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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
. SALEii, OKJSUOfl. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919. PAGE SIX t mb0Md iournal 1 THIS IS Af DNE Ti ME! To select your material for your next summer dresses. The materials are nice new clean stock, and you have better chance to get a wide range of designs, etc. We have a fine new stock of all the popular materials and colors in the late effects that will give all an opportunity to select something they like. Lawns, plain and fancy - 21c, 25c. 29c, 35c Voiles, plain and fancy 29c, 39c, 45c, ffid 79c Batistes, plain and fancy 25c, 35c and 45c Organdies . 79c Marquesettes, plain and fancy - 69c and 79c Tussa Silks 49c, 69c and 89c Silk Poplins 93c, $1.49 and $2.15 Taffetas '. $1.49. $1.79 and $1.98 Pongees, plain and fancy 89c, $1.49 and $1.89 Wool Plaids .. i ,. $1.49 and $1.69 serges $1.49, $1.69. $225. $2.98 BUYING FOR 197 BUSY STORES ENABLES US TO UNDERSELL A ill A mm reran a l own COMING EVENTS Tonight Program and dance at auto Bhow in srmory. Feb. 14 Elks' Valentine dance. Feb. 1215 Automobile show in armory. Feb. 18 Address of Edgar B. Piper before Six O'clock Club of M. E. Church. Feb. 20. Minstrel show at penitentiary. Feb. 21-tiCgisIature adjourns Feb. 24. Annual Cherrian ibanquet at Hotel Marion. March 30. Turn clock for ward one hour, 2 o'clock a- ni. Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. 1). 2L. Beechler, den tist. 3i2 IT. 8. Nat. Bank bid?. tf A lecture which la free to all will Jie given this evening at the Contcr street Mothodist church by the Kov. C. J, Mocllor of Chicago. His address will bo on missions in all parts of the world and will Vo ilutttrated.fc J .200' stereopticim views. An, invitation is given to nil, Dance and auto show at armory to night. Bryant's orchestra. A larga number of prominent Cath olio clergymen from all parts of tho valley arrived In tie city this morning to attend tho memorial mass in honor of the late Father Nnughton, who pass ed away some weeks ago. The services, DO YOU LIKE TO SA VE YOUR MONEY? If you do, buy your groceries, dry goods, clothing, shoes and rubbers at the Big Removal Sale Held daily. Extra Specials for Friday and Saturday at The Farmers Cash Store We will begin to move the 15th of this month to the J. L. Stockton Store at 186 N. Commercial streets, and will be ready for our big opening March 1st un der the name of The Peoples Cash Store Our prices are as follows: , Crown and Olympia flour $2.95 Fisher's Snow Fall hard wheat flour $2.75 Good Valley flour $2.55 10 pound sack pan cake flour 65c 10 pound sack Graham flour .60c 10 pounds rolled oats in bulk 70c 3 pounds head rice 30c 3 pounds head broken rice 23c 11 pounds best beans 25c Red Mexican beans, per pound 9c 100 pounds sugar $9.75 10 pounds sugar ; $1.00 Royal Baking Powder, 12-ounce can 34c Canned sweet corn 15c Best Armour's milk, per can 15c Solid pack tomatoes, per can 18c Table pride salmon, per can 17c Canned apple butter .. 19c Very best Keliance coffee, pound 37c 40c F. C. S. coffee, now 30c Dried Italian primes, 2 pounds for 2-c Peanut butter, per pound ISc Good Alaska herring, each . 5c 5 pounds net Vegetole $1.39 No. 5 pail of compound $1.15 1 gallon Puritan cooking oil $1.98 1 gallon white table svrup, in bulk 98c VEGETABLES. Best Burbank potatoes, per sack $1.60 Best selected onions, per sack $1.50 We have big bargains in Men's Ladies, Misses and Boys shoes, also clothing and dry goods. We give free premium coupons with the purchase of each dollar, good for High class dishes, glassware, silver ware, and many other valuable items. Place j our orders early. Free delivery with purchase of $1.00 and over. THE FARMERS CASH STORE 151 High St. . Phone 45:? We move into J. L. Stockton Store March 1st which were lield in St. Joseph's church, woro in charge of Archbishop Alexan der Christie, who delivered the address. Dance and auto show at armory to night. Bryant's orchestra. ECO PRODUCER'S AT WE WILL PAY 39c PER DOZ EN UP TO 3:30 P. M.TRMY FOR STRICTLY FANCY CLEAN, FRESH EGGS, CASH. WE MUST HAVE 30 CASES AT LEAST ROTH GROCERY CO. 1IIED Salem bread is freshest and best, tf o Watkins Eemedics liniment, Men thol, Camphor, Mustard Ointment, Spic es, Extracts and Toilet Articles. Phone 402. For sale by M. W. Kaw- lcy, 331 N. Liberty St., Salem. . 