glng vi.i Sin l'rnnciaco and IiaAugelea am) will a'op at nil eitic of Inlcreftt on the Souttirru I'adfic route, going throuH to Ne Or lean. Tltey will travel by A es-clu-tively, In order to enov the acenery There we e 110 birth, 3)1 deitlia, an 1 (U marrliKr in ColHinbin Cctinty during the year 11)07. The population of Ihe county i about 10,(K) t, and, when it i coiiaidrrnd that quite a number of tlicae dt-ui ht were acnldeiu il, It aiieu'it wi I for Ueiiltblulneaa of our county, and it la verv donhttul whether there i lower percentage of tlritth from n iturnl cniiae in any other part of the world. I havn money to loan on approved realeatate tecuritv, ' ' W. H. roWKLL, St. Uaiani, Oiegon father Scrvala, of I'oitUud, held mat in tbe K, P. hall in thi city latt Tuea day morning, and waa greatly aurpriucd at IDe iIm of hi congregation. There art a number of Catholic reiidlng hi tin vicinity anil It it probable that tt ular aervlce of that church will tw held here at alated interval in the near future. Llcena waa granted on Satuntay lait for the marriage of Margaret A. Callahan with Orville D. Carriton. Kugene 8c mole, well known to the older realdent of Columbia County, I reported to be o dangeroiuly III that hi life la deapahed of. lie la an iumate of .be Minor floapital, at Seattle. Mr. Semplq waa prominent In Democratic politic in llil State, and, upon hi re moval to WaahltntWn wtt ai.ooinle.1 rerritorlat (iovernor by I'reaident Cleve land He wilt be remembered a a man ol a very genial and grneroudiapoltion, w.i had many friend wherever he wa known. The Rainier Commercial Club kept open liouae laat Friday night, and tbe v I.I tor from the lioulton-Mt. Helen Cummexial organization who acceptel their invitation were received with the inoat uuatinted goot fellowahip and en tertained in a manner that made tbcm (eel it waa altogether good to b there. ICIibt member ol our local organisation (urticipated, and we believe ercry one ol them felt amply repaid for thetip and came home fully Convinced that there ia nothing in the world tbe matter with the Rainier Commercial Club, or with the ladle Aid fWlely of the Method!: Church who had charge of the Important luty of supplying the waula of the Inner man. It wa good fun. inlerapcrie I with good aohd buatneta talk, and we prelict that it wa the beginning of an eia of belter feeling between the different coin munitie of Columbia County. Tb: theme ol the ereining wa good rua,H and civic improvement, an 1 it taa em- pbatiaed that along tbeae line the beat remit eould be accomplUiie I lor Col nmbia county. The mutic l pin of i lie programme waa given by an i-r.-luri comfHwed ol Mcvtr. Null. Miiclitl. I kill. Kvuand Youui, with Mr. W. J Fr." a pianiat. Tite male quartet. cnitiii of Meaaer Vogle, Fry, Houroe an I Null, rendered acverat enjoyable n rnVerj, and Hro, Fry, of the lievicw, l iruivic 1 t'te comedy clement In hia utuil enj yabte manner. It waagod from atari 10 iiniah, and the Cniah did not come uu il t v o'cloca Saturday mttrniug. A rx lintioii wa adoptrd favoring Hie apoinlinent by ha court ol a competent engin"er a roi I matter. Tho.e attending Irom ine Houl-ton-St. Helen C mimerclal Club were: If. Copcland, V. II. lwell. M. C Gr) ,J. B. Uodlrey, Edwin Rot. Wm. Ro, and K. II. Flagg. For Sile Cheap One U.iytou comput- ug acale with turntable, one grocer coffee mid, one chreae box and kni'c, one aiaty gallon oil lank and pump, one doren tiiare cuudy Jiir Imitire of I.. Saictt, Rainier. Ore. Syrup of ft'hite riueaiut Tar, the ol.l reliable cough remedy. For Ve by A.'