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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
The Oregon Mist Entered at tile Postofiice t St. Helens, Oregon, as seeond-ctus mail matter. Issued Everv Kruvw llv R. It. FLAGG. Editor and Proxrh-.tor, SUBSCRIPTION R.lTKS One year Sir toonths .. .75 Advertising rates made known on appli ation Legal notices 25 cents per line. Ciuci'tT Cociit OmriM liomus A. vlclhide......... District Judge G. L. Hedg'S District Attorney Cot'NLV OrHCKBS R. S. Hattan, Jndse St. He'er s W. A. Harris, Cletk -Si. Helen Martin W hite. Mitrd. t. HeVn Caspar Libel, tu iiiit?iour... Mist H. Wett, Cou'ini-fiotH'r .i-capp"0'e Edwin Koss, St. Helens A. T. Law, As essor St. Helens I. H. Copelsnd, School Stipt... Houlton F. B. Prem-olf, Surveyor Hamier H. K. Cliff. Coroner.!... St. Helen County Official ...Paper... IRREVERENT HOP WO The Associated Pre note tin fact that Hop Wo, a Chinaman, hoi rilled hi fellow parsetger on t se steamer Mon golia, which arrived in port last Monday, by "kicking the eye out of an idol." Hop Wo I a genuine reformer and is entitled to the support and sympathy of all of hi countrymen w ho want to see graft and superstition banished from the Celestial Empire. Preacher and priests may argue in favor of Christianity and denounce the superstitions of the heathen whv in their blindness bow down to wood and stale; but Hop Wo's methods were more direct and infinitely more effective. Ho did not slop to reason with the idolater in order to convince them that their littln tin or woolen god had no more real power than a board of bank director, but he gave them an up to date object lessou by "kick n an eye out of the idol." Hop Wo is the real thing in the line of reform. There is work for him in this country. There are idol and idols doodles of them, thut need to have their eyes k irked out. Only we call them hy other names. Sometimes the idol is a popular hero wbohas castxuch a glamor over the people that they hold il to be , treason to speak of him or any of hit appurtenances except in reverent tones. There must be no criticinu of the one who is altogether lovely and if you love him you must love his dog. Once upon a time the idol was at'ouetitiuion, and to attempt toalter it iu line or syllable was fiyicg in the fare of the ancient and honorable order of llossbicka. Then again it was a Tariff, and ail the pros perity of the people was supposed to de pend upon it unchangeahiliiy. Hurrah for Hop Wo; May hi tribe iocrense until ail the idol have their eyes kicked out and their abdominal wall-, kicked in. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS The amended postal laws of the United Stiles, whica went int j effect January 1st 1908, require that no paper shall be sent through the rmils, except upon the payment of transient second class postage unless it is paid up to within a year of the date of mailing. This makes it necessary for us to strike from our list all delinquent subscriber and, as rapidly as possible, put the sub scription list on a cish basis, as, of coarse, we cannot afford to pay postage or violate the law to accomodate those who are in arrears. All papers have been given a reasonable time to adjust their businem to this new basis so we trust those of you who know yourselves to be behind with your subscription will make an effort to settle op, and, if possible, pay one year in advance. The Mist is now the olRciul paper of the county, and it is also the biggest, best and cheapest paper iu the county. We intend that it shall be better wort!: the money than at any time in its