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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
3 s 3 9 a O a O s 3 S $ ROYAL Baking Powder is reported by the U. S. Gov ernment, after official tests, highest of all in leavening power. ; It is the best and most economical, and a pure cream-tartar baking powder. A Conetimptlve Cuapldor. -One of the latest inventions for pre renting the spread of consumption, is small pocket spittoon made out of card board. "They are aliont the size of an ordinary cigar case and of the same gen eral shape, t ' They can readily be carried in the pocket, aud beiux made of disin fected paper thy are Hrfeetly clean and healthy to carry about. One can spit into them very readily without -disgusting those around. When full tint novel spittoon is intended to be Uuruvd so that the stuff cannot be thrown aside to poison the air. Consumptives who am compelled to spit often can carry these pocket spit toons wound with- them at all timet. By sliding them out from the inside coat pocket one could expectorate in them without being seen. They nre also re commended for others than consump tives who have the habit of spitting continual)-. Yankee Blade. J fv Bo. H. Gut It. Abraham Goot Heffena, Ikyt How yon got dot gomplexion? Yon gant af fort an ending on four tollara a veek! . Iky (sotto voce) Don't gif it avay, my vriendt I sit me on de roof a haluf an houT'iit lunch' dime efery day and two hours on Sundays. Der snn does der rest. And 1 haf as fine an ouiling gomplexion as der- boss, and his goat him more-as a hnntred tollara. Pitta burg Bulletin. " Good for the Flintlock. Foxes are numerous at . Exeter, R. L A local hunter recently shot one with an old Revolutionary dintlock. Bostoa Herard. ' - 'Way Oft- "1..;. : "This rich relative of yours is he a dis tant relative . "Yes, extremely distant since he became rich." -Kew York Press. From Dwp Experience. Teacher I don't suppose any one of the little boys here has ever seen a whale? Boy (at the foot of the class,) N o, sir, but I've folt ona Life, v BICYCLES. Sw'irt, tight. Strang, Bellablr and Brm- " irul. , i A lire spent wanted ill every Wty end town in Ore- 8ou,Wahing ton nd Idaho end for catalOjL. cud term. FEED T. MERRILL CTGLE CO., 887 Wawhlng-to'a St.. Portland, Or. CURES SCROFULA Mrs. S. J. Bowell, Medford, JIasg, says her mother has been eared of Scrofula by the use of four bottles of " " "i after having bad moch other treav L'.-V-J meat, and being reduced to quite a low conditioa of health, it was thoaght she could not live. Cored my little boy of heredi ; whichap- peared all over bis SfySJ" laoA For a rear I had SV" given up all hope of Mt 'yvXjj'ieeuieiy, when finally I was indnced to nse A few bo "'ttlescnredhhii.andno symptoms of the disease remain. ,, f Mia. T.L. Mathehs, Matherrflle, Miss. OaroeokeaBloedBadSlUti Di5wni3lldfre. ' Swirr sr-acjric Co Atlasta. Gs. has- lost Lives. i. In former yearspepple wouldn't take Cod-liver jQil ( on account of its bad taste. No'vfrwe have JUflllUIIUII i alts? Cfeam. ef Cod-liver Oil, i .iJ fe palatable and easier " on the digestive organs tian plain oil, besides being more effective, Phy'siciaris.Xh.e world v over, eridors,3. it. ." Don't be deceived, by Substitutes! ' ' PienaiedbjrgcoU Bwne. T. All .Dragglata,' . IJe In purchasing reputable brands of ,. Bolting awl llosa. If you want the bcsi nd f4illvalueformoiiey,ank yourdealer for Maltese Crow and Wed atrip Belling ' nd Msltese Cross, Mdijewood andWai i labout (lone. You can rely on then "V. brands. 'Evdry length gtiaratitced. , Gufta Percha and Bobber Mfg. Co., ;. Established 18B5. Portland, Or. ' " J A -r . . ' ' ( ..' ' " " ' ' ' B- WKEELES'S-o CARCQH-i BISULPHIDE, nia VTTaRHIMATINO .. tii x rT .5 ft Ground . qulrrl ond Cophere. . 