. f)eiu:ng, tltuggt. i'komi-T I'avMRVTl're-ton W'anh- burn, ton of Mr. and Mr. Pretton Wa' -burn, of Rainier, who wa butieil at Hus ton, Octolier-' nh wa a member ol Col- mbu IVnt No, 4H, Knight of fie M:c Ciih e. ItiCHteil at Mtiyuer, mi l lilt pi eut. are now in receipt of the amount lor which he aa I i -tired, which kIiow cit ieiicy and proiuptner ou the pari id both the local and hc.i'l ollicei of tbia orthy beniticiary org-iniialion. Mr. Jame Burr, of t litakank-, w. a iaitor to the cou ty et laat Weilnes ay, on bia way home from t'ortlund, for the pnrp.we of ftitning out wh re be lived, in order Iha he may register a a 'oter. Mr. lUrr it one of our pionners and berctolore ha lieen able to locate himwlf, hut he recently filea upon a piec ol the Southern Pacific grant, near Srappoouc, and waa mi I u lor mod a to which voting pica not he wa locatedin. Afaar Law i nttmling the aaacaa or' conventtiMi at Portland thia weeki ltepuly Aaacaaor Humphrey, of I'fcio i County," vlaiud witn the brethren cf St. Helena LoilKe, Knight ol Pylhia Inat Tuead.iy even ng. lie taw the ran of Knight conferred upon twoCRUilidatc und eujoved th hospitality hoivu him, Mr Cora Lancraft, of Porttund, 1 viaitlng her brother, Mr, J. B, Godfrey of Ihttcllv. The county clerk' oflice It preparing Iha Irantcript for tbe appeal to tbe Su preme Court In tbt cat of Itlchard Mar tin, Jr., v Martin Whit and other. Martin brought tuit to remove a cloud on the title of land owned by him, which had bnca told at the lIKIl Junk Ui tale, and pun bated by Manin White, Kdwin Koaa, J 0. WatU and R. II. Mitchell, who are the other partle defendant to the appeal. They paid 250 for tbe land, and have paid the laie tince. The cir cuit conrt deckled In favor of Co, and gave bun title witbont in any manner reimbursing the couuty or the purchaser. The case of Jone v Short anj other ia alto on appeal. Mia Froat, whoteache the accond and third grade in tbe ClaUkanie public :lool ha lieen compelled to reaign on account of aicknrn. The vacancy re main unfilled. Mr. and Mr M. P. Hazen, of Warren, are traveling for tbe benefit of Mr. Ha- ten' health. Their first (top will be at Howl River, after which they may go to California. Hon. P.. Council, of Deer Island, wa at tbe county teat yetU-rday for the purpose of tiling hi petition fur renomlnation to the oflice of Representative on tbe Re publican ticket. Voter Registered In tbe different on-rluct of Columbia C m ty .ijiin dale, with their political altliliatloii: I R D 8 t, Apiary.... Auburn .......... Iloavpr Fall.-... t'lalakaiiie....... Ik-r Island .1 .- ...1 I .... ioltlw. , Marshland - .... ,-lin!isn .... ... Oak lH.lnr Uaiiiii-r - 2 Krappioae... .... .... I'nlon .... .Sil It arren ,.....,.... .... .... ...4 ..5 ...2 l'r.cimt' 1 31 Road Supervisor. No. 1 -IV. R. Steven 2W. Cooper :l J 8. !epaiu 4 tl C. Wood 6 Clm Kr4tke II- II. II. t'ltislip 7 C. A. Girt K Ir.i I'jri-hcr y John St'Kkeuberg 10 . i. A. Kclty 1 1 Thoina iloyle 1.' John Ut'ler l l-C.y, Midlinger IS A. R. Kmmont liU-Peter llerKemon ST. HELENS SQiOOL NOTES The enn-lhitcnt for the year i still grow ng Among the new arrivals arc Mary. Carl, und Jvlilh Hamilton, pay Jone, Scott Lyu;:b and Herman Allen. The roll of honor for the third month i follows: Leslie Wattera, Harry Richorilvm, Willi Kelly, Carrie Co'ob, Anna iiie!, AH'-e Quick, I.oyd Italian, Scarl Hiittan, Manly Coland, Hilda Cliff, Nathan VanOrdcil. Helen Richard son, Teddy Prcacott, Until IVcker, Char, Lsiwa, Kenneth Cliff, Axel OUen, Iis Clear, Kern ice Van Orden. Murgnrett Mom, Ktla Ilittan. Maud Richardson, l.thcl Lynch, Olive LatUrc. Katie Lynch, Lester Laku, Frank Weigle, and Roy Law. We hav five tuition pupil in the upp.