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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
mw '(Oregon imi ri'KLHIIKD SVSHY 110 Y. (OFFICIAL PAPER J)F THE COUNTY PERSONAL AND LOCAL Johnny Grove m in town Monday evening. . A. Miicnulov., of Mar Vernonia, tt lu 4owu Uiia weulc, Remember that the tax roll will be closed next Monday. Emmett Potter, ot Kalama, wai a Sunday vlaitor here, Wm. Mocker It confined to his room with un attack of illness, Caspar Libel, of Mint, waa a caller at 4he court houe Monday. Assessor Kyaer ii now buaily en gaged in hli ollloial duties. Mia. A. Davia ia in thia place again, liaviug returned Wednesday, J. D. and R. McKay, of Scappooie, -were in our oily last Tuesday. L. F. Beiuer, of near Rainier, waa noticed on our atreeta Monday, Pat Hugliea, of Deer Ialand, wai in town the altcr part of laat week. Attorney R. P.Graham, of Portland, waa lu town Wednesday evening. ' Born April 24th, 1804, to the wife of F. M. llonder.of dill ton, a dauligter. A large number from thia place at tended the oddfoilowa' ball at Kalama yesterday. . 8. P. Donkle, of Mint, waa doing business in our city on Thursday of Jaat week. Goo. A. Steel, c4 Portland, ia chair loan of the alale republican central committee. Prof, Drice, leader of the Ridgofielil band, waa noticed on our atreeta one tlay laat week. ' At preeorit there are 042 paticnta liruviiied for lu the atate insane asy lum of Oregon, Mra. Sarah Lemont returned from Portland Tuesday, where etie haa been visiting friends. Miss Georgia Gilliw.of Salnm.marie abort viait to relalivea in thia city he Hrrt of Hie weak, A. Ihictiist, of Miet, Made final proof on his ' uommsead before the county clerk Monday. Mra. Way enjoyed a viait early in llio week from her former pupil, Miss May Russell, of Taomna. ' Miaa Willie Columbia City, returned home Ttwsday from a six montha' aojourn in Corvallia. . Supervisor Newell, of this road dia trict, now haa a force Of hands ui work on the couuty road near town. Mra. Win. (laddie, altera few week'a real, ia again teaching school near Alusgruve's, on Sauvioe Island. I.. Crrky, of the Bnynton Saw Co. of Portland, was doing business in thia place tliu fore pari of the week. The MulinoinuH county treaaurer'a (iftlce wh relieved of about f 2,000 in coin lust Saturday by a bold robber. Lindloy Meeker, of nuk ing some valuable improvementa on liia place in the way of tile-draining liia prune orchard. M. M. Monteith. a former employee of thia office, now haa charge it the JSkamivuia County Pioneer, published t Htiivei.min, Wash. Miaa Fannie Meservc, who bus been mending school at Muninoutli for tli past aovernl months, returned to lier liome at Dole n a ihie week. Win. Miner and family spent Sun day at thia place, the gutata of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Hanis. Mr. Miner is a cousin of Mia. Harris. Dr. J. E. Hall, of Clalskanie, re turned Monday from a six week'a viait to hia fiiiber iu Ute east. The doctor's many frienda will be glad to welcome liim home. Win. Placke, of Keasy, thia county, Issued throug St. Helcua Tuesday en route to his home, accompanied by hia brido, formerly Miaa Klva Evaue, of Ixmisvillo, Tho pleasant weather obtained for ne vera I daya, but outdone itself Wed nesday evening, wlien the usual down ionr prevailed without interruption during the entire night. The many frienda of Oapt. Ilender on will lie pleased to learn that he lias aufflciently reeovored Irom hia recent attack ol illness as to be able to attend to hia duties aa mail-carrier. F. Stringfleld, of upper Clalsicanie, waa taken to Portland Tuesday, by N. Pinckeny, suffering from a bloodpuia oned groin. He waa left at the Good Samaritan hospital, under the charge 4f Dr. Baylor- . ( , , .', - Don't forget that Charley Doan is the man to administer the affairs of fi,.lnnilis nnnniv. in the capacity of sheriff. Ho ia the man for whom to. cast your vote on the 4th of Jane if you are interested iu the county.. ' Laat Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox were tendered n genuine sur prise by their many friends. The af fair waa one long to be remembered the company carried with them everything which was good to eat, and each one present did their part in making the evening a pleasant one. A mother no sooner bring her son ihrouah the epidemic disease age than lie falls into the sentimental period, observea the philosopher of the Atchi aon Globe. She sits up nights to save Mm from a scarlet fever death, to hear ' Mm vow in a few weeka that he will kill himself because a cheap, curly headed girl with her eyebrows