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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1919)
: 5000 CIRCULATION. . (25,000 HEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by tire Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLA'MTTTE VAL LEY NEWS SEltVICK Weaker Report. Oregon: Tonight and Sun day -raio-wrat pen ion, probab ly rain or so east portion; aider fast, portina tonight;! pontic- sonthci.sterly winds stifling to westerly. f1 fc ; 7-i;n fill FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 49. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWH STANDS ftv rFNT - s.- S I - d 1 ji 6 J I 13 13 1 f 9 M 5 5 1 PLAN TO FEED OF STRICKEN APPROVED BY This Principle May Be ExU i To Re-Victualling Ger many. Provisions Are e In Program Whereby Gennans Would Be Abli Buy Supplies, First By Permitting Them To Emf In Export Trade, And Second, By Allowing ThE To Establish Neutral Credits. By Fred S. Ferguson (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Mar. 8. The supreme war council, discussing the problem of sup plying food to the enemy countries to day, was expected, to reach an agree ment by Monday. It was believed thai certain concessions would be made to relieve the situation resulting from the disagreement between the German and allied economic commissions at Spa. The conferees already liavo approv ed for feeding the people of dismem bered Austria, whereby tho blockade will be lifted. This prlnciplo may be extended to Germany, it wan under stood, through adoption of a resolution directing the supreme economic coun cil to carry out tho provision of re victualling that country contained in the armistice. Program Under. ConsidTratlon- From authoiilutivc sources, it was learned the program now being discus sed under which the Germans will be able to buy food, provides: First, for permission for the Ger mans to engage iij export hade, par ticularly with such commodities as coal and' potash, of which they have a plen tiful supply. The money thus obtained will be applied on food payments. Second, for establishment of neutral credits by Germany. Third, for use of gold nssotB. if nec- iwury The latter method would bo permitt ed only as a last resort if money raised through other means proved insuffi cient. It' is estimated that Germany lias $500,000,000 in wold. The French ere understood to have tentatively agreed to such a plan, buT have insist ed that first the financing of Germany should be undertaken by an American loan, taking long term notes in payment for food. This, the Americans refused to consider. WOWAN PRESIDES IN HOUSE, Sacramento, Cal.j- March 8. For tho first time in tho history of the Golden State a woman has presided over the fiouse of the California legislature. Miss Est0 Bruiighton, assemblywom an from Modesto, took tho chair in the lower house on the invitation of Speaker Wright and wielded tho gavel during part of the Friday afternoon session. Miss Brourrhton is not a stranger in the halls of the Jaw makers.' She served in previous sessions as an attaene. NAVAL CASUALTIES Washington. Mar. 7. Naval ensual itios wore reported today as follows: Lieut. .Toseiph II Williams, USA 4? F, died of gunshot wound received on 'board U S S Brooklyn; address Pat cr.on N J Ensign James S Eadio, Flushing N V; died of pioumonia at St Nazaire hospital, Franco Boatswain Arthur Grove. Lucerne (Minn, died U 8 naval hospital Brook lyn, of injuries I Albert (F H.adel, chief machinists mute, 'Roxlbury Muss, died of seaplane accident, ' . Abe Martin By th' time some folk git Teady t' ay you it's jest like findin' it. Of all. th' girlish fuds th' painted face' ftu' weathered oak neck is th' limit. t gill K (J IrtE$i . PUTflMOYERlit At Recent Meeting Decided That 130 Miles Is Neces sary To Cover County. The Bevefal committing appointed to handle the market rouds proposition for Marion county are putting in time getting affairs in shape in order to liave everything set aqnarely beforo tho pco plo at the coming special election, June 3rd. Both tho road location committee and the parent committee Ifl suujtct to tho call of their chairman. One of the reasons the market rofrds committco recommended tho . bonding plan instead of a direct tax levy, was because under tho bonding - plan, the roads to be improved would have to be definitely specified in the measure sub mitted to the people. It was thought that those communities in tho outlying districts would demand that tho road to bo improved be designated before they would support any measure for raising funds for road improvement. , ... ... 