-r gr.ulc. Parent should see that their children are in achoot every day, a occasional alenoe cannot be excused except for Certified illneat. . The itenduiice thii far ha beeu good 1 and we hope and exit to maintain the present average. The eatablishment of poatnl savings Iwnk we heartily indorse, for we believe in tin long run it will 1 highly bene ficial to our bank aud the people In gen eral. Money placed iu the various post office will in turn b deposited in the bank aud will soon return lo the regu lar channel. The present ''money strin gency" would be unknown with a thorough syattm of postal ssvingt bank. KIST ueq. noil it uttering irom a evera attack of lagrlppe. a. Li. coie, tna Drakeman who waa killed near Rowburg a abort time ago. waa a brother of Mr. Anna North of thia place, Henry Kibby, a former resident of thia p'ace watvititing friend here laat week. Mr. Kibby hat become very hard of hearing. Kelt Rodger made a trip to Barton latt week. It ia reported (hat on of hi horses went down in a tnudhole and came up on tbe other tide ol tbe wagon tongue. Tom, the barn cat on tbe Dallas farm, died January 5th. He wa brought I am Yankton in tie (pring of 18111, therefore would have lieen seventeen year old next May. The Kiat Vernooia Telephone Company held It annual meeting January 13tb and elected tbe following officer: Pretident. Hrry Wilton; Secretary, J. p.; DalJa. Treasurer, (iut Hult. Mr A C. Bergerson I vititing rela tion and friendt in Washington county. Will the editor of the Miat tell ut what Silica aaiid i and what it i nted for, ome of ut might have a slumbering bo nanza on our place and not know it. Silica wild is cotniowd mainly of sili cic acid. It i n ally color lean. There I plenty of it in Columbia County, but not ninety-eight per cent pnre, as wa required by Hie Portland parties. Rock ciyatal. flint, and othe varieties of qnarU aie nearly pure siUcicnrid. According to the Oregonian, Sute Senator Sleiaer, Indicted for conspiracy to ilefriind the Uovemment and for fwiclng in governnimt lands, has been olTervd an ''immunity lath" provided he will give evidence to convict the other defendant. Senator Siuiwer at a lueiuber of what wa known a the Mhc o II fiic'ion of the &-publ:eun party in Oregon, and thia denuinatratea that no f.ivoriti.m i ling shown, but tbat tlie f Mr lleney is to ttethat j istice it il, ne without r pard to faction. I If we are in error aluit S nator S;ri- afliliations we are willine to be coin-ctwl. REUUEX Mine May ttnskirk.of Wiiolland,Wah., vi.iU-l iihMi! Hi and Irene liutklk last aeek. Mra. Annie Morrison, of Portland, in the guest o! Mr. und Mr. G. M'. Jord. :i 'til. wtvk. K. W. Wlnans, of Hool River, is vis iting with his' con, Mr. A. Winans, thi wwk. Mra. i. W. Jordan ami children v-s- ited a ith Mrs. Jordnn'a father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Schulti of Beaver Valley, over Sunday. , S. L, Miili-olin delivered to the butch er at Guide a ho Mint dressed Over 4-1 potiiHii,fr which h receivisl 23.13. Mt. At.tone Wise rctnrncil home lat ShIiikIhy frooi a v.e k' x with her .hnwhtir, Mrs. T. 11. Cluk, of Aber deen, Wuali. A U ak at the side of the dam at the Goble Milling Company's plant retul' d in l .wtriug tho water almut four feet, i'i.e wiitti. cut hole about one and one h all toot in diameter, but it will le eas ily rt'puirvd. Nothing was ulaplacd ii. -out the mill and tho lumber whs un i. uchf. . lliitht At Gobie, on January 8th, to thi' wifn of Mr.rtln Hoven, a son. At Munnville, January Ut, to the wife ot K I. White, a daughter. Avoiding Wastes. The first great lesson to be learned is to avoid waste. Waste has been the curse nf airricuiture- ' Whv rtav Isym nn land not ,Mrme(,? why only haH cnW. vale the field and so waste land and labor? hy waste time aud capital iu raising interior animals? Why waste money in buying what should be raised on the farm? Why waste energy in try ing to do more than any one man can do right? On many farms there is waste in a thousand ways, and no wonder that to tome "farmiug does not pay." The small details must be looked after, and no farm should be larger than can he properly attended tot RAINIER Bids Were opened tor the city water works last Monday. Five bids wera made, as follows; Gleblsb Joplin, iO,33.J7; Jas. O'KeJI, $23 "(MM; Jaoobaon V Btvle, $S,i58.00; Robert Wakefleld, $27,724.08; B, D. Gould. 