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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1912)
ALL the news that's fit to print honest ed itorials, influenced by father clique nor corpora-tion--The Capital Journal stands for the people. THE largest circulation in Salem and It is steadily increasing--The Capital Journal affords the very best medium for all advertisers. 36TH YEAR SUM, QBECOS, MONl.uTlTOlUKU 2. (W I1TF PRICE TWO CENTS M Ami M llllfiili'filrf lUtrf M - -w ' TLViiT VV t i W UV ii'll BHi WU ZUH. H I M II II I'4 II I i 14 II II II t II II II II ABS ... " m for coNsuMPnof iscoveM Greatest Medical Discovery Berlin Physician Discovers Certain Care for Consamp tion that Performs This Miracle in a Few Weeks droit Chrlslmns Gift. 4 Discovery A serum, one lnjec- tlon of which kills every tuber- culosls germ In the victim's body and lminunlzesealnst the dls- ease. 4 Discoverer Dr. Fred erlch Franz Friedman, of Berlin, phy- 4 Blclnn and author. 4 Peneflclarlcs Every sufferer In tho world from the "white plague." Cures to date More than 1000 patients. Every patient treated cured except those in the last 4 Btages of the disease. Many vie- Urns whose niombers had rotted away made whole within a few weeks. Cost of treatment Very small. Cultures for mora than a dozen treatments can be prepared for less than 1. . ' Supply of serum Enough al- ready on hand to treat every tu- berculosls patient In the world. The germs, obtained from the turtle, multiply so rapidly that one small vial sent from Berlin will supply enough for all Am- erica. Credibility of discovery Lead- ing German physicians accept cure as positive. Trained Amer- lean newspaperman Interviews patients and goes on record that he cannot help but believe the discovery Is the greatest Christ- mas gift to the world since Christ came to earth. A Cure mid Preventive. Berlin, Dec. 2. Complete and abso lute cure for every victim of tubercu lrsls unless he is In the very last sshigos of the "white plague" Is the Christmas gift to the world announced hue today by Dr. Frederlch Franz Friedman, a young German physician, who claims to have 1000 cures ready to display to the scientists of the world. By only the. simple Injection of a serum gained from the turtle, Dr. Friedman says, he has Immediately killed every tubercule In every subject so far treated, and maintains that every single case In which the lnjec tion was made has resulted in a cure save only those whose vitality was so far gone as to leave physical recovery an Impossibility. Two weeks ago Dr. Friedman as tounded German savants by declaring In a public conference that he had been successfully treating tuberculo sis for two years. Many of those pres- nt admit that Friedman has conquer-1 'd the scourire and several German' hospitals am already turning over their cases to him. Realizing the Immensity of the news x .... 10 me world at large, uie iNupeiuc. Frl7. Acetntlnn rAnresentivtlve in Berlin, W. O. Shepherd, at once lnves- tlgated. Enotitrli for tli World. .i.. . .in" nr iy ireaimeni is very o"i" 1'rledman told Mr. Shepherd. "One lnjcction of the serum usually drives U signs of tuberculosis from the sys- t I have lived in a world of aston- Ishinent for more than a year. I have seen men, women and children wno were doomed to death made perfectly fcole again in the space of a few v eeks But the greatest wonder to me Is that the serum Immunizes against tuberculosis like vaccination against smallpox." Do you vaccinate as In smallpox! the physician was asked. "No. 1 onlv Hv ah Inlectlon with yrlnge of the same serum that I use tendeni - n bacii in the today anu .. for patlenu. A slight local Bwellln he daw. !dcnce follows, but no running sore. I have prison within ft - hlrlkc nt Eugene. Eugene, Or., Dec. 2.