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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
0I. vcoon Plist DAVIS, Publlathwr, Unite. States aci County Official Paper. FBI DA f, APRIL 37, 1894. QUOWINO WEARY. Tlit pojuill't party .of this county lost , ast fust euoVlgh before it late Convention, bu( since that crowning act of stupidity, Ilia must anient supporters of the party are wavering and lukewarm, while the rank and Hie of the party is out of Joint alto getter. Putting politic out of the ques tion entirely, the personnel of the populist ticket cannot compare at all with that of tbe republican ticket, and when the ques tion of ability, executive and otherwise, is roiled, 111 disparity becomes infinitely greater. The populists Ignored what little talent they had in their party; their only vbject seenting to be desire to make up a (k'ket, no Matter whether it was one that wouadeawsraaand' votes or derision: and al ejtmigli when first nominated the ticket was pronounced an exceptionally stong one by few of its maker, it was never received is siroh even by the populists, and since tbe republican ticket has been placed be- for the peopio, -Jttie pnpuliat ticket has lost faittr faster than ever for the simple rea on that the voters recognize the glaring disparity between the men. There is not a randidute on the populist ticket who has ver had any experience in any of these voices, and, with one or two possible ex ceptions, none who have the ability to per form their duties in an efficient and accept able manner. The men whose names Bu lbar on the populist ticket, were put up as candidates for office, simply because they claim tj be in sympathy with the party, and not ewcawse they have any special or ordinary qualifications far the offices to which they ask tbe people to elect them, These are facts which cannot be success fully eoenbntted by the populists, and the incompetency which the party has dis played in naming a county ticket is only an example of itsunlttness to govern in tMligently , and a vivid reflection of its in adequate resources as a responsible pcliti- al party. ' ANOTHKR POPULIST BLINDER. Mr. Copeland cannot expect the comity to jeopardise its interests in the dangerous manner it would do by making him a mem ber of the county coart at this particular time, occupying, as he does, the position f a defendant in an action by the county to recover stolen funds, on an official bond which bears his name as surety fur a large sum. Such an inconsistent act would never be committed outside tbe pale of the popu list party, and, like everything else that party does, is wholly untenable and incom patible with the interests of safe local gov ernment. Mr. Copelaad's personal inter ests are now in direct conflict with those of tbe county, and will be until this bond is made good by the men whose names ap pear upon It, and to put this candidate in the commissioners' court would be to put him in a position to defeat tbe county's in terests by subordinating them to his own. It is no impeachment of a man's integrity to say that he will look to his personal in terests first, for self-protection is the first law of nature, and one that is seldom vio lated, even in a commissioners' court; and, this being the rule. Mr. Copeland cannot rightfully be expected to be one of the ex ceptions to it. The people of this county want a representation in the county court whose interests are identical with their own, and who cannot be biased by personal motives or adverse interests. Tbe end of the litigation in which this matter will in volve tbe county is at present a mere mat ter of speculation, but it certainly la not now in sight, and if Mr. Copeland should be elected it would undoubtedly continue far into bis term. In view of these facts tbe people of this county cannot indorse Mr. Copeland' nomination for this respon sible position. They will send a man to the county coart who has but one purpose, and that to serve the beat interests of the people. Fortlaxd's citizens have put themselves oa record as people of common sense by refusing to feed and fondle that organized sob of tramps and bunuaera, the ' 'Indus trial ai my," which arrived there a few days since from California, expecting to be re ceived with open arms, given an ovation , and supported id idleness as long as they should choose to stay, but aside from a little curiosity