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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1907)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Postoffica at St. Helen, Oregon, h second-class mail natter. Issued Every Fkidav Bv E. H. FLAGG, Editor and Froprikto. . Subscriftiox Rates On year......... Six months ..... ,..1.50 .. .75 CRIMINAL UNDESERVING OF CLEMENCY It Is good linn that strong opposition U being in Chicago l the eircii lation of petitions at eking tha parole 0( Paul O.'SleusIiuiJ, the convicted pres. ident ot the defunct Milwaukee Avenue State bank, through whose mlsapproprl lion ot the bank's funds thousand of people lost their savings, ot years. It is notsror:hy that bank , presidents who re liiterwtej in the iStensland matter only So far as It concerns the stability and integrity of the general banking business are agreed that no parole Legal notices 25 cents per line, should be granted at this time. ytensUnd lias bent iu prison only alnnt asven months and the bankers CIRCUIT COURT OFFICERS : wy h9 ,h(mld ,Uy ,hew. H Thomas A. McBridk-... ..District Judge 1 fnends base th?lr pie on the conten- Advertising rates made known on appli cation. L. Hkix.ks .District Attorney COUNTY OFFICERS: R. S. HaTTan, Judfre .....St. Helens W. A. Harris, Clerk... St. Helens Martin Whitr, Sheriff St. Helens Casper LtBia, Commissioner Mist H. W'KST, Comm'r Scappoos r-uwiic koss, lreasurer. A. T. Laws, Assessor.... I. H. Copbland, School Snpt....Houlton Frank B. Prkscott, Surv Rainier H. R. Curr, Coroner St. Helens tion that he has become a physical wreck, but officials of the prison are quoted as haying that he has gained 15 pounds in the last two weeks. It he were seriously ill or threatened with di ath there would be some justification for clemency, but unless this can be ... St. Helens I, ,,.-,. ti h nW In hi. i c. I - proper punishment Is imprisonment in the woikhousj." I The prisoners w're acotmllng'.y sen tenced, aom to a sWe of l.OOti and tlx mtvi'lts' liiipii)iiinint hi the work-lioii-e, and tho others to imprisonment without line. They are loading btisinots men of Toledo, A lam'', a year ngi Jiel.o KinktluUn tci.tuncvd sovorsl lee dualem lo imiieit; under the same lav. They Imvo earri.d their cases ttir nh the Court of Com moil Pleas and the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court, where they are now pend ng. THE HAYWOOD TRIAL AUGUSTS. SOMETHING "WRONG. not entitled to consideration. The circumstances of his embeule- uent sud flight are still fresh in the minds of many readers. The betrayal of trust of which he was guilty wss in itself an act deserving of (be sentence he received a sentence deemed, indeed by many too light while the hardships and sufferings he brought upon them i.. & . . i : . . . T1. T.,t,i:-:t-i-... .i.. w wuo iruieu iimi cunsiiiureu an iiggra. " AHuitw.j uumu U4 wiv v I . , . , . ,,,r..., fri -1.1. i , guu cuius ran is aeuning 10 wis ucwo- ., , . , , , . . ri.. ot... .1. t n : I the Chiecgo banMrs, who have not heal p-kv.. v. ..... v.m.-.o 1 .... 1 . 1, . :.:.!!...!... nr in tirniaT a fats, w ... I TV. ..Ml.:.. f !.. r, - " " B,,UD eHuuiBuv ie8 l Vll7 u v tvuuti cAtiiuiu ei v iiio vivauu i . . . . , 8tate Fair in Salem are alwavs interest- minisuauou 01, ine qnesuon Ing, and a big advertising feature for lot personal friendship of enmity, of tor tile sections represented. This vear sii mer Doailion or Influence, is not taken counties will exhibit, as follows: Mar- Int consideration. Thev view him simply as a man who was guilty of ion. Benton. Lane. Linn. Clatson and Multnomah. The last to have never been represented before. The county grave crime and meriting the legal pen' courts of Multnomah and Clatsop conn ties have each appropriated 91000 to provide lor an adequate display. As Columbia County was the first to make an appropriation tor an exhibit at the State Fair we protest against such a statement Our county court made its appropriation last Janusry