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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1918)
I Page of The Capital Journal i itona CHARLES H. TISBEB Editor and Publisher Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address All Communications To EALEM 136 S. Commorcial St. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily, by Carrier, per year. $5.00 Per Month.. Daily by Mail, per year $3.00, Per Month.... .45e ..35c FULL LEASED W1KE TELEUKAPH BEPOKT FOREIGN EEPBEBENTATIVE3 W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. "W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can dctorraino -whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will bo sent you by special messenger if the arrior has missed you. United States Senator Hiram Johnson, of California, wants this country to. let the murderous bolsheviki of Russia control that country without interference from the allies. Probably this is the first time murder, outrage and anarchy were openly championed on the floor of the upper house of congress. And it ought to be the last time. .... THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only nowspapor in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by tho Audit Bureau Of Circulations NAVAL SUPREMACY, Great Britain, according to all authoritative reports from London, is determined to maintain her naval suprem acy. With Germany reduced to naval impotence, and Japan and France left far behind by the growth of our own navy, the United States is the only power worthy of being re garded as a real competitor of Great Britain. : Thus there are at the close of the world war only two great naval powers, Britain and America. 1 . - We have long been friends. The British ,navy has done us many a good turn, particularly during the pre sent war, when she stood so long between. Germany and the Western Hemisphere. We are better friends today than ever before. On both sides' we hope to remain friends. . But as long as the British navy is larger than ours, the United States will never feel perfectly at ease. Like wise as long as we keep adding to our fleet, Great Britain will never feel perfectly at ease. Unless the system is rad ically changed, there is in sight a period of rivalry between these two friendly powers, piling armament on armament after the old method, and possibly with accelerated speed. Such a coursers almost sure to lead to disaster soon jer or later.' At best it will be a vast and nedless drain upon the resources of the two powers. B,ut is there any other way unless both powers will agree to a severe limitation of their own armament and the establishment j of a supreme naval peace fleet under the authority of a League of Nations . Many persons call this solution visionary. But isn 1 it one of the things for which we fought this war? In an editorial in the Capital Journal last evening on government insurance, as the outgrowth of the war, lorty billion dollars in .policies was printed as forty million, Ihrouch an oversight in proof-reading. Four billion, the resources of the largest private insurance company, was printed as four million. - A morning paper, in speaking of the kaiser taking refuge in Holland, quotes the Dutch premier as follows: "After renunciation of his throne there could be no ques tion of his interment." It is to be hoped that the prem ier's source of information is authentic. The Red Cross reports that it is sending 15,000,000 packages of chewing gum to France monthly. This is the first puttie intimation of the general employment of typewriters and telephone operators over there. Those grateful and enthusiastic Frenchmen are verv likely to give Woodrow Wilson the real time of all his somewhat eventful life, during the next few weeks. THE WIFE By Jane Phelps. RUTH ARGUES WITH BRIAN CMAI'TEB CIX. When Brian said he was coine tn cn list with fhe Canadians, Ruth simply stood still una stared at him. But ov cry vostigo of color had left her facu, and utter a moment she swayed slight ly. Brian thought sho was going to fail, and put his arm about her. She shivered, and drew slightly away. "Will you say that aguin tlio whole of it?" "I said you would not have to pay rout U'or me much longer that I wa". going to enlist with tho Canadians." "You mean thutf " "Yes." ;" "And it is because I paid tho rent? Oh, Brian." ...';, ' ' Not not entirely tho if you hudu't perhaps I wouldn't have gono unlesB Uncle Bam got into tho scrap. But you can take care of yourself, bet ter care than I can of you. You don't noed mc, and the army docs." "I don't noed youf" "No, You never really have. Front tho very first, you have been able to cam more tha 1 did; to provido your self with things I could not have hoped to give you for yoars if ever. I real ize that I am not, never shall bo, u 'success as fur as making big money goes. ' I thought when I married you that I was going to become a big iuw yor,i' his tond was contemptuous and bittor, "but you took all necessity for pUFliing myself away from me. I could havo braced up for you not for iny- which y6u 'often pay for, and so on. Nice position for a man to be in,. isn't it! Do yon wonder that I cannot bring myself to let mora people know that my wife supports me in a style in which I eould not support her! It is unbear able that it should go on. Unthinkable that I should not take the first oppor tunity that offers to escape from u-h an