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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
NO. 18. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY; APRIL 27, 1804. VOL. 11. THE .OREGON; MIST. I H H i 1 1 It D V, V K II V V II 1 1 A V in O H N I N ' -BY- ' : THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, V "it,vk "IUVIH, jiluiinnrr.' . - JUSTICE TRIUMPHANT. 3 OFFICIAL COUNTY ' PAPER. Nubacrliiilott limits. . One .'.Ji n.ns year In advance (Hill coiy U moutli.., ....... ,. HIlllllH U".) ....II W .... 76 J II ii If". . i. .. iim . . Vi . io j'riWi'Huliiiiiil nil 1h one year.,.., (mr column 0111. jt'iir., ,..,,,..,.. Half otdmiiu one yr.,......,.i.u. it liiiiirUir ciilinitii one your one nii'ii unu minim , ......... ... r One hu ll tlll'VO iiioiiIIm J On tlioli hIx moutli..,,... I..,.,.,... . l-ooiil nollocM. Hihmiu mr Hi km HI''. lifj"' lion I 111 cum er lluu Ipt. each mib.i"wiii I"1 ""l-rwiVl nlvertliimtimMW. 1.W iir Indi iW iA hiM.pilmi. iiii.l 78 cent" lier Inch tut each miliw qituiitlumrllun. . u , CO I.I ! M 1) I A 00 V NT Y I) I tt HOTO it V. no it it t f O III etiru .,,. ,.,t)ian Blaiiehafd, Rainier t'lere . K. K. iikm. . IMeiit. Hl.tirllT .. .1 ' Walla, IMeu. Truaau'r r M. Wlierton, ;ililinl la fit) . . i.., I 1 . f.lHitln.l. IllMtaklltl . num. 1. 1 oi.iiui... ... v. .. ij . . a......... ..... W. II. Kyuer, hywr nurvr v..r, uuiW. iiimiiu;; H. w. name, wuinoy. CntinnliMloiiorl.. : Kocirir Nance.. eiiiimiiimifntHiin .r ami mini 1-11.1.1 .. null intuitu iU7;B0P. . Bl Mimuiilc lial . S lilt Iiik iiiuiiikan In.iiooil iiuiuIIhk liiviied la et- ........... w. .ji-hi.Ip.I mcolliiit Saturday on of nature encli lull mnou alJ Wir. . at Mimiiil.tliall, over Ulauc mure. Vlnltll.K ' hihimiihb In til ta. til. ...... ....u..ill ii..i...h I.Allult Nil." lit Meet every Hliily nlitlit t 7:1.0. 'I'ntiialent brethren In iiood IaiiiIIuk cordially Inyliml to fttlVIIU. 'lite III il I U. Down r1vr (hit) clowrat : , f !.) . ' V . .!.. ....I llll.l.i. Lam i hi. mini i.'ir .......... '"".',7.. . : Hi;ilwluua Mwliilay. WailiUMHliijr ami rtl'lat1 'riiu mull lor MnrHlilnml. ClaUkaulo uuil Mll li)iivi4iiliiuMomlaytt,B4uiMla and Krldny ii..iii.iii.vmv1 mirih filoM al 10 a. M.I (or Portland at t r. a. ' Tmrrli!i Wulde lllr lloulea UriuMitiUi. W. HiMi'ia. l-paven ft. Hulvua .. . ...... .... .. .1.... 'I'it Htm mr ruruiiuii in n " . i. Hxtimlav, -I llcUiw 'or (jlalakaiiM it I.... w.t.iii..Mii.v uii l I'ri.liU' ttla;tw , w. Hum I h 1 1.'. i -UMift Hi. anient, tor Port i..s..ii .f. . U .. it.iiiliur at 8;H0 r". H. r KH.J'iRi'ii Kiel.trtnorWaei St. Helena Inr I'.fftlrtiiil rtirfly escilnnili.MI . ar .it.i... ..i .rtl.i.iil nl 10.80; rvliirnliis, loave Poi ium m t t. .. rrlvln at Hi. Hokum at. .ntOKKSHIONAL. IMIYSICIAX and SURGEON " " HI. HrlciiB, Ori-Rim . ; i J v OalntnH viuiuia 1 1 . wv.. --- , creek, one mile from Bumner nd nine .il..w noat of Taeoina. A doy.en minen are prospecting there, and are I .. ..,.. I.o uraahitiir with DBl 7t.1n.a T ann-lair 17mil1afoai tVlA ..!.. l..n tha afrAainR Went 01 the ' , . P ' , r 1 Tl... nnul I. in la U'lutt.llflr tllB m . 4 M m . .11 . IMOUIKB. . ucn.w.. " - THE DENVER AND GULF Governor Evans Makes Some Very Grave Charges. I 4 ! THEY GAINED BY NOT STBIKING. Tna Raattln Nlrrel.Oar Mmi Win a Can in CourtTim Juila Commend the Hplrit of tlm Mn In ApiieBlliif to the pective immigrantii. . . . . ... ....Ia.i. UiIo quantity i BUllleient to pay for the work. ....- what. Itumla-raiit Want Oi.VMViA.-rSecretary of State Pric is EEPOBT OF HOUSE COMMITTEE. compiling a book, Boon to M puuiiBiieu, ...i. iu ...:n Via a viirk ilcttfrintive of the Klatfl bv conntieg and il designed to meet The Condition of the National Treaeury a growing uemaiia lor inioriuttiiuii w.. cerning Uiil Btate on the part of proa ' Court Innioad of HtvlUlng. Prevent the Keoominendatlna of a New Battle Slilp--There Moat Me No Halt In Building up the N. ', WaHiiisoTON. The present and pros- nective naval atrenirth of the United States in comparison with that of foreign It is impossible for the various State officers to answer , . . . the correspondent 01 w tii.n.m nKATri.a. i iio .rjvuii.w mb.7'vuB ceiveu every ay. rur ...o Caldwell of the United States Circuit securing reliable information and statis- . . .. .iu u...Aum Prif ..lHrMiiMi a circular Vr , V i7 7'1. Power, is se forth in the report ojf U.e Union Paciflc employes, which had been offl,.iai., requesting that such .natter P CommitU!e.,OI1 NavB, Amt fa arbitrarily cut by receiver, without nr fl,rniBhe( I immdtBlj - or, PUtm RhllirII1IlI1 Cummin. The l ,u. Innr fr.n...nt nf Ilia otnrilnvM tliflin- in' this DOOK. tiw con hucb bciio...j i j anlveii has been followed bv Judite Lang- throughout the State have responded, eive, lias Deen lonowea oy J uoge ing coiwiderable matter is now ready for ley oi urn superior vonr.. n However, the three prm- (.nn;,rnrtion of . new haute shin be t ho wages ol conuuetor. aim mowrmen cial count es o! the Btaw nave noncn i...i:(i i .. .... i .i-i-n ...i.i.i. cJi 'i !d.u. if in SimWaiiB nor canse of the depleted condition of the onuieKttliiier-Bveniieeiei;i.riciii"JWii;ii iieara nvu . r------ , T. . . i. .. (i,.t . li on i.