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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1907)
0 T-HE OREGON UTTC1 fiL ' V. " ' ' ' "' " ' ' " "" " - " 1 111 . . - ' ' . ST. HELENS, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 20. 1907. NO. 33. NEWS OF THE VEEK In t Condensi fan fcr Ca BAPPENDiGS OF TWO CCmOENTS A R.sume of th U Important but Not Uh lMartln( tvant. of he Pnel Week. ' Mwhlnl-U aie ptaparlni lo strlk on ' til railroad. To Ken Fianclero boy ar under irml lor placing dyaamlta cap on street car track. The Haywood trial at Hula will coat ,i, io t'JitO.OOO, Includlns) lit ul bolli aide. Aiirr. Ui Haywood witness) lml wiili perjury, has brer bound ovr to ,.wr Id lh District court. Chicago I1"1' onion p'ad tl.i, ymi on Labor day. Tble baa twofl on l Hi feature barwtolura. Ii.lrrt In a C reeo conspiracy have (wen arrwled. Tlie ex-emperor I said lo t behiud many of the plots. Tli attorney general to bI,n 0t la New York to annul II charter of lh. Waetera t'nion and Postal Me raiih pmanl. Illegal combination is tlx ellrgalion. TI ttrtimrr Columbia, Jttt wrecked below Kuiesa, ram lo th caul In 1(W0 lnia Chaatar, Pa , wher aha waa built lor lha O. R. A N., whkh. emu may transferred thea! to lha Han ,'rn.ii.v. A Portland Weatnablp corn. rny. Second Vltw Prewhlent Zimmer, ol the IV-ioc HtaUa Telephone company, hu again lefuaed to testify In IhaUlaae ibm ami r e'lltoo! lo 00 day' ltn prisoMiienl. Solka aa given 01 he will be railed each day and reeomroil taxi an luiin M ha reins 10 teatlfy. Thtee pereuna war hilled la II wind Imin al Woutteocaet, 8. D. " llryan I aal.l to bav abandoned hi fiveritment ownership policy. New York Jews ara planning an or sanitation Ui unit lha Kebrewe al alt CiHllltrot. IVirey ear h la lo'rwrealn president of the il corporaUoa UtaplU rvparta (o the fiiiilrary. Kiolrra In Hatml Imiv IramaJ tha ra IJaova ul arnal nwtnbart ol tha am nr' rabliwl. RUMlriK haa again orenrml In Hn Fraci-.i In ronrwrtlun wtlh lha UI ol lha ilmlitf man. Two ttnrma cwmilnc from Jlftoraut dlnrtiona mat at (Vurad a, Wool. A Utm hand aa killed and Ciopa rulnad In tha aUirm aona. Tha Tanoaaaaa Fadoral eoort tuu d cldt'dtlMilHUndardUlloflkUla ol In diana ran ha broashk lo tha lormor tale lo anaaar ludtctotruU rtuiDJ by grand Jury. Klilwn thoaaaml tnon trnployed by II I'nltnl State Hioal irptrUn and lixlxprindtuit mlneowneia In Mlnne iia bava (on on atrlka tut an Increaa in aaitm, Th Iron Ota ludiialry U (araltynl. A aiituor haa nat aallad from New York rarrylna; allrd malarial ft Janri uaa In Manchuria. Forty car P Uva ten purcltaaad and will be moved ln.l.le o( 13 niontlut. Th op IiIImi lnolva an aaprmdltur of 10, (KKI.WHJ. A tornado and tramerxUxia rain aturm did heavy datna In Kt. Joseph, Mo., and vicinity, Ilia Klka national eonvantlon la w iMnrlnx plana to aUp th itaguthar of aia U) gi loelli, Tb Curaan dalrirata at The Hairie donoiini-ea Jauanaaa, bnt lha olhar del- in lavor Japan. Rlollng in fkxiul laaultt from alnll talimi of tha Cureen oinparor. At Inaat V Jaiauieaa war k II lad. In Ui Ulaa trial Ui oonrt baa rnlad that ovlilrmua ihowlng ainillar oflonar my Iw Introdiicod, a docldod vlcUiry lur llmiKy, ,, ' , CoiuialWIIIa. a town of 800 Inhaui l:iU near Zanville, baa bean almt wlxd off Ui map br flood. No Uvea are reported loaU ,Tha property loa win im utrgo. i A Chinaman la on trial In lm Anga- lor inu tlclna ntedlelna without a IIcmmmv Bo (mi 840 taloatnen have been lumiiKinml and but Ave have onallHed II otlmri being blaaed on aooount ol uoinuuant being a Cblneae. V- M, llulbrook. K. E. IualKh and Holwrl Mel'hlllauey, prominent men or Wyomlim. have been lonnu guilty o nmanlrau to defraud the gov ornimwt of coal lamia In that tat. The hmxlmiun penalty la two yeaia In the puuwutiary and a ana of Th Indian Territory Democratic eon vnllon ended In a ilot. The Poetal Telegraph company haa de an offer to It former employe In n rrnoliH to return to Iheli wora . Thnuaanda were nroatrated br the hat dm Inn tha Kike rarada at 1'hlla dolphU. The emergency hooepltal uhi i,noo and other hoaplta la l.uuw, The Northweelern lallroad la prepar