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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 1915. cum CONCERT TWO Wr W1P TH0MPS0N lit Time hag certainly moved on wings fhia year, and here we are planning for Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year when it still seems the heart of Rummer. Affairs have been few as society always manes it propitiatory of ferings to beneficent docds before be ing satod with music, dances, bridge parties and other festivities. The cul mination of the many concurrent events for the Y. W. C. A. has been most gratifying and the donations which were generously offered played no small part in the success of the undertaking. This week has been a busy one, and there have been a number of delightful affairs, one of tho most attractive bo- ing the dinner over which Mrs. Hubcn Boise presided, ns a farewell attention to Mrs. William Knighton. The board lor tho charming affair was centored with gorgeous fluffy yellow and whito cnrysnnlftomums with covers for: Mr. and Mrs. William Knighton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, MrB. Eugene Broy Jnan, Mr. and Mrs. John McNary, Mr. ana airs, i.narics juciary, JVlrB. K. K, .Wators and Mr. and Mrs. liuben Boise After dinner tho spacious rooms were inrown together and the guests enjoyed a gay evening of dancing. Mj-s. Knight on is a social favorite and her eracinus nd attractive manner has endeared her to a host of friends who will bo glud to have her with them again in the epring. Mrs. Knighton will lenvo next Katnrdny for Sun Francisco, whero she will be tho guest of Mis. Charles Oray at tho Orouon buildinir. irnini annti later where Mr. Knighton will join her. Bowls filled with woiiderously rich toned garnet and mahogany dahlias lormed harmonious decorations for the bridge party at tho homo of Mrs. Itol lin K. Jngo on Tuesday afternoon for which Mrs. Page and Mrs. J. N. Smith were hostesses. Curd honors wore won by Miss Kita Steiner and Mrs. Charles McNary. Assisting were: Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. Max Huron, Mrs. W. (1. Allen, Mrs. Frank Hpcurs, Miss Kita Htciner, Miss Ellen Thielsen, Miss Veda Cross. Delightful in every detail was tho duck dinner given at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cliaunccy llishop on Monday evening. A most distinctive decora tive effect was formed by profusion of brilliant autumn reaves,' illuminated by clusters of minintuio colored lights, lurs. William Burghnrdt, ,lr., assisted Mrs. Uishop in serving. .Tho guosts circling the table were: .lames 11, Young, Fritz Slnde, Tom Townsond, Tom Ordemah, Carl 1). Ciabriolson, Charles lteynolds, William Burghurdt, Channcey llishop. One of the season's most eugorly an ticiated parties is the Cherriuu ball which will take place in the armory on Thanksgiving cvo. This affair will no doubt be n smart one as the Cher rians are past musters in the art of en tertainment. Thero havo boon little or no social gayotios this soasou and elaborate plans are being nindo to make this tho notable event of tho yoar. The patronesses for tho evening n're: Mrs. Tho. Kay, Mrs. Asahcl Hush, Mrs. Ooo. Rodgers, Mrs. Husscll Catlin, Mrs. !liauneoy llishop, Mrs. Win. Connel Dyre, Mlrs. W. H. Burghnrdt, Jr., Mrs. John 1). Caughell, Mrs. ('has. L. Dick, Mrs. D. W. Eyre, Mrs. ('has. II. Fisher, Mrs. J, If. Ijiinterninn,- Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mj-a. Win. McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. (lias. L. McNary, Mrs. lien W. Olcott, Mis. Jl. II. ((linger? Mrs. K. C. I'atton, Mrs. H. I), ration, Mrs. C. C. flrnhnm, Mis. Z. J. Higgs, Mrs. Ted Ludlnm, Mrs. John .1. Huberts, Mrs. II. (1. Shinlcv. Mrs. T. (!. Hmith. Jr.. Mrs. A. H. Wilson, Mrs. Ceo. E. Waters. A novel feature of this dance will be prize