his tory. Tlie court proceedings will be published in full, the real estate tran sactions giveu weekly, and all new of intere'. from all parts of the county will be found in the Mist. If you know you. ar! Indebted to the Mist aid us by send ing in the amount due and one year in advance. Subscribe Jor the county oflicial pajwr, the one that prints all county news, the Oregon Mist. THE VEJtED QUESTION The tn'.vuU Star tnfoims the Oi- goiiiatt ih. t it Is not and never has been a Kcpol.ilcuti paper U'caiiKM it doe not fiiWr be I tie extreme dot trine of pro t.c.iuu, as'id' it claims, llmt the protec tive piimipln W tho foundation of thu p;Tty. i'ltiti vti'lt is fiscal policy. Thee i n moral turpitude ei her in r-ji'fiiug or i.ecrpling it, lts ni; ex pclleii' .that o.umielid Itself to a great many wh.i note that people complain less nh mi. direct limn indirect taxation It has its advuiiluge and its dltadvau mjes, tmd. a it i applied, mar lie either a blessing or a curso. In the I'nited Mate It may I e called a m Ci'- any, because the revenue turti'ssiiry 10 eatvy on the Government are o great ,that they can scarcely help being pro tective to a very lame extent . The idea tleit tariff la something sacred Uoet not appeal to ns a number of people as in former days, an I there is a growing vlciiinu 1 ttiit it be rt vised to the interest of the consumer, and not in the ill t:ttt of the truts. Tho Ifeiuncratic party tried its ha. id at revudonplic?, but tho result .vai measure that did not coiuuicLd itself to the country. Il was especially hard npou the products of Or eirun and ruined many an oner of sheep, whose value it brought down to practically nothing. The trouble in ihi country is that any measure dealing with the tariff will be dis cussed from a partisan and sectional standpoint and tlie result will probably be achieved aioug these line, withciit much regard for the b. st Interests of the suffering public, who will continue to iay exorbitant price for the neces saries of life. COUNTY COURT ciKXKiui. rl'si) Bit. i au.owku Jam 2, UWS. Jt ROHS IX CIKtTIT COIKT Jol.uHoldrof S tlO Cooier Whitney. C H Gore 4 00 10 40 Rasper Kobeisiein - 20 40 T Citewell - 29 40 S M Bice 35 00 E Anderson - 38 00 C Moeketiberg 38 tiO F B Klliett 6o 00 E Hughes 41 40 S Merrill 41 40 John Banzer 50 00 C Overlie 3j 40 J It Dallas 50 40 M O Sliamiahau 48 00 W J t'ullerton 32 40 L'SG Lynch J 00 J P Sheeley 48 ISO J W Lane 52 2" K J Mills 4U 'M Gusllciclo 31 20 G W Waters 50 40 Max A Fogle 51 00 C B Sutton, witneti Juvenile Court - 5 00 A M Rice witness State vs Scott C 70 W A llode, " State vAnder on 8 00 8 S Dolby witness State vs An derson 8 00 C I. Ayres witness circuit court 4 Oleman Ex 8 30 if P Watkh s, asst. draw circuit coun Jttry.... 2 00 A B Tatylor, alt mey in Juttic Court 12 50 Andrew C Hmiih med exam of Olerum 25 Sadie Elli work for Sheriff 7 88 A T Law expense of assessor 3 00 I M Day work for asressor f3 00 J B Godfrey " ' 132 00 M Neltletou " " 4 50 Sadie Ellis " " 7 88 Glass & I'rudhomtne sum lies for sheriff 13 81 Glass & Prudhomme mipplie for assessor 10 C8 Glass I'riiilhomma sup for clerk 68 00 Irwin-Hodcon Co supplies clerk 33 80 Lwin-Hodsou Co " sheiiff... 2 15 A T Laws sta'ionery 120 Oregon Mist supplies to school np't 13 50 Oregon Mist supplies to sheriff 7 50 Oregon Mist " aswssor I"; 60 ! V A Hurris map for court house 2 50 W A Harris postage for clerk.... 3J 00 Smith Premier Typewriter Co typewriter for sheriff 112 50 Columbia Kiv Door Co lumber for court house 11 'X, A MuCauley haulinjr lumher... 