g to extend lta liuea to tha ooaat. Foreign Mlniater Ilayaahl, of Japan, ma country will truat in Allien . n jiutice to prevent war, HAWUY FINISHU ARGUMENT. I Sura Haywood Had Hand In Steu ntnbarg Murder. ikriae, July VJ-Jamea II. Ilawley, laaillng couimal fur the atate of Idaho, pietenling th tli.t ol the arimumnU to the Jury In the raaa agalnat William 1). HaywotHl, apoke for nearly el(ht hourt, djalributed over three etwalona of court. Kven when the hurnoon aowlon Hatnr day Iwi eitnnded far beyond the eu. toitiary time limit, eveiy ait In tha courlMnm a occupied and remained 0 until the laat word na arioken. Non llilenMl more attentively to the argument than I lay wood, the defend ant, and none hod ha emotion. From time to time ha took ooplona nottw In a email book ami frequently made auggiiitioiia U one or other of hie eouneel, even of whom vera In court loiiay. Ihioiiuli.iut tl, .In, Mr. ilawlav iimn! analiiKMt onveratlonal Unit. The analyala uf tnatlnxwy In euntradlrtlon of Orrhatd'a atory concluded frequently wun ie aetiuiioiallon ol wltneaa after wllnma aa a wilful xrjurei or guilty ol unltitentloruil falaehood. When he had epoken Are and a half hour, Mr. Ilawley readied Caldwell, where at the eloae uf tha year liOft lha prvratlona lor m murder ol Hteunenlwrg were afuut. Ilia voir now found a eyrnpa- liit'tK) note and, aa ha told of lha laat momenta of the ea-governor the court room waa huhel and the liny leaned forward to catch lha iaker'a every wold. Mi. IfaahVa peroration wa tmprea- alve. Theie waa no attempt alauy flight of oratory, but only a (trong note of tlerp alnrerily and great ear ned neae when he pleaded (or an hunrat Jmliiinriil from bonnet men of Idaho. Mr. Ilawley Mid be did not charge I luil a majority or even that many of Ui W cetera Federation uf Miner were crlmtnale, but that the evil deed ol the cttWr ami of the rum of I lie or gaulaatlon had brought discredit on the rank and file. The lime had In deed come, lie eald, when fight think ing men ihuuld rleeaml make war upon the evil intluAwea that were the turae ol all Ukbi organ iiat ion. (Hi Ui adjournment of court until Monday rouming, Mr. Ilawley waa ehowerod with congratulation. THIRTY-ONE OEAD. Michigan Eacuralon Train Hit Freight at High Spaed. Mj.l..m . Jule 22. Thirtv-one people are dead and more than 70 In jured, many ol thm aerl.maly, aa the reault of a head-on cull leon Saturday be i..n i lii. vilUni, .nil t'lvmuuth. when a fere Marquette exrnraloo tiain bound Iroin Ionia 10 lHaroil rraaneu inwa i.uin,l Iraluht train in a cut hxld al a Urp curve of the 1'ere Marquelte ralliiaul auoui a miie eai oi naieui. n nuanurr train of eleven car. twrryloa the l're Marquette ahop m pluyi ot lunia anu ineir the Micnigan nieiroon ior tueir eu--...I Arairin. aaa liuinlnil at hiilh apeeil, pMhably 60 mile an hour, down a ateep grade. II airwe mo naiit- locomotive of tho Ireight train with each teiriblc foica aa to turn the fieight engine completely around. Only a few oi me ireigni wm wete ainai.hf-1. and it louk only a lew houia' work to remove all trace of tlwm from Uie ai-ene. Hut uenino ine two wreikini lorootiveaiixcaraoi iue paaeenger train lay pHdl in a nopeiee. wreck, , fonr of the panaenger coacbea re- i..- i it.. im,-k Viul alluhtlT dam- agl, and were uaed to couvey the dead and Injured W lonia; entirely nmUvmaged, with only It for waH tiucla off tha rail, tha two cowhwi next ahead of thl were tole aonped. The next car lot ward. tood al- uicat on enii aiwr me ew. Iteaponaiblllly I put ,!,' "?T the etiw ol Uie lielght Ualn by offloial Of Uie nd. Tlioae who arrived at uie acene of the wrick aoon after th accl- cWnt aecnml from wi crew . fieight the order under which It waa running, and which clearly .bowed th p,)illon c.l the paMenger Jra n, and that the freight bed encroached upon lh other traln'a running time. The wllialon ocanrwl at 9M o 'oloek. and Uie freight tiain ahould lve readied Salem at 0:10 W be within (heir ordera. Harrlman Lowara Coal Rata. .,. i..i- 94 Tit itiniulate U. . p.m-l.e of coal during the a.jmmer mun.hawhen Uie Rreatrat number o kuiratute vjih",,vv " . IMT" " .. ti.. n..l.Mi Pan He rail- mine., - - T road aim me vie,"" -, , . . Ui,,. ,ton oncoai." Pp 1. nlh.Olll.Il.Uofthe Harrlman 1 nee h "e HHn endeavoring to Induct deal era to make ihipmenta early. ... i. ifi.i Naaroaa, anna r." " . Outh.le.Okla, JIy22:TA.m"LJ heavily armed men an.iooyaw-. Uaed mn " i neiiro ml liaa leis iowu Bl'",.u .rrt two negroc while trying to arreat two . negro I . HI. ...I.l.tnrt IlalllK HII charged, w.w. - aawka. 