dance and singing contest The roinmittec in charge are Carl (labriulson, rhnirmnn; James Young, Frank Spears, Curtis Cross anil llr. I'rinco llyrd. Tickets will bo on sale the first of' the week. Mrs. John D. Sutherland, who is al ways a most gracious hostess, opened her home Thursdny to the Jlnppy Hour club, (luests playing nt four tables enjoyed an afternoon of bridge with rurd honors falling to Mrs. Frank Last Chance TO SECURE A SEASON TICKET TO THE Salem Lyceum Course ON1Y A TEW LEFT AND WE CANNOT SELL MORE THAN A CAPACITY HOUSE Reservation Dates for Season Tickets Only, November 26 and 27 80c or II WILL EEBEEVB TOUB ISrown. Mrs. H. J. Bean was awarded the consolation. Jars of stock from the most delicate pinks to the deeper shades were placed here and there 'Mrs. W. 11. Danck, Mrs. Oliver Locke, throughout the rooms. Miss Grace I Mrs. Bnbcn Boise, Mrs. Charles Mc Bean assisted Mrs. Sutherland in sorv- Nary, Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mrs. G. G. lnt- Bingham and the hostess. . Tho afternoon was passed with nee- Society is impatiently awaiting the die work and the discussion of variouB opening of the concert season which plans for tho furnishing of a room for will give Salem the very rare opportun-.: tho Y. W. C. A. ity of hearing four most brilliant musicians. Mme. Johanna Gadski, who A delightful pre nuptial attention to win open me musicui Bcason is tno ac- j Miss Alurio Bolinjjer was the eight 1... .t... 1 -J, 1-. - . 1 ..... . nuuwiL-itgcu ijiieeii or lyric an i dramat ic song; Emilio Do Gogorza is the pos sessor of a voice of beauty and rich ness. Ho is probably one of the few artists who has the ability to create at- mosphcro in all that he sinss. Ossin Gabrilowitsch has few ccpials and is era formed the center piece, while tho among the various past masters of tholguests found. their places by a unique I""1 uauuiuimn nun u ncu contralto" voice which affords the audi ence with genuino pleasure. Miss Ma gors has been zealously workinn to make these concerts a success, and on our patronage of them, our credit as music lovers jn a measure depends. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Rose were charming hosts for the "500" club which met at their home on Monday evening. The rooms were artistically arranged in big fluffy, chrysanthemums, fragrant white roses and carnations. Card favors for tho evening were cap tured by Mrs. O. C. Locke and Br. It. K. Leo Steiner. Assisting were Mrs. Georgo Itodgers and Mrs. Charles Mc Nary. Mrs. E. 0. Siecke proved a most i gracious nostess on .Monday evening wlien she entertained the members of tho Bridge club at her homo on North Capital street. Tho high scores were made by Mrs. Merlin Harding and F. G. Deckebuch. Three tubloH were ar ranged for the players nfter which dancing was enjoyed. Jessie Miller as sisted tho hostess in serving. Mrs. Fred Stewart poured. The color motif of pink was delicately carried out ia tho dining room, tho table being cen tored with beautiful carnations of the snme shade, intermingled with greens. The club members present were: Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Hmith, Mr. and' Mrs. F. G. Deckebach, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Siecke. Mrs. Fred Stewurt, Mrs. Lovelace. Ono of the most delightful affairs of tho week was the tea over which Mrs. Arinin Steiner presided honoring Mrs. C. A. Shelbrede, of lioseburg. The tea tnblo at which Mrs. Milton Meyers poured, was effectively centered with a bowl of vivid rel eeranimns and ferns. The rooms wero nulow with scarlet salvia, nnd brilliantly tinted fo liage which gave a chcertul autumnal touch throughout. Miss Kita Steiner, Miss Endn Josso and Mrs. Louise Josse. Jr., assisted in the dining room, Calling during tho afternoon were: Mrs. It. E. loo