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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEMr OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. PAGE SEVEN. CIRCULATION BBINtr BY PA H THE LARGEST . OF PAPER IN MARION COIWTY AXSURES THOROUGH TBIBUTION OF OUR ADVERTISINGS ANY-DI8- :1 CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINQ BATES: Bate pe word New Today: ' eh insertion , 1 One week (A insertions) - Se One month (26 insertions) 17a The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15o. FOB the best shoe repairing go to' N. Brueek, 163 S, Com'l fet - 9-13 BIRO dogs for Bale. 967 N. 15th St. 9:6 TOMATOES fof sale Phone 8F25. 9-9 BALED oat straw , for sale. $8 a ton, if taken at once. Phone 15IF12. . tf WOOD for sale, ash and fir. Phone 589. ' - ' ' - tf FOR SA&E -lmltiire. Phone 2208J or call 909 venter St.; ' tf WANTED Furnished hbuse or -apart-i incnt. -Phono Mr.- Johnson 1540. 9-8 WANTED To rent 5 'or 6 room house 4 by Sept; 15.' Phone 75F12. 9-6 TNEW Royal No. 10 typewriter for sale if Call 769 or 570. 9-8 "WANTED To rent a small house close in town. C H ears Journal. 9-8 FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent. At 749 N. Com'L tf RAVEN8TEIN npples 75c per box, delivered. Phone 80F11. ; tf ,W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827 J. . 1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 9-9 APPLES Choice appl s wanted, any i quantity, must be free of any dis ease) or worms; no culls wanted. Phone 10. 9-20 EXPERIENCED man warts to rent - prune orchard onl benies. 330 Di vision St. 9-14 IX)Tt SALE A six room hungalow. Phone 1696 or- call at. 876 N. 14th St. This is a good buy, Terms. 9-9 "WANTED Two men, one to tray, one to shake and haul prunes. Phone 65 Fll. S. S. Arnold, Bt. 4. tf PEACHES The "more cans per bush el kind." Moses P. Adams, Wallace road. Phone 56F12. 9-6 WANTED To rent a' good ranch, will pay cash. What have you ( Address , Baneh care Journal. . . - 9-6 PEAOHES for sale, Crawforda and El ' bertas, 1 miles from bridge on Wallace road. Phone; 56F13., C.Vc. Chaffee. 9-16 WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre . - tract with chicken ; houses for 500 to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E. Kirkpat-rick. 9-26 VOB SALE A modern house ready to move into. Como and look it over'.' ' 45 8.- 12th St. F. A. Erixon.' tf WBlmaie the best power prune dipperi. Slem Mfg Co., 1396 N. Front St. tf JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone .704. , tf W. F. WEIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get him! tf GOVERNMENT loans at 5 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com ; neree. . tf DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best - made; beautiful new colors. B ureas , Oom.l St. . tf TALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll , upward. Buren's -Furniture Store. , 179 Commercial tf ASH -wood for . sale. Phone 31F11 af ter 8 p. m. 9-6 40 ACRES of timber land near Phi lomath, will trade for city proper ty. Phone 1329. 9-8 YOUNG- business man wants large sunny room close in, private family. . Address box 196, Salem, Or. 9-8 WANTED To rent 6 months or long , r, five or six room house with gar ' age, close in. Lock box. 184. 9-11 FOR SALE New modern 5 room bun galow with large bath. 1475 N. 4th street. .9-8 TO TRADE a trio of Belgian hares for good post card camera. 2355 S. Com mercial. 9-6 FOR SALE Lady's new Harley-Dav- ldson wheel, very reasonable. 1475 N. 4th St. .- 9-6 FOR SALEHPord touring : car, good condition. Inquire 590 Union between 6 and 7 p. in. '9-6 MEAT, economical elderly lady wishes light housekeeping, small place; per manent, country considered. Address II S care Journal. 