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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOlhiNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1919. I Fllil WIP-lIP GREATEST SALE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE NOW ON ONLY A FEW MORE "DAYS LEFT IN WHICH TO OBTAIN SENSATION AL BARGAINS. NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE IS ARRIVING DAILY AND OUR PRESENT STOCK MUST GO NOW REGARDLESS OF ALL LOSS. v Extra Special SILK PETTICOATS (Regular up to $8) Now While they last Extra Special GEORGETTE SILK AND CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS (Regular up to $8) Now While they last Extra Special ALL TRIMMED HATS (Regular up to $7.50) New While they last I .LESS ' 1 1 I THAN x , Extra Special ONE LOT OF DRESSES . ' (Values to $20) New While they last Extra Special ONE LOT NEW COATS (Regular to $25)' Now While they last fflljW mm Extra Special ONE LOT NEW DRESSES (Regular to $.30) Now While they last THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE BARGAINS THAT WE ARE OFFERING REMEMBER This is the store that has built up a reputation for giving people ex actly what we advertise. COMPARE Our Materials, Styles and Prices. See our Window Display White Corner Building Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store "WKSKnwsBsaais Peenuso tho proceedings wero not legal, work on the coucroto highway bo (ween White Salmon ami Trout Lako valley has boon ordered stopped. 8lo of impounded horses is proving Punprofitnhio to Vnneouver. Ono was sold Monday for for which the city paid Il i.L'O for keeping i.nd advertising. Uregen Engineers Receive Vteicoiae la roriiaad Portland, Or. Feb 13. -Scvercl hun dred Portland people, among them friends and relatives of members of the 30th Newport News casual company and the 11th battalion, 20th engineers, turn ed out to welcome thorn when they ar rived at the union station at 6:50 o' clock lest night "Our traia left Camp Stuart, near j Newport News, Va., last Friday,'- said Second .Lieutenant Howard Woodruff of Portland, who was in charge of the 3Uth casual company. "Wo havo had a very pleasant trip and some nice wel comes shown us coming across the con tinent, but none quite to warm,as the reception hero tonight." The other three officers in the par ty were 1st Lieutenant C W. Chitten den, of Seattle, 116th engineer; Second Lieutenant Fred A. Fen ton, o? Seattle, who was in charge of the train, First Lieutenant E A. Lindille, an srmy med ical officers. Lieutenant- Lindille ' homo is on tho cast coast. "This ia sure ly western htfspitalitv," ho said last night, as the vcrious reception commit tees wero busy dating tae noys out for tho Portland theaters. The train left for Camp Lewi3 at 11:40 o'clock last night. All oji board will soon be mustered out of tho ser vice. None of the wounded men were seriously hurt and all wero able to ea joy their stay hero. Tho wounded men from Portland and Oregon and nearby Washington cities follow? Jcsso J. Lone, privcto 1st class. Marshfield, Or, 3(i2d Infantry, wounded and gassed in tho Argonne forest; Ira E. Titus, corporal, Port-Una, m th en gineers, 42d division, wounded at St. Miliiel; Wilmotli Farroo, priva:e m-st class, Portlr.-nd, .147th field artillery, fought m tho Toul sector, Chateau Thierry and wounded at Argonne. Salom Youth Among Wounded .... Haywood Fowle, private, Salem, Or egon, 101st infantry, 201 h division, wounded at Chr.tcuu Thierry; William J. Howard, private, Portland 1st En ginoji'rs, fought with the first full com pany of Americans in tho Toul sector, fought at Cantigny and wounded, at Soissons; Henry V. Belnier, private, La Grande, Or., 364th 'infantry, wounded at Soissons; Huni'v V. B.dnier, private. La Grando, Or., 3(i4th infantry, wound er Verdun; Floyd Collier, private, first class, Yukimr.', Wash , 109th infantry, 28th division, fought at Chateau Thier ry and wouaded at Argonne; James K. Greenlee, private, first class, Portland first engineers, wounded in tho Toul j senior; Ch,erle8 L. Tuge, private, Boll- ! ingliam, Wash., 3filst. infantry, 91st di- vision, wounded at Argonne. 