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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
age or I ke Capital Journ CHARLES H. FISHER Editor eni Publisher FRIDAY EVENING April 4, 1919 EdttoYtal f ai Address All Communications To Published Every EvcningExcept Sunday, Salem, Oregon. jit was predicted in some quarters would follow close on me neeis oi aemoninzauon, is iaciing last beiore such pro- , i. iL. i 1 1 J 1 1 1 TT (-,.. 1 jetis as me one jusi launcnea oy uie umiea states depart ment ol agriculture, which has started work on new high ways costing $o4n,800,000. Secretary Houston announces that 415.8G0 men will be given employment The wages will be higher than last year when from $2.50 to $5.00 was paid for the same class of work. r ! llailnMal Journal ALEM 130 S. Commercial St. OREQON Sl'Bt-CEIPTION BATES nilT. br Carrier, ner Tear 3.00 Fer Month- Daily by Mail, per year 13.00 Ter Montk- 45 35c I t'LIJi LEASKD W1KE TELEliKAl'U KEiUKT FOREIGN BEI'BESENTATIVES W- I). Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. II. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building Tka Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the foreh. If tho carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa thi is tta only way we eaa detorrsine whether or not the camera are following instructions, l'hone II before 7:30 o'clock end paper will be sent you by special messenger if the tarrier has misted you. THE DAILY CAPITA!. JCUKNAL Is the only newspaper in Salem whoae circulatiou is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations TIME TO WIELD THE FLY SWATTER It is always in order to "swat the fly," but just now it should be the special concern of every person who wants to make the world more healthful and more sanitary and comfortable to live in. The fly is an unmitigated nuisance, and the most dangerous disease germ distributor in exist ence. A few years ago, it will be remembered that in Oregon the state university extension department organized a ''swat the fly" campaign, which was not taken any too ser iously by many people who believed that flies were so num erous and mult plied so rapidly that it would be next to im possible to appreciably diminish their number by swat ting. Yet the fact remains that tnese nign-orow Dioiogisis must have been right there have not been as many flies in Oregon since that campaign as there were before. The swatter and the trap and the cleaning up of breeding places made tremendous inroads upon the fly population of this part of the country. The success of that campaign should be an incentive to everybody for the fly has no friends to push a sim ilar campaign of extermination, and the subject is timely, now because the first crop of big offensive flies is filling the air with their buzzing a warning of what will come later if we fail to swat these first arrivals. If the swat ter is kept busy now it will mean fewer flies by many bil lions later in thi A federal court decision filed in Los Angeles declares that Hindus are "white", and eligible to naturalization in the United States. It may sound foolish to the casual lis tener for Hindus to be declared white when they are brown ; but then, blackberries are red when they THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS BARBARA IS ENXIGIITENTD AS TO his business methods. This is a hustling CHAPTER XI. IX. After that they talked more quietly. I had to listen very closely to catch anything of what thoy were Haying. But they seemed to be arguing. Neil spoke more loudly thnn the other men, and I would occasionally catch a sen tence. "Others do the sutno thing, " was one. "Why shouldn't I make a little money silling shares in oil lands as well as other men ?" was another. Then: "You know us well as I do that oil has been found on that tract. Where it has been found once, and so near, it is a (food gambling chance it may be found on my land." ''Do you own that lundf" it was Frederick who asked the question. ''1 have an option on it " Just then there was a scraping of chains anil l! age, i can tell you, and vou have got to get ahead of the other fellow or he will get ahead of you as sure as shooting." Mv uneasiness returned. Go' ahead of the other fellow. It was such speeches as this that worried me. 