soon after their arrival, they have attracted no Attention and yery few converts. They had evidently hoped, through the influence of Mr. Fennoyer, to be welcomed to the state and given both moral and financial support, but much to their surprise and chagrin they have found that although Mr. Fennoyer is their sym pathizer and our governor, the people, gen- crally, have as much contempt for Mr. Fennoyer as they have for this aggregation of hobos, and bave as little use for noted .crank as they have for a common one. Portland is entitled to tiie gratitude of everybody in the state for the sensible man ner in which these lazy bummers have Iwe disposed of, and if other places where they go will gie them a like reception, they -will soon cease to be an annoyance to tbe xieople and a menace to the country. Will Mxskivk's nomination, on the re publican ticket, for the responsible-office of county surveyor was in line with the other good work of the convention and one xrf the wisest acts of that be4y. Besides being staunch republican and a young man ol integrity and enviable reputation , Mr. Meserve is a finished mathematician nd a practical surveyor and civil engineer. Ver number of years past he has devoted most of hi time to the study and practice of civU engineering, and for the past two years-lias filled the office of deputy county wurveyo -Jf elected, Mr. Meserve will take possession1 of kts -office not as a novice or a Ntadwnt, but as a ijnivbe -engineer, capa ble f performing his duties in an Intelli gcnifnd satisfactory manner. He is widely know throughout the county and justly enjoys tire respect and confidence of all who know him. Ail voters of this county who wimt to see one of our most responsi ble offices safely administered will lndore Mr. Meserve's nomination by giving him a handsome majority in the June election. PErrrs, tlie 8 is f tin populists, will also be thelast. By the time, three years hence, wbea tfce Kansas-crank drops into oblivion from which lie was riragaed three years ago, fh po(Ut party will he -only -a reminis cence. 1 Taps to 4 piWeipuss-oT Inconsistency, ! the cardinal principal of their fartyv Site j kiuIIhu have nominated a matiforcounty I sjwrveyor wbe-kaows nothing at aU lut surveying, and who never saw a surveyor'! compass, except in the hands of someone else. In the improbable event of his elec tion. Mr. Deitrii'k expects to accept the office and learn to perform its duties after ward, at the expense of the county, but the people will orduin otherwise and elect a man to this responsible office who is a prac tical surveyor and understands his business. The people of this county are not educating officers; they are simply electing them The ottk-e of surveyor is one of the most important in the county, and if intrusted to the care of a comuetent engineer, ser ious complications will be ii voided ; whereas if it is left to the supervision of a wholly incompetent man, endless litigation and trouble will be tbe natural result. We want no novices In our county offices; there are plenty of competent men to occupy them. As a private citixen, Mr. Deitrick commands the respect of his neighbors, but as a candidate for surveyor of this connty he cannot command their votes He sim ply accepted, the nomination to till out the ticket; not with th ho of being elected. We have had quite a sufficiency of populist incompetency in public places iu this county Let us stop tliis catering to spasmodic po litical heresy, and in the future elect men who understand their duties and will per form tlieni without asking the county to Jay iiw tueir tui.iuii. False Allegation. Populists, never weary of lamenting over what they allege to be a urinous crime the demonetisation of euv look at the followiusr. If they would carefully investigate ths monetary question, instead of accepting the false allegation of cheap newspaper men, they would soon cease alleging that that the republican party de stroyed one-half the debt-paying power of our nation by the act of laiii Soon after gold was discovered in California and Australia, the Neither- lands, Belgium, and Germany demon etized gold, feariui; it should become so plentiful as to depreciate iu value. Although silver was bringing a small premium iu the United States, in 1853 a democratic cougresa made it a legal tender for no sum over five dollars, The production and coinage of silver up to 