'F.'A. cook coi. . " " v lota Agentaj V V Fortland, Or. Printed with Jaenecke-Ull- ,Tt. ... niT WD pifV HI till 1 (lia, J i. AliiU.UJJk. . W Rambler Si THE DEATH OF MARLBOROUGH. , The son ihlnes on the chamber wall, ' The sua shines thratujh the tree; t .' Kow, thoufrU unshaken by the wtbd,. The learea fall ceaselessly; The bells from Wood stiK' It's steople SliaJio Hlenlieim's fndinK ouukIi. "This day you won Malilaine" . "Aye, aoiuetliing then, but now!" They lead the old man to ehair - - Wandering pale ami weak; - i v His tliin lipamuve: o faint theaeuud .i You scarvo can htMir him speak. They lift a picture from the wau, lMraMMl aHDinai Womt..., "The day you won Malplaquet" "Aye, something then, but nowl' They Kix'h him down a rusty sword In faded veltet sheath; : The old man drops the heavy Made ' And mutters 'tween his toetli. J ' , There's sorrow in his fading- eye And pain upon his brow. "With this yon won Malplaquet" "Aye, someihing then, but uowl" Another year; a stream of lights , Flowa down the avenue; A mile of mourners, sable clad, ' ' Walk weeping two by two; The steward looks into the grave With sad and downcast brow. ' "This day ha won Malplaquet" "Aye, something then, but nowl" Walter Thombury in New Yorlr. Ledger." Peter Cooper on Interest. ' Peter Cooper was always a careful and prudent business man. He was al ways opposed to the methods, of miiny merchants, who launched out in extrav agant enterprises on borrowetl money for which they r.aid exorbitant rates of interest. Once while talking about a project with an acquaintance the latter said he would have to boirow the money for eiz mouths, paying interest at the rate of 0 per cent "Why do yon bor row for bo short a timer" Mr. Cooper asked. "Because the brokers will not negotiate bills for longer." "Well, if you wish," said Mr. Cooper, "I will discount your note at that rate fur three years." "Are yon in earnest's'.' aaked the would lie borrower.. V Certainly 1 am. 1 will discount yonr-note for $10, 000 for three years at that rate. Will yon do it?" "Of course I will," said the merchant, "very well, said Mr. Cooper, "jnst sign this note for 19, 000, payable in three years, and give me your check for fSOO.' and the transac tion is complete. " "But where is the money lor me?" asked the astonished merchant. "Yon don't get any money," was the reply. "Your interest for 80 months at 3 percent per month amounts to 10f) per cent, or $10,800. Therefore your check for 800 jnst makes ns even. ' ' The force of this practical lllastrauoii of the folly of raving Rtich an exorbi tant price for the use of money was such that the merchant determined nev er to borrow at such ruinous rates, and he frequently nsed to say that nothing could bave so fully convinced him as this rather humorous proposal by Mr. Cooper. New York Post, i r a.h Evening With Aadrew Lauav The spelling of the name of Miss Agnes Bepplier - aud her singular felicity in epigram nnd phrase inevitably suggest her familiar name in Philadelphia, where she lives. This is the "replier," Her dinner conversation in this respect is cel ebrated among her friends. Mies Eep plier, as is well known, worships at one particular shrine, that of Andrew Lang. Last summer Miss Repplier was in Eng land and had the anticipated good for tune to be asked to meet Andrew Lang at dinner. It -would not have been hit man for Miss Bepplier not to bave made a mental toilet as she adorned her body to meet Mr. Lang. Bnt a dinner; we are told, in England is a serious matter. Course after course passed unseasoned by joke, unspiced by epigram and with out the grace of felicitous allusion. It at length came to an end. Nor did the con versation have any future. The great Andrew sat down on the floor and played for the rest of the evening with a kitten. New York Sun. . The Pbyalclan In the Kitehen. In Moth, the pbysiciaij is expected to know all of some things and some of all things. The physician knows it is not suf ficient to give the very vaguest Instructions as to what a patient may or may not eat and trust to the ordinary kitchen mechanic to produce the desired result, .fie must, if necessary, be able to give for the prepara tion of food directions as specific as he sires the pharmacist for the preparation of medi cine. " . i . This does not necessarily mean that every physician must qualify as a chef. It will be sufficienffor1 practical purposes if every physician will studj the food stuffs in com mon use in the locality in which hfs work lies and learn, so that he can teach the modes of preparation by which the nutri tive values of the various food stuffs may be developed. The physician in the kitchen is no longer a joke Medical and Surgical Reporter. . Music Fora Butuer. A music teacher undertook to eoach up the young and