1.1. "" . , ..... 7l dav. and white have arnieu w tllvcaVautlclpationof"- Beglna New Railroad- .. . . Wii.ala. Julv si weruininaa, -- , , Woik waa formally . uTetlonoft., the Amuria rai.r en. to give Kuiaia a uo Tlie nrpoe oi inia ,.. fe . niany ye" i 111 - 1 ... COLUMBIA IS BLAMED San Pedro Officers Say Disaster Could Hare Been Averted. HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN SAVED Seventy-Two Ara Unaccounted for and Chancea of Being Found Aliva Ara Small, F.undia, Cel., July 23. Arrival yea teiday of the ateamer George W, Elder with the battered Uem arhooner Ban I'edio In tow, brought the Oral new of a marina diaaater which will rank among I he wont of the I'acillo ooaat. The Kan Polro drove full a peed Into the alein ol the ataamer Columbia, bound from Han Franciaoo to Portland, tearing a great gaah in lier aide, and t-aualng her to aiuk within eight min ute near Khelter oove alwut 12:30 o'clock Humlay morning. The Oiat report juatlAed the belief that at leaat half uf tha 260 peraont on bnl the Columbia had periahed, but hourly the total ahrinka. .The beat ad vlcea now aie tlt 177 eecaped death when Uie venae I went to Uie bottom. One hundred and even of Die Colum bia' paaaenger and 37 of her crew have been bMiiuht to Ihla port by .the Warner (iro. W, Kldrr, which towed the colliding tchooner Hwn Pedro from Uie erene of lite dimeter to Eureka. A late meeeage from Khelter cove aayt that three more lifebuata have been picked np, one of them containing 18 pereona, another 16 and the third not reported. Two houra after the wreck the fog lifted and a cold wind commenced to blow. The people In the boat Buffered much. O. 8wneon, a aailur ol the Pan Ped ro, waa at Ida wtieet Baumuiy nigni when the fatal collision occuried. In hia teport lo the aailoia' agent, Jolin Krlckaon, the blame la laid upon tlie alioulder of Uie Columbia' olllcera . Olhci member of the crew ot Uie San Pedro auhetautiste the atory of K wan- eon, lie ray tnai ine cruer waa given to blm when the lookout lighted the Columbia to put the wheel tiaid apott. Three poluta apoil carried the Han Pedro i reward apparently out oi uie ear of the auproacblug reatel, wboae name at Dial lime waa not auowo. tihoil tuola from the whiatlea ot both aela wained Uie aklpiiew. The Co lumbia wa on Uie ccaet aide, the San Pedro on the aea aide. Appanntly both veeeele were proceeding at full aneed. If all had none Well, Uie San Pedro would nave cioarea ie uoiam- r ... . . i . i bla, but it i evident that an order, nut the wheel hard a atarboard," waa given on the Columbia. Thia aent her directly acroaa the bow ot the ateam e:hooner. Whether or not the speed ol either vettel waa !ackened la imma terial, tor the craah of the veeaela waa torritlo. The tolumoia, an iron veeaei, bore the brunt of the impact, and her lion plate cracked, and a gash eeven feet arroa the forward hatch allowed tha water free initicee at great velocity Among the lurvivor reecued and car led north . to thia port by the George W. Khler are men and women from acore ot ilatra, not a few from the At lantic oaboerd and the Middle weal. Amonff theee are a number of school teacher, who were varying with a aea voyage their home trip from me an nual convention oi wie national tlnnal aaeocialion at Lo Angelea. A aeuieiral on of the tolumoia I pea- atnger lil ahowa that In her cabin ahe 78 men and 90 women and girl; In her ateerage 20 men and oue aomao, a total of 189. Pincropenciea, however, between Uie full HatfurniBhod the power on railing and tome of the namea given uy ine atuvivora wou uevo reached here ludlcate Uiat the total number of paeeeuger may have been gicater. Sixteen 01 Wie namea giwn here are not found on the ateamshlp oompany'a certified liat. Adding to the 189 accredited paaaengwa wre wo v iwin, of the Columbia' crew give a total of 249 Uvea jeopardixed in Uie midnight collwion. 