9-fi WANTED 3 teamsters at the.cottage farm for' farm work, pay $40 'per month, including - board, room" and laundry. Phone Lee Lane, 30F2. 9-8 REMINGTON visible typewriter with adding attachment, cost $275, for $75. Writerpress, with type, etc., cost $125,' for $35. Hand printing press equipment $35. Phone 340. 9-6 FOR SALE 5 1-3 acres, 156 bearing Italian prune trees, and plenty of other fruit. Half mile from pave ment. Phone 111F3 or eall at Jones' nursery, Auburn, east of asylum. 9-11 THE parties ore known who took the things from the Sober Crawford house. Please return and avoid trou ble, . ., : 9-6 FOR SALE 1918 Buick four, in good condition, good, bumper, etc., to be sold this week. See at Vicks garage. .'9-8 WANTED By respectable middle aged widow acquaintance with bach elor or widower over 55, object mat ': riinony. No triflera or Germans need i reply. W W care Journal.' ? .;, 9-6 FOR SALE 50 acres with 5 acres bear ing prunes, 5 acres cherries, pears, walnuts and apples,- ten-acres timber balance in cultivation, cheap ' house. t Price $6000,. terms. Also 8 ten acre tracts, all in cultivation with living water on every tract, facing on coun ty road. Price $200 per acre. Very reasonable terms. ' w, A. Liston, agent. . 9-6 SELL' FOR US We have choice trees ","of varieties greatly in demand now. Liberal commission' with cash ad- vance, ; Secure copy of contract at ' onee. Salem Nursery company, 1030 Chomeketa St., Salom, Or. 9-16 .WANTED First class sash "and door - machine men wanted, also door patch era. Steady work at good wages for any one who can produce results. Central Door & Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon. 9-8 3 ACRES ON SLOUGH ROAD Modern house, barn, chicken house and garage; this will make someone a fine home, just out of city limits on electric road, $2500. G John II. Scott Realty Co., 404-Oregon bldg. ..,'. FOR SALE - heap, .house at 780 N. Cottage St., also lot 12, block 17 in Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Rt. 5, Aurora, Or. 9-20 PEACHES for sale, canning peaches, 50c to $1 per bushel at T.B.' Jones orchard on Mission- bottom, near Wheatland on east side-of Willam ette river. Bring your boxes. T. B. Jones. .-" 9-6 RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10-6 HOB; SALE Well improved farm on .gravel rdad, close to school and mar ket, take some traie, Dallas or Sa- , lem, property. Address box 633, Dal las, Or. , 9-8 WORKING man will purchase small home on installment plan. Fruit and good lot.' Have eood job in city. Can pay $20 a month. Don't want any agents to pay commission to. H care Journal. tf DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELLA USED CAR? If so See Us. 1916 Maxwell $500 Studeb&ker bw $200 Hudson Super Six $950 S passenger Studebaker, electric rights and starter, $485 1917 Saxon six $700 We sell oils, greasa, gasoline, wed auto parts) tires "ud seen series. OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE S4 N. COM. T. M. O. A. BIXXK FOR SALE Strictly modern 8 room house with double garage, paved street and carline. Part terms. W. A. uiston, agent. 9-6 WHEN U R buying, selling or exehang ing real property try our non-commission system. It works to perfection nd saves U money. Oregon Realty Exchange- Investment . Co, 407-408 Hubbard building. tf FOR SALE 84 lots, mostly 60x120, with fine view along Rural avenue bounded on west by High street, and extending-eastward, blocks 8 to 15, Neb Hill annex, Inquire of Mr. Weil bacher, Hotel Marion, Salem, or write box 1022, Seattle, Wash., 9-6 HOP pickers wanted. Phone 612J." 9-6 WANTED To rent tent. Phone 612J. 8-6 WOOD orders filled, ash' fir and oak. Phone 2234. tf FOR. SALE Dappled.: gray - Shetland, weight 450, 1720 Lee St. 9-12 FOB SALE Dry old fir. limbsi Phone 754.