1870 had not beeu important, amounting to only twelve millions for the decade of the sixties, but the great Comstock and other mines were dis covered soon after, and as nearly all tire leading nations of Europe hud changed front and adopted gold as their standard, it looked unjust to our American interests that we should ac cept payment of duties ou imports in a coin which they bad rejected ami which our productions bad suddenly bounded up to three hundred and sev enty-five millions during the decade of the seventies, one hundred and six ty-eight millions of which was coined. Even senator Stewart, of evada, had not become bo biased in hi opinions but what he voted for what is known as the demonetization act, although he claims be did not know it for six years, and then neglected to kick him self for twelve more . years. Iu the meantime our production of the while metal in the United States alone reached the enormous sum of five hundred .and thirty-five millions for tbe decade of the eighties, three nun dred and seventeen millions of which was coined. Notwithstanding this great production of wealllMbere would have beeu but little in circulation, or in the vaults of the treasury, hud not the Sherman law provided for the pur chase of four million hve hundred thousand ounces per month, and, even then, only three hundred and eighty millions of silver was owned by the government in 1890, fifty-six millions of which being all that could be forced into circulation in the form of stand ard dollars, the balance lying idle as bullion aud represented by proxy in the form of silver certificates. It is evidently apparent that silver is avail able as a circuit ling medium only iu small amounts, and principally as a subsidiary coin or fractional currency ; and it is further apparent that while tbe demonetization act unioabtedly prohibited the importation of an ar ticle we . were already overstocked with, it in no way abridged its useful ness at home or affected its value abroad to any great extent. Of tbe one billion five hundred and ninety- three millions in circulation July 1st, 1893, nine bnndred and fifty-eight mil lions were a legal tender; and as there were only fifty -seven millions of stand ard gold dollars in circulation at the same dale, anyone can readily see their relative proportions, and also see how near fifty-seven comes to being equal to nine hundred and fifty-eight. In other words, without the force and influence of the so called heinous crime tbe two above-named sums would be a legal tender, permitting silver to be divided into sums of five dollars each, but excluding it the re duction is five and six-tenths per cent instead of one-half. Instead of republicans working against the interests of silver tbey are its truest and most lasting friends, as witness the language of the repeal bill, reading as follows: "And it is hereby I declared to be tbe policy of the United States to continue the use of bulb gold and silver as standard money .and to coin both gold and silver into money of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value, such equality to be secured through international agreement, or by such safeguards of legislation as will insure the maintenance of the parity in value of the coins of the two metals, and the equnl power of every dollar at all times in tbe markets and in the payment of debts. And it is hereby further declared that the efforts of the governments should be steadily directed to .the establishment of such a safe system of bimetalism as will maintain at. all times the equal power of every dollar coined or issued by tbe United States in the markets or in the payment of debts." Awarded Highest Honors The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Mo Ammonia; No Alum, Used in Millions of Homes- 40 Years the Standard. aaaaYsi A FEW FIGURES. WBICB SBOW WHY THIS COUNTY IS IN iTS PBESKNT FINANCIAL CONDITION. Populist criticism of the county's present financial condition compels us to prod ace few figures which should have the effect of stopping the windy Vaporing of that class, which is ever ready to echo Jhe threadbare, rasping cry of "ting politics" and "fraud." If the parties who are most prone to criticise would take the pains to regularly mad ami study tbe semi annual financial statements made by the different officials, the present fi nancial condition of the county could be easily understood, and the cause of it traced to its true source, instead of it beine charged to dishonesty of county officers. By reference to the last financial display it will be seen that the county's liabilities amount to $44,699.49; and the resources, including deliuqueut and current taxes, equal that sum . When Judge Cox retired from tbe office of probate judge six years ago, the county was in debt 11,128.07. At that time the office of commissioner was created, and since then the county has gone behind just $7,000 a year, in round numbers; also since tho ex istence of the commissioners' court those two officers have been paid $2. 