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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1918)
JHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM; pRBGONRjDAY PAGE THREE SPANISH IMBIZA-TIffi TO TREAT IT AND TO AVOID IT SHMIMAD PAVED MI SPRING Simply the Old Fashioned Grip Mas querading Under a New Name 1 Spanish influenza, which appeared in Spain in May, has all the appearance ot. grip or la grippe, whisa has swept over the world in numerous epidemics u far baek as history runs. Hippo- GIULOA Ulna tu " up.uiut.u C, which is regarded by many to have been influenza. Every century has had its attacks. (Beginning with- 1831,- this eountrv has had five epidemics, . the last in" 1889-90. - TTiftrn ia nn occasion for nanic in fluenza ox'i grip has a veiy low per centage of fatalities tt over one death out of every four hundred clases, according to the N. C. Board of Health The chief danger lies in complications arising, attacking principally patients in a run down., condition those who don't go to bed soon enough, or those whs get up too early. ' - -THE TREATMENT lo to -bed -at tl first symptoms, not only for your own siike but to avoid spreading the disease to others L-a a niii-nfativA. put nlpnt.V of HOUrish- "U f.fe 1" ,. " inz food, remain perfectly quiet and oon t worry, iNaiure ucrseij. in mo vu. ly "cure" for influenza and will throw tin attnfk .if onlv vcu conserve your strength. A little Quinine, Aspir " in or Dover 's Powder may be givou by 41ia TilivniiMnn 'j flirfifitinns tO'allaV the aching. Always call a physician, since the cnier danger or grip is u in offant nn ClVfltftm. which (U lnnTB nxrlii.ntinna tn nflvplnn. ThCSO are chiefly pnoumonia and bronchitis, aometimes inflammation of the middle S, or heart affections. J! or tnose rea .,. if in vArv imuortanl that the patient remain in bed until his strength returns stay in bed at least two days -Cl n..A nna luff vOll. r .more ui-iur to or if vou are over 50 or not strong, stav in beil four davs or more, accord ing to the severity of the attack. HOW . TO AVOID THE DISEASE Evidence 4eems to prove that this is a eerm -disease, spread principally oy human contact, chiefly through eough- iniY anMevincr nP snitt.inO. Srt ftVOlil DOr- ...s, o..vv-...B -r r- r- sons having colds which uicans avoid ing crowds comuioi drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keep up . your hmtiW atrenirth bv nlentv of exercise -J s m We open air, ana gooa iouu. .- KEEP FEEE FROM COLDS &Wa hit nvmil- rnlilo na eolds irri tat e the lining of the air passages and rn(W -hpm much better breeding places for the germs. Use Vick ' Vapo- Kub at the very tirst sign or a For a head-cola, melt a uuie vapq Kuh in a spoon and inhale the vapors, or better still, use Vapo-Kub in a ben zoin steam kettle. If this is not avail able, use an ordinary tea, kettle, xm half full of boiling water put in halt a teaspoon -of Vapo-Kub from time to time keep the kettle just slowly boil ing and inhale the steam arising. . NOTE Vick 's Vapo-Kub is the dis covery .of a North Carolina druggist, ...v,. n.n4 nnw tn enmbine. in salve form. Menthol and Camphor with such volatile . oils las fiucaiyptus, myuic, Cubebs, etc., so that when the salve is annlied to the body heat, fnese ingre dients are liberated in the form of va pors. VapoJtub can bo had in tnree sizes at all druggists. While compara tively new in certain parts 01 the north it is the standard nome remcuy m south and west for all foims of cold troubles over Bix million jars were sold last year. Vapo-Kub is particular ly recommended for children 's croup or colds, as it is externally applied and can, therefore, be use! freely and often without the slightest harmful effect. Columbia Contract Company ar w mm Will Begin Hauling Mater ial In January. 54,462 CASES ACTED ON BY COMMISSION State Industrial ' Accident . Commission Busy During 1 Last Five Months. During the period from July 1, 1914, to Novomber 30, 1918, tho state indus trial accident commission disposed of 64,462 casca under the workmen's com ptasation law, with but 22 appeals by wnrtmnn from the decisions of the com mission ,an average of one appeal in 2'ti'o cases deeiaea. Of the total number of appeals, 19 have been decided by the courts. In 13 cases the question involved was the -;!.