black ened won't smile at him. 4 ., The marriage of Miss Luella Ray, of Mist, to Mr. Emery, J. Mills, editor of Hue Vernonia Journal, waa solemnised at the home of the bride's parents at Mist, last Sunday. . Both of the con tracting partiea are well and most favorably known In thia county, and Thb Mist join their many other friends in wishing I hem a long, btppy am) f roprrM journey through tyie. . Joint llebaie. . Hon. T, J. Cleeton and Joe Waldrop, 7,rsauiing me republican anil popu list parties, respectfully, will engage In Joint debate at Mayger, tomorrow (Saturday) night. Wanted. A lady of experience In leaching both city and county schools, would like to engage a school to begin the last of May or first of June. Address, Teacher, 350J Washington street, Port laud, Oregon. peaking at Honllon. Prof. T, J. Cleeton, republican nom inee for representative, will speak at lloulton, Saturday, May 6th, on the iwlilical issuea ot the day. A grand time ia anticipated, and everybody are tendered a coidial invitation to be present. A good musical programe will i,o doubt be prepared for the oo cusion. An Enjoyable Time. The delegates who attended the state democratic convention at Astoria last week cannot sing the praiaes of that town loo highly. They report aa having been most royally enter tained, and will always have a good word for the metropolis ot the Colum bia. The delegates from Columbia county were Thos. Cooper, W. B. Dil lard, and Ad Slump. ' A Busy Season. Among the farmers of Columbia county the present is a very busy sea son, in many portion of the county the irlobo is being turned vigorously, and the modern agrioolas are busily engaged in scattering the grain. Thus far the season has been quite favorable for Reeding, and the aoil is in good condition for the plow. A great deal of gardening and fruit culture i in active progress. Meets at St. Helena. It should be remembered that the Columbia County republican club meets in thia city next Tuesday, May 1st, being the time and place named by tho last meeting of the club, which mot at Rainier on the 2nd inst. ' The members of this organization consist of delegates elected from the several republican cluha throughout the coun ty, being elected at the last meeting of such club in each mouth. . Hero'e a Good One. A primary class in one of the public schools of Sherman county waa recit ing, and the teacher, who is a worship per at the democratic altar, put a ques tion to one of the little boys whose father is a republican, expecting an answer entirely different from the one he got. He asked the little pupil -How many mills make a cent?" "Non of 'em do. Pa aays they all ahul down on 'count of the Wilson bill. New Money-Order System. On the first of July next a new monev-ordor system, which will per mit the safe transmission of both large and small sums of money, by letter, at rates much lens than at present, will go into effect. Orders for $2.50 or less can be had for a fre of three cents,and orders for l.trgor amounts up to $100 at rates graduated up to thirty cents, With the issuance of the new money order, the form of which is said t, be artistic, beautiful, and convenient, tho postal note will be aboli.-hcd. It'a liota of Van. Trout-fishing is reported aa very suc cessful in the neighboring streams, and large quantities have been caught during the past few days. This is con sidered royal amusement by many.but if the decision were left to the quill driver of thia paper he would prefer some other recreation. It may be fun to tramp all day up and down the rug ged batiks of mountain streams, wade in water to your waist, debar yourself of meals, and then come back bearing as trophies of your labora, three or four little fish. Half the Joy of thia life dwell in the imagination, and we verily believe trout-fishing is an amusement more in fancy than in reality. World's Pair Awards. The secretary of the Oregon world'a fair commission has just received from the chairman of the executive com mittee on award, certified lists of the awards granted to exhibitor from Or egon at the World'a fair, in the depart ments of agriculture, forestry, horti culture, fish and fisheries, river and mining, manufactures, liberal arts, fine art and ethuology. From theae list it la learned that Oregon captured about six dozen medals in competition with the world in the several depart ments at the great Columbian exposi tion. Errors occurring in tha spelling of some of the names and postofllces have been noted, and theae corrections have been aent to the chairman of the oommittee at Washington" D. C, ao