beautiful daughter of a wealthy butcher in the art of crotchets and Quavers, and having in due course brought heftO'perfectionin one or two easy shtfw'j pieces, such as "Tannbauser" and "Lohen grin,"' sent her home to her pa. V ;s But the master of the marrowbone and the clettVer was-fur, ironv satisfied.. "I wanted yerto teach her sometbin appropri ate," aaid.he,. "sotnethiu as she could play when we giVes'a party.' Ain't there a com poser pained Cbuppiur Well, that's the bloke to write a bito' music for a butcher." London Tit-Bits. , . . . . . . - Hypnotism, m Care. .. Dr. Brawjey of the English Harvelan so ciety claims that he aud other specialists in hypnotlsm.have cured or beneficially treat ed by hypnotic suggestion caaee of neural gia, nervous prostration, insomnia, seasick-1 lint oiiu uipouuiuiun UM&jriiii-iM. LIT, Wettersbrand contends that hypnotism is particularly beneficial in tpifepsy and dip somania. Dr. Uramwell considers bypno tlsm not as a rival to ordinary medicine, hut aa a medical weapon to be used in con- ;.. u... .-... V',.,- V..-U Can Hypnotic Subjects Be In duced to Commit Crime? SOME IMPORTANT EXPERIMENTS. Kvldene That Persons of I'prtght Tendon . elea Will Kl Commit Crimes Under Ilypnotte Suggestion Th Proposition to Ilynnptis Jlra. Maybrlck. According to Professor Lorubroao, the greut Italian authority on hypnotism and criiniuolngy, the proposition to establish the innocence of Airs. Alaybriok by hypno tism is not likely to have any very satis factory result, even though the British borne secretary should consent to the ex periment. After citing several cases in hi own practice Professor Lombroso says: "While my experiments prove that hyp notio treatment of criminals for the pur pose of eliciting confessions is useless and often dangerous, it may nerve tht cause of justice in some cases to subject it to a per son protesting her innocence and against whom uo direct proofs bave been obtained. Such a person, If not shamming, would re iterate her statement of Innocence and per haps divulge some secrets, liable to aid in the establishment of the truth, which here tofore were wit hlield for reasons of delicacy or to shield friends. "Everybody knows it is impossible to hypnot ize an unwilling person; neither can a person be prevailed upon to commit ac tions opposed to bis interests or to self in crimination while under the spell of hyp notism. With the professional and born criminal the habit of lying is so strong as to assert itself under all physical or mental conditions. " In this connection the subject of criminal suggestion is interesting. It is a question which has provoked much discussion among students of the science of hypno tism and one on which great difference of opinion exists. Dr. Toitrette of fans tried au experiment on a patient of morose and surly disposition. Under hypnotic sugges tion the suliject committed what he be Mia. FLORENCE MATB8ICK, lieved to be a murder, and when awakened and told of bis crime proceeded most in geniously tc justify himself without ex pressing any remorse. Dr. Montpallier of Fans, In trying a somewhat similar experiment, met with a different result. His subject was a woman of a gentle nature. After she had been pnt to sleep the doctor told her that there were some people present who annoyed mm. 'Oh, nonsense," was the reply. The doctor insisted that they did, and -pointing out a Mr. D. told the patient tbat she must poison him. "I will not," was the firm reply. "But you must I will it," said the doctor. "Here Is the glass with the poison. You must nfake him take it." The patier, after a severe struggle with herself, finally took the glass, and going np to Mr. I), said, ' xou must drink, this," al most forcing it down his throat. When awakened and told what she had done, she was overcome by the horror of her imagi nary crime, and rushing up to Mr. D. ex claimed, with piteous sincerity: "Ob, sir, quick. take an antidote. If you die, do for give me before you die." Here it is demonstrated that, though un der strong pressure a hypnotic subject may be induced to commit a crime, instantly on awakening he will proclaim it and in every way seek to undo the evil done. Liiegeasis of Nancy, touching the subject of criminal suggestion, says it is not the question whether