-FollV ing a cut in their wages from $2.50 to (2 for a ten-hour day, several employes In the construe- tlon departmen t of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern railway are today out on strike. The strike wag culled by J. p. Morgan, fin- uncial secretary of the I. W. V. The men want $ for a nine- hour day. The strike may reach formidable proportions. ' produced enough of the culture to sup ply the world for all time, for the germs multiply very rapidly. I have treated more than 1000 cases and have not lost one except In Instancos where the vitality was so low that nothing could save the patient. Of course, the cure does not restore lost lungs or tissues. It only kills tuberculosis germs wherever It encounters them." .sentatives, and Senator Paeon, presi Answertng queries as to when he I dent pro tern of the senate, sounded would send his serum to the United j their gavels at noon today, It marked States and as to Its cost, Dr. Friedman the beginning of the second session of sold that representatives of Bevornl the C2d congress. Immediately nfler American Interests are en route to convening, the senate adjourned, out Berlin and that tho question of Amcr- of respect to the memory of the late lean rlglit.3 will not be settled until , Vice-President Sherman and Senators they arrive. He said the treatment would be Inexpensive and that doses would cost less than $1 a dozen to manufacturer. Cure Is Immediate. The speed of the cures, according , to Dr. Friedman, Is remarkable. "It takes only a few weeks at most," bo said, "to cure the average case of pulmonary tuberculosis. The serum seems to kill all the tuberculosis germs within tho body In a very short space of time. Hemorrhages cease, wounds ln the lungs heal, fever disappears, .rrjncle" Joe Catnon, Illinois ; William The patients Immediately regain their A Rodenberg, Illinois; N. B. Thistle appetites and nature begins building lwoo(j minoU; Nicholas Longworth, up again what the germs have de- Ohio; John Dalzell, Pennsylvania; E stroyed. I give no diet or other treat- p Crnmpacker, Indiana; William P.I ment. The only thing I do is to inject McKlnley, Illinois; E. J. Hill, Connec the serum with a small syringe Into tcllt; c x. Sulloway, New Hnmp- the buttock or the arm. I Reporting his interview with Dr. Friedman, Mr. Shepherd, who Is a 'necticut; F. D. Currier, New Hamp tralned newspaperman, well able to ghre; ri, Wilson, Punnsylvnnla. detect frauds and quacks, goes flatly Congressman John Lamb, of Virginia, on record as believing that Dr. Fried-' wag the ony prominent Democrat de- man's discovery Is the greatest Boon !n medicine the world has known. Cures Are Miraculous. rsl with many pa- 1 " . . ... ii.itl n dlinuhnnl HflW H 1HJV. lltUUl, BUJO OHW""--- ' , entirely cured, whose leg had rotted -i t ti,o hln I saw men away tt.rn.-ni. w ...... - who had hemorrhages, nlgtus suea s fever and had been In hospitals, who cured within a rew ween - ... . .. i. had been and had returned to work after only ... i.,iin i liu t drl who was one iiijvi;liui.. c- - born tuberculous aim nu rr.tted away during 18 years, who was cured by one treatment in four weeks , I saw clean-healed scars on hands, on gonator Elm no()ti of Npw York, arms and necks and bodies of clllldr('n lannolince(l in the senate the death of where once had been terrible and sup- vlce.presUlpnt shonnan and Senators posedly Incurable tuberculosis sores. ,, Rayn,,r. Aftr adopting These patients and many more told me r,e80lH(ong ,.)t sympathy, the senate ad of their marvelous stories. Any one p m who has seen what I have seen here i ()f Ul0 ,,,. wag