- . , '...'.";. ,-: .- -t 9-11 FOR SALE $500 mortgage, bearing 8 percent interest. Phone 1576W. 9-9 LOST Locket and chain. Initial 'G', two pictures inside. 332 N. 19th. 9-8 WOOD for sale. Will fill orders fir, ash and oak. Phone- 1090M. tf POINTER bird dog for sale, first class rnone asw : s-e WlANTEtD 3 ; or 4- jrtoom.: furnished apartment or house. Phone 1060J. tf WANTED Experienced girl for house work, small family good wages. Phone 392M, 404 N. Winter. 9-6 WANTED' An experienced woman cook at Willamette sanatorium. Ap ply 754 Ferry. -'t 9-8 GOOD BUYS WANTED To rent ..a modern house, toy responsible party. Phone 1270J. ;; ; .. . .9-6 WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw your woodjin town and eufc. Phone 1678W evenings or morningsi 10-5 WANTED To rent one to five acres with house and barn close; to car line. P O box 155, Woo'dbiim, Or. 9-11 PEACH pickers wanted at once, by J. . P. Bressler, Livesley station. Phone - 76P2. ' " ' 9-6 WORK wanted for man and two teams any kind , of hauling. 1780 Oxford street. 9-6 YOUNGI man attending Willamette : university wishes , .permanent . work out of school hours. S60 JN. 14th St. 9-8 W ANTED place by schH: irirl to work for room and board.. Address ' B care Journal. 9-6 Good 7 room imorlern home, located seven block.-from Bush bank corner, paved street. Price $3700-. ( t 6 room house, large lot, 75 by 150 feet, two blocks from carline.. Priee $1000, . cash, balance 6 percent int. Well improved 10 acres located close In; good modern house, barn, orchard, berries; good road. Price $9000. 18 7-8 acre tract located just outside of city limits, close to carline; house and barn, fine orchard and berry land. Price $9000. 6 room house located at 1330 South Commercial street, bearing fruit. Priee $2500. j- 63 acre farm : nearly all cultivated, located on Howell prairie ; good 5 room plastered house, barn,- well, good road. Price $160 per acre. 20 acre traet located south of Salem four miles, small house and barn, well; some fine bottom land, 5 acres of young prunes, 5 acres of peaches, fam ily orchard, rock road Price $4500. 50 acre tract, 20 acres of prunes, 5 acres pears, some timber and pasture, house, barn, dryer rock road, 4 miles out; crop goes. Price $16,500. 5 acre tract located north of Salem, house and ibarn, 1 acres of logan berries, Price $2000. . 97 acre, farm, 65 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture; good 7 room plastered house, good barn, fam ily orchard, good soil, good road. Price $io,500, $4000 down, balance 6 percent interest. . 363 acre farm located on North How ell prairie, 200 acres under cultivation, ibalance timber and pasture; house and barn, well. Price- $100 per acre. Well improved 19 acre tract, 8 acres of ' prunes, loganberries peaches; two good houses, barns,- wells, rock road. Price $10,500; 15 aere tract 1 located on main high way, 10- acres of Italian prunes, fami ly orchard; fine.J building site, Price $8500. 5 room modern bungalow, located at 620 South 18th, street. Price $1600.' 57 acre tract located 1 V miles from Sajfem, , 3d jaerea eultS vated, bajlatice pasture; ana tunoer; acres or Deal ing prunes, 40 bearing! cherries, some apples, good house and barn, good grav el road. This 18 a real bargain. Price $160 per acre. $6000. down, balance 6 percent interest. ; 10 acres of good loganberry land all cultivated. Price $1400-. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State- street 9-9 WANTED iBTamiltv to -Dick nriincn good picking. Harry Carson, Phone 12P5, Bt. 4, Salem. - 9-8 FOR SALE Good six . room plastered house,- lot ' 54x119;.' has 14 bearing , trait .trees, .race $sytt. JKnone; 1.344, ' '' - ' : - 9-10 WANT to rent, a grain , and stock . ranch, suitable for raising, sheep. . Will pay cash or grain rent. J S W . care Journal. , s 9-6 I ' AM now booking orders for shrub bery, vines and. perennials for fall planting, I dd all kinds of landscape gardening. J.- W; Maruny, 211 Miller St. Phone 916,. -10-5 FURNISHED, room with . outside en ' trance: hot and cold water, close in, Sui'taMe for business man. Phone . 773B, 250 S. Cottage. , .. 9-6 LOST On the Turner road, late Wed nesday afternoon, one sack of oil meal and two sacks of mill. run. Please ; phone 74F12 and notify S. u: Martin. : , - ! BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE We have a large list of eood Wil lametto vallev farms, stock ranches, prune orchards, loganberry tracts, close in acreage tracts, nice city nomes, cneap house and lots. B-4-U-Hbuy-OR-lista., - All we ask is a fair trial. Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard Wdg. tf mm LOAKS-6 WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON fl THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building BEST BUYS CHOICE peaches cheap at peach, booth & mues on w&u&ee roaa. uunn. u HOP pickers wanted, all usual aecom modations furnished. XJall at office iofi Willamette Tr((fert Co., High and Ferry Sts. Phone .1400.,, , tf WE have a number of fine 5 and 19 acre tracts, close in,, ranging from . $100 to $2oO per acre. Laflar & Xaf lar, 406-7-8 Oregon bldg.. ' , 96 FOB SALE Maxwell touring car, A-l . condition, a bargain; must be sola . this week.. 141 Liberty or 1398 Fer ry. - v . 9-9 WE CHARGE. NO COMMISSION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US DI RECT We have lfiO acre ranch in Deschutes county, Oregon. Three miles from Sisters, that can't be beat foroil, location or price $20 per acre. Also 100 aero ranch 7 miles from E11 ; gene. 65 rods from O. E. station. All in cultivation, Good rich soil. Price $2000. - Also- 15 acres of good rich land. 3 ( miles from Bnndon, Ore. This is an ideal place for a home. Price $1500. We also have several good mortgages and we will trade any of the above for good Salem or Eugene residences and assume or pay a difference. Ore gon Realty Exchange Investment Co., Inc., 407-408 Oregon bldg. 9-6 26 acres of the very best loam, good buildings, bungalow, 4 acres 'bearing prunes, spring water, 8 acres pasture; rock road, 2 miles city limits; $10,500. 10 acres in fruit, 6 logans, 4 cherries, rock road, close town; $4250. 40 acres of best loganberry land in fine location; $10,500. 375 acre well equipped dairy; mile to station on good road; big income. 20 acres, all in cultivation; 10 acres -year old prunes, 1 acre logans, good buildings, 4 miles from center of eity; $10,500. 40 acres with 30 in prunes and lo gans,, on pavement, close to school; $300 per acre. ' 6 acres with family orchard, good buildings, 1 miles from city limits; $3500. 10 acres in logans on good road 3 miles Salem,- well and shack; $5000. 20 acres, cleared, family orehard, buildings, spring water, mile school and station; $3250, 160 acre grain farm, family orch ard, house, 2 barns, running water, 5 miles from Salem; $150 per acre. 220 acre farm, 130 cleared, buildings $22,000. 