and has appointed Mr. J. W. Fullerton to have charge of it. Mr. Fullerton has been at work on the proposition for some time, alty therefor. This is the proper esti mate to take of alj wrongdoer. FOOLING THE OTHER FELLOW. The editor has a friend who occupies the enviable position of a man who does not have to work. Years ago this friend was diligent loth in and out of season, and we are sure he will make a showing in pursuit of his business. Fnally he to astonish the valley counties. It seems I accumulated what means be considered strange that the Bureau of Publicity necessary to pilot him to the edge of should send out such a misstatement. Me Great Divide; so he decided to slow and we trust they will correct it as I up, tako a saner view of life, get his prop- speedily as possible. Columbia County ert.T in to a shape that required the least wilj be there, RAILROAD SEES A LIGHT possible worry and attention, and settle down to enjoy life. AH tbeje things my friend did. les- terday I took lunch with him. Having nothing in particular to do but "est and talk," he preceded to eat and talk, the latter both to my amusement and in- When the conversation The Bock Island railroad has Just announced that it is going to oust its political lobby. It will hereafter attend struction. to the business of running a railroad and finally led around to that class of men leave the government of the states and I who deliberately work themselves to the nation to the people and their repre-1 death in an effort to accumulate more sentabvea. I monev than thev know what InHn wit h xne decision is commended to the my friend's indignation welled uo in a ower roaus. 11 iney would stop trvinc mannei almost to overcome him w run pontics, cease attempting to con- -If there is one man I hold more in trol legislatures and courts and refrain pity than another," said he, "it is that trom gambling in Wall street they might one who has gone clear msd, and sacri organize meir systems in a wsy to have fices everything worth while, in an lewerwrecss ana occasion less just com- effort to accumulate millions of dollars plaint from the traveling public. that he can't make use of here, and The trouble with the railroads is that can't fake with him when he dies. I they have been devoting too much atten-1 know men who have shut ont from thir tion to stock watering and high finance lives evervthinir. absolutely evervthinir. ami no. enougn to their legitimate but the single, narrow idea of making functions of carrying freight and pasen- monej, of accumulation wealth. Their gers. They have been too intent on very lives are measured in a ratio of electing senators and other officials and dollars and cents. When the aan rises uieueriDg wua law-making ooaies and in the morning it looks like a twenty not intent enough on installing safety dollar srold niece to them : when it i. devices and up-to-date methods on their I at nieht thev reach for it becanu it l. lines, ineyare too anxious to evade the color of irohL Thev .li.,hr. their taxes and dodge the law instead of Docial obhirationi. thev alight thir - aiuaying now to give tne most efficient ligion, they slight worst of all their Service. I wives and rhililren. Tha 1. . it is lime lor railroad men to stop try- evi table. In a few vein thv o, ,i i . m.. . . . . i . .. : iiis iw run ine government ana to devote and die, to leave an immense fortune their attention to running railroads. and a young wife, to marry tha "other TM At. - t 'if . I... - ii uie recent agitation teacnes them fe ow." The "other (e! W i. tt,. His the law in this country ttut a man may not be twice put in jeopardy ot bis life on a charge of murder. Hay wood has been declared "not guilty" by a very carefully selected jury, alter what Is generally conceded to have been a practically faultless prosecution iu which all the power of the State was ex. rted toils almost to stcure a con viction. If he had been Convicted the Oregouian would have insisted that good