- i .n iiavtnn as vei coniniuiiwi iw v.i.o ireasury. iv in hkichi, i flHlW.lTi-.t.ara; ,k"uhich. if Published. Will be a mn.t b no halt in buildinitUDthe 18 cents per hour by Kecciver w, . grCat good to the State. BV Enand projioses, says the re- (IrainlMi. This action by Gramb. had port, to begin seven battle ships of the Truant Hunbaiid l)leeoered. I first class, six cruisers of the second class Ratti.k. After a search of fourteen and two sloops. Italy with a depleted . . t - a ...j i...- I tnuanrv la npAnnrtnir in hniln three first- in non i - torpeuo Doais ana iour tranauru!. wcr- ireei uiecino iino, nio v mnor of August HOCKman an. nana in - many, France and Kussia are going 10 being In xharge of Keceiver M. I. ike Wolfen8tein has found the guilty even greater lengths to secure the In Backus, wno also mane ine reuueuons 1. ..... i .n in ti.ia rtt.v nt a imp nnviAfl. ThA renort then summarilv. In these last two cases the emTe .. "Vf tV :i "".. employes also intend protesting in court 2v reaidpd here for the past twelve In view of this fact it certainly would against the reduction. Ihe court said "v" r" . h .. ti,emBeive. out to the not be safe for the United States to build II. al all AvIrfanCA allOWIHl that : YM Oenti" ..7 i nr.d urr.U..n- I V...l ul... . AVith tn..nwiiinif -------- - i niihltc as man ann wiiw. mib. " . uu uiwv wiw. n...c. ... ..........j, an hour was only fair coin pen nation , and jU,, an tion in tlie court prosperity the work should go on till the if the question of wages had been first JT5"' " . , portion of the wealth which American navy is strong enough to stand KLTS S "",ur. . S her husband and the woman he ha. been . exigencies. Mcrea pro- r - , , , , , . II VltlOr Willi llaVO WXUIJiuiotui vn. w i injnr-A ui v v..... of the men in appealing to the court in- JJ LVperty is in the name of the worn- not, burden the country with taxation ! "f ". " "- ku. jyirs. wo lenstein aueges uiat n, muring me comuiK year, uu nm or 7 . " . ' Vi i i oil arose irora vne nvwwiwnui mwra neirwi uronjicin.; i. .u. vu of tlie courts, there would 1)6 fewer "f.'. uk j i h mnnev ha tinnl In the future without overbur- trikes. The prayer of petitioners should " , , . h aoserted her.'and denina the nation. The total loss of the e grame aim wagea rmiureu w w . jftw of this State the wile is Kearsarge leaves the llartiora, Aomirai they were when the receiver took charge one.half of tii'e community Farragut'a Bag ship, the only vessel in of the property. Mrs. Wolfenstein is 56 years the new navy aside from the frigate Con stitution arouna which uwiuriuti moiu NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS. wn- r.f U7a.V.lnol hne renorted to If nniu v. ' 'n ft 1 the House mi bin granting too wimui- bia irrigation vompanv rigm. m ; through the Yakima Indian reservation. 8enator Palmer has Introduced a bill repealing the State bank tax, but pro hibiting the issuing of mo.iey by State;r... or other cornora- tions except national banks. The Nary Department has just pub- t :l. .Ua wn.iman In tl.A I'aUt nt I ' H- iinncu uic iciiiiiii.. , i T T? f UKa,nar.l who will COnVtCtgU 11 1 . JJ. .'i ...'. ' of writing letter reflecting upon Cap- n mt c l . J L. taill iJUnce. All BTtJiry ueemo nio pubiicatsoD of the findings and sentence partment thereon in general orders to be mentfl of the sentence that he be pob- uciy repnmanuea. COWARDLY DESERTION Da Gama Will Seek Revenge in Mortal Combat CONTEMPT FOB HIS TBEACHEBY. kooH n Iron mtt9 tk mnfflMnM M.WMII I Me v: ! V. . a v, . -'-a.-v - ' , him and other street railway managers, 1 ami was lonoweu oy sununr reiiuuuuua on the Union Trunk line, the Consoli- .!.. wl Utwaut railivav tlnna anrl t.hft Third- Street electric line, the two latter roads Admiral da Mello, Leader of the Brazil ian Bebels, Branded on All Bides as a Coward The Surrendered War Shlpe In a Dilapidated Condition. TtiTENoa Avhes. The remains of the rebel fleet commanded by Ad- TITrrilJmM de Mello, which arrived in this government of Chili the establishment port recently, are subject to extensive of a new commission to consider the exchanges by telegraph messages be? claimi which failed through lack of time . tfae authoritieg at this place and that Chili would agree to such a propo- Brazilian Minister here. The rebel ships sition. It it understood tne cuuian gov- are tne Eepublica, Meleroe, ins, urano era men t is anxious to prom ptly settle and Eaperanza. They are in a very di- the remaining Claims raiuer man u pci- . -, . th. rebels on mit their continued vexatious existence, lapidated condition, and the rebels on , , . . board aresufTenng from sickness, wounds ZXZitMion to commissioners nesty will be mgan tends all the prohibitive and nspection o. u . "tin. ii a. . .. i f rn v. 1 1 .u i ii . v r JK.X K..HAI.U. PliVsiOI AN and SUJIGKON. , - C'lutukimle. Colunilila county, Or. ' -. 