11 la nown uiav at leaat 10 women were aaved. Plot Agalnat Cxar la Nipped. ni pilmrir. July 23. The police today arreetetl on the street a student , ....., ..f iwlnnirlne to the mill- tary organltation ot the Soolal Kevo- lutlonlata. On aearcninK uem, mo II la Mil fAlatin nf both the Twirako- lino .1 St. Peter and St. Taul fortreaa, and the fortreea at Cronatadt. ana pane, ehowing the diepoaitlon of the tioop in the SI. Peteraburg barracks. The nollce believe that they liave nlpiied In . ., . ... a.i IK. lire nf tlie bud anoiuer avwjuqj Uie emperor. Europe Dependant on America. . T..I. 9S In nom- lluenoa Ayroe, ', , " menting on a icoent apeech ol Dr. Prago, one of A nrentlne' delegates at Th Hague, the Prenaa lamenta that he haa not aei lor" - of view Uiat JEurope cannot do without . . .lt Inr msnnfai-tiured America aa a uit - , , . JooZP" labo'tl""'"1"1 ', . .,,. mntiial eon- ina iinpoiunn tr,in- - venlence. Financial operations would . n.. oiirH hv aiiiiDression of right of military Intarvention. Takea Sting Out of Rata Law. A.hevlUe, Tenn., July 2S-', . . 1.A Hianharced Tick- Jiuiiie rnwioiiw www . et Agents Wood and Wilson, ot the Southern railway, .'".r" proceeding, and declared the pens i ty P . fi ...t. Kill nnconsUtU- olauee oi tne new tlonal. WORST OF CRIMINALS. Proiacutlon Daclaraa Orchard' Stor Fully Proven. Itolne, Idaho, July 20. The field for argument both for the proaecutlon and defenae of William D. Haywood haa been limited by Judge Wood, who in a decliion handed down yeaterday remov ed from conalderation by tha Jury al) evidence bearing on Uie alleged conapir acy by mlnaownera and other agaiiurt tne we lorn Federation of Miner. Judge Wood decided that the defenae of Haywood had made no lent connection Of the Mlneowneia' aaaoclatlon. the Cltlxen' alliance, of Colorado, and the Pinkerton agency with tha crime a laying a foundation for the evidence in troduced by the defenae to abow that tha charge agalnat llayweod and hi co- defendant ) Uie outcome ot a conapir- acy to exterminate the Federation. Immediately following the announce ment of thl deciaion, argument com menced. J. H. Ilawley, leading ooun eel for Uie elate, apoke tor two houra and 16 minute of Uie afternoon eeaiion, the morning aeaalcn having been ad journed to enable the judge to prepare hi deciaiou. Counael for the defenae repeatedly interrupted Mr. Ilawley with proteet and objection, but theee only aeemed to atlr In in to greater enorta. Mr ilawley concluded with the atate ment that already he had ahown enough to convict and that any Juryman not willing to convict on the evidence con necting Uie conepiratora with Uie blow ing up of tlie Hunker Hill at Sullivan concentrate! to 1809 and Uie explosion laat the Vindicator mine In 1903 alone "Bought only to rid himaelf ot an un pleasant duty to hi itate." Mr. Ilawley will continue his argu ment today. Judge Wood ha notified counsel for the defenae Uiat he expect argument for their aide to commence on Monday, READY TO FIQH f PACKERS. Livestock Exchange Convention to Consider Poat Morten. Kaneaa City, Mo., July 20. Live- atock oommiesion firms in Uie 15 prin cipal maiketa of Uie country, Uiat do an annual busmeea estimated at 000,000, wete represented here today at th opening of tlie National Live stock Exchange association. The live stock centers represented Included neat ly eveiy city of Importance from Bui- lalo lo Denver and from St. Paul to Fort Worth. Twenty delegate cam from Chicago. Tbe National Exchange Is pracUcally Uie clearing house for Uie various local exchanges. James C. Swift, ol Kai City, Uie preaidenl, eald this morning that the mortem question, among other things, will be discussed and said of It In hia annual address: "While we regret the passing of tbe 7 -cent hoe, we rejoice Uiat his memory bear no taint of poat mortem, and that he left with ua Uie ever-welcome 7-cen seer and the lowly sheep, with his high-priced fleece