'Under the direct tax levy proposition it could not bo legally designated as to tho location of the roads. At a recent meeting of tho road lo cation committees, it ws decided that 100 miles of roads would not cover tho county, as this first move for good roads, or first unit, will require the building of 130 miles. This will mean that the plan of road building will be extended to six years instead of five. 11 Per Ce.'.t to Be Raised. According to tho estimates of the county court and the road committee, only 11 per cent of the paving cost will have to be raised by the salo of bonds. The other 89 per cent, of funds will come from direct taxation without auv special levy, through channels already legalized. A considerable sum of monov will be received bv the county from tho! automobile tax of the state. Ono fourth of the total auto tax is to be retunud to each county.. Tho committee in charge of road loca tion will meet when called by it3 chair man, Hurley L. Mooro of Woodburn, but this will hardly be until after the next meeting of tho parent committee. In the1 meantime tho executive committee is preparing the measure to be submitted and also preparing tho form of the pe tition to get tho measure on tho ballot. OLD FENCE ROW CAUSE OF A FRIENDLY SUIT Court Decides That Posses sion For Forty Years Gives Title. A little strip of land something over half a mile long and varvine in width from 100 feet to 148 fM, has 'been to some extent a source of trouble to several owners of the original dona- lion land claim of Fabian Maloins, lo-! cated in Tp. 5, S. R. 2, W, ai.d at time mreaieneu me irienuiy relations or.hirriwav in Ulatsop county wwitu neighbors, finally to decide definitely who was the owner of the land and to avoid any special ill feeling among neigh bors, a friendly suit was bronght in this term of the circuit coivrt before Judge-Bingham, entitled, Felicite M M. Manning and V. A. Manning against Marr P. Gregoire. In the 'decision rendered yesterday by Judge Bingham, the land in ques- The work had 'been delayed "by rea tion, amounting to 8.6S acrc9 was defi-1 gon 0f WJir conditions and in deference nitely decreed to 'be the property ol ttf a sentiment that priortty should be,'4; iaira division iwemy- a(fain (,h0 pleasure wag mutual. Follow- Mr. and Mrs. Manning. Igivfn to commercial roads. It is the in-(eighth divisionl4,417; Thirty second'il( thc adgg, Irincipal Nelson spoke In 1800 the donation land claim of U'.iition of tho commission to tako up (division 14,268; Fourth division 12,948; (bri,.fly In presenting the class to the JVbian Maloins was sold, one half to I next month with the forest service the .Forty second division, 12,252; Ninetieth j- a education, and Chairman one party and the other half to an- j holo question of forest roads. It will : division. 9,710; Seventy seventh divis- ar, of tho .nrd, prefaced the pre other. Along in 1809 a fence row was; be necessary, owing to the increased lion 9,422; Twenty sixth division 8,300; aPntation of diplomas wtih a few sa'hed out and a fence built. But from cst ,af road construction, to revise es- Eighty second division 8,300; Fifth WOnl of felicitation as to tho corn time to time as different parties be- timatcs on projects already agreed up- division 8,280; Seventy eighth division .mondablo work done by the class of came owners of the land there was al-on. Another reason is that tho govern- 8,133; Twenty seventh division ',4; twenty three graduates, fourteen of ways a question an to whether tho old ! m0nt aid fund has been increahed by 'Thirty third division 7,860; Thirty whom were to follow up their high fenea raw really divided the property ; at0 legislation. This w;!l pr .mit of an fifth division 7,747; Eighty ninth div-Urhool ourso with work in higher in; correctly. It was admitted by one of; enlarged plan of contsruction. Until jHion 7,093; Thirtieth division 6,893; ititutions. - 4he owners about 40 years ao that , this has liecn mapped out the eommis- 'Twenty ninth division 5.972: Ninety ! Along with the addresses were a tho present fence built on the old fence row was not rightly located. rsut in ine inena:y suit Drought to (.Continued on page three) PEOPLE AUSTRIA COUNCIL STATE MAY BOARD LETS MORE CONTRACTS F0RR9ADIWMT Decision Also Made To Faye Six Miles North Of Jef ferson. Portland. Or., Mar. 8 Two con tracts for road work, involving an ap proximate expenditure of $300,000, were let Friday 'by the stae highway commission. The contract for grading and pav ing