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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
pin r&u xziv. BT. HELENS, OBEGON, 1TOIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1907. NO. 35. OREGON MIS NEWS OFTHE VEEK In i Dzni Fcna fcr Cat RtPORT ON STANDARD OIL CO.' SAPFEKIKSS CF TWO CCTENTS A Return of tha Lw Important but Not UM lrrtort)ttir Ivtots of tha Part Wwk. Oommlitlon on Corpora tons Say It Uhi Worst of Mathodt. Washington, Auk. 5. Significant revelation are made public In a re port submitted to President llootte- volt by lltirbiirl Knox Hmlth, Com nilsslonor o( Corporations, concern- K I ho opnrutlon of the Standard Oil Company. In a previous report the way and method of (ha Mtiindnrd wore ex- Inlncd. The prosimt report t forth th result of these method nil the effect they have hud on the consumption of oil and on the profits or tii mannard oil company. Com- laaiouer Hmitb. ay: I he Standard Oil Company ll re sponsible for tbe course of prices of Hall Cain It lietltvad to tie tl.e rkliwit novelist In the world. h'atlontllsta bav a tafa majority In the newly-alerted rblliplna ataeniliiy An iipUin of flrtdawp In a Prus Itn mine killed II men and Injured tt uthert. (ixrtmne cure mental and nervont wircka and druiikard by pultlrg thrui I eiua-ly employ went. I'aclfto Coart lumbermen will fight the pmpoaed advanct In Inniber rauw o Miaaiaalpl vauey pomis, Tbe railroad and the Mtel I mat are wrangling over Ute question, ol broken rails, ea.b blaming the outer One hundred unruly member of tlie, Ireland, police lore havt been silled and loo more win umow Rich American can not iweape taxr I,. Miabllehlnl retldencet la hngiami. They will be subject to taxation under the Kngliah lawt. A tierman prlnceet who systematic ally stole allver plate from European hotel baa Keen exoneieieu on u gmund of Insanity. A blast ol 8.000 toot of high expl aiv a fired In breaking up a moon 1. n of fine oiaible In Italy. H di Ixtged 500,000 torui. rive hundred brakemen and a num lw.r tif conductor on the Colorado 8 unborn lailnwd hftvo struck ! an increaee ol I cant an boor. On board the newest Uermsn-Amer' can simmer no regular roeslt are served, but a regular tboit-oruer ie aurtiit I always open, Thr.nftht of the output of the great lH'ISwra diamond mine In South Af rica la taken by American diler and price are tleadiiy ruing Howard Paul, tht Aim-r'can enter talorr. who die I In lawidon In ttoem but. 1905. and whoaa will net been-i litigation, beMthtd about 1200,000 V) Umdoo cbarltiee The emoreaa of China haa been or .IrrrJ b her nhrslcUn to quit amoking cigarette, and according to Chinese cuiotn a law will be rnade prohibiting cigarette smoking throughout lb eire pire, Hot, the fltfhtloar leader tl the TuU lane In the Ulaud of lyt, ha been sentenced to dath. One (companion was sentenced to Imprisonment for life and tour others were given so yeeta Ti,. tr .1 of fr'austlno Alien, the rhl ol the Pulajanea. will take place Uil week. Klne Rdward tliowel hi apprei li tlon of labor In atriklnn feahlon during hi visit to Cardiff, the ceiUr ol Uie Welh eoal Utde. Ila not ouiy iik el ll Mayor Cioainn, of tardlrt, l.lm lMilr. but be announced the li .Motion of an order ol chivalry for Tl.l. new decoration, whk' ,n t.... Wind Kitarard' name, will for here of tht mint who dliiiigulah themeelvee In reacue work. Haywood wa given a great rerepllon at Halt Lake. Governor Hanley deolaiea that Indi ana la nil id for Falrbank. Kranoa haa Invlled fln to join In an eedltlan tgatnit Mortono. John llutna proKet a Brttlah pure loxl law to fight American pecker. A hand cf New Yotk Chlnnaa rnrnle a raid on Uoeton Chlneea, killing unee Union Paelfle will encouraga o"1 mining by ndotendent eomniMi now that It haa loat mucu 01 iw o.i - Inlvtinn mk In Calllornla, Art tonaand Nea.l will b cut from 15,- 000,000 laal year to 1800,000 tftit y The Alabama aeereUry olUtehaa J-Ur.l the danchlae of tht Bouthern mllrcad forfaited (or bieaklng ilata luw Four American whool teachere who have Juat returned from the rhtllpplnoe via Aila and Kurepa y wherever they lopped, In