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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
5000 CIRCULATION. f f' (25,000 EEADEKS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMTTTE VAL LEY NEWS SERVICE. ft Weather Repart Oregon: Tonight and Satur- day fair, moderate southwest- erly winds. FORTY-SECOND YEAR "NO. 49. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS OX TRAINS AND FEW STANDS FTVE CENTS 1 (1 i 1 iOT n Take Up Question Sending Supplies to Needy Territories "Big Five" Of Peace Conference Agree That Population Of The Districts Must Be Kept From Going Hun gry If -. ead Of Bolshevism Is To Be Prevented. j Have I ded To Destroy German Submarines, But Fate 01 i eet Is Still Undetermined. By I" : Jerguson. (United Pros Correspondent.) Parish March 7.-'fhe "tig five" of Jhe peace conference today took up the proposition of sending food lio Itcmia and German-Austria. Means of getting supplies into the districts which most urgontly need them were to be dis cussed. The populations of these terri tories, it was felt, must be kopt from going hungry if the spread of Bolshev ism is to bo prevented. Naval terms which will be finally in corporated in the final peace treaty liave been thoroughly gone over by the "big fivo" and, it was learned, the de cision to destroy the German submar ines stands. Decision was resorvod, however, with regard to the proposal "that the Kiel canal be destroyed and the fortification of Heligoland rcducod. Tho fate, of tho German fleet is also still undecided. Speed Up Proceedings. Premier Lloyd George, sineo his re turn to Paris, has added his weight to speeding up proceedings, not only to ward nn early signing of the peace SUFFHAOiSrS WANT BATTLE AROUND POLICE FLOOR lEADtKSHIPHEADQyARTERS 'RAGING Are Putting Representative Mondsfl, Of Wyoming For ward For Position. Washington, March 7. Prohibition and stiff rago forces in ,tho house, defeat, cd in their attempt to put one of their number in the speaker's chair, today .wore demanding the floor leadership. Representative Mondcll, Wyoming's date hoy are Pu ing fward fo7 the ! MJZFi?lV?l . .' . ' " ' . . uu.uuu .uau ,ue BpeaKorsnip . ii. .1.. , i ' , . .... monuou is a memoer ot tne nouse, Both gid(.g are U3ing machine guns uteenng committee and will begin his an(1 nuored automobiles. The govern twelfth term as congressman is tho next mont js attacking, in an effort to raise .congress. - siCge, with tanks, airplanes and Lenders differ on wither the com-1 poison gas. (Scores of casualties have mitteo on committees, which will coa-j.boen reported, including many' civil tinuo its session for the next few days liana ,to drawup a house organization, will choose a floor leader now or wait until congress convenes. Iiongworth Want3 Delay. Mondell believes the selection should be made now, while Eepresentative Longworth of Ohio wants it put off. Tho committeo today took up tho job Many republican uatds we wouna of assigning t0 committeos jiem mem-'ed in the street fighting in various liors, holdover members having been parts of the city. The scenes of disor Hiactically all asigned in the past two dor, however, were still widely scat days, jtered. The only unexpected action taken so1 Somo radical chiefs changed their nt far was to increase the ways and means titudo of pessimism and threatened to committee from S3 to 25 members, develop a revolution which would ac whieh. no.eordinir to the remibllcEnii. wa. complish what tho first Spartacan out done at the request of democrats who, would have been forced to havo drop ped some members oothcrwiso. Abe Martin Th ole time wpil that went' up irhen a daughter got married has been succeeded bv a sifth o' relief. "I bo- i vtnj jj til lieve l'll go t' church t 'morrow unless ; indicates that tho measures taken by "The naval division- (which went it's a nice day." said Tell .Binklcy, s the government are making successful over to the rebels), has been disarm It'day, while washin' his car. 