a seven milo section in Linn coun ty between Albany and Jefferson was awarded to A. I). Kern of Portland, whose ibid w;) $108,827 50, segregated as f ollows: Paving $145 070, grading $22,857.50. The grading is to bo paid for by Linn county, which had tho option of either doing the grading itself or awarding it to tho. paving contractor. The state will aid the county to the extent of $13,000 by advancing tho money without interest and be reimbursed next year. Tho next lowest 'bidder was the War ren Construction company, who offer ed to do the paving work for $145,8X0 and the grading for $24,398.60. ' Joim Day Wori Advanced For grading and graveling a 7.2 milo section of tho John Way highway in Grant Bounty, between John Day and Prairie City, tho contract was giv en to A. D. Kern, whose hut was $11, 284.15. Tim next lowest bid was that i an,i Co furthor Jrouble h'.l been report of Elliott Scroggitis, $125,282 65. . ,i todav. Twentv f the ring loaders, This is a federal niti -project. Owing, to an irregularity tho -bids for the grading and rocking oi the .Yamhill-Nestueea roa" ootween Grand Rondo and Dolph, were rejected. The project will ibo readvertiscd. It is a federal .aid project.,' under tho post read act. . Bids were also rejected for tho mac adamizing of tho section of the Pacif ic highway in Josephine- county . be tween Wolf crook and Grave creek, 4.1 miles in lenglJu The project, will 'be pavid and will 'bo readvertiscd. .. The- commission instructed the engi neer to prepare plans ami 6pec if i ca tions for a number of new paving ana grading projects for which bids will I be ouenrd at the next .meeting of the commission, March 20. These include: Paving Work to Be Done Paving 12 miles in Coos county between Marshficld and C'oquille, Paving in Umatilla county between Miltrn and the Wasshington state boundary. Paving six miles in Marian county between Jefferson and Snlem. Paving and grading in Linn county between A'ibany and Tangent, Paving 4 miles in Josephine county between Wolf croek and Grave crook, Paving in Douglas county 'between Oakland and Yoncalla and between Dillard and Myrtle creek. Paving in Yamhill county ibetween Bellevue and McMinnvino. Paving 3 miles in Wasco county 'bo- twoen The Dalles and Seufert. Grading Also Is Provided Grading in Columbia county between Seuppnoso and MoBride. Grading and graveling iu Umatilla county between Echo and Morrow county lino. G railing 1 milo in Douglas county between Canyonvillc and Galesvillo. Grading in Josephine county on iSmitb hill ridge, the county contribut ing $10,000 to the cost. . It alf was decided to ask coopera tion under tho federal aid act in the Mvine of 4 mile stretch between a- lrm and Brooks in Marion ecunty. j' The engineer also was instructed to make a survey and estimate for tho . improvement of the Columbia river Youngs' bay and Seaside, Tho county wui cooperate to uio f'X"' In , tho manor of th. Mount . Hood . loop road, the commission informed , ... . . ji c snx nnn i a delegation irom iao momn Loop Road association that it was a. - ready committed to the iiipmaent of tL road, having entered iM cooperative agreement witn me leuer - .. ini irnvernment on the 7.ix am section sentiment that priority should bei23,974; Third division 16356; Twenty- B'on said it was unable to respond to ' (the request that a definite sum should be appropriated for the Mount Hood lor other f crest roads to order imme diate construction. NVESTIOATE RIOT f mm AT RUN Twenty Of Ring Leaders, Said To Be Of Foreign Extrac tion, Under Arrest London, March 8, Official investi gation was beir.g made today of tho riot cf Canadian soldiers at Rhyl in which from five to twenty seven were killed and 20 to 73 were woundod. Tho dis turbances began Tuesday night and con tinued throughout Thursday night. Several of the 25,000 soldiers await ing transportation home at Rhyl decid ed to hold a demonstration to air their grievances over delayed demobilization and non-receipt of back pay. The out' break is said to have started at a shout cd signal, "Come on, bolsheviks!" Tho rioters seized stores, fired on the offi cers' quarters and soon gained control of the camp. Thoy also raided the bar racks 0f the women's auxiliary corps and looted it of clothes. A major of New Brunswick, who had won the Vic toria cross, is said to have been tramp led to doath in an attempt to defend tho officers' quarters. Called Cavalry. Cavalry was called to tho camp Wed nesday but did not use arms. This af ternoon a large number of the riotors started to march