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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1915)
' FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES sfc sc st sjc jjc sc ijc ijc !jc ijc sfc jJc 'J . CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY 3(C ijC 5C 3(C 3f 3C 3j )C 5jC 9j 3c )C THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS ARLIAIPT BY KINL1 CONSTANTINE New Elections Called For ie member 19 When Conflicting Policies Will Be Passed Up on By Electors Former Premier Venizelos May Force Revolution If He Persists In His Opposition To the King, Who Has Taken Step Opponents Assert He Had No Legal Right To Do London, Nov. 12. King Constantino liis dissolved the C!rciun parliament, thereby finally throwing down tho omnllet to the war party. This action evidently followed form er I'remier Venizelos' refusal to toler ate the Skouloudis -ministry with its "benevolently neutral" leader and its Z'limis members. In dissolving parliament, the lung did deliberately what Venizelos hnd de flared he had no power to do inas much as, Venizelos clnimcd, the ques tion of what stand the nation should to l;e toward war was settled six months ago when the country selected aim as i henchmen still retained the upper hand premier on a pro-war basis. Jin parliament. The king selected December 10 nsi Zaimis was named premier and a new the date for the elections, a time earlier ' cabinet was chosen. The Vonizclosites than had been expected. (forced Znimis out. The king chose When he took this radical step the ( Skouloudis as premier, a man frankly king presumably was convinced of a j sympathetic with the allies and ''ben itisfiictory result from his standpoint i evoleinly neutral" toward them but not li-oin the handful of electors able to so iirtisau as Venizelos. Behind him east a ballot now that the army is mo-'was the samo cabinet personnel, with bili.ed. In iuet, evidences have point-j one exception, as tho Zaimis ministry, ed to a disinclination on Venizelos part! The Venizelos opposition apparently t force the people again to go on rec- j continued. Hence, likely, the king de ord. It hnd been believed here that i cided on this final step of dissolution 1m felt, iu a final showdown, the people laud an appeal to tho nution. AR TILLER Y OF FRENCH SCA TTER BULGARIANS; ITALY PR s X: ITALY WILL HELP London, Nov. 12. Italy has definitely agreed to aid the ul lie.i in their Balkan campaign sufficiently to insuro the com plete success of the project, ac cording to Rome dispatches to day. X3tc9fe9(ctcfefeHc ae se sc ale ae se By WiUian 0. Shepherd. (United Press staff correspondent.) Monnstir, Serbia, NoV. 11. (Delay ed.) The allies are firmly established in southern Serbia. Monnstir, Prilep and the surrounding region were iu imminent danger for a time from the Bulgars but the French saved these points when they recap tured Voles. Large numbers of Austria's Crotinu nod Dalmatian subjects, who sympa thize with tho Serbs, are deserting the Teutonic, cause and aro flocking to the Kerb standards. The kaiser, extending his eongrntula linns to the Bulgars for their success in pturing Nish, referred to the Serbs oh "band of brigands." The Teutons know nt least that the Herbs fight with the ferocity of "brigands." American doctors escaped from the t..wti of f skuli before the Bulgars ar rived there. They are due here to night after taking li Touudabout route through Albnnin. That the liulgnrs de tcined I.ady Paget is confirmed. Bulgars Forced to Flee. Bucharest, Nov. 12. Pushing their )j( )C )jc sjfi sjfi ic S! 9jc 5C Abe Martin - At til Little Oem rosturint t 'd.iv a Muinger Bsked fer a cup o' coffee like Ms father used t' bnv. Another kind of neutral is th' feller who let others fight hia battles. DISSOLVED might remain loyal to tho king. The former. Premier's course is. be ing watched anxiously here, however, for it. is felt among diplomats that it ho rouses tho people against the king, a revolution is probablo. Kvents in Grevian political affairs Lave turned with kaledoseopic swift ness and variety in the past few months, , Venizelos forced out onee appealed to tho nation on a platform frankly pro- ally and pro-war. He was returned. Again, a showdown came and Venizelos resigned with his cabinet, though