'progress. Attackg upon the Spartacans ed" treaty, but also toward quickly meeting the fuod situation; in central Europe. British reports regarding conditions in Germany and German-Austria are similar to reports reaching tho Ameri cans. Conditions in Austria are .es cribed as being most critical, the people being on the verge of starvation. The delegates appreciate that that this sit uation may become so serious that Ger- many will break up, making tho sign- ing of any kind of a pcaco impossible, Le Temps Objects. T.a TViiitio tma vuispil fin nlnfitinri in the allies feeding Gerina-Austrm. voic- ing a widespread French sentiment a gainst it. However, it is generally look cd upo:i by peace delegates as a necccs- sary step in bringing about world peaco and tranquility. It is pointed out that tho work of the food administration in rushing supplies Uo Polntid under tho greatest difficulties was all that saved the situation thercrnnd prevented tho country disintegrating. Incidentally, the feeding of Poland was carried out in spito of persistent obstructive tac tics by tho German authorities at Danzig- ' Government Troops And Spar tacans Are Both mmg Machine Gims. By Frank J. Taylor (TJuited Press staff correspondent) Berlin, Mar. 6. (3 p. m.) A 'battle raged this afternoon in the streets i around police headquarters, which was 'bosiegod by tho rebels. Gov"nle"t rfoo8 l t0 lh0 ?tacans ot with tho bcM siesrers. Tho irovernment has sent its - famous Officorg regiment to rt rt - "llUL the rebel guards, from the rear. Spartacans Ballied, After rebels appeared to have been crushed and radical lenders admitted Anfnit 4in A .n H n i ft n a rillipil The' general strike, which almost i flickered ;out, seemed to be gaining I strength today. br21.1fal fd to accomplish OOK Tailed to accompusn. iVH ' Ti ' A V i? While this bitter struggle went on.'YV'iSOn ilGiSiCCS U3 JCC3Q7! of Bands paraded, entertaining crowds j enjoying their strike vacation by stroll jjing in tho spring sunshine, oblivious a. of the rattle of machine guns which came from the direction of polico head quarters. Entrenched in Hotel. The American mission was intrenched in tho Adlon hotel behind a battery of msehine trims this afternoon, while fighting between rebels and government forces continued streets. At this hour the Spartacans had thrown up barricades und otherwise for-, democrat running on. a league of ua tified themselves in a space of about tions platform in a Pennsylvania spec- a dozen blocks, including the royal ess-Jul congressional election. (This eioc tie stables and public buildings. Spar-! tion was in tho twenty-second emigres tacans captured the main telegraph of-.sional district of Pennsylvania to fill fice. a vacancy caused by the death of E. E. They charged through Lcipziger- Kol bins, republican.) strasso, shooting in all directions and' Tho Georgo Washington was about endangering tho American Bed Cross Rt'O miles out this morning. Tho sea mission. Colonel Tayior ordered the was smooth; tho air mild. Tho prcsi women of the mission to seek safety in dent, enjoying tho voyage, arose lato. the Palace hotel, j He engaged in a boat drill with tho The American mission in charge of crew of boat number 12. Former At bringing prisoners out sf Germany, wasjtoniey -General Gregory was assigned the one which took refuge behind a to boat number 13. row of machine gung at the Adlon ho-1 Wilson will resume work on the mK-ss tel. j of business that is waiting his utten- tion. Official Communique He sent to William J. Bryan, ill at Berlin, Har. 6. Attacks of German j Washington, a wireless message or synt government troops on the rebels i puthy. .1 Berlin are progressing favorably it) was officially announced, touay. The communique follows: t "The situation Thursday afternoon IffifOSE m OF SHIPS T MM GERMANS Want Guarantee Of Food Enough To Last UrNext Harvest Season. By Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, March 7. Flat refusal of Ger many to permit its ships to be used for homeward transportation of American troops unless a food supply to last until next harvest is first guaranteed bv the allies, confronted peaco delegates of tho great powers when they met this after noon. Thi3 determination on the part of Germary was mado known by her rep resentatives at the economic conference at Spa, Belgium. They informed tho alied renresontatievs the German mnr- J chnntmen would not be turned over unless tho nocessary food supplies were positively guaranteed. Thereupon, the ullics' economic mission returned from the SPa further -instructions, Consider Situation. The entire question of feeding Ger many and tasing tho blockado of the j ctral Pwms was fought to a enmax by the German attitude. American members of the economic nussion re turning to Paris' with worn or Ger many's stand, conferred this morning with the United States peaco delega tion at the Hotel Grillon. Tho "big fivo" considered tho situ ation this afternoon. It was estimated that $400,000,000 worth of food