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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
iHL UMLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. PAGE TWO SB3B3BS No Medicine- Chest Without Its Family Laxative Shipley's THE NEW SPRING DRESSES ARE HERE FOR YOUR VIEWING From the baby to the grandparentc a good laxative ii the necessary medicine in the little ills. It wards off serious sickness and saves doctor's bills. ' Many a cold has been pre vented from running into grippe and pneumonia by its timely use. Many a racking headache has been quickly dispelled by it. And it is a laxative rather than a drastic cathartic or purgative that should be in every family medicine -chest, for a laxative Can be used at all ages. Thousands of good American families have for more than quarter century used a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is a laxative-tonic that acts on the bowels and stomach. Infants take it with perfect safety, and it is equally effective for grownups. Grandparents are now ceeing their children give it to their babies. - It is excellent for all the family in constipation no matter how chronic, indigestion, wind colic, biliousness, headaches, dyspepsia and similar ills. Th drugit will relund your mortar U it itil to do as promt ted. , PRICE AS ALWAYS In eplte of greatly Increased laboratory costs due to the War, by sacrificing profits and absorbing war -taaea we have main tfiined the price at which this family lax ative has been sold by druggists for the past 36 years. Two . 50c and $1.00. SDr. Caldwell's YRUP OEPSIN The Perfect JL Laxative FREE SAMPLES If you have never used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin send for a tree trial bottle to Dr. V, B. Caldwell, 468 Washington St., Monticello, IU. If there are babies at home, ask for a copy of Dr. Caldwell's book, "Tb Care of Laby." RICKEYNEWS. S '(Capital Journal Spoclul Service.) Bickoy, March 7. The Thcndara ladies are again holding their regular meetings. They have been entertained t the homes of the following members ffleently: Mrs. T. Walace, Mrs.. K. A. Jjewis, Mrs. K. F. 'Whooler. So far only three of our boys, FroJ Dickman, Waron Wallace and Boberc Wheeler huvo received their discharge from the service. Edward Whitney who Is stationed in France, recently paid a visit to tho eity of Nioce. Georgo Hager and Chester Horner wore, still in France when last hoard from. Chester Horner was a momber of Company M, but has been transferred to the 6th cavalry. Boy Hornor who is stationed in Cu ba, recently paid a visit to tho Amcri cun colony and said It semcd almose like being in America. Eugene Wheeler is stationed in Tex as, Corporal Frank Harris is at camp at Ualabud, Md., and does not expoct to rocoivo his discharge for some time. No word lias bon recoived from Wes ley Smith lately, so it is not known wher ho is stationed. Thoro is only ono gold star In the Thcndara service flag, that being for A. DeSantis, who was killed in action. Mrs. W. D. Homer, Mrs. T. DeSantis, Miss Goldn Wheeler and Mi8s Lottie Wallace visited the school Friday after noon. L. H. Lewis of Crooked Finger spent i Watch Your Blood Supply, Don't Let Impurities Creep In Pure Blood Means Perfect Health. The average druggist has handled liundreds of medicines in his day, -ome of which have long since been forgotten. But there Is one that has been sold by the druggists throughout this country, for more than fifty years, and that Is S. 6. S., the reliable blood medicine, that Is purely vegetable. Muuy drugcists have seen wonderful results accomplished ' among their customers by this great old medicine, and they know that S. S. S. is one of the most reliable blood purifiers ever made. Keep your blood free of im purities by the use of this honest old medicine, and if you want medical advice, you can obtain same without cost by writing to Medical Director, Swift Specific Co., 28 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga, PR ING WEATERS New Fibre Silk Sweaters Foremost in the Fashion Firmament. These new Fibre Silk Jerseys will be the demanded Fabrics and as Style is the greatest factor that brings delight to the wearer, these were selected because of the original, yet discreet, designing- The colors are buff, salmon, coral turquoise blue, water melon pink yellow and beautiful combina tions alternating in black and white, blue and gold, gold and white. Some have tastily trim med cuffs and collars all have sailor or shawl collars, two pock ets and sash. Prices Range from $6.35 to $12.45 New Yarns The famous Fleisher Yarns known by all users i; - for their unexcelled uniformity and spuerior work : : ing and wearing qualities. . , I ; The new arrivals consist of the most wanted f colors in Sweater Yarns and Khaki, light, medium x and dark gray knitting yarns. . i; S.1 X We urge you to supply your wants