that no errora may be made on the medal, diplomas, and the official pub lications. Cheap Transportation. - A passenger rate war ia on again between Portland and Oak Point, in elndine: war landings, the competing companies being the Shaver Trans portation Company and W. E, New nm'a ataamer Ira Ida. After a aix or eight month's lay off through the wnrt nl the steamboat season, during which time the Shaver company fur nished the river trade a most excellent service, Mr. Ncwsom haa again put his boat on the Oak Point-Portland route in opposinou to the Sarah Dixon, and in order to cripple his competitor ha made a bid for the trade by re- (Indue the fare to twenty-live cents each way and the same rate between all landings. Shaver Brc.'have made a UUe cut in rates and will carry pus senders to any point on thoir run for twnntv-flve oenta. ; They have also made a linht change in the time schedule of the morning: trip and now rAach Portland ahead of the Iralda and nearly an hour earlier than for merly.. For the past year the Shaver company has furnished its patrons with a first-class, reliable and satisfact ory service and have done so at a con' slant daily loss of $35 to themselves, Thev are entitled to great credit for the splendid service they have given the Deotde, and should receive a most liberal Dftlronaee from ebippors and fUe trawling public, Waiting In California. Mr. W.H. Dolman W enjoying a very pleasant visit with some of hi many friends in California, and speak well of that state as a health restorer. While iu Portland, en route to San Francisco, he purchased a very floe and new line of ladies' summer dress good, bats, laces, trimmings, etc. ; also a new and complete stock of men' furnishing good. Mr. Dolman 1 a very close and careful buyer, which enable him to sell hia good at very reasonable rate to the benefit of bis customers and the publio at large. Mr. Dolman aeemi to know , exactly what will suit the publio taste, and ex tends a eeneral invitation to all to come and consult hi price before go ing elsewhere. . A Pleasant Day. Last Sunday was a most beautiful day, and aucceeded in bringing every body out oi door. The river was com pletely lined with people who wore en gaged in the enjoyable sport of angling for the "speckled beauties," and a large number of the anglers were quite suc cessful; others were enjoying boat rides ; some strolling in the beautiful wood which surround our little oily, while other were enjoying a drive or horseback ride. What is the matter with St. Helens starting the ball roll ing by giving a pimiio; say about the middle of May? We have beautitul ground which should not lay idle, a St. Helens is noted for her publio treat io thia line of amusement. The Wool Clip. The shearing season is now on in the wool-growing sections of the state, and large quantities of the clip is Do ing received in the various local mark ets. This article has been received in large quantities at The Dalles, which is one of the great wool center of Eastern Oregon, and which will,doubt less, handle more of the product direct from the producer than any point in the Northwest. It is a foregone con clusion that the sbeepraisers will not realize the former good price lor tneir product a consequence of the free trade bill now pending, which will put that industry in a position to com pete with Australia. Even Texas is discontented, and would do anything to defeat the free-trade bill. 1 hey will know more in 18 than tbey did iu 1802. Just you wait. The Salmon Season. On the 10th inst the salmon-fishing season opened on I ho Columbia river, but the present indications are that the salmon industry this year will yield a much smaller revenue tha.i for many past seasons. Cannerymen are in no way anxious to obtain sal mon at the tinhermen's prevailing fig urea, which are five cents per pound, they the cannerymen getting $1 35 per dozen cans, five per cent off for commission, at which price they made no money laat year. The market is almost barren of Columbia river sal mon, because very little of the pack has been disposed of. There will be only about one-half of the usual num ber of canneries in operation thia year, and the prospeuia for a profitable trade are decidedly slim. Fell From Grace. Thomas Devine, the very rich tim- berland man, whose name has exten sively gone the rounds of the press the last few months in connection with a disreputable marriage he con traded in the Tenderloin district, New York, is again in the Portland city iail. chareed withdrunkeness. Devine has takon several cures against drink, but always