Steiner, Mrs. Sherman W, Tiioinn- son, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Charles Usher, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. Cnrev .Mar tin, Mrs. H. B. Houston, Mrs. John Cougell, Mrs. William London, Mrs. Itonnld Glover, Mrs. W. 11. Byars, Mrs. ('. J. Olmstead, Miss Hazel 'Olinstcnd, Mrs. L. Boggs, Mrs. D. Kingslcv, Mrs. Paul Schmidt Mrs. John Dubois, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. Lloyd Wilson were hostesses Wed nesday for n Silver Tea for the Y. W. C. A. which was given at the home of Mrs. Dubuis, 8(10 K street. Tho rooms were udomed with pretty dahlias, with yellow and white as the prevailing color motif throughout. Pouring during the afternoon nt a table arranged in j the snino effective vellnw nnd white I dahlias were Mrs. A. K. lliickestein, I brought. These bountiful donations will and Mrs. W. S. Fnrgo. Assisting the!'10 labeled and placed in piles nround hostesses in the rooms were Miss Laura I'urvine, Miss Sain Rowland nnd Miss Olga Munn. A delightful musical pro- uram was arranged with solos by Miss Louise Benson, Miss Marmierite Flow- Lucile Barton. Miss Marion Fmnions nave a selection on tho violin and Mrs. Frank Frickey played several num bers on the 1 1 in n o. The hustesscs tor this pretty affair were dated at their success, as another room is well on its, way. A most daintily appointed luncheon, was that given by Mis. Carlton Smith on Thursday. A bowl tilled with gnylv lined flowers centered the table nround which covers were placed for Mrs. U. K. Lee Steiner Mis. I,. V. Griffith, Mrs. Milton Movers, Mrs. Harrv Oling-' - , BEAT TOE THE ENTIBB C0UE8B er, Mrs. G. 0. Brown, Mrs. George Rodgers, Mrs. Joseph Baumgartnor, Mrs. hdwin Baker, Mrs. George Kosc. o 'clock breakfast and shower which was given Saturday morning by Miss Regina Long and her mother, Mrs. M. H. Long, on Twenty-third street. A bowl of rich golden yellow nasturtiums 1 intnrminiflcd with iMicntn whitA flow. arrangement or truit lars dressed as pretty dolls. Covers were placed for: Miss Bolinger, Miss Bess Kowell, of Afton, Iowa, Miss Emily Palmer, Miss Iaura Grant. Miss Zoc Olmsted. Miss I Marguerite Miles, Mrs. Donald Miles, Mrs. tl. js. liolinger, Mrs. Mary Long and the hostesses. Miss Bolinger has been the motif of many attentions since ner engagement and several more do lightfnl affairs will be given before tne wedding which will take place in the FirBt Christian church on Novem ber the twenty-tifth. By far the most unique social affair jiven for the Y. W. (.'. A. will be the Parcel Post party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. William Connel Dver. Others who will be hostesses for this gay evening are: Mrs. George Gray, i'n. .,"11 J.UVllUlll, UI1U .TUB, .CHUT JJllll- den. All sortB of coaxing nnd mysteri ous looking packages arranged for sale will arouse much curiosity and nlure guests to contribute generously to the funds. A large share of the assistance to ward furnishing a room in the Y. W. C. A. will be the generous contribution offered by the Grey-Bell next week. Twenty per ceut of the proceeds Wed nesday will bo set aside for this causo. A special musical program has also been contributed as part of the day's bene fit. Prominent members of the Y. W. 0. A. will act as patronesses during the afternoon. ft A delightful informal dinner during tho week was that given by Mrs. Harvey Wells on Wednesday evening. Rich vivid hued marigolds adorned tho table which was effectively arranged for eight. Mrs. Paul Johnson was the charming hostess Friday afternoon for the La Cornier club. Vases of large yellow and white chrysanthemums here and there in the various rooms formed the decora tions. Mrs. Bellinger was the only additional guest. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bross and Mrs. J. S. Pinell will spend the week end in Portland. A pleasant surprise party was that given by Rev. Elvin, of the First Con gregational church in tho church par lors for the members of the choir. Dur ing tho evening many clever toasts were given by Mrs. Georgo Brown, Mr. Bnrio nnd Mr. McGilchrist, tho director of the choir. A lovely bouquet of rich yellow chrysanthemums was presented to Mr. McGilchrist in appreciation of his elfecient services. A Thanksgiving shower for the bene fit of the Old Peoples' home will be held in the parlors of the M. E. church Monday evening. Contributions from every church in town will be sent or the room. A reception will be held by the pastors and their wives durinir the evening and others wishing to increase Kins very generous oriering nro in vited. The merchants of tho town are liberally assisting in this beneficent undertaking nnd it will no doubt be a most gratifying success. There will be an iiiuiKti II. v fine proi!iniii consisting j0' Mrs. Carlton Smith, Dr. Kpley's T",r" ' Jiaigueiite c isher and Miss Margaret Feen with violin solos from two of hc best artists in the city and a cornet solo by Dr. Ward Fisher. it Mrs. J. M. Killings, was hostess for a rretty breakfast and slumber party nt bonie on South Fourteenth street. A delicious repast was served at a centered with dainty pink roses, intermingled with ferns, The guests .bidden were: Miss Ethel Listen. Miss es Uellu ami Alta Johnson, Miss SiiBie Noud, Miss Nellie HopKins, Miss Fran ces Ward, Miss nob Mortin, Miss Eve lyn tireiiiiuels, Misses Evclvn and Gladys Stevenson, Misses Florence. .Ksther and Agnes Billings. Mrs. William Knighton left today for I'nrtlaiid where she will spend the week end. Mrs. Lloyd Haiiscr was dinner host ess Thursday evening to u number of friends in honor of Mis. I van Gellinger, if Sweet Home, who is the guest of Mrs. W, II, Cook. A graceful piece, made up of delicate pink roses and ferns centered the table around which wero covers lor eight. it A number of merry little people of Miss Hose's Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church met nt the home of I Miss Dorothy Brant on Oak street. 1 10 very Thursday these little folk meet to sew on pretty and useful articles for n Christmas box to make linppy the less fortiinntei Gathering nt this little Ken sington were: Miss Ruth Griffith, Miss Alma Martin, Miss Agues Martin, Miss Klnia KtnniMiinn. Miss Ktva Amsler. Miss Faith Pridy, Miss Uiuieo .Menu, miss l.euli Koss, Miss rlorenco Jones, t A sweet and simple wedding was tnnt or .Mrs. Kiln .Magera to William Skinner, which took place In San Fran cisco on Friday at the First Unitarian church. The. itev. W. D. Simons offi ciated. Only intimate friends of the family and relatives were invited. Af ter i several weeks sojourn in Califor nia the young people will return to Sa lem whero they will innko their home. Miss Marv Schulu lias as her week . ' V -;itcarni ' l ' J' ' 4 Mrs. Merrill Moores (Gertrude Jones), iiiin. i. ju. juncs, an --iaoisn 110 end guest, Mies Anna Dawson, of Al bany. The home of Mrs. J. A. Rise, at 1265 North Nineteenth street, was made thetMiss Agnes nnd Esther Billings: Dia- settiug for a most enjoyablo alfair onjlopue, Misses Hazel and Jane Pearce; Saturday afternoon, .when the ladies; vocal solo, Miss Dewley; instrumental of Englewood Circle of the First M. E church were entertained by Mrs, J. A. uise, mrs. u. n. dewett, -Mrs. lieorgc Martin, Mrs. Ruth. Mrs. lturst. Mrs. Clapper and Miss Walton, acting to getner as hostesses. Tho rooms were tastetuly decorated with autumn leaves and with green vines in hanging bas- koib mnuo oi small pumnKins. Several amusing games were played and read ings and piano duets were reudered by the Misses Walton. Among the guosts of the afternoon were: Mrs. J. A. Mills, president of tho general aid society; Mrs. 11. E. Voorliies, Mrs. J, W. Labnne, Mrs. A. Barker, Mrs. W. J. Dirr, Mis. l Mc Millin, Mrs. E. B. Millard, Mrs. Burr. Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Bowon, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. JEhinen, Mrs. Mary Barton, and the Misses Louisa J.. Walton, Lorena Walton, Carrie aMrtin, Olive (hcnault, Adella. Chaplen, Chrisrabel Jewett, Ber nice Rise and Maude Clappcn. Miss Florence Aiken, of Roscbure. who has been tiie guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Spencer, for several months returned homo toduv. Philip Patterson, of Portland, is a week end guest at the country home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Patter sou. The Snctstok Dramatic club was de lightfully entertained nt tho home of Miss Ruth Schultz on Thursday af- tornoon, Miss HopKins, who is presi dent of tho society read the interesting drama "The Melting Pot." Miss Viv ian mck also gave several readinis af ter- which tiie members enjoyed a tasty hating dish nt a tablo adorned with lovely fragrant roso buds and fern". One of the merriest littlo parties of tho week 'was tho informal dance at tiie homo of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sykes on Center street. Tho guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Aufrnnec, Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Mr. and Mrs. Harden- brook, Mrs. Frances Newberry, Miss Reuuka Swart, Miss Martha Swart, MisB Gertrude Walling, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Wilmnn. Mr. Harrv Mills and Mrs. Willard who havo been furnishing the music for ITolessor Riuglcr s dancing classes have been most satisfactory nnd will most probably be the favored musicians for 'all club dunces which take place iiuring ine winter. A pleasant sociul meeting was held by the Royal Neighbors nnd Modern Woodmen of America iu their lodge1 Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions By Margaret Mason. nip, hip, liurruh. No more the stay Will bind your h'ipi uuduly; They're free onco more With curves galore And most becoming truly. New York, Nov. 13, You can't put au 1830 bodice ou a 1013 figure with any grunt success. Hence, mice fern ininlty just must wear theso adorable littlo boned nod pointed bodices it is up to fomiuinity to reconstruct the femalo form divine. Special eorsets to maKo tno firm foundation for this worn of reconstruction nro now ou the market nnd the spot. They differ in throe vital points, or perhaps wo should say curves, from "littlo old last year's" ntnyi. They are two and three inches higher in the bust, smaller and mure curved at the waist and most amazing of ull, they are shorter and less boned over the hip, with what ii called a "free hip'' finish. Dooin't It just take your breath away to think that you ore poinp to have fashion on your hip againf What will probably take your braath trifl more, however, ii when you jiuU o who is the guest of her parents, Mr. vaows. rooms at McCornack hall. During the evening a pleasing program was given as follows: Reading, Mr. Bonn; piano rolo, Miss Anna Anderson: vocal duet, duet, MiBs Joy and Rex Turned. Mrs. E. 0. Sicche has issued invita tions for a Bridge tea on Saturday, No vember the twentieth. Miss Cynthia Minis, of St. Louis, Missouri, will be a week end visitor in Salem.