and strong-smelling mutton." Mr. Swift said Uiat livestock ex changes for years bad been Uie butt for shafts of cheap ridicule and Uie basis tor criticism born either of malice or ignoianoe. Canada at Irrigation Fair. Sacramento, Cel., July 20. Canada will aend an exhibit of irriiation pro duct to the Interstate Exposition to be hU in Uils city next September in conuecticn with the National Irrigation congress. A representative ol AiDeria nravinee cal led at headquarters to at for the installation of a big dil- nlav. The outlook pointa to the la re est and most important exposition of Uie kind ever held in Uie West. Twenty thousand dollars in trophies and prliee am to be offered tor the best collective and individual entries. ' Government to Take Job. Kan Antonio. Tex., July 21. A special to the J'xprees from Maxatian says: Authoritative iniormaiion uaa K.,n rAiwAivmi nem inac uin iiiinuiro- U.M,n railroad will be but It bv the Mexican covernment It will be Uie first Dlece 01 construction aince tne na tional mereer waa definitely effected. it la einauted work will bestAtieaai tha end of thia year. This Una is 365 miles long, and tne estimated oust is iM. 000.000 Mexican currency. It will reoulre several million more to com' plete Uie line. Telee-raphers Will Arbitrate. San Franciaoo, July 20. After being on JiiBt a month; the strike of Uie tele graph operators in the Oakland and San Francicoo offices of Uie Western union and Postal Telegraph companies waa settled this alternoon, xne operatora almost unanlmoualy voted to return to work under tne same conditions anu salaries as prevailed when they went on erike and to arbitrate their giiev ances as provided for In Uie oompro mlm offer contained in the letter from Colonel K. C. Clowry of June 20. Treat Jaoanasa Like Otfiere. Jnlv 20. The board of directors of the Merchants' Exchange nf Run la nelson hss announced that it does not favor any Immigration law that will discriminate against ine peo nl. nf T.nKn nv tlukt, will mirmlt them I. ka tivuliut anv dlffanintlv from tha nnnnla of any other forelan country. It r r . . ' ......ti. 1 .... Is regarded as aeeiraoie, tne con i.n. fhafe tha JananiuiA twmnla Anlov the aame privileges in our country Uiat 11 1 .!. are aoooraea oar peopia w luouo. Express Money Package Stolen. Columbia, 8. 0., July 20. It la re ported here that an express package of 110,000 haa been lostatuieriorence, 8. V., otlie. STR.COLUMBIASUNK Eassisd br tbe Sm Pedro Oil Shelter Core, Calltcrala. 00 LIVES ARE REPORTED LOST Collialon Cama at Midnight Without Warnlng-Veaael 8ank In Flva Mlnulaa After 8truck. Ban Franciaoo, July 22. In a colli sion between tbe pesaenger steamer Co lumbia and the ateam schooner San Pedro o 9 the Mendocino coast 100 pas sengers last their Uvea Saturday night. The Columbia was snnk and lies completely submerged In Uie ' deep waters of Shelter cove. Captain Doran, master of Uie Colum bia, stayed with his vessel, and Is among those lost. Tha collision occurred at midnight, when all on board aave Uie lookout and officers on the bridge were asleep in their bertha. The Columbia waa ateam-1 ing north at an easy rate, having left here at noon Satniday. Suddenly out of the fog loomed the dark hulk of tbe ateam achooner San Pedro, south bound, which was evident ly out of her course. Whistles were blown and frantic efforts made by tbe helmsman of each vessel to avert the collision, but they were of no avail. Tbe San Pedro struck the ateamer on Uie port bow, tearing an Immenee hole in her aide, through which Uie water rushed in great volume. Alarms were sounded throughout tlie pasatnger ship, and Uie terrified passengers scrambled from their staterooms In an effort to es cape from the doomed vessel, but Uie time was too short to a id the life savers. Tbe vessel Bank within five minute ot the time ct tbe collision. A life raft waa launched with a number ot pas sengers on board. Eighty-Eight Saved. San Francisco, July 22. It Is now reported that 88 of the passengers and crew oi Uie Columbia were saved, and that 160 were drowned, Including Cap tain Doran. San Francisco, .July 22. According