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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1918)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1918. mi ,,i.r,-nrf ininflniimuJHiiinmi ma rm t 44ev44 t t tee ttttstttfeettvtestTtTTvttt 't a T" JOIN THE RED CROSS , JOIN THE RED CROSS ANNUAL QIRISTMAS ROLL CALL ' $1.00 EACH MEMBERSHIP ' . ; .-Jl:'f MAKE MARION COUNTY TWENTY THOUSAND I IT- f a 1 Vi SJ ( ijl ,. I m 'w i a -u v rfr-t'i"'. - m n THERE'S NOTHING NICER THAN SHOES Beautiful Dark Brown, Dark Grey JBlack, Black and Grey or Light Grey, fine New Lasts, Styles, Heels, etc and in prices all the way from $11, nothing higher, On Down to a Good Shoe for it SHE ALWAYS LIKES DD)Ffn) uu u ILUWO) And we have beauties. Finest line shown here this year s Beautiful Comfy Slippers best grade, in taupe, light blue, pink, orchid, old rose $225 Fine Poplin Boudoirs, in red, blue, pink, black, at $1.75 Other Felt Slippers in leather, felt or comfy soles at $1.75, down to 95c We also have Slippers for Men, Boys, Girls and Children at all prices. Come in And See And Be Convinced e lWf si BSW t hHi fcllIMliH.M A violent outbreak of influenza is re torted from Paraguay. IB Ascudnlon dons thoro are 25,000 cases. A contract will be let soon for thf paving of the entire road from Bcasidi to Astoria. T 4 Do Your Christmas , Buying At You cannot make a mistake at the store of real values. Every article is one of practical worth Every purchase one of merit ed satisfaction, and right now there is a generous shower of at tractive bargains all over this big store. WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS Three Lots at Bargain Prices The covers of these Umbrellas are of the best silk or silk mixed all black. The handles are med ium to long, metal tipped of at tractive design. Well worth the original price. $3.25 to $4.00 Umbrellas $2.95 $4.20 to $4.90 Umbrellas. $3.45 $5.00 to $6.00 Umbrellas $3.95 You're Safe on This List WOOLEN'S SILKS LlNiiXS BLANKETS KNITTED SETS STOCKINGS l.NDWBWKAB SWEATERS NECKWEAR KEBCHIEKM RIBBONS FUB8E8 UMBRELLAS STATIONERY . SHOES SUITERS NECKTIES COLLARS BELTS SUSPENDERS SOCKS GABTER8 SHIRTS ; CAPS HATS GLOVES OVERCOATS AH27-mch C:11 Tf? Messaline OllKS, oC MES'S Knitted Scarfs The entire lino, all col or and stylos, reduced as follows: 60c 8arf 1.25 Scarfs 1.40 Scarfs' 1.50 Scarfe 11.65 Scarfs 'tl.73 Scarf 2.23 Scarfs . 46c -.11.00 $uo -SL20 S1S0 -.11.40 J1.80 rTTZ2TOSnOP&30T01BOA.!I COUGHS AND COLDS QUICKLY JjEUEVED Dr. Klng'sNewDlscoveryused since Grant was President Get a bottle today It did It for your grandma, for your father. For fifty years this well-known cough and cold remedy has kept an evergrowing army of friends, young and old. For half century druggists every where have sold it. Put a bottle in your medicine cabinet. You may need ft ia a hurry. Sold by druggists everywhere. 60c and $1.20. .Bowels Acting Properly? They ought to, for constipation make the body retain waste mattera and impurities that undermine the health and play havoc with the entire aystem. Dr. King's New Life Pills are reliable and mud ia action All 'druggists. 25& i 'j RICKEY NEWS. Bruce Walluce speat Friday ia Balera Altft Martin of Msi'.Iahv runf tlin anornuon with. Mrs. M. M Magee recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lewii anil family are at home again after spending some time at i;rooKea ringer. Mrs, Ji'unie ICnapke was a Salem vis itor Friday afternoon. Louie Maceo of Heotta Uilla part of last week with his brother, M. M. juagee. Dr. Morefield left oa a business trip to Ban Francisco a few dava am. The Red Cross auxiliary met at the Home of Mrs. W. D. Horner last week. Mrs. E. J. Whitnev'ia viailina hr daughter. Miss Mervle Whitnrr. of ., . i rortiuna. Eueone Aufranee transacts himinviM ia Salem Friday. fnwt HnnA Nmtr VVUII 11 V. lid jfi'sneee comptauut tint ? Ill's aheys presencSJe- Jfl-mw possible for tvety m.f woman through use of MARINELLO Phantom Powder Immediately gives skin appear tote of beauty then really beautifies it Unrivaled beauty builder for face, and hands. Doesn't rub or wash off. Splendid tor evening make up. Yoursuriarwiu prove itaoNat. . MBS. IRENE SCOTT 123 KHigh St. VVUII ilVHd Lula May Honson has filed suit against James Muter Hensrn for di vorce. he allrgos they were aiarried ia 1S99 and that they have three chil dren. Rhe claims that he han around with a lot of bad women r.nd that he failed to provide for her and that her health wa finally impaired. She aaks for $40 a month and states that he earns 10O. She also ask for the cus tody of the children. L' SOCIETY : By