citisenship demanded a cheerful acqui escence in the Verdict, but, now that a jury of representative citlaens not one of whom is a socialist or a -member of a a labor union has, after patient hear ing, decide 1 that ha is "not guilty" the Oiegonian insists upon retryirg the case in its editorial columns, and actiug as judge, jury and witnesses. There are people who beleive the animus of the prosecution was to break up a labor union that had proved itself ab!e to cope with the mine owners of Colorado, and that nothing but sn aroused public sen timent prevented Haywood from leing railroaded to the scaffold. It is certaiu that the officers ot the law were willing to violate the law in order to secure pos session ot the persons whom they cliarn ged were guilty of the assissination of TOMS TIMELY TALK! Richardson's Remarks Regarding Resources And R.R. Rates, WILLING WRITERS WANTED To Tell the Truth to Thousands Touching this Terrestrial Territory. Portland. Ottg n July SUli, 1007 The snpieme need of nil Oiegon and particularly yiur community, is more home maker. The nppmtiinity to secure them under the moot advanta geous conditions is now at hand. , Several cities, towns and vilUg.s In this Slate will make a material addi tion to th. ir iopiil ition as a result i f energetic work done collectively throuuli the commercial bodies and imlivMunlly by the illuetis in advertising thousands of pe ple back Kant of thu low priced put on sate September 1st and continue until October 31st, to Oregon from all points in the United States. These rates are agreed iiion by a I the railroads lit the United Stntei and Cana da and are controlled by tin) Trikns-Cn tinentat Passenger Association, and Ore- StuenenUrg. They showed no respect for g0Uians must bearin mind that the the rights of the accused until compell ed to do so, and they bossted that Hay wood and Fcttibone would never leave Idaho alive. The governor ot the Stated unable to control his chagrin at the out come of the trial, hastens to inform the press that he considers the verdict to be I a great surprise and that the prosecu tion of Moyer and Tettibone will be con tinued vigorously. It is fortunate tor the cause ot justice and for the future of this country that there are sm h men upon the bench as Judge Fremont Wood. His conduct of the trial and his charge to the jury allowed him to be one of those rare men who are absolutely un moved by any motive except a deiire home-maker is Uing invited on similar rates to Canada, California, Washing ton, Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma and other States, and the state and com munity to which he will buy his ticket is the on) that convinces him iu ad vance ttuit their particular spot o.i this great earth is the one in which he Should live. We have ouly one ir.onih left before the sale begins. The rates to Oregon from Kati.iat'ity, Omaha, St. Paul, Mii'iieapoli;, and nil and all the Missouri Vsll. v ml west of there, is J5.00 with a reduction of $2.50 on each ticket eaxt of Umatilla ; from St. Louis, f30.00; Chicago, :!3.00; New York, f."O.O0, and a proporilual - ..... vv.ui.k iv mm imm vrv rvhur Tuimf fir,... ... the laws be administers. Had the State but ,is lkkvt mut b,'boil)lht u ui vo.ur.uo powrww puouc v,c,ala oi your sUtiolli BnJ ot , prlUnj or uiisiypemswaaonnesunservienitoois tome other cltv. if vmi ...rt ih,m . o.. i. i i I r " w. wCr,, oiueue.e.u o.uu come to VOU .and it devolve ....... ll.e U 1 . v . I.. . I ' -r .M.cvuy.,,, me mug cunpier oi readers of tl.i. r,er tn il,. Kvm Ik.l .liumul ., Cl.l. -....111. .. ' ' i . --B. --'-' vuiu letter that noes out of tt, n.tmn, csrries with it correct iuf jrmaiilou re! even this much common sense it will not have been wholly in vain. . . j THE MISSOURI IDEA. who enjoys all the results of this mis directed energy. He gets in, marries the widow, and has a good, easy time on the cash. 