India or other unwen p--twalon, Jaineae were buaily engaitea In making iketohei o! fortification ana harbor. Coroan aoldlera revolted agalnt dlahanduient and fought Japane tn Booul, but wert ouolled. : - Choftte haa mads a P"r1ful pooch for a permanent arbitration court at Tht Hague. . Franco, Spain and Italy are to md an army to Morocco to put aowu the uprlHlng. Hooaovolt will poaltlvely not allow hlmaolf to be renominatea othor term but will tupport Taft. Tii. nbuknn.a nnubllcan oonvon' Hon haa nominated Frank FranU for governor. John Bharp WUIlamt hat defeated O. W. Gregg were appointed a com mittee on finance, while C. T. Mc Dunlol, Mayor J. P. Morelock and petroleum and It product during Councilman Kdaar Marvin will ar- llie laat 25 year. The Blundnrd ha .. f. ,ha circuitttiun Df octltlon. ronalainntly uied It power to ralae ihu price of oil during tbe mat ten yonra, not only absolutely but alao relatively to the coat of crud oil." The Htatidard bn claimed that It haa reduced the price of oil; that It tins been a benefit to the conaumer; and that only a great combination like the Klandard could have fur nlahed oil revalled. ,mil..loi,or Hnillh. '! dlmirtivmt county. TUe VOlt 10 l8 UIKBO null luKw vi uu... by l hie report." June will decide tbe location of tbe The Increase In annual profit ol county sent definitely, and every ef me uianuaru tin company iroin n.u .111 h. .. fnrth nn turn ... lliniMMII I"" ."" " Tli. rimrt s.vs' cacn iiue. "The total dividends received the Ktandard from 18SJ to were I&til.ll3,124. thu a vera 4. IS per cent a year. The dividends ,.. nrt.t.,kBd hv tha .ction of real-1 Pnrilnnd. for I37.S63. and for the however, were much leaa than the . , f t,.nlrriM . wm.r ano in Ui.,n.hetin ni&nt for the aame otal earning, It I aubstantlally l ,,.,, . the county court hniirilnir to Oardner. Kendall t Co., 10 0UIIU a couriuouw. 1B vu , rormua, mr (.,.. , .. . . h- waa a Ue and $5,000 castt uonu tbe lowest bid offered, eiucn auc- Bond for Ball fumlsna Antr uorg .uw.u... r- certain that the entire net earnings of the Btandard from 1881 to 1 OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST VESSELS DISREGARD FOO. Dttlrt to Make Fa at Tlmt Cautt of Many Wrtck. San Francisco, July 31. The tea- WlLLPROVOKEJAPANi, ANOTHER NEW YORK CRIMC. Qlr hi Brutal Murder of Women and m Metropolis Continue. New York, Aug. I. "Tht grave- tlmony of tbe officer of the tteam Unvomont fif FlfJo! tn PaPlflr yard," a tht foreign populated COUNTY 8EAT FlQHT ON. acbooner San Pedro, befort Captain I John Bermlngham today, demon strated clearly that tbt DaDit oi Etllmate 140,000 Balet. Salem Estlmatet from tbe mt "'-.' ld to be DrBCt.Can, Wallowa Anxlout to Contest Honor conservative dealer of this district, I unlvergali c ru0nlng their Teasel With Tn.. nf Fntarnrlaa. I who have made a tour of the boo- at full sueed regard less ol tne log, Wallowa-The Wallowa Commer- growing territory and obaerved yard wa. mainly VfJlxTn. clal Club haa voted unanlmoualy for condition closely, place tht aute -.. the beginning of a countyaoat fight, crop for 1907 at not to exceed no,- cbief Matt B. Hendrlckaen, who John McDonald, S. T. Comb and Dr. 000 bale, a compared to approxl- waa In charge of the San Pedro at .i ir.nnnn tnr ih. ummn ill line lime 01 me koiodiwu, '"""' l.t.. -. V. (k. .1. . . - . . , . .. . 1 I LDUL. W UCU U. Ill Db UW V, V "V .vb lU, ana mi esumaie may we " ,. of th cvj.imiila. he did not low duced fully one-third more by rea- down ana tj,at, when the passenger son of failure to aecurt picKing veBsei oomed out of the fog, It wa money. - I inn iota tn An .nvthlne but try to The croo eem to be coming on mnlla fh colllelon as allKht aa pot to aecurt the vote next June. Tbe I very unevenly, and all yard, eon- lble meeting waa well attended and the erally epeaklng, art mora or lea I He appear to have acted with dlt- t t, ,h ...inpoiieu, wuno iub uuuiuo, natch and aooo luaemeni wueii uo riuuiin vi ..,.ii nvw .,m Ihlll. in nifmt varda la remarkable. I ,v.. ... nni..n,hi.