to Aborgato, three miles southeast of Rhyl, but were cut off and turaied back by troops from Chester. The disturbances apparently were suppressed Thursday, but tho riot ing was renewed that night, inday morning a major general who arrived at the camp from the war office in an airplano addressed tho men and unsured tho men that their grievances would be adjusted immediately. He promised that they would bo demobilized at tho rate of ton thousand a weok and said that tho next four transports would be placed at their disposal. Returned to Quarters, Tho soldiors returned to their quartors alleged to bo of foroign extraction, are said' to be under arrest. Owing t0 the lack of official information, no defi nite report has been received of tho casualties. Ono report said tnat i or ficers had been killed. The damage was estimated at $250,000, Other dispatches describing tfco riot filed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, were received by the United Press durinc tho ni'ht, having been apparent ly held up by tho British censor. Rhyl is on tho Irish sea, 20 miles southeast of Liverpool. ARMY OF 5O9.S09 WILL BE HAIHED SAYS CHIEF CF STAFF LURCH la ' Who EsHst Pkcts Of Solfas Who En roled Infiaergcncy. Washington, March 8. Tho fti de- partment will hold an army of 509,909 until congress provides otherwise, Chief of Staff March announced today. This army will not be reduced undor any circumstances, March statod, until congerss passes a law outlining the per manent military organization. Ho de clared that the United Sttaes could not get along with a small army. This is tho strength asked by the war depart ment in tho military bill which failed to pass congress. Demobilizaion figures given by Gen eral March show 419,555 men sallod for the United Sttaes up to March 3, and 351,824 had landed in the United Sta- tea up to March 7. The numbor ordered demobilized is liow 1,013,000. Total Casualties. Tho total American casualties during the war were 240,197, March announced. American who took part In action against tho enemy in France numbered i 100 uoa'diviBional troop8, ineludina ro- ... oAnnnn ,... .,.! . ninnnn 1 missing sin action and prisoners by divisions ;P - - ' . .World program of the future, impress- i' 1 ig upon tho graduates that it was S tdSA P? ' !" - . . t j, ;in,ake lor harmony and proj.K'ss, were as follows Second division 24,429; First division1 first division 5, 838; Eightieth divis-' on 5133. Thirty seventh division 4,303; 8evety ninth divisin0 3,223; Thirty (ContinuaJ on page eight) THINK THAT GERMANY MAY BE RES0RT1H6 TO HER USUAL TRICKERY Speculations Rife To IM?e In Breaking Shaping Con tracts With Ales. Washington, Mar. 8. Germany's re fusal to turn over her merchant ships for shipment home of American troops has aroused the widest speculation and comment among officials and diplomats here. In tho absence of details' of her ac tion at Spa, officials hero know only that Germany has broken the contract her officials signed with- Chairman Hurley of tho United States shipping board, and other alliod representatives last January to turn over her merchant men. Possible motives for Germany's ac tion are believed to be: lirst, her internal condition partic ularly as regards food may bo such that her present government is afraid to turn over the vessels for fear of giving tho Spartncan group a cry of protest: Second, the strong sailors councils nt Germanv's ports may have served no tice on their government that the ships could- net leave unless thoy were man no dby German sailors (not provided in the contract Hurley offered and had accepted), or, . May Bo Using Trickery. Germany may be resorting to her old trickery and seeing discontent growing in England at. the delnv in shipping troops home, has thrown a hitch into the program of turning thousands of tons of shipping over to Great Britain as well as tho United States for troop transport, thus aggra vnting tho unrest In all events, it is held certain hero thnt her action is timed to end, if pos sible, tho nllied delay in sending food stuffB into Germany. To meet any situation which may arise out of tho present ''serious prob lem" most ot the United Jstatos gov eminent will be in France. President Wilson is on his way;. Sec retary Uinsing ifl already there, Hecro tary Daniels will bo thero within a couple of woeks, Secretary Baker will arrive in France probably beforo the middlo of April and Chairman Hurley of tho shipping board is expected to (Continued on page three) DR. MH ABES GRADUATE CLASS Spoke In