1 Oil A T Laws tatile 6 00 J M Blackford rent for Hopkins Sep. and Oct 10 00 E W Sheeley care of G Lewis 10 00 fit.Marys Hospiuil rare of Win. Botson Sep. and Oct 42 70 Pntton Homo care of Mrs. .Ma- kintry 100 00 Mattie liumifardner, milk for McDonald.. 12; Dart & Muckle supplies to Mc Donald ,. H II Eyman coffin for Thus Gal- 12 00 luhiier , Baldwin & Sherwood coflln etc 12 50 for ILwkius Hova Allah- Aid Soe'y xp.nse Jnvenlla Court H C J Larsou, Kupenlsor R, U. 'J "3 nil 52 25 35 25 25 15 48 20 an J r'Clieldelln cruising tlmW... J 1 West Juror Oct term Ciicuil Conn Frank Naglu juror 0-t term Cir cuit Court .Mailiti White expense alierifTi olll.rv 3d I mi I 11 Ciipcluud exiense school supt'solllce -W Klla C Ketel work for school Hup't Grace MeKr, work (or schuot Sup't Oregon Mist s ipplie aMetwr... Oregon Mist " School 8up'l Oiegon Mist " Coroner Glass vt Prudhouitue Co supplies assessor 8 7 14 24 3 Glns A PriHllioni'iiCoupplie cluik...- S4 L A M AlexundcrCo supplies for chool dipt and judge 3 Oregon Mist pub semi-annual report.. - A King, flue cleaner & repairs... 21 3 20 61 37 20 IS Oreg.m WoxhI Co ! cords of wikkI II Morgu supplies - 1 M HarrUwoik for aaeor... C 11 Br'g,; suplie for Uobeki Joncph UUh woo J for Jonlati.... G.h1 Sam. Hospital caie B K Tal r 182 40 20 20 110 82 10 5 17 21 Gu Heudricksoil fare Suomela M Fr.sli supervisor No. 4 II li Phillip " 0 J F Cheldelin cruising timber . I M ILtrris work for clerk A T Ijiws postage fur ac?or.. K S Hattau K)tugc for Co judfo Oregon Mist printed supplies. . A J iH-iiiing itipplie J B Godfrey work with board of equalisation 27 Woi Wattei70cord wood 315 K C Ambulance Co ambulaaco for W E Welch 3 H P Wntkins Justic State vs Hall 3 II P Watkltis Juitice State vs Pierters II P Watkin Justice State vs Karaati E I) Tlcheuor conatable State V A Kar .sti E Partaiien witness State vs A Karioti Lixzie Partaiien witness same.. Anna Karasti witness same.... Ida Hurula witness sumo M Campbell witness same 2 t5 8 M s 8 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 Abe Karasti WitmMstme John Karvtmon witness same. C W Meltinger icrving summon If K CI itfet roners lnqH F Mo no! u Pearl LIudcey work for school supt .. 10 Anna J Ket .l work for rc'.ool supt 6 I II Copelaud expense icbool mpt SS 40 Glass & Pru Ihomme supplies for clerk 55 80; E C Blackford pub Co court pro ceedings A pub notice for bid 22 F M Tporp whe 1 n; wo.l 10 E K Oilck insora C3 on lOlirt houie 145 J M Black', rd rent (or Hopkins Nov A De : M B Kikes f imral Geo Monolu 10 80 45 W 7 47 C J Ijtrson Supervisor No. 2., Est axon " 3.. John Stockenberg " U. . WM Roberts ' 9.. E 8 F .xoii " 3. . M Saxon w tries SU'.o vs An , dcrson w w a so! HF W it-in, traiitcript Sia'o VsIIall 1 II P W tklne trauscrip'. State vs Pirter 75 J Georgu board of prisoners. ... Il 25 AT Law premium 011 bond.... 15 00 MC Gray supplies and telephone 5 15 L A Puzey b.Utery lor telephone 1 L L Decker telephone 10 60 E McVey supplies for McDonald It 30 (Ht. Mary's Hospital caroi.f Win Bntion lC ' BrlK upplie (or Solieski 1111 cli,r "10, attendance, Mr. l'inckney Stevens siiiervisor No. 1. .. 42 70 1H h0 III 50 41 50 M re" " 20 C Kratke II It Phillips " P BerKersoii " W W Allen board Mrs. 5.. 0. . 15.. Pftluwr 12 50 15 to Jan 5 '08 80 Gust Hendricks cure Mrs Suo- mella , 20 1 hos Boyle sdperviaor No. 11 . . , 5:1 75 W J Zillman ' 10. .. 207 50 M White postage for sheriff. ... 25 ' 51 White premium on bond.... 12 j M Fresh " i C Kiatske " S i II It Phillips" " ! 