( nf thn claimant to retelve any a courts sustained tht commission in five cases, found for the -workmen in five cases, wniie tureo cua r.t RA of TKat v Pprftistent Couffli nn that weakening;, persistent cough ? i;;oti.'n throat or lung affections, witn ckman AHerattve, SSScM use. ?SX d "W bottlea iSVANllBOBlTOBT.J'hlladelphl. . Tho Salem- Aurora section of the Pacific highway will be paved just as early next sPng as weather conditions will permit. This announcement was made today hv th dtate hiffhwav department. 0 A rtimn rtnnftti-iifttinff pnffiueer for the department, stated that the Columbia contract company, wmcn 11a 3 a tun tract for furnishing 50,000 yards of ma fariol for thn navinor iob. will begin hauling the material in January. The paving plant also will do set up aur inn Hw wintpr nn evervthina will be in readiness to begin paving just as soon as the' paving season, opens. The project is a post .road project ml flm rnvprnment and State will ject was approved by the government several months ago, but was delayed in nuniint tt v&r conditions.. ! ti.o Snlnm-.lflfferson road Ms not been graded by the county, no paving will be done on it by the state next year, it was stated. In fact the coun ty has not made any application to the highway department for f aving on that road. !apt Lewis Of Silverton Recovering rrom Wound Tn tnflnv'n nanaltv report the name of Capt. Floyd B. Lewis appears as -nl,. -irnunilnrl anil his next of kin i8 given as Mrs. Abner Lewis, 1525 state street. ti t.ow!o wpiit int the service from' Silverton and was with the 91st division at tho time he Tvias wountiea, his injury consisting of a shrapnel wound in the tnign on anov. o wuno the service in Belgium. IT a ta.kpTi nt. nnC.e 13 IUB ncvo " - - v,aa ,Wiani,tl in London and a let ter written Nov.-12 giveg the cheering news that ho was genung uiuug u'tv i .ml wnlkirnr around on crutches. Dr. '.Lewis servea in iub iu.aiiuD pital at San dfrancisco during the Pan-t ma-l'acilic exposition, ana v Hnino ivhvsician at Silverton at the timo he went into the service. To show tho tame required to get ln f...t;n. trnm thn front in Beleium in 'France it may be noted that Dr. tiewis was wounded JNov. i na mat his parents did not receive a telegram from the war department until Nov. EVEIICEOSyi CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF FIGS If Feverish, Bilious, Cosstipa ted,(iive rruit Laxative At Once. M t t M l it ' K TVin't urnlil -canr fretful.' tteevish ehildVSee if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign ts nttie stomacn, liver anu bowels are clogged with soui waste. When listless, pale, reverisn, iuii 01 th had. thriikt ore. doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom ach ache, indigestion aiarrnoea, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of v;ct " oml in . few hours all the foul wa.ste, the sour bile and tcrmenting food passes out of the bowels and you have a wen ana piayiui cniiu ngmu, Children love this harmless "fruit lax iMiia " and mothers can rest easy af ;in it n.p(anaa it. never fails to make their little "insides" clean and Keep it handy, mother! A little giv en today saves a sick child tomorrow, K..t nt tho rrnnninn Ask vour drusreist Jul ftjv . ' ' t V 1 . ... - itn-t:n !- CJ nf for a Dottie.or --auioruia ojiup ' ti ha. dlrntinnn for babies. chidlrcn of all agc8 and for grown-H lips plainly on tne Douie. nemarai tArfnits old here, so uviv V ' surely look and see that yours is mado. by the " California rig oyrup pany." Hand back wun contempt u; other fig syrup. 