hypnotic suggestion renders, the prosecution of crime more difficult, but whether it really can be employed to com mit crimes or cause them to be committed. Dr. Ladame replies to this that the ques tion can only be solved in the affirmative sense. "1 be proof ban been experimentally made, and If the experiments have not ac quired an absolue value it is because they bave not as yet been conducted by honest men." This is a fair summary of the opin ion of those who believe tbat hypnotism can be used as an agent of crime. On the other band, it would seem tbat the majority of experts are of a totally differ ent opinion. Nobody stood higher in the esteem of his profession than did the late Professor Charcot. He was very emphatic in his opinion tbat criminal suggestion was nothing but a "senseless bogy man, made use of by perhaps well meaning but woe fully ignorant students of hypnotism." Dr. Tourette scoffs at the Idea that any one bas been able to make a criminal. Though he has made many experiments, be flatly refuses to regard them of any practi cal value and refers to them simply as 'laboratory Crimea," "Let them produce one authentic case, the proof of a real as sassination committed nnder suggestion," says Dr. Tourette, "and our Opinion will be shaken, although we sbould not even tben be convinced," - , . , . - . Donate confesses to having induced sleep in some 80,000 Individuals, but not one of them could be. influenced against bis will. De Courmelles most emphatically rejects the theory of criminal suggestion. He says the snggestion may be repeated, bnt it is absolutely powerless to transform, as has been asserted, a criminal into an bonest man, or vice versa. The dominant will power of man cannot be directed into foreign channels except with his sanction. The existence of a dis criminating sense of right and wrong, even in the most general acceptance of the term, 1s sufficient guarantee as to the responsi bility of a crime committed. Our will fluc tuates, so to speak, and we are all of ns fully conscious of existing flaws in our makeup. Still we are cognizant that for the preservation of law and order it is im- peratiye tbat we check any tendency to orime to which our dispositions might lead. Nobody is Irresponsible. If it can be proved that crime has been committed i ,i ... .... j. .. i i i. I lurougri uirect or inuirccb criiiiuuu nuuge- tion, the originator of such must suffer as an accomplice. , This does not in the least pxcuse the executor of the act. - , . ' Forest Trees In Gardens. - According to Dr. Chapman, the prac tice 'of allowing forest trees to grow in oar gardens "only prejudices the health of our families." The so called purify ing power of vegetation is a fallacy. If carbonic oeid gas is absorbed by trees in the daytime it is exhaled during the night. Dense foliage prevents a free current of air, excludes the sunlight. causes damp and so on, and maladies without number are the result. ' Dr. Chapman' -nnpman a warning seems hardly nece- ! vary, in .our -large cities at least. Loa- ! 1 Tl Dl i ritir-i i How He Old It. ' "Say, mister,'? said the tattered traveler, "kin I have a won! with fmif" "Yon go awiiyfwrtm heah," said Fred' die Van Frlr.xle. "I shall cull the police wight away If you do not." . r a ' "And yet I have moved in the same so clety with the Hloobludn." VYou don't say so) Ileah, poor fellow. Is SO cents foh you. How iliil you get lutwo duced to them?" "I Jos' walked Into the house when they wits havin a reception." "But you said you moved In the same ao cletvf" "Yes. I hadn't Iteen there more'n two minutes lvefoi'0, the f (Hit man told me to move, and 1 did It. So long, chappie." Washington Star. All the Comforts of a Coantry Home, Friend .From the City I say, Brown, there nui-t lie a window open somewhere. I feel en awfully cold draft. Mr. H row ii Mu.lville Oh, that's from the furnace! Truth. ., The llanbury Nvw'i Man's Wit, Mr. Bailey's wit has a delicious mental flavor. In is always the shrewd, thoughtful man that enjoys it. It is not lu long, Inune dialogues, but a flash of thought. The humorist says a poor man came to him, with tears In his eyes one day, asking for help for. his destitute and starv ing children. ' . "What do you .need mostf" asked Mr. Bailey. "Well, we need