would be required o feed the Germans until the next Marvcet. This sum is doublo the available gold and securities in Germany. Evea if tho amount available wero to bo taken, it Hould cause financial collapse, it w-as pointed out. Can't Pay for Food. Economic experts declared tho only posiblo meara by whicli Germany might pay for food would bo for that nation to start production of exportable commodities. This brings squarely be fore tho peace conference the question of whether Germany will bo permitted to enter world trado "immediately un doi certain restrictions. Some hold this to be necessary, if Germany is to be kept together and maintained In such shape that she will bo able to sign a peace treaty, pay her debts Mid make reparation for war damage. Think Blockade Is Necessary - The French adhere to tho viewpoint that it is necessary to maintain tho blockado until France recovers mdust- riallT and U dy to eompete with Qor- in worl(l mnrl(eU. tlmt ls, ,mtil m v.. ,.,j .. 4i, nftte if I 11 I'M HUB ILTUTULLU AlUllfc IIIW .in of German invasion, devastation and .,. l,,,u:r TTTOn.i.r Frnnriv it. ra stated, i8 willing to have tho Unit ed States lend Germany the money to pay for the food. American delegates regard this as out of tho question. The situation isnow such that settle ment will probably bo a matter of. weeks. It has been dragging sinco Nov ember. Tho question, of course, i3 re garded by the Americans i;s highly im portant, ns tho United Bit aes needs tne German ships to speed the homoward movement of the American trocqia. LEAGUE OF NATIONS CANDIDATE ELECTEI Of Democratic Representa tive From Pennsylvania. By Carl D. Groat. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Aboard the U. 8. 8. Goorgc Washing'- German ton, Uarch 7. (10 a. .m.)Prcsidcnt Wil in tho sou was overjoyed today by messages Irom Mccreary Daniels and Secretary Tumulty, reporting tho victory of a are progressing lavoraoiy. oe pre- fecturo of police IS stTi surrounded, but it will be liberated soon. ELIEVEU. S. WILL RELAX OPPOSITION TO LEAGUtCOVINAHT French Hope Their Desired Ainencbents Will Be Ac ceptable To Wilson. By John DeOandt Paris, Mar. 7. rA distinct impression prevailed here todo.y that American op position to the league of nations cove nant would show considerable relaxa tion after President Wilson actually rosumes his work in Paris. ; His speech- in New,-York just before sailing was tho subject of favorable comment among the French. Some of ficials hero apparently new hope that tho desired French amendments to the covenant will bo moro acceptable to Wilson. Thty believe the president ap preciates that the terms of the peace treaty can only be put into execution through tho ntedium of the league of nations I with continued American col laboration. . La Liberto, commenting on Presi dent Wilson's sprochog and tho Amer ican situation, said: . , "The covenant is simply nn alliance of free nations which is sufficient if it is provided that France may take ho neeossary territorial and strategic al guarantees to the eastwnid to pro vent new aggression." "Even if Vie is unable to win over a majority of the republican opposi tion," said the Journal De Debats, " Wilson has convinced the ' masses that it is a necessity and that it is his duty to establish a league for the pur pose of preventing all aggressive en terprises." STILL II II MOT WILL CO! 1)TE Are Awduiig RicM's Decis im On va'Sard-DeiTipsey is New York, Mar. 7. Boxing enthus iasts throughout the country were ju bilant today as a resulti of tho action of tho Nevada legislature yesterday in pansing tho mensuro permitting 25 round contests in that western state. Tho assembly passed the bill over Gov ernor JJoyle's veto last week and the sunate indorsement clinched the inat torr Many believe that Tex Kickard, promoter of the Willard-Dcmpsey heavy weight championship bout, will decide to stage' thiiuht in Nevada. Favoi'aib-le action on a similar law is also expected in Idaho, according to J. Hol.b Brady, the moat recent bid der for the chaini'ionship contest. Bra dy telecrttphhi Eickard from Pocatel- idaho. ha offered $1(10,000 cash for the privilege of stuping the bout. In his dispatch to Rickartl. Bradv stated that tho leirislaturo had localized loncL bouts and tho governor was expected "n sitrn. Rir-knril nnv nvnrrfnA in INawi VfMlf !a nvmniti.i-l itttiaa nnnn flila m,H other TiiHa n.t. nn rnrlv dntn. Although a number of eastern and the war. :Wock is as ionows: middle western cities