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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
THE DAIT.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1U19. PAGE THREE Big Spring Easter Demonstration Sale At the PEOPLE'S CAS 186-194 North Commercial St. STORE Every line in our departments of groceries, dry goods and clothing and shoes will be cut to rock bottom prices. Our good quality of goods and the low price, insures you the real Spring and Easter spirit. Our demonstration sale Saturday and will continue Monday as follows: Crown flour $2.95 Olympic and Snow Drift flour $2.90 Fisher hard wheat Snowfall....$2.75 Best valley flour $2.55 10-lb. sack pancake flour. 65c 10-lb sack corn meal, yellow or white 65c 10 lbs. rolled oats 69c Head rice, per lb 9c Broken rice, lb 7c Lima beans, 2 lbs for 25c White and mixed red beans, 2 lbs 15c Cream of Wheat 24c Cream of Barley, 2 pkgs for 35c Armour's corn flakes 12c HO per cent reduction, below the whole sale price in all kinds of coffees. A premium of 1 pound of coffee free with all 10 pound purchases. Best coffee in bulk ...29c Cane sugar $9.65 19 pounds sugar $1.00 SOAP Crystal White, bar 5c White Flyer, 6 for 25c Easy Day, Big bars, 6 for 25c BROOMS $1.40 brooms for 65c Mop sticks 15c VEGETABLES Selected onions, pound .! 3c Burbank potaotes, per 100 $1.75 CANNED GOODS Carnation and Borden's milk. 14c Armour's and Libby's very best, 2 for ,27c per case $6.33 Sweet Corn 15c; per doz $1.75 Sugar peas 15c; per doz $1.73 Standard tomatoes 15c; per doz $1.75 Clams, flat, 2 for 25c Clams, tall, 2 for 35c Red salmon, 2 for 35c Armour's very best pineapple 24c Grated pineapple, can 15c Appricots, 2 l-2s, can 29c Libby's pork and beans No. 2 15c Soups of all kinds : 11c No. 10 solid pack apples 50c No. 10 solid pack peaches 65c No. 10 Appricots 65c No. 10 Sauerkraut : 45c Mustard, pints 25c OIL, LARDS AND COMPOUNDS 1 gal. Puritan cooking oil $1.95 No. 5 Armour's Vegetole $1.25 No. 5 Crown Shortenings $1.25 No. 5 Compound $1.18 Cottolene, 3 lbs, 6 ozs -.$1.15 Lard No. 5 $1.35 Umeco, Nut Ola and Nucco butter 34c Peanut butter 16c Big reductions in syrup and molasses White table syrup in bulk, quart....55c Alaska Herring, each 5c We are giving free premium coupons which are valuable in. securing nice sil ver and glassware, crockery and a good many other items. Visit our prem ium department. Please bring or phone your order early. All orders get prompt delivery service here. Management People's Cash Store 186-194 N. Commercial St. Phone 453 Salem, Ore. Three Times a Week for Three Weeks After the loug winter months too mncn ncn ioixi ana too little e: practically everyone fol the neces sity for a good Spring Tonic and Blood Purifier. Tho very best spring medicine you can take U tho king of tonic laxatives CELERY KING Three time a weok for three woeks, brew a cup of thig purely vegetable lnxativa tea and drink it Just before reMrij. ently, yet effectively, it will drive out all impurities and not only make you foel better, but look bet ter, right away, giving you a iwcct breath, cloar akin and a healthy appetite. A a result of an Investigation of the payroll of a Japanese section gang which has headquarters in The Dulles, the entire gang of 31 men wa dis chs'sred by the railroad officials Inst Sun. lay. II All Around Town tire isc, i a. .m.aa......a. .....tA.,... r i cnaxa EVENTS April ET- Joshua Btaa fluid at First Christian church, 8:15 p. m. April 4 5 Marion county Sunday school convention, First Christian church. Aaril EO.-tEastor Sunday. Hay 2 Celebration at Cham poeg, 70th anniversary. May S Last day on which to register for special election May S3 Junior week end, Willamette university. May 19-23 I. O. 0. F. Grand Lodge sessions. June 8 ttpeclal state elec-tioa. Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Wefl-Known Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edward for 17 yean treated tcores of women for liver end bowel ailments. During these year be gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed -with olive oil. Darning them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on tho liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poison us matter in one' system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull yes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a OREGON THEATkE NOW DOEOTHY OISH IK "BOOTS" EVE 7:30 MAT. 2:30 Columbia river smelts In any quan tity, ntts Market, tf W bay liberty bonds. SI Masonic Ndg. , u A, O. Bohrastedt was yesterday elect ed temporary president of the Oregon state association of farm loan associa tions, at the state session held in Eu gene. The headquarters of the national farm loan association for Polk and Marion counties is in room 30.1 of the Salem Rank of Commerce building with V. D. Smith, sec rebirvtreasurer The board oi directors of the y..i county farm loan association a it now stands is as follows: L. P. Hopkins, president; Albert L. Collins, vice pres ident; W. D. Smith secretary and treasurer; W. H. Moses, Benson Shaw and C. W. Parker. The loan commit tee for Marion and Polk counties in clude F. C. Ewing, T. J. Clark and A. . Aufranc. Dr. X O. MatthiV09-410 Bans of Commerce bldg. Office phone 573, res idence phone W8. 