1.1', - A. guiivKYou and ; . .civirriiXGiS'iW ,;' ' : ... ' ' ' ,v ' : ' 8t. Ili-lvns, Oregon., ' (liinnty iifW 'Laml inrveylng.wn ilnlliiig, and -iigiiu'erliig work Iirnn'tl dons f INTKItSTATK FAIR. r , Work to be Cumin. noeil on the Oroande and ltullillna. al nee - - Tacoha. The tmstei of the Inter state Fair have ordered work to be com menced at once. Ten thousand prospec tuses will be Issued and sent throughout the East. Invitations will be sent to the Governors of the various States to par- .. . i i i. a... . . UCipaw, hhkiiik rat:ii rttiibn w npinjiiiu m commissi-m to meet at Taeoina In My ovnanaaa tn tlA nt.i.1 hi tllA fflir. flllA t5d?0()0 needed, In addition to a capital of taiO.OtiO already invesu-n in iani ana bnildingr, has been subscribed, and work will 'liaain ' vupv anon A olnaHna. hpfl. comprising 8,000 men of all oecnpatione, Will Do ulMuyu " rVIIIVYW IIW U1UD1I from the site overlooking Puget Sound, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Co lumbia and Alaska will be represented. The fair will open Augnst 16 and con tinne ten weeks. The fair aims to pre sent a complete exhibition of the varied resources of tlie great Northwest for the ....... ,nt i i.Vu"tirn Invasion and intend- aui.lara and in hrine neonle of the Northwest together for an inter change of ideas regaruing tne aeveiop. ment or tne norm ifaciuc conv AN AIXKOKD CONSPIBACY. old, and has lived on charity for the last four years. Chlneie Realatratlon Riv rnMcisco. The restistration of Chinese in San Francisco nnder the mc rwrir act has not been as active as was expected at the time of its passing, and it is estimated that trom ,uuu to have as yet filed no application to regis ter. The Chinese claim tnat tne time has been insullicient ana tne metuuu ui renistration inadequate, ana are bbiu j ta Washimrton for mvn DCIIt . '..( w - - - - r- t;..,a The last dav is May S. It is claimed that tlie preparations oi uio . . .. . . 1. Inor'a rrnm Proteat of KaSOovernor Evan. Agaiunt the Kleetlon. Dknver. Wells, Taylor & Taylor, at torneys for ex-Governor John fcvatis, have filed a petition with the United t . . - -.... . 1 . 1 .A iKa want IS claimed tnat tne prepwnuu " oiaira vouii.iw.iub . government to carry out ine laws pro- leotmnof directors of the Union raeinc vision, were not completed until Jan- penver an4 Gulf road set aside. Tin (i tl.a liMraatl in t.llia nl.V VaS I .... . : . V. K, Solentlflo Amerlpin Agency wr n ktJ iOAVtAT, Jn-A XfJr TRAOB MAHIC. OISIOM fATINTB, etai Tr; ' ' navvBiaiiTa. ato. nnpiRiuniB. m . . . . MM iLhMb WHtA til ar .1 laaleJaa .iMIIllltllT " 'i.::,. ha wi Swi VliWala montha Aldr MUNW tuauauitiuj. 3U1 Broaaway. Maw Vurk (atfc IT suti'Haiini Wn" '? "T ttratwl. WoMiitonlrTfiuii t II. iTWIiWI,' -w-" ' U I WW ' Thi Overland Route! MA Iralna rf,.llV.i.aV ' ud 1 ulfti-tll. yruild Ccillrnl ikijiot, No. S, "TBe llnilu?d Vast liill," lciiviiiK at 7;II0 r. M., arrieii eu ....I... ltll..,an Pillacl HIcopliiR ana iiin iiK CurH and froe Keelinluk Clinir Cam. 'through iin,i..t.ii ii. r. ,1. iriarl.miinll 111 llfffi. Thl irain'niakes direct eon- r llonvcr. iv.n.a- V"J., .. uc and M 'P.. ul : """".f "W11 .without clinir iiccii up if. --..r. almrrimtlimua 11.1 curt, luticiinuHVi- J rvvB,V Milimaii ricci iT"i'. ; "v;."-" ui,oK i;niii. v.... .... .. - a!.'ilfax.-nnlllRiON. "" -.TJ" nivkini ,.ntlon .or , fr i. I'.irlliui.l toMInitl rorwiiiioiiicimiiKc ...TatriW OrcRoii.. ..'Mays, it V H. ) .May 12, 24 IV W. l O"" ........... . -- "Hi cotmiany re.tervea- tlie rigui io-uane raKiaoraoaaaU ?,'lJ-,. ,i(inTK-l.Mfu K 1.0. 1 ieavoe Portland dally, oxcept Sunday, a.T-!irtHrnl.W.l..v r:rx i.i.t h. i,e.K-vOT.A.IWl(Uiauy.w.. lnii(Ul." ....... a., tin, tt'hliirii)n a rte KiTy. We eXvV ad Friday., "From ?'y!a,nu,ri,i1,ilK...jn M t!S wKloniidT v?."- "tAlXOTJlaol..?.Br,m 'Vlopk. ' . wa.hlnslon stieot. laoTiiorlhtrd. 0neral fnm0Jj; At u....ih.r.i PaclOe Conduetora Bland In ... , with the aealnere, c . .. ' Annlhar annua f irm la lirowiiitr )or ; conductors 'on the Los. An- welei division of the Southern TacitlC The first intimation of the tronblo wag during the preliminary examination of t ii in.lmaa anil .T' A. Whiteside, two clerk's. who are being jointly tried with A. Ii. anu in. urewun am, uu, tnwo.a. k U . '. ,.., 1.1 otlin W.H on ttlA W 1 1.- .1 , lit '.v, .... ..'., ' . , ---- ness stand in his own behalf, dropped a hint which leads ihe company to be lieve tnat conspiracy to ueirnuu to the conductors. Under cross-exaiui- .i....l.l ..M I, a tnl.l Whitoaida II 111 Hill V. I .11 TT Oil. CH1 .w w. and Andross they were perfectly safe in . i i : I A.i .A.t aVliim (a twrAtV. ha anal BVlllIlK W lllUeVf UVVU a. aav U-waavlia miila av -nimpfinA t. flill the ilia uiuwift iiisRivw a-w-. --r .A- .11 rilrofa atr.lil VV MlPltl. HO IHJl WW. avnvi. hv J that conuuewrs wouia khow hi. it 1 11 A -1- v leu.-. lU.iia Affina iiiftL me tiuKUb cnif iiwm tuou v"" u till taumilrl tion is now in progress npon the theory UlUt tt UUUBIHinvjr CAintn vvr wald and the conductors. Thus far up .l 1S VW1 wnvt.K nf franrlnlnnt. tick ets have been' accounted -for,-and "the Investigation nas oniy owgun. A MPBDKBKB CONFKS8K9. ii!l!lm Mia Father and Sl.ter of the -. Charge. rr Sp6'k jk8.