bread, but if I can't have that I'll lake tobacco." One day a solemn ami religious Daubury man hailed a charcoal peddler with the query: "Have you got charcoal In your wagonf" "Yes, sir," said the expectant driver, stopping his horses. "That's right," observed the religious man, with an approving nod, "always tell the truth, and people will respect you." And then he closed the door just in time to escape a brick hurled by t he wicked ped dler. ' One day 1 asked Mr. Bailey If they had lazy men in Connecticut. "Lazy ineu!" he exclaimed. "Why we bave a man in Danburv so lazy that In stead of shoveling a path to the front gate be pinches the baby's ear with the nippers till the neigulxirs come rushing In to tread down the snow." Mr. MeMusterwa buying a home of Mr. Bailey and asked him if the house wan cold in the winter. "Cold!" said Bailey cautiously. "1 can't say as to that. It stands outdoors." SpeakiuK of the Indian raids, says Bailey: "The Mixlocs have made another raid OO our people and murdered them. If ever our government gets hold of these savages, gets them riuht w here they cannot escaiw, gets them wholly into its clutches, some con tructorwill make money." From "Twenty Years of Wit and Humor." ' : Free. The Eskimo's eyes flashed. "The heel of I he oppressor." he repeated Incredulously. 'Xevr!" Ii is liosrim heaved. "I,ook" He extended hia arms defiantly. "He has noplace here. We can get Ice for uothiug all the year round." Detroit Tribune, A Rare Agalnat Time. Mamma Why, Howard, why do you eat those cakes so greedily? You have plenty of them. Little Howard I know It. That's why I'm afraid my appetite will be gone before the cakes are, Truth. . (the Pronoun! For Him. Elsie I always knew he was too timid to propose. Alice But he got married a short time ego. Elsie Yes, but he married a widow. Brooklyn Life. In Monday Mehool. Teacher Who was the wUest manf Scholar Nonh, 'cause he W no wed when to go in out of the wet. Life. T1IK COMPLEXION OP A t'HI.NKHK Is not yellower than tbat of an unfortunate in dividual whose liver complaint has amnmed the chronic form. The eyeballi of the sufferer asuiime a Matrron hue, there Ir dull pain In the legion of the orvan affected, the tongue In coated, breath sour, atck headache imually hut not always oeeiir, and there ta sometimes dizzi ness on arising from a llting poftture. t'onitl patlon and dyxpepnia are aluo attendants of tills very common ailment, always In 1U aggravated form, liable to breed abuceftses of the liver, which are very dangerous. Hosteller's Htomach Hitlers wholly eradicates It, as well aa the troubles eomplf'-aled with It and which It orig inate. In chills and fever; a complaint which alwavs yields to the Bitters, the liver is seri ously Involve!. This line alterative tonic re moves eosdveness and Indigestion, rheumatic, nervous and Sidney tnuble nd . Few rieople ean Maud prosperity; 'hut they are legion emnprcd with the wople who never have a chance to stand It. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement nnd totuls to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with Vss expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products io the needs of physical being, will attest 'be value to health of the pure liquid iixiitive principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and jilcas a:it to the taste, the refreshing and truly bene lid ul properties of n perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys. Liver and Bowels without w iik- cntng them and it is perfectly free .from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in SOc and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Byriip Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will uot accept any substitute if offered. AROUSED HIS SUSPICIONS, Why a German lliirheeper and Ills Irlsti Container Are Rirangers Row. There la a certain German barkeeper up town who is nursing vigorous wrath Mid a particular knotty blackthorn, because of nu unknown person with an Irish accent and au engaging address. One night the stranger stepped np to the bar and aked for n quart of gin in a black bottle which he placed on the bar. The barkeeper filled the bottle, and the man walked toward the door, "Here!" yelled I lie barkeeper. "Xou give lie no moneys for