'Mint 10 'got ahead of the olher fellow,' as you say, you dou't have to do anything wrong." 1 made the state ment, ius'.ead of asking a question. "No, of course not! what put that notion in your head?" his tono was impatieut for the firs time. ''You did by what you said." "Don't be silly. Just becauso I tell you a mun has to be wide awake now adays to get on, you jump to tho con clusion that he must do something wrong if lie is to succeed. Do be broad- minded enough to think new methods as good as old, and to let your husband run the financial end of the family i . t Hardly a Drugstore in the Land That Does Not Sell This Remedy On the Market Half a Century. When you are in perfect health, and are enjoying a strong and vigor ous vitality, it is then, that your blood U free from all impurities. You should be very careful and sriv heed to the slightest indication of impure blood. A sluggish circula tion is often indicated by an impaired appetite, a feeling of lassitude and a general weakening of the system. H is then that you. should promptly takt a few bottles of S. S. S the great blood purifier and strengthened It will cleanse the blood thoroughly and build up and strengthen the whole system. S. S. S. is sold by all drug gists. Valuable information about the blood supply can be had free by writ ing to the Swift Specific Co, 24 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ca. 1 0E Retf.U.S.Par.Qff. Is our Registered ajid Common-law Trade Mark and can only be rightfully used on goods made by us. Should any dealer try to sell you any garment for Children I to 8 years of age under the KOVERALLS name you rnay be sure he is trying to market an inferior substitute on Koveralls reputation. Unles3 made by Levi Strauss & Co. they're not KOVERALLS Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit ie season. The Capital Journal doesn't like to be always knock ing Portland, but the business and commercial interests of that city do not care for anything but their own selfish interests. That fact makes it impossible for us to refrain from standing up for the rights of the rest of the state. Here is another example of Portland greed just come to light through the protest of the Western Oregon Tie and Lumber Association. The tie order of 50,000,000 for the railroads will all go to Portland and Washington mills, fcinco discriminating freight iates in favor of Portland luts the valley mills out of the competition. Portland dominance over the commercial interests of the rest of the state has enabled them to so juggle freight rate sched ules that practically the only place an industry can exist in the state is in Portland This tie contract only illus tiates a fact that the Capital Journal has been trying for many years to impress upon the people of the state so that some steps might be taken to curb the selfishness and gree d of Portland. The Boy Scouts' drive for financial support tomorrow should not be an appeal in vain. One dollar given to this cause will bring good returns in the training the boys of Salem will receive as members of this organization. How many of us will ever miss the dollar that aids a good cause? BACK ACHE Umber Up With Penetrating Hamlin's Wizard oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to reliere the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum bago is Haniliq'i Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, ind limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. You have no, idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there i need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. " Kver constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, JO Cents. Guaranteed. , . MUUMjm I 111 !VWMM,F W J I UJ ----'"--V-.M The danger of a vast army of unemployed, which RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt M3son THE TAXPAYER. I pay the tax on barns and shacks, on all my goods and chattels, on my tin boat and William goat, wax dul's vnd baby rattles. 