fell from grace. About two weeka ago he said that he was about being divorced from bia New York wife, whom he had seen but once after the marriage, and intended to marry a respectable girl living in Multnomah county, he would brace up and become a man again. That verv same nieht he was picked up in the street by the police in a paralysed drunken coudition. Marriage at GUI ton. It is our Dleasant duly to note the mar riage laat Sunday, at the home of the bride near Oillton.of Mia Nina Irene Hazon. to Mr. R. E. Owen, of Port land. The bride i the pretty and ao compliahed daughter of our widely' known and esteemed citizen, met Hazen. and the bridegroom l a young barber, at present employed in the Hotel Portland. Judge Blakesley, of thia place, officiated and tied the nup tial knot in a most secure and im oressive manner, after which the happy couple received the hearty con cratulations of their friends and then sal down to a sumptuous lunch. Miss Sadie Grendville cleverly performed the pleasing duties of bridesmaid, and Mr. Arthur Ball, ot rortiana, acquit ted himself creditably -aa best man. The euesta present were : Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slaven and daughter; Mr and Mrs. Hall : Mr. and Mra. R. O Hazen and family; Mr. and Mra. Rur rell. of Portland : Mrs. Mattie Moore and Mr. Jas. Cox. Jury liist. The following-named persons were drawn to serve as jurymen at the May, 1894, term of circuit court: George Hayes farmer Quincy Frank Bishop " iteuoen Joseph Copeland " Gillton John Leonard Mist John Girt " Reuben Frauklin P Rice " Rainier Thomas Cooper, liveryman, St. Hel's Max Berg farmer uiutoo Harry West Hcappooee Henry Dorref, blacksmith, Clatskanie Nelson Stewart farmer itainier Quincy Clalskanie Mist Scappoose Keaaey Rainier Reuben Scappoose Reubeu Scappoose Mist Deer Ialand Mist . Vernonia Reuben Marshland Peris Deer Island Mist , Scnpjtpneo Andrew Anderson John John a Joieph Banxer George Ramsey Thomas Pettijohn Francis A Bear Fred Henderson John F Dangerlield George S Foster Charlea Nelson Fred Gates Alonao Merrill Charles Lovegren Charlea Mellinger Frank Clark Marshal E Morgan Ferdinand Miller Isaao Bumgarduer Maurlts Carr John Johnson TbeJrosafiblnelbaVea.' Although the Josephine cave are now attracting the attention of the outside world, few of even the old resi dent near there have ever visited, much les explored them. Eastman, a Grant Pass expressman, Iroweven spent a week up there a year or so ago, and was in for a distance of a mile. He said he made no attempt to ex plore the big hole to their extremity, but he pronounced them the grandest thing in America. The wall and ceiling of the various . maromouth chamber glitter a though set with diamonds, and the better the light the more weird and magnificent the effect. There will doubtless be a large num ber of visitor registered there the com ing summer. Shot In the Hand. Jas. McKay was shot and painfully wounded while trying to forcibly take a revolver out of the bands of Joe Campbell, in front of Watt A Price' store, at Scappoose, early last Tuesday morning. Campbell had been drink ing heavily, and Frank Bwager, who keeps a bar there, found it -necessary to refuse him any more drinks and to eject him Irom the house. Campbell then went away and armed himself with a pistol and shotgun and re turned to the front door of Swager's place whore he proceeded to load the Utter, but had no caps, to discharge it with. He then wen into Watts A Price's store and wanted to buy some caps, but was refused tbem at the re quest of Mr. McKay who thought that Campbell intended to do Swager bod ily harm. After being refused the caps, Joe went out the front door of the building and drew a pistol irom hia pocket with the evident intention tion of usine it. McKay, who had close! followed Campbell, grasped the pistol and a struggle instantly followed for the possession of it, during which it was discharged into the palm of Mc Kay's left hand, making a deep and very nainful wound, tie immediately came lo town and Dr. Cliff dressed the wound, but did not find the ball which ia thought to be firmly Imbedded be tween two of the bones near the wrist joint. VKKIt IHIiANU. The farmers are busy planting and seeding. ' The sawmill is at present "tied up for want of a logging team. . The only man that. is idle and talks of joining Coxey's army is a populist. George Sigaler is farming his cousin Lvman Merrills place tins summer. anJ ha moved on the place. School in this district will begin the second Monday in May, with Mrs. J Galvin, of Portland, as teacher. The Caanan republican club ia work' inar along nicely, with jl large mem bership. Prof. T. J. Cleeton ia booked for a speech. Fronk Merrill, of Clalskanie, waa in our midst a short time siuce. We did not learn hia business, but believe he was "strengtlieuing the brethren in the faith." .