1 Lid Mm - The Big Unloading Sale ends when the Store Closes at 8 p. m. Saturday night. More and Greater Bargains Offered in Ccats, Suits, Dresses, etc. No evening shopping this year during the Holidays the usual Store hours being observed COATS $22.50 Values $14.75 30, and the published, account did not appear until jjoc, xo. , STUMEZE TABLETS Stop Stomach Distress Aid digestion; relievo gas, heartburn, bloating and that awful distress that follows after eating. . Help to make good red. blood and build up the nerv ous system. Neutralize stomach acid ity. There is no better meaicine nmuo for stomach troubles than Stumeze Tab lets. At all Drug Stores 25 cents.. $27.50 Values $19.50 $37.50 Values $22.50 $45 and $47.50 Values $31.75 $50.00 Values $60 to $65 Values $37.50 , SUITS $20.00 Values $10.95 $35.00 Values $22.50 $40.00 Values $27.50 $45 to $50 Values $32.50 $55 to $60 Values $37.50- $65.00 Values $39.50 DRESSES $22.50 Values $15.50 $27.50 Values $17.50 $32.50 Values $19.75 $37.50 Values $22.50 - $40.00 Values $24.75 ' $42.50 to $45 Values $27.50 i i The Remnant Store I 254 N. Commercial bt. - " r, t . Headauarters For Santa Claus ' Salem's Greatest Xmas Store, Dolls, Toys, Games, : Toilet Sets, at the Lowest Prices. Don't forget it is Tne Kemnant otore uiai neai-a x&" XMAS BARGAINS-READ THEM n. wora anfUrl nufc nil court. The six ca&eB decided by the courts dezreo of do V1IIUIIM.I.U V. ijwvm.... ; J nendencv ot parents in a laiai m 1 . -i. j;: t ianhilliV wnoiiier iiiw khiiuiwuu v v claimed by workmen resulted from an nccidont. Of this group, tne couru bud turned tho commission in two cases, mo dified tho decision of the commission iu one case, found for the worKmen in one instance, and two cases were set tled" out of, court. In the total of 19 cases decided by thoouits, five were' hernia cases, two won hv tho commission, one by the claimant, and two were settlea. For Saturday Only Your Choice Of Fancy Serving Trays Value to $2.50 . Sale Price $1.69 75c To ,89c -Dolls Your Choice on Saturday 59c Each Do Your Xmas Shopping At The Remnant Store 15c AUTO TRUCK Saturday Special 2for 15c $10.00 Set of Furniture Saturday Price Ask for thisit is swell For a Real Bargain Go To The Remnant Store For Saturday only Your choice of any Ladies' $5 Silk Waist Choice $3.39 ' ' Each $1.25 to $1.69 Dolls with hair Saturday Price 93c . Each Don't Forget Yoa Can Do Better At The Remnant Store : 75c Men's Neckties Saturday Price 48c Or, 3 for. -; $U5 Saturday Only . $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 HOBBYHORSES Special For $458 THE REMNANT STO 254 N. Commercial St' A. D. Thompson, Prop. 1 ifiri('II IcniTTM7 , 3rM?n lM LULnirt First grade . IS MORE DEADLY THAN WAR Tlln nrmalU ilCf 1-ftVH IXPR nf Sl)anish 111- fluenxa in this country aie perhaps best realized oy tne sTuifna-ui, hud " i . . i 1 v ninitii thnt. mnrfl nfiains nave ruauii, than a month from this disease than through out whole eighteen .months participonon in tne ihottlM it thn Knronean vrur. "Our greatest daijger now, declare authorities, 18 tne great American teu Linnnv tn inrapt naailv end to believe Ithe peril is over. Competent authori ties i. mm tnn cnmmff ni com weaiuer is very apt to ,Dring a return or im itiaoaian unit ithorn finouia D0 no lei uu l..iM.ivli.iit Va wintpr -ninntha of the following easily observed iTecau.tJ0H8 remembering that influenza is far eas ier to prevent than cure. ' influenza is a crowu inm-ane. crowds as much as possible. Influenza a xrhen ienorant and care less persons sneeze or coagh without iiBing a handkerchief. Cover up eah cough or sneeze, do not pn ou floor, sidewalk, in street cars or pub- ,irfnViii mm. n,l rnller tiowels in puhlie places. Breathe some reliable germicidal and antiseptic air 10 ue stroy the germg that do find lodgement in your nose and throat. . safer precaution against influenza could be employed in this mannor than to get frtm the near est drug istore a complete Hyomei out- fit consisting or a Dome 01 xuc pure il a little vest socket hard rubber inhaling device, into which . . ... . . a r a yew drops or tne on are poureu. iuu should carry this inhaler about with you dpring the day and each half houf or so put it in your montn ana uraw deep breatng or its pure, ntuiing gi-rui killing air into the passages of your nose, throat and lungs. . By destroying germs before they M- tuolltf Motrin iwnrk In VOUf hlood. VOn may make yourseu practicoiiy immune ill thou n(ri7oHtinn about Biianish influenza are equally true in the pre vention of eolds, eatarrh of nose and throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Ion't become care'.css. Do your part. Keep the germ away; You may save yourself a' serious illness and the loss of several week., work. Dan'l J. IVy. Girls Outnumber Boys In Salem PuMic schools Although tho Salem schools opened