268.35. Whether or not the office of commissioner is or has been a paying investment for this county, we leave to the judgement of our readers. But this is a degression we had uot in tended to make : our real purpose be ing altogether foreign to commenting upon the advisability of sustaining commissioners' court. Tbe object of this article is to show that for the past six years the county's receipts Have been only sufficient to bear its run ning expenses, other than that ex pended upon roads, and that almost the entire indebtedness of the county today is money that has been spent in building roads and bridges, and that the people have received a double ben efit from such expenditures in having convenient roads aud receiving pay for their services in building them such services as ax men, cbuinmen, viewers, supervisors, aud other labor. Since the 31st of March, 1889, the county debt has increased $43,571.87, and during that lime tbe county has expended upon its roads $42,564.98, leaving a balance of $1,006.96 iu favor of the county. All this money, with the exception of part of the contract price of one 'or two bridges, has beeu paid out here at home, and tbe people of tbe county bave received the bene fit of iC In extenuation of sucb enor mous expenditures for these two items, it is only necessary to say that all roads aud bridges are built at the re quest and upon the petition of the leople, aud they, uloJe, are responsi ble for any money spent iu this way Duriog the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1894, the county expended $8,- 531.63 on roads and bridges, while at the same tune the treasury was burdened to the extent of $3,245 by a defaulting county officer, aud was put to a further extra expense of $1,139.15 for ex per ting county books; this latter item being the result of special agita tion by the populists. A glance at tbe last semi-annual report of tbe county's finances will show that tbe total delinquent taxes amount to $43,- ny.w, a large per cent of which is owed by parties who are making tbe most noise about the county being in debt, and if these same people would pay their taxes, instead of apostrophiz ing tbe past administration, tbey would assist in a very substantial manner in straightening out tbe county's finan cial complications. If the former managers of the county's affairs have failed to keep it out of debt, they bave, at the same time, dealt leniently with the laxpsyeis, and never bat once put ext-a expense upon them by forcing the collection of taxes. ' This fact ha not been appreciated by a certain class of people who are thus nuabled to evade the tax collector; nor is such leniency endorsed by another class of people who regularly and willingly pay their taxes, and who are really bearing thecounty'sburdens. Further comment is unnecessary. A concensus of tbe above figures shows substan tially that for tbe past six years the county has simply gone in debt for forty-two thousand five hundred -dollars worth of road improvements, and has only received euough revenues to balance its other expenses. It shows further that this money bas been spent for the people, among the peo ple, and by tbe people, and if tbe peo pie wish to remonstate and put their veto upon this debt-incurring policy, they must remonstrate with them selves and stop petitioning the county court for a road to every rancher's cabin in the county. Baking Powder: World'sFair. "i ifffiHiiTITO" TiTTsTTWiilalsaftgstM Wot Baye askeasaswlesa Cats not Be Caveat , My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a very sever attack of rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford her anv relief, and a a last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using it regular she was soon able lo get up and attend to her housework. K. H. John son, of Kuutson A Co., Kensington. Minn, l.M . .. . I . . 