Interesting Manner On His Subject, A Safe Democracy" "The miracle of human lito i tho multiplication of power, 'but the most dangerous thing in tho world is unrestrained power." "The birth of democracy came about through the desire for human liberty. It is tlio task of civilization today, not only to make the world sate for democracy, but to create a democracy that is safe for e the world to have." President Doney, of Willamette, ad Ircssed a very attentive and interest ed audience, both on tho floor and on the platform, at the mid-year gradua tion exereises at the high (school last, night, and his subject ''A Hate De mocracy" was peculiarly fitting for tho group of bright, eager young grad uates, soon to enter into the fabric, of .'democracy on their own account. He spoko in epigrams, and he ipinned down his premises with thumb-tacks of hum or, lie mad!? a keen analysis of the triad of ethical elements liberty equal ity and fraternity, illustrating by great events of the present em how these qualities have been opposed and endangered by human selfishn and by ignorance. He indicated the .nart Dliat COUCHUOn II1UNI DIUV 111 ine This was the third timo Dr. Doney had been called upon to address a ,... ., . A. v;t, i...i j ntlmJ. number of selections from the high school chorus, who aro showing them- selves a credit Ibath to their instruct- . I or and to the chool, by the exception ally me quality of their rendition. Settlement Of Berlin Revolt Reached After German Cab inet Granted Soviets Constitutional Recognition. Some Fighting Continues In Parts Of City, But Amer ican Mission Is Still Safe In Adlon Hotel. By Frank J. Taylor. t United Press Staff Correspondent) Berlin, March 8. The gonerai striko was called off by its leaders this after- noon. Work will resume Monday. wounded. Tho latter were without med A settlement was reached on the basis ieul attention. It was unofficially esti of a compromise reached with the Uer- mated that the fighting has rcsuued in man cabinet, whereby tho Soviets are the killing of 300 and the wounding of granted constitutional recognition. 500, mostly rebels. . Despite tho action of tho strike lead- Additional regiments have arrived erg, some fighting continued in parts of from castorm Prussia to assist in tho the citv. . Hold Off Superior Forces. work of m0T'Pi8 "P- . . v 5 p. in. At this hour tho rebels aro Tho members of the American mis battling desperately in tho northeast- sion aro still safe in tho Adlon and Pa! orn section of tho city behind cobble- ace hotels, tho fighting having died stone barricades and walls of print pa-, down in the imuiediato vicinity of thesj per. . They were holding off- a vastly places. " Our B oys Stripe Ccrjpaaos M Ari L Are Feted ' By hfam& Crowd In Portland Last Might. By Gertrtide Robi3on. Anvone with a toivmin In hendi can striko a dramatic poso and say; "Sun, stand thou still upon Gibcou, and thou, oh moon, in the valloy of Ajalon." But it is an obvious fact that tho celestial 0rbswill pay no attention whatever to tho command. Bv tho samo token, anyono wh0 was lucky enough ani' stupendous duty ahead of them, to forco his way through 'the crowd calling for an equally stupendous eour ut the Union depot lust evening could utiM Au(l oh suyl you could soo, by order tho policeman at the gato to et the street lamp's pale light, tho color mm tnrougii, into tho holy of holieB where the returning soldiers were. And tho policeman at the gate would look him over with a calculating eyo and if tho little admittance badge was not in evidence the words worn wasted. One coul.l whcedie and plead; ono could even bo far forgot one's manners and grow angry and threaten. The blue- clad men at tho gnteB obeyed no one but Joshuas with tho magic badge, , Maybe Refusal Was Kind. Perhaps if one's eyes wero very blue and thcie was a hint of a brogue in one's voico tho refusal in which tho i ii .i , . . r s were roueu mio ootivion wun very j kindly. But refusal it was, and not the broadest of brogueg or eyes the color of Countv Clare slue - could mediate it. But to begin at tho beginning. It was raining, of course. None of your poitcring French ruin, mind you, that Kiiiikt one through and leaves a chill in one s bones art! a hunger in one's b art, for tho sii'ht of dripping Oregon ki-- snd fiamp Oregon fields. Just a, friendly quiet drizzle to remind the boyk that thoy Mere heme agu-in. . . rortiana was ager. Portland ebbed and throbbed about ono, jostling one's elbows, rudely knock- ing one's hat at all kinds of rakish ungloB, stepping