11 U Phillip. " ' W 1. Biow u " " Ira Paivher " H j John Stoki'iiliel'g" " John Kxlrr " JS P Hcrg,'i on " " la 60 Jf,.i Tro -ll"l'l- l0r July to I' c u"w" J,n lloxler Mtpwrvlr No. U . Judson WeiM drsalng jury, Au- hum precliid M 0 Sli.Mimil'im l'l" J1"'' Aulmiit prH'li.ill liulph h. kC.s.iraaliiajufV An- huiii picclmt ' tila Pilldlioiiime blank lot Clerk and lieiiff Mrj. N. II. ('' c'"'", Mr'' rim kMfv '"J" V LiUl. Co. t'omi- !-.0-t,Nov ami 1VC '' "' II West Mine Sp.O:t,Nov,IVc and Jan r 1 il.,l, k Jan '08 30 lli "ft " "5 fD "8 IH oo 0 2il IM 78 Ml 3 K II r'laug enveloi ,"r', olllc 2ft W Tin J K liill . t. mtriuiiMne.. surveyor 20 : 7S - SO SO 50 C B Sultou Aricsting I"'" Juv. C-iUrt 3 i 11 c 1 iliiin I) lllllre to V l --,," St Helen 7 uxMsaa ou Aiiowui Dit. No. 1 VO Whitney 10 , N C Coomrtlv Co ... . 22 I J W E Stevens W K Slevuus 3 85 Dlsl. No 2 OJ IttaolHin JJ 50 50 Ali'X t lielllatg - Julin Kdll.k.g 3 K Ihus . M Alfie.1 llura - Gust l!ud"eli J I Inland ' J H McKee " C J Ijir.on ! Disl. No. a 50 45 13 75 75 12 50 65 K S rason ? W A A LI) Smith 34 Weeks 23 Hrinn A Stanwood Co. 15 4S 34 U 24 41 25 40 W 1 30 tia 25 I sheiiuati Bros Co. ... . . . . I A IIJe i O E Bailey jll WOlde ! Dart A Muckle j A McCaiiley W A Mi duty re If N Cade 69 60 I'erry (i Giuliani 14 ofi A King 30 W II Smith . 7 Go Iltde 13 80 q S luimpa . , 10 I J Pupnnl Sr 10 tin Anderson 7 E S Faxon 22 5u Dist No 4 CKOUon 22 50 40 I .V t'-nriderson , . . II Pat Mcl,lili 47 2" 70 CK Olio. 45 70 IN Wrd. 2 55 '. 2 2.. 7 ij6 5 38 75 m n . . .VI 25 J F I.oyd 'J A Andie E Kityart C LiiidiM.iii . ; !'nt Mrdlv 1 ! M Feh Gust Sidel ij .5 It (i Mi John Bums , Win Nelson 0 II Kngiish C l.liidUoin Pat MeGlvnii Gut Seidul M Fresh Wm Nelson It ti Mo.s IS 2 50 5 25 2a 50 2ii 28 27 7 U0 45 22 50 25 j John ilurn , 0 A Gundnrsou. ! Jos Duponl .. IF II Ada us.. i 1 I Disl .No 5 H Malcolm 17 50 70 V.lia MelWille , M j E Waiter 22 So TJjKWaer 3 W ' Hist No 7 50 v I. i!,u,. .. . ji.K Ai,is..n i j Brown Co . . . 1 f.l-U... n liiown Co. L Sweet J LG.dlleu. J I) (.'il;, W I, Drown . Brown Co Itt No 8 Co 7 n.mi 0.111ur Oregon LbrCo J McAdmiii Keed Holding... " Chester Pan her Chest r Par.lier... Bert Tlcheuor... Bert'J'ich.irior.. 15 17 80 60 5 (XI 'M III Ho IHI 40 50 20 40 Chester 1'archsr Hist No 11 Oregon Co .. W M liols-ru. 11)1(1 24 '! 25 X 75 ill 25 JauobOyilu August Ilmer Harvey Glen,,. Jacob Bands, 2H 40 2.'. 20 Oil 20 , John Htockenbnrg .integer Fluurer Blst Mo in STATE BANK 01 BAINIER RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAL Jur par cnt Interest paid on saving deposits. Intermi rumikiundml sml-antiuslly, March 1 ami cWptrmlwr I. W. D. LOTTMAN, Casmxa Collections Mail ! DrafU Ish4 HO 40 Columbia County Bank Docs General Hanking Pr(nill CorrpoudHls First National lUok, PoitUod, Orrgol Hanover National Hank, New York. Wm. M. Ross, Proprietor, 8T. HELENS. OUE. THE MIST OFFICE for the best in Job Printing. Particular People Pleated. . . . I) PHYSICIAN & SURCFON sr. 11 r. !.. t okCK ' k.u a. urr. PHYSICIAN it SURGEON ST MUM oaroo!. J JU.UWIS A PIIKRVYOOD t'ttaist o Km uwsa '"' I . !!. .1 . m, rits4 UAivira. . OR tun Steamer Iralda K All. IK Mil TIME. i.iel. .Ill M .lrriiu I, am . lUirM " anurniiii. luiia e,ti....i .1 1 11 r fmwn and Fast Frelf It. fOI OXItAKO OAIIT l'iUTI..VM LAMH.NU, TAYUOn RT Oregon aho umon Pacific 'Mux i.Ki'or. Ml' AMI. 1 11 in, " ' IT nim t IS A. M i ,u p u "'r- I .sily. iiiititT inn, si I" I. V is "Tn"!1 V .. ;. w.11. w, !ni.ij """ 'ir. i I'..NJ"r !'''"ka iTi u-i.rrg Lower Columbia Rivbr. t. Hm.,1, (,, p,,Ml.Bi ..... imst 7n.i.r, si s.uu v. ,. -.,.. ,i,7l 1... 'uu P-. MltwUv lulu u. at 10 j tiavo i Mr) .v., a.,.,?!"1. '' It1ni. Hrtiiriile a A Kelty oti rsis( ,;, tvKUHDon. i-wfi.,F'W: kwiw.v.-,i Cttta vt i;:s