1 . I I . ... 1 ! . . ruiywiu outuv iwr am uj r.uwiu rum. REPUBLICAN SJATE TICKET For Governor, W, P. LORD. ........ Marion County For Secretary of State, J. R. KINCAID. Lane County For State Treasurer, PHIL METCIIAN... , ..Grant County For Attorney General, C. M. IDLEMAN, Multnomah Comity For Supreme Judge, 0. E. WOLVERTON .i .Linn County For State School Superintendent, O. M. IKWIN .Union County For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS.. . .Jackson Comity County Republican Ticket For Representative, T. J. CLEETON . . : Clalskanie ForCU-ik, JUDSON WEED,... Auburn For Sheriff, CHARLES F. DO AN Rainier For Commissioner, PHILLIP FRAKES. ... . . .8cappoose For Assessor, MARTIN WHITE. Oak Point For Treasurer, JOHN DOWNING....:.. Uoion For School Superintendent, J. G. WATTS Scappoose For Surveyor, Wm. ME8ERVE ..Beaver Falls TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice la hercbv riven that for tbe rnr- Dose of maltinc an elimination of all per son who may otlw themselves as candi date for teachers of th schools of this county, the connty school superintendent thereof will hold a publie examination at St. Helens, beginning at 1 o'clock p. in.. MayU. T. J. CKEKfON, County schviol superintendent of Colum bia county. Oregon. Dated this Z3rd day of April. IHM. HBBIFf SAIE. BY VIKTTE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly tssn?d out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon , for Columbia county, to me duly upon n iudgmeut and decree rendered and entered in saitl court on the 31ft day of March, A. I)., IwSH. ill favor of Bernhard Berkenfleld as plaintiff and against Kin T. Wood and John Mnynard as defendant for the sum of five hundred and nli.etv eight and eleven-onehundredtu (!3tM.H) dollar Willi interest mercon ai me rale 111 eight per cent per annum from the 3ltday uf March, A. Ii., and the further sum of one hundred (tlilO.OOl dollar at attor ney's fees; and the further sum of thirty seven and twenty-onehundredths ($37.3U) dollars, costs and disbursements, and also the cost of and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale 01 the following real pro pert v of tbe abova-named defendants. tnwit. The northeast one-quarter (SE'j of tbe otithweat one-qnorter (HW). and the northwest one-quarter of tbe southeast one-quaner ana me soum one-nan (HX) of the northeast one quarter ( WK4 ) of section number twcnty-nine( .11) in town ship number seven (7) north range number Hve (5) west of the Willamette meridian, in Columbia county, state of Oregon, together with the improvements, tenements, andap purtenauces thereunto belonging or in any wlie appertaining. Now, therefore, bv vir tue of said execution, judgment, order, and decree, and in compliance with the com mand-! of said writ, I will, 011 Saturdav.the 2Hth day of May, A. O., 1804, at the hour of 10 o'clm-k a. m. of that day , at the front door of tbe county courtnouxe, In tne city of 8t. Helena in uid county and state, selk subject to redemption, at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, for cash, all the rhiiit. title. and interest which the above named defendant, Eliza T. Wood, then Eliza T. Lovell, had on tbe20thdayof Aug ust. A. V., 11. the date of the niortguge of said premise by said defendant to the defendant John Mavnard. or ha since ac quired in and to tbe above-desci Ibed real property, 10 sausiy snio judgment, decree, execution, and order of sale.iuierests.costs. aud ail acenring cost. T. C. WATTS, Sheriff of Columbia connty, Oregon. Dated April 24, A. D. 18. Aaalautratr's tale f Beml-estsu In the matter of the sale of real property belonging to the estate of John Ivey, de ceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the unde-niimed. the admlMstratoruf the estate 0 John Ivey, deceased, by virtue and autho'ity and in pursuance the order made bv the County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, on the 17th day of , April. 