on one's toes and pok- ng ono'g back with sharp umbrcllt, handles. Portland followed ono along Mm trpt and looked over .one's ; shoulders us one stood before tho hotel rim'tuinr. A rwl "DM" until Portland. : raiBing her eyebrows quizzically as she j read ono'g signature, "you're from 8a lorn!" For all the world as though it were Salem's fault that some of her pet bills had been killed in the legislature. Company M Was "Open Sesame," .. "So is Company M," one retorted, and beholdl Immediately a change. Down came milady s eyebrows. Down went milady herself in a courtesy as! profound a. a colonial mcsdame. Hail ing from the city of the capital build ing is one thing; coming from the home town of Company M is another matter aitogc altogether. Wearing one's rue with a FMaw-l'!"'' ?. lt Wor0- And aft"r tha uiv uieirouiiB vuw juurs. Was Happy crowd. Thn crowds! T wish vnu could hnvA ' seen them. Thoy Bplushed through ! flooded guttors, thoy laughed at each; othr and called to each other, and waited pntiently, expectantly in the: slow, wet drizzlo for he parade to swiup down tho roped in streets. It web slow in the forming, the pa rude. Homing over tho Union Pacific tho train was naturally lute, 1'hcn thero were so many to greet they had been gene so long! But it came at last, led by the Multnomah Guard band, marching down the slippery strcots gi.ily, holding then heads bravely, and superior government force. The Alex- anderplatz had been battered until it resembled a front line villaeo. Tha kaiserstrasse was strewn with dead tnd With Golden s Are Home Again smiling always smiling. There Is some thing quite uli'fercnt in a doughboy's smile, d'd you ever notice 1 Something that you cauY define a wiotfuloesa Wn perlutph of a long absenco from the homeland, vd lender memories of little wooden crosses and ''buddies" they shall never see again. The wholo nffivir set ono wondering. Was it yesterday or wng it a hundred years ago that theso samo lads wont swinging down these same streets with tho breath of uutiimn all about them iaey nnu carneu aim rougiit ior ana brought homo again stainless ui.d ua-. uuci'cd, fluulinu from cvory available fiug stuff and decking ull tho posts along the way of the parade. Had beats of liouor. Onto tho umlitorium they went, tho crowds - with them, and into tr ' im mense hull where eheor after choer shook the stutely buildiajj as thoy fil ed in and took up their seats of honor in the front of the room. The acting may or f the city made a Bpech at least I , suppose it waB a speech and then Lieut enant Comptoii of Salem roso to ad dress the assembly. He didn't want to speuk, he said he didn't, but the joy that shono in his face and bubbled over ii his voice belied his words. Ho couldn't have kept still if he had been supposed to. Not in a millon yoarsl There was an old woman iu the rear of tho building. Sho was a very little old woman and her whito hair made halo about her wizened face. Blie was dressed ull in black with a service pm with two stars at her throat. Iho ondy thing worBe than having a boy iin France"she gaia treuiuiousiy 10 u bvstander. "is not having had One there." And just a she turned away I noticed . that ono ol tuo siars in mo service pin was gold. A irvuy nayuy i.uui. There was a fuiiiUy old man whoss nnmn could never in the world bo any- thine but O'Eielly, who chuckled to li iniMi, If all durine the addresses and kept his eyes fixed on tho back of a flaininir auburn licud among tho re turned heroes directly in fro:. of liim. There was a pretty girl, almost lost in a largo fox fur, who cried quietly through it all and left before tho merry making began. No Place for Tears. No place for tears, that auditorium,' when the bovs wero at last turned loose. No place for anything but th most perfect joy and good will. They -danced and talked, a:d danced and sang and talked, and danced and talked gome more. O! but there was a multitude of things to talk about! The anon land and the strange people; tho girls wh didn't begin, to compare with the Oro- con crirls. for all tho talk about tneif piquant beauty. Tho rain and the mud at Brest, the trip home trouble on the Bay of Biscay and a necessitated delay of two perciuns days, Enter Company L in tho person of a handsome young sergeant vouchsafing a, a precious bit of information. "France! Surel sho certainly has the beautiful cathedrals and classy chateaux but oh lady! lady! that little old statue in New York harbor " and the expressive slang with which ho concluded, spoka (Continued on page three)