per- mnst be convinced that Dr. Friedman ' Committees were appointed has given tho world the happiest Christmas - except one - that the world has ever known." WILL MEET TO Vf . c HOG CHOLERA EPIDEMIC It Is probable that In a few days L. . oveort Chanln, iarm ..m.cB ' . lsgue a call for a meet- of hog cholera, the 8CUSBlon . ... . o,.iem. I h,nr t,aa become prevalent I In counties adjoining Marlon, and tho , . considered momentous. .. ctnto , ln t,19 Vaney. " i- .i. .ailov State ei- , , r P M'irel has informed Mr. erinariui. .,.. . that he will address a me. !of stockmen Interested a , - I annh meeting is called h' lieic, ...mi i, i . ., Mr More, II 111 I". n,o n oCKtneii mr" .. . che( BpCaker for the ocpm .oi ,TtW,a for the prevention oi chief topic for d'9' dgPIl3e vm be the CUB9ion. Skipped from thr. Pen. W,h only a month of ' L.. n, " - ' . unserved, Robert Sullivam seinc'ic-3 ". . , state nrlson. ear ths trusty barner at ... - ly this morning j llioi 1....0 , - .l.,p , and the officials have no clue prUon !o his whereabouts. . ,,, - ,na iwn aeu" , suinva.. niijtenipiea i bolt(1 sent iu r -. -.,tv His tempt" a year ago "T' Uperin a offense was attempi- --e- ... .oM this morning that . ( .H.xnn CM 111 LI1IO Mi"-" - Congress Again in n session Gavels Fall at Noorfany Big Ones Will be Missing from Both Houses When This Session Is Ended UNITED MUSS UARKD WI11E.1 Washington, Dec. 2. When Sieaker Champ Clark, of the house of repre- Heyburn, of Idaho, and Rayner, of Maryland, who died during the recess. The passage of the annual supply bills probably will be the most Import ant task to come before this con- Kress, Then the senate must dlsposo of the Archibald Impeachment case. Many Ulg Ones Out. With the epd of tho fi2d congress, many prominent members, mostly Re publicans, will be retired, having been dpfpated ln the laBt eiPCtlon. The re- mpml,rs he house are shire; G. W. Prince, Illinois; H. O. Y0,ingi Michigan; J. Q. Tilson, Con- feate(j Changes In the Semite. Among the retiring senators are; Henrv R. Burnham, New Hampshire; ' " Crane, Massachusetts; '"'' Simon Guggenheim, Colorado; Jona- D""u" nrn. Orecon Norris Prown, Montana: H. A. ni ... T?obr Robert J. KlCmM UHUIl, ivii." " " Gamble, South Dakota; Shelby M Cullom, Illinois; F. O. Prlggs, New c T Tersev J. W. Pnlley, Texas; ;vi. j. T-nolulnna: T. II. Paynter, Ken- ' Watson. West Vlr- irvMni tha, the house wp,.e ra,lv fr business, I ,)d afwr (hi, the house adjourned al 1:10 p. m., out. of respect to me me...- ry of (jeCPMed men ? mbers. Notified. The galleries of both houses were eo.l The dCSKS 1U t. . t. Iw.iian n.'iH'P " ' . ,ded with flowers, noucpo-i, barred from thenate n . Minn''' 1" lng Wells ollU iat. s S1xt,-six ".., L ,J.,,teL, first clerk, ..ll Mrs. Amney Da- when Senator naron .....e..i .; to order. cantor Jones, or n..M.".- . ' .nnnunced by Senator to... ... " , ,e woikb. ... v- l , ,.,..i,iai,le reasons presem. om u Illinois, and o., u ciiu, m WPre named to act t0 , the .,, v to ..,,..Ji,l..i,t that congress 'l . .le. motion pi" ..... ,,ia if.o:igi-. r-c . , ,,, f Masnchu- s -i . wl ,Iay , setts that the senate Hi ll a.mi a'1"1'""' stmi is niiv, hi t MY FUR IHE PIV .r were again TU)se regular custon . . , .i.ia .Morron w ,e n . eev ,l,hilM,oll,ieu u... - the nbled up to .lie ironc iporluniH a"'' Rl" 1 en.m drinking . . A I. ,.i nip - Kvery opting Id ' orcount or me r"--1 - on accou. ,n ev . J nnrv B drop was evl- Sii) lie Kidnaped ,.r. Portland, Or. Dec. 2. The kid- naping of his ex-wife to avoid the payment of a month all- lnony Is the charge which Is to- day placed against Hen IX Hols- man by H. P. Taylor, father of the missing woman. The divorce was granted the woman three