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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
1912. DAILY Tut t CAPITAL JOUMALf SALEM. OBEGON, gATCBPAT, HOTEWEB 80, Women in England Get Silly O.NK HOUSE Willi's A 1' REACH EH BY MISTAKE AND OTHERS VIIENEYEK CilVEX THE CHANCE MAKE FOOLS OK THEMSELVES. CN1TID HERS IJMHED WIW.J Aberdeen, Scotland, Nov. 30. Mis taking tlx) U'V. Forbes JatkHon fur Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George, a suffragette adminis tered a severe horsew hipping across the clergyman's face today. She wan arrested. Four other suffragettes were arrest ed in connection with Moyd George's land lax meeting hero last night, In cluding a girl who threw a stone through tho window of an automobile In which the chancellor wan supposed to be. Another woman was ar rented with a dummy bomb In her possession. One of t ho suffragette arrested, Grace licke, when denied an Immedi ate trial today, removed her shoe and threw It at tho examining magistrate. She was sent to Jail for contempt of court, MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OrttinfUlt" for FnvrrMi oiiMtiptulnnt lira l l ft Mom ii U Tronblr, Trllilri IMaordf r, and l)ptrr WorinH Tiiy Hrenk npt olU I 'IA k,..ra 1 r I I Mr.itl. 0 ,it vot i acccui hwipl mUM r l( f.n. AinriM, tnyiubctitulo. A. S. OLMSTED. ! Roy, N.Y Tm1 Mrk. I ltlENDS BOOST L. H. ROBERTS FOB (OINCILMAN The people of the Fifth ward are faced with the necessity of writing In the namo of a candidate for alderman for the long term or voting for Mr. E. C. Minton tho nominee. Mr. Mlnton is the solo nominee for the long term ow ing to the withdrawal of J. I). Tur ner, who declined to make the race. Many of the pwple of the ward who are friendly to Mr. I.. H. Roberts pro pose to vote for that gentleman by writing his name In the ballot. Mr. Roberts has lived in that ward for several years and during that time has done much for building t up. lie has built a large two-story concrete store building, has acquired a , splendid home, and although not a member of that denomination did much toward j Speculations are being made today the building of Jason I;e Methodist j by Salem voters as to who win ie tne church. Ills friends are confident that successful candidates, and what the he will make a good councilman and j fate of several measures will be when propose to write his name In the hal- the votes are counted for the city Before the Election Guesses lot. Voters should remember that his name should be written In the blank space for the long term and marked with an X, just as though the name were printed. Paid advt. ASKS COl". NT BY LIFE COMMISSION TO MEET Plastering Falls on the Committee Sawtelle, Cal , Nov. IK). While tho senatorial committee that Is probing conditions at the national soldiers home here was examining Edward II. Kcnncy, a veteran today, a large sec tion of plaster fell from the celling of the auditorium, narrowly missing tho witness and Stenographer A. G. Han lev . Similar Incidents have occurred at least six times recently, according I,, the veterans, and had anyone been struck, they claim, serious Injuries would have been probable. Keuney tcstllied regarding technical regulations, wardrobes and other mat ters pertaining to tho homo and Its discipline. Senator Chamberlain stated today that It Is undecided how long tile probe will continue, but that It Is llko ly to bo lengthy. It Is possible that it will extend to other homes before its illiclul close. State School Superintendent Alder man today Issued a call for a meeting of tho state country life commission at the state house on January 3 and 4. Discussion of Important questions pertaining to a building up of country life both In residence and enlighten ment will he taken lip. Suggestions election Monday. There Is considerable dissension In the fifth ward over the election of al dermen. For a time It appeared as though C. E. Mlnton would have a clear field, by reason of John D. Tur ner's declination to be a candidate for the two-year-term, but those who op posed the former soon placed L. II. Roberts In the race, who, It is de clared, is meeting with much encour agement from the voters, both mule and female, in the fifth ward. Mr. Roberts' consented to run only after the Insistent requests of friends. Hill's friends have been making a vigorous cumpaign In the fifth ward. and they claim a complete victory In will also be Invited of means for mak- lug country life more desirable. 