-There wai dramatic scene in conrt the other day in the Wilson muitler trial. Charles Wilson; and -hii son' and daughter. Benton and Nellie, were' on trial for, the murder pf the lat- ter's husband, J. W. Johnson, near Chat- i .. ... ' rpi. ftt,t. K.rl nvOTtpilliul . mo tion for .dismissal, when Judge Clagett (or the ueiense announce.! tuat, u u a revelation tO,make-i-that Benton Wilson killed Johnson j that it was done-partly in self-defense, but more particularly in defense of his sister, and that the other, were innocent. Later the Wilson, went Rnnton told thn atorv of the tragedy.' He walked along the road witn jonnson, trying to apt irum him a check for his sister's trunk. John- tntltail with MM. HllflAnlV hft nun " 1 " " n - turned with a threat to go back and kill his wi fe, and as he did so threw hi. hand back to his revolver pocket. Then young irila ataiint. him In haftk of t.ho i? 1 1 r 1. 1 1 d.i ." - - - - - head with a knotty club, crushing in his . . . 1 . 1 1 1 !1 IL. skull.' .lie arsggea wie uouy mv .too briiHh, ana tnat mgnt Dunea it. Strike a Child Mine. .' TAcoMAiSorae excitement exist, in thiavloinit.vovnr rncnnt mid discoveries. Joseph and Edward de Langevin have tiled mineral Claims on twenty aurca ui valuable land in the residence part of the city, claiming gold is to be found there in paying quantities. The De Langevim claim they discovered the at their home, and that when they pump the gold comes up in fine sand from the bottom of the well. They have also dis covnred void in a eulch back of their horiae. Thev nronose to form a stock m i, an.l ho4v.n tyi I r. ! n finAmt.loliH Within a tew days several gold placer VIHIU11B " r . . nary 2, when the bureau in this city was opened lor ousine, oiibiuit..v.t ..... . t limn in wlilfh was a long periuu ui ; ...v ,. . .i. ...U tn, TiHixntvr were de- .I1II1HKH W IILf WI BaiafC W - nicd the opportunity. The appeal sent ... at i 1 . annnulanl QT. tO Wasliington rai a iyu..u.... - tension of time, but it is believed the Chinese will be satisfied if given two months additional. 'ir.ndil In the Breaker. s. Fbini'ihco. News has been re ceived of the loss o! the fishing schooner Dauntless and the drowning of four men at the month of Klamath river on the North California coast eany on me u.u. " -1 i (.! TUe anliwnar wad POI1Y i!?i..t.. n-irnA ill nn hoard nensnea. The drowned are Captain Marquee, two seamen named inompson aim i i vja.n eiinth. whose par- ..... -1 t.v mtn ThA bodies ents live viwu. of Captain MarqUen, Avery tdson and i i ii .. 1. a i'u hup n cast ami one oi um etiuuio ---- upon the beach. The disaster resu.iu ii i. ............ in nut to sea from ii. i.-7,otl. river Hnrinir a eale. The schooner lounaerea in iu unwi. the bar K.IUO .1. I" " K . , features of the present regulations relat ing to transoceanic immigration w per sons arriving in the United States by water from Canada, Newfoundland and Mexico. t .n:it;nM la tMhahl Hnrlna. tha ..anl rnmaaa IralLtno. t the Abolition IMWDU. p - - of the office of Collector of Customs at a number of smaller ports, transferring the business to larger unices, fliimm nl.nM namAn era TTiimholdt and Eu- llio win. . .1M...X... v - - - . , reka, Cal., and Coos Bay and Yaquma, Or. Secretary Mamonn conenra in mc proposed changes. The Assistant Sec- i ., r.iM a mnnva .vim nrahar.Rl v 1 emi y iowid f , - . measure consolidating some district, in the interest oi economy XTaiinm ho. rannrtod from the Com mittee on Commerce a bill to place on l..ata ' The committee in accordance witn 'lie wishes of the Navy Department has rec ommended liberal appropriations for her preservation, believing public sentiment demands it. THE DENVER AND G17I.V CI1UV V UtvCI DCI V. w aaw -----1 i , . i 1 i f Saa-Rf-mftioa ana ni I flfini he petition recites the protests made by tiovernor r.vans ai. tuw w n.o dic tion, April 10. against voting oi mock v,iil,l tha ITninn Pacific interest, eoes over the story of the acquisition of the (iulf road DV tlie union nunnu aim um alleged intentional mismanagement of i, UnU hv tha controlling corooration. ,..ila tha fn'cla of the recent election of officers, how it was all "a pnt-nn job" nnatrionalv arranornrl at UmaOB. anU r peaUi the protest made by Governor jlrvans against lnciuuiug v. u proposed reorganization of the Union llanlfla at.atam It. la fWlurAO1 that tllO X W.IUV DJDW.1U. - ' " " , Union Pacific is planning to take ad vantage Ot tne poveny-strKiaBu tion of the Gulf, bronght about by the mismanagement oi tne controlling poration, to cause a foreclosure and sale, A ik.t tha ITninn Panifin desires to buy up the property and make it a part of the larger system, thus doing away with formidable competitor. Breehlnridae la Safe Washington. The feeling among the leadinor members of the House ol Kep. resentatives is that no action could be tha Rrankinridnre scan dal, although one of the best lawyers in tha Honaa said tne constitution Kvr antlinaittf PrAnPOAnta Cited. fiOW ni.ur naal a miiar. axniiinvaiv Willi ui- fenses of a personal nature committed on the floor of the House, as for instance ... a t . n,na Hiianended. The Snoreme Court has made the following order: In the matter of the charges against U. il. inn, an at- t .Vila mnrl nf Wlllflll DliSCOn- vriiMY ui u ------ - . duct fn his profession, the defendant in - "r- exDeiied for this proceeding having-J asniting Charles Sumner with a cane, from pract cing in the courts oi tms ' to v. . lack of precedents Stata ho tha ilrcmt Aurt OI n anuu .... j ...i.:. n- "v". ",-. . i ii,:. tarm and W Ollelises commmeu wmuoui v county until the first of this term, ana momhara Interviewed de Hi? ZTt'Xt 7,1a rta? the no tion can be taken on the nu before this court, after he aring tne, ar roug petitions, which are said to be on gumentB of the respective attorneys the mu" h demanding the Sourt finds the charges -"PPfVthe. J?J&,- these mem- At dnnnfl Ann finiArH U H 1(11 tltm ouni'vu- I .a A, , n . .-. ;1 . 1.. . tj :i; Vfinlat-Ao Tha 4TOV- ernment with the consent of the rebel leaders is nov supenntenainf? ine aenv nr v,A fixra ar vmuwiIh tn the Brazil vi j v " ' . . litll JJAilllCla av.--- o - - ernment has notified the government of .u rnnlAM Mti rafnrn tn Krnzil With DO uto iwtoi d t-aa ----- , for nf hpintf severely nnnished. oth- : ..nMa IrniMrn ! IIIH 11 II IIIIMfM IIKHll A iimii-ol Ha Mm lo-or Genera! iiniivu vr i-i....w. . . - . . Caldego, althongh it is beheved the former will take the earliest opportunity of escaping to a foreign country, where he can niae nimseii lor me ra. w mo , . . . n it eiiaa tha nfmiut contamnt I1IB. Ull"ira. , , ii is expressed for Admiral de Mello, whose desertion oi -lamirai ua o. m i upon as being a piece of cowardly treach ery. It is openly Muted Da Gama pro- hands of Peixoto. there is little doubt he will be promptly tried by court-mar tial and snot. THE BEHBINO SEA BIIL. Heaeurea BelatlTe to Scotland to be Con. eldered by a Committee. 1.. The bill introduced into the 1 rimmnng hv Sir Geortre Trevelyan, Sec retary for Scotland, providing lor tne appointment of eighty-seven member. of the House, including the bcotcn mem bers, to consider measures relative to Scotland was anain up. Goscnen, cnan I ..ii -1 ii, rnr.aAn0F in Ton! Rn,lis- i ceuor ui mo a.i...-.i.. - , i ,. . bury'slastadministrauon.asaeu wuomcr THU7 VU.W-l a-- " 1 Hated by reason of infirmities, age or physical or mental aisamiuy w fm- I'lClIU V piwnu vai..-J .- : I el.n entil.A Ii at rti-i-llllinnMl by regular incapacitated .officers will be Dliea Oy prOI-lOUUU IU WUCi Ul ocmunvj aiier a wnueu fAiiniiiiiw-a w fviv sional qaaltfications. Another international monetary con-. .'.m limn rkorhann tn hfl held in tv.fVMtvvt wo r' , , tu. r; Af Xfa-riit-k la ntTinniT tha nroha- Liia VJ&liT VI a P I . bihties. The government through its diplomatic representatives is qmeuy . : Mn tlx. a f ton f inn nf til A TV.W- ers the feasibility of again undertaking an adjustment ot tne monetary quwuwuf l a: I Ui:,..rA .IU1 ftia T'llfthaal- ana me viuiv w uchccu -1 va nv. enortS in Hiitv unctnuu. j.ii.ovvi i uury b iivoi. ,a..,- i 1 .1 MQAAJ4 Inn mai.O I l.ll.. tnm.fton WAI1 il tvft AntVlinted fnnnr trovernment in a way that does to consider Irish measures, ihe mil, ne . 1 i I . a OnnAA.H.n aa tha not at the moment require a airect re- declared, was a sop w otuiAiuiucu, sponse, and the President is considering evicted tenants bill was a sop to Irish- i ii e J--Vvr.rll r 4 V. aa ai.rvoa I . ik.a.n onl t- UMnrA tllAir RUT) DO ft H careiuuy, iur uuuuulhcvu; i wen, vuiumi vuw - a-w- ---- . i 1 ia.Um mill .ananrl in ft IflnyA .t At. Vinrlniir OI tne uuueruiit imiwn.i - r- i ui vuo uuai L. nA4. f rKn T T r. I I T-m 1 ..11 D Mnlv, UIVWUIC UJAll mw AA-Clll J viuiriv r . n. rr.t ii .r nanet Kpirain . -. a,imitti Tiiar. r tim iiiii wiu if.u Jiiuu- wixvu. , . i V .... j ; if -araa trail tanfo too, is of first importance, anu uw vauou, uuu ba mi port that she will limit her representa- for Scotch business it would be extended rr i I . tj. i:-,ao fh Tinn.i M oAnneta the Conserva tives 10 inat ui inuitt uaiuiji 'n i w . , hnnPB nr T.n nroieciors. liiuuieii n i wyct ji uf jw,ub r. not defeat the meeting. lth.h!i J2S. 2 tK Census officials are confident that a gaw no reagon why Ireland and Wales thoroughly satisfactory adjustment of. fa M t h gimilar bills il they U .1, nf tha alavont.h aanstia Will ra- .... .no tt ui & wi i.iv. - wanted tnem. - suit in the carrying into effect of the n.if ;ntnnnnHl en amflndment de- bill, which has just passea jongre, H ln to 8ancti0n the proposition. The nrovidinir for an extension ot time ior ,. .-antad h a vote of the completion ot wora tni ifliari u t) 21 Honse then agreed to the ooimnuraiucii.u. vUaUa .. "a"- j-- amen(ju.enta to the Dennng oea uiu "The extension of time is for the pur- . . . House of Lords. THE PORTLAND MARKET. Wh at-Valley. 85c. Walla Walla, 76a per cental. 1 ' WhOVR, FBED, BTU. 17. a no IS fin! Salem. 