'All this I don't believe in," conced ed my friend, " and from now on I don't intend to practice it. No preiua- (8t Loots Globe-Democrat) A distribution will bezin this week of about $4100 to each county of Missouri ture oU 8e an'' oildcn tuking off for from the $175,000 received from the I me 11 1 6311 'e!p it. I am going to fool National Government some time sgo on I llie olner ft?"" !" ani1 1,8 8i't,l"J "f account Of state war claims. There are ''irately and definitely ubout it ns il 1H counties in Missouri, and as manv I u were a" P"" arranged have been averted. The mine owners started to crush the federation and they absolutely ignored the law in the attempt to accomplish their purpose. A state ot war existed between the employers and their em ployes, and this gave sccb men aa Or chard and Adams their opportunity. The jury has declared that Haywood wss not a partner in their crimes, and the same verdict will probably be reached as to Moyer and Pettibone. It U to be hoped that both mineowners and mine workers will realize the costliness of the struggle. Capital is necessary and lalior unions cannot he crust. ed oir. They must submit to the law, but it U teittitr right nor wise in put all fie blame for the Colorad labor troubles opn the miners' organization. "Regular as the Mua" is sn expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most-n-juUr performance in the universe, ur.lea it is the action of the liver and bo let when rexulated with Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. Guaranteed by nil durggirt. St5. GOOD RACES. different kinds oi management may be expected in the expenditure of the wind fall. But this is not the only road bonanza for each county. The Legisla ture appropriated 1500,000 from the gen eral revenue to be apportioned to the different counties on the basis of as ed valuation, with the proviso that tjt. , Louis and Kansas City should not re ceive over 5 per cent each from the fund Thus 450,000 remains for the counties, to be available January 1 next, on con dition that the county, road district, ot citizens, acting Jointly or separately, shall provide an equal sum for perma nent road improvement. The 1475,000 from Washington, the 500,000 from the general fund and the f jyfrwu.uuu more needed to obtain it, make i nearly 1,W0,000 for road improvement iu the counties, iu addition to theiroidi- ! jhu ruau m revenue, which is more than 500.000, though there is little that is lasting to show for it. Uuder another new law the State Board of Agricultur will appoint this month a state highway engineer, whose services may be culled for by sny county. At the beginning of next year a law will take effect revising the entire working road syctem. It provides for the appointment by a coun ty curt of a county engineer, with sup ervision of road work and overseer. Another law allows compensation for road dragging. At last Mksouri has an opportuntity to get bury oi permanent rond improvement. Each county cn do much for itself, and the one that Kcomn8l,es the most will receive due credit lor its intelligt&t enterprise, remaps after all tlx. n is something worth ton.-tdeii: g in my fr end's argn mcnt. l( we do i.ot try to inuke oui home happy now, while ih'j oppor tniiiiy affords, the re is not much to hin der the other fellow frrm doing so afie we are gone, and I am not sure but it woul I serve us about right. lha West erner. PRI30N SENTENCES FOR TRUST CRIMES.' Under the Ohio anti-trust law, 23 lum ber dealers and brick manufacturers of Toledo, con vie'ed of violation of this law, were sentenced to imprisonment on the 12th, The sentences were lm. posed by Ju lgs Lin Hey W. Morris, who denounced the bu.iness methods of the prisoners, snd aid: "The policy of courts heretofore has not only been wrong, but it has been proven to lie wron. The figures sub mitted to me show that the peop'e of Ohio are entitled to have the law ob served and the courti take an attit.i.l toward the law that will require its observance. It has got 10 the point where there must be no trifling with men of