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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 1 m - t rrrvt auLi m xj Frof. Zgg. mtia recently nsUTtid his tkaXt ia !"illanietta oaiversity oa actaiuit of continued ill health, yester- CITY KEWi aiy susm'tto.t to a criuoal operanca at a lVrilanlhpitsd. H e&ais tira taf ordeal' m good "tonJition; tfloush the operation revealed the fact that ha troublj n more feriouj this t!T ph"y s.eiar.s tho'JEht,- it b.,"-!? ettM of ea cor of the bdweU It will t nee sary to have a supplementary opera tion ant week. " W< & Low, c'ty street coxnJssl?n er, say4 the i!y ha Una put fin in cement sidewalk ou the s)uh si io of l-'th stnvt, !H f,et oa the north i ie of tlie liriiiie nd GO fevt on tlu' eolith ide. The city haj.(t!4 to own four lot thero of the S. P. d pot on 12th street. Thi, ba4 alay4 bvn t rather dunjferou a nt as people here tofore lave lipcn o'llised to walk ia the street at this pint. v 1 - Ssrgest-tnjor X. B. PnibricJf, w&o luj Ken stationed with, the depot bri gade at Oamp Lewis, eaaie la yestar Juy on a 1 day leave and will visit with hi parents and frlsaJj. He was V",; To) 1 - $1.00 for 70c At the big Spring and Easter Sale at the People's Cash Store, 186-191 N. Commercial street. Beginning Saturday and continuing Monday. We have just received a big assortment of all kinds of yard goods from the east. Best qualities and the latest colors at surprise prices. We also re ceived a big assortment of Ladies, Girls and Child ren's washable dresses, aprons and playing suits, which are real bargains." 35 Per Cent Reduction in all kinds of Lndies and Girls' Shoes, Slippers and Tennis Shoes, which will surprise you as to quality and prices. In the meantime we did not forget you gentle men. Would you like to buy $1.00 for 70c? And in the meantime to get the best qurlity cf goods. Buy your Easter hats, clothing and shoes and all your furnishings at the People's Cash Store. Only one place. You will feel happy after you pay your good mxmey for them. A few items as follows: Men's heavyweight overalls $1.49 Men's heavy coveralls, all sizes $2.98 Heavy working jackets $1.49 Heavy flannel shirts ..98c Men's khaki shirts, military style 85c Men's blue working shirts 75c Men's heavy socks 15c Khaki handkerchiefs 5c We have lots of real bargains for you. Please come early. Remember our premium FREE coupons. Management Peoples Cash Store 186-194 N. Com! St. ' Phone 453 Special Announcement if Red This pump in the fine black kid welt sole at $7.00 HAS ARRIVED Ana so nas tne iinest line oi pump buckles ever H shown in Salem. No two alike. Be individual. Prices t $2.00 to 50c a pair. Have a look! They're beauties, fe x IT V mm i pa y y Arr2 ,V - 4 I M With Two Cakes of IMO r v .. . '-. f,-":- rice r I wo jt1 yi our roil Dize ours tor 11 This generous acquaintance offer is made to introduce you to our new ROSE BATH a pure white, daintily perfumed floating soap made especially for bath use. Its quality makes it a luxury soap; its moderate price an economy. It is handy in shape and generous in size. , It has a quick, ample, thoroughly cleansing lather. We want to give you two full size cakes of this new bath soap for a thorough trial. So we make this special offer: Buy tzvo cakes of your favorite Palm olive at the regular price and present the coupon. Your dealer will wrap up the two cakes Ol KOSP Rafll tiriK U: T A T IfAT T-wrw-i UU1 vuu mis rALMULl V Ji. Four full size cakes of luxury soap yours for the price of two Just tear out the coupon, sign it and take it to your regular dealer. Just say, "I want two cakes of Palmolive at the regular price and the vvu i,uKvj uj nose nam free! Anddo it liach dealer's supply is limited. -gjr 1 Thim :f . , ... acn7J p i ii Preent?Q w'""n ten day. will b, lu full In foiinHlnlf .1 ""''V"K "!' miwt he l,.rt liuili 1 y r "'' xnlvf.l WU ,k,.s of NAMK AlililllISS No'rict; nt'Ai ' ' ' ' ' '""'v iii., ", .,!,.,".".,r l,iln vp wi " '"II Willi ,,e , mWi,.;. r "., , l"'n "'I"1"' Miri'lu,Wri .I,.:,., r ,"" "''"imiK'li SLEEPS FIVE MONTHS .iriiuL-u ncr, nnc uuu lu uriii; in;r in a (uurn'l over HIT UlV'orCfl UCtlOII out of t'.m Htupnr. Mm. Morton is kept was toiluy siuitciiciil to if impriHon formerly connected with the Indurtrial moda counly infirmnry, aftor eleven ILathrop, convicted of murder In tho! iacciiltnt commission and on receiving ' physicians, who r.t different times at-' first degree for the dliootinz of his wife i his discharijo will teturn to Ifio ottice. .tended her, were uunldo to bring her in a quarrel over her divorce action,1 111 LONG STEISE ENDED Han Krancisco, April 4. A ntrike of iimk lion. i.'M union voted to tuko tho tamt i alive by forcille feeding of fluids, ment at labor. Lnthrop plended . d"ratlHn ''""'d today when Physicians admit her disc is due to the 'insanity, lie idiot his wife and wound- i "'"chiiiist and Ijoilermukers returned to! Oakland, Cal., April 4 Asleep for, five months, Mrs. Julia Morton, 30, is still under the influence of the " sleep-1 i:iif sickness." Bhe irnow in tho Ala-! after effeets of influenza. LATHROP SENTENCED fipokanc, Wash., April 4, eil Iter littln Rirl. Lntlirnp took tho rk in luiv shipvards. Tin y won tlair sentence calmly. Ho said ho thouKht fiKI.t for the 44-hour week and . llie coiivu-tKiii was unfair. ' . , , ... , - , Ifi.'inti'ii I)c(iiiwi in li.'ii f retroactive -Clmton HF'SfJAJ, VANi ilHS PAyie,'i'" Kram'i.s,' boiler- n ft I A iT IX LA lh Tl-vf Jtr9 S-tr . " . I i ji i ii in i ii i , . r fmmmn l,l.fii , II ij.,.lM..Mnill. tii.tetWiHI-M.Mll ,i.Li, n. I. I Hi I I i ,. HIT i . r ,ti ,1 niMit.j' .j;-, ;.'w.t . v ' J riKST OF 2GTII BACK Hoslou, .M;,.,., April 4. Tho first i"m!in;.i nt f X,.w iMiiiMid',, f.,,,,,,,,, 'Twoniy -id!, ,ivi,i, ;K i.utinjf, ('heeiii. i,. ,,, 0ffi,.rili m-riv,,,! to. jdny on Ide triiii ;,,ort M ;iint Vermin. VS. I OR" I v nil e MLO'i MI RM F PTSlir Men's, Womens f f If f and Children's Shoes, 1L Ii' a 4ySuiL Clothing etc. 141 NORT IICOMMERCIAL ST. PlPFIt SIT in FT MO k SB. tiidl .vV"-l" iitiM s-i.iiir.ii.iiji'tttJtfc.rf ..- vmmv v ,