dot' chin!" "Ah, murk It down on the slate, will ''Whe(TiioHht; you give me lok dot rhln or give me my money." "Not a cent, not a cent: take buck your tuff If you won't hang it up." So I he man handed hack the bottle to the barkeeper, who poured the contents of the bottle into (lie cask. A week later, almost, at the same hour, the door blew In again, "Hey, Dutch, give us a quart o' gin, will yerf" The unsus pecting burkeci er poured the liquor Into the bottle, handed It over the bar and, as before, the man took the bottle and started off. . "Here, you, give me my moneys or my, chin. What you do, lieyf Film Hem mef Give me dot chin!" "Ah, mark It down on the slate." "We don't kip noalet give me dot chin!" "Ul right. Take your donuuud old gin and lie cussed wid yer!" The bottle was handed back across the bar, and the man agniu disappeared into the night. Agnin the liquor trickled down Into the cask. Four mora times, on as many nights, the same Incident was eiincled. Then the bar keeper became suspicions. "Dot nmu buys him no chin," he solilo quised, "but alretty he come him beck six time. I find out dings." A week later the man appeared again, with: "Hey, Dutchy, till this 111 a hurry, will yerf" "Haf you got any moneys dls time, hey f" Let us look at some of dot money, hetur" The man showed n neat roll of bills, and the barkeeper filled the bottle aud handed It across the bar. "Say, Dutchy, Juat mark that ou the late, will yerf" "Here, you, yuat give me Iwck derchlnl Vat you vnnt, lieyf" Uuce again the bottle passed back Inlolhebnrkceper'apumession, and again the mini went away. But this time the bottle waa not emptied into the caxk. liaising the bottle to his II pa, the bar keeper tasted ItaconU'iita. Then be smashed the bottle ou the tloorand the air waa thick with his itivectivea. A policeman, hearing the noise, poked bis head insldo the door aud saw a raving barkeeper, who was say ing: "Dot - swindler. I brek bis fessl Where he isf" And tbeu it was all explaiued. The man with the Irish accent ami the engaging per sonality had come each time with two bot tle. One was empty, the otber rull of water. When he turned to the side door, he dexterously changed the bottle of gin for the bottle of water and gave the latter to the barkeeper instead. Six lime he prac ticed the deception successfully, but II he ever returns there may lie a case for thedla trict court to pass on. New York World. Old Time Counterfeiter. A miner operating on .Miller's ranch, near Lalrolw, while following up a "pocket" lead unearthed nn Iron pot containing 1,000 in what apia'artil to be gold coins. They turned out, howi-ver.'to be counterfeits. Some old miners tell that about 1HM there waa a lively ciimp near the spot where the bogus coin waa found. Two youug men lived uear the camp, slid they always were well supplied nilli money, which they silent freely. They had the very best of ev erything going. As those young fellows were never known to do any work mid as they never gambled any and consequAitly could not have won the money they KiH'iit ho freely, it soon be gan to lie whispered about that they were counterfeit money makers. From this cir cumstance the place became known as "Counterfeit Bar." 1 lie suspicion against the youug men liecama so general that they were alarmed and disappeared from the camp, and nil truces of them were lost, ana they were forgotten until the Incident nar rated above brought them to mind again. Folsom Telegraph. Ton Mitch. "My dear, I am afraid I must let Ellen go." ... "You surprise me. 1 thought she was a splendid cook. What have you dlacoveredf Docs sue drink, steal, swear, break dishes, stay out too" "No, none of those things. She's perfect, and that's just the trouble. My uervea can't stand the suspense. 1 am sure she Is some terrible criminal in hiding." Brook lyn Life. 5T. JACOBS OIL CURES . . . 