capital and social standing who come into court sn I sdmit their guilt. wiiatdofs a fine sgni'y to those who are amply able to pay ? It is no check. The only check is the fact that those caught are required to answer. Fines are only makeshifts and do not bring prominent citizens ti a proper realiz ation of their positions. After full con slddiatloj I've deuirmi.ed that tha The harr.e-s races at Lone Oak track during Oregon Htato Fair week (Sept. 10-21) at Salem will he the most exciting ever witn. s-ed in the northwest purses of $ iOOO each have been hung op, one lor 2:(W patera sil l the other for 2:14 trotters. No socii sums have ever before been offered In stake o i the Pa cific coast. As an example of the class of horses that will fjht for Mod during fair week -the following are several of speedy entries in t!i 2:09 pnee, Greater Silem Stake, and their Miss (joraie 2:08!. Mred bv the treat Mo- Kinney; Tidal Wave 2;00; Delilah 2:09J Wl'tular! frae of Oregon. as a 4-year cM ; Lord Lmlace (4) 2:114 winner of this stake last year, al.o win ner of six out of seven races in which he started in tlu north Wo-t ; 01 lie M 2:11, un old time favourite; Sherlock Homes 2115$, a fust Montana pacer Mandolin 2:12; Swiftwnter B 11 2:12; Q'ieeB2:13; the winner of this stake in 1D01; North Star, wi ll a trial mile in in 2:11, and Cope d Oro, a very fast ative to these rates. Out all lha fails from your local Get together from 10 t 2.1 n.tivt' citiicns, rube a little fund for the p.ib liati.uU.of a tn ill t giving th j)u. portar.l f.ets relative to vourcjiimmnity Alorg with rute, and h,ue the leuhet so I ght that It would no: add to the to?t of postage of a letter, and have a cjpy oi ii p.ii m every U tter written by biis'tieis lii.i'i or c.tieii. Several ministers tbrongho'il different parts of lh St ite, real , iij- the linn ,r- Unite of thej r.iu-s, iireannoiiiH inif hv uM.inaijui mom ii iiuir c-.HKregi. lions aud asking that they write to their relatives nnl friend at a distance and tell them how cl.e .ply they cm come to Oregon. Get your commercial body, or some one of your business men to idler a priz.'to the l oyaand girljwhowi 1 write the greatest number of lelteis, or who will g-t actinl results iu brliiKiii4 an other families into the comimiiiity. The work of adveitiiing the, Cui. it rates is up to ench individual. 11 wc could add a hundred tllouatid to the population of in the next year it would mean many millions of dollars of additional wealth lo ih st.-.i The school population of one district in Tillamook Comity wm .Lii!,!,.(i ln ! Tw" moi.tlu thioigli the correal of me pupna. i.,rviinis ciiusjiI the sul ot '100,000 worth of land tluoiuh odver- liaing in well known agricultural papers! in uie ower states. The Oregon I)u vemi.ij.ciii, lA'aguo received over 111,000 mquirie.4 noiii twoplo want nir to k..,.u. aliout Oregon funning lands. j.iern is ail llitciuu Ueslie to colnn 1,. he I'aclllc North wen On the of tl... people oi ll.e United States and this i Make it taUlUXKU t'Ol'NU (il tu v. Cumii'tett f Mrder lit Hocoml ifrgree. Tint trial of I'rwbk Gardiner (l'.iii).m!o) for the killing ot HetUrt t Case's mill, near Rainier, on the igld Uy i.l tnt May, nccupitil the time of the circuit court on Mond.iy, T.irlv u.l Wcluesdav ol this wck, t;r.llmV was icprewiitcd bv Atu.rncys Stark & IVp per, of 1'ortlaii.l. ami strict Attotuey Hedges ami Deputy 1'owcll l.w.kcd alter the State's interests. Follow lug ' j.irv: John M. Ri-d.tU'k, CUtakau'e. Newell Ward, IHeer Wand. Wm Amlerton, ,S-app.awi M. F. H.ucnK Warrcu, K Wickenham, ScapjHiosc. ' R. A, McKay, Scappoosc. C. I.. Tarbeli, Yaukt n. W. C. Ciwpcr, Watreu, R. O. llann, Warren. James tiaittcnt, IVer island. J. A. Wickslrotu, Warren, Frank Wilkin, St. Helens. The testimony lor the prosecution was practically the same as that given at the coroner's impitut, nil agreeing that Gar diner came to rurct SwartboiU as the latter was leaving Rainier and that lie had that morning tx rrowed