- Miss Maus is an international Sunday school worker and will visit the classes of tho First Christian church during her stay.' A most pleasurable affair of the week was the reception given by Presi dent and Mrs. Carl G. Doney, Monday evening nt their homo on Stato street, houoriug the members of the faculty aud their wives. i The campaign for the Bale of season tickets to the Lyceum courso 'is about closed. During tho past two weeks nearly 1200 tickets wero placed on record which is unparnlleled in the hisl tory of Salem. This is due both to the excellency of the course offered and the fact that the price is ono that practic ally everyone can afford. Tho Lyceum is primarily for the people and by making it a great democratic institu tion so that tho largest number of peo ple possible can take advantage of it, then will it accomplish the greatest amount of good in the community. The box office wil be open for season res ervation on November 20 and 27. Tick ets are also on sale at the music stores. Mrs. Jessie Savage gave a surprise birthday party last evening in honor of Mrs. Alfred Rasmussen, about twen ty friends being invited. A very pleas ant evening was spent playing "GOO" alter which delightful refreshments were served. Last Tuesday evening Professor Wal lace Me Murrav gave the third of his series of popular lectures on modern literature, nt Katon Hall. Many towns people are attending this course and speak highly of, the numbers, or his lecture last Tuesday the Professor chose "An Apreeintiou of the Best in Modern Literature," in it he gave some of the fundamental laws and principled to be followed in tho con sideration of modern dramns, that are of interest to either the casunl render or the confirmed student. Some of the ideas advanced were: Good tnste in!,'1",".1 Uigh, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs, J. A. selection of rending material. Many look O'l good taste ns nn accomplish ment that fits one for good society so like a passing fashion they seek to ac quire it, and from a shallow surface reading endeavor to puss judgments on your 1915 corset strings to get. tho new c.urvod-ln waist effect. Don'f let any body elso string you for It's going to be a mighty hard yank. Let there be no waste of energy in tho pull, either, or there will be no waist of modish dimensions In the corsets. Front lace corsets aro cninine ever increasing popularity because of their greater romrort ns well us their goodl lines. Tbcy are most successful with u ,... ami m-uy, ror tan v,u,iV n n iincn . ice elI"rtlJ, Bro George Gay. Gathering around table the most approved models. Simplicity(1.,,tiiv adorned iu smilux and softly ... ....v uuunum-iii , , Hiyniiioi of tho new corsets and they are staid stays indeed. Frills of lace nnd ornato trimmings are lucking, but in many exquisite pale tints of silk brocho are tho corsets evolved in their entirety. Where once all save white or flesh tinted corsets wero frowned upon bv tbo ,.,..i,u. ..!.. ... ...1... .'.... .e gnSTauve,-grey, icot i.i..i. i ,i . . i vrii iMntn vuvm nru ciunfivu iu 1UUBI fastidious bosoms, Verily, with tho new high lace corsets either front or back; and the new high lace boots front, back or side, the sartorial success of this season 't dame hangs on a string. She starts it with a corset lac and ends up with shoe string. Madame Lucie Valair The Parisian Operatic and Concert Mezzo-Soprano, who recently came from Paris to Portland, will make her inaugural appearance there at the Heilig Theatre Sunday, Nov. 14, 3 p. m.. The program will vary from sacred music to opera in costume. Mme. Valair will be assisted by Miss Katherine Ensey, soprano; Mr. G. C. Kiechner, cel list; -Mr. J. Hutchison, accompanist. Tickets 50c, 75c, $1.00 forms of literature. This attitudo is wrong, and a fatal one. Literature is the foundation of complete living. It is a delicate indicator of sociul evolu tion, as it portrays vividly tho life of any period of history. The world will lose its dullness and your senses will be quickened if you mako the study of literature a true one. It has ueen ctaimer that nothing worth while is being produced by modern dramat ists. Time alone will provo this, there are, however, a number of dramas of the