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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1907)
LOCAL jtiyt'.frwi'- U to Kou. Coluutt.l County lUiuk. . M I'. H. 01 WrttM, coiutitt- '"' . ... .1 to tli Cimim vtt-i.y " Stale '' Pu,,w vvv" measuring, iwtuty " Lb.. 1 lu.l.m. ! ... turnip twr bi. ami " P . ..J.I taea,lta liccl quality o "I"" .,.u.Nt Himrtiwit-Ff ! and .rreii, oln " I M.vcmlii MtMy, y "'" "lm " I. ..I .limit fnrlv 111 111 nuniiarr vi - i....lil wall AIM bakt P, () vmcratit cwple Bt llltr tud long ' olgoicii-i , tell tbeni ell in pie-am ,.1.1 think ol M 10 tin ettlinatiou LhUb thry ar bald by Mm " people ol tnat neignt siiwm. "" . ..emiit preatntt and Mr. and f coor tlww"'1 appreciated Mm i will nmini - .rtipol WWW Tin and Tat. tht old tile cough wutedy." For tale by A.J. liui Miller, Ol vHmi Orcnou, li Una visiting f i ...Utlve la 8t IUlt Milt Ull l... - ---- He report l'Ustlr ""I J"' jghUirhood, and that th only Im. i. m tccurt Itault lo gather In ..... ... i lla retlirncu ooni' wc- " . . . . .. ... ouiiMhM by hi riiw, rm it, who txpeclt to riil tlw lumwer u tlx mountain. .. . .. L.H. ..... f u oa hell cri ol eoiHi erop ciowr L b with to icll t Hi. UV9 MLII'., MtTM'M !IH)I.L IUUtt- Wc!lri.UoTueUy UM WtlWl v- . . . teuton in tbt Klllot tuailltt tbt A. C. K. It. v" iUmai;c wwiwd.ln wrck at Houl- lHnrinC Th r wcie I Woken nit ! rottrn ilf. Tb d lt.. Hiimnr d.uUa, WH lit 'Ke btkt H'h iciuit u wftiy J- Lon ol orgllaioct but ot unouut ol tUituM 1 1 I MJMW, I bttn mltr lor tbe court to U ,. a rouimoii crri tWr Into t li Mtwwent l"f lb ' cootyBc . irn. .nil IO Mr l mw iwu ItiKi-nce oo tbt rt ol tht mtxri hi 1 mrmuviy tnown. Lwnt o.curcl uo Mm lrml lino ol Sortlirrn I'mcIAc od t P kctoWBKllilHl tb !' t1 'i01 only cuttipciiMttua lot JJ tnanrcu. llinud n. tmrt money lo Wxm on nptwovttl nut. ieoirity. ..,. , Wi II. ru n nkbi St. IIlw. Owkob B. WlUrtl.ol tl.U pldcc, imUlofl L which ! tlmit t tbt 1cnt rwttlt ol tltwiH to dniroy kt ol yHw lcket thtt lnltl orclwf.1. Tbt ot m i wp Mr. intUn! el o to it in lull ! be hiI4 ce.rtiiUh Hit iWMcuctlou klie til. lit. HKJUKMi. r"' (it out. lut luut Mm vtllaw Jacket Luiy m ter. It nppetrt ttt nrt wti enlireW rtinitnihol n-l oi kit Ine4 it Into flnwc, oVttioyiwK Wiiu .! ir, nnmUr Llith w.luut trt nnd few ton ol I.V'fll II TO fom m Smm , rm uitiy m out tin lnM WITH OMDIR I4.ttl NO MORI TROUBll FROM PUNCTURES. XMtttt 01 IS MM nerienre In tiro ntkins. No (Unutr from THORNS. l vs. rma, piaius, ialhs or class. Btriou puucturtt, likt (ntrntional kniJt euu, can M yuiauuea nut tny oilier urn. Tt Mtn4rt4 1ktuun4 filrt now In kcluil UM. Ovtr vwrf4 TbonuM pn MM lut ytw. ptWORiPTt&Hl MtAt I til !, II i lively tnd Muy tWIng, vm durable ttlib Httl quality ol rublwr, whkh never btmntc r..u itid which clnan uu EfiEriT. !? (T will c:st re: BKMiw u,r other uuimlKtuiar itir la the worldT UO or Ofir a nrnvm c fm i;; r"""'"" nwn, im mrn of our rem J. 'r . ?!" wnUnrful nmw oirr made Pueatbla bv aallin ! o rl.lrr with no mWlrnni'i ptuUli. ,,1"n IBRE71T1ES1 and low. rate reraarkabla Lint eillDg frum factor T!Vi'!?'!i!"f?ytL T"l"ml '"d PnrthtVNiaMaaj allow IU lla,a Vrtm trial and moke other ..7'. ..T..? "... toIvrJ!.' fp' y"r' town and can offer ta 0PMrtut 10 nuke UHMey lu amiable yuune tuea who apply at ouca. ' LY 00 rarra Ijj VI .oU frZth i8!.At wow CAC kny ihaa' nut ami 'A"nd pnoalure IrlM-'W ana xil," ! rim etrip m t praeant rim aattlaa ThU win rnjiiaet an ninMafif tr r, KLAt; aviti UlLliau. anA tliuwl IrttlAm end ifehL-h 1 1 ... wuKoul allowlna the air lo eaaam. We hav. humliede ..I iriip.e f...m m J?..:.;. thai IhHr Urea have only be, pumped upoareot Iwlr In hulftriuin, They weieh no more Ihe. a. ominarr lira, ine puaciare reeienna queuuee urine, etvea By arveral brera of thin, aueclallv prepared laMw oa the tread. Thai "llobUne lux k" arunal ion coiuiivMily fell when ridine on aeuhell ar au(l rnaua la ovareome by the patent "Oaekel Weave" tread wlittli prrvenia all air from bclnw aqaeoeen aal tretwee in lite aaa me roan inuaovervomin; all mcliuu. The rrKular prtc of thee Urea la ft ja par pair, but for adverllelng trarooae we are mak mi a anorlal factory price lo the rider ea) only fa la pat pair. All order ehlpped aame day teller I received. Weahlpcdu. oa approvai. jam oo an pay a orni nniu yoa nav aaatiara ann luuno mem eliklly at repreaented. W will allow t aa ftlaeaunt of J per ol (Ihrreliy mkln l he nitre a.Bo per pair) If voaarnd rVLL VAail WITH OHI1KM andenrloa Ihl advcrtlaement. We will alio End m nkkTl Pled btaaa band pantp and two Kampeon metal pum-tutt cloaera on full paid or den (thee metal trturecloMra lo be need la ear of Inteniional Itnilecuiaor heavy yathea). Tlree to bt retaxaed at UVM eapeae U for any rraeno thry ar tvA Mliefanory oa eaaniination. w ar peneciiy reliant imi rnonvy mi io ue i aa aai aa in a baita. ark your yoetmaatet