2-14 o- "The best" is all you can do when death comrs. Call .Webb & Clough Co. I'hono 120, tf o The fame of the Apollo club having traveled over into Polk county, Di rector Todd lias received an urgent in vitation from the iteaeliers and pupils of the Monnicnith Normal school to render itheir lato program for them. Tho troupe of singers will drive over tomorrow afternoon and sing for them tomorrow evening, being desired ,both as an educational and and entertain ment feature. We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic oldg. tf o - Meg and Jo and Beth and Amy and Laurie too, yes .they'll all be here in 'Little Women, Oregon Sunday. which comes to the tf I will ship livestock Thursday Feb. 13., Highest market price. G. W. Eyre, Phone 2206M evenings. ' 2-12 o Manager Frank Chapman has Just re ceived official notice from Governor Withycomlbo of his appointment ns an honorary delegate, to the League of Nations meeting to bo held in Portland next week, at which ex-President Wm, H. Taft will be one of the speakers. Columbia river smelts in any quan tity. Fitts Marked?;:. 2-13 Snap Ford roadster, perfect shape, new tires, one extra, to be sold by 10 o'clock Friday. $350 cash. Bligh hotel. Edgar B. Piper, managing editor of the Oregonian will deliver an address next Tuesday evening before the Six O'clock club of the First Methodist church. He has chosen for his subject "War Ghmpse3." Mr. Piper was cne of the dozen prominent editors of the country who were given the privilege of seeing some of the inside working or war last summer, tie iso mut tne opportunity of meeting King George, Lloyd George, t'lemenceau and sever al of the great French generals. o For. the purpose of devising ways and means for the improvement of lat eral roads in all sections of the coun ty, a general mass meeting has been called for 2 o clock Saturday after noon at the auditorium of the Salem Commercial club. It i3 felt that some action should be taken to improve the smaller Toads of the county to connect with the highways and an invitation is given to everyone in the county who is interested in Ycads to attend the meeting. G. E. Halvorsen, formerly of the auto mobile firm of Halvorsen & Jiurns, hns taken the agency for the Oldsmobile Company of Oregon and will open for business at his former location at High and Feiry street. 5fr. Halvorsen made an enviable record for himself while in the service in France having charge of the general service of the automo bile department of the Y. M. C. A. This brought him to the front in all Hie big fighting just previous to the sign ing of the armistice. o i' Baby chicks. 544 State St. Phone 400 tf We luy liberty bonds. 311 Masonic bldg. tf WOMEN WANTED TO SEW FOE THE BED CROSS EVERY AFTER NOON, 1:30 AT THE POSTOFFIDE tf Big dance: at Macleay Sat. eve. Good music, good floor end good lunch. 2-11 Lee L. Gilbert states that all kinds of commendations have been coming today as to tho success of the automo bile show last night. In comparison to population and number - of1 deal erg it is said to rank even ihigher than iri'iiHf'tt,' 1 "BOn FORGET THE.Y.W.CJL MEMBERSEIR DRIYT 'Lady Maccabees1 Installation of of ficers and other important business Wed. Fob. 12. All merabera urged to , the auto shows of Portland. Jto reports be present. Visiting Maccabees wel-'the sale of an Elgin Six last night by como. - 2-12 j Agent Hanson. The chief attraction -o this evening will he the dancing in tho open space of the armory, with Bryants orchesitru furnishing the music. Spelcial niteeting of Salem lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M. this evening. Work in the F. C. degrco. "Visiting brethren welcome. Mr, Home Buyer, did you read my ad in yesterday's Journal It you did and have not asked mo to show ou "Cleanliness next to Godliness," Is tho motto at the Miller apartments. ... 