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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. O KLGi ) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919. PAGE SEVEN The Journ JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARHIENT IS TEE BEST SELLING LIEDluM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY TIIE1 FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Katt per word New Today: ach insertion ne we'-k, vftt insertions) Oae month (26 insertions) 17o - The Capital. Journal will not be re sponsible for mora than one insertion, (or errors ia Classified Advertisements Eead your advertisement the firat da; it appears and notify ui immediately if error oueura. Minimum harg', 15o. 8TUMPAGB for sale or trade, easy to market. Box 333, Salem 1 13 HORSE for sale or trade for good cow Phone 9DF4. 2-13 IMPROVED 10. cere tract for sale. Phone 270M. . 2-13 WANTED "Veal and large calves. Phono 80F2. 2-22 APPRENTICE ' girl -wanted. Boom 10, MoCornack bluz, ti "WANTED Practical nursing, Mrs. ttarrold, Phona 2454W. 2-18 T5 DBB. shoats for sale. Phone 105' V 11. . 21 "WANTED Girl for general honse- work. Apply 645 S. 12th. 2-13 FOB SALE Gray seed oats Phone 27 F22. 2-20 PATRICIA GRAF, public stenograph' er. Phono 937, 124 S. Liberty St. tf BGQ9 cleaned on floor, 35c per rug. Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 3-3 FOB TRADE 14 acres of land for lieht car or Salem property. See Pow eli, 404 Court St. tf WANTED 'Pat, thin and fresh cows, - veal and large calves. Phone 1425 M. . -J 3-3 MONEY to loan on real estate. See . Donald W. Miles, 304 U. S. Bank bids. Phone 376. 2-13 FOB SALE Six room house, modern, full basement, chicken pen and largo garden spot. 9734 care Journal. z-5 WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows, vest and largo calves. Phone. 1425 At. 3-1 PERMANENT position -wanted, ex perienced hardware man with refer ence O E card Journal. 2-13 FOB. SALE "White Leghorn baby chick 14c each, February 18. W, O. Davis, Rt. 9, box 102. 2-15 LIBERTY BONDS If yon vast die pose of your lands, we will buy them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf "WANTED -rat hens wanted, highest prices' paid,. Apply 456 State Direct or, tf FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room . house with garage to trade for auto. OoJl 1644 or 2022 in mornings, tf FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. BOX 268, Turner, Or. tf . WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren 's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Two registered Berkshire gilts, 7 months old. Phone 41F5. Write box 36, Rt. 1, Macleay, Or. 2-13 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and ghrubs. Special ; low prices on certain lines. Phone . 111F3. . 3-3 : - A3 GOOD a. new, gas range, good FOR SALE Selected Oregon Yellow heating stove, water heater, retail Globe Danvers onion sesd $2.50 a ' ored overcoats and suits, at haltf lb. Phono 48F11 or J. I. Bliven, Ger- prifce. Tie Wapital Exchange, 337 vais, Or., Rt. 3. -15 Court St. Phone 493. tf FOR SALE Grain sacks and potato sack, at a bargain. Willamette Val- : loy Transfer Co., 171 S. Hikh. Phone 1400. tf WE BUY dressed pork and veal. We will come and pick it np. Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South " High St. Phone 1400. tf 1X)R BALE Eight-horse engine and boiler, wheat cleaner and three coun ters and show case, all in good con dion. F. Ralph DuRette, Gervais, Or. H USED CARS Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390 Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250 Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250 Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425. Auburn touring, first class, $275 Highway Garage, 1000 8 Coin'l. tf mm WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. . . HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. ' Salem, Ore. al 1 CONCRETE pier blocks for sale, Byaa s-13 FOR SALE 65 White Leghorn laying nonsv raone rural. a-io WANTED Late model Chevrolet. Call room lSteusloff bid." afternoon. 2-12 WANTED Position bookkeeper, ac countant or otner ofnee work., A-l references. H S care Journal. 2-18 WANTED Boarders nd roomers. Piione 1354K, ca!l at 161 S. 14th. 218 FOB SALE Fresh cow heavy milker. Will trade for fat beef eow Address 715 a 12th 8t 2-14 FOR SALE 1 good MeCTanahan 150- egg incubator and 2 brooders. Lena Leisy, Pratum, Or. 213 EXCHANGE Equity in new piano for any kind of stoc Write R B care Capital Journal. 