anker, klapreee or Prelahl Agenl or the K'lttor ol Ihla paper about ua. If you order a pair of See lira, yew will iml that they will ride eaalr, run feurr, wear better. Iat lonyer and took Mr than ear lire yoa bar r need or tea at any prvr. W know that you will be to well plea) ya varn a mmrrcim w,.. mm yv viwei. we wane yon VO awa at a tmaU trial ea. htac thta retaarkaUt ttie offer. COASTCl-CaAKES. everrthftut to tit bacvcle line areeold'bv waal hatrllieel prteaa aaanted by elaalert aad repair men. Write lor our big all MlrltV ratalnyue. fen aMM WVMtT tK" "lie ua a poatal today. IMI NUT THINK Of BDTnfO a Hit 9mtW WWfUl becycieor a pair of tire from anrou until you know the new and ullitalolert w art tatklag. U only coaU a pul lo leaiu tvarythtug. Write It MOW. CIO CYCLE. CC:?MY, DtPl. "J L" CHICAGO, ILL, PEACOCK FLOUR IS THE BEST If yoi itoii't lno Mill lo I a fact 1 will rut it lo you. Yott iin4 tvcti I u tank utilil you art rout I c -I. M.C.OHAY, i. Out tt,to ol tlrtlt Ivor k ttl tl.lM) each. tHARI.Ka MKRHIkL Deer UUiitl. Ill captain ol tbt tH Wauna, ol Hit byet line, madt complaint Utiort it Mrict Attorn ?y be rt TuettUy ol int i.w ol I'.l. Atidcraun. Who OWBa Itw Uml on fctuvtc. l.Uod at Willow It atucar Miat PtW ht aomrtUing ibe Viking aul blut and beltivck in Viae Hit law Into lilt own liaudt, ant) Itolhe Wauna'l wttrct WMbert ttrty beoirrte't real MUtt bt coneldtred II Ititifiett in opening nrt npon tbe t, puttln. tajyeral nbota IbrouKh JU lent part ol it wot. trk wltbotit rr. nl ai to wbetber tl,e bullelt lound bu in larxru. At men art acarct and tbli not rett't Ant odenat, tilt captain tu- full to tKerlnin wlitlher lilt Uw cn Inio (lie liclllKcrtnt Swede. ' Intertrt paid on Timt DepoilU. Col- libit County lUink. Circuit Judge Mc paid tht uror thtfiurdintf cane tbt high compii Molmil rtmilriiiK Ibetnio bt kepi ktlliet or confined at iiigbt durir-K tbe ogrerani the trial. He raid be kraottally ctutnled with erery ruau on klurvandhadaiiuuch laith ill tbtir Ittgritjr at in hlion. Mr. ind Mrt. M. C. Gray htve return- Iw . - a ft home Ironi tlielr outing Bt TllUm.ioa. W elttwliere, lter an enjoyable yact- lun. I Rkmkikh Tim DaTK Auguat 17th i. .... .... . l'rt will Im Urauxt Ball given i Si lndlltill. Mimiuby lloulton Orehet K You will have b good time il you Pte'itl. Aduilaalon including tupp" Wpred by the Udlet ol ihe Urange) '1.D0. Money ordert at one IibII price Bt tht UimUa County Hank. fmik Cooper, the eleven year-old ton " Ule Cootr, ol Werren, while clra AnjIW.Kl) 8ink rim Commiaaion appointol by Judj-e Mcllride to Inquire Into tbt mental condition ol Albc rt Ole man bat deci le I that be i unr, and he will, th'-rclore, be ified (or the kill-! ing ol Mr. Ayrci. Tlte trial will take place at the October larm ol Circuit Court. ' Mr. Albert Mcriitl and children, ol Ctatekaiti i vUitlng Mr. AtcrriU't iter, Mr. II. K. UUrte, ol St. Helena. Mr. W. H. I Hilar 1 and a m Waldon have UenvUitinj: Mr. Dillard't mother in I'ort'and thit week. M'. J. ti. K. ttourne, ol Kainit-r. h been in St. Helen on butinca during tbt poet week. Mr. J. B. ticallrry it on IUe tlrrete agoln alter being cutifined to bit bout b l.-w day by t'ckue, Hrr For Sale-Urgf, youi g, dark bay, well broken horf?. MRS I M. CAn,K. Colimibia City, Ore. Tbert ii t ' riiotl teaaion ol the county court Oil Saturday laat, We inn. irw orincltial biuioeat eing the diat'uuion ol the crulae of the tira'rer land ol the cotinly. r-'evenl bitlt were received lor road work, but all were rejected ana uie tupfrvit-re ord.-re.l to do the work. County court iitcvtt tgaln lomorrow (SntunUv) when there will proimbly be conideraUe tlulng in reR tnl to the cruie ol tlmlicr land, there being a wide vri awe between the repurt ol Mr, Netwe andthoneol the couniy"e eiTt, Mr. Jo'tnChcldclin. . To-morrtw the Urtngcra of Columbia County will aanemble on the twniii oi the beautiful Nebtlcin liver and eiijuy ihe, huabitalltv of Natal Craiia.'. ay fetorttbr.wllI ba lurga g tlirriusf ol i Ml -..I. ..a fat runt, ami that wey win eiiju, SUMMOSK In (lit Clrcu't C nrt ol the Plat of Or egon lor ill Uoini'y bt Columbia. K.O.Weeka. I'LilnltiT, vt I. W. ri-Hiiu.n, Ikft niLmt. Tuli, v . vuiatitoti, above nnnied difen ilnllt. lu ilit inline of IlieStnto ol Oregon: Yon atv i i r'ty iiipiirt! In apiH-ar mid tttmaer tbe roiii'Li tt fileil agti, at you in the itv enttt'e I c nrt hi d i-aure, uu or I fl.i p ilin lil t ilay ul tbrt lime lire- r. bid in tliK ortlt-r ur pnlilit-alioii of tin- Htiinmoii'. in-wii: mi or u lote pbi ur 'ay. the 14 b lav of t-vpti-iulrf.r, 1U07; nl II vru fail o to npp, nr Bil'l anawer l.t null'e aui'l (Mi plait'l, (or want tbrre l, Uo plitini'lT will in. ply lo ihe rourt for il l u-lii'f piny d for in ti'tcouiphiiiit tea - 1 1 s For il ilt?CiH tlint a c-riam ! I ciil in tiiruit. tin l H e 1H II day ol i tt; la-r. !J, fiom Walter K. H evk to Mr. M I". v-rntili)ti, fur the tutu ol 'M, tiiii the h. W, quarter ol tin S. E. otitiift nl H.t-U'in 22, Mi'l the W. ' ol iltr- N. K. unnrler and ll.e H. K. nnarler .1 .1 .. V 1 i u. o? .11 ft liitJ I. linii.