12.56: Cascadia, 2.65; Dayton, 2.66; Walla Walla, 2.90; Bnowflake, 2.e5 Corval- , lis, 12.00; i'endietop, i.oa, wrauiwu, 12.40; superfine, 2.25 per barrel. , n.a.a uhita ner bushel: gray, 8032c; rolled, in bags, .to-Jo fi.0O; barrels, $6.006.25; in cases, 3.75. MiLLSTcrn Bran, 16(318; ehorts, 16al8; ground barley, $10 2(3; chop teed, 16(31o per ton; wuo.e iju 116 per ton; middlings, 2328 per ton; chicken wheat, 65c1.15 per cental. ( 11 AY Wood, I1U13I12 per vjiu . - DAIBY PB0DVCI. T Drr-ataa Tlaann fa II CrAAmArV. 20 (31 22nc; fancy dairy, 1517)c; fair to good, lii m lie . comniuu, p u-- ,. California, 30340c per roll. California flat,' X416Mc; Swiss, im ported, 8032c; aomestic, -oojuou r-i pound. - , ', .. Koqb Oregon, 10c per do-en. - , Pooltby Chickens, mixed, quoted at $4.00(34.50 per dozen; ducks, $5.00; geese. $8.00; turkeys, live, 14 14c per pound ; dressed, 1617c. VEOBTABtBS AND FBCrt, ;.: VaonTABL-8 California cabbage, ljo per pound; potatoes, Oregon (buying price), 4045c per sack; Karly Rose, for seed, 8090c; onion, (buying price), $2.25(32.75 per sack sweet potatoes, i Mm nar bo: California cel ery, 86(i0c; artichokes, 60c per dozen California lettuce, zoo per "' gon hothouse lettuce, 3550c; cauliflow er, $2.76 per crate, $1.00 per dozen ; pars ley. 26c per dozen ; string beans, 80c per - ' . ' a, . Jl.. 1 UK -j.a I ui pound; asparagus, i.-u-.i p. "',- rhubarb, 34c per pound; peas, 60c; cuenmbers, 10 per dozen. lfBUnfB- vailiornia lanuy icmuuo, 4.00; common, $2.003.00; Sicily, $5.00 En i. hn-r. 11.75(32.50 Der bunch ;Honololn. $3.00(83.60 ; California navel oranges, fz.ouisS3.-o per uoj , e-j.-lings, $1.7502.00; Rose, . $2.76 3.26; iJi. t.ii urn. ennlaa Chnvintr nricei. IU1UH1 ita--,T-..w , r. ' - J "-ra . green, $l.00l.26; red, $l.25l.6 per box. CANNKO OOODa. n...i. innna Tahla frnita. anmrted. ViUin.u .w a ,i -E.oai. aaKa. ti 7nrt2.0()T Bart- Li. f Kia" on- nlnma. il .37(3 IJW; strawberries, $2.25(32.45; cherries, $2.252.40; blackberries, $162.00; laspberrie., $2.40; pineapples, $2.26 z.tto; apricots, : ei.oo. . "" assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1;25; plums, . AUO CAin-lltuvu .a v-w-- XT , pose of allowing proof-reading to be S - TA 1 . miiat tamilior With CaTl- UUUtM 111 LI uiuo. nil........ .... mlnmu tha atatamantA that thecen bus reports are being doctored are ab .... l Tha ranorta era heinf broutrht out in all the integrity of Mr. Porter's plans. Wherever matter has been or will be eliminated it is or will be because in accordance with his approvea ineas :HJ faitta nnllantan for tha aleventh Cen- SUS have been in any way suppressed or changed. LORD SALISBURY'S ADDRESS. He la Not Opposed to Bofonnlna; tho Hons of lords. T jin tion. Lord Salisbury in address ing an audience composed of member! nf the Primrose Leaene said he himself was not onnosed to reforming the Honse aan in nv wav snDoressea or 1 . - ... I. Ilia Ctinarinlandanl. OriVl- of Lords, which he thought couio ne nallv declared omciauy tnat n wan n aone Dy tuu appuinvuic. w a purely statistical census, the present peers. He said that the government, if .nroiniat-atinn le trvintr to conform to it. believed that the action of the House lion of the defendant. ' in., viva Minute.' Deliberation. u Francisco. William Fredericks was found guilty of the murder of Cash- la. Ua-rick after five minutes' aeiiDera- i! v... ttia I,..,. V-ailariclia' trial Was proseotited with great expedition.- NO . ... ..aa.l In. Ilia Hnfunpft. testimony -im hhumuuv -j ..-..-,, hers aftirming Biuckinridge is only an- l a. U.ianla Kilt t Kaa sweraoie to ihb wiibmvw!iwi w" burden of Comeressional opinioi ie .na:...i..ihii. vinuy thnnah it is nrettv anAli.T. -ii "a -"I-.-- r generally admitted no action on the pe titions win tie taken lunner man anuw- ing them to be read. : ' TTnole Sara a Faaeemaher. -T . ai.iimaAi, ITn. . '. tha ' -la.aaiicv taatimnnvirajl lntmflllCBU DVMIOUOIOI1TO,. II"IIII1UIV. ay. j hn PraHeririks' attorney attempted in .hown and the eoneral amnesty extend , - . tn ahnw t.hftt Hamck WaS I i t n t i TI..: .v.. Ti.niliaM ihb arguing". - -----u, 1 ea oy rresiuenv mo jj. acc uientaiiy. snot oy ---"V . y, rehels have thanked the United States, Melvin ' aunng te .... through the efforts of Secre- owed Frederics' attempte raid of lie ' hj i and banlt. J-reuer.cas .-. .'" nronrletv of this humane course was hill? qi imw-- F" nrged upon the Brazilian government, aitnongn we nave aecnneu to acnu Junction with other nations, notably Italy and Portugal, in making a joint representation to una ena. uur govern .vr.."" A' Wn..ll.1a Mnrdei : SaiV'Lakb. A special from Hailey, i .. i . i i, x hvi -. K lil. .Ran. luniio, w Mic . i repreBontatton tu una wu. vm aiuiv.ii- dolDh a farmer living - on Silver creek! nient made no formal proposition, nor . i .... 3 s i '.i a. ....tiiUa that win lil ha construed into a Turan conntv. wai.ntnruereu hi u r".'"" ,v T . c riiT . ofhCXht. Hi. head was beaten in demand to vie d. which would have stung with an ax. The floor and walls were the pride oi me great neignuoruig ivb covered with blood. - Randolph was a publTc, but in an unofficial way through Wvereu tiiui "i. i I triniata. Mun.lnni-a it. haa baan made nat vaof JSew y orK. ana leavea a uiwioi i ii .v-- , j Ti I natlVO Ut "" " ... . in., . l , To mln that, ha would Allll to an.l . tcn laiarera in Liaiuornia. o.i tmi" a ... - - : . . . i - 1 1 1, ,. ..I..