164 acres 1 mile town, 7 room house, large barn, 6 acres in fruity only $125 per acre. 24 acres 5Vi miles from Ladd and Bush, Vj mile school, well improved, inly $6800, equipped. 13 acres 'just outide city limits, 10 acres bearing prunes, good buildings, own water svatem. $12,000. TO acres 2 mile from- Salem, fair buildings, 4 acres fruit, stock and equipment goes at $6500, We have several farms to trade fof city ropertv. S0C0LOFSKY, 341 State St, WANTED Team (about 1300 to 1500 lbs.) harness and wagon. Address 2885 Brooks ave. 9-8 WANTED Two experienced girls in drygoods line; permanent position, good salary. Address X-25 care Jour nal. tf FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell worm drive truck in A-l condition, liberal terms. ; See it at Salem Velie company, 162 N. Commercial. 9-9 LOST A pair of nose glasse. between Whefotland, . and Waconida; reward. Adfdzeas. T. IB. Hat this WaEbnda, Or. 9-8 lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It FOR SAiLE In south Salem, beauti ful five room bnngalow two large ' lots, fruit and flowers, ono block from carline. Call 2281B. tf WANTED To buy seeond hand furn iture sufficient to furnish an- eight room, house. Name any pieces you have and lowest cash price. Address P O. Ibox 423, Salem, 9-8 HOMES PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALES ' 8 room plastered, electricity, bath and toilet, two lots, fine corner on street car, $2750, $U00 cash. 7 room modern, fine fruit and ber ries, garage, near capitol, $6000-. 8 room lastered, fine lot, good fruit $2200 $500 cash. 5 rooms, electricity, bath and toilet, large eorner lot, fruit and nuts; a good buy, $1500, $800 cash. 5 room modern Dongaiow, ?zaw, $800' cash. 5 rooms, eleetncity,' bath and toilet, a real snap; $1750, corner lot, improv ed streets, close in. . JOHN H. SC0TT REALTY CO. MEET ME AT MEYERS Character and Quality , We are showing the most practical line of Suits, Coats & Dresses I Every garment: selected by experts, for: our "EXCLU " SIVE TRADE". The. cut on the left shows a charming "Co-Ed" model. Russian blouse effect in Serge hand somely embroidered with silk and soutache braid. Novel lines of overblouse simulating pockets and narrow belt of self material are distinctive features of this natty model. . . t Here is another , "CO-ED" MODEL Straight line serge dress, with artistically embroider ed skirt Vest and lining of slot pockets of- brocade satin. , ... m iv Mi- 1 1111 1 'f My KB NEW ARRIVALS The most beautiful show ing of ART STATIONERY : CORDUROY PLUSH MEN'S WORSTED HOSE in the newest shades . LADIES' WORSTFl) HOSE ( M I" new heather ribbed . . Complete stock MUNSING WEAR For Men, Women and Children You Can Always Do Better At I KM i . 1 1 1 1 FOB RENT Bedroom ?with private ibath. 266 N. High St. . , 9-6 k. ANTKD Mason to build a chimney. Also plasterers to bid pn plaBtering. : 755 Bcllcvue, 9-6 W)B SALE Cheap, 5 room house, two , lota, plenty fruit; no Incumbrance. Phon 1393... ... . 9-9 WANTED Small furnished room near 1; in, by young man. 128 8. Liberty, f Champion's lunch room. 9 6 FOB quick swrvice truckr hauling, , phone 1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Biedcrmau. 10-6 A1"!PLES APPLES . We want your apples. Must be free . from worms and scale. 1N0 culls wanted. Phone 10 for prices. tf FOB ftAL& Ownor, j;ood 8 acre tract, , ideaL for - loganberries; give1 terms. I Box 222, Salem. ' 9 9 B-4 WINTER STARTS GET SETTLED IN A CCMFORT l ABLE HOME 1 8 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, fine lot fruit and walnuts on Jiorth ; Liberty street, $3500, cash. 5 rooms, bath, toilet and ele.etric lights, on street car, good comer, fruit and nuts. $1500, $)0 canh. 5 rooms,; bath, toilet, electric lights and basement, clone in, $1750. 