- u, n viium " , in t .iwiikliln U X. of K. 6 W. ol W. M. iu iViuiiihin C-H'iny, HUte ol Orvgon, tie c t'itt' l'd and Htliifie I upon tl.v recortlt tif .aid Colnn.lria i'oiliuay, Male ol ure r.jii.aiid tint III cloud creaivd by tail il l uiort.'ilsTri npott plat till I line to l.l rrcmiiea I e removed ; llntt by taid de- cit't fnlil ilttfeudtint. who claimt lo 1 fit-oa-i.ur nil,! lioliliT ol rnld tllpjid iior gnte, la ic-nilr.! lo cancel tle nut-. ir in .1. fdtill lln rttil. (or a lieriml ol ilil ivl:iv from liiednio or i.l tie fil- tlet tlit) (.'oiinlv Clotk ol ttid Col- mnliin lonn-y, trr?KOii, l9 buiiioiuwi and rt-nuirtHt lo enter a iifnclion of eai I alli-gi'd iiiontRe upon Ihe mc-rtgngt r.tvrt a til aanl I otltltv: lllltl KU'I Uelxn .littit. mid nl', iieiaoi.H claiming utidt-r ilm lien if mI lire entltHt inotiKitue ue iorvver rtloir.el f ro n i;tt rin g any . liiitna nifuttnl fnitl I r.-mU b dv vitttie o ftti.l n-tended iiiortgiige ; timl Bid uliiiiiuir iiedtvried to te tbe abtvluie oatirrif ajl.i pn tnlwt, life from D) ifii or iliillil mt-wingoui oi titiu prt ti-iil..i noil-ace. and for Btich oiler Mil l lurilter ivllt l At may iteeui to tbe fniiii lift mitt tiitnlali t". Thla Miminona it nerved npon you, the .nl.l t;. W. s,r j ti tin, liy i.iibllcatiou tlirrviif iii llm l)n iron Miat. bv order ol the llo t. TboitlH A. Mclliide, judge of mi, I Court, tluly made and entered ol recoid In taid tarn of tbe Sth day cf .Inly, l'.K)7, tlte tune prenouuea in taui iiruer HI' lilt puuiii'Miion oi ratu eum miiiLi I intr once B wek lor tlx conaefn- tiiowtek from ute uate oi me nrai tml liftilioii. ..... P.iio of ( t juiIjHc ttion thla Snd day Of AUKtut, IlKli. ' HOSrORD A lUilCB, Aitemojs for I'htiniilf. Lt i tiblictiion, September W, UK)7. THE HALL OF FAME. Ex-Congretttnan CTiurlct A. Town I preparing for an extended ylalt to the far enat. rretldcmt Rooaevelt read a greater I number of (tally newapnpiTa at preaeut man be wtt ever known-to read be fore. - Alford W. Cooloy, fourth analataat attorney general, It a protege of I'retil (lent Itooterelt. Cooler la clean cut and n good "mixer." Ue la thirty-four yean old. Joaeph B. Hopklnt of Went Derry, N. II., It ninety-two yenrt old ntitl rlnlme that be never ba bad nn acbo or pain. Except for being deaf be re tnlnt all but facujtlet. Lord Abcrdcen'a tout, the Hon. Dud ley and the Hon. Archie Clordon, bava atrougly developed mechanic-til apti tude and worked for a time a ordi nary apprentice hi one of the big ahlp bolldlug yard In Aberdeen. Eugene Ware of Katun, formerly conimlwiloner of peutlont, lint accepted tbe $12 a month to which bo la entitled under the new pension Intv and will turn over tbe money every month to a poor girl In Topeka to aid her In get ting au education. Jonathan tVoodbury of ftoutu Ac- worth, N. H., hat lu hit poaaeaalon the tame tult of clotbet Jn which be wna Dion-lot, flfty-aeven year ago. The tult, which I In perfect condition, con- alritt of a brondclnth frock cont and trouaera and a black tatlu vcat A mot Martin of Xewcaatlc, r., has lived lu three centurlet, three conulrlat aud terveil In two war. Horn iu Hcot- laud In 1781), lu weut to Canada lx- teeu year later and at teventeen lo cated la Philadelphia. He terved ana I nut tht Mexican and In tbe war between the at ate. Official Wathlngton I agog became Juatlce Oliver Wendell Holme doe not keep a carriage. The attpreme Judge make hi way to bualucaa by ctrect car. Sometime ierhi be bnng on a atrap. And Mr. Justice Holisc wbeu the goe to make nor toclal call drlvea In hired bntitom cab. Colonel Huph L. Scott, superintend ent of the Military academy at West Polut, has becu inont ucceHful In copturlug (flvnge chlof both In Ihl country and Mil the Philippines. Ho owes part of hi prowest to hi re markablo understanding of the slpm langnngo a uwxl tiy tbe North Ameri can Indian. lie mastereu ic in uie west at the beginning of bla army ca- HtuMBltw sad rrogrets. The Brttlth state-that Is, tbe trnment of England, Wale and Scot In nd now feeds children who hart reached school age and are not proper ly cared for at home. In -lcw of thf Increntt) of Infant mortality In Londoa and other populous centers It Is pro noaed to care for poor mother In bo filhtla aunDnriael be 111. atate tome week before and after the birth of child. Iu London alone 120,00) babies under one- year of age dlo annually, and tho Idea of tbe hospital Is to pro tect the Infants born to poor parent from exposure to cold, Impure food and other 111 which tend to increase Infant mortality. All of this will help Uie offspring of tha poor to survive, whether this clsss Is tbe fittest or not On tho other band, a scientist has re cently pointed out tbe declining birth rate noticeable In England la among Q8. EDV,I.H B.0KS. PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HKLKNR3. 