his OMISES AID way obstinately to the aid of Serbia, the allies advancing from the coast havo met strong resistance from the Bulgars along a 00 mile front, from Veles to southeast of Strumuitza, The Bulgars efforts to check the invaders, however, have been vain, Tho allies occupied Grndsko and French artillery clipped off men and silenced guns, clearing the way for the oncoming of the British-French infan try and cavalry. The Bulgars retreat northeast of Veles verges in a rout, with heavy losses. Meantime, the allies are receiv ing constant reinforcements from Sa lonika. Bulgarian dead lay iu heaps at many points. They have had but little time to cover them with even a layer of earth. In the north, the Teutons are press ing their invasion, but, as a year ago they are meeting with difficulty from fighting iu mountains, known intimate ly to the Serb defenders, and afford ing them a protection at the same time leaving the invaders largely ut their mercy. T he several thousand new allied troopij were rushed toward Serbia from Snlonika today to augment u force which ure now growing to menacing proportions. Gigantic Battle Dovelops. Alliens, Nov. 12 Out of intermittent skirmishing between Bulgars and allies in southern Serbia, is developing a gi gantic general buttle. It will be fought along the liulgar front from Tetovo through the Veles section along the Vur Unr river to the vicinity of Ktrmniiitzu. Opposing the Bulgars, the Hritish pre dominate in the southwest, the French iu the center and the Serbs an the northwest end of tho line. If the allies sui cd hi breaking the Bulgnr line they will be in a position to combine with, the Serbian main iinny u nd ullack the Teutons whose front ex tendi) almost across Serbia. v Cannot Be Starved By Her Enemies Is Chancellor's Belief Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. T. Nov. 12. Germany's enemies cannot slurve her, Chancellor liotlimnnn-lloll-wcg declared today answering a social ist petition regarding food price regti lot ion. "I appreciate that the socialists know (leriiiiinv 's fond supply is aiiple'' he said, "anil want the government to prevent extortion. This Is iissuied with out, regard to the personal standing of nuyoiio who attempts It. The people may feel confident that t'lougn our enemies nrc hoping to starve us, they will be disappointed." i lie natiou s principal Turin crops this year are worth half a billion dollurs Tu, r,,frl,jn j,, ,i,(,l cadence sets more thnu in 1HI4, which until now wus.f,,,.,!, 1h( WH love for the sloe gin the banner year in this country's crop ,ickevs, absinthe hickevs, whisky and history. If that sort of thing keeps up I mint " Juleps, but winds up with tho a lot of fnrm mortgages wilt bo trans- declaration thnt these are foresworn fcrrwd to city homes. for lognnbcrry julco. Ff It Was Stated, However, That No Crisis Was Under Discussion Washington, Nov. 12. Though Pres ident Wilson eonferred today with jis cabinet an hour the first time iu months it was positively stated that tne session was not due to any crisis over the sinking of the linor Ancona by u submarine. He will hold these meetings every Tuesday and Friday hereafter, and they promise to be of vital importance. Because of the conflicting reports in the Anconii ca9e, the cabinet did not take up this question at all today. It was understood that the meeting was given up chiefly to the question of the administration military prepared ness program. The" president, it was said, presented an outline of his plan and members rejiorted that the cabinet as a whole stands behind him on his proposals. The premileiit's first message to con- irritdU lit-nlilllilv will iliml ulmnut nnrirnlv witn thiv m,u)tvt 0f i,lorcnsed aiipronri- itions for the armv and navv. Mean time, the cabinet has under considera tion what steps shall be taken to raise revenues wherewith to supply the large amounts. The absence of Secretary of Com merce Koill'ield was at first thought possibly to be due to difference with (he president over proposed trade leg islation, but this suggestion was swept away with announcement that the sec retary is in lieoigia. ION LOOMS UP IF RECRUITS LAG Lord Derby Gives Warning That Question Will Be Settled This Month London, Nov. 12. Knclnnd was con