1H04, authorizing and licensing tbe aifl adiniiMKlrntor tosellatadministratoi' sale tbe following-described real property be'onging to the estate of John Ivey, de- ised. towlt: All of tbe north one-half (U) of the northeast one-quarter and liiKSMvrin one-uau 01 me norinwesi- one-quarter (V,)ol section 83. township 6 north of ran S west. In Columbia county. state of Oregon, containing 160 acre. I will, as such administrator, on the intli day ot May, IHfM. at the bonr of 10 o'clock a. m. , in iron 01 ine court nouse at oi. Helen. Oregon, proceed to sell the said real property above described at public auc tion, w tne niKiiesi oiaoor. lor one-nun cash in hand, and tbe balance in three equal payments one-third in one year. one-third in two years, and one-third in three years ; said deferred payment to be se cured by a mortgage upon the said described nreniises. and to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from date until paid, Interest payable annually. EDWIN U HAND, Administrator. Dated this 17th day of April, A. D., 1804. ASSIGNEE'S! NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of I be state of Oregon, for Columbia toun y. In the matter of the estate of Charles Bur eau, an insolvent debtor. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I bave nled In the Circuit court ol the state of Oregon, for Columbia county, the same being the court having charge of said estate, my final account a assignee of said estate for settlement. And that said final account will be heard and passed upon by said court on Saturday, ths lftth day of Mav, A. D.. 18, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day, at th court room of said court, in Ht. Helens, Oregon, at which time and place any person Inter ested may appear and rontet the same. J, M . ltAVRHO, Assignee of said t'slsts. t.i tltliit eotd t this riffle In a JiM Printing stylus insun", and .ir-rlee VII IUIIUU5 to autt th lliiiwa. KuvUxi, bill hu, letter head... buslnen and vlslthig cards, blanks, and In faet, th ollte Is batter equipped than vrvr Ixtfure to turu out all eUwva of eoiuiusrvlal Job prlnliiis. FOR SAXTC Cheap for cash, a span of large mares, 7 and 8 vear. old, with or with' ut wagon and harness, Kr quiro t tills ollice. TAXPAYERS, NOTICE! The tax-roll of 1893 for Columbia county will bo closed on the 80th day of April, 1894. and all taxes not paid on that date will become delinquent. T. C. WATTS, Sheriff of Columbia county, Or. FDR SAL ED, At private sale, for cash, to ths highest bidder, the MIow'nsMiescribed real prop erty, vis: "The northwest one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of section No. t), township No. 4 north, raug No 1, west of the Willamette meridian, coiitulning 44 . 10 acres. Ilids will bv received to May 20th, 1804. Address all romniiinlcatlnna to J. 11. NOKTON, Fwcirte Grove, Monterey County, California. $50 REWARD 1 $50 Whereas, some evil-disposed party of parties have, dtirini the nasi winter, stolen some proerty belonging to the Green Creek Lumbering and Manufacturing Company, of Maygvr, Oregon, consisting uf 3110 feel ol one-halt inch diameter of Steel Wire Cable, and DOl) feet of three-quarter circled galvan ised cord. The above reward will b paid bv the undersigned for information that will lead to the arrest of th guilty party or parties. GaiRii Cassa I.umsshimo add MAMurAO TTSIHO CoMr-AKT. Per H. Henderson, secretary. -STtAMER K-E-H-A-N-l WILLAMITTC aiOUOH POlTI. Leaves St. Helena for Portland at 6:45 A. M Daily, Arriving at COrtLAND 8 LANDING 1M A. M SCAFPOOeK " S OD A. M J0Y B 10 A. M PORTLAND " 10:30 A. M Lea rea Portland at 3.-00 P. M. Arriving at 8t. Helena at 6.30 P. M. POPHAM'S TMf ONLV OUARAMTECO OUMI FOR RMIUMATiaM. NEVER PAIL1I We refer you to Psvld Van Hlyk. CaMlo Rnrk, Whinstnn; L. Bcsmls. ratlin, WaahlmrtnD', a. Puftter. Frecnort. Wahlnl4,D: Haintiel Low- err, Buends, Wanhlmrton: C. C. Lee, ex lusllr 01 nw e-vor i.Muu,anie; jiio. ionway, en- Eineer Bryant's mill, Cliunkanlo. Oreiron; C, oiettron. fanner. Clt-knle. On-nm. anil hun dreds of others II reiietcd. We refer lo tha Deuatu inejr are ciee Dr. and ara well known. WE DON'T CROMt THE AT LANTIC FOR REFERENCES $1.00 per Bottle. Sii Bottles for $5.00 SOLD AT THE LABORATORIES OF THE lUtfttraltan IWtMcln ffio CI.AT8KANIE, : 1 OREOON. "THE- Splendid, Yonng Norman Horse Will make the Season of 1894 as Follows. At Chas. Muckle' Farm, on Deer Island, in Columbia county, Oregon, TERMS : : : Insurance, $10 TEMPEST I a beautiful, dark Iron erav. sixteen band high: eluhl vearsold; weiiih 1W0 pounds, with fine style, quick move ment, snd second to nuns in muscular power and durability. He was sired bv Younv Bvron Kier: bv Old Byron Kier, imported and owned by Biugmaster, Keota, Iowa. Tempest's dam was sired bv Old Tempest, a Norman horse owned by J. Downs, Iowa. CHA8. MUCKLE, Owner. 