are bidding f ox j Through them, the allies agree to ac-1 Lieut, 'aul Wallace, Walter Spaull tho match, boxing 'devotees incline cept the wheat at the New Vork prico, Fng, Ray Benson, R. Clearwater, P. . . " strongly to tho belief that the big which is now about $2.40. iWhipplo, W. C. Matson, of this city; fight should be decided in the west Officials point out that the wheat A. Mitchell, of Dallas; Corporal N. Kid over the longer route. The chief bb- now boing raised for export was to be Cr, Corporal Clare McBride, Horgcnnt jection to the eastern and mid-western sent to Kurapo at this prico had the Hublor, Corporal George Tripp, Corpor- offers i9 the fact that only ten, twelve and fifteen round fights may bo stag- ed, Rickard's contracts with Dempscy obligates tho promoter to notify Demp- sey sixty days beforo tho contest just where tho action, will be laid. The pro- motor has tne privilege of changing tho scene of tho fight even aftor his decision hag been made, but he must give ten days notice. Killed Man For Denouncing Bolshevism In His Home Tocoma, Wash., March 7. Enraged AUCUIUU, TTUBI1., AUU-Il-II I . -JHI UUM because he denounced bolshovism and ordered him out of his house for up- holding it, Charles Davis last night liot and killed his brother, Robert E. P. Davis, a foreman at the Todd shipyard, at their home and then made his escapo i:i tho dead man 's automobile. The shooting took placo in tho kitchen in, tho presence of Robert's wifo and a friend, J. W. Lamar, also a shipyard i ' v. !..:: i ... n. cvcnii ' . 1 , , ,, , , m . , 347th Ke!d Artilkrv Of 91st R k T C1 C Snn Francisco. Mar. 7 Th 347th field artillery, the 4.7 inch gun unit of the Plst division, win sail from France within two weeks, according to cablegrams received today by friends of Chaplain George Lacombe of the 3-1'th. The unit is now at Brest prepar- ing for embarkation. The 347th is composed of national army men from the Pacific coast states 5 COiT LOAF OF BREAD IAY SOON 001 BACK SAY FOOD OFFICIALS Plan Embraces Taking Over Honr Supply At Nominal rrcht lo Eillers. Washington, Mar. 7 the "nickel loaf" may soon roturn to the market basket of tho housewife, food adminis tration officials said- today. They are working on a plan said to bo nearly ready for submission to Herbert Hoov er and President Wilson to ntilizo the billion dollar wheat prieo guarantee fund for decreasing the price to bread makers and still keep wheat prices at $2.26 for the farmer. The tcntativo plan, according to of iicials, embraces the taking over of tho flour supply of tho country at a nominal profit to the miliars and sell ing it to the public at a loss of $2 a barrel. They express no doitbt that the foreign demand for wheat will bo suf ficient to keep the wheat price up to I he government's guaranteed figure. Bought at 58 Officials state that with wheat at $2.20 a bushel, the flour cun bo bought fairly by tho government for $8 a barrel aftor making allowances for all the bi-products caved in making tho flour nnd for a fair profit. But in order to insure the fivo cent loaf tho flour must cost not moro than $(1 a barrel to tho Ibread makers. The plan considers the government absorbing the loss of $2 a barrel at a total cost "of $500,000,000. Thus the consumor would got a five cent loaf bread, tho farmer the $2.20 price and tho government's appropriation bo us ed to decrease tho bread price instead of boosting the wheat pricei officials pointed out. Estimate Wlieat Crop Tho food administration and tho de partment of agriculture in estimating this year's stimulated wheat crop place the figure at about 1,200,000,1)1)0 bushels. Of this, prbbaibly 050,000,000 bushes will be needed for domestic use, allowing about 550,000,000 bush els fur export and carry over. About 300,000,000 bushels ean be . safely''-exported, it is ibulicve'd, leaving the rest for seed and other carry over needs. Tho world wheat reserve of 400,000, 000 ibushele which was unavailable be cause of shipping needs and which has since been pouring into hungry Europe willbe exhausted long before tho pres ent crop is marketed-,- officials sniy. In addition, nib-nut 300,000,000 bushels in various localities, which has been held a:s a carry over, is already used up. Many of tho largo wheat district in Russia, Rumania, Austria, Gormany and parts of Italy and France thia year will produce only a small portion of their normal crup. Can Got Any Figure So officials have no doubt- that the American export supply can be sold