to J. C. Flynn, a rescued passenger oi the Columbia, every woman passenger on tbe steamer waa lost. San Francisco, July 22. There were about 300 passengers, a full list, on the Columbia. One-third ot theee went down. The ateamer Roanoke brought the first survivors and a number ot the dead to San Francisco thia morning. The dead were taken to morgues. More survivors are on beard a lue raft in tow of the Daisy Mitchell, en routte to this port. - - The San Pedro, which rammed the Columbia, is being towed to Eureka by the Geo. W. Elder. Shelter Cove ia 179 miles north ot here. The steamer Roanoke spoke the steamer Geo. W. Elder, and Uie latter had on board 88 passengers and crew of the Columbia, which were taken off Uie ateamer Ban Pedro. The San Pedro bad her stem gone and was considerably damaged for ward. Her mainmast waa gone and foremast sprung, her cargo was gone and ahe wts in a water logged condi tion. The Elder waa trying to tow her to Eureka, but waa making alow pro gress. Eureka, Cal., July 22. The San Pedro and Geo. W. Elder brought 88 survivors into Eureka this morning. AU members of Uie crew except Cap tain Doran were among tbe saved. Will Ba Memphis' Guest. St. Louis, July 23. Final details lor the reception ot President Roosevelt at the convention ol the Lakes-to-the- Gulf Deeowaterway association, to be held at Memphis, Tenn., uctorjer e, were adopted today at a meeting held at Uie home of W. K. Eavanaugh, president of the association. The call for the convention will be sent out in a few davs. Governor Folk, of Mis souri, and the governors of other atatee will accompany President Koosevelt to Memphis. The party will be met at some poin.t above Memphis. - Blown From Heme. Willlston, N. P., July 23. A terrJ. So wind, bail and rain atoim last night destroyed 15 dwelling houses, Injured 25 people, two of them probably tatai ly, and did much other damage to property in this oity and the surround ing country. Those believed to be fa ttally hurt are a man named Holmea and Mrs. Colli neon. Mrs. Collinson and her baby were blown out ot thelx house for a distance of about 100 yards, landing against a wire fence. Tornado Near Lacrosse, Wis. La Crosse. Wis.. July 23. A torna do visited the section north of here in theviolnlty ot Viroqna. Communica. tlon in all directions Is out off and wires ara down. Serious washouts oc curred on all five railroads entering La Crosse and traffic li at a standstill. LAWYERS HAVE INNINQ. Devote Entire Day to Arguments In Haywood Case. . Boise, Idaho, July 19. A day ot ar gument on the admissibility of points of evidence followed Uie announcement from the defense that tbey had no fur ther witnesaea to offer In behalf ot Wil liam D. Haywood. Tbe Jury waa not brought into court, Judge Wood having been Informed by counsel of their de ciaion to rest without offer of ur- rebutlal. Clarence Darrow apoke, for an hour and a half of the morning iee aion. Senator Borah replied in tbe afternoon and waa followed by E. F. Richardson. . Judge Wood will prob ably announce bis decision today. The point argued was the proposition to exclude from consideration by the jury the evidence offered by the de fense to show, by proof of deportation of dinners from and the employment of detectives in tbe Cripple Creek dis trict of Colorado, that a conspiracy was formed among the mine owners and the eitixens of the district to prevent Uie employments of members of Uie West ern Federation of Miners. The posi tion taken by the Haywood defense was that Harry Orchard was employed by the Mineownera' association through detectives to commit crimes which were then charged to the Federation, and public opinion aroused against the .un ion workers, and it therefore followed that, if Cc loi ado evidence tor the state wss admiUed. the defense had the right to show a counter-conspiracy. The reply of the state waa Uiat the de fense had failed legally to connect lta caae in these particulars and therefore its evidence merely conlused Uiat issue. In tbe absence of tbe Jury tbe argu ment save counsel an opportunity to take a wide range in commenting on the methods