2-12 U0 At a recent meeting of the school board thas. N. Chambers wan elected to the position of manual training in structor in tho 'Washington school. Dance at 'Chomawa Friday night. Tho best music, good floor and good lunch. I w i m i United States Bank Building STEIN BLOCH CLOTHES STETSON HATS I Ladies I 1 ! . ' fiffS I iti i 1 cs Kr D resses QIUSnCHL A new shipment just re ceived includes Ladies' Wool Serge Dresses that were made to sell up to $22.50. Silk taffeta dresses and silk poplin dresses. A big assortment to choose from -while they Jast "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store this seven room house, you are not playing square with yourself. I'm go ing to sell it and this ds your oppor tunity to save several hundred dollars and buy on easy terms if desired. Bet ter see me at Hotel Bligh today or early tomorrow morning. J. Frank. Stroud. MEMS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNXCO. tf i if" Pf in our shoe I PERSONALS. George Vick, of tho Vick Bros com pany, is spending tno day in rortland on business. A. C. Bokrnjitcdt is in Corvallis today on business connected with Federal Loans. ... , W. H. Polhomus, of Puyallup, Wash, who is prominent in the fruit industry in that section, has been a visitor in the city this week. , U. 8 Attorney John McCourt, of Port bjnd, was ono ol1 the recent visitors in Salem. W. K. Newell, of tho Food Adminis-'i tration office, came in from Portland yesterday to attend tno legislative ses sions. Samuel Garland was a Lebanon citi zen stopping in town recently and vis ited the state houso. The following prominent Portland cit ens have been noted on our streets and at the state house: Dr. Floyd Day ton; Lieutenant Col. Geo H. Kelley, ro cently returned from France; City Com missioner Bigelow; Chairman C. B. Moores, of the dock commission; John F. Logan, of the civil service commis sion; M. H. Nichols, of tho Moslem Electric Co. The following Portland citizens are among the guests at the Marion Hotel today: B. J. McBell, J H. Wetmore D. B. Hill, J. C. Potter, B. N. Stnndish C W Houseman, Thos iJrcdshaw, E. H Endris. Max- Crowder came ,in from Silvertun today on a business errand. Mrs. M. A. Newman, of Gervais, wm among tho arrivals in town today, reg istering at the Bligh Hotel Mrs, Ed. Pelzel, formerly ,a rcsiuent of Eugene, returncu to ner homo in Salem today after visiting for a few days in Pleasant Hill."Her husband is a lineman of the Southern l'ucific com pany. Eugene Guard. Mrs. Fannie McGeorge, v.-ho has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W T ., Wright, has returned to Salem, where her husband is employod and whoru tiiey intend to make their home ifosu burg News. m JAIAIfIA I IS II "Ki II -1 u Phone C. O. D. Orders To 198 or 186 WANTED. I want your furniture, ranges, heaters, etc. Phone 510 or 511, Woodry, the auctioneer, Salem Men a great opportunity awaits you section. High grade STANDARD MAKES Of shoes in dress and business styles. Shoes that you cannot possibly duplicate at our selling price, yet FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We offer you any pair of shoes in the house at ' L.M.HUM are of Yick Sa Tgslj 4. i L Chinese Medicine &nd Te C, fin medicine which rill r bj know sese. 0?a Sundays from 10 4. an til S p. m. 153 Soutk High H. i Salem, Orejo. Pjn ; J i4nn4.....i tmiui n3 rpg 7 3 111 f HOLEPROOF HOSE IDE COLLARS I Mili"tiillti' '.'iViii i'A, H-i. j Willamette Vallsy Tmlisf er j Company I FAST AUTO TRUCKS Daily between Portland and Salem, lu, Monmcnta and Dallas ORDERS TAKEN BOTH WAYS Portland Office 230 Ash St. Phono Brcadway 45.' Galea Office . 171 8. High St Phone UOf. WE BUY PRODUCE Vra. Bell, Agent. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 100 lbs. Cane sugar....:...$9.65 10 lbs. Cane sugar $1.00 i6 lbs. Crisco $1.90 3 lbs. Crisco 95c 1 lb. G. A. coffee 29c 3 lbs. G. A. Coffee 85c 1 lb. Royal Club coffee....37c 3 lbs. Royal Club coffee $1.05 1 lb. M.J.B. coffee ... 42c 2 1-2 lb. M.J.B. coffee... $1.00 51b. MJ.B. coffee ; $2.00 3 lbs. fancy blend coffee bulk. 78c Jell O' all flavors, Knox Gelatine, pic? 18c Gliiradelli's chocolate, bulk, pound 27c Gliiradelli's chocolate, 1 lb. cans 30c 12-oz. Royal Baking powder 33c 2 pkgs grape nuts 25c 2 Post Toasties 25c 3 cans Libby's Red beans .. 25c Puffed Rice,pkg 13c Puffed Wheat, pkg ...13c 5 bars White Navy soap 27c 5 bars Swift's white soap 27c 5 lb. net Armcur's Vegetole , $1.55 Best creamery butter, lb 50c Diamond C flour, sk $2.50 down flour, sk $2.95 Olympic flour, sk $2.95 Olympic pancake flour package ...32c Large pkg. Quaker oats 30c Large pkg. Mothers Oats ., ...30c