present that will be lasting. What lo we mean by literature Emerson says, "It is the record of tho best thoughts." Tins is not strictly true, iul Diinuy iriic, but little. There are two classes of books: Those for-viuless it has more than intellectual- l l"y ity to it, unless it appeals to our emo-: Q T . , tions, it will not be permanent. The v S' Jn"80. prominent farmer of mind changes through the ages and itsll'lk coullty' 18 hcr0 today 011 bus" manner of thinkinir. tho euiutions varv UT!!' . .. .. of Power, and thoso of Knowledge. The DUJF . , , former stir the emotions, stimulate life I , K w- M-nmir. one of the leading mer and awaken the imagination; tiie latter! ''na?ts of Monmouth, is hero today on! may be treatises on scientific subjects '"'siness. of an intellectual nature. Science I Irank W, Durbin and wife left this nntiquntes, literature lasts. Literature to be lasting must huvo the element of 1 ortiniiu. truth in it, or to the intellectual it bo-1 Mr- "id Mrs. Taul Itasimisseu will comes foolish. It may, however, varyislwnd tho woek end in Portland with from fact to fiction. Three elements i f riends. are fundamental. L Organization or George F. Rodgers was n rasseiifer expression in a permanent form through ; this morning on the Oregon Electric for simplicity of structure. 2, Sense of the I Portland. beautiful, taste rejects the vulgar but! Mrs. A. J. Hicks, of Portland, is irt not the commonplace Avoidanco of j the city to attend the funerol of Frank pompons au.iectives. t, Acknowledge- me-it of feeling. Can't, egotism nnd! pedantry are not permissible. Literary! style is a perfect expression of the sub-, ject and a great living personality back of it. Professor McM array then read; n short drama notd for its extreme simplicity, "The Traveling Man," byj Lady Gregory, will lecturo in a ' short time in Portland. Our sense of ! beauty grows. In primitive times onlyi general beauty was noticed: as the ocean, tho forests, sunsets. Now today but what can bo aireeiateil. vuv VJ in IIVl M. ClJ41i;i IIIUU11 Dl lilllUJIT The Loyal Women's class of the Firs,t Christian clmrcji was .nlcasa:it)y entertained Thursday afternoon nt the home ot Mrs. D. D. Olmstead with Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. L. M, White,. Mrs.. B. B. ColbatlvMrs. Bliss and Mrs. Thom as as assistant hostess. About fifty g'.iets accepted the hospitality of the hostesses for the afternoon. The rooms were prettily decorated with quantities of Shasta daisies, white roses nnd chrysanthemums, carrying out the gen eral color Bchemo of white nnd green. The election of officers for the com ing year resulted ub follows: President, MrB. Brunk; vice-president, Mrs. Mul key; secretary, ilrs. H. ('. L'plcy; treasurer, Mrs. Babbington. Mrs. Si ay, the retirinir president itavo a short talk ami presented tho class with a much needed gavel, which Mr. Jlnv had nindo of Oregon wood. The entire class extended Mrs. May a voto of thanks for her BOrvice during the past year and also for tho gilt she had presented. airs, cmids gave a readina wlnc.i was greatly enjoyed by all, then Mrs. Gal loway gave two vocal selections that were greeted with much applause. A cafeteria luncheon was served by the hostesses and the following guests en joyed their hospitality: Mis, M. J oZ, Mrs A. L Godfrey, Mrs. t t ' .. .. ' Jones, Mrs. F. T. Porter. .Mrs. Tom Kay, Mrs. Dr. Mercer, .Mrs. J. C. Thomas, Mrs. B. B. Colbntii. Mrs. Itliss, Mrs. . 1 . Vvlute, .Mrs. Caiuphell, Mrs. II. C. Kpley, Mrs. J. C. Perrv. Mrs. Galloway, Mrs. L. M. White, MrB. G lea son, Mrs. Babbington, Mis. Canatsey, Mrs. L. N. Childs. Airs. Kencdv. Mrs. Todd, Mrs. May, Mrs. Clcminons. Mrs. rhniles Knnwlnnd, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. It. ('. Watcher, Miss Mary Hunt, MisB Miller, Miss Martha Mortenson, Mis. i litisick, Mrs. Keeton, Mrs. W. A. Pon-i nv, Mrs. Hoberts, .Mrs. Mulkev, Mrs.