employed on both aides. Mr. Darrow was impassioned and vitu perative. He bitterly assailed Orchard and the Pinkertone. Mr. Borah confined himself largely to the legality of the question ot admis sibility. He apoke for an hour, force fully reviewing tbe evidence and alle gations made by tne defense, wnicn, he aaid, failed to show by tbe member ot Uie alleeed conspiracy between Uie mine-ownere and tbe rinkertona mat any such conspiracy existed. DISSENSIONS IN THE RANKS. Striking Telegraph Operators - else National Chiefa. Critr San Francisco, July 19. Yesterday was a busy day in the ranks of the strik ing telegraphera at Oakland. There were committees appointed and many impromptu consultations held, and dur ing the afternoon aeveial operators waited on the three members ot Uie executive committee, M. J. Reidy, 8 J. Konenkamp. and J. M. Sullivan, but absolnthte silence waa maintained aa to Uie meeting or the trend of Uie discussions. It was evident from tbe bearing ot the conferees Uiat the situation was considered serious and there were hints of Increasing friction among the leaders of the strikers. The executive commit tee came in for severe criticism on count of its reported remarks deprecat ing the calling ot the strike and ita ap pelant lack ot sympathy for the local operators. It has been rumored persistently for the past few dara Uiat there waa a ser ioua split-between President Small and bis executive committeemen Mayor Taylor Takea Office. San Francisco, July 19. Dr. Edward R. Taylor, dean of Hastings Law col lege and acting president of Cooper Medical , college, today received his commission aa mayor of the city end county of San Francisco. Regarding hia plana for reforming the city govern ment. Mr. Taylor said: "I have no plans at present, in fact, tbe whole thing haa come on me so suddenly that I have not had time to think about it aa vet. I intend to conduct the govern ment on a nonpartisan basis, but fur ther than that I bava no plans." Call for Death of Japanese. Seoul, via Toklo, July 19. Placards were posted today in one of Uie thor oughfares calling for the death of all Japanese officials in Seoul. The minis ters are strongly guarded and every pre caution has been taken to prevent riots and attacks upon otnciais. Tbe emper or is reported to be too worried to take food or sleep, but thia report is consid ered to be one of hie usual maneuvers to enlist Uie sympathy ot his people for him. Equal Psy for the Sexes. St Joseph. Mo . July 19. The thir teenth biennial convention ot the Retail Clerks' International union today elect ed F. H. Conway, of Chicago, presi dent. Resolutions were adopted de claring that . women clerks should be paid the same wagea as male clerks where they do the same wore., ine convention also will declare for an eight-hour day. President Conway de nounced department stores as a curse to humanity, paying only starvation wages to women employee.- Acqulttsd of Land Fraud. Eureka, Cal., July 19. A Jury in the Federal court this afternoon after lees than 10 minutes deliberation and on tbe first ballot found :' George W Brace ..formerly ot Eureka, new of Oak land, not guilty of conspiring to defraud Uie government out of valuable public timber land in Trinity county. Hundred Jacklea Desert. Norfolk, Vs., July 19. During the past few weeks 100 desertions have been listed and advertised from th battledhlo Minnesota, one of the war ships In Hampton Roads. The local police were notified ot 16 desertions yesterday. , TRIES NEW TACTICS Eecij Vosfy Prove TLtit GIss Erltcd Otbsn Tttas toxica. DEFENSE OBJECTS TO TESTIE8NY Change of Plana Made Neceeeary Ba- bauaa of Silence of Vie Pres ident Zlramer. . . San Francisco, July 18. Tbe trial of Louis Glasa for bribery reached a cm rial stage yesterday, when the prosecu tion made ita first attempt to begin tha introduction of the testimony, ot 10 or mora auperviaora other than Boxton that Uieir vote were bought by Theo dore V, Halaey, acting under direction Of Vice President Glsss, of Uie Pacific State Telephone A Telegraph company. Such testimony ia called "evidence of similar offenses" and it ia