4 20 "The best" is alt tou can do when deafh comes. Call Webb ft Clough Co. Phone 120. tf Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tt I will sell the 8 room bouse at 1406 'Court Bt. for $3."0 See me at once. listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, ! 11500 will handle it. O. W. Lailar. 405- inactive bowels, on take one of IK 406 Hubbard bldg tf Edwards' Olive Tablet nightly for a time a and note the pleasing results. S. J. Herschbch of the firm of PrrrT.!"''"'-''' f the Caoital Gar take Dr. Edwards Ouve Tablets the sue- j , , cessful substitute for calomel now and has sold hi, interest in the busi- then just to keep in the pink of condition. 1 ne to Charles Pprnner Wc sad ix per oruggiso. Oal., for en indefinite visit. B. Mott offices moved to Baak of Cesaaujres bldg, rooms 407,M. it U0bf chicks, 644 State St Ma tf Sammer school at the Capital Nor mal ia now in session, Normal, eivil service, bookkeeping, typewriting and Wnoprnphy, Oregg & pit mat elassos are formed. If interested, sail on us at corner of 13th and Wilbar streets. J.J. Kraps. is Colonel John May and Major A. A. Hull will arrive in the citv this ev- ning to confer on military matters. Artificial teeth, have expert plate sua, wit over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. IWchler, den tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. tf See the Diamond T ' track demon strated by Chas. Livesley at 248 Btate street. 4-5 We redeem the Palm OHt free soap coupon, being run in today'a Capital Journal. l'errys Drug Ktore. Dance at Woodburn Saturday night. Dance at Aumsville Saturday Apr 5. 45 Levy Miller, formerly with the black smith department of the Capital par age, has opened a buttery acrviru sta tion at the Center street feed barn at Uli east end of the bridge. Dance at Woodburn Saturday night. The receiver, F. N. Derby, will sell at auction every thing at the Inde pendent Meat Market at one o'clock tomorrow, tSnturuny, muss sola at pri vate salo beforo that time. Dance at AunisviUe Saturday Apr S. 45 A bouse buyer will pay up to $6000 spot easti for a snap, close in buy, north of State Bt. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic bldsr. 4-5 Oeorgo B. Jacobs, who has been en gaged in the sprace division work lies returned to Salem and has established1 a factory in the Kightlinger shop for manufacture of berry bullocks. Mr, Jacobs has several million feet of spruce especially adapted for tho milk ing of hallocks and is as yet undecid ed whether to work up tho lumber at the mills or whether to slilp it here and establish a largo factory. See the Diamond T truck demon strated by Chas. Livesley at 248 State street. "5 Wanted Fat hogs and stock hogs, all kinds of cattle. 1425.M. 4-8 Dance Quarry's hall 4 miles south, Saturday April 5th. Good music, .New hall. Dr. O. B. O'Neill optometrist-optician, has resumed his practice over Ladd & Bush bank bldg. Office hours 9 to 5 p. m. (Sundays by appointment, l'hone 025. 8-1 H. & Eadcliff, who was formerly in the real estato business hero and who has or several months bedn in one of the Portland ship yards, has' re turned to talem. Ho lias established offices fr his real estate business in the rooms he formerly occupied in the Ikiyne building. Woodmen attention: Eats and other ibusincsb. 'om)o tonight. McCornuck hall, over Meyers store. Dance at Woodburn Saturday night. W. A. Wlest. councilman from the sixth ward, has been elected by Che- meketa lodge Jo. i, i. u. u. x ., as district deputy grand master for the Ur. Wiest 3 denutv .u-....ft - - r--. clerk of the state supromo court. As members of the state grann aooge, a'hiih in tn nipet -in Malum ttifl week beginning May 19, the following were elected as delegates: W. A. Wiest, F, I. .1. II. t'heimwHlh. It. Q. Henderson, C. O. Engntroiu and J. A. Patterson . All the mufde. all the hits, all the timo at big dance. Armory Saturday night. fiOOO Bolls new and beautiful Plain wall paper to cliooso trom, Huron s, Commercial. I m Serge Suits for Young Ladies and Women In the group are five smart models all qn'le new this Spring, and all of exceptionally good dark blue serge. And we've just un packed them! . Their lines aro good, all are well tailored, and all are either bound with silk braid or effectively trimmed with it. And they aro most carefully made and finished, from tho little hand-dune button holes to the soft silks which line them. . .. There are rather plainly'tailored Biiits, suits in blouse style, suits with tho new narrow belts, and suits