1 ! OKBOf 1 JJR.U. It. t;MKK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T llf.l.KNH ORKQOlf. A LI) WIN & SHERWOOD UnOKKTAAKPS AMI, KlfOALMCBS Hear for funerals at all point on river and rail, i'honeat otireaptnae. RAINIER, OKKUO.V SUMM0N8 In iheClrtnilt frotirt of the Hlnte of Orejton and for tne County of Columbia Carrie Hay. ftalntlft ea Klerr May, lrfendant To I in tbe professional and middle Classes and aimr entitled u and answer the compii , . ,,, .....n,- ol ih plallilin In Ih above entitled aultoil that these classes are being ateadily iitlu.itri dy of Aiiut, iwr7, or jn Klerv Mh. defendant: l.l the name of the mate of Oretroa. yon are hereby summoned a..d required to appear In the on or !..(... ah. filnlh dee of Ailenat. 19lr7. or Jtme- reinforced by recrulta from Uie lower -jt .; . for wa '"JX'uh and leu Intelligent ttrata of society. I ihe prarrf ihe omniaiM. The purtio of Tbe humanitarian measures of the gov- , Uvor & ,be pi.iMis; taiuai the de erament give direct encouragement to 'vnd.'.i. . w,,i,in of thl, the DOOr tO Produce large families. I .iMnmoii te June I',, V.-W, and ilia data ol Hit Mothers ar cared for. Infants looked u hHtjNAtuii a biion ai.i.h after durlns their critical period and Attorneys fur i'lnlntltT. NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Iu Ibe Connlr Crrfirt of the State of Orecon, fo t oluniii'a t outity. n the maitcrof the Kia!e of Alonao tlough. ,lee-aMi. N'ottee ! heevhy elten that Jame Dart the ailmii Irtratur ol the e-tate ol Aln I loilah. raells and Gladstones may be bom to deewaed. hai ). eouitt ol bia admin t-trallon Ol aaio eeiaie; aim that HalttMav the 21th day ol Aiicort, l'JI , at one o t-'ock p. ra. at the tkmnty Court naiin. of ,1.. .T..M.1 hiHIM. .1 m. IIPIKI11. l.,,l,lllllflM :.MIII' ir. riresnll. haa ! dill atnoiiite. by the Jiidm "I Mi I f..ort, lor the at-ulemeut of said at wlih-h lime aud plan- any heir. creditor or other tmm UiU. ri-ied In Hie e-rate mav Kppuar alio ni nr oi-i'-ruime to any partiirular Hem thereof, end conleal th ; A JIHH DA IIT, Adminiatrator. children fed as well aa educated. Evi dently the day of tbe poor man Is dawning In the British Isles. There will be Dick Whlttlngtons of fact as well as of legend, and tbe future Dls- tenement bouse parents, but In a gov ernment asylum and nursed and fed as well aa educated by tbe state. STATE BANK OF c RAINIER RAINIER, ORE. CAPITaT$35.H Four per cent interest paid on laving depotitt. Interest compounded semi-nnnatlly, March 1 and September 1. W. B. LOTTMAN, CASHIER Collections Made-:-Drafts Issued' ? Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beaut A dark skin becomes bscinaiirf whea delicately sod, urHlerrreal with tht raJiwt rick nltk-h in.ii. cateiaheahhy, tcti'-ttkln. F.nlxri Int keepj the kt i irlir,;, in tiia!ity, kce ps poreaf ree f r . nr. dojrjir ( n ; t and itimulates tlx ;hy rag-lil.,iic:' to contribute tlit ertfor '.'IcU t h irnta-B Hondeandbroret'riii'e. R"l. rt ine is cert i!n pro! . ;;.! aj-wnst Suniruin stvrj frrrUc . ;f tt; 1,-1 I e fore evr-.-iuie to run ur S?rn-rf.. likes'i ;-.i!!c Ven r t.:.. .. i . ,5.1 thtcM sCrratiTtr i l ir m-ri in a t,vV?trr ' ' at-veB VII, If i.SN ' ! , "Ao Bidding For Immigrants. Although tbe plan of assisting Imml gration recently adopted by South Car- ,m. olina lias met wiin criucrsm una ereu JltirW Ui07 offlclnt opposition, some system of mat kind may be found advisable for tbe whole country If we want Immigrants worth havlnar. Other countries are SUMMONS. latheCin-nltfrurt of Ihe State t O ffir, for tli.BB'iA uounty E. 11. Werfield. plainuS competing, and they are not particular I v.ntrti t. warfteid. defendant. aa tn mvthoda I To llaraaret E. narnem. neieooanv as to meutoua. I . . , ,h. ki.i. nl nr.-coo. er a are Last year the emigration from the hereby required lo appear auaa.nwrr Ihe m I ... 1 -1 ... aiaJ I ii -a- er.i'. c. In Iht aihafMrtl BriUsh Islands to Canada was about J';,";?,,, m,, the ird day f An- An rvne ,nt mora than In tbe previous eti lJ Ihst being the mn rtar nreserk ed in IM per ceni more uutu iu ujw 1"'" f,e order of the pHl-Hration ol tH anmmons. rear. The Australian colonies got a 23 na u y.m tail to , appear ami anewer rwid ak ..l.inliM eavlll ea e.lkl r In Ihga fnri rt ClrlHytiBllIK tT P'"""" - a.-!