28,. 82B.78 After careful eiamioatlon by the Water G)uimlion, It was found that the bid of Giebltli A Joplin met with all the requirement, and, baiog the lowest bidders, tha contract waa awarded to them. A certified check for two thoucand dollar Is now In the band of the wnter commission. Tbe contract wa signed today, and bond for sis tuouaaiid dollars must be given within ten days and the work to begin at that time. Mr. George Motck bag Juit received a letter from ner husband, who ia at preeent in New York, In which be says lie will sail for Kurope on the 8teauier Arabic, Feb. Oth. Mr. Moeck will visit Spain, Italy, France and the various place of interest on the Mediterranean, and will undoubtedly eo to tbe Hole Land, from whence be will go to his old home in Germany, arriving in Mew York some time ia October. Rev. W. C. Fry's subject, "Leap Year," brought out a large crowd of young people. He took for his text the 1st verse, 4ih chapter of Isuiah. "And in that day shall seven women take bold of one man saying, 'We will eat our own food and wear our own apprael, only let . ot be called by thy name, to take away our rcptoaih.' " After service there a t least one bashful bachelor who wasesco.ted to his home by a younf Udv. Cheap Fertilizing Some of tbe best farm in the Eaa have been brought to tbe highest degree of fertility by the of clover, lime anil manure. The fanners who have accotu plisherVsuch results have aimed to save every pound of manure, and alto to pre serve it in the beat manner. Lime is used extensively by those who know that lime is an essential ingredient of plants, and also because it is excellent for in creasing the clover crop. Clover enriches the land by promoting tlfc supply of nitrogen in the soil, hence lime and clover make an excellent combination. A t.iiiva-f of ilie stu lents of the Uni versity of OiegOii, just made, shows that betwcefl sixty and seveuty per cent of toe men in the U-ivesty this year are either wholly or pattially making their own way through college. The greater part of the earning i done, of course, dnrnj the summer. Tbe canvass shows that, sim e the vacation is comparatively short, the men get employment in the harveitt fields, mines, and labor of va i iotta kinds paying good wages. It shows also that the engineering Undents find no trouble iu getting work ill their line. The engineering dt-ar.ment of the Uni versity of Oregon ha a large number ot graduates In the'employ of the Soothe, n IVcific. O. P. A S., Northern Pacific, and in the Government reclaimtion service, and the majorit." of the eniueeiing stu deiita a e engaged beiora the session clc-es in A number of students arc partly earn iim their oun way during the session. The university uiaiutaiua nn employment bureau nmterthe direc tion of the Registrar, but it was not able the past fall to supply all the calls made on It for students to work. Clover and Fodder Clover snd corn furnish a fodder ration that cannot easily be improved upon for dairy cows. Two factor should be taken into account when determining the amount of grain to feed. One is the extent to which cloter or alfalfa is fed, aud the second is the production of the cow. 1 ne rule witn some i-t to leeu i pound of grain for everv three pounds of milk produced When clover or al falfa form a large part of the ration it would seem reasonable to suppose that a less quantity of grain would suffice than tbe amount named. Congress will s e t ai m more cur rency famines occur, a d at the same ti.V.e will take care that tha utonjy in circulation is all kept as good as gold and free from auythtng iu me nature ot wild Inflation. Jand.Cal7 - norax Co., Oak- -praway