- hut at that . . .. . I w - . II.U1CU LUO VU. UU. vwv me county aeat la now ai enter- line burrs are tuny aeveiopea. own .Kin. wars not mora prise and much dissatisfaction httllve promiae or an aounaani yieiu, lengtll apart, and not much waa pot been manifest for tbe paat year. The 5?'dJ?!"? .I"""1?' tibia. Therewat co tlmt to go to .t ih.,.n. thni ti.v.l ,,,., .iwune ou me uiuer unuu, iu u i starboard, tie tnereiore oiew me at the price that have county 0WM no pulllc building and Jorty of yardl(( the vne- Bre ,tm In dagr .lgnal, four ahort blaata, or- Hay Bring War. 'Each 'ono of these claim.." .ay ' PcllcHy ' o position of a new blossom Wth a very small percent- dered the enK,ne, .topped and threw Lhat theseBveaeU would not be tent mt neim nara poi -u di h around Cape Uom. dec the enclnea reversed, be ex-1 , .f , .tw.,.n;.i .awm Ntw Building for Corvalllt. plained, because he hoped to throw believe that tbe tendiogof uunru ui ""ithia it was necessary to aeep sum-1 win am .uu ...... . nelahborhood on First avenue, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets Is known locally, gave up to- , day a fresh crime, rivaling In atroo- li- lL . t....V a.Ua a latai OUOUUIXS WILL STAKl A1IAI& week. The Utest discovered victim waa an 8-year-old girl, and, like tht two young women murdered, aht had been shockingly mistreated befort death and tbe body mutilated when life wa extinct. The three murder were atrlktngly similar. Laat Thursday night, a woman wa strangled In a Twenty second street boardlngbouae; tht next morning the body of a attll un identified woman, who bad been choked to death, wa found In an areaway In East Nineteenth street. Katie Pritschler, daughter of a res taurant waiter, disappeared a week ago today and waa killed that night. A ribbon placed about the throat and it cut tne flesh, showed how aht died. Her body waa found today. If the brutality of the murder, can be qualified, that of tht Prltach ler girl rank first. She waa aa tanlted. murdered and then her II te les form waa horribly mutilated. With Battleships In Pacific They Will Become Bold and Japan Will 8urly Retaliate. Washington. Aug. 3-Thert wa much jubilation on tht part of naval officers today over tbt tpecific and un qualified announcement at Oyster Bay that tht battleships of tht Atlantic fleet will be aent to the Pacific. Until this tatement was made by authority of . drawn so tightly that President Roctevelt there waa a grow ing feeiing on tht part of naval officers LUC OI.V. hv The aanlratlons of Wallowa have contract ior me ouimim w i - cent way on her. The San Pedro naa Detween tne uniwa dim i-" uy I TOO aspirations OI Wallowa, H"' I .,..v,i- Hull mnnwotlnn wlthlr V." . i .. I v.. ,u That, alraarf I'08 long been growing and havt at ,ha Arl-ultura, CollcKe CorvaM : t;. .. hi.tnrr haa giog ,.k rm Th .iruiiie ... i i r p.iii. oi f'.."."': ' T""1.: y . :: T. ' i istruca tne oiumoia, isnowo uai advancement mimiam I NINE MEN CHOSEN. Good MOVER FREE ONCE MORE. service la much more rapid during war than in peace. All naval officers are lormauen to Walt for Cash. I lication, but privately they do not heai Progress Made in Selecting Jury to Try Haltty. ; San Francisco. Aug. . Compara tively rapid progress was made yes terday In tht trial of Theodora V. Halaey for the alleged bjlbery of tete to declare that they believe that a Supervisor Lonergan. Halaey, been based on an Investment voter at the time of It original acquisition L,rDetB boi mure man n,vv,v, ni 1 v iled with a larae element i fore February l oi next year, , , 1 . . u.l-.l.n.n. dm Ih w,v , I Ilia i (...!. vi v"in.i.......i.Ti ,. ,. ,unl yt ysry uocenaiD. ino.i inai in. mieii.m for petroleum were at least 70,000,UUO and pc- . . t,fi Uuu ,OUrthouse. Thelr-f,,l hldder must furnish a bond dll.lw ... ..,. Mm,. I ... , i I . . . rr. ... Ik. ..M., m.u. count court taoieo me proposal iu-i tne ura oi ou per ram i . i . w ' , ... x.m. ai.t. ti - ....,,.,. h,ai hi. I . ... i ... . ... - i Hn aa. innnn. -i 11 1 v a i . i li m uc- i ... ... . n . . -. . ... ... i lurmvr .kdui v. ."o a v. mvww - -i,i.,,i,,ii . uuniiina tne action oi nio mnioiint oi tne resueciive cuhubci. . : I soon aa u aiuoikutomiwuu r - r, i. uHh rv ' . n.L i . r .... l i....jii. nonpiv se nniira. linanea' n. i : . . . I'leieDnoue at leieKrapu vuiuuwi, am ' " i ...... ., i h. .uil Ainrtnin. l na lanrf I i,a hu in n. m iihl dh cumuieivu t 7 w . -j - - - . , iamm vav... ty tn. i'sii ill" rn. jinann. i . ... ... ...... un nroi.lpnt of the Western Kea-1 "- I the second or tne puonc utilities cor- rratlon of Miner, wa released from government wilt sena one oi neet. I pormtlon men to bt brought to tht the Ada county Jail at a late hour to the coast of California or to tot At- bar by the bribery graft prosecutiop.