often admit ted in criminal trials for the pwrpose of showing corrupt intent on Uie. part of a defendant in the oo-uolsalon of the act for which be ia being tried. Glass at the present time ia being tried for tha bribery of Boston ; Uie prosecution contends Uiat It baa the right to lay before tbe jury tne inierenca of bis guilt contained in Uie proof of hia having bribed other supervisors. like Boxton, against the granting of a rival franchise to Uie Home Telephone company. Tbe deiense denies una right, mainly on the ground that the slate ia not privileged to prove other crimes in an effort to establish Uie crime on trial. Tha argument ot this point, conceded to be of even more than its original im portance, since tha defection of Second Vice President Zimmer from Uie ranks of tbe prosecutor's witnesses, occupied the last two hours of tit alternoon aaa Bion and wss in progress at adjourn ment. The jury was excused at the commencement of Uie argument and waa taken by bailiffs to a point near the Temple Israel, later to be returned to its quarters at the Faiimount hotel. ATTEMPT8 TO BRIBE JURORS. Cudworth and Fish Teatlfy Agalnat Friend a of Schmitz. San Franciaoo, July 18. Chargea that efforts were made to bribe two member of Uie Jury which tried and convicted Mayor Schmitx on Uie charge of extortion, were laid before the grand jury yesterday at a special session. The jurymen involved in Uie chargea arc Koyal W. undwonit and .nariea v. Giah, both of whom gave their testi mony. Mr. Cudworth and his wife both told the grand jury of the efforts that had been made to communicate with him while be waa locked up at Uie St. Fran cis hotel with hia fellow jurors. Mr. Gish gave testimony showing efforts had been made to reach him while the case wis on trial. The grand jury also heard the evi dence of D. Oapelli, a teamster in the employ of Mr. Cudworth, and of F. O wings, whose story wss corroborative. The grand jury took the matter tinder advisement. Henry T. Scott, president of Uie Pa cific States Telephone company, who ia accused by Assistant District Attorney Heney of seeking to mislead Uie prose cution in regard to the whereabout of T. V. Halaey and of being instrumental in preventing E. J. Zimmer, vice preai denl of the company, from testifying in Uie Glass case, wsa called before tho 8 mag Deniaa Friction Talk. Oakland, Cel., July 18. After a meeting of the telegraphera in Sunset hall, West Oakland, today, President Small gave out Uie following statement: "I expect to leave Oakland within the next 48 houra for Chicago, where I will hold a conference with prominent leaders on next Tuesday, -and recom mend Uiat our executive board meet In Uiat oity on that day. Tbe strike In San Francisco and Oakland will contin ue. The fact of the matter is there are not enough telegraphera to fill the po sitions, snd there ia no worry about strikebreakers. Recount Bill la Upheld. New Yoik, July 18. Justice Ingra- ham today announced Uiat the court had unanimously decided Uiat Uie law which provides for a recount ol the ballots cast in the last mayoralty elec tion In New York city, is constitutional. In view of the action yesterday of the appellate division In Brooklyn in decid ing Uiat William R. Hearst is entitled to a recount under this lsw, Justice In graham stated Uiat it had been decided to let Uie case go to tha Court of Ap peals for final decision. Tbe case can not be reached before October. Gulf Staamar Takea Fire. Savannah, Ga., July 18. The steam ship Allegheny, from Philadelphia, ia burning off Tybee. All passengers were transferred to the government dredge and brought to Savannah. The Allegheny ia a Merchants A Manners liner, and left Savannah thia afternoon for Philadelphia. The fire occurred at 10 o'clock tonight, two miles off Uie Tybee island. All of her 32 passenger and her crew were saved, but the ahip, her cargo and all baggage Is a loss. Halsay Ploade Not Guilty. San Francisco, July 18. T. V. Hal aey today, in Judge Dunne's court, pleaded not guilty to ten lndictmehte charging bribery of auperviaora aa tha agent otthe Paclflo State Telephone company. . ... :