1 sje CITY NEWS 1111 1 ' esasa&aEXsslteu TODAY-NOW-TODAY Germany To Be Incapable Of Again Starting War I Manager Chapman of the Commercial club has just' received a long 'list of j names from the headquarters of the j Northwest Tourist Association, of pco ! pie from all over the United States who jaro looking for locations and business openings on the coast. These lists will I be sent out at regular intervals to all clubs that are members of the associa tion and will be a valuable means of information to those who are sending out literature. I In Justice UnruVs court there has boon filed the caso of State vs. L. M. Groen, which1 will come up for hear ing next Tuesday at 2 p. m. j Lincoln's Birthday was fittingly ob served at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waring, tho guest of honor on the occasion being a fine boy weighing nine and a half pounds. He carries the name of Lincoln. Tho Southern pacific air-Wake in struction car has boon side-tracked in tho yards and employes are given the opportunity to receive instruction in all tho detail of this mechanism. The annual banqiiet of the ''Father's land Sons" movement, held Inst night at the Y. M. C. A. rooms under the auspices of the High Y club, was a most enjoyable affair. A luncheon was spread under the direction f Miss Mary Hnyne, places being mado for sixty guests. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney de livered the principal address of tho ovening, Rerbert Darby acting as toast master. Tho next important event will be tho basket ball gamo at the High school tomorrow night. A consignment of about a dozen rifles have been ordered for uso by tho Guard company in tho armory. o The regular mee'ing of the directors of the Capitol National bank was held yesterday, and among other items of business they elected J. Percy Head, M hh AhM yV f-f a..; "4 W Mr1 hi m - ' , hi fill three air-tight packages. flavors sealed in impurity proof Be SURE to get hi who has been with the bank for the past ten years, to tiie position of assla: ant cashier. o Born -. GOODLOW To Mr. and Mrs. Grovcr Uoodlow, 1040 Leslie Street. Salom Oregon, Tuesday, February 11, 1919, to bo called Freda Vir- HUN OFFENSIVE STOPS SBATTI;-! EfAYOB BARNES CHOICE FOB PRESIDENT . Zurich, Feb 13. The Berlin To"'- Albany, N. Y., Feb. 13, Olo Hanson, ; -biatt says the German offensive agai ut mayor of Seattlo, is William Barnes';"10 Poles in tl,e Bromberg region has choico for president. He declared this bCCn BUtlflpnly -"spended. today in '..nswering questions as to! By a vote of 1420 to 900 tho Oekland 4I1 iuu cast uiiy snipyaru8. a dauuhter, ginia. I, ' . i ....... ,1 1 SMIM(l linx PARSON'S J In two rwls of big fun. V R I. I R R R T Y... Puris, Fllob. 13. After liearinir Mar-1 shal Koch today, tho supremo war coun-! ell ugrned to a course which will render, Oirinim.. ! iLieim 1,., p ... ties i:gnin and will impress upon Ger- j many that she is beaten and that the allies do not intend t impose- a com-, promise peace, according to an uuoi'fi-j eii:l note. ' L'lutransigennt declares the allies! will demand complete fulfillment of tho clauses of the armlstiue, mat political! regressions against Toland will bo for-1 l)iililin nuil tltnt ;t Ulil ,n -...1 ..111 r... ...... ni. uu U.tlH-t( (Ut j tf? fightii g must cease. I r, The laoor adds that the war emmcil will meet cjjain Thursday. The Painters, Decorators and rnper hangers union at Vancouver, is demand ing 80 cents an hour. The men hav.i been working for 70 cent. Thomas Whitman is under arrest tt Chchalis. charged with takinj an axe and cutting the foot of a neighbor' horso with malicious Intent. WOULD YOU? CARME MYERS In "WM Marrv Herf - Cool House A degree of divorce was issued to the plaintiff in the case of Corel Jennings vs. David F. Jennings, awarding to the wife certain shares of stock and tho custody of the minor child. A complaint was filed in tho case of Chas. S. and Edward N. Woller vs. Adam Lconhardt, a suit to recover on promissory note A complaint was filed in the case of Geo. Harvey ys. Tcxsnna Bogers, et al, an actios for money. I We Save You "Money "v. Four peraons are diad ana 16 injur ed es tho result of a railroad wreck rear Oroenville, S. C., Sundav. , WWM WANT ADS PAY if Q Starts Tomorrow THEATRE V, Declaration of intention t0 become American citi.ens were filed by Alvin N Raynes. of Mill City, a British sub ject, and by Hugh Walhor. of 8alem. r. British subject. Also petitions for rat nmlizatioi rnpers were filed bv John Fisher, of Salem, and Win. Frances Wall, of Jefferson, both subjects of Grer.t Britain. Judee Binchnm is holding a session "f dvnnrtmrnt 2 in Albany ims week and there will be no more heariris in Saleni until court ope-'s on Monday, at 10 o'clock. ?anS ShoTeTrShP ioes repairing that means economy for you. We are not cobblers, but shoo mak ers. It your shoes are good ones, our work will give .-pleasing' satisfaction. Atrial will convince Ask your neighbor; ' " . . - . OUR REMODELING SALE WILL CONTINUE THE REST OF THIS WEEK. "nnmmiiw in BUYS CATAT,rTA ISLANDS Chieao. F"b. 13. Pnrcfcnsfl of f-anta '"n,pl"a Is'nnrl hv William Wrieley. Jr., Chic'neo er-ewine gum millionaire. ws an"omcAil it r'ivnto mfssneps here todfy. Th tiricB iri retiortpd to be be tween t3.008.000 and $4,000,000. REPAIR WORK DONE " U UUALITY' 357 STATE : ST.