now. By GERTRUDE ROBISOiS Mrs. Mabel Sottlcmeir, grand ma tron of the Woodburn Order of the Eastern Star, was guest of honor at a meeting of the Salem order yesterday at the home of Mrs. George P. Bur nett. An organization of the past ma trons was made, Mrs. Sottlemeir act ing as organizer. Those present were Mrs. Carlton Sfmith, Mrs. Iavid Wright, Mrs. Ida uaiococK, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. JS. M. LaFore vice president; Mrs. Wil liam Chcrriugton, Mrs. Beed, Mrs. Mil ton Meyers, Mrs. Georg O. Brown, Mrs. Frank Schaefer, Mrs. Frank Der. by, Mrs. Ida Godfrey and Mrs. George Burnett, president. The Knights and Ladies of Securi ty entertained last night with a mer ry danco- and social evening at Hurst hall on State street. Refreshments were served in the eourse of the eve ning and a very enjoyable time was had by all the guests. www Mrs. L. T. Harris, who has been vis iting at tho home of Dr. M. C. Harris in Eugene, has roturned to Salem, bringing with her as her guest, Airs. M. (J. Harris, who will remain until next wcok. The Junior Guild will hold a cooked food sale tomorrow at the Salem Hard ware store. The public ia cordially in vited. The friendg of Mr. and Mrs. George Harbison will be grieved to hear of their departure yesterday for Outlook, Washington, where they will reside in Quinine That Does Not Affect Head Because of its tonic and laxative ef fect, LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE (tablets) can 'be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ring ing in the head. There is 8nly one Bromo Quinino." E. W. GROVE'S signature on tho box. 30c. COCOANTJT OIL MAKES A SPLENDID SHAMPOO (c 5c ic )c jfc ic sc .jc Jc 5C If you want to keep your hair ia good condition, be careful what you wash it with -Most soaps and prepared shampoos eontnin too much alkali. This dries the I scalp, makes tho hnir brittle, and is ' very harmful. Just plain raur&ified co coanut pil (which ig pure and entirely greasoless), is much bettor than tho most expensive soap or anything clso you can use for shampooing, as ttrts can't possibly injure the hair. Simply nioiten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lathe rinses oiit easily and removes every particlo of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dr.ios quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can .get mulsified coconnut oil at most any drug store. It is very chomp, and a few ounces ig enough to last cvoryono in tho family for months. the future. Mr. and Mrs. Harbison were formerly resident of the High land district. a - Mrs. Charles Qutz is the guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Blake at Willow Lake. Mrs. Buti will be joined later toy her hus band, Charles Butz, of Modesta, Cali fornia. . a Miss E. M. Bloekader of Portland wag a Sakm visitor yesterday. She was accompanied by her brother, Ser geant . H. Blockadcr of Portland, who spent four years with the Cana dian expeditionary forces overseas and was .wounded in action. Mrs. Ed Hartley and daughter, Kath erine, left for Portland yesterday to spend the week end with, frienas. iney will return Sunday. The nominations of officers for the ensuing year will ibe mad si the reg ular meeting of the Saloon Woman's club tomorrow afternoon. a Robert N. Stsnfield, speaker of the 1917 session; J. N. Burgess, former state senator; F. S. Curl, former eoiin tv chairman of tho Umatilla republi can committee, and Marion Jack.mem- ber of ithe fish and game commission, arrived from eastern Oregon yestuiday to attend the funeral of the late Gov ernor James Withycombe. e The French army band which gave such a successful concert in 4he ar mory Wednesday evening, played last night in the Portland auditorium and attracted one of the largest assem of Portlandcrs that has patron ized any musieale of the season. Aside from its value and interest musicany, rhA mnenrt. had the added attraction of being given for a most .worthy and excellent cause, the proceeds to go to the fund for (French widows and or phans. It was an enthusiastic and apr preciative audience that greeted the players, the solo numbers being partic ularly well received. lWOTHEBS Should see that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, puri fying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is tho time. The family will bo healthier, happier, and get -i ...... Kt. it tho blood is eiven a thoro purifying, the stomach and bow- . ' - , -, .1. nP Srm- elS cleaned out, anu mo 8-i...o ter,- accumulated in the system, driven away. Hollistcr's Roeky Mountain Tea is one of the vory best and surest spring medicines to take. Got it and see th difference in the whole family. Their color will be better, they'll teel fine and be well and hatppy. D- J' the first part of last week at the home of his son, E. A. Lewis. Mrs. Clifford Gesnor and daughtor Frances La