-. j-- " for ibe reieii ru n". wii-rimwivit. froin the mtrri(! Mining between you ga3 SHORT STORIES. I the highest point In ts 1,8J feet above sea Cedar Gap Missouri. It level. The women of North America are claimed to bare tbe tmallest bsnds In tht world. It It calculated that 0,800,000,000 men have been killed In battle since the beginning of the world. There are fourteeu provinces and ten territories lu tbe Argentine Republic. Tho president haa a salary of WWK). The pumps used for clearing the an thracite mines of Pennsylvania handle over 600,000,000 gallims of water per day. . It Is claimed by grocerymeu lu Mex ico that asparagus Is bolus Imported from France In Inrge package aud canned In the City of Mexico under Americnu Inbcls, aa though coining from Cullforola. A newly Imported" wood, used for high class cabinet aud piano work, Is the Taamnnlnn myrtle. It Is of a rich iiiuk color, moderately bard and very close grained, taking a good Oulsh and working well aud smoothly the hemwlvet, ia a foregone We I ope to be there. conclusion. Kvrrrbodv Should know ravlC ! Ilrtyi , B prominent l-nliieta mt'itttil Bluir. Mo , thai llmkli.rt Anil, a Salvn it lha ijulckeil and surest lieal.l'U utveever applleil o 'ore, burn, or wound, .r io.''- rv-u"''; it and kB0a bat I'm talking lilH.ut. tiuiiuiiieed by all lr iigl'"t -5- TK ACH KlCttlXAM INATH.IXH. Nutlet It hereby given that the Couii tySuprilntentlfUt ol Columbia Umnlv . i .i I., examination of P Will IIO It I" rvj," t,l c.i U (or tie and county !" I . Ileum, a ioiion I-OK ST4TK I'Arnns t dnttlayl Aug IW at U o'clock a. in, and eoiilliiulng mil Itatuntay Aug. 17. 1W7 t 4 P- '- tu.,l,.l.v-Pelimaullip. liUli.ry, phyilcul gcnRrapliy, psychology bookkeeping OREGON Shot HNS AND UNION PACIFIC ""i'NitiN rmi'iir. j.i-,wv!1 5trKt lAl. for Hit Kavt i Hslly. via Uuiittiiiston. )i .... , -H..liXNKmii'. lor tliKtern Washlns I'"! ton, Walla Walla, l,ew- lit, .ii, Ciieur tl'Aleiiej and (Irenl Kurlhern I"'"'"- .1 1 -rlti KXI-UKS8 . H:lft 1'. M fnrlhKaat VI H"u luaioii at 14, reading Thursday-Written arilhuiellc, theory ol leaching, grammar, "It water (mm a w.ll allmied and Icll 1 i..,.i,.. rU-il noveriiuient. ' i". The water wa deep enough to pre-, y,iJny-.PliytloloRyi geography .ny bontt being broken and nit pMon, algebra 'miaiutntr taveil lilt III oy "towihk Sutnriliiv out ol Hit well with a ropti very 1 'Ule th worse fur hit cold bath jMr. Charlct Muckla hat returned from hospital In Portland, where he went f purioe ol having an nitration Wlorined upon the muscles ol hit arm. p opcriitlon was uccealul and tht arm fid haml it in a Iiilr way ol being re ('tored to utelnlufit.' , Monty Order at fifteen cent a linn dollar at tht Columbia County 5k, ulane geometery gemiral History .Knkli.hlilcratre,Uool Kit COUNTV I'Al'ltRS CommcnclniAug. VluC . ,,i..iulc.mtlnl8'"i,Vrld" A"g' tit HH)7 at 4 o'clock p, m. . . .. .. ukvsiotogy-.. of teiicning, g' ' . r cvu Prlday-Otography, kUouI In. il Hall)-. Arrives. ': 1'. U' Pally. ts.o6 i.H. Daily. i Dally. Lower Columbia River. .,,er llaMMvtt ' rK.'s" ' UiiiUuii-i K.ti.fnl. Humiry. A. L. CRAIUi aeneial Passenger AgetU, fOIITI.AKDOrt. per cent Increase Iu 1000, but the Unit ed States received only 20 per cent more than In 1005. Canada and Aus tralia are urgent In seeking Immi grants. The South American repuuiics, ,h. I'liiintitr. Tola summons puoiuocu ,u ,c it io. ux inMeittive wireaa by imler of .iid riicuit court, iliilv malt ainl entered oo the 1Mb day ol June. 'henri ..Mbli.atloo. be ing i tne tare ua oi jit. i.-. n., -- - SUMMONS - la the Clrrnit Co irt of tbe State ol Oregon lor Columbia y Robin koe lluutex, Fiaiutlu" s AnnI Amanda Ifnnter. Iiefeedant. To Annie Amanda JUunter tha above a anted defendant; In the name of Ihe (Hate of Oregon: You ar hereby require I lo appear and anawer tbe cats piaiul filed against van lu ibe above enttllert court and cause nn or before Saturday Sep 14. VM!. which Is six weeks a ter Aug Z. Ih data) ordered for Ihe flntpaMieatiun of thla nolle, and if von fail to an appear and answer tbe plaintiff will apply for tbe relief prayed hie iu his complaint, lo-wH: lor a decree dlaanlein the boo. La ot matrimony now ei latins between above named plaiuiirl and defendant, aad for aurh other aud further relief aalothecoart i seems meet and jo.-. I Thl- aummona ia nabllshed Uv order of Hon. l, b lc, Judire of the abov oaml eotirt, nude and tillered the a day of July. l'J,. CREV tUCHARDSOS. AttoTMs tor flalmlir. 51S Chamber m Cm., Portlaml. tr. Find ptbrcitiol. Aits 3 Lost publication 13, -07. w J- rtsVI.-t. ht'ENt'Ett eifARRF.I.L Attorneys for Flalnllfl. u Hulily Brazil aud Chile, are spending ,,t,ii,.,ti,, uing ua the 23rd day of August gjvernnient money lil)eraUy to ttlmu Int. litimlirratlon and are working In Iluugnry and Iu Italy through govern ment n ecu is. AU of these countries have advantage for new settlers, and there Is uo disputing Uie fact that with government encouragement and assistance Europeans may do better north or south of us than they can bore. Iu that case we may soon, gel nothing but leavings after competing countries bare token tbeir pick. SUMMONS In theOlrrutl Court of the state of Or son, for the County ol t:oltimaia Urorge vt uu. i iaiuiiii va rn..hil, U Wolf IVfeinlant. To Mimbrth M. Wolf, tiie a'.ve name! defendnm. lu the name el ttie Mai oi ungrn you .re hereby reaulrcd to appear and anwer t'- com,' ki.1 .Min.t indtD the above entitled ami. on or whto .,.