fronted today ty an officiui threat of conscription, tier young men must conic forward voluntarily before November 30 in answer to the summons "your King anil country need you," else Lord Derby, director of the voluntary enlist meut system, will take steps to enforce ais threats of using "other means niuii requests ror Tilling the arm) ranks. Moreover, men seeking to shield themselves, irs in the "muriied men's class" by weddings since the registia tion day, August 15, will still be regard cd as single men. Derby has said the single men must volunteer before he would attempt to gather in the married men. The conscription threat came in a statement from the press bureau, in which Derby suid the premier author ized hint to express surprise that his announcement iu the house of commons of the intention to "take the othe means" had been found umbiguoiis. Then he set forth the pronouncement, which caused Knglund todav to realize that conscription may bo extremely near. "Lord Derby is authorized to stale definitely that if young men medically fit anil not indispensable to any bust ness of national importance or any busi ness conducted for the general good, d not come forwuid voluntarily before November .'!() the government after that dale will take the necessary steps to redeem the pledge made on iSoveaiUi1 . mint 'other and compulsory ' meiiii: would be taken before married men are called on to fulfill their engagement to serve.)" Mad Dog's Bite Causes Claim For Compensation Whether or not n mud dog is u dun geiMiis machine thut shuiild have proper safeguards will be decided by the State Industrial Accident commission when they puss upon the claim of Kdwurd Young, of Lukeview, who as bitten by n rabid dog while In the employ of the Cottonwood Lumber company. Young tali's in his complaint that while driv iug to the mill uflcr being out on a CaUccling trip thut one of the lines caught under the buggy tongue uud when he got out to loosen il the mnd dog rushed from the brush alongside of the road and bit him on the wrist. The rnsteur treatment was employed five days after the Injury which oc curred October 11. Loganberry Boost Song May Not Be Suitable Portland, dr., Xov. 12. The Ad flub was iiiiiilrlng today into the complaint Hint the song, written to boost logan berry iuice lis the nalinnul beverage, and for which the organization award - u, . v... ,.i,,.ni ,,,ii,iPOn I'll n Tl'"l OI'1, mil nnunuill 1 ne snug ny si-nooi Ell SPREAD TCHES AGAINST FLEEIN French Report Deadlock In Fighting On Western Front RUMANIA WOULD NOT SHARE FATE OF SERBIA Members of Greek War Party Switch To Neutral Side Berlin, by wireless to Snvvilliv Nut P-'.-Spreadjiig their clutches nfter tin. fleeing Serbs, the Teuton armies have captured 1,700 more prisoners making a iouu ot o.iuu reported in two in vs. Today's official announcement tnld of this capture along with 11 cannon in the Kiburd district, northwest of Nish. uie in ii in army of the pressed Serb ians is racing for freedom toward the valleys and defiles of the western ilo rava. One Austro-Germau bodv of trnnna has crossed the mountains 45 miles northwest of ltibnrd: another has ilriv- on southeast in the Rasinn valley, try ing to get oetween the fierDs uad their naveu tor refuge Montenegro. West Is Deadlocked. Paris, Nov. 12. Deadlocked fin-htinir in the western front has turned slight ly, to mo rrenen advantage, today's official statement claimed. "Tho French," said the statement, suenceu Herman artillery in the Ar tois region. Heavy artillery fighting occurred in Loos and Calnnnc. Else where mine fighting resulted to the French advantago." Concerning the Serbian operations, the announcement said that Montene grins hud repulsed the Austriuns and that sharp fighting continues. Rumania is Discreet.' . London, Nov. 12. Because of report ed secret information that the Ruman ian government is determined not to expose itself To the fate of Belgium, officiuls seriously doubted today the re port that Russia had been permitted to' laud forces on the Danube in Rumanian territory, Rumania, it was stated, might join the allies if she were protected from in vasion, but now her enemies arc iu a position to overrun her territory and inflict on her the bloody fate of Bel gium. In theso