1 try to smile when from mv pile I thus am harshly riven, when those round bones I earned with groans are to officials given. I smile, ah. me ! But when I see how public coin is wasted, the smile I wear won't linger mere, unless it s glued or pasted. Once we were shocked when congress talked of spending frugal mi'lions; but in these days, to my amaze, our talk is all of billions. I pay the tax on my two yaks, my warthog and canary; anil though I smile to be in style, my heart is far from merry. The war is done, with sword and gun we've squelched the Teuton races, and 'twould be sense to cut expense in forty thousand places. I pay the tax on cribs and stacks, and try to do it stoutly, but that the trend to waste may end, I hope and pray devoutly. My Aunt Jane needs some widow's weeds, my grandad needs a brier, but I can't get fuch doodads yet, with taxes going higher. DON'T LET A COLD KEEP YOUATJIOIilH Dr. Klsg't New Discovery almost never fails to fcrln quick relief Srrwl Hn?rs once it aii-M!o anj that threot-tciriiij, lunc-spiittinir, cough soon q-iiet down. Another dose ar. 1 a hot tj;h before jumping into bed, a fcj fl-cp, and lick to normal in tha Dr. lun$'i New Discovery is well knowa. lor fifty years ii'a been r lie', in J coughs co!Js and bronr'ual tttatk. Voc fifty years it h--i been -jd If driifrs every!'!;. A ulil)icrenKly that yon yourself orany r.icrahcrof your family can tAsaidy, f 'V a-1 ?i,;q 'lYuia Those Stubbovn Uowela IU!p mture take It course, nut vith a viul.r.t, fcjlit -farming purga tive, but i:h gntlo bat cer tain and rntural laxstiw, Dr. Icing' Ni-s Lisa l illi. Tonic in action, it stii rjhte tha lax lo-4'ck &!J ty t'ruj:st. 25c J. C. ferry ' Cites' PICKLES No( alone do you mvo money but vou get all llie flavor that only home-camied looili con give you. In addition, there is the uncommon satisfaction you get in eating the food you've grown yourself. It's no trick to have a garden and to raise all the varieties of vege tables your family likes. Bu) be sure to attrt rigtit br planting MOUSE'S CAUHOKNIA SEEDS cKaowledtfcd by eiperti "but in the wet Id." Acclimated to the Pacific Coait. Tiue-to-aame tad of aboog vitality. Mirm'i CilifmU Flinvtr ind PrnM &tJi art ttld hy Jijltrt tvtrywAtrt hurriedly abandoned my position auCI yUr ,r ere"- . u.i ;j .i.:.. i tomorrow imrnr.rft uuiecii to i,n- What did it all meant Surely, as y 'ertaining Neil'a Buainaaa Associate.) hud miid, Ni'il hud u mueh ' right to make money as other men. If oil hud been found, wnan't he ulnn justified in thinking that it would again be found on land evidently so neiir other weiiat then he had told Frederick tlnit he had an option on tho hind. Why in the world wasn't he all righ' in his bu.t ncss ideas? They seemed Bound to nie, yet Mr. Frederick seemed to think otherwise had even tnlked of 'jail." shuddered as I recalled his words: "I tell von. Forties, thoy could put you in jail for what you liavo done." Then; "For Oodli sake. man. ston it!" Would a man of his, Frederick's type say such a thing without having a good reason or what he thought one! I felt sure'he was speaking honestly, yet like ninny other wives I gave .Neil eredit for being a better business man knowing a bit more about making money thun olher men. "Mr. Freder ick didn't understand," I thought ns I undressed. Neil would bo up soon, and he hated to see me Kitting up so late, especially since baliy nunc. It wns ti"itily an hour-Inter when Neil eiiine upntnirs. 1 was awake and so snt up in bed to talk w ith him while he undressed. ''What in the world were you men quarreling about " I asked. ''We weren't ipiiiireliiig. " "Vou talked awfully loud." "I'ethnpH." "Who is Mr. Itlnckf" 'One of the company how did you know he hercf '! henrd the name when I passo the door." I Neil looked sharply at me, but -said itulhiii". At l'iit I was incliii' d 'o teli , hiin what I hud heard, what Mr. Fred-1 I click had said. Then I looked at him-1 and I .put couldn't. 1 could not insult I him by repealing what I had over I heard, lie looked so far removed from1 la win who would do anything I ho least I bit crooked, that I felt myself blush and was glad of the half light so that he would not see it. ''What else did you hear?" the ques tion wns so unexpected. I started. Should I tell himf He liiimelf had given me the opportunity. Then oncrt more as I looked at him j found it im possible to accuse him of anything wroni;, mid hastily prevaricated: "I came upstairs, you know; so while I heard talking, i was impossible to tell what you were saying." ''That means that you triedf" "I did not stop on the s'airn, if that is whnt you mean. I came directly up." Again I had evaded the truth. 