-,, .f iiia triiimnh una anonnr r- Rtoll a tenant on tlie lann, nas inxn i- i .no giu.j ...--.t ---- -- - . , I wunoAt nr ntnfr nnwari uv kiiiu auu uu' County SopeHntendenl; Suatalned. I mane treatment OI the aeieatea reueiu fit VM11T 4i Hnnnrlntendent of Public Tnatriiction Bean has aftirmed decisions in four cases of appeals from decisions of the Comity Superintendent oi i.incoin i.. T an u-ai-a the cases wueru an- IJXJlllI l. Y . a i.vuw .v.- ... . nlicants for teachers' certificates were 1 . . i .! ii tn t.ha ra- reiusea as nu rom" "i" -auirementa of the examination, and who charged partial marking. Warrants Called In Oi.YMi'iA. State Treasurer Bowen has received taxei from King county to the ,nt ol 101 .310.95. Tho Treasurer IAAWiaaa-j T immediately issued a call for outstand- M..kiv Aaraln Sued Nbw York; John Anderson bas be- trnn suit In the umtea otaies circuit. Court before Judge Chapman against John W. Mackay of "the Commercial Ca ble Company for $100,000, alleged to be due him for services to the Commercial Telegram Company, of which ne was M anager and Treasurer from March, 1886, to March. 1800. Anderson's contract was made with Edward S. btoites, wno irans i..aj kia atmOr in the com nanv to Mackav January 1, 1889, one of the condition, of the transier ueinu tnat una ahonld ha assumed by Mackay. It i. ... 1 - A. Al A IL (!1IIUI(1-.I obuiv- . - a - i a tita i-ar.inn o.iTiT. mar, i.iih vaiiie ing warrants; wBy .ft ca aidSn o thVstock In the Commercial Telegram warrants to No. 3,115 wiU be paia on acouircd by Mackay, clear of presentation anamiiitary iui.u u;debt4an-e.f ,mounted to $400,000. lO no. l,.va administration is trying to conform that declaration." rpu nmifinatinn. nrhlch llAVfl been made in the Behring Sea bill have robbed that measure ol the teatures wnicu wbto most obnoxious to our government, and a i ! .1 1I..1 if (Ua a ..4 !d tl-ri-n rrn-a 11 IB OeiltJVCU HUM 11 WW - V 1Q mvivua." ... i ii ;ii i-- i:nl IT wiUiiuiaroicu i.uvi ww, r ..mUn .v- r.AlaaiuaAa1ir.iT in theclostHi A. ; nM a Tan rid ffiA rPfllllt, nf BVW9UIJ. aOvO av uvn ovwiavu v-.w .- . the Paris arbitration was published in the JSriusn uoiumman newaUpcro io fall, and it would be a difficult task for iU attTM-M nnrl tnaRtaftrfl nf A.nV IWftlin IT craft to convince an impartial Judge that they were not aware oi me provieiuus ui the award, and until they could estab- llek bhaK- innnnuifiA thfiir VRRRels aild cargoes are no longer free from forfeit ure, ine opponuuiwOT w - anoe are expected to be very lew, as u is Ma-.aA-i that rna nnsinmi iiiiiiTiin ml ftJLfVllCVl t,lll WW X--.-a.- " - ir:..;n.i. -r.f .fu4 all nf tha ra a.1 Arfl nlear- I WVUIM uvmnwA vuv . ing from that port since the rjeginning of the year of the provisions of the award, and warned their masters oi me danger ot seizure. Senator Morgan, Chairman of the Sen rtimaiiita. nn Fnraian Halations, haa reported favorably a bill intended as a Committee Baueutuw iw mo .. i... canal bill heretofore introduced by him. Th hill differs in some respects from the original measure. It contemplates full co-operation on me pari, m u nm. qi.. ; ilia -arnrlr of tha Nicaragua at -..;.ii rnmnonp All atoftkn. bonds and bond obligations and liabilities of the company are to be canceled to sat isfy debts and enable the company to lake care ot its stocks arm uunu min . In laana nl 110 000 000 of TlOn assessable stock at par is to be issued. m. nf Mia Traoanrv la to con- alio ccucva.j w. .. -----r. " . trol the retirement of obligations and the sale ol the new biock. me out orig inally introduced provided for the im- iaananaa n nnlv 1 .000.000 Of JXl'CU ICJ W ICICUVIUVV w vu.w I bonds, which the new bill increases to $2,000,000. Un the uquiaaiion oi ex penditures already made on the canal the Secretary of the Treasury Is to issue a koo nnn of honrla nf the eomoanv. tm'aranteed by the United States. The hill atrilrae out. the nroviaion forbid nnunanmant rllwuitm-fl to VlA etonV. U1UK gV.viuuna. w. u - holders in the company, and also elimi- lb II. 11 , C.l .ua. ummv wwTi-v , " . " of Lords in rejecting the home-role bill nrn ai.Al.iat tlia Kl (ill OH of tha naonla. should at once dissolve and appeal to the country, ne aia not wisn hi im uuua- Btood as saying tnat tne goveruuioiw, n....iit tn nieonlva avarv time a difference arose between the two Houses ; but upon l T CP ... CT 1.' 