humiliating position." "'Hat Brian," "There is no use talking any long er. My mind is made ud.. Wa hv talked of, quarreled over, this money J question until I am tired and sick of the very word 'money.' I would rather live in one room and cook the meals myself than g0 on." "As Mollie King does!" Buth never eould have exlnnined what made her ask that question. Slio had not thought of Mollie while Brian had beon talking; sho had not in any way connected her with Brian's de cision. TllA nnftStwin liar! eliTinn.1 Mil self. You earn almost three times what " Yes. if vnn will, -ilia liVrt fr.HW I do. You don't need mo." jKing does. She, at least, spoils no The tones of finality in the last ne' life bv aspiring to things Deyomt words struck Buth like a blow. Helhor rcaeh- Just wnv yu should bring Was gome, and because Blie had mado,""r "o mm, 1 can i see.- him think sho did not need him. Not noed his love I His companionship! What was ho thinking about. No wo man ever needed her husband more. I'.ut uuuid sho make him mow it Could sho inuko him understand that he meant more to uci than all the wo.ld llOal'OT v., 1 Ruth had forgollcii Handel, and that she had really, seriously, wondered u she i,arcd for him. She thought of nothing, no ono, but Brian her iius Land. Jinan i wa:;t you to Believe ml wher I toll you '.ilial. I do need you. weed your Jove, your dear companion ship. Moiroyvisa't all, dear, otun tno it may havo seemed to you at 'tin.! that I thought it was. I happened to have a gift foi a particular kind of work. Work winch us always hiehly paid. ' It was congenial work, too. That it nus occasionally taken me from you tor n little while has boon a drawbuck the only one Yet, dear, we have lifen very comfortablo, and it has given you opportunity to fool that you could study and bettor equip yourself. You see, we have not needed all we both earned." ' ' St udy equip myself what f or t To sit alono whilo you were working foi MandolT Not on your life I A man has to have a motive to do thoso things and I have had none. Perhaps my prido should hav been spur enough- my ambition. Well, my pride wasn't, and you have kiUad all ambition I ever possessed. Not intentionally, perhaps" the look on Buth'B face caused him' to soften his word, "but killed it just the SB mo. I havo a home which you pro vido. A servant 'whom you pay. lTood Stomach on Strike? Here's Relief! No Indigestion, Gas or Sourness JJpset stomachs feel fine. 'All indigestion, gases, sourfielS, heartburn, brash or acidity goes instantly. No waiting I m , Quickest stomach relief known. Just as soon as Pape's Diapepsin teaches your sick, unsettled stomach all stomach misery stopSt Eosts. little All druggist!. Stomach suffering is needlessj . r President Wilson landed on French soil today and his Friday, the l:$th, luck was with him as usual. The drary rain of days stopped,, the fog lifted and the sunshine was bright and cheerful as he stepped ashore. The watch on the Rhine is stamped with a made-in-America brand. - RiFPUNG RHYMES By Walt Mason END OF HATING. THRILLING SENSATIONAL Photddrama Based on y ' ' REV. PAUL SMITH'S Great Fight that Turned San Francisco's Red Lights White t - I didn't mean anvthincr. I snnke without thinking." "Since you have referred to her, I may as well tell you that Mollie. is going over too she is going as a nurso. For six months she has been training." "Mollie King is going tool" once moro Kuth seemed unablo to grasp what she had been told. "Yes, Mollie is going too." Tomorrow Kuth Spends Unhappy Hours. Court House still undisposed of and that tho de-1 There i-s a monster slab fondants should render an accounting! Which covers a Bcpulcher to jlaintiffof tho rents and 'profits'?" U,t us TOt.? tho liazv BPot . . , . j It e moving swiftly now. ut UCu pxupt-njr me lust account- ,whnt are those streaks ot redf ir.g.. I Anius .lacKson lias Deen granted a divorce from Freeman Jackson. She wai given tho custody of the minor child, Andrew Jackson. In (ho case of E. T. Boenrd aeainst .1. a. Jvenncdv in suDnlomentarv find ings the court ordered that the pialctlCf was entitled to a aecroo requirim? that J. B. Koiincdv convev to the nlaintiff tno tmncon acres known as tho thir eon acres of the Hunt Bros, property COUNT HFIY! PA!NS lAGGf IVi murine drops of .blood 'Rip-lit nn thnt nlri Htnne fllnhf W. It. Vearrier and others have filed! The misty -veil is lifting, I a complaint aga'nst H. L. Goodwin, do-1 And rovoa's a human form, ing buiaepg as tho Progressive Lumuer:Uis ,miis are long an(i clftW-liko, Co. cf .'.ilverton. In this cascy-if the j His horns he is de-horned, petition is KMntnd allowing the lawyer l And slunks back 'mong tho shadow, foos asked for it will be a fine tiling Another form appears, ' for tho lawyer. The complaint asks j in cungiiig robes of pure whitenes, fo: fli. 50., alleged to bo due W. H.AVe!irina tlie victory crown, Vearrier and $25. attorney fees $42.30 1 Drifiinc alnwiv .Inwnwnrfl alleged to be due H. W. Nosbr and j Right to tho sepulchor, $20 attorney's fees; $83.50 alleged toiAn tngot , be duo William Lohse and $30 lawyer's! He's rolling the Btone away fees. $33.46 alleged to be due G. H. I List en; .' 