'Well, we had it hot and heavy. Frederick is an old crank. He is about a thousand years behind the times in I 4$ 1 -rffSSttv t.i A NEW SUIT FREE IF THEY RIP KOVERALLS are made only by Levi Strauss 6c Co 5un Frans-lm-rt sfcJRp anc t'is v label C23 Koveralls RtG.U.S.WU.Of f. LEVI STRAUSS &CQ. SAN TBANCISCO. CAL XSi Super Just received a splenid line of reed and rattan chairs and rockers. Uphol stered in tapestry and crc-' tonne, as well ns finished plain. Ask to see these chairs Catering To Country Clients A good portion of patronage at the United States National bank is made up of Marion and Polk county farmers. TKe better to serve them, we maintain a close contact with farm and farmer needs up and down the valley, all of which adds to the adaptability of this in stitution generally. f ipp IMedSfotes i -i-rLli Salem Oregon, III hans;n Of Membership In Fig Club Siiows Rapid Growth Nichols Itrinklev. Elmer Roth ana ivy Loth; Jliddlo tirove school 'l.illie Rirtrnff. Theresa Uartruff, Kuth ' Uartruff and Virginia Va Cleave; Au burn school Yon, on TT .. ir Which oison; Central Howell choolVl,.,ln William Gra Tito fitundnrd Tig club of 'George W. Eyre is interested is becom-' Micpnrd; Fringe school Jug a growing institution. Tliursnnv Mr. ' r,,.r: Oak Pi.l !1;T "!"!, J-,"- U, L -'fh 7i9l,fi l'!'l"""'i''ts-Franci8 Bniith, Otto" En- 8x10 feet nv iuv niH-iii ii.-iKuis, iiioeriy anu : nam anil Harriet Smith. Three girlsl l'nngle. Among tho members thut hu-vc , from school district No. 24. which is the 9x12 f PPf" recently Mined the e.lnh am tl,n fll,.or. K,.i,.m ,n.i.:.i ... ,. . . ... 'fii ;,. . . , ........ . ....... , urM luPO ruroi ea in tins 1IIC! Slll.llllliK- !,.. lln... Villi : 1..I. n-i . ... ... . " . In leather and lea;her craft covering. Large, soft and serviceable. No other piece of furniture will qiute take the place of a good couch. ! vj3 Imitation leather upholstery $15.75 Imitation leather upholst $18.75 Leather craft upholstery $25.00 Leather craft upholstery $29.50 Genuine Leather Upholstery $32.50 Genuine Leather Upholster $36.75 Another lot of these rice grass rugs on our rug floor. The best and most attractive rug on the market at a low . price, especially good for bed rooms, when you want tone without much cost. $9.83 .......$12.90 C C MORSE & CO si? ing sclioo -Herv M.ller p,g club. Their names aro Violet Cooko, 1 4x7 fppt 1 1 and I. T. Nrliumckej Loonuv school-:. Myrtle Cooke and Gladys Cooko. I 4.1 . ii-iur uienmii; ouaw rveiinein Lewis;, ' ' school Winifred Weathers. Joscpli Khmid has sued Hmw nnH Kola IfeClellan, Edwnrd Matthes. Wil-, Sophia Kreb, for 1H.7.'5 tl, amount inra avnee, Uilbert Savage, James l"" n a note tinted March II, HH7. aiunro, Airred Jinnks, Kdwurd Matthes Tor - attorney's fee. The and Marion Matthes; Friiitliiml school . plaintiff al.-m ask8 for a foreclosure HnlpU Jtutler; Bethel school I.ueile 0,1 8 fuct of land at 15tli and N Kobinson, Carroll Kobinson, Walter Bo-! i"'8"'"1 "reets, Salem, given as tee tux ik What is titer in conimnnitv life that tho tar-roll dollar doesn't dot it buvs fcabr clo hes raise tho children while they go to school sus- tains them in turn when they reach the working age, . Thrift is a war time leon. There can be no thrift wi'hout industry mi industry wuhout imlusir;e. Whether the indus- tries cf Oregon (rrow rapidly or slowly depends on the people of Oregon. WILL YOl UK LI' J Will VOL' "s( home dutsf Home Industry Laa of Oregon pro- 9 The finishing touch of satisfaction to many a breakfast, is a cup of 'MM 0 rich enjoyable table beverage P0 I on "WINDOW SHADES Be sure to get our prices shades. You will save money by buying from us. All staple colors carried ia stock. CHAMBERS AND 467 Court Street