'sofar as the candidate for the short The members of the country life term Is concerned. Hill Is also con- commlsslon appointed by Governor fident he will be re-elected, and also W est last February are the following: predicts that L. H. Roberts will re Mrs. It, Imi I'aget, Oak Grove; A. C. celve a majority for the long term. Goodrich, North Yamhill; M. 0. Nel- Hill declares that so far he has not son, Troutdale; ('. I). Huffman, ji Giande; Miss Elizabeth I'utman, Med- t ford; Mrs. Elmer Council, Deer Is land; I,. T. Reynolds, Salem; T. W. Ilrunk, Kola, E. II. Shepherd, Hood Uiver; Charles K. Henry, Portland; Cliff Evans, Kostlne; Mrs. V. J. Hall. Salem; Louis J. Simpson, North Rend; E. I). Ilarber, Myrtle Creek. met with any serious opposition, and holies to secure a good majority, in spite of the fact that there has been quite, a niix-np In his ward over Tur ner's switching. The chief of police race is probably the most hotly contested In the pres ent campaign. D. V. Gibson Is con- , fident, nnd his opponent, Frank Sehe- . . I deck, is equally so. It Is probably a Nellce to Voters. 'matter of friends in this race, both be- To all who favor the Issuing of lug about equally divided, bonds for payment of the Salem sew-' Iloth candidates are making a clean era, vole yes on MO, yes on 102 and fight, and friends of each are making no on 107. It Is necessary to vote yes no special effort, so far as can be seen, on 1 no to give effect to 102. Let no nr- but are content to leave their choice gunient of tho opposition mislead you. in the hands of the voters In general. ENOS I'RESNALE, I As a police chief, Gibson Is spoken of E. C. Mlnton, 'as being equally as good as any ever Sewer Committee, filling the office, and as a patrolman, -Shedeck Is tho recipient of much en- Wall flowers are Boclety girls who cnuraglne comments were nipped In tho bud. For Sewing and Reading KrTS Rives a clear, steady light, soft and mellow ; the ideal lamp, ac cording to best authorities, for all work requiring close attention of the eyes (far superior to gas and electricity). The jR&yb Lamp Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Fasy to clean nd rewlck. Inexpensive. Economical. Mads In various styles, and fur all purposes. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Califuraia) PwtUnJ, San Francltc The bond issue is a burning one. Some are confident that It will fall to carry, whllo others proclaim Its vic tory by large majorities In every ward. $:iS0,0ll0 Is tho consideration In bonds, which tho vote next Monday will either authorize the council to issue or forbid the Issuance. In order to meet tho ob ligation Incurred from the bonds, the bill proposes that an additional assess ment be levied yearly. There will he $19,000 principal and $19,000 Interest to ho paid next year, in the event the bond Issue carries. The bill authorizing the council to set aside $ I." 00 yearly for tho support and maintenance of a band is meeting with considerable favor, according to some. Salem Is without a regular mu sical organization at present, and it Is the general opinion that a city of this size should support a hand. Some newspaiiers and people seem to expect that the tariff Is going to he fully and finally settled next year. Rut the tariff will probably be an is sue In 2012. in ! H tflp nil I .I, !. h' L'' -i i him vaffi iiiiiia It's surprising how fat a fat woman Salem Furniture Co, The Store That Saves You Money Less than four weeks to Christmas, it is time to make your selections of gifts. A small deposit will hold anything you wish. Our stock is now at its best and the first will have the best of the selections. Couches Library Tables Rockers Ranges Rugs Desks Hall Trees Office Chairs and many others Come and see our stock, and if you wish any article and are not quite ready to purchase, remember a small deposit, to show good faith, will set it aside for you MUSIC for CHRIS ea ri n ii ti ti n ti n H pin 2 Piano Talkmg Accord Machine ion French Harp Roll ' Music heet Music All at the Completely Equipped Store of 1 l V I 7 If vo v v 432 STATE STREET OPPOSITE BLIGH THEATRE iihiii ail mm I n n u ti u u H tl II U u II II II II II II II II II II II u K II II II u a R II n a n n a ii ti N n R II II U n n ii H ii n n D El U II tl II n n n u u n u El U U II S3 Wkml Will Help Us Build the Roads Explains Austrian Situation That Oregon receives $6.",fi83, in cluding the 10 per cent from the reg- u'ar 2.1 per cent fund from the receipts ! like from the national forests for road building , Is information received by Governor West from V. M. Hays, act ing secretary of the Interior. The communilatlon further says that $6, 000 has been set aside by the depart ment from the regular road Improve ment fund for the Ashland road In the Crater national forest. The communi cation to the governor follows n part: "The list of road projects, submitted UNITED IMIESS LEASED WIRE. Uonie, Nov. 30. Why Austria's