at any figure asked for it. Great Brit ain is now buying some wheat at about $1 25, but this is on contracts whifh have ibeen held up because gf hick of shipping. The Liverpool market cannot again control the world wheat price until there is a world surplus of wheat, ! official state, If tho ntan contemplated is npprov- ed, all the export will be handled by th United tttntoa Uram Ori)oruiloll, !,!,. luMi.llfll tllB food Slir.ftlv from thn United States to the allies during V. ' - J! IT war continued and oeiievea mere would bo little 'objection to buying tho wheat at the high fiture now. Bring Bread Down First Tho price of. bread, food adminiutrn- ' tion figures show, hag not increased in proportion with, the price of wheat, but the government is anxious to unjrK bread down as the first and moot vital step in decreasing the cost of living. 'or fivo years before tho war tho av crago price of wheat was 87 cents, with the average 13 ounce loaf selling for five cents. With wheat at 2.2fl bread -should ibe soiling for fourteen cents to maintain tho proportion, but tne aver- ago price of oread d is only ten cents. Out of every 1 worth of bread the; Will WJL nnj V ....... - - . farmers before the war .received 25 cents. His sharo 19 now 41) cents, oiu- cials aaid. ' ' .. ArVm-al Knanil 10 KK lfiVe Admiral Sons At London Washington, Mar. 7, will relieve Admiral -Admiral Knapp Sims at London .May 7, Socretary of the Navy Daniels 'announced today. Admiral Strauss will return to Europe shortly to direct the sweeping of mines from the North sea. Admiral Niblack, who is being returned rom tne jvicuitcrranean win oe eiuoi of neval intelligence. Navy officials expect that three of the German merchant ships which are being converted into transports will be available this week. " Bt. Paul, Minn. Meat should be more equitably distributed through tiTS beef stew at the iboys' state school at lied Wing, the state board of visitors reported to Governor Burnquist, rwate uwnersmo Is Railroad Policy Cummins Looks To Expects Next Congress To Enact Such A Plan With Broad Supervisory Powers, Vested In Government Iowa Senator Heads Interstate Commerce Committee which Will Frame New Railroad Law. By L. O. Martin. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, March 7. Private ow - neruhip with broad supervisory powers, vested m the government, is what Sen ator Cummins, Iowa, expects as a per manent railroad policy to be enacted by the next congress, he said today. Cummins will head the sentato inter- state commerce committeo, which will fraine tho new railroad law. Before leaviag Washington for a brief rest, Cummins outlined what in his view will bo tho portable direction on con gressional action. Though he personally favors government ownership, Cuinmius is of tho opinion it cannot be .obtained now. Main Features of Law. The main features of tho law Cum mins expects to see enncted are: I. Return of tho lines to their pnv ate ownership. PART OF OLD THIRD OREGON TO ARRIVE TODAY .INPORTLAND Parts Of Compaciss B, L And EI Make Up The 200 Who Will Cose This Evening Another wave of jubilation and wcl como is due' ttr Portland this evening when several units of the old Third Oregon, now the 102ud Infantry, will arrive from tho east over tho O. W. H. & N. There are moro than 200 of the boys, tho contingent buing mado up of, detachmonts of Companies B, L, and M. Tho soldiers will be met at tho depot by the Multnomah Guard band and eo- corted to tho auditorium, whore tliero will bo a sumptuous dinner provided, I the festivities to be followed by ai dance. However. Colonol May, com- manding tho old Third Oregon, has sent wnrd 4 In l if in f in irminrti w uh tint word that it is tho general wish that no elaborate plans for (iitertninment bo made until tho entiro regiment can bo assembled and bo givon a greeting enmasse in Portland. Tho boys will remain in Portland until 3 o'clock in the morning, when they will tontinuo their journey to Camp Lewis. Boys of Willamette Valley. A number of Willamette valley boys are included in this group, and coupling, hem with the boys whs just came into Portland with tho 00th regiment, the: Portlt-nd With tllO list or those WttO have arrived at w. cotrey, sergeant iraiiK x iiescn-. man, waiter r reenter, j. jjcici uciu j npprc(.iuto veTy nillch your prcseneo Jumes Strange, all of Corvallis. , and j naBlire U aU that x take Albany men arriving this week are Hp th( Be ncw dutieg whh the intontlon as follows: - c). f uif niing