Juno, wore guests of Mrs. Gesner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Edwards on Friday. Dr. Stnrbuck and Arthur Beaver, of Dallas, Roladn Beaver of West Salem, sid W. Beaver of Salem, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Horner ono day last wck. The patrons of the district were the guests of the school childron the even ing of February 22nd. A ploasant social evening was spent and a neut sum realized from the s&lo of lunches, which will beused to pur chase things needed for the school. Mr .and Mrs John Chaplinger were culled to tlio boOside of their son, J. Irven, who is ill with- typhoid fever, at Wnliu Wtilln. Dr. Morefield, M. M. Mngel, John Horner, Mr, Lanke, Mr. Eillian and Mr. Fitxpatrick were among those who at tended the road mooting" in Salem on Tuesday. Miss Golda Wheeler spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. L. Dickman. For Colds, Grip and Influenza Take 'Initio Tabloto". Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature HEARTBURN or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations" of acid-dyspepsia. I pleasant to take, neutralize r . a - - II a. acidity ana neip jesiore normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION Waahiagton The national capital will soottb "forty five minutes from Broadw' if -viators eontian to smash reiords for the New York flight. A Delia viland "four" made it . eighty minutes yesterday. on the box. 30c (Capital Journal Special Service.) 1f.v TThnrn was Central tiowen, sim quite an excitement in this community last Sunday puning -mud, quite a umber being stationary in the road. All were finally got out except the stage. Then Mr. Fred I Du bin was called to the rescue with hw tractor ana ouui um - succeeded in extracting the stage from the mud but not the mud from the stage driver, he being pretty well plastered Th's was three quartors of mile east nf ontral Howell storo, 0n the scraight troed into Bilverton. Mr .and Mrs. Artnur -i'- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becker. "... n a.;.,finr Mrs. Mrs. Artnur uomn w Fred Durbin Thursday. - u:n 1. .onCT r school here a jars, juiiicr wuu . -r- f w years ago, spent the woek end at 1 . ,. I... VA Durbin. the Bomo 01 " - , , . . - i n.. v;ita anil son Joe made a business trip to Silvorton, Miss . ... . , . An. st thia nlaee Ulauys ncDDi who r - returned to Salem with them. , Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Goffin took in the French band concert Wednesday ijilit ut baicm. Mr. baul Jans, who h b06" a"8"11 . ii Rnlnm. came ing uiiainras jut-K home Vuchuay to viatt ana get ready to attend the a&hington junior bib week. , . . 1 m.lW sad 81S iurs. jvny jit'iiisuvu ter..Viss I'l arietta of BUverton, are vis iting her this week. Fred 1'urbin pulled oat three cars Turslay half mile north of Central Howell aehool. r . ' Mrs. Chris lichty ho has bec sick is able to be up sgain. Mfes Erumu Mickkleson was visiting M;ss Audrey Baggett Saturday. i . . a inianil oama in Mr. Win iil.aua ui " . on the rtage Fiidsy evening from Silver MAS BUSINESS MAN EN'DORSES II White Sewing Machine Man ager Beh'eyes Tanlac WDi Help AH Other Sufferers. "If it hadn't been for what other people said about Tanlac I might be suffering yet, and nobody need fear troulblr-s like I had as long as Tanlac is made," said H. A. Morrison, local manager for White Sewing Machine Co., Dallas, Tex., and living at 3517 Brown street, that city. "I suffered from a long standing and stubborn case of stomach trou ble," he continued. "My stomach was nearly always full of gas that gave me no end of misery, and I had to quit eating most everything but broth and other light diet. I had such an awful ipain in my right side that I couldn't stand up straight and sometimes I would almost double up in gony, I had terrible headaches, my sleep was so broken it didn't do me any good and I felt tired and worn out all the time. "I read of a man in Tennessee who. had gotten relief from the 6ame trou blo as mine by taking Tanlac, so I de cided to try it. Before I had finished my first bottle I began to feel better and a few more made me feel like a different man. I get as hungry as a bear at meal times, eat any thing I want and nothing hurts me at all. I sleep as sound as a log and get np full of life and energy, I have already gain ed eight pounds and ray work is a real pleasure to mo now." Tanlac is sold in Hubbard by Hub bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in Oervais by John Kelly, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood- burn by Lyman H. Storey, in Balem by Dr. A. C. Stone, in Silvcrton by Geo. A. Steolhajnmcr, in Gates by Mrs. J'. P. MoCurdy, in Stayton by C. A. Beau- champ, in Aurora by Aurora Drug store, in St. Paul by Groceteria (Store Co., Inc.,.in Donald by M. W. Johnson and in Jefferson by Foshay & Mason. ton to visit tho