03,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. Ifyoa want work that ItpleatsntsiMl proDtsbl, d as your sitdrsn liumedlateljr. W leach men and women how to esra from BuY .OO per day to SHMt awr year without luring lis- a n-frioat esiwrleucs. and lurulf Ii tlte eninlnvmant at arkl. luejr can ms mat amount. Notulni learn or thnt requires much lime, i n dlnevlt lo The work I , hraltlir , and honorable, snd can be done dur. ln datiim or availing , right In vimr own local Mr, wfwravar yim lira. The raault of a faw nouru' wars ona equals a wiwb's wages. we hare taught thounandt of both seaes and all ages, and inanr hav laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Home of the smartaat man In this country owe their suecaM In Ufa lo tb start atvaa them whlla In mtr amnlnv ago. Vpu. reader, may do aa well; try It. You vanava ,a,i. no capital necesaary. weatyoa Weatyoa out with something- that is aew, aolld, and aura. A book brimful of advlc It frea lo all. Help your, self by writing lor It to-day sot to morrow. iMUys an aoatl y. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 490. AUCU9TA, MAINE. M Salary tmtmt sllwnlr rsi s,a 1 ff van HlsSist sis. Baa Vlr umm aaa a-ff I ' UvraavMaw,luipf I C4ar a tnM fa is tl v-YV- VJriMar. ) 4 saias fctW iu JFii.nv OaKMaaanaaar-BJ VlMiwtn.. aaowa oo, w JWrrm, Poritaa on. cnriaakjl f tsata, Him nas . Jl THBBANQUBT Main trwt, t. . Oragon. FINE WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. eh .i.brat llwhal ' i"iW. A Good Billiard and Pool provided for tht mm tfTWJAl!,7 wbo lo spend a pleaiant hour should remember Ilia UAMUli.f . nlii tht Unreal unb fjMt f Clauavw ! on Jan. Card Table, are at th dlsmaal of patron ZJA aud w can assure them that they will be well treated at 111 a iiamjuju'. -V. A. MKH2KTCK, proprietor LEADING - RESORT - IN - THE CITY FOREST GROVE t t ESTABLISHED IN 1877. EOQS for batching from Wyandotte. Plymouth Jtocks, Light Brahrou, Urowu and Whita Leghorns. America's best brtwrus. Vvltti One Sett 1 mi, $8,00. wo Scttlit0i, $5.00 No riner Breading Birds on the Paclflo Coast, My Fowls have been In I be Lead for the Fast Seventeen Year. The only full-Dodged poultry yard lo this elate. i $w l)oice Cocke rU for ftt t 8.00 Cach, Send 8lamp lor catalogue Address: J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove. Oregon ; Tb oldest etabllshil and only reliable paper In Columbia ', I County, Publishes the news from .very section of lb 2 : county, and ia the official paier, publirhlna all th county i . : court proceeding Iu thetr correct form. Price, 1.S0 a year. : THE OREGON MIST Whn it come to Job Frtntine.v will say that w ean er. ; eute It a neatly as any ofllc on th Columbia river, barr , Ins none. W bav recently received new malarial, oon- : isting of new type, and rwrsctfully solicit your patronag. ,' THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL Corner Front sad Morrleon Streets, This is the most popular hotel In Portland, and has been for many years. If you waut to meet a friend you will surely flnd hi in at the St, Cliarle. It also enjoys the patronsge ol the bite inew men of tbe elate, ant) baa courteous attendants employed. Favorite Hotel of tho City of Portland. O. "W. KNOWLEB. Farmers' and Merchants' INSUKANXE COMPANY. OF ALBANY. OREGON. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ; fSMOft SECURED CAPITAL U1M PAID CAPITAL. , T4.IW rAasi raercitTT a srr.oiAi.TT. For particular apply at lb ofhc of Dillerd A Cole, or Tae Mist oBee. 8T. HELEN8, : t : : j : : : ORE00S. It FALCON " BEE In ths matter of quality, tbe best v.r placed on this market. We are tfce Northwestern Agmil. ; , POKTLA.lSrX SEED CO. One hundred snd aev.nty-on Second street. . Portland, Off. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG A 4$ '-jQ-feL . STTFR JOSEIPH KFT...XjOQO FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays. Wednesdays, and Frld.v at B nVlmk a: m. Imh Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. Astoria Uarble Works, ' i, m. iMHorr, pRO'r. waKuriCTPRta or Marble and Granite WORK All Kinds of Cemetery Worn. FOOT OF OLHBY STRUT, Astoia THE PORTLAND AND iZMtiSi .... SARAH DIXON, O. Leaves Portland, at Ot.i POULTRY YARDS! SUPPLIES COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER Orest on CLATSKAN IE ROUTE. M. Bh&rer. MtoUr. wu j . . . .