-. .. " Deputy Sheriff Doan was here on olficiul business last week. TWe have seen him here quite often before, but this is the first time we have seen mm leading (he "Bull by the horns." Miss Lyons, of La Center, Washing ton, haa secured the Canaan school for the coming term. 1 he board oi school directors are men of broad business ability, and we will likely have a suc cessful term of school thia summer, It might be necessary for some to join Coxey's army, but there are none here who are really obliged to oe out of employment. Although very few jobs have cash in sight, still there plenty of work, and tue pay ia lust as safe as cash in the banks. If those who need work will take hold now they will be better off in the future. DEIiKNA. J. W. Turner has rented A. B. Lit tle's farm on Lost creek, and will soon move his family there. . Fruit trees of all kinds look well and the prospects are very favorable for an abuudant yield ot fruit, Mrs. A. B. Little, of Houlion, spent several dava in the valley last week with relatives, returning home Satur day. . , . . "'. . Mra. Dr. Meserve arrived borne last Tuesday, after an absence of about two months, visiting at uregou uuy, Houlion and Troutdale. We are pleased to state the weather is very favorable for planting, ana far- mere are improviug the opportunity to their fullest capacity. . Ed. Ptigh bad the misfortune to have his cabin destroyed , by a ( falling tree. It also demolished his cooking stove and olber household uriuture, Syverson Bros, have sold their saw. mill, formerly owned by E, Schmidt to W. A. Edserton, who haa moved it to his place on Upper Clatakanie where he has a fine body ot cedar be expects to cut for the market the com ing soason. Mr. Edgerton is a thor ough business man, and will no doubt make a success of bis undertaking. The republican club at thia place continues to prosper, and is constantly on the increase. Our laat meeting was extremely lively, inaamuch as some of the populists called on us and thinking they had struck a fine lot of suckers, at once prepared to swollow us without salt. This, however, proved a great error, for they found the re publicans able to meet them on every issue, and lively was the debating un til the shade of evening necessitated an adjournment, and all went borne happy, each side confident that they had completely done up the other. The leading features of the Beaver Falls republican club at its regular meeting next Sunday, April 29, at 2 p. m., will be an address by Hon. H. R. Duniway, of Portland, on the Dolitical issues of the day. It la re quested that all members of the club assemble at the ball aa soon after 1 o' clock aa possible, as there 1 import ant business to be disposed of. Let everybody irrespective of party, and especially the ladies. The opportuity of hearing Mr. Duniway should not be missed bv anyone. Remember all tre wlconio, ' -Joint befeate t &tftr. Partisan populist papers "have taWn occasion to refer to the joint debate at Gill ion last week between Mr. Rice and a man named Baker, a a warlr oyer for ih latter. The fact is Butler waa no match for Bice, who first sue1 cessfully met each of Baker's charges and lore them all to piece, and then rattled Baker ao completely that in Baker's closing harangue he forgot a!' together to refer to politics, and put in the entire fifteen minutes abusing Mr. Rice. The latter gentle man displayed great tact aDd general ship in his argument which was fair and to the point throughout. A handsome daughter made her debut at the home of J. Grant Watts, of Scappoose, atalale hour Wednesday night. Dr. Uliir was master oi cere monies. The mother and cnim are quite prosperous. Both grandmoth er are stilt alive.and it is thought with careful nursing that Grant will recover. Blllwe Clle Prareated. Puranna who arc auhlect to attacks of bil ious eolie can almost invariably tell, by their feelinKS, when to expect an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrh oea Kenudy is taken as soon as these symp toms appear, they can ward off the disease. Such persons should always ki-ep the rem edy at band, ready for immediate nse when needed. Two or three doses of it at ths right time will save them mucn sunenng. For sal by Kdwih Ross. IS lstt4. The more Chamberlain's Condi Remedy is used the better it is liked. We know ( no other remedy that always gives satisfac tion. It is good when your cough is seated and your lungs arc sore. It is good in any kind of a cough. We have soldtwenty-Bve dozen of it snd every bottle has given satis- faction. titedman x r ncdman, arnggisis, Minnesota Lake, Minn, for sale by Edwin Ross. Fifty-cent bottles HEMirrnt saie. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Columbia, r. it. uross wait, plainiirf, vs. Oscar Akin and Willie I. Akin, defendants. BY VIKTUE OP AN EXECUTION, judg ment, order and decree, duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Columbia, to nieduly directed, dated the loth day ol December, upon juug mvnt and dn'ne rendered and entered in said court on the Mil day of October, 18tti. in favor oi r. K. urossvau. piainun. ana agninst Oscar Akin and Willi I. Akin, de fendants, for the sum of rive hundred and eleven snd one-lmndredths ($511 25) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, from ibe 10th day of October, 1893, and the further sum of one nunarea tsiwj aonars as attorney's fees, and the further sum of thirty-eight and thirty onc-hundredths ($38,301 dollars, costs and disbursements, an.l nUn ih,, fnntm nl and unon said writ. commanding me to make sale of the fol lowing real property oi tne loove-namea defemiants. to-wit: The southwest one- oiiirUf IHWiml section twenty-eight (28) townsnin nveio) none range mrctno, wn- . ,. ' . , ... ,; of the Willarnmette meridian, m uommoia county, state of Oregon, and containing one nunnrea ana sixty iiwi ai;re w muu, more or less , together with the tenements, hereditaments, snd appurtenances tliereun t lelnni,iiier or in anv wine appertaining. 10th clay of April. A. I).; 189. Now, there fan. hv (rtn nf said execution, iudemenf. i ftniw viMt unon Raul reai-esiaie on toe order, and decree, and in compliance with nrdav. the 12tli day of May, 1894, at the Nip rnmhiHnilflOI RA1Q vri, 1 will, on om- iinnr nf ten dm o'clock a. ni of that day. at the front door of the county conrthouse. in tne ciiy oi oi. neiens. m emu cvum? ite ell mihiect to redemption, at public auction, to tha highest bidder tltanfor, for cash, all the right, title, and Interest wmco ilia nh,ivft.iimni (ipipnaama. uscsr akiii and Willie I. Akin, had on the fourth day ltt)2. the date of said mortgaae, or has since had in and to the above-de scribed real property, to satisfy said execu tion, judgment, order, and decree, inter est cost and all accruing costs. T. C. WAITS, Sheriff of Columbia county, Oregon St. Helens. Oregon, April H), 18SH. BF31MOKIS. In the CI rcuit Court of the State of Oregon, fnr Cnlnmhla countv. Chsi. P. Mugele, plaintiff, vs. Geo. 8. Dip nold. Martin 8. Wppold. and M. Frances llmivtlil defendants. To lleo. 8. Dippold, Martin S. Tttppold.and M. t rances lilppoiu, aeienuaiuv; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against vnn in the aiiove-entitled court and cause. by the 15th day of May, 1894. it being tbe first (lav of the regular term ol said court next following the expiration of the time nreacribed in the order for the publication of this summons; and If you fail to answer th aii coninlaiiit. the Dlaintift will apply to the court for the relief demanded there in, to-wit: For judgment asainst the de- fon.i.nis rien. H. llinnold and Martin 8. Dippold, for $400, with interest from the 16th day of December, 1891, at eight per cent per annum, and $100 attorney a fees, and costs. And for a decree of court de claring the deed made bv defendant Martin 9. Dippold to defendant M. Frances Dip nold. on tbe 30th day of January, 1892, of tha northeast one-auarter of section 11 township 0, north range 3, west of the Wil lamette meridian, in Columbia county, Or egon, void, and setting tbe same aside, sun ordering aaid land sold to pay said judgment Said suit is brought upon a promissory note given for the purchase money of said land, under an agreement of defendant. Martin 8. Dlouold. lo mortease the same to plaintiff as security for the payment of aaid nnta. which said land violation of said agreement, conveyed by defendant Martin 8. Dippold to defendant M. France rt: I., ft.:. !.,:r mI.l.n,. H,nBMH.Ii,m and with full knowledge of tbe violation of said agreement. This summons es pub lished by an order ot tnejuageoi saia court matte on tne xim oay nt jaarcn, ism, v DILLARD COLE. ; ' . Attorneys for plaintiff". SHEBims SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND nnler of aale dulv Issued out of. and un der tha teal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the countv of Columbia, in the cause entitled K m Kinder vs. Oscar rj. tiunier ec ai.. to me duly directed, dated the third day of April, 1894, upon a Judgement aim decree remlered and entered in said court ana eanaa nn the 17ih dav of October. 