-. . sis weeks from the date ol ine first publication ni ii.i. ..immoiia lo wit: on or before the 6th day of September W 7, and it von fail to so answer for want thereof Ihe plaintiff will apply to the .... .1... K.M..I nr . u.1 for in tli e.tmolaillt It appears that building activities art llo.wlt: fH , ,iUor fn.m Uie marriage eiut- UOt COIllilied to this country. Last year JU BIf,n ..onj.Led by order of Hon, the Imtrortntlou. of building wood Into tllO UntlSU ISiailUM lut-rvure w e'lumbta. msue on uie -yno or vnij. ceut over those or lWJo. It w luw once . week for six eonset mive wo ks iu the times m-sued that when price get too ore.. .MSm .. and ''Vhri1"'1i hlch here foreign competltlou Will Step dyof July, Ui, and that the lam publiiailou n I ...... .... ,1,. .,h ri.v nf h,d.mlHr VJtll. in and pull' them down, canaoa, The Butldlng Boom. SUMMONS In the Clrrntl Cnnrt nf the Stat f Oregon, for tiiet'onniv of Columbia. Everttt fi. Jiliux n. ptaintlff. vs Anna C. Johnsou. defemlant To ions I'., Jobuson, the above named dett-niianl: In the name nl IheStaln of Oregnn yon are -hereby miiiired to appear and answer lo tha complaint II led aiaina yon in Ihe above en titled snlt on or before the expiration nf six wet ks from the date of the first publu-atlnn "t this Mtrnmon. to-wit: on or belore Ihe lh day of Srptemler, I!7 ami li yon fail to so anawee for want lliereolthe Plaintiff will apply to tha l onrt lor the relief trayed forlu theuntnplaiul, lo-wtt: for a dirorro from the aaarriage exist ing betweeu tou and plaintifl. Ibis Humiuons ia published by order ol Hon. 'Una. A. MrBrlde. judge of Ihe Clrenit Court ot the State ol Oregon, for the County ot Columbia, made oa the lth day of July 1W7. direrlin: that said pnbllcatioa be made at InvK. om a week tor six eimseeutlve weeks in tha tirt-gna Mist, and the date ot the trst publica tion of thl summon be made on the 'Jith day of July. IW7. and thai the last publication ba inaile on Ihe nth dv nf sentemoer rw,. erl.3.a.iv e. raanr.,.u Attorney for FlalntiaT, P. O. Addrass, Portland, Or. 8UMM0S8 . . . ,-, . . na..aAlt I. a I the ClrmiltCmirl tiling " " " and no llieliiii'VO', V" V, J.Mtoi'liliie A. Ahlrlik, plnlilllll n K, Aldrh k. ileft'nitnnt ....,...., I" :. v Alililt'k llieui'ietniini leB'ri'tTvlug "of tho nl 0mK.t THE METROPOLIS. New York city pay lu salaries to Its more than 60,000 servanta ijj eaco minute Jn the tiny, Mow lnud. lu value, I owneu oy Hehix'wa In New York cliy tbau In any other city In the world. There la one nloott In Nevr lorK eit fur each 31T men. women nuu children residing wltnin us uoruers. New York city houses 173,000 crafts men In the clothliur busluess, wtlo prc- duco au aunual output valued at 3O0.- 000,000. There is no dearth of dramatic ricty Iu New York city, when the book of tho theaters show that there la an average of fifteen uevr play proaueea each month In the year. In the lust tlx mouths there baa been large increase. In the number and size of robberies In tbe New York ho tels, and proprietor are using every possible means to prevent their public ity. New York Herald. ENGLISH ETCHINGS. Surrey and Wiltshire have fewest river of any Engllah counties, York shire and Devon most. Tho chamber lu w hich the house of lords sit la forty-five feet high; the house of commons I a foot lower. Tbe Bank of England 1 paid 325 ne million for managing the national debt, the uilulinuut not to be lesa than 100,000 a year. - - . a vnuth of seventeen who hajxgad himself at Bristol, England, painted himself with green from bead to foot Just before the act "What Is rour occupation r the mag istrate asked John White the other day ti, tho Westminster police court, i-on- dou, "I steal pewter pot," replied tht tautlld Ua Whit. Sweden and Russia profited by the lu cronsed demand for bulldiug material lu the United Kingdom In 100C. The boom of bulldiug Is not a mere spasm. Prosiierity everywhere fur- aUlHlie the means, and new eoudltlou. furulsh tho Incentive, nealthler and brighter dwellings and working place are demanded. Man's knowledge ts ever Improving, and his environment must Improve lu order to keep pact with the uinrch ot Weas. It I a hope ful igu that people are not only build ing new structures, but Insist upon having them better and stronger than bcrclofore. ...!. Il, ath daiv nf FItembcr. PJ(I7. orL.M aaa inum.i.u. Attorueya lor FlainiifT P O Addrevs. Portland. Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION Tfl APPLY FDR LIU.UUR UUtaat in rha t-onntv Court f the Htate of Oacgon, iu and (or Ibe County ' I Columbir. In the matter ot ine Amuicau. n 01 u Flhurer. for a license to sell Liquor In quanti ties tore than one snlioo, lu Oak l oiul tro- ctutt. f t. I IIU. t.. it.. iionnr.i,let:,Miutv- Conrt of the Stale ot (ir -eon, tu and lor Itn: couuty oi coiuuioia. t.retiit.g: , . ; u, in nnilen-icned. leenl voters and rcai- a,.t. of ia.k t'.tiot nrt-im-t. inC-oluuiiiiaCouU' ty. Kl:e ol uretton. w no are actual rraiueui o. said precinct, and who nave at tuatiy miow therein lot lliirty data prior lo the signing and ttlitig of tills petition, wouio r- ihii .tiitoii vnur noliornlilc mviv. tnai ai uie n-K- o ...rm'nf ihe emu v tronrt ,-ommeru-intf on Weduestlay. Ihe till day of ieMt uitr A. l. l'.si-.tobe held In the County Courthouse In the Cltv of Si. Ileleua. In will Comity and stale. 1.1,-oni.i. U sratilcd to 1 ouis Ulitirvr, lo sell Couccrulng the many and often aerl- Uviruma. Vinou. and Malt ijiiiiomamt I hani OUS railWUJt accidents Of late the Bait- Outpoint Piccincl. Columbia County. Orcse , .... ,,..i,,i, , ,.1sil Ami thai such licviiKO be bcued W said way Ago says that publicity la neeuw Flllllri.r- ((r, 1H.rKHi of twelve mo s from .. a cir anil eomnlalns Ullldly Of th the Mh day ol rk psember, A. P. 17. And your " ' - " u., Iltinan '!! Vf.r OtHV. .norul nollcv of railroad mannse which loads them to conceal all aeet dents when they can. It suggests that titer eive out full accounts of all, whether they result seriously or not vtMi iur in in" tii"r,,.,,' I1HMI1VIIIBJ uri .- rt iU'urtrO iWl'luol tuMsi'tmi.., now existing bc.wceu vmirs-ll fi"' ; :....ii.l..,l TtitrvmnHt tfl ATI This s.imi' r. A, Mi'ilrlile, jmlgn nf iii'" ' l' . . , urtttim In ' tli I'1"! ilnlnl this '0th day ol Carl stackelibcrg. 1 J Flanlcan, C A Temahan r.t o K,n,i lvtcrfaiu. it H King. A Y Mc - s-nul J.Vnn liAhrtelKOll. Cal Atch ison S r.nsler. J t r.uiliiarMin, '""V;: Jin, M, U.l. LarK.ii. I'lark Cook y, e Flhiirer. Rroiiin. ACIkv John Henderson, C R Ptllv, ti U lwr, Fd Fryant, 1" Miller, C N liKlon. wm niuirer, it aiiiraw, aiwc Mt-tirnw, J K li'glls. Charley wtwrg. ism wie on. tiut Hegg, V Ueudrk-kson, 4 Bcsto. Peter u.,.. K-Joiilnn KnHt Nicinelia. Johu Bry ant, H II HeudrtsVwui, W J Krickeon, I Erick- son. K B rnyae. n m t-sicy, , i. aior -. j scaxoss In the ftrcolt Court nf the State of Oregon In and for the County oi Columbia. Lauie Eastgate, Plaintifl va John Easlgate. Defendant To Ji n Kastgate, defendant: In thennmeof the male ot Oregon, yon a ht-icbv auiuinoned and required to appear Jn the above entiilct cause and answer the erms plaiul of Ihe plaintiff in the above entitled auit nu or liefore tbe sevenM day of rtepte ber, I""? or pule etrt and decree lot wans of an answer thereof will l taken against you lo aci-otdanco wilhilie pravcrof Ihe conipiaiot. The por pose of this stilt is to obtain silecree of absoluto livonw iu favor of the plaintiff against the de fendant. The dale of ihe order ot publication of tht summons is July JK. IU07. aud the si ol Un Brst publicaltou thereof ia July -it 1117. UREV RICHAUlOtf Altoraeyri lor FlaiuUrT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To all persons CoaeerVied: Von and each ol von will take notice that t. tt. K. Bulls, will on ihe tth lav of Hcplember 1HJ7, apply lo Ihe county court of Columtila Coniily. state of tie- ' egon. fr lieen to ti ll kpirtluoiia, vinott an malt liquors end hani eider in qnanntiea li-s than one gallon, for a period of twelra month, In the town of ti-jble, Itoble Precinct, Columbia comity, Oregon, which ei plieaUou will be baseil on Ihe following petition. Pllillllis flirt l.ivai Kin i.ii-B,,pr. England It reported to be atarUed at the bold dtmand of the colouial repro- entatlve for freedom for Uie colonic Uirukcnbenr W H Holsapple. Ambros Maisru, at.iiiui.ii-. .i.. Andrew Emmsrsoti, SS Pelaney. t.eo Hulls, a inueoenaent uatiuira. om advanced time parent counWe can not exiiect flourishing and lusty chii dren to tay tied to the mother coil try' apron string. John Obcrir, Arthur Aivsen. Henry Retleletsen, K C uatitiaon, " it crnmmu. v.-car ntunvu.,. Kuos Flnbrer, Malt Yohnsou, W w Indie. I, Ball. O-car J.weiwn, l A Artems, Vlarl Carl son. Charles Carbon. Alton K Hsyes, Clemens John Mcr.y, O H Libby, F i. Koellesuieier. Chaa Hansen, A Palmer, l nomas vimim. AU that Andrew Carnegie needs to till hi cup ot happiness to the brim l tbe assurance that some day m res- turcs will adorn a United State post age stamp of popular denomination. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. v.ii.1. t. li.Mhv otvoi, that tha tlndcrsleued hsa beeu appdnteil executrix of the estate of Ertie.t llorgren. decease.!, by th County cjpnrt of the Btateoi tirfgoit. ior uie l oum, o. ,,mht. ad haaniiatlned such. Any aud all persons having claims agaiuxl aaid estate, are h.r.hv ,.,nln(lto nre.ent tbe same to me, verltied accosting to law. at my residence near ' Cuban, are Importing cement from I Jifr!rWi?