them in tho most con- Sergcantg C. B. Conn, J. B, Palmer, Mlcnti mM1IM aUhoKn X aRsalll0 B. T. Thacker, G. B. Crawford, Corpo-jth repnnl)ibiiiti0H wjtn the greatest ulg C. Haborley, C. Hoflerstrom, . Ueu- rulu,,tanc , en, W. Gilbert, W. rarsons, J E. Lamb, Ho on to Bpfak in tho kindest D. P. Ma-ttin, O. Q. Proty, P. h. Ral- rf hi predoecilior and o the por ston, B. McLain, h. I. Kichardson.lj.,,, rclationg that had cxigtod Dctweo Privities (first class It, L. B"rn0. them during tho past years, and ttw 1). r. Scwlanrt, I, Hholj B. D. Bi yin, eo " tion that ,,,, 0XiB, .T. V. Elliott, K Smith W. B. lwwj eapMltiMl Itowden. Privates L. Moore, W. D. Kilk-; ,, m.. i... ., hi. f. i7i c- c- J""1' 011,1 L- V- B,ttrr; . Tho Marion county hoys wno nave . . mil uiim hoom.v.. v.. v. . - - - recently returned and "tiro group of officials under the bier court house number about 75, represent- f w,lon wiu conce(lo tnai it ing Salem, Bilvcrton, Maclcay, Turiwr,; thpr(j . ftny l(mn -n 0r(lg01J futod to Brooks, Gorvtw, Sublimity, Jefferson, i ,he roP)0nsibiiity n , Ui. St. Paul, Shaw, Aumsville, Stayton. sev- 01(f)t ho bHnKs to u not on)y en of tho group being students from- u (Uif,n;e o cxccutive abiil'.y Willumotte University. but a long ncquaiitance with tho w'k roBD's incomStax?o,ooo,ooo. f ttat offMai Detroit, Mich. March 7. Henry Fordj only mado upwards of a dozen million dollars last year.nnd therefore, the in- come taxes he will pay in tho next few days will be less by a million or so than last year, it developed today. nor tne past iew nays a iurgu sum. of aconntnnts, attorneys, clerks and stenographers havo been hard at work, f;;uring up Ford, debt to tho govern-! ment and today tne jou was jar more completed. It was estimated that Ford's Income taxes will amount to around $6,000,000. Svens Point, Wis. George Clnrk didn't wnnt thieve, to get his liberty bonds. He burned them. 2 Consolidation into a few great ! systems. 1 3. Guaranteeing a certain per cent , return 0n capital, 4. Increase in the powers of the in terstate commerce commission. Several other members of the senate and house committees incline to Cum mins' view that private ownership is j certain. But thero is practical unanira- ity in congress cm one thing that con ditions beforo the war can never bo gono back to if the railroads are to con tinue to bo pacemakers, or even to keep pace with America's growth, members said today. ' -,s Most members of the two committees believo that private ownership, sup ported by government bucking, will put the railroads on their feet financially and result in moro efficitn operation. SECRETARY OLCOTT TAKES OATH AND IS -KOWGGWOHAtSO Justice McBride Administers Vow la Presence Of Very Few Officials. ' V - .......-,- '.. "I do solemnly swear that 1 will support tho Constitution of tho United States,, tho Con stitution of the Slate of Oregon and the laws thereof; and that I will faithfully discharge tho duties of Governor of tho State of Oregon aeeordingto the best of my ability, so help me God." $ Caroful avod; all ostontaUoil, ditlllh.v l(lmllZv with ,! . le f , ffl d m' Mr r men ns spectators in the governor's of lice, Secretary of Stee Olcott this morning took the customary oath, whereby he became officially the chief xecutive of the state The ceremony waJ impressive even in its simplicity ns amid nn uttor silence wnne-natred old Justice McBride held up nn hand and administered tho oath. And if it wm.u iiiiiipnDa'it'A ilia Dtinn i n i n O ur r m gakmn ' th(j omeM J r(Ml , t(l (ln,)lo rM 'il)ilit Rnd h - , ;. .,,,,. t ' ,i,, V iitlt company, ilo said in part: ' (ieutlemen, 1 have come to the most momentous event of my life, and I take up tho work and responsibilities of this office in a most -humble mnnuor. I find myself too much overcome by tlio solemnity of this moment to mane any xtended wtr.ti'ment, but at some iuluro ,i(mr , M Vfis ,f moro freoy fi(.0 with tho universal respect, good- wiu and assured co-operation of tho en- One of the first official acts of Go - crnor Uicott, lonowing inaugural, was tho appointment of a woman secretary ns a notary public. The cornploto list of notaries appointed this morning i as follows: . rnmwell, Grains fcsn; J. ntoui, Wendlmg; Huron Horensea, Amity; k. E. Hiun, Portland; Henry Hcisel, Tilia- O. M. Hand, Homestead; H. U ""; Stephens, Estncnda; Noah Vibbert, oattwny Ver logicalv his next act would ba to wire R. A. Booth, of tho high way commission, urging him to rccon- (Continut'd on page three)