weeks ago after Holsman had been twice arrested on the charge of beating and choking her. . New Club Growing Rapidly The new Commercial Club Is rapidly getting Into shae. Already a long list of names, the leading men of the city, has been secured, and there Is a heal thy and steady addition to the number ever)' day. It is desired though that there should be at least ,'DO members, and it begins to look as though this number would bo secured without any great effort. It Is desired, however, to get the club on Its feet, and in working order just as quickly as It can be done, and to accomplish this those already Joined are urged to car ry on the good work, by each calling their friends' attention to it. A live commercial club, with the whole city behind It, Is of the utmost Importance, and tbftt now organizing wishes to have every hustling wide awake citizen as a member. If you have not already signed, do so at once. Tut your shoulder to the wheel and help make Salem what she Is destined to be, the best and biggest Inland city In the Northwest. The Women Get Busy and Vote From every indication up to 2 o'clock (bis afternoon, the women will have so fur cast a larger number of votes In the different wards than the men. In several Instances, the wo men's vote was nearly twice as large as that of the men. It Is evident, how ever, that the ladles remained at home this morning and completed the house hold duties before casting their votes, as but a few ballots were called for before 10 o'clock. It Is also noticeable that customary to calling time and vis it liu.' the ladles are swarming tho ..i..o (l,lu iifiernoon and IHior ! 1 "ing 1' . man is having a hard time to fast nis i vote. No preference Is being show n the ladies, however, by the judges, and j voter must accept his or every turn. ; in Ward No. 7, Mrs. Amney David-1 ,.ast, the first vote. Mr. Davidson sen dropped !' four minui r I lot In the box almiit s after S o'c loc k wtn n the wits ooc.eil. For the first time in u.e . ... w;irJ Ills,, w lH,ly . .. P ,,, ,nU.r ; , Kecond clerk. Oil vidsoti Is ac ting as secc.iu , . . , . ... ,i.,.. paid; i vi r lorv a lli''K inao- J.eo,'. some fine roi:..llni-nls to lady i ffi- ! dais thi-' aft' - "on, v,.ry e!le :"i,t in Hi" saying th'-y were .ir work and as a 1 r cl.-rks than the; i Itoss M'Kiies lias wliob- l!.:idr ll""' men. ! ward Mm th ,ne -I loll oi lieing i ,an vote r. .Mr. '""'" ' "-v 'w hi, ,. ..... mm; or ' ;i few f.ihUteS lifer til'- POIM "I" " i ,.. ,., f . . c-.t In,.-. abo. The women In tb's ar. are. jfl)!i ,,. k. .... ,..r v., e voting e.ii'.!'.y as si rone a ih- "!, s, ,,..,,.r ,,, u, bolim ,,os-ihlv outnumleerlng the male vot . , ,rn M,,,,., .,y tl , oVI. k t!.M iifterno'.io A. K. K I l.nll.S 'lie 'CM e " I .... .elm? ti.e fir t woman s vote In Ward .'(. About t one-third of tin- voce-. women. und the r.ffi nitewac. I .,rt. I" . .,u d lar t?i-y "ti"-' ' e c; It B "i '' - i !a large r nun ,le r lids af'erpeion ... i ... vo 7 vrs. r.tiini" " tne"Voi,:an's Stiff rK ''' first vote In that ward. MrWcb .... .!...., ni.r.,r,"i (Continued on page 4 ) Conferred Red Hat on Cardinals Pope Pins X Today Confer- red the Red Hat on the Last Five of 18 Cardinals Created a Year Ago iwiTUi rm:!,s u:ahi:ii kiiik 1 Rome, Dec. 2. A public consistory of the sacred college,. Pope Plus X, to day conferred the Red Hat on tlui lust live of the IS cardinal:! created a iar ago ami who as yet had not re ceived this final Insignia of their rank as princes of tho church. Besides coufcrrlnf the red hat on live cardinals, the pojm elevated Arch bishop Carlo Del llornlg, of Vlsprun. Hungary, to be a cardinal. The the Included thrive Spanish car dinals and two Austrian what