&a,f St3r-i:iBTr-,,S- thla country extenaiveiy, nu uiuiv.u". motiiu irom itieoits oi, that they want something on the tslauo which the West India hurricane cui- not rip to pieces. One ot the publisher advertises a novel that l "a hair raiser." Bome- ... n.sum nf hrain elevatlUI vuitm - -- - . notion would be welcome Just at this time. - : J . laiedJuly SU, HAW- ANNIE H0RQREN It la not long alnce that Mr. Taft was regarded aa one of the few men for whom a placid future wa absolutely secure. i ir ami litt-lt dlrecls.inai me ,, ,l,o tld he served lm ) 1'"'" 1,1 l",h ,,.kl"f alt silticesslv wwki iii tin, - ., .,,,,1 j,iy nl Aiituw, o"'i ll'iet'lu-t ;mV,H."m!nt tUe'reot H Hie 1V 4X!i...,...,n. . All ,V tor I I p,0, AuafM.K"'-w,hl"'",,B' Columbia County Bank Does General Banking Money Orders Cheap Wm. M. Ross, Proprietor, ST. HELENS. 0BE. One Dolliar will lit you to eye glasses or spec tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed. Your eyes fitted at home.- Write Im free booklet describing our method. Remember, the glasses we fit you to are worth $3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $1.00. OUR REPAIRING department Is most complete. Main sprint: Si. CO. Walch denned Jl.itl. Send yuur work by rvglstercd wail. Si'.SU reiiairs any watch. METZGER & CO in una (TRxrr. pobtiaxd, phi. H. nORQUS Cariies a Complete Line ol - Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods tho uitdersigusit, lejial voters ot tlolihs c.Mtnty, i We. Precinct Columbia State ol Orreuu. resimcifiillv iwtilion the Hon. Vuitnly Conn of I'nliiiiiliiftCoirtilr. Klate of Oregon, lo grant a lli-vnse lo 8. K. Bulls to sett r-pinnioua, jian and VitiiHis Liquors In qnatitllies less than una gallon In tioble PrceHit-t tVlnnibla Utmnny, eUaie of Oregon, for Ihe period ot twelve mouths, as In duty nonno. we win ever pray. Frank welter, m si rowier, u a jat-aM,u, bv . Klnuv, Harry Wont. Victor Furer.W II Wagur. . s- u..-. H Waller. J M Ftiwler. tieo Pltsett' berg. Oreille Young. O E Hunter, Ed lUrrlgan, j M LidMiy, R Y Hamilton, John tiillieiu, I) ......I.... ."1 i imaH fiitldar. Ed Uiltlnr. H Hvan, L B O'lieit. James 0 Kennedy, Eddie White. Emll Ijiuber, Wm Persons. W K Spiers, H Spiers. N Anderson, J Gitwon. G W Larimer, C K shublie, O I) Hunter, Kied Jeusen, Al(rel Hunter. Cha Pane, Chr Bmmmar. Jos Latir me, Philip Learlhers, A L Browu. W Jonlan. hinily. w l. cnapui, n anw,, ,.um Putty, thas Mdlieson, It M Tremahah, t nas Young Area ecineueii, i. .eus.rner, u Magilf, U 8 Foster O Una. u o rowier. v . Vest, It Itross, jnn nitenaer. wwirfl nrvuno- ton. A Ulher-4U. r 1 Howell, J n t-nanier, r r. Maktnster, r w .viaainster, w t.arer, mi am. A tl Hariing. L Peraoma, Ab Link. Matt Web ber. Peter Hoen-h, O Metcalf, Jack Hill. C 8 Hull, lay August Miller, Wui L VanDorn, A Duffl. o, , a v snerfl naun, . ...... In fact, everything usually kept in a first class General Merchant ise Store. My .:.. knnJ na rt asonable as any ,tire in Columbia County, Vour trade tolicittd. : NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Iu the Circuit court of the SUte ol Oregon, tor the Couutv of Colitinbia. William A. Cleland. Plaintiff v Sweu Etirkson, Mareella Erirkson, hi wife, and Joseph Hayburn, liefpudants. Kollce is hereby given that, by virtue of an execution. Issued out of the abov entitled Court In the above entitled cause, lo me direct ed and daled the IWth day ol June, l'J07, upon a iuilgnietK, decree and enter of sale, rendered and entered in said court and cause on th list dav of May IU07. In favor of th bov usmed plaintiff, and against Ihe above named delvua ants. forth sum of iiOO.uu togeitter with In u rest thereon at the rate ol 10 tier cent pur niiuinn Irom iht Jsih day of April, Paw, aud the litrther sum olf-'HiO ai'nrney a fee, also the lurther eum of 112.30. costs, eomniaiirtlng ..i. nl f..llouiue dena-rllM-d rani pnipertvto-wlt: All ol the Northwest quarter ol the Nnrthvaat quarter of tfectlon Ttiiriy four Township Blx North. KangeTlire Weslof the Wlllaiuetl atenuiau, tu vwuutw. , Orei.on. ... .. Now Therefore, by virtne of snld execution, . Inrlgment. decree aud orderof sal, and In , eon; i,)lancilh IheeotnmaBdaof said wilt, I will on Saturday Ihe m day of July, 11)07, at Ihe hour cl HI o cloca a. m. at me minnow County court house in Ht.Heleus. Columbia coua tv Oregon, seU at public auction fsubjeel to r rtvinpil.iu aceiirumg to law) e hlgiiesl Wil der lor cssh in baud, all the right, Itila aud In teieai which Ihe wllltlii named deleudatiia, Sweu Krlckson and Marctlla Krlrksnn, or either ol them had uu ll.e 2r.Hl day of April IrWJ. Of since bad iu ami lo the above described real proteny and every part theieof. to aatuty said exi-cullon, Judgiiieisl, order (aud decree to gether with interest, eoas and tewiijiigosi. ; ' tHirrttrol Columbia Cuufrly Dated Ihls2ib duy of June f.07. . First publcaiion June '2H l',fi7. Fait puUlHetien July 91 WOT. govtrnwtnt.