1393. favor of Klias Kinder, as planum, ana against the defendent, Oscar E. Hunter, for the um of nir hundred and fift v and twen t v-eiirht one-hundredtlis dollars, who inter est at tne rate oi eigui per cent prr auuuni from the 17th day ot ucinoer, iou,i, ana mi further sum or one Hundred dollars as mi tnrnev'a fees, and twantv-ons and seventy one-hundredtlis dollars costs and disburse ments, and the costs to accrue anon said writ, commanding me to make sale of the following-described real property, situated in Columbia county. Oregon, towit: The northeast one-quarter(NEW) of section one (1) in township Ave (5) north range two (2) west of the Willamette meridian, contain. inir ore hundred and tlltv-nine and eighty. four one-hundredths acres of land, togother with the tenements and appurtenances. I have levied upon all of said real-estate, and incompliance with the commands of said writ will, on Saturday, the 5th dav of May. 1894, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of that dav , at the front door of the courthouse of said county and state, sell, subject to re demotion, to the hiabest bidder for cash. all I he right, title, and interest which the defendants Oscar E. Hunter and Olive D. Hunter, or either of them, had on the ISth dav of April. 185, the data of the mort gage from said defendant to the plaintiff, or has Mince acqntred in or to said premises, and every part thereof, to satisfy said judg ment, decree, and order of sale, with inter ests, costs, and accruing costs. T. C. WATTS, Sheriff of Columbia countv. Oregon. April fllh, 1H, Ej DWIN ROSS Pharmacist DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. My stock in thia line is as complete as can be found outside of the city of Portland. I make a spttcialty in this line and carry the very freshest goods. SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES. In this line von will find a complete nd varied assortment to select from, where voti can choose with the assur ance that the goods you get are fresh. EZTWTIlSr ROSS, Proprietor. Fi U MoNUTT Vernonia, -THE LEADING- Q-eneral Real - TIMBER Bonded and Sales Negotiated on Commission. Is thoroughly familiar with FAMOUS - NEHALEM - COUNTRY MUOKLB BROS MASCFACTURSBS OF Rough and Dressed Lumber :fir and Of Every Style Grade and Variety. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, STOP FOR YOUR CLATSKANIE Where you will find-tbe largest stock of Patent Medicines, Prescription Drugs, Toilet Articles, eto., ever found in Columbia County. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor BSH E3IiE:3SrS The tables are always supplied with the Beat Edibles and Delica cies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satisfac tion to all our patrons, and solicit a shure of your patronage. J. GEORGE, Proprietor, St. Helens Livery Stables , THOS. COOPEE, Proprietor. Handy location, and you can feel sure that your horses will receive aa good attention aa though you were caring for them yourself. , HANDY TURNOUTS MNUTT BROS THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF r Vernonia and Cornelius. Ogn. WBITE TO CORNELIUS FOB STAGE DATES. FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS SUPPLIED . . J. H. DECKER . , . TONSORIAL ARTIST The old and reliable barber haa hia rasori Just aa sharp as can be found, and will shave you com fortably and quickly for only fifteen cents. : GIVE HIM A CALL AT THE OLD STAND ON STRAND ST The table will be supplied with the beat the market afforda. Board by the Day, Week, or Month at Reasmfcta Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage ia Solicited, A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop., ST. HELENS,' OR ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausage and fish. Meat by WhoiesaU at Special rates. Express wagon rua to all part -of the the oity, and charges reasonable. SWERTI AND - & SHELDON, - PROPRIETORS, School Books School Supplies Your school suppliea can be pro cured here, auch aa pena, peitoile, ink, writing tableta, slates, and io facttiult everything coming under tbie bead. 00 x 00 PERFUMERY. PRESCRIPTIONS Aa toperfu'mer1ei,onratdc1ifaXraned and complete. We make thia article specialty. We willcompound prescript Uona any toonr vt the dy Vft trigb Oregon. Estate Rustlet1 LANDS tbe great timber region of the AKD DEALERS IN cedar; OREGON MEDIC1N S At THE DRUG STORE H2 St. Helens. Oregon ON SHORT NOTICE.