- last night on a bond of 25.000 algnea iianiicooasw land tbe indictment on wnica wv-. aa. . n tTaaAafka. g 'i riAw ncanigirwi i.iiMi i lit 1 1 r .. im3 u waits wa rriai jm rna Tirgti ni Jttw Dy nmomy negan uu .nun, - --.-r - ... " . - . .i. him Jone. of Bole. hattleehip ol Aamirat t ana on u tnat navt oeen pany I responsible price for the past quarter of a cen- Railroad Laborer 8carco. Salem- Land Salaa Drop. The total amount of col- Thi. they say, which they feat consequence. will cause irritation, rill lead to eeriou . - . . uuicui v - . ijuuco va. iiuiovi I tr - .... .1 .. . I n a . ... i s .1.. .v. a-mir rtfi int inn . . a . i a.i.nm lino . . i a 3.i t .ba rv l n : 1 1 1 fh a tiAnrtia tn inn i rnpra-itrni . vduii cuich tnry because IMS company naa cou- nuuiiiiaiuu , -r iiectiona tor iuh sam ui 1 Moyer win leave ior oan. "iraciuo win Ft" 1 . V . 'r. ,v,. j and of the ' - . . . . I n.ii ..I 1. nrnarmilll, aloWlV I . J I t nM narflfl.l . . . . i.v nrllli.m T I . ... 4 . ku.,.. mm amlllM lllirlna! t LlC OaT. SBU OL tun trolled ine industry, me report wei iui". "" ,!, 1 ana awanip iu. " inignt in compauj wnu n.i". i part m ine cuuuuj w I , . ihit3 the auallflcatlon teatt .nH re . accepted, tubject to per emptory challenge by either aide, tea peremptoriea resting wun tne uw fense and five with the prosecution. . District Attorney Langdon con ducted the examination, for the prov ocation. Ha la supported by Special Counsel Hiram Johnson and Assist ant District Attorney William now Cook. Bert Schleeslnger examined With mm at tne , how the price history of oil pro- owing to the carclty of men, who Um, etc., In the State Land De- Haywood, who on Sunday was ac- id in their attack, on the Japanese, duct since 18. or practically since prefer to wora in iu u.i.w 1 partmenl lor tne mourn oi juij, quitted 01 tne muraer oi m-uut- tht bexlnnlng of the Industry. This greatly to tne uioti" "ighown oy tne Biaiemem im lernor BteunenDerg. Alter a ewp v. ,.i.u . . n....,.pii.nii, tn rf.tiin.ra t na i railroad contractor, nvi. ... ii'iwrii ii. ii. isrown. ui iue owi. auu ram noura in nait xiae vilj. course of prices during the earlier gin next week of laying rails and toal.d; wa, 147.785.37. which It a wm proceed to Denver, tht head competitlvt period with the course putting In culverts of Iron pipes in conderablo (ailing off from the quartera of tbt federation. ........ j...i-ih. i.i. nmnnnniii. ih. lume autrhea leading from tnei, mB o( business, conducted last! it waa proposed to file a cash bond -i i. .i. -h,,.. i h.t nrtrM mountain sides. Thl meen a great mm,h. when the receipts reached a i the .um 0f $25,000, but the MUfiii"'. - ' . I 7 . -i . ..nnann Thl. latlnr I j.. . i... In lln. cnH would have bern lower during Ibis saving oi time anu wu-w r7 total oi over "" ,,", money am aoi i.. aa.a.twta.l tuitnhnll. I I fft 11 Irtl . mo DUW Ufl 3 IV tai-ue ' nnVAVPf. Will UUC LU IUC tmuv.i- rBinair 1 11 H II I111UW tfivjn w laier pern aiw "-"'"- -", - --. . ,,,. hw waaon. "Tr... .h. ..n-il.tlnn and re- ih. in n hi. attorney i.a M.ndlilnni and In tne ausence oilsUPPiies u auu vv inciuuiii iu v -""- .. ' - AM WEW TRAIN. any such overshadowing combination aa baa actually existed. These prices show directly tne et feet that the existence of this com blnntlon has had upon the consumer snd also Hie results that have ac crued to tho combination Itself by way of profits. Just conclusion can hu be drawn oi tne way mo maou Mora Excuse for Increas. n.nitlninn W 111 Moore, manager .... ih. par.ifle Coaat Elevator Com pany, says, regarding las u.. In warehouae charges: "The wart house charges, even with the 60 per ....... will still be so moder- ... .. m afford the grain broker Southern Pacific Will Inaugurate Now Express Service . . m Portland. Aug. 3. Hamman offl- ror tnt oetense. ciata boSi in Portland and San Fran- counsel Uble In HaUey't behalf art If AF-- Sc'pC liwlorul . .n.i.1 m.ll anH exnraaa train on tht "cr '".'r. ... .h. nurrhitalns of certificate reuiung nM.ided. after all. to let a personal from the land fraud investigation. bond ,uffiCe. Steve Adam who was expected Lane County Keep. up. pe an impormuv special mail and exprese train on tne - ..-.h. defenat to tht -.u. h. ..loi.i in Tjinelhiit who was not caiiea oj eivucr i D jc ir tu.iiv mn. It is ex-1 ' . . ,. m . .. tugeno iub "" ",V. -- h.v to Wallace tol1"" . . v-; ",,7 V."" commencement, oi xu county thl year win appro .. ; ,"T.i tha eharee Pted tbal a aecision win ue i trlai nert Monday and require it to IHMJII, 11 ll. ... , . n .v - nrospectlve low lot murder there. the crop of last season, ii a is a-a.v . -"-- jr-,.,-Tre. in a few day. Kallioaa omciau art go OB ,t that time. Mr. Deimaa win I! J . !:., harvested. The inclined to think the additional teivioe I probably withdraw temporarily from . .... . . j I.. .... i.i.i.iri.i I"1 . . . .i i. ih. umar . . .. t-.... i.i.,.iiiu a fuel Formal anollcatlon waa aru uu naa u - but mile nope oi - prices ior ior -." - niZ,rM . h.T Oeorae A. law! ICSltTU. " ' - 1 . . A. price, for hop. and Present hlgb ultedln nmca ln U aatured. althoogh'the train will havt the Halwy caw In order to Ukt part power. and but 8ECONO HEARING BEQUN. 1 . i l. A thaw fnrmpm. r..l Court. Contlnut Invtttlgation cent a ousne. w .... .- ,i,i, IhI rlnits with the farmer. Ac- , neelect the harvest . I. .. .l.tiimlllll of Mr. I...... I .hroa tFnnA COrOlUg to i"" ZL... "" 'J,!" .. . h. n.n.lllnn w.a anhmltted Moore, too ' i jniu. uu - , ...ii ... mar inrwiuuuu. v. will uiv. , - of Standard. Aug. 6. The Tramot Infest LaOrands Ant. . Tnt prepare-1 . Tha town la overrun tlon for the second federal Invest!-1 )(h hoboM sn(i many theft, ome aatlona 01 tne relation. i.i.-". . conslderahle magnituae. Standard Oil Company ' ,Bd,B' e0mmlttcd. Nineteen tra and the Chicago Alton naiinwu. i..i h Iii.lan Ijindls of the United State District uoun on oat email Pettibone admitted to bail. The mo- nnan.liinn waa submitted without ' argu 1 cn i t uuh a . .... . . nn hA msrArmi Timem. hub wm uiuuivtu - HIT UI UIH'D wstig mu I - changed. The long, dry, cool weather Judge Wood. h... himn i.inai ror nooarowiuK. .uu i the ouallty at thl time I above the 8LY OUD JOHN BULL. average, to be officially ordered by General Man-1 in tho defenat ot Olaaa. ager Ualvin nom me mdiiukokv office. lorwaao aemy " The proposed new train will be re- Victoria, Kan., Aug. S AH effort , served exclusively for handling mail to reach Marquette, reported to nayo and expreet, and i,being considered - been de. ro,ed 1 by - l- ' an expedient for ieiieving extsitng win-1 -r V" havt been tramp were i Wind Shakaa Pmnt Trttt. than v The strange wind storm u ... . . a . Li-a' aril Steal March on Uncla Sam at The responsible largely lot we8t ot there, that tht de- . .. .W.l 4a.trnv.ll hT Wind. Hague Conference. I tory passenger service on ...i.. .in hi.tiin tomorrow. The call for the special grand Jury will be Itwuod and United Htatea imiriw i . ui.... wilt an over all tht evl (111 III' . A . , , dence presented at the recent trial ... .h. un.M.ii.rrf nil Comtiany. which resulted In conviction and a fine of $.9,240,000. and will select tno wu i h iiibiioenaed. It de veloped that the reason for haste In pot waa almost destroyed by wind and that three incnea ot water avwu which swept tnt part oi in tne n.8, ""V,- . will carry no passengers.: i thB Heoot when tho wire fa led. m "the Portlana rrincw. -im . .-b r .--- - , nm , ..j.-i,i. .rliriM Aa 1- tncreasea to an extem inai a iiu wa. reacoea oy ieieiuuw. v o ten beenTn the city jail and boa.t hce.s.ty of ""V,, 0? b r"epre enUUve. of Zu handle it with the filitie. had heard th report but could not S having "don. up" Portland of- hen f8 by iXteiL e' ha?e been pr.vat;- that art now provided in aTC.