the gnu with which the shooting wilt done. They were seen conversing together, and then Swarthoiit fired first shot with his revol ver. Gui.liurr stepped back, fired with bis rifle and miw.l. though they were less than ten feet art. He tired again. Swarthoiit (ell .lead, one side of hts head ing blown away. In addition to the fact that Swarthoiit lirc.1 the firsHt was showu that he hd threatened Gardiner's life, aud that he weut to the home armed and repeated his threats in tlis preenc of Mrs. Swar thoiit and a )oimg bov. Mm. and her children Unified strongly as to Gardiner's good treatment of them and did al! they could lo create a (uiprcMioo iu his bctialt. The caw wiki. given to the jury at four o'clock Wednesday evening, and at ItM) a. in. Thursday they returned a verdict of mtinlrr In the second degree, the penalty fur which is imprisonment iu the penitentiary tar life. '' lSfiESS'LE6ii TENTH AND MORNISON STRCKTS, PORTLAND, OHE00N A. f. AWMITFIONW, kb. sh, rmrsisAk Hducatcs tor succesa In a short Urn ami at small es pease, and sends sad, dent U a iwltlin as soon as cmipvleut. Quality la oar motto, ami repimni,, fe tl.nM.Klk woik brings u. over 100 calls r moiilU lof fflc help, 7 struction insures rapH progreaa. Ws leach the Uwtw lewf, the card bjrlltt, voucher and other moilern melhonVuf bookkeeplns;, CltartWr is our Shasta, easy, rapid, legible. lWssutKul catalogue, buainess tortus ami pemusntlilp fcj writiftiHlay. Referem-es! any mervhaKt, any bank, any newspaper is ppriuw C. T. FitKSCOTt' i;. K. QUICK. F, 11. 'Wco, Tun Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. TlTI.KS l'l.XAMINUl) Abstracts Mack Nox-Ri'Sidf.nt Taxm Paid Ukal Kstatk Loans, rrc " v ht. Johns!! St. Johns!! A QILT EOQEO INVE8TMENTI TRAGEDY OF M&RRIAOE ui.ei.feiy irue oi vour commiiii tv. R.. your jocal agent mid find out the exact rale. 'Get more particular-post others put up attractive notices in the nni ofll tfnnd other public places-get new comers to write t their old home p8p rn and as un iiiducament to do this, let them understand that they can compute for eiiihly prizes, or a ftal of lUifMi offered by the Purt'and Club. A "candid wife," writing Iu oneef the cm rent magiu of her troul les, adopts a tune of sarcasm which Will Ut relished and end r- I by some t.f In sisters who have gone through tlu e peiieuces whi. li si c reUUs, and which some men might s.p!y themtelvrs tj their own io.provemetit il they arv c. t.le of leeing thli:g in any other light than their own. i-h refers, for nr stance, to that "tragedy of ni-inuge" when the wife intensely deviret the exuu pauy oflier hiiVian I, while h is cow parativvlv h.diff -reiit as to whether he has his wile's company or n -t. Tills, she says, happens fnq lei.tly during the first ye:ir of mot pswiple's married life. Afterward, presumable, lh,i .f re.lina lierself t.j the tragedy and takes ! notice ol it, thi'Ujh she may never cjaee to fii-l its poignancy, in time he leains to c.i.'l.Mi.e a neces-nry iud:ir, to her husband's Cimiugsiiiid g.uiig, rememltrrini that "a man can't always I CXh. t d t tt liiem'nr what U a trill.) iu the day's large activities to lion, is an event oi ii.iteiit pr. S'Ure l. h s w.fc." ft, tries to sditjit her c!f to l ireum.UIUi s and to reason the thiiij out ui he would if Ii4 ever gave It any thought. When the l.iifbaiid it what is calle,! " provider," when he baa none of ue gro ser faults, wby, Indeed, should li s wife complain, to herself, lo him or lo anyone il-c? Men tvu tQ u,ailV i,er men every day who are really tad husband, that a man that 1 a "g.! husland" feels sgrieved If he linds hi wife downcast or in tears over nn iiuportant s thing as her .lesue for his society being In ecesyf h.a des re for hers. The ".audi I wife" offers no soluih... ol the problem, u .s ,im'e,u,u. ,,,, dechires, to any fulrmin le,! womm "that a linn oight to have every leglti. mate freedom ur action. It U nisi In cnntesUblu that he pays lor this free- .10.11 of act on with a u.wl .... .1 i 1....11 n ' i v. iit. ne-s Bud U-wlldermrmt I.l- ....., ..... ' " il omy wy ,r Kivn npso,.e.,f the liner thing, in tliefreaily relation, toward each other." It H evi dent, however, that the woman who thus wtiteslo.k, up0 iheuR of ,,. I'Mld who,, shu descr.ben ss sellidi'ttml Incoiisiderjte, Sitn itr.l IwtiifcMi tins rivr-m witrt 1tin ivnlr fr,i oh &U sitlcs, surroumlcJ nutl crossed by five trausconti. .......1 .... : 1 ... . 