circumstances, there fore, it is doubted if sho would dnro to antagonize the central allies by permit ting the reported binding of Russians. Such a landing would admittedly be of enormous advantage to the allies at this moment, but the chance Rumania would take is thought here to be too great in her own mind for her to risk it. Italians Take Trenches. Paris, Nov. 12. Exterminating the defenders, Italian troops captured sev eral lines of important trenchos from the Auxtrmns on the Carso plateau front, according to n Rome dispatch today. Fog all but obscured the ouerntions; f lashes of fire and smoke from the lib cannon and machine guns could be seen only a few feet nwny. When the battle was over, the Aus trian trenches were piled high with dis torted men, many of them with arms and legs shot off. War on Submarines. Rome, Nov. 12 Determined to put nn I end to the recent .serious enemy sub marine raids in the Mediterranean the admiralty today ordered a hunt for Greek smugglers supplying Auslro-Ger-man undersell bonis. If this source of supply can be stop- I ped, il is believed that submarine ul- 1 tucks will end as far as the western Mcdilei ranean is concerned. While I'nln. i Finnic and Constantinople nlmi afford I supply buses for the divers, they arc regurded as too distant for replenishing the submarines for the western raids. War Mombers Switch. Berlin, via wireless to Suyville, No. 1" Twontv. seven meiiiluo-ii of the tlreek pin liiiment have deserted the pro war party of former Premier Vonizclus. This gave the government a neutral ma jority, according to Athens informa tion published by Iho Busier Nneh richteu today. Pursuing Serbians, Sofia, Nov. 12. Hulgai inn soldiers ure hiHlily pursuing Serbians trying to escaue their net by slipping out west wardfrom the Morava valley, Fighting rem- miurd actions, the Serbs, however. ,ln, ,.osely pressed nud in renl dun- gcr, PREMIER'S DAUGHTER TO WED I.ondou, Nov. 12. Violet Asqtiith, the premier's daughter, will wed Mau rice Hon Im in Carter November 20, CLU G SERBIANS STATE DEPARTMENT MAY MAKE INQUIRY INTO ANCONA AFFAIR By Bond F. Godues. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 12. If reports con cerning the torpedoing of the Italian liner Aueona off the Tunis const con tinue to conflict, an inquiry probably will be directed by the state depart ment today Austria and Germany ask ing the official versions of their ad miralties. Secretary of State Lansing submit ted to tho cabinet, today reports from Ambassador Thomas Nelson Pago at Home, and from consuls in the Ancona zone. Meantime, officials suspended judgment, preferring to have the con flict in testimony cleared up first The tangled reports concerning the nationality of the sea diver gave much concern. This question is most im portant in view of tho warning to Ger many that a recurrence of the Lusi tania. incident would bo considered "deliberately unfriendly." Press reports indicating that tho at tacking submarine rained death upon passengers after they took to the life boats added to a disquieting situation Officials were inclined to foci that, i should these stories prove true, tho un derbuilt had exceeded its rights under international law, even though previ ously the Ancona had tried to flee. This flight, they suggestod, would not justify wanton destruction of life after the vessel hnd been overhauled though it would excuse the shelling during the chase, and likewise the subsequent .j torpedoing of tho ship. I El Reports From Far East Indi cate That Turks Have Been Defeated By J, W, T. Mason. (Written for tho United Press.) New York, Nov. 12. Grand Duko Nicholas, c;icc leader of tho main Rus sian nrmics, has again coino into prom inence by directing the campaign in northern Persia and retrieving the only Turkish success. Petrogrnd announced that tho Russians, under the grund duko aro within 45 miles of Teheran and that tho enemies of RuBsin are prepai'iug to flee. Apparently this situation developed from a surprise sprung by the grand duke. Moreover, probably the Ottoman discipline deteriorated in the months since tho Turks occupied northern Per sia or else the Gnllipoli and Thrace operations depleted their supply of am munition. Possibly even tho duke's ex upedition met with no resistance. If Tchrean