CAROL & DIBBLE. Interesting visitor entertained in Sa'.em thi week were Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Minthorn, who a the house guests of Mr.' and Mrs. B. C. Miles, spent a few day in the city enronte from iletlakiatla, Alaska, to Newport, Ore eon. Dr. Minthorn located in lntlnkut- ia, which is an Indian mission of note, numoer oi years ago and wag tne puv-sicmn or tno colony wntal last SDrini?. when the rlratn of William .Duncan, leader of the mission, and widely known throughout the west, left Ir. Minthorn in sole charge. Both he and Mrs. Minthorn nad many inci dents of interest to relate concerning tuuir A8&an experiences. The travelers left for Ncwnni-t thi morning where they pian to reside per- mnnn..i r-. nr:M.i . profession in the coast city. Mr. ftiut Mrfl. lFTedrick Tnnirt have returned to 8alem, Mr. Lamport havintr 1pah. mlimtA frii.i ha naw He baa been stationed at Bremerton during the past yer. Mrs. Lamport left Salem several months ego to Join her husband at Seattle. The, Lamports aro now domiciled in thoir attractive home at Ben Lorn and Park, ... . .,. , Mrs. C K. Spauldinir is ept ndine the day in Portland. w Miss Helen West, dnuirhter of formor Governor and! Mrs. Oswald West, and well known bulem maid, is rrominent- ly identified with the activities of the Junior Portland ' Hunt club, being a leading memoer on one ot the commit tees in charge of the dinner dance to be given tonight by the Juniors for tnear menrte at tfie cluo House at toe Garden Home station. The nffair prom ises to be most delightful, as the jun iors will be hosts for various groups or the younger girls and boys of Port land . Christmas shoppers are turning with the usual eagerness to the annual church sales and bazaars, now claiming so large a space in the pre-holiday cal endar, realizing that the dainty hand worked novelties the original array of useful honse articles and the ever in viting variety of homemade candy, of fer a wide choice of ideas for that long sought, seldom found, gift of the last minute. Affording an especially large range of Christmas suggestions is the sale to be held tomorrow under the auspices of the Guild of St. Paul's church, at the Balem Hardware store. The various articles on sale will be ar ranged in the titate street windows of the store. Among those who are assist ing to make the sale a success in ev ery possible way are Mrs. Joseph Baum gartner, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. V. G. Shipley, Mass Mary Chadwick and Mrs. Hussell Catlin. Mrs. Norris Hunt and children are viitinir in Malam m tha irllAAta Af Mr. J. T. Hunt at her home on North Front street. . The Woman's 'Foreign Missionary so ciety of the iFirst Methodist' church held very 'enjoyable meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee on State street. Assuming hoatossea were Urn. M. B. Parounagian, and ilrs. Kloepping. The Colombia River Branch of the Woanaa'a Foreign Missionary society held their ansnal convent' b in Port land recently, when the following wo men ware plaeed ia off .it: Mrs. Matf SL Hujraes, president; Mrs. A. Jt. .Mc lean (Maude Keaworthy). recording secretary; Mrs. W. Route Keen, asso ciate secretary j Mr. A. N. Fisher, or reirpoading secretary; Mrs. Nettie' Whit ney, treasurer; superintcarlent of ehil dren't work, Mrs. Katheri&e Upmeyer; superintendent of young peonies' work, Mrs. James. A. merry "500" party was enjoyed SHI PI EY'S The Store of Practical Gifts This store specializes on Practical Gifts for Women, Misses, and Children - Only "Feminine Articles." Ready-to-wear Ready-to-use FEATURING:- ' '' " ' : ; Coats Suits Dresses Waists Outer and inner garments for Feminine Wear ; - 44- GIFT SUGGESTIONS, SILK WAISTS LINGERIE WAISTS BILK PETTICOATS LINGERIE UNDERWEAR SILK KIMONOS BATH BOBES CARTERS UNDERWEAR SILK HOSIERY CHILDREN'S HOSIERY KID GLOVES WOMEN'S H'DK'FS HAIR BOW RIBBONS . DENNISON'8 HOLIDAY BOXES TOWELS DENNISON'8 PAPER NOVELTIES LINENS DENNISON'S XMAS SEALS BEDDING FABRIC GLOVES NOVELTY RIBBON NOVELTY NECKWEAR HOLIDAY STATIONERY NOVELTY JEWELRY PARISIAN IVORY LEATHER PURSES COLGATE'S PERFUMES HOWARD'S BRUSHES TOILET ARTICLES LEATHER BAGS ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pr eHoliday Selling on Novelty Jewelry YEAR END CLEAN UP ON WOMEN'S CLOTHES Coats Suits Dresses $16.48 TO $45.00 $19.75 TO $34.75 $14.75 TO $44 75 j The Greatest Buying Opportunity of the Year . :.Z Quality Merchandise If You are in Doubt Buy A Merchandise Order U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145-147 N. LD3ERTY STREET Popular Prices I THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT USUAL HOURS DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK i la the county court Lonis Webert, Georffa W. Krv i,l Zmn Rrhnh mrrm appointed appraisera of the estate of J William Xibler. a F. Giesey ia ad-J misistrator. Sia-ter s -fellow told mo irla don-t hove o cook now. Sis -feeds him Post toasties soys f 0e&aous com -fl&kcs) Wednesday evening at the home of Sydney LJoyd, 1779 Chemeketo street, when a group of friends surprised Mn on his birthday anniversary. Those participating in the merriment of the evening were; Sir. and Mrs. Helge Donaldson, Mrs. L. Donaldson, John A. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Huneakrr ef Turner, Miss Marie Hix Hon nf Turner. Minr Dorothv HunsaJter of Turner, Roy Gore of Turner, Mrs. Clara Behaeier, Uoyd Bcnaercr, jure. Bessie Lloyd, Mr. aqd Mrs. Vrooman, Mr. sud Mrs. 'A. Peterson, Miss Vcrgo Peterson, Miss Agnes Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lloyd. Quinine. That Doee Not Affect Bead Because of its tonie and laiative ef fect, LAXATIVE BICOftfO XJUINJNK (Tablet) aan be tahea by anyone with out causing nervoumess or ringing in the heed. There is only one "Bromo Quiaiue." E. W. GBOVE'S signature oat the box. 30c. ! State House Notes During the next six months the statu for its various institutions, will pay lw cent a barrel more for its flour than it has been paying during the past six months, according to bids opened by the board of control yesterday afternoon. But its meat hill will be a little less than it has been. The state has been paying lft.T0 per 100 pounds for beef, while the low bid this time is 116.34. The low bidder is D. E. Nebergall Meat eomranv ef AlbanV. The Crown Mills of Portland is the low bidder ea flour, the low bid being IIO.W a barrel. Other items, as a general rule, are expected to run about thb same prioe as the past six moatas. Governor Withyeombe today held a conference, ia exeeative session, with Adjutant General Bwbe, Colonel North. Major Drake and Captain Ball of the National guard, relative to the contro versy over the aee ef the Portland armory. i'ol lowing the eonfereare the cover aar announced that the present a) guard companies in Portland would not be demobilized, and that the suit begun by the Multnomah tiuard to do- tcrmiiie the status of the Portland ar mory will be coninued as a friendly suit. Ho said also that it was the con census of opinion of the conference that the mobilization of the National guard under the federal defense aet should bo actively continued. With the mutual fire insurance bus iness prospering, officers of Oregon mutual fire companies who met tolny in conference with Fire Insurance Com missioner Harvey Wells declared that they wanted the next legislature to make no changes in the insurance laws affecting their business. t "In particular, we want to prevent uny legislation which will add to the cost of doing business and consequently increase the eost of insurance," declar ed Herman Loeding of Portland, repre sent. ng the Farmers' Mutual, v Y. C. Haggerty, representing the Or eirtn Fire Belief araciation of McMinn- ville, and J. P. Feller, representing tht Farmers' Mutual of Butteville, mil also present. Considerable deposits of native silica have been found just east of Hood Kiw er. .Wiij, .iii:. Safe t Milk JLiV-VJ Fur Id and Invalids A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Quick Lunch; Home or Office,' OTHERS are IMITATIONS f Nathan and Lillian Sohu have filed suit against James Corbia and others for the foreclosure of a mortgage amounting to 24,900. The mortgage is on 320 acres in sections 7 and 18, town! ship S south of ranee i Wtst and 40O acres part of the John B. Gcrvais do nation land claim. An attornev'a fee of !87 is asked. It was just this spring that a trade was made of this extensive farm- property for a stock of goods at Mabton, Washington, near Vakiuia. Spokane laundries have given notice of a 10 per cent increase in rates. A MOTHER'S STRENGTH Mother, whose hands rock the cradle, often needs more than ordinary food to help maintain the blood-quality and strength and to assure adequate' nourishment to the child. It is as unwise or the mother, as it is dangerous to the child, to place dependence upon alcoholic stimu lation, for strength is not found in alcohol. iiiraiKJ J p cst cod liver oil, absolutely tree from alcohol is mothers true mend, in that it performs a two-fold duty, ocorr a tonic-nourishment, particularly fitted for the trying period of motherhood. SCOTTS EMULSION BUILDS UP STRENGTH. 8ctftae, EkxaniKld. K. J. - 1S-2S X