'PERMANENTLY DROP ers. Booka. Canonising w u. J,A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO Hardware and Builders' Supplies, 289 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND, OREGON. U9 Cut this advertisement out, and semi It whon yon wrltfl, Never has trouble with bread mad with Golden West Baking Povrder ft l iihHOliitidy in'. CLOWKT DKVERW, the makers, i'ordimif, Or., guiiruiilee every can. Printed : with Jaenecke-UJl-man Ink. PALMER & KEY, Agents. TUB OBNVlMi AND TUB MIAM. Rvry good thin has Its host of Inillal orsi svsry genuine srtlol its counterfeits. The Imitators slwsyi chooss the most val uabls and popular artlols to counterfeit, so that When they claim their sham to be equal, or ss good, or the same a. " Bo-and-iti's," the puhllo may depsiid unoi It t ist "So and-so's" arttole Is ths best or the'ti Fount' Pi.atxr Is ths stand ard of excellence the world over, and Im tators In their ory that their i K mAiliwi'i" are only emphasising lijl fact and admitting "Am'ii ' to; l lh acme of perfection, which i It is their high est ambition to imitate Thedlllerei bj tween the genuine and these Imitations Is as wide a that lietween copper and The only sab) way for purohaser Ii to always Insist upon lisvlng Al.i wt' i 1 ou PhAsrsa. it is the otily perfect plaster ever produced. .... ,,.. BaANiiHKTH's I'lbts itlmulat the liver. ir-,. i i7"il unlv nursoll whose frilltleis efforis ate a tueeess, Cmmns akd IIoAaNs,Ths Irritation which induces coughing Is immediately relieved by "Hi-om'm'i HiomoAhi 71V. Hold only in boxes. ii I siipiHweTleiTiieeit led will when hi " Vept Ids wife's. HKWAKK Or OINTMKNTH mil t'A TAKItll THAT CONTAIN MKKl'l'HY, As mercury will surely destroy I In sense of smell and completely dersnse the wnule ssiein when emeries U IhroUKh the mucous surfaces. Much snides should never la" used eseepl oil nroserlpiloiis Irom renuiiilile physicians, as ill" damsse I hey will do Is teiit.ild to the good you can ihmbIIiv derive from tliem. Hall's I'atarrh run! maniilautiired by K 1 t:heney k Co., In ledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken in teruall', aiMlnit directly upon the Wil and mucous surfneas 01 the system. In buy us Hall s Catarrh Cure he sure you get he svniiliie. II Is taken Internally and liisdii In Toledo, tllilo, by f. i. I'liutiey A '" Testimonials frw, fjpr- Sold by iltiiKHlsUii Ir oe,7 cents per bottle. . ' (Itiard yourself for summer malaria, tired feeling, by using now Oregon Mood 1'urltler. Da uameTTiieSlov Polish! uo dust, no smell. Tit OsiHiA (or breakfast. YOVR (lOUl) IlKALTll, . f-f if you're a sulferiiiK o I I lt,nian, deiiiaiiiU lh tor Mr Metx-e's Favorite lro J ft scriiiUon. There' no J "SasaV other mwllcitw like it, J for women's peculiar I ilk No matter how I ( I diatreaaiiig your symp- VJ I toms. It relieves your acliM and pains, and If faithfully used Will bring permanent euro In every chronlo weakness or ileranife- ment, in catarrhal Intlainmatlon, and in the displacouienuof women. . 0 Da. K. V. Piam s: titar .Sir-1 in cheer fully recommend your valuable medicine, the "Kavorlte Hnwrlption," to suffering feuialee. Thnii years ago my heallh lMHaiue so hkw that I waa scarcely shlo to help with the boost, bold duties. I waa persuaded to try your medicine, and I puri'liasisl sll bottle, That, with the local treatment you advised, niaile me atrimg and well, My sister bas used II In the family with like re una. avts.. A0c'.s. and S1.00 Hottla. Onecentadose. Tt is sold on a guarantee by all drtio glnta. is ours inoipiens consumption ana is ins nest uouga sua uroup ure. I iJm TAKE IT """aLT""""! XV w. prutf DER' S . TSJ rttarrnN Ri nnnPr imnrol ' UIILUUI1MIAJUUI Willi IUIIi id kRIONCV t, UVER 0ISEA31S. 0YSPCP8IA. ; PIMPltB a.OTCHC.3 AN0SKM DtSTASCS . HCADACHE" COSTIVENrSS. INSIST ON HAVINO TIIK Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and Sboes, Rubber and Oil Clothing, Druggists' Rubber Goods, MANVFACTUagD ST Goodyear Robber Co. TS and T8 fir ., Portland, Or. Writ lor catalogue rags. IT IK YOUR BUsINKKM VOKH NOT PAY, Chickens are easily and successfully raised byHng the Petaluma In euhatara and BraaHaira. Our II lualrated oalaloeua ti,Tla all almufc it. x r m n m u .n mJ I XIR II -sli I tm. ii j i i Rtieumausm imn't Duy any out in reiainma u yoa want strong, vigorous cninka We are Pacific Coast Headquarters lor Bona and Clover Ciuuira. Mark Tools. Fountains, flood's Houn Cum. Morris Poultry Cur, Creososon ths great chloken-llce killer and every other article re'iuireu uj poniiry raisers, rwe ine mwviiine in operation at our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Kami. Midwinter Fair, hatching ostriches and all kinds of egga. Catalogue free: If