-! tha vlnri and the grower are tnus y aiscusemg wttn otner iwtums I ttaina luu an urn "" """ "--i v. . .....nn In 1905 vel considerable8 labor and ex- gate. tht adviaablltty ot the United Lhedule time th theae train. By J. vmea end ovtr a r ,n out a couple of day ago, among wnicn awept '. -" whom wa. C.J.rnt locally kdowu .. i laaved consIderaD e lanor anu Kaiea iuo .uiuuui - iscneuuia wm. "'" -.- i w.., villnit and over a Survey Rout o Laaw. ed consme BtiBK propo8ltion for Umbinii, boUi the exp.ea. and m.i !, " ?Sa Iriiimuin UN 1 IS - VI"" va - - - I . . . . - awl- waai POr. I t haa nar 1 pn I ITlMIiniT UI LUS WUIW I I t 1 1 inn at aayit K anfi I " - - - ntliuin." .aa lahalrA TnRIP iriW h l. investlaallou I that the statute " of limitations Is running against he g nee w aovornment. and biw-ause of mi. into Lake county. The men are Chicago Alton win -p in the employ ot tho Southern raci- j ...i ,.n luii ween u aim ."m"- - .. count, of the 1.4 2 on which the He t;ompan, Inmath 'Z,S Journey shake their tree thl week. Per- the periodical meeting or "- 07"; business and handling it with a special under Chief Engineer journey ""' , ..... WBra shaken Unne. thia Dronosltlon .uggesting that .. .,.. :, flmra that ha. pitched camp J" of the grower, would have ,t .hould meet quinquennlally June - M ffiS. Th. en- 5f!" ?,! "";, Bt .head ger time, .inc. it is Standard vlctnd. road .urvey to lkevlew Tht en inn tii r ihiiw hi ,. - ternilne a route from this PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 80c; blueatem, 83c; Company limitation was con- rM.rW.maa Furm Bring 16.000. rttvRoDert j. hl.M I . .. . This atatutt OI 11m mvi"". '"i vri'K" v..w --- . M. rra nrostiutlon on offenae. committed ODe 0f the potato king of New Era; r,rr hn three year, before Indict-LM ,id hla . 0-acr farm IH milt. Many of the hlpnwnt. on eBSt f New r r;ra. ."-.vy,, Lallav. R0o: red. 78o. l.!a. OR . wwaf nAminfk.1 . Barlev Feed, IZl.outsaa pe' mo - . ii. 1 .00 enn brewing, nominal; 124.50 Tne uritisn aeiegaiiou wCUl - , ,. ot tho Americans, having aireaay u u.. , communlcated in the strictest secrecy press utat mvariao.jr u.-j. - - to only a few delegate. Its propoai- , .v. ihtol stahllsh-l Iniured in Elevator. ina- that the conference .noma an 1 Cincinnati, Aug. . a peculiar 1 to do ao naving oeen grain u7 hut that two year be- U.iri.nt on an elevator In the I interstate Commerce tommiaaioa. .... h. mctinr annelal reDreseata-1 Dn. hiin.iin?. at Elehth and Syca-1 naeanaa of the reduction, in Inter n.,j t9 Kna .1 . . r..... i-aln Pr.nre fler-1 ....... lnat ovnnlnp. nerlouslv I .t.t. faraa made by tht Western 1 vj.i w , v 'VVV7 I tivea Vk miw iuuia..iiDci . -ct. - . . - . , ....... nf nun., the unltea sstates, nmsis. nn ured elaht person., ine car ratiroaas, owing 10 " v"" - Rata, to Wttt Lowtrtd. rhlrarn. Ana:. S. Reduction! In Interstate farea from all tho promi nent nl.rea in tha East to tht prin cipal point, west of Chicago and St. Louis will ot maae August o 07 "- Eastern railroads, special permission Btanuaro vw...,..-, i .nA the pur-l nay au"j ....., ,v - nected with it. organlxation ana tnf i;,ed of accepting rt.bnte. n nrly ' W, poL 1 lr lol Ewtein Oregon timothy, eedrgX De taken under advise ,et ween September, chaser hat taken lmf"7" m $2128; clover, $9; cheat, 9 10; nVr' . uik.n ih. urnnil l..i..n Vp. Brown Win reman. ' .,., .w.,. 11.011 imeui. n 1 num. lev more than three year ment. Many or tne which tho Btanuaro waa convli' mriirred bet ...i i.ii.ii.t 1904 - . . ... 11 . . .............. nn .unlink ... n day will aumce to presont the evl . "i" ....i.t ihn Alton. The jury " will co-aid ' A . k. . Lilblnt I IHTtJIII 1 ", -- or tno August, 10. um" . Oil Company of Marlon county, Pottratf , or ftrn-Whole. $28; cracked, 129 per ItalyAustria and Japan should meet runniDg by electricity and a broken jent fare law by many stat pas Corn noie, -o, ciaaru, v 1- prepare the work for the confer- connection in a switchboard extln- ganger, from Eastern and Western ', i-.ii timnthw No 1 I17 ence. pre-arranging everything con- gut8hed the lights and too rrom tne points have been aoie to 1 save "!UiroZm the power to contro l th. ,1 to by buying at cke over Mors Land Fraud I.o Angc smaller farm. L.."".T7 ' ' w 1 .. Wallowa Soon, Poultry A vtrage old hen. 129 Train to Wallowa ooon. 