falls, the grand duke will arire v wine out the disirruce of his re movnl from the supreme command in Riissiu. The victory will be very im nortant for Russia and will greatly do press Constantinople. Northern Persia has practically been a Russian posses sion. but the Turks hnve long been ambitious to make it an Ottoman depen dency. SR WERE KILLED Three Were Dangerously Hurt and Much Property Great Head, Kits., Nov. 12. Six dead slood today as the revised total from the terrific twister which ploughed through here Wednesday night. In lid j '.'il ion three dangerously hurt persons were in hospitals. (Jrent Bend handled its own relief work, askintf no outside aid, A relief c( minittee sought funds from citizens, nd the response brought forth more !''" "f f"r t,le '''""''less than UtO llCl'dcd. Willi the water and light supply shut off, tlie town has been forced to curry i!s water from wells and to do its rend ing by candle light. Wilier is expect ed to be in tho mains tonight, .Many strange freaks of the twister were reported today. Tudor Sin-lit' Diiiiciiii saved himself by holding to the roots of a rose bush. John Brown tried to outdistance the tornado in his six cylinder 1111(011101011', but it beat him to it and bowled over the car, slightly in juring the occupants. STEEL C6MPANY SOLD Philadelphia, Nov. 12. The Pei.ns.vl vnniu railroad comniinv announced to day that the company's Cumbria steel company holdings had been disposed of at private gulu. Censor Withholds Reports London, Nov. 12. Belief that tho Italian censors are withholding details of the torpedoing of tho Italian Ancona with Americans on board grew here today. The latest advices from Romo said that the government had no offi cial reports of the disaster. This was regarded as unlikely. Contradictions in tho stories of survivors and the Ancona as to the grim events following tile submarine's chase of the liner were still far from cleared up. Accurate estimates of dead are still unobtainable, but it is believed that tho victims will number from 150 to 175. Ono "American survivor is re ported. First Italian Report. Now York, Nov. 12. "Sorry to in form you that Ancona was sunk," rend the first cable message from Naples to tho Italian line offices today, report ing the disaster. The delay in inform ing the officers tended to confirm tho belief that the Italian censor has been holding up dispatches concerning the torpedoing of the vessel. 't ho mes sairo did not hint that any inquiries con- corning the Ancona had even been received. sculptress Did Not Sail. San Francisco, Nov, 12. Miss Rhoda Leicther, San Francisco sculptress, did not sail on the Italian liner Ancona which was submarined, as had been feared, according to a telegram ro- ceived hero by her brother, Mark Leicther. 1 Majority of Federation Dele gates, However, Favor Liquor Traffic San Francisco, Nov. 12. Prohibition as nn economic proposition us a wuy to saving tho nickels and dimes thut now go from working men's pockets over the bar will bo considered in a labor muss meeting here Sunday con ducted by the Rev. Charles Htelzlo of New York, an A. F. of L. delegate. Htelzle, who led a gigantic, mass meet' ing in Toronto, may precipitate direct ly in tho convention prohibition issues. Objection has been raised by browory workers delegates to seating Ktelzlo, but lie is now a delegate. While prohibiten, regarded as con trary to tho A, F. of L. principles bo cause of its political nature, cannot come up in the convention in routine manner the issue is likely to bo precipi fated by a resolution seeking endorse meat of the "dry" idea, while tin may not carry, it can at least open tho wuy to a vast amount of discussion, In which Inbor men throughout tho conn try can get a tip as to how the fodera tion actually teels toward the issue. Any effort, however, to jnm tho reso lution through is bound to meet strong opposition, because the brewery work ers and others aro firmly aligned against such a propositi. A CRUEL JOKE Philadelphia, Nov. 12. Friends thought it would be n joke to pump John full of compressed air. Wazak is expected to die. Former Secretary Bryan May Want Nomination Meridian, Miss, Nov. 12. That, form er Secretary of Slate Hr.van is ufter the presidential nomination wus sug gested here this afternoon in guarded statements from J. M. Mc Hen til, chair man of the stale democratic coinmitteo ami Judge l(. I''. Cochran, prominent democrats. They hinted Hr.van is al ready planning to capture the state del egnlion iu the national democrat ic, con vention ami tluil he will seek I he sup port of piohibitioii and siiffrago advo cates. jfcjftjjcJlc s(c)c)lti(3ic)cjc!