you want It, writ PETALUWIA INCUBATOR CO.. 760 7W-7M-76S Malu striail, I'etaluma.'Cal. m GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING, , .10, SO, 4S and Til Inches Wide, 1 CENT SQUARE FGOT. O. B.STUBBS, Free by Mail uu receipt of 0a Dolus A Whole Garden. ,,:'awM'aee.rS OS. WINSLOW'S nvT-rvNa FpROMILBSHM TIITMINO -' -'f? AmT!! - " N. U. No. 642-6. F. N, U. Ho. 619 aVra. A. C. Unllovk Orlesui, lud. Good Reasfor Faith Cured of Scrofula by Hood's Hemfitls permeates humanity. It Is thoroughly liilused luto lbs blood. Bcsteely s man Is free from II, lu one form or another. Hood's Haisawrllla cures scmfiil pnnnplly, surely, permanently. Tuousauda of iople say so. For lusMiiee, read tlt'a: 1 am Justlllwl In thinking Hood's Harsap.irllla splendid mwllolnobyowueiiwrlenee with It. I waa s great aunVrar from acrofuts, hav ing dreadlul sore III my ear and on my bead, sometimes like large holla, discharging sll the tl inn. My huolniiid lusisied thai I lake Hood's 8raauirllla. Of the first buttls Mv Aoptlt Improved, sad I lell somewhat belter. Mo I Uiuglitsnnther bottle, suit by the time II waa half gone the scrofula bad entirely disappeared. 1 am Hood's'Curcs now entirely frit from scrofula aud Wss never In hetuir health. Hood a Marsanarllia also eunsl me of a u-rrlhls twlu lu my shin, csuaed by nuiiralgU of the heart. " Ma. A. O. Msiiun k, Orleans, ludlaoa. ROOd'S Pill eure lifer tils, emisllpailon, MMuiaa.Jaumllee.sIek Uonlaelie.nellg. sllon. KIDNEY, Bladder, Prinsry and Uver Dlaoaaes, Drop Urvl end UUuetes art cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THI BEST KIONIT ANO UVIR MtDIOINI. HUNT'S REMEDY Cure Brlghl'i IMseane, Kelenttnn or Ison-ts-lentloo ol (frlne, falus In lbs Hack, Mm at eld. . HUNT'S REMEDY Cure Intemperance, Nervous ljlaeases, Oenera IXblllly, feinale Woatueaaaud Kicessea. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Itllloiisncss, Headache, Jaundice, Hour Slonaoh, t)yapepii Couslluailou and l'0. HUNT'S REMEDY AVTn T N:ionlhMlslHe', I leer and Hawela, notorlng them to a healthy so llon, slid CI llt; Ku all other ineiltclnm fall. Hundreds have beeu saved who have been ftvsu up to dl by trleuda and pbyaician. Mii.u hi ai.i. Diiruuirrn. DOCTOR Parflee's Eg THE GREAT CURE -ro- INDIGESTION K0 CONSTIPATION. Regulator cf the Liver and Kidneys -A 8icirio fOR Scrsfala, Rhesmatisrn. Silt Rbeoni, Nearafgia lad 111 Other Blood and Skla Dlieim. II Is positive oar. (or all thoe eat complaint ana complicated troubles and weaknesses common among our wives, mothers Slid daughters 1hefTeci I Immediate and lasting. Twoot three doses of Da. Pianaa s Kssini uken dally koeba the blond on.d. the llvnr and hntimva Ive.and will tiilrlyradlct Irom Iheayatem all traces of Scrofula, Hall Hhum, or any othef iui iu ui uioow oiseaae. No medicine erer Introduced fn this country has met with such ready sale, nor given such universal satlsfantlmi wbmsT.r used a that ol Da. Paansi'a Kssignv, This remedy baa been Used In tb. hospitals throughout the old world for the nut twenty. BrS VMM U . anMnlSil f.. iha .knva A I and It ha and will our. whan ell other so-called1 remaoie tan. Hend for pamphlet of testimonials from thnat who have been mired by Its us. DrugglaU sell It at 11.00 per buttle. Try II aud be oonrliioad For sal. by MACK & CO., 0 fund ii front St., San Francisco. DoiroieAiv ui piton ikioirt v.ntk, rnititnic Irani Iwit viit Tor tin innney vurld. N inie and jrko i on the bniinm. Ii-vcry irranlwi. 'I'lilto no raiiliiil tcolirtilniiiHira for fnlt our cmnpltMa lien ntid Krn iftui for . trrttfrf Coining nt HivinK in. Ktriictianii r imu. Atrby mill, pontBire free. You erni fftt thi bMt DriVfru ef dealer who pitch our thoe. Dr, uCaliforniaM Evory1 O A r A r to as II r tl I ; l V. aa-s g nt H Great Cure fitrOatarrh, Deaf iiassrC'olds, Worn Throat, II tarstiiioss, llcailwilia, IjVlul, Slckanlng V sath liiii.ircs the ViiU, souse BWe IVllB ttt.t llreuklyu, Ji, voae, souse or iHHor I 'rona. IHaHsYs IlgsciLaa Oas ok Uasoi.ims Kkiiihs ssesi s-owr lor irrlaatln I'arpo. falmar at tt.y, H. K., Cal. 4t Fortluud, Or. 1 I Xet Cough l I I In time. 1 Syrup. Tastos llwai. Us I 1 H.1I1I Ivv dniairlsts. HI I Hflrr.ullfirrn. K. tic 1.1.'.'. - "llfifstgln -WIJt.. UuOha. I ii ' JsX- "''T", si mm pig Ledger. . . ' ' . - - . . r-M '