1 7 rooms on improved street, large corner lot, a fine buy at $1700. v ' 7 rooms, Imth, toilitt, electric lights, two lots. .$2750, Vi ensh. 5 room cottage, modern, 2 lots $1300 South Salem. We have om fins modern . homes for sale that owners do not want to advertise; call at the office and .we ML tall you about them. ; JOHN w srnTTWMTYCO.; . : 404-i Oregon building , 1 FOB relioiblo home or ni'reago,. priced . W A NT-BD Youn man to drive trunk right, see John II. Weott Keulty Oo., and learn fruit business. I'hotio 102R they will jiletise you. 104 Oregon Mr. 'Cravatt for appointment. 9-10 building. , " FOB WALK Five acreisi clone in, all an TO. TRAiDE 1 acres, 4. room hfluae, '.cultivation, house and barn, c'hieke- wcll, fenced; rcnls $10 per month; houso, hog pens, fruit and berries? logfing town, $600, for land, auto, running wator; no lulls. IS cents cu cows. Address Trade 'are Journal. fare. P O box 333, iSalcm. 9-0 8-9. ---- , MY OOUNTBY HOME POB SALE FOR BENT 3 furnished rooms; for 13 acros, fine family orchard, berried light housekeeping, good location, and one hundred 'English walnut treeg adults only; $12 a month, ('a)l at 1 years old; fine 7 room house, liarn, 80O 8. Church St. 9-6 chicken house, wood shed, fruit houso ' ' and garage; electric lights und auto PEAOII picker wanted tomorrow and matio- water yltem. One mile from next week; auto truck will meet 9trnot r 00 t1"" Silverton road; will pic-ers at eant end of bridge at 7:45 86,1 ojteap. if sold soon: Arthur E. Pet; M. C. Fettys, Wallace road. . 9- erson, 505 Uiegon bldg. ' MARRY IF LONELY For results, trv SALE Good registered Cotswolil me; best and most successful "Home yearling rain and fow rcgUtored Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar- ewcs- Also 8tc)1 rango. A. T. Savage riago soon; jtrietly confidential and SUverton,. Or. Phono 43F.2. ' 9 0 . reliable; years of eiperienee; d- . r - scription. free. "Th9 Successful OENSKJ CLERKS (Men, women)i ' Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland, 4000 needed, t'i'l month. A?c, 18 up' Calif. , ward. Examinations everywhore soon 111 11' Experience unnecessary. For free RANCH" WANTED Wanted 1 to hear particulars, writo J. Leonard fform. from owner of good ranch for sale. 'r government examiner) 138.1 Equit State cash price, full particulars. 1). able bldg., Washington. 9-9 F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. I .SMA-.L ACEEAOE SPIRELLA corsets sold bv Alics A 10 acres, 5 in bearing logans, 3 ia Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Mensurcs tak- young cherries, $t'JM; it is a buy worth en fit guaranteed. Home Thurs. af- Booing. , ternoons. Phone 1425R. . 13 . acres logans, prunes and lixool . i fruit, fair improvements, $2000. ,. AUTOMOBILE owner'" reduce expens- 3 acres joining city limits, modern es, troubles, acciden , iinprovo their improvements, $i3()0; look at thi mental, physical condition reading .lohn H. (Scott Really t.'o, 404 Ilulubnrd and using my Aut imeter. $1 in gar- o.Ij.;. age aecossorios l ouses or by mail. 1 " Kaulch, 126 E. Miner, Stockton, Oil.- THE' Royal typewriter has stood tho tf st and made good, it stands for tho lihest point of efiieieney, give it . , - " ' 1 'a trial, compare the work and yoo i " PKiaO'UVl ' ' ' will choose a machine that has been 83KIY1 B8VIO HOIH 'endorsed by soma of the largest bus 9 - friOO iness organization in the countrjj aSHSOK 'H 'd today. Drop us a ard for a demon '-' itration. Graham A Wells, ageutnt 1 Corvallis, Or. 9-9 Use The Jcsrnsl Want Ads 404 Hubbard building