'nA- n.ied chickens. 13o Klgln,t IB conservatively - mated by engineers -r T-" , iftffliT,.. tur. rt 11 r r rh 1 iih una uv Hiaiiii: uitjoouu ...s nt over tne gru"", ,..,,. over k. n l2r3H5o: turkey, dretsed. rtinnlng rrtun r. K... - ,., . , geese, Ntw Lint Acrott Rockies. Helena, Mont., July 81. The xwthorn Pacific has let a contract to Shepard, Slems & Company tor Lenger.. tnt OUllQing oi a ot" '" - Mountains weat from this city, presumably ior tne purpose 01 uuu- car. As a result me crown rauueu eastern roaua ouij w mn.. the bottom in safety, altnougn in terminals ana men reouyio t darkness, and then, by a sudden re-1 Western line to their aestinauou. newal of power, the elevator went to 1 the toD of the shaft .0 rapidly that the balancing weights were thrown off and In falling struck several paa- Buy Meat In Australia. Victoria. B. C. Aug. 2. Major O. Long, dispatched to Australia and New Zealand by the British army council to Inspect the packing houses of the antlDodea with a view to eo- New In Commission. Vaiintn - Cal.. Aua. S. With ap-.n. annnllaa of tinned meata for mK OH IUW Vllitnau, i..w.ww - - - ' 1 - r - mm ... it,. Paul, which evidently purpose, tap- proprlat ceremonies, the new cruls-lthe British army, arrived by tnt er ine off the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Ilia ' rail. - a-aailA Itl ItrBtl I . . aawa. 1 . . . 1 J II- ....nnilna ton. . t mined State District & n. m t" , wnrU of ""V."- " .u v. n.n.nt m r":.r" T. m r.nm. uepan - .... ranH tlcally compicteu -"-. i,r, r.ggtr" ping neie.. u . .!7. JT-1 er ?",u "'". hZ T- ".,.nT .7. rhi-in. where ha Attorney Oscar wiwior mi . the trHCk 1. peing ru. 2S0 tier doaen. ' bard to uarnson. iu ruu wn. piacea in comiui.muu .u. i .---- .. A .l..nirinnlir. I .. . .1 I . .. ... , AAlOV. . wmnili I.v.- M.u.,.ln. will hA hV WSV OI MC- I .... nnnn ThiirwIBV. I HDT&1D inOUlUBIWll! lOOK UTWr m. L,nv.. FIUIW nerriee. ota,..7i- ir-. ino "'"-""'""V -.,, "... i th "UvT" - vi if mm.nri th ..M th. ...nnllea tn future would and Seattle I considered significant.! n(mglb0 w,eod. taken In connection nun when taaen . ..... n. About Lebanon. recent disclosure JT nrrA thre.ber. In fraud, in the,. nine. d . .tried up a few day. irx:- " r.U! .aanberrte.. 81.25 !!.."; hvmnortani buslneaa. '"'"on this ytar'i crop of '1 .8 r crate: ' blackberriea, 57c on its line from Lom-dr California, recently completed, I steamer Manuka today, on nn way ammlBston snoriiy iilov fa ntntn Thni 1 t rin wo.u in th a twi- .iKa win nnmmBnrt the I Ua utM tha nnnliei in future wouia a Ki..Aff ti nn nnT? nnuiMU i i inng n rn.HH. auu t . r ubilib, "uv " 1 w .... JT' tVnnM bbV- cantaroupet, abandonment of Mullan Tunnel, the crulser made a brief speech and be taken in greater quan HMffn hoiin. fd.ou per txw, . u..irin 1. ... j .v. ..j... i 11.. . Malor Lone said tht but- I. IV... .ft ...t.. naanhAe. 60cta longest on tne nuuuti. x -...v j- men rami iuo viuo.. v ... I""""-; . " - S2.0Ut9O.uv v' v., r . . - . . I hlnJ nn th. riarka Thla WU 101-1 inaas in Australia waa w.u ago on this yenr Kt' wCS . d n . K Z'any info matlo M"--t b. yA ..m its nnture. A mo iptous The hy crow ""--.v. nravalltna snrooa. Il.oowa per crave. continued l it I. believed the name t (hl. and the PJ' tables-TurQipe, 11.75 per sack; ' prominent capitalist wlll . be ,ce ,or good hay I. higher vege beets, 13 ptr "ailed with these dotert land entries. fM yar,, eT; Mpaiagui, lOo per pound; beans, berries, $1 per crate; lowed by the raising of the flag over lander wholesale conditions the warship, whicn is tne nnest vea- Get bow onv,ri'""-ort t. Uefthat ever came to this yard. The Too Young to Bteomt an Arntrlcan rhlC&irO. July SI. Tut eHOn W.f. . . ... , .. TTnlnn I a TITh.. tha nhi.Tn th raniihllcan