1 Urost and $20 attorney's fees and $15 alleged t0 bo duo W. P. Drost and $15 attorney 'a fees. An undertaking of appeal to the su preme court was filed Wednesday in the caso of James McGilchrist against! Fran E. Loose. This is tho caso m which the snlo and price of an onto truck is involved. Miss Christian Endeavor Died and was buried, But is risen. "0, Death, where is thy sting T O, grave, whore is thy victory!" JOAN. Don't Suffer. It's So Needless -Instant Relief Follows a Robbing With "SL Jacobs My heart is full of joy and mirth, I do not hate a soul qn earth. Before the armistice was signed, hate of the Teuton filled my mind; I hated everything that bore the German trade mark, more and more. Alas, the hate I used to feel, before and after every meal! And when to bed I journeyed late, I'd lie awake, and hate and hatelj I thought that I should never live to see the time when I'd1 forgive the cruel Hun of evil works, the Bulgars end the' beastly Turks. I don't forgive them even yet; I won't make any Teut my pet, or carry lilies, pure and pale, to any Hun who is in jail. My aunt shall not become the bride of any Turk with sallow hide, I'm willing that the Turk and Hun may have forgiveness when it's won; but years must pass in solemn train before they can our trust regain. Now I don't hate them any more; I've found that hatred is a bore. The tyrant's taken in his sign; he goes his way r.nd I go mine; and if I hated him by day, and hat ing passed the night away, I couldn't add an ounce, I trow, to th?.t huge load he's bearing now. 1 . 1 tmvsi 1 " - t'f. .l :v: "vp - m :V,;:;,t:.?A',',f? QUIT "W Fill I ' Bub it on a BDrained ankln. wrist. shoulder, back or a sprain or strain anywhere, that's when you realize the magic in old, honest "tit. Jacobs Liui inent" because the moment il is op plied, out conies the pain. ache, sore ness and 'swelling. It penetrates right mo liiiiuxii uiuscies, rcrvos, liga ments, tendons and bones, and relief cuiiiuB iiisiuuuy. n not merely kills pain, but soothes-and heals the injury so a quick recovery is effected. Get a small trial bottlo of "45t. Ja cobs Liniment" right now at any drug store and stop suffering. Nofhing else sets -things straight so quiij;ly so thoroughly. It is the omly application to rub on a bad sprain, strain, bruise or swolling. IT BARES THE PITFALLS OF COMMECIALIZEDYICE Starts Sunday NO! No Raise " In Prices COME EARLY iui I IF KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take Tablcspoonful Of Salts If Back Hurts Or Bladder V Bothers Driak Lets Of Water. We are a nation of meat enters imd our Hood is filled with urc acid mivs a well known authority, who warn iis to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble. The kidneys o their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but beooino weak from the overwork; they fet sluggish; the diminutive "tissue's log nd thn the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. 1 When your kidney9 ache and feel like lumps of lead, and yon have sting ing pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad der is irritable, obliging jou to seek rolief during (the nrht; whei you have severe headaches, nervous ami diE r.y spells, sleoplessness, acid stomach or rheimatism in bad weather, get ifrom your pharmacist about four onne ra of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a g a s of water before breakfast rach morning and in a few davs your kidneys will act fins. Tbis Damons gaits is rnndo from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, comtincd with lithia, and has been used for generations to flusb and stiniulat-e clcgcd kii'.neys, to nea-trali.-. the ae:;is in uriue so it is no longer a sturc; of irri:a:ioi. thus end iug arinary and bladder disorders. -i Jad Salts is inxpl"n3ive and cannot injure; makes a d li htfi-' fffcrvca cent lithia water il'lnk, and ro! ody cau r.iake a mistake by taking a little of i a-iiona'ly "to kc?p the kidneys clcaa aud active. Orovcr C. Bellingor has been appoint ed executor of the estato of John Aide, who died Oct. 19, 1918. The estate is valued at $600. The estate of Henry Schmidt has boon appraised at $300. The apprais ers were I). D. Socolofsky, M. J. Ccr nik and Hazelle Gearhart. The estate consisted, of an nndividod one fourth interest iu 15 acres in the Catherine Hngey donation land claim. Open Forum A PICTUEE. ' Far iu the distant background The clouds look dark and gloomy. But changing just a bit And in the middlo distance A ray of light is breaking through; Yet, somehow, there's a hazy -spot-Odd picture, not a treo, tier a shrub -All lights and shadows. Most like a burying ground. In the center foreground CHARITY begins at home gay. How about Prosperity T ' ' ' Shall we build up prosperity in the east by buying eastern products or hall we "buy homo product' because we want to see prosperity, like charity, "begin at hornet" Home Industry League of Oregon ,r 1 "' v PLUS TIME AND TROUBLE AND CARFARE ' . . JUST add those little items to your Christmas Shopping Bills when you take you money, over to Portland Now this does not inch de the more important feature of KEEPING THE MONEY AT HOME-Which buyirg in Salem means. N By the way Shop with United States National CHECKS yy W T'5 Sua wm tales KaltottalBanJi Salem Oregon, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little sprincs in its fabric which -"give and take" , with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It it the year- round underwrar, light, medium or huvy weight, ai roa like. D 1 T Ti ncuiciuuci iu ii u si Ym'U Forfet .Yon H.t. It Oa" Atk Tout Dtaltr UTICA KNiTTINS CO, Makers SsSes Rsarai 350 BmAviy, Mm York