tli.' time of their elevation to the sacred college. November 27, lull. Instead of coming to Koine to receive the rl U berretlo and to the red hat at nanus ot mo pope, nan the lornier .onferred by the king of Spain and the emperor of Austria, respectively and tinan iiu uit.ul iliu i,.,,,,,,,,,,. r I',.,,., Plus before romlne for the latter. The five were: Ciliiseppn Maria de Cos Y Macho. archbishop of Valladolld. Antonio Vlco, apostolic minzlo to Ihe court of Madrid. I Franclsc(, llatier, archbishop of 01- mutz. Francisco Nagl archbishop of Vlen- Ua Knrlc Almarez Y Santos, archbishop of Sevilln Cntll the last moment It had also l.,.ll nvnei'tial thill I llA lw,nil Wllllbl nil. liounce the oonslslory the elevation to the sacred college of Monslgnor Men- iles Hello, prlnuite of Lisbon, what at last fall's consistory was creatisl a cardinal "In pectore." To have an nounrwl his elevation at tills time, however, would have neressllatcil IiIh recall from l.lsbon, and I'opn Pius Is believed to have preferred that, he should remain at his xst until the plesent rolllllot between the chinch and slate In Portugal becomes more settled. I V Scene nf Splendor. The ceremony was carried out In , the roiislstorlal hall of tlm Vatl'an with all the simp and pan'siilry that has marked the papal functions for centuries past. I The three sisters and niece ,,f the I pope, dressed In the simple bbnk of, their peasant CO.itlimeS. VVele given llj Isprrlal tribune, at Hi" orders of his , !l,lliiess. next. to that of Ci" Human nniiiiity. 1'receiling the public consi torv tie t. e new' rardlnals ue-t in the S: t' n1 chapel, lend In tie- presence Plus and other dignitaries I'. of Ho i of ll,. jc hiirch look the oath as prlnc holy liomnii Catholic ill i rli . linn.eclialely afterward ti.e apal cortege, was formed and tlm pro' hIoii be gan to the roiisl -.nn Inl hall for tin public rereu.oiiy of conf rriiig the reel hats pope Plus was home ino. the coll sistorlal ball shoulder high on the .edla V ! la." "Is entrance w.i.-' ,,,,...i..,i v iih -. burst c.f nor I'' from the fi'iiious FIMiii" c iioi" and b' hi stem eel tl.e pejl.lill' al lib thiee n bol l be "i ' 'd- I ol!ow:ng 'le .eaftu' c,r ' .111,. U.e ,1,0 Ihroti- c l,a:r i- ecu n. ,. .; red loibge. all III te. ' f s oi f'. !u,,e of tie ll niek ,''' I f I . .1 ring He 1 1 . iiowinir Ul. th- f .anlli.ab ell.ljK-l. lip , f ,t ll.' rlereil ffUn ! SVirir r, ...wl,.., I tin. threef.e, I fei' i ,.t bis hollne J. ttn tl tils nano aire I rwevi-d tlm pent! a I sii :n ret ii in ll to. Th. n ac tual Imi-.slng of th red hat occurred, thu nai.o l at N-ing f"r all five. As i' h of the new cardinal.! knell at tb tl of lit bi.lln-s lb" lattr placwl tli Ut for a brt- f m-i- i 4 4 Miip mi the Kuril 4 San Francisco. l.v. 2. -The Chilean ship Comity of l.ltillili- 4 govv, carrying n erevv of 2T, men. is on tlie rocks otf otter Point on llio Wes) coast of Vancouver Is- land, according to a dUimtch re- celved hero this afternoon bv tu.' marine evehanue. Tim hi,- n..i ran aground during the night and it Is said little hope Is en- tertalniM of saving cither the crew or the ship. 44 uvnt. upon their heads. Htd repeated In ljitln the. formula of Investiture. Sltj-Onc Ciirillnals in. With the incising of the hat for the last time a tltial embraeo of Ids holi ness by all the cardinals, both old and new, took place, the pope remounted Hie gostatnrlal chair, the papal cor tege reformed and tlui pope, mill be stowing the apostolic blessing, nas es corted from the throne room bilncii g the public ceremony to a cloi.e. Immediately afterward, howcier another secret consistory of the fa end college was held, al which Pope Plus performed the ceremony of "op. ruing the mouths" of (he the new r.r dinals, thus giving tliem full power to laillclpale In all ,,f the councils of III" sailed college. Tim ti n it 1 elevation of these .lie car dinals brings the mi iubcrshlp of the college to lit, mil Including Moiulgnor .Mcmles Hello, of Lisbon. Since Ihe t " '"- ""' ' 1,w ' ' '"a "f ,h" rl" " " g''-i ai lomii r isner ill i o- snei-eil I'lill..!,, , , ., . . logne, ( ardlnal Siiiiiuiuksii of .