4-U A aaa-,1 nimn a VvAa a ainerenow uwuux iwvw ...An navi-a nf tha fcir.crr.nm- whi(h 1 V tell unv ytaiva C- " 1 " l 1 .V.i,iaf -"trl fnt tM.7on nnnfnriM. it WAS II III DUUOIOUVM A vA wve-wea. - f manifestly their duty to appeal to the electors. JUOru oansoury men rewrreu a. tk. &nvMAiir'a vacviar.i.f.inn . Kill. W U.C gVVTJIlllUVllH O t-fcau-ev.a. "-"- which, he said, would disfranchise thou sands ol the Deet people ana extenu mo right to vote to many who were practi cally vagrants The Brazilian Refurees. Montkvidbo. The Tessel sent to Cas- tillos Island, on the east coast of Uru- euav. to convey the destitute and wound. ed Brazilian insurgents to the quarantine station here is capable of embarking only 900 refugees. Consequently another vessel will nave to oe Bent, as mero ar fully 3,000 Brazilians in the bands of the Uruguayan authorities. The men are very bitter in their denunciation of Ad miral de Mello, claiming that the rebell- 1 1.1 !.... Kan an antiralv itlfTarant 1U11 .UUIU 111. U iiou ' nn.i;.i if ha had t.rananortad his forces to the assistance of Admiral da Gama wh ile there was yet time to succor mat commander, Turned un a Klnar. Caibo. Eevot. Prof. Morgan, who has been excavating in Egypt for some time nast. haa made a great and important discovery A few weeks ago he discov ered the remains of a supposed King of t.'..i-.,i a nil now It. la annonnearl hia nr- piorations at the Brick Pilot of Dashour have led to the discovery oi the lourtn dynasty King, Moras jKatouan, 1.0010; blackberries, $1.251.40 per dozen. Pie fruita, gallons, assorted, $3.153.50; peaches, i3.o(4.w; apri cots, $3.504.00; plums. $2.76(33.00; blackberries, S4-XS4-v i wnnaioei),i.iu. Mbats Corned beef, la, $1.50; 2a, $2.26; chipped, $2.40; lunch tongue, .la, $3,50; 2s, $6.757.00; deviled ham, $1.50 2.75 per dozen; roast beef, Is, $1.60; , Fi8H-ardinei,Js, 76c$2.25; M. $2.154.50: lobsters, $2.303.50; sal--on,Sin Mb-J-lla, 1; flate,- $1.70;Z-lbB, Z.aOO-!.OVi .-uaxra, T"-w i TAPI. QBOCBBIES. r.....T"nataPlf "Of - Rio.22a23c: VVliaar vvd" .. j . - Salvador, 22c; Mocha. 2628c; Ar- bnckle'B, txilumDia ana uou, iwuum. cases, $24.80 - Dbibo aorra io- pe., - prunes, 68c; sUver, loaizcj iwuiau, 810c; German, 68c; plums, 6 10c; evaporated apples, 8 10c; evaporated apricots, 15 16c; peaches, 12l4c; PtUveWU, $15-50; 100s, $16.00; 60s, $16.60; stock, $8.60 9.50. BYKUf XMUIKjril, ua..n, ! I..K lanal. HiffS7c! in cases. 00(4 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg ; California, in barrels, 2040c per gallon $1.76 per ? tm. .ar. n.1.1 1 C, 64c; confectioners' A, 6 Jo; dry gran- i . 1 II -. .alia amahad and now- dered, 6o per pound; Ho per pound. discount on au graues iur piuui. (w maple sugar, loijgioc jw i uuu. . R.r.!n. 1 Sandwich Island. $4.50 4.75; Japan, $5.00 5.25. . iiKA.Nb Oinau wmi-a, . u v , 2. 3c : lanre white. 3Mc ; pea beans, 3tc ; pink, 3c; bayou, 8c; butter, 8j4c; Lima, 46C per pouna. PicxiiKS Barrels, No. 1, 2830c per 11: . UTa. o ia&a. Vacra Kn. Hfift nun falllfll, All.. ans-., 1 Ol 1 eg ; half gallons, $2.75 per dozen ; quar ter gallons, ll.YO per uoaon. - Smcbb Whole Allspice, 1820c per nnnnn. miaaia ln(3i1Kc; cinnamon. 22 40c; cloves, 1830e5 black pepper, 15 22e; white pepper, vjisox; uuimog, 7580c , . ' , Raisins London layers, boxes, $1.75 2.00; halves, $2.002.25; quarters. $252.75; eigntns, az.ooig.uu. uw Muscatels, boxes, $1.60; fancy faced, $1.75; bags, 8 crown, 4M6c per pound; 4 crown, 65c. Seedless Hultanas, boxes. $1.752.00; bags, oc per pound. - . UVB 1HU UKADRiu aanio. Bur Ton steers, $2.502.75; fair to good Bteers, $2.002.25; cows, $1.75 2.26 ; dressed beef, 45o per pound. Mdttoh Best sheep. $2.25; ewes;. $2.00. . Hogs Choice heavy, yk.w, ugtit aim feeders, $3.75; dressed, 67c per pound. Vbaii-Small choice,, 6c; large, 34o per pound. . rauvioiuin. Vioaa.. Run, an MeATa m& T.A Bl Hams, medium, 1212.o per pound; hams, large, iiusiui F"-""-i Ural-- hreakfast bacon. 1315c; short clear sides. 9llc; ttry salt lides, 010ci dried beef hams, 12-413c; lard, compound, in tins, ox.tsiuu per pound; pure, in Una, 10.llHc; pigs' Feet. 80s. S5.50: pigs' feet, 40s, $3.26; Wnole Town la Bains. Vienna. The fire in Neusandec has burned out. and virtually the whole town is in ruins. ; Many persons are missing, and are supposed to be dead. The in- Sreu lit 17 Iff J- X iaiv V w w-ea vj tv iioi undreds of families are sleeping in the At 1 J ITI .llin A aHCQaiA- -IL-uul holders in tne company, ana aiso enmi-1 neiua. . Aiwy mm wjwwu uuiuui- iwu nates discretionary powers conlerroa on I or clothing, ana many oases w x&reoie aU. ..aUU-j .n liill I Aiair&am ATA renOTUKl. laVV T leaa4Al Vlgla-I W av Wa-a-A. va araaa. . -- - S kits, $1.26. nMH. . wnAi. imn mniea. Jtlri nwaa aw HopaDSi). choice. 12(3)130 per nonnd: medium. 10 12c; poor, neg lected. ' . , Woot Valley, 1010"o. per pouna; TTmniiTia TnrainUnT KAatarn Oreoron. 4 7o, according to quality and shrinkage. iliDKB Ury seiectea prune, ou, gronu, Baited, 60 pound, and over, 8c; under 60 pounds, 2 3c; sheep pelts, shearlings, 1015c; medium, 2035c; long wool, SUbUc; taiiow, gooa no cnoico, oww per pound. IVAuaaai Manilla. HAnn lldf 111. MT. ATllI IHI. 1ffc5 manilla rope, 12-thread, diam., 10ci ... " . . 1 n l . J 1 .IE 111 manilla rope, o anu v-tnreau, auu o-xw diam., Uc; manilla bail rope, incoila Lor on reels, luc: matuiuv lain, yarn, tarred, 9c ; manilla hawser-laid rope well boring, etc., 13c; manilla transmission-of-power rope, 14c ; manilla paper twine' Uc; manilla iprina twine, 14c; sisal rope, l?i in. cir. RHU iiuwiuu, 174V, .i-o. rope, 12-thread,' H diam.. 7; sil A an1 ri.thraail. 1 and 5-16 dliim.. Siie; sisal loth yarn, tarred, 7ic; hop- vine twine, tarred, c aiuaiiuavnf mn u f.e ' . -orwau, vr.