family of Albert Janz Miss Florence Gowor and Miss Mabel Mickkleson were appointed by the teacher last week to number the school library books, which thoy did no Satur day. :jl!iiSf Miss Laural Janz spent the week end with her parents. Don't Spoil A Good Meal A Bad Stomach If a physician, a specialist in stom ach diseases, came to you and said: "I will fix up that miserable, worn out stomach for you or money Ibaek. "I will make it as good as new so you -will not suffer from any distress and can cat what you want witnout fear or suffering, or money back would yop turn down his offer! And when you are offorcl Mi-o-na stomach tablets, made from a prescrip tion better than many of the stomach, specialists know how to write, are you going to .be narrow minded and con tinue to suffer from indigestion, or are you going to bo fair to yourself and try Mi-o-na on the money back agree ment. " , Mi-o-na stomach tablets aro offered to you on this ibasis, that if they do not piit your stomach into such good shape that there is no dizziness, sour stomach, biliousness, sick . headache, and stomach distress, your money Will be refunded. For sale by D. J. Fry and all leading druggists. Releases Pitchers Vance And Piercey To Sacramento Club NewSTork, March S. Manager Mil ler Hugging of the New York Ameri ca league club has announced the re lease of Pitchers Vance and Pierey to A DRESS FOR EVERY OCCASION IN THESE NEW SPRING STYLES In the almost endless variety of models of new Spring Dresses which we are now showing you will find a clever model designed for every wear, indoor or outdoor, for service or for purely dress occasion. Crepe de Chine Dresses Georgette Crepe Dresses Taffeta Combination Dresses Men's Wear Serge Dresses Prices range from $12.48 for Silk Poplin up to $50 for Georgette Crepe Dresses What we want to point out particularly though is the exceeding beauty of both styles and materials in the new dresses which really must be seen to be fully appreciated. U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145-147 N. Liberty St. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices .. the Sacramento club of the Pacific coast league. Vance and Piercy have been with the Yanks since 1915. nuggins also announced that he had receivod the contracts of Earl Baldwin, iv catcher rrora rortiana, ure., ciuu, and Pitcher Ed Monro. Both wore muf tred out of the army recently. Chicago, Here's a pickle. Frank A. Killy, claiming insolvency, listed debts of $22,449, assets of $10,000 in pickles. Creditors can furnish the brine. Stomach on Strike? Here's Relief! No Indigestion, Gas or Sourness Upset stomachs feel fine. All indigestion, gases, sourness", heartburn, brash or acidity goes instantly. No waiting! i Quickest stomach relief known. Just as soon as Pape's Diapepsin reaches your sick, unsettled stomach all stomach misery stops. .Costs little All druggists. Stomach suffering is needless. ID 1 TM WILL PUTOU upstti r xrapeo jL'lcipcFQ'iii on your feet TLt.2 Jcy TSSifsJ lsiaaval As tTM) Hour Pass tha) Commf of Baby Draws Near An Yra Preparad? &:&r:.. No woman awaltlwr the Joy of coming motherhood should allow the days to paw without uslnc tho wonderful neuttraUnf ap. plication. Mothers' Friend. Br Its rerular n throughout the period th system la prepared for tin eomlnf mat and strain and terarion la retiered. It ren den the broad. Sat abdominal m uncles pliant and thr readily yield to nature's demand for expansion. As a result tha nerves are pot lt awn upon with that peculiar wrench ing strain, and nauaea, nerroasnesa, beaiin down and stretching pa I lis are counteracted. Tba abdomen noanda easily when baby ar rives and the hours at the crisis an ant orally leas. Pain and danger as a coaa. mienro la avoided. Mother's Friend not enly allays distress In BrtTance, bat ewoira a apeeriy recovery for tha mother. The akin la kept sort and aaiootn and natural and ties Irum dlsarure- Write to the BrarUle M EernlatnrCompany. Dept. J I,amar Duildine. Atlanta. Geurcia. for their Motherhood Book, and procure a bptllo of Motner'e Friend from tits d runlet, ft Is Just as standard as aajthlug you caa tsiak at. Spring Veget a b 1 e s We have secured a niee assortment of Home Grown and California Vegetables. See our display. Artichokes, Celery, Lettuce, Home Grown Spinach, Head Lettuce, Brussel Sprouts, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Broccoli, or Cauli Flower, Carrots and Turnips. Oranges and Grape Fruit Extra Quality Sweet Oranges, Medium Sizes 35c per dozen, 3 doz, for $1.00 Extra Fancy California Grape Fruit 60c Per Dozen DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS 45c Quality, 3 Tins for $1.00 OAK BRAND ASPARAGUS 4 Tins for $125 SPECIAL CROJEAN'S BROWN EICE 10 Poinds for $1.00 BAYO BEANS . 3 Pounds for 25c REFINER'S CANE SUGAR SYRUP Gallon, $1.00 UMECO NUT BUTTER 35c Per Pound Roth Gocey Co.