sad democra- Ualliornia waa oiiui uj 1 Ban rTanctaco, am. .. He nonal cSSven rkg- but "8 rned, Te t0 steamer Curacao reached port this Uc ?B.t.,?naJ. 5?.vn,;lS ? , ..h S the government and completed I",!" (rom Gnavma. one of her . h..mnn that the financial " 1 12 first cabin passengers waa held lustKA rr pound; cabbage, SX P " . tha antemriae for both con- Heinzt Buy Mint and Smtittr. lby United States immigration v - . . . n r .1 . . . u... I " . . . . . . . . . . I . . , u., Route n '. Vltv rostmaster Lachnor ponnd. celery, 1.25 per doaen; corn, venUons probably B -Jnaived orders from Washing- Sj535o per doaen; cuoumber. 60el tne republican coi In- will bt handled by Basin. Mont. Aug. 8. Reprt- Ispector ds U Torrt. This wat uee- Thl. w. 1 .1 t .....,.t... tToinia w. a. I forina Aivaraoo. a Mexican iaa u. England OobM.. Port Arthur, um.. . r a r Young returned from i" n. htm to advertise ior lettuoe, head, xoo per ooseu; practically agreed upon toaay av Kidney purcnasea at ue. .u . 10. "u r- ' 1. 'rfn ?' Take Superior, whore he tor. ny"c.V""Bi to operate from JV iBa20o per doaen; pea , 46o meeting of the Hamilton Club com- here the property ot the Basin Bay come within th scopt of the new im- Royttl9iL.l l In Planting the Brit- hldt lor "tjg " Hereford. ;onnT ,adishet. 20or dosen; mlttee on finance. Reports showed 8tato Mining Company Including migration la w. which forb.ds landir. was ,'n ' b n0" opposition. Baker City toUn. , ftbout prt P0"'. riBMowto. that .ufflclent money is in sight to the famous Katie mine, his million- of any foreigner under 16 yeart old lh flag. '".he hd made hi. on Burnt River, a distance tomatoe., 811.2 5 P teA TOUnd- the two conventions. dollar concentrator, a smelter, va- who is not accompanied by hla father When asked why no iu p0toea Ntw, lH2o per pouna. uuauco 1. minina- claims and placer or mother. hn aniti 11 vv - 1 - m 9 1 . t" .1 RiMKUA Mr nnnna. . . . . . . . . nnt nnsi alrttitf tnn Mflll inr xA.IV CI 1 - . tiQ) .ai 71 Thla waa the oxpoaium.. M- - rorrownondonce t, A Yi.ldt the uuHeuE 1 75 toams at ' . n I. Hint Worried art heavy. '."" " John n. .......u... 1. R.sooolnttd Cleveland. .', ndcatlon In rTm ftnMment 1. made noekofoiicr --,. ha dlW,8,0n of W"'"-?,-"' fflce ot tht reap- Train Robber Caught. Butte. Mont. July 81. George Trunk With Monty Lott. w.lartown. Wit.. Aug. ' t. -A )nt., juiy i. ueorae r"u-----, hv m, Helnxt under Tower waa arrested today ior in; the destruction ot his . "v -nntlnln securities to tht 1..1J... . , n . MAfin 1 mil 1 .1 m n hii I . . , . - . . . uo.uui, y. ... -"--.7 iRiitte nlant bv fire. in March and the murder of Clow, the ene-ineer. Towers gives no occu' nation. He is about 28 years ot age. Tha landlady ot a lodging house Oottrnw Vardeman for tht D-mo- -,,. ?t ""h T Standard at the "7 w7 VoArthur. of L",;"."" Congrestmnn Jenklht op(loei th ; th. magnate) ha not 1Y'' 1November 1. I ' 1 Tt,lrreaaed bulls. 3Kffl40 per pound; cow, 66Ko; oountiy steer, AU(o)7o. " Mntton Dressed, fancy, 89o per pound; ordinary, 67o; aprlng lamba, a9Xc per pound. roia uresaeu, otgioTsu ,-. The landlady 01 a waging nouae Boise, laano, us. rVo. "h.. nf thla eltv the trunk cow Hnrr7UoTjer pound, according.," him aa a loditer who' VeOee. of Wallace was bound over la teacher of this city, tnt toonality. . ...v Wool Eastern uregon, vemen , valut ot 8200,000 hat been found h... .nri la now on Itt way to tht ...... n o..i.. l.i.htr.,1 nwner. An expressman a,i Dina anni "r .w. "J ... ... u.m.iran Hoi. Idaho. Auk. 8. -Dr. I. U unicago snippeo .or .Identified him as a loager wno McQee, or wanace was mra I" ,"7.. th a hnn.1 and left Mr. Heln brought into her houke the night be- hy Probate Judge Leonard Thur talning b and left Mr. fort tht murder a vanw in wn cn aay to answer ;- . "r" " t.fUld th, mtim company oud"thUt ' mrto wnich jury lodie" against h.m because of Ucken ;,t73 to havt been used In blowing certain testimony given by him in whteb ma tnt txcnaii. w. . r ' the txprest sat. t tht Haywood trial. tato rights doctrlnt and prtdlett fnoot . tnought, .lull . If It I. . me ..... n n. , , 1. h.