()c)cst THE WEATHER 111U IILiniULlll (. THE Oregon: To night and Satur day unsettled, probably occa sional rain west uud occasional ruin or snow flurries eust por tion; variable winds. Go.J JORDAN ASKS I Will This Nation Co-oprate In Neutral Peace Move? CLIFORNIA EDUCATOR ACTIVELY AT WORK Has Peace Plan But Details Not Yet Decided Upon Washington, Nov. 12. Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland Stanford Tl Ittiiirni'Ultv nulin.l Dm..: .1 .... t ll'll today if tho United States would unite, if other neutrals request, to estoblish a peace commission to end the Kuropoun war on ino onsis or international jus tice. What the nresidont answered was not learned. Jordan's advances were interpreted as being definite overtures from many nouirais wno possioiy were inspired by belligerents. Jordan, recently delegated by the in ternational pence conference ns its) spokesman said after Booing tho presi dent: "I merely called tho president's at tention to our desire that ho co-operate with the neutrals in establishing a body to unite on continuance efforts toward conciliation. The commission would act ns sort of a clearing house on pouca ideas. In a war liko this, political leaders must save their own faces. All bel ligerents want pence, but do not say so until they, tell others thair their enemies." V , The commission's idea was formulat ed in the San Francisco convention. Formal approvul of such a plan has beon received from Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Spain. If it is rormed, Jordan would suggest that it meet at Tho' Hague, Copenhagen or Borno about Christmas. "ThiB would bo a fitting and effect ive time for such a conclave," he con tinued. An imornml meeting of peace advo cates from neutral nations will be held December H at Borne to take prelimin ary steps toward accomplishing the aims of the international peace con gress. Jordan added that if the oommissioa is successful in ending the war, it will bo maintained to work for overlustiug peace. "Even if it shortened the war by an ly a day," ho said, "it would pay for itself a thousand times." The commissioners from the neutral nations have no wny of binding their home countries, hence their activities are informal. Overtures Will Be Made. Washington, Nov. 12. Definite over tures toward peaco from a group of leading neutral tuitions will bo mudd by Christmas, Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland Stanford Jr. uni vorsity predicted today. This optimis tic statement followed u visit by Jor dan to President Wilson in the capacity of delegato from the International Peaco Congress lit San Francisco to urge tho chief executive to join in ere uting a neutral nations commission to further peace. On December II, pence delegates from the leading neutrals will meet in Heme, Switzerland. For this session, .Inrilnn said, Is expected to develop a commission of ipiasi-of ficial delegate from neutral countries who would ad dress a mediation proposul to tho bel ligerents. lie expressed the personal belief, that regardless of America's action toward 'the proposal, the other countries would I net anyway. Oregon-Washington Company Plans Improvements In Northwest Taeonia, Winii., Nov, 12. Nearly two million dollars will be spent ill thu Pa cific northwest for improvements by tho Oregon-Wiishinglon Itiiilroad com pany, according to uniioiiiu einent by J, P. d'Hricn, vice-president, of tho com pany here today. This big expenditure which is being made in putt for the Union I'ncific nlone, but the bulk of it for the O. W. It. & N. uud Oregon Short Lino railroads, was declined by railroad men ns the best indication of recent months of the certain improvement oi general business conditions. O'ltrlen said that orders had been given for 50,111111,(1(10. feet of lumber for railroad ties, costing npproxiuiatiily, 1100,000, to bo supplied. .j PRES1DEN WHAT POLICY