that arc very straight and new as to gilkouctto. Specially priced at 32.50 Capes, Coats And Dolmans New Spring Caies', Intest models in Merges, Poplins, Oubnrdines and kindred uuiteiiuls including some thut are reversible. Various st vies" and colors. Specially priced $22i0 If it's a tout that you prefer you will like to slip into a new one of tan Panama. Box pleuts give it plenty of fullness, and there is a silk topcollnr for prettinenx. It is lined to the wnist and is $35.00 A Great Many -Women Want Dokans They are not necessarily expensive wrnps, as some women have thought. A pretty one of poplin, Panama or (iiilmrdino can be had in irniid, Pekhi. navv tans, and grey for ' . $28.50 Easter Millinery NOW READY TOR TOUR INSPECTION Trimmed Hats-$3.50, $4.50 $5.00. $6.50. $7.50 and $9.00 Hundreds of new hats, including the charming model sketched ($7.06) which is a type much affected by tho younger women, and nothing in recent yenrs has been so artistic and becoming. Sailors of all kind, Turbans Tains and various other close-fitting kinds. Plenty of black, navy blue, brown, red henna and dust, alHO the new light shades such as tftnpioise, Ihiltnrry rose, etc Wings aro a very im portant feature and hlgn-clnas imported and Anierican -made novel ties are used unsparingly. urn (Old White Corner Building) Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store sJV 35ITI3E2EI: 1 v -s. it - n I ' GAS IN THE SMACH ISJANGEROUS Recommends Daily TJse of Magnesia to Orercome Trouble 0uscd by Per mentlug Food and Acid Indlgegtlon 8pokane, El!enburg and Walla Wal la district need farm hand and are anxious to get returned soldiers to work. C. X. Loughridge, who for several years was eounty clerk of Gillram county, has Wen api ointel bv Govern- With Mrs. I or Olcoft to a position ia the secretary Hersehbach, he will leave for San Jose of state 'a office. Gaj and wind in the stomach ac companicd by that full, bloated feeling after eating are almost certain evi dence of the presence of etcessive hy drochloric acid in the stomach, creat ing so called "acid indigestion. Acid stomachs are dungeroui because too much arid irritates the delicate lining of the gtomnch, often leading to gastritis accompanied by serious stom ach ulcors. Food ferments an'd sours creating the distressing gas which dis tends the stomach and hampers the nor mal function of the vital internal or gans, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Kisiiratcd Magnesia and take a teasjioonful in a quarter glass of water right after eat ing. This will drive ihe gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the excess acid and prevent it formation and there is no sourness or pain. Hisurated Mag nesia (in powder or tablet form nev er liquid or milk) is harmles to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the best form of magnesia fur stomach purposes. It is used by thousands of Im,ple who enjoy their mcais with no more fear of indigestion. I Robert BolUer buys the O. H. Loomla ranch south of town and will tuke possession at once. Mr. Hollicr looked around a long time and finally decid ed on this fine ranch. Prof, L. J. Murdoch buys the J. (.'. Wells mod ern seven room bungalow and expects to take possession in the near future. D. 1). Bocolofsky acted as agent in both deals. Salem's good dance at the rmory Saturday night. W. I,. Bryant, mgr. Ezoellent dance, good music, good order every Saturday night at armory. Walfelt instead of cloth for house lining. Jturen 's Commercial Bt. Soft pillows for tired heds, Burens Commercial street. Roman Gold swing frames for hand colored photos. Huren's Com. St. 24 Carat Nourishment in every jolden granule of Grape-Nuts The solid meat of barley and wheat No raise In prkt during orsJnct tht war Thin rain seems to please every one, according to ithe genernlly expressed Oiiiion. In tho first place. It pleases the farmer, especially in the hill lauds Fruit growers are satisfied wilh it coming now ralher than after the prunes and cherries nrc in bloom. And now just to make everything look 100 percent, all that is asked is a week or two of fine weather for the blooming period. 1wst year there wag about three weeks of ideal weather during the blooming time, yesterday after noon and lust night three quarters of an inch of water fell In Knlcm. A marriage license has been Issued to Williiun John .Toncj of Salem, age .rr and Ijola May Adams, 4.1, of Halem. This is tho second ninrriugo for each. fMlOUP l Spasmodic crouo Is T&M Usually rMievH with Vr " trifle inn !-!., t vnitn ti r f- v y . . . - l s ajiiaiss 1 'YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30. eocjfafj m Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transnor- tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash g prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell S your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. j I J