2-13 FOB SALE -Cheap, 5 passenger Ford in good condition, can be seen at lt2 uN. Commercial. tl FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment. Call at 397 N. Liberty. Phone 2456W. ' tf FOR EXCHANGE Valley stock ranch nieoly located, for smaller place or city property. C care journal. 2' 13 1 GOOD McClanahan 150-egg incuba tor and 2 brooders. Lena Leisy. Pra tum, Or. 2-13 FOR SALE B. I. Red eges for hatch ing. Phone 50F11, Rt 2, box 154, Salem. - 2-13 ELDERLY lady wanted for light house work, small family, no ehildren. Phone 35F11. 2-14 WANTED Good used roll top desk and chair, must be cheap for ?ash. Address J-20 care Journal. tf FOR SALE JTeam, wagon and harness or will separate. Allen Pence, fit. 7, box 44 2-17 WANTED Experienced girl for gen oral housework Apply 835 Oak. St. or pnone 989. 2-17 A SNAP. Almost new 3-4 special Re public truck with express body, new tires, only $900. Can be seen at 162 N. Commercial. . . : tf WHAT have you 'to 'trade for naif in Wrest in; a lousiness building ' on State street close 4o Bush bank .Rented. Address 458 S. High St. 2 18 TRADES FOR ANYTHING 40 acres near Hillaboro; 10 acres near Wood- 'burn; 640 acres fine timber; 17 acres near Newport; two Salem lots; 160 acres near (Baker; 35 acres Jordan Valley; 10 acre orchard. W. C. Nie mcyer. Masonic building. 2-13 FOR TRADE Good' Auburn 5 pusson ear oar, complete, trade for West Salem vaeant lots, 8. C. dceveland Rt. 2, Dallas, Or. 2-17 FOR EXCHANGE 45 aere farm near Monmouth for small acreage near Salem, C. W. Nicmeycr, Masonic bldg. --13 LIVING room,, dining room furniture. two bod room suites, rugs, gas range i and water heater, other household ' goods for wile. 635 Chemeketa St. tf WANTED To rent small farm, all equipped, or would consider work on same, by young married nan. Can give references. L M care Journal, tf FOR SALE 6 room cottage at 930 S. 13th. Will take auto as first pay ment. "Write Robert Zollner, Wood- burn, Or. 2-15 FOR SALE Four lots and eight room house on South Commercial Street, for one thousand dollars less than cost three years ago; small payment down, 6 per cent interest on balance. Enquire 770 S Com St. or .phone 476 2-13 MULES, horses, have arrived from Am erican Lake, six span well matched mules, ages 5 to 8, weight from 2100 to 2600, also some good young horses weight from 1200 to 1300, stock all sound and well .broke, prices are right. Liberty bonds accepted. Call at 554 Ferry St. 2 17 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY LOARS-6 To POUND Auto license. Call Journal ol fiee. . 2-14 FOB SALE Two Rhode Island iJed cockerels. Phone 66F2L ! U WANTED A woman to ear for inr valid. Inquire- 2090 Ferry St. 2-14 1913 FORD for sale. Address 1986 2-20 Chemeketa St. Phone 19023L DESK room to rent in one-of the best office building in the city. Also ono of a suits of rooms. Address C G care Journal. 2-13 PORTLAND tot, clear,. to exchange for law library or automobile. P. O. Box 486, Salem Or. 2-19 IMPROVED acreage tract, with spring water piped to bungalow to ex change for auto. P. O. Box 486, Sa lem, Or. 2-19 FOR RENT Or sale, fine 8 acre tract in bearing bruit, building. Inquire 645 Ferry. Phone 1806W. 2-15 WANTED To buy vulcanizing plant state what you have and cash price Address J care Journal. 2-15 FOB SALE Nice black team, wcignt 1200 lbs. each;, also good droving horse, rubber tired buggy and har ness. Phone 35F24. 2-14 WANTED" By March 1st, woman for cooking and house work. Call 1500. 3-1 MIDDLE aged housekeeper wanted to care for aged couple. Write Wm. Wiener or phone 52JT5, Rt. 1, Salem. 2-19 BOUSE and two lots, well located, in Coquille, Or., to exchange for prop erty in or near Salem, Or. Mrs. S. L. Minard, Rt. 3, box '279, Salem, Or. 2-13 FOR RENT Reasonable, 10 acre tract 2 room house, wood shed, barn 4 chicken houses, yard, some fruit, laying White Leghorn pullets for sale. D. B. Conner, West Stayton. 2-13 245 ACRES finest fruit land, 25 in prunesy 180 in cultivation, fair im provements, close to Salem, fine for subdivision, $125 per. acre. Socolof sky,.Bayn bldg. . tf 163 ACRES, all in cultivation, 100 acres in grain, well drained, first class improvements, a fine dairy, close to good town and school, on rock road, must be sold, $125 per acre. Jsocolorsky, uayno. bldg. tf FOR SALE Buildiifc good as ; new, i approximate iliroinsicms 21U75 . ft, . 2 short storie high, good for ware house store room or barn. Can be seen at the foot of Court St. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. . 2-14 FOR EXCdliANGE 22 & acres. Fine home. IMi miles from Salem 14 acres prunes and berries, Good house, $6000. Take in Salem property part pay. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonia build ing. 2-13 AUTOMOBILE TRiADES 1918 Stude baker- 6 for Bmall acreage; Portland lots for 7 pass, car;; Salem, lots for Ford; 10 oure at Marion for Ford; ,New Elgin 6 for Salem bungalow us part payment; $iuoo equity in siuuu bungalow, take car as part pay. Good little $550 cottage for Ford. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. 2-13 FORTUNE making: $10 secures mem bership and full pro-rata interest in five great Burkburnott fortune mak ing gusher oil wells. Big opportunity. Act now. Abner Davis, trustee, Wich ita Falls, Tex. rQR SAMiB owneri two fiv0 r00m modern bungalows, free of encum brance. One at 1965 Trade street, the other at 244 S. 14th street. Terms if desired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud long, 105 Washington street, Van couver, Wash. 2-19 BARGAINS A 7 room complete mod em house, on Court street for $3750. A fine 5 room bungalow, completely modern, on Capitol street. $,1000. A fine 7 room bungalow, nil modern, a new garage, an elegant home on Fairmount avenue, $3500. The Skipton barn on Ferry street. An excellent buy, $J2oO. A large brick building on North Lib erty street. An extreme bargain. Price is niiht. Phone 2022 or 1044. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf A SACRIFICE SALE . I can sell if taken at once, a small residence and nice lot oa 25th street near the pen, for $600 $250 cash; there is a mortgage on thig property that will be fore eloadd1 very soon, therefore itha owner has placed it on the market at a sacrifice; if you want it you hal better let me show it to you. today, it will be told very soon. Tt is a bargain. Job E Scott 404 Hubbard building CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCCHAKGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a ear come and see me. Case 5 passenger, good as new $875 1918 Ford sedan $600 1914 Ford, thoroughly overhaul ed, $325 1918 Ford, practically new $350" Elgin, good as new $1125 Maxwell roadster $275 Ford touring, perfect, $375 Phone 362 A ay FOR SALE Fresh Jersey tow, 4 years old, $75. Call 1640 Hall St -15 FOR SALE-C4ikn wheat by the saek. Pkoae 8F23 after 7 o'clock evenings. t-io WANTED Good pasture within eight miles of Salem. Will lease tor oue or term of years. Phone 80F11. 2-19 40 ACBE8, 30 in prunes, 8 acres Lo ganfcerries, finest of modern im provements, everything in first elaw condition, well located, $19, ' 500. Bocolofsky, Bayne bidg; u 3 ROOM house finished np in gooa condition ob lot 50 by 125. Would consider trade for cow, team or ford Address J . L eare Journal for par ticulars, tf FOR SALE Cheap, late 1916 Maxwell touring car, will consider horse, cow or both as part payment. Roy Cof fey, Rt. 3, box 192, 1U, miles west of Liberty. g-15 - FOR.Sl.VLE Fine- 8 room, strictly mod- era house, paved street, east front, i large lot, bearing fruit. Purniture goes. Price $4250. W. H, Graben- horst & Co., 275 State street. 2-14 FARM FOR SALE Farm of 163 acres, anyone wishing a first class grain .or dairy farm let us give you prices ana terms on "tnis one. Also 320 acre- relinquishment for trade, this is a good one.. Address 1345 Broadway, Salem, Or. 2-14 FOR SALE 30 acreg of first class land, 25 acres under cultivation, bal-1 ance tinioer, small buildings, 10 acres of Loganberries in first class condition, 3. acres Italian prunes. Price $7500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. . . 2-14 10 AiCRB apple and peaeh orchard, ex changes for Salem residence, $2500. 11 acres, all in cultivation, mile from town, fair' improvements, ex change for residence or acreage, price $2500. Sqcolofsky, Bayno blag. tf FOR SALE Well improved 25 acrejtihe Oregon Voter who was sitting at borne, good 8 room plastered house, I "o prtss tame m me senato. rie cfe barn, woodhouse, welj,; 4 acres Lo- clared that Chapman's publication is ganberries, 10 . acres Italian prune I suboidiswd Iby the paving trust and orchard, all under cultivation, lo-1 othor special interests, and compared cated on main Jefferson road. Price ' Chapman to the beggar mentioned in $12,500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., ! the Bible who ate emmbs from the 275 State street. . 