war- preparations now keep Kurope ttembllng on the verge of general war Is not alone that It fears Servian ag gression, but also that it faces a dis adjustment of the Balkans which will tesult from the victory of the quad ruple alliance, Austria feels itself de feated In Its most Important policy. And why? He who wishes to grasp the real reason why Austria feels Itself defeat ed along with Turkey by the arms of the Balkan allies has only to raise his glance so that It will embrace the en tire effect of the situation that has been created for Austria by the un expected Balkan catastrophe. A new and powerful political organization Is about to be formed on Its confines an organization In which the predominat ing element will be that of the Slav. With such a new organization perfect integration of IU own power and the ed. It would become at once a center establishment of a great Slav empire, 'of attraction for the Slavs now living according to Leonlda Dlssolatl, So-in the Austrian empire, and of whom ciallst and labor leader of the Italian ' fit present there are 6,000,000 living parliament. Dlssolatl and his col-' immediately on the boundary between leagues are bitterly against Italy's Austria and the new Balkan-Slav or bncklng Austria If the test of war j ganization that Is about to arise, should come, and are plannlnfe to on- This new orirnnbnHnn tn ilia Tini- to you by the district forester under i pose in every possible way the use of kans would not be a danger to Austria date of November 8, has been approv ed In full, with authority to the dis trict forester to apply the unallotted $''('4 21, w hich he suggests be retained until later as a contingent according to his own Judgment, j "You will als0 be Interested In I learning that $000 of the regular per i inji tit'tit Improvement fund has been allotted to the Ashland mad within ihe Crater national forest. This makes , altogether a sum of $23,023.S1 devot I ed to road construction within the na tional forests of the state from the1 funds of the forest service. In addi-J !tlon to the regular fund consisting of 2.'i ir cent of the receipts of the na jticnal forests which the law says shaU te paid to the public school and road funds of the counties In which the na tional forests are located. This sum for the entire state of Oregon for the fiscal year 1912 was H2.559..12." alian bayonets to bolster up the men a ceil Austrian power. The true Inwardness of the Austro- they, the Germanic and the Magyard peoples, play the role of poUee com missioners directing the siege. Noth ing remains, .therefore, except to avert the peril, making use of diplomacy, If possible, and amis If necessary, to prevent the formation of the new Slav political power. This is the reason why Austria wants the territory lying between Ser ln and Montenegro, and not merely tc.r the purpose of Increasing Its terri torial holdings. This" Is the reason why It does not suffice to Austria to have guarantees of commercial com munication with. Salonika; this Is the reason why Austria wiahes to place as a condition of Its not Intervening that Servla shall come within the or bit of the Austrian empire by means of a mutual tariff, and customs agree ment, And, finally, this Is why, despairing of succeeding by these means, Austria has now played Its last card by raising the quetlon of the integrity of Albania. if It had within Itself the capacity to give satisfaction, In Its Inner civil, po- In-Oregon slogan Into practice, this i:iH.ii anu industrial lite, to the S av wn.iM q i,, x (-, fho rlchpst .- man mpnsse was detailed here for, element, admitting the latter as the state In proportion to population in ,u l"c lunutwug ,unru party in the constitutional as- H" neni: relation. But the two dominant races I ill.. TM I, . . . . t v.... ui uiMiaii.j in Austria the Germanic and H is only to0 natural that Austria. Macvard- If everybody would put the Made- the Vnlon, the I Archduke and Heir-apparent Ferdl- dO nOt Intend tO Cmlo nnV lnnrl A...-In IT A i h all of the temerity of desperation, of their power and treat the Slavs as large and important figure on the per- in the new If they were In a state of siege while turbed European field. -liould play Its last card. After all, the old maid suffragists like Miss Addams and Miss Harper, may know pretty well what is good and right for children. She Is a wise woman who laughs only at the right time. actors Salem Furniture Co. 333-339 Chemeketa Street Near Commercial Sunday Matinee NEW SHOW BLIGH THEATRE "H II t IS E KVKKMODY liOKS" J1 ji Do you Know that We Carry HARDWOODS AND FINE INTERIOR FINISH ? Let Us Figure on Your Mill Work Spaulding Logging Company Office: Front and Ferry Streets Phone 1 830