1.... .t. r.. . iiciu.u i.niwiiys, u iiiuM 111c iiittiiuiuciuring aoa snipping center ol t'ortlaua. MONTHLY PAYROLL. 60,0001 T... . . .... .. . iiivcM now, you wm double your mouey in iwo yean, COLVIN & HENDERSON 103 I'lulatlelphia St. St. Johns.Ortgoa fmvriujLUjsuuiAjun- opOSIS SHn SETS -FOOTWEAR FASHIONS P CANVAS SHOtS IN ALL COLORS THAT WILL MATCH 3 THE SUMMER OOWNS PRICES S2.50 AND 93.60 80R0SIS CATALOGUE C NT FRCC ON RCOUCtT SOROSIS HOSIERY TO MATC.-t TMC HOC. BC8T THAT CAN Bt OITAINKO PRICC 38C TO !.60. KNIGHT SHOE CO., THIRD AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, ORC. mum uAitanaimiijjuj iiiuttJtJUkjUaUJUui 2": THE BIG STORE! DOWN BY THE DIG SAWMILL I Receiving New Goods Every Day! i In (lie Week. Mas a Hitputation of Ing fitandlni for Only th IVst la I General SIM MOSS '".'".r;:""4 iv lA-na 1 .iiii.'iti, ii.ii...ff " .. illlllUi.l I.IW.C. i 111 tv. rp lier...,r ..if,., ''.((ii,nt "till! ! IISRK.t rl, ...... "I llo Mali) ut lifi11: v.,.. l lHlhl liu.l ;.,. 'V '"".' .."" '. I''" s s vf It 111111 . Merchandise! Dart & Muckle. fcoi.jicieiw, . - - OreKon.: )".. In the nl. green horse, owned by the famous driv er, Uurfee, and witlr a workout In 2:07 Koilung means s i much to Oroiron 10 ins creu.i. wnn sucti an array 01 1 " coionisi rates, and when you read fine bed horse flesh U13 track record of this remember that there Is onlv on i -.vv, inaue uy .iiaiuia ninps in J!W2, uioiiin in which lo get in advance work. ought to bs smashed into pieces. Will vosl be there. The Limit of Lire The most eminent medical scieiiMtits are unanimous In the conclusion that the gontrally accepted limitation of liu- man life Is many years bclo fiie attain ment p'Biible with the advanced knoal edge of wtiicli the race is now posfense.1. The critical criod, that ."dotcrmirifi its duration, seems to tie between fiOand 00. The proper care of the ho ly dining this decade c.iriiut be to strongly urged ; caro- lesgness 4hin being fatal to lontrivitv. Nature's bent helper after 60 is Kl.ctric Bitters, the scientific tunic meniclne that revitalizes every organ of the b)dy. UUflrantotd by all Urugjriali, 60. umusanu wever m nd the ... ri,.r..i ..n.. that laity fieling to keen jou from dnln . 'I'l. . .... . "u,r. " uew nome-m ike- may on j Buiiii.uiiiig you want to Bell, Endorsed by the t'onntr' "The moat popular remedy ln Oatown County, and the b3t friend of my fami- iy." uritos Win M. Uelt?. editor ..,,1 publisher of the Ostego Jonrnal, Oil- uervsviiie, n. "ia Ut. King'g New Discovery. It has proved to be an In fallible cure for coughs and colds, rnak lug short work of all of them. We al ways keep a Lottie i t tha homo. I be lieve It to be tin moat aluab!e pre scription known for Ii ng and throat diseasees." Guaranteed to never diesa print taker, by all drugiat Price fiOo and 11.00. Trial bottle fne, 1 tii. "'. II r .7 . u T " ,"""' ,r mrt tn... ... . 'll,Kf ",ltv' Ut in ltlsiB rilMi.t .....t 1.. . in am: hwktt, "fr.t iM.l.llrsll,,., a.,."!"1",'"'"' lMtl(t, 13. !W7. ' '' i.t, I lMll.ll.,11.,1, Hi'smoss t-til.tii A. w hcek-r 1'lalnllir - V) 10 Amite win tiler il... .. l 'If f 'hiln ui- -i'V i,me.l .ltltiif a . rti i'? PS UJ III! Hl.ll.l "lor rullul ,11.1 Sl1llllr,i M ,ii.,.,a July, Vtw, """""''" on the u OaV if OUKV RlCltAttDHOW, AUorusisloiWiuillt. I t 0 i i u JOB PRINTING IS OUR DU8INE83 WMjiive the best ami most i iIly fanlPIMMl Job Trlnt ng Office in Columbia County dnd wearo prepared to do all kinds of Print in i on short notice and at most; reason.fihJf UBUt Wilt COHVINCE I ORECOW IWIST