-) .1. i:. Godfrey, Mrs. A. E. Mcluiie. Mrs.! ('. ('. Wetzel, Mrs. Peters. Mrs. C. II. Stewart, of Hutchinson, Kansas, Mis.! Iee Gholscn, liev. F. T. Porter. Mrs. .T. II. Bancy, who was severely injured in a fall several weeks ago is fast recovering. Miss Josie Miimkeis, of Brownsville, who has been the guest of friends and relatives-Ill Portland, will visit over the week end with her mint, Mrs. T. C. jPnvidsou, on S. Commercial street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner, have returned from Bay Ocean, whero they have been spending several days nt their cottage "Overlook." A most attractive Informal luncheon M1 prided 0Ver Thursday by Mrs unhted yellow candles, were Mrs, Frank Spears, Mrs. Connell Dyer. Mrs, Curtis Cross, Mrs. Clyde Graham, Mrs. Ted Ludlum and tho hostess. After luncheon the afternoon was spent in preparing articles for a room iu the new Y. W. l A. Miss Carol Dibble is tho week end uf M" ' laud. Dr. Bud Mrs. .1. O. VnnWlnkle wero hosts Wednesday evening for an in fiirmnl dinner party. Knjoying Dr. and Mrs. Van Winkle's hospitality were: Dr. and Mrs. Frnnk Chace, of 'the col lege of music at Willamette university, Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. VaiiWinklc mul daughter, Miss Kosulie. I PERSONALS I A Mrs. Ruth Portland. E. Sayra is visiting in Mr. and Mrs. E. A rora, are in the city. SI. Cone, of An- Mrs. R. Hickman, of Marion, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Oscar Huyter, an attorney of Dnlliuj, was hero yesterday on legal business. 11. 11. Gnrliipp, a farmer orl ruitlnml, : .,:. : ... ' . ilrs- George X. Keeton left this morn- !" n lnB Oregon r.iecmc tor llurrm- niormug on the Oregon Ueetric for L. Pound. John Hollingsworth, K. Ryals and 0. Whetstone, nil of Alba nv. Tvero in flirt city yesterday. C. L. Sperling returned thia'morning from a business trip of several days at; Condon, Gillian county, l. H. Huggins returned last evening from a visit of several days nt Lebanon nnd Crnbtrnc. nn hmriimu. A. L. Thomas, a prominent' busiiiosti ,,. f w,.,.,.rt : ,7.... .. i...-. imSSi llis lwlly ,,ome from Fln. tMSl'O, Airs. E. S. Lamport will return tlite evening from a two months' vinit nt n-" JjUB A"BmB Hml " Diego. -MrSi Burtha Hanks, of cnnrtin, la,, left this afternoon for her home after a threo weeks' visit with Dr. M. E. Pomcroy. A. H. Gage, district superintendent of the Prudential Insurance company, returned this morning from a bushiest) trip of several days at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knrz left thin afternoon for San Francisco and Ldm Angeles. They wjll probably locate in the southern part of tho state if pleased with the country. Congressman Sinnott Favors Preparedness Poitland, Ore., Nov. 13. "I am very strongly in fnvor of urtion by ('(digress to increase the navy and army so that they will be udccpiate for the defense, of the country iu any eventuality, , This was the comment today of Con gressmen N. J. Sinnott, of Oregon, on the president's preparedness program. Sinnott, accompanied by his wife and five children, will leave tonight for i " J"" I 17 ill tier liv wnv lif fvm Vrnni'iu',, 11,1, going by way of Wan Francisco and Les Aiigolos. Isn't This True Something that has proved to be good is more to be desired than something that claims to be better. This is exactly what Toole's Corn Shell has proven. To make this article as have been proven we will absolutely guaran tee every bottle or pur chased price gladly re funded. . Don't . forget the name Corn Shell f or corns, callouses and bunions. Poole's Drug Store 372 State St. Thone 276 J H H 8 I BeaverStatePrinters f Society and ' Commercial Printing. Phone 1512. Boomi I S, Fatten Block