-iiistrl.i anil t annual Coulllii of I1 runce- have died, leaving Ilia present fonnniioii tf the sacred college with ;u llallan car-1 dlmils and 2" foreigners. M.titsiiim lit ( ( OK WATKII SI.IIVM H Tho first formal complaint to lie fl!.,.l ,, ,,.).... 11... ....I.O.. . .illol.... ...... I ...... ,, nil- imiiiiii; inn,,,, n vIbI" fll,,l l,,,llV l Hit ffl'' "f the state railroad coniinlsHlon by the l,f Marshfleld aKiilnst the Cisis . ,m " ""'r 1 " The plaintiff charges thai the water furnished the city Is unsanitary and that the system Is luiue,iiale to serve the city, either fir domestic purposes or fire protection. A bearing Is nuked for In the Immediate, future. You Don't Buy Clothes for a Dummy. You Buy Them for Yourself... Ami then, la n illl'f.-1 !.. Uok very em J i j i r . r micliiv poor . It l He aie .,. !ni ..i t. 'HI i ' J'i H' . I, or 1 1 1 -, I a man t bat U al g, ,.,. f r an', ii.iio' i ei ' ii'"'" i' H,l, mildly fill our none. .m w H im i in iei unlet l' !' .1 1 I'. Th" clo lieu aie of M'.o'l fabibs h, unison . In l .1" aiel -t.,-.r- nt liny pile ei. And ' ' b :..! w,l the holiest, I ; lllf'll and I t lib. loiy . !mi I his lle-lll. 1 Ifl Hi. ar. M" win. w ...t lie V , . V 1" IM'I all V I ' ll , Inv 0, Bishop's Ready-Tailored Suit $12.50 to $25.00 OVERCOATS, RAISCOATS, l,f W',.,e ll. lit, I f ,o.U Salem Woolen Mills Store Places a Mortgage on Jiant Salem Water Co. Gives Trust Deed for It's Entire Pro perly for Consideration oj J330f000-Pcoplc Guessing Can v Ing with It an apix'srance of a transfer of property, a "trust deed'' conveying to the Continental and Com mercial Trust ami Savings Hunk of Chicago, a mortgage In effect which envois practically the entire valuation or i lie pium oi uie miichi water coin pnny has been tiled with the county re conler. That til ore la something of vast liu porliince npiH'rtalnltiK to this traim action Is the belief of niiinv conver sant with the local water situation lis It stands todav. It is stipulated In the il I that In o imilileratliiii of the uioii- gago accepted liv the eastern trust company, the Salem Water company Is In receive a loan aggregating ;',;Ul,Oou, ,, further stipulate,! I In the articles , a,cr compaav Is to Issue bonds In the , of a like amount, to I Mi iieineii'il ll. I III' liuiciNOiei in fiuou , . , . , i i , IO II IOMI lioeii'i on, Mil.) iiiii lie til 1 , , , '. ., original inorlgage, tho water company . ,, , ,, ,, ,, in ,,i in, I, lie, ill nn lint ipiui n.iin i,. ,iei tnisl company an old moi l gage unpaid amounting to $ l,',,nno,imo, which win given In ttio year 1S92. According to tlm documents now on file, the eutlrn obligations ii ivv borne by the Salem Water company totals .l7r..Ooi. Include All Ihe Property. Moiitlomil lii thu trust deed as sure ty Is every piece of property, both persunal ami real, poss'smcil by tint water coinpanv, together with all tna chliiiuy, buildings, lands and fitin chlHeM, Speculations are running rife as to (Continued on iw I I' .r e be In H' le s i an hi) fixed up I" wiielo.v and yi be ,.:i,i: of (loth.-M t ti it li ttha' Is liclle a the V all I, or II III III I I, ,11,. f .r m in tliat as II f:icl H e .1 it. ., w mi k c , Imi g lih l 'I' ... Ir.- fin, iii. i; th. i ,, Iheir $10.00 to $25.00 $1.50 to $25.00 UN ! "I I l '