2-14 rich man's table, and. said the only 800 ACRE3 stock and grain ranch, 150 struc.ion company was a little -more ibottom in cultivation, well improved; to Chapman tan was tho rich on Paeifie. highway, $3000 worth of man .to the beggar, stock and equipment goes, 2Vj milea President Viuton left tho chair to . front railroad town, will take $3000 make a talk In support of. the majr-' in trade or liberty bonds, $7500 in Uy report, -cash and carry back !$7000, prieo "These (bills aro intended only for , $17,500, Socololskyiayna bldg. t one purpose, and that,i t insure om- .v , jpeitive- bidding" he insisted. FOB SALE Good 6 room modern I Ho declared he would Oppose the i house, paved street,'-' 'Pries $2600. $10000,000 bond issue, espociaHy the Vnd 1 loom odertt house, paved emergency elause, unless tihe' four bills suvm., comer lo. fnce $si'oU. fckrict-, were passed so as to throw safeguards ly modern 5 room bungalow, paved around the expenditure of money, street, basement, furnace, fireplace. I Senator Moaer also spoke in sup Price $3200. 7 room modern house iVrt of the majority report, declaring located on Fairmount; Hill. Price that tlhe state .highway commission, re $3600. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 gardlcss of the high standard of the State street. 2-14 men on tho commission, could not give PROPFjRTV in;.Tillamnnb ennntv enn-1 Bisting oil acreage, "business, rcsi- ture had failed to enact laws which dence, lot and beach property, .val- would forco fair competition. . ued at $17,300, bringing in income Senator . Hand'-y, Senator Hurley of more than 8 per cent on valua-jand Senator Hankg spoke in support ' tion. Will sell for $16,000 with -small of the minority report, with its provis paymont down and easy terms on ion to leava it to the highway com balance, or will trade for .. business mission to determine upon tho quali property in Balm or "ranch near by., ty and durability of the pavement On See owner D. L. Shrode at 179 N.', which bids aro submitted. Commercial or 642 N, High in eve nings. Sat tf Sutherlia Valley Farm Bargains 25 acre $1500 16.7 acres a , $1100 80 acres' .' $o000 90 acres .. v $6500 1866 acres $1000 170 acres $11,000 All of the above land subject to ir- ligation and worth much more than the prices quoted. All obtained under foreclosure and the owner wants' his money. Liberal ter-iven. 401 Masonic Temple, Salm, Or. 2-15 SENATE PAVING SCRAP (Continued from page one) raipcfiiia itha jiml,iftc at ih ronuhli. can nartv nv , , -n , i , This caused Senator Banks to ask mm u ue ws a riuijiicua or a uem- ocrat. V "If your definition of a republican is one who defends and helps to per- petuate the power of these special inr terests, then I am not a republican," replied Thomas, "but if your defini- tion is one who defends the interests of the people and 'opposes the damn; able methods of the special interests, then I am a republican." Senator Banks asked if Thomas meant to say that these special in terests control the republican part?. "These interests are subtle and they work in the dark, but they have too often dominated the nominations of the republican party, ' replid Thomas. Second Paving Lobby Senator Strayer eited the "nefari ous efforts" of the paving lobby to throttle a free expression of opinion in the senate, and said he was anxious for the roll call so he could see wheth er the report are trne that the paving trust has a strangle bold upon some of the senators. He declared that the patents held by the Warren Brothers company ere not valid end anjliody who psn a royalty to the company for laying bit uUthie pavement "is either a erouk or a fish." Senator Eddy said the four words in the amendment would take the vitals out of the bill, and he ealled upon the mmmB iwt e"iegf.iauTn to die mmmt Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without th dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at one I Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart; as some in ternal medicines dot Excellent for sore throat bronchitis, I croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con- all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet; colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). . 