September 30, the firat monthly report of Superintendent Todd is dated wit n. in r.t or-linnl Nov. 22. tho dulny Wng due of course to, the fact that the schools woro closed rour wuuks uu account of the influenza. The average number of pupils in at tendance for this first month of Bchool was 2325, the total registration Doing OIKU TnVinir the schools SB a wjiolt there are 158 more girls in attendance than boys. - ' ' In only ono or tne tweivo giauen ui -.n,.a o-n tho bnva in the majority The followingtable shows the attend ance in each gratto ror tne scuooi mumu ending Nov. 22, lMiif: I EXTRA! Trimmed Hats, this season's models. Eegulur values $5.00 to $7.00. Unloading Sale price $1.93 EXTRA! $5.00 and $5.50 riaid and Stripped Skirts. Unloading Sale Price $3.98 ETRA $5.00 and $5.50 Silk Petticoats Unloading Sale . Price $3.45 EXTRA $2.00 bnd $2.50 Trench Caps, as sorted sizes. Unloading Sale Price $1.45 EXTRA! $10.00 Taffeta and Satin taf fota Skirts. Unloading Salfl Price $7.50 EXTRA! $,00 Heathorbloom , etti; coats. Unloading Sale Price $1.75 EXTRA! Woman's Long Covert Cloth Coats. Tans only. $1.98 EXTRA! $5.00 Silk Potticoats, all col lors and sizes. Unloading Suk price $3.45, Old White Corner Building -Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store ? MM 152 Boys. U0 ... 102 ... 115 ... 118 ... 110 ... 104 ... 89 164 !sl6 Girls. Total 116 221 80 108 113 114 102 118 145 116 109 63 Second grade Third grade ... Fourth grade . Fifth grade Sixth grado ... Sevonth grado Kiirhth erade. Ninth erade - 124 Tenth grade (H.S.) -89 11th grade '(H. ti.) do inh rvpmln pniors : 31 The per cent of attendance for the first month of school this year was 94 and visits by parents te au scnoois num ber 174. , Woman Can't Find Words To Express Herself "After six years of suffering froun stomach trouble I am feeling fino. All the bloating and soreness is gone from mv stomach and Dowels, l can eat m - -r ti P ...... ..nXa his name in connection with Theodore Lowe, who ran the National Courier, weekly, partly supported by Berustorff Senator Wolcott inquired of Captain Leuter and Major E. Lowry Humes, in charge of tho evidenco of propaganda w.hptliiti thiv hnit flxaminnt! the Na tional Courier to determino whother it mv stomacn na ooweis. i ta ev " lr I like now. I can't think of any words ,wa a pro-Gorman. Humes' responded .. T, i u.d.'. Wnn-lthat ho found somo pro-tterman mat- 223 231 . 224 206 207 2(50 205 165 94 .ii;tnhlA flnmich to nraise MaVr's Won derful Kcmeiiy. i am sure it nus savuu mv llfn. Tt ift ft Hi mule, harmless prep aration thnt removes the catarrhal mu cus from the intestinal tract and al lays the inflammation vtuch causes iotinnlW oil stomach, livei and in testinal ailments, including appendici tis. Ono doce will convince or mum;y refunded. J. C. Perry, Few Features Of Interest In Today Stock Market New York, Dec. 13. Tho Now York Evening Sun financial review today said: Trading n today ' stock market pro sented but few features of interest Prices in the industrial and railroad list alike ebbed and flowed idly, with 1 nunctuation of strength and weakness here and there until late AMERICAN SECTOR Washington, Dec. 13. "Tho Amer ican Bcctor," said General l'ershjng's .m,.;.,n iiutiwl Dnccmbfr 12. 'has ffiecn shortened and how extends along the west bank of tne Knine irom no- landxeck to Brcy.", ' -Tkn lwmnhni. 11 commumuue noted occupation of Coblonz find said the troops at nignt wcik u'"t, bank, of the Rhine from Holandzeek, Bomn, to Trecht, in Shauzcn. that ho found somo pro-German mat ter, ntid citod an cuitonal on tne sihk ing of tho Sussex. Senator King read it into tno record, it anvisea Ameri cans to stay off ships suojectod to sub marine attack or sinking by mines. '.'I nhould call that," Senator Nelson said. Onrtho said he wrote the editorial. "You wrote n editorial praising the exploit of Itho Oierman submjarine Deutschlnnd, didn't youl" asked Les ter. ' "Yes," said Gnrthc, "just as hund rniln nf ntlmr newsnnners nraised" senator iloKe ismnn, ueorgia, muuo a ointi.meni tn the committee concern ing the use of his name in connection with an arms embargo ina a document submitted by A. Bruco Biolaskl last week. thn embareo move ment or conference any support either lirect or indirect ana wnen ocnaior WORK WORKERS RESIGN Washington, Dec. 13. B. M. Baruch, chairiman of the war inciusirieg ou STHM&: INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH mTB W OR MONtY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUCCIST Investigation into tho death of Fraatt Pedro, weallhy Umntilln counly sheep- in, discloses tho fact that ho delib erately committed suicide with squir rel poison. ' Thousands of families brew it at home and keep well ftii.V lipniWho. nervousness sallow .l-ln mill drowsiness aro nearly always caused by constipation and can easily bo conquered fty tno use 01 nr. wnm a K. and B. Tea. Brew it at home the same as you would the regular mealtime-tea and drink a, cupful just before you go to bed. ' A small package will last a long time and any druggist will tell you d,ot lia hum hnnn mdlinir it for vears direct or indirect onu wni-u dim , - - - . Hitchcock's amendment for an embar- and that many people swear by it. :i in ciiainrwttu ui i" ........... . 'i,... '1 mtci , ,Mi(fno nn nf the 'tificatioii . ei m nfinn (ha rtpU n a hrnfid """"J ,, , . ., . I IU T.I1H HILIifllUUU TT ii1,u t,iu " " " i : i i ?i r nn fitl(in II 1H1 ri IJll LlUll noii tnnterlnllv. The rails were irrez- ,.... go was up, I voted to lay it on the ta- Drink it for inactive liver and clogged ble," said Smith. Smith declared the up bowclB. You'llliko it. action, it is fino for children and nearly all of thflm like it. ; uu;, mtiA ii.iiii. u....... " vim of his nnmo was wholly unwar ranted nnd williout wie sugnieiM. jub- cnea marqriaiiy. '"'ii Oharlcg Brand, cnairman; vyuuum nlar and for the most part ,f?lccte1-ciyton. .1. Temple Kwattney and Ed TJnion Pacific was strong whilo Mis- wftf , Hinmafi. souri Pacific preferred ana isoruiern Pacific were wcaK. iincru wero bi.uj The entire list, in turth displayed con , , tuinmMMnttiiitnttt"f"'"' DEMAND BURBENDEE PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "AlWATI AT Y8UI SllVIJr. Help of nil kind Furnished Free t Employers wtmsu.vaaa. wo tiu ni i r. (mm, twr. sistcnt resistance to such pressure as there was eierted. ; Snecial Telenhone Line In rrom crest lo loolenz Brest, Dee. " 13. President Wilson will be able to talk with American headquarters in Coblcns, if lie desires The signal eorps last night completed installation of . special telephone line from Brest to Coblent It is nearly 1000 miles long tho longest single cir cuit in Europe. Tt nn hv war oi v.naumoni ana irr- ves. In the first conversations over this wire, Captain Lawrence, chief nffifpr tnlkpd with ODerator Hci man of New York, stationed in Ooblenz. It tlin fnn Oiminn of the test Hclman asked the captain to "give my regards to Broadway." t t Vnu.F Tilnnck. at. Brest talked with headquarters of, the Tird army at Coblcn. ' . Th. T.t rirmit is nsrt nf the Amen can system which now totals more than 9isniin kilometer V133J15 miles.). It includes Berlin, Dec. 13. The Aclituhrabend blatit says tho entente has demanded surrender of 4300 German troops in Odessa. CAPTAIN LESTER 'Continued from page yne) and feet of boys cut off by Coesacks." Never av Airocuy T ont fmm Vox hia original norts. written in lead pencil, which formed no haaia nf the artic'ie."' said Lester. "He told me he never saw an atrocity said in his opinion tne inms ne wroic ..Kn..t navar knTincnpd. lie WAS told bf an official of the German government he sadd, to write tne article 10 cuunier act information being spread through the American press aocui uernwi,n i n KM rri urn. Hit'" r.iD " ' , HVnr mn. In IlnSR tflUCh With tho German chancellor. Foreign Minister Zimmermaii and other German cials. He had the utmost Ireedora and was accorded privileges not given oth er correspondents. He could go wher ever he wished on the fronts in Ger many." Garthe Made, Statement TiU flnrthp. Washington correspond imeiere lloolil nim:a.i. n ' , : . . T. r. . -t n tnA Unit m. ire American, made includes a tiireet wire irora nmnnn - - neadquarter, at Chaumont, t London. atatement regarding the mention of w avv i i Your grocer win reiuna iKe full price you paid for HJ-B (MK if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can Most. , Economical Coffee You canlray 1 mm jsk your grocer