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $250 kill the bill, but not be hypocritical and paea a Dill so amende tat it '(means nothing. He declared that tne people of the statu demanded legis- lation t the kind represented iby the paving bills. S.uj.,r LaPo.lett said he thought ha coujdl corroborate what Senator ,uj a.d, oe.:aue a brother of the man who attempted to, bribe Sen u.u. aobaiuud u cd to s.ay at his place and one nigiit Sic told LaFollett .hat they had been unable to buy Lach mund. . Senator Dimick aso charged, with out giwing any specific .instances, that the Warrert Construction company cor rupted city councils and county courts, but ho insisted that the bills were , not intended to drive the patented pave- ments from tne, slate He declared that the whole assump tion that anybody should have a pat ent on the proposition of mixing sand and broken rock and asphalt together was tho rottenness fraud ever porpe t rated upon the people of the United States. "How fthey ever put it over on somebody in the patent office I do not luickrs.und," he said. Attacked Oregon Voter Editor,: Senator Dimick made a vicious at tack upon C. C. Chapman, editor of difference was that the Warren, Con- the s ato a dollnr's worth of pavement for a dollar spent because tho leglshv KINO FERDINAND WOUNDED I Oonenhrgen, Feb. 13. Kinjr Ferdinand wns wounded when tho royal pulaco nt Bucharest wns bombarded by Rumanian V vi'iiionists, according to s Vienna diprnvtrh published in tlio Cologne Ga- ZPItc. The royal family is reported to i,av pttempte'd tn escape to Jnssy but .), nrnve ,ted them. Tho resnlu- tion ; to ho spreftding throughout tjlfl cmnt , jyy R H T JAI RS - , . Br.T(r an uareiui Aoout xonr JB.ianeycs BY N. B. COOK, M. D. Foods taken into the stomach bo , through various chemical changes, and some of these changes aro poisons thut must be sifted out and disposed of. It the duty of the kid:Leys t0 do this, ,When the kidneys do not fully perform ' tho'r vital work, doaui may ue only a few hours away iappi)yi Nature haB provided warning alarms telling people when their kidneys are not' well. These warnings come in the form of dragging P" " ,lne 8mu.". " la, ' ' 6 ,ieauacn0) scanty urine and frequent ,,irffl to pass if, short breath, nuinbnc de- pw it, short Dreatn, nuinnnens, cramps, eoatert tongue, bad breath. puffs under the eyes, thin blood, dry skin, ringing in the cars, spots before the eyes ard many other symptoms. All come from the one cause of kidneys that are not filtering tho poisonj out of the system. To overcome these troubles,. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., compound ed what he calls Anurie Tublets. No oHi"r kidiiev medicine is 'its equal in giving relief and reestablishing health ful work in the kidneys. The treat ment is very simple, as yon need noth ing except water when taking Anurie Tablets a glass of water with each tablet. This washes and flushes the kidneys while the -medicine itself is dissolving the uric arid poisons and driving them ouf. Anurie Tablets aro made double strength, so that they d:swlve urie acid the nam" as hot wa ter dissolves mlt or. sugar. Most peo ple need Anurie Table because most people have urie acid. Better get that poison out of your body lot safety's sol'", and better beyin todpy. To gently and agreeably coax the bowels back ino normal activity, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollets. They are just as good for costivencss as his An - oXsandiaTk DON! FORGET THE YJ.CA. MEMBERSHIP BPdYE" I 1 1 i w r i 'w sasstf WVUBSHSMM HHI tMMSSBY tJSNMB Net Flouncing of very fine quality, 36 inches I wide, suitable for dress : patterns. : were sold at $1.39 I and $1.19. I You can always do better at tvVTVtTTTTttVTVTVTTV f , ; They preserve the vision and the appearance of t youth rather than indicate age. ' Remember our eye examinations are exact and t thorough in every detail. DR.A.McCULLOCH " J 1 1 Optometrist t 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building t GUARANTEED Mayer & Washington d5 IHiJ We are Exclusive WASHINGTON SHOES MAYER SHOES for for Men and Boys Women and Children Over a year ago we discontinued buying CHEAP BARGAIN SHOES That are used so often for Special Sales. They make you think you are getting something for nothing UNTIL THEY GET WET ....If you are looking for Bargain Price shoes. We have nothing to offer. OUR SOimLFATHER SHOES Cost more but you don't have to buy so often REN & 210 North Commercial St. ! CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT t t EXTRA im spechlW i ' 1 .tS4t44tt$$ WEAR GLASSES WHEN I NEEDED t for they prevent head- aches, wrinkles, squint- ine and frowning. SOLID LEATHER i F Agents For Them EiAI Sale-u ir ADS BRING YOU RESULTS. 11 if i 8