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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
S O.CIET Y Im'z Tinner, nn nrii-ii.. COI,ll,-,l,li ...oi.n. ' loiiowod Mr. nn his r cnior a nn.l ...i.i. ti.i " "mi '" II ICI'liii.m ' ton. Mrs. Nk,u,S(in . Mnltnn . 11 i.- i , " ' uu 'wbiosbcb for hor pleas-! Blanche, LS Von 'nn Mr. and Mr.. Thomas A.lbort Lives J" -nd Mts. ,onnJny . T ,,n,""l"lnB with a dnncln, I'U'l.v la the. a rmory hull 0n tlio even- ,..iiiiiiiii. event, was tho reception niid mw , IS' hllll,1. forme U1 ...., ,..,.. . . '"uiuton ten P'vl'n 1 "mmm eu- curdH, tt jirH. Amos Strong and Mrs. Fred die Thlclsen, Friday afternoon at jir8. Westacott's home on Court Btroct. DiirluK calling hours tha spacious roomn, beautifully decorated, were fllloil with nnartly gowned women, ard although a occasional shower ,,,111-n il the beauty of tho day, about j,vo liuiulrel guests were received. jlrs. Joseph, naumgartner, of Port nd siood in lino with the hostesses to greet her Salem friends, while her lit tin ibtightera Josephine and Lentil, In dainty French lingerie frocks and pnle w n'' ,lllnlt llnlr rosettes, met yM-t nt the door. The hostesses' gowns were very lovely, Mrs. Westa cii was In black sutln, high girdled vll!i bodice of cream lace and touches ,( American Beauty velvet. Mrs. Strong wore white Bilk en train, with bhointlons of beautiful lace, and Ulrs. Thlclsen was charming In AH cxiiulBlto gown of two toned green nml yellow soft satin, with Arthur TuhIii sotics. "Tii,,,, i ... i ,,. . .. il iiHe i r.uU!,u Me ' This v ' M",h,,r ., ,',,, ' ll"s U11:,s 'eiKir, with ; ( r;8,'"n" louunoi i""i'ing pupils, i I'sw Three MUSICAL NOTES most difficult l:"o of Old All who :viW t lv iii privilege of hearing the Pimm, ....... -..,..ui ntruiiesuav tii -i,t Via of r. Miss Aline Thompson entertained Informally Monday evening with five tal'lcs of bridge, nigh scores fll m were Im-jMrs. W. Molvlne l'llnipton and Mr. i-iiuuncy iiishop. of December tenth Mm. William G. Westaeott, Mrs Amos Strong and Mrs. Frederic Thlel sen are entertaining with cards this afternoon, for which a very large "umber of Invitations have been is sued. The affair Is to be give,, n Mr WestacotfB home on Court street, M-b. Charles I, Dick and Mrs. Ralph Wutson have issued Invitations for cards, for Thursday afternoon, D.wm 'r fifth, at Mrs. Dick's home ,0ver drape of Dresden muld and tarnaiiires of cream shadow lace. For the entrance hall Ii'ilise vihl cinysiuiineiuunis in minsters and a profusion of smllax urcliing tho ' doorways and adorning the ab ove, whore presiding over the punch howl of china, exquisitely painted by Miss Virginia Mann, were 3Irs. William H. Burghardt, Jr., Mra. 1. A. WesUicott, Miss Ellen Thlelsen and Miss Mabel Smith. The reception and living rooms -were decked In a beautiful combi nation or great fluffy pink chrysan themums and carnation In the same shade and Btnllax which also wreath ed the nrchways. Oregon grape and pink chrysanthemums were used iibonl the music room, from which floated sweet strains of violin and piano, under the mnglc touch of. Mrs. Tiola Vcrclcr-Holman Miss Pearl Ver nier and Miss Georgia Booth. The bos-1 IonS red ribbon, by which each niys- tcRscs chose red and green as the mo- 1 0118 IlllckllKo w"s drawn. Merry tlf for decoration In tho dining' room. Waxy leaved begonias alternating with led randies n American Beauty hold ers filled the long window ledge. A great bolden basket overflowing with carnations, nsparngus' fern and sml lax twining the tall handle centered s,,rlrlso were: Miss Junia Todd, Miss the lace spread table with sprays of 11113,01 Todllnter, MIbb Ernestine Rob the delicate vine strewn about the e,'t8 Miss Dr,rotlly Shanks, Miss Car cloth silk shaded candles In tall rle Cookale' Mlss lu(l'8 Luthy, Miss silver sticks made brilliant splashes Eva Scott' MlBS Eliith Dennlson, Miss of color for each corner. ,1Iul(la Bcckle'- Presiding at the urns wore Mrs. George F. Rodgers and Mrs. Charles WcNary. relieved by Mrs. A. N. Bush tnkeu from tne Oregon Journal will and Mrs. W. H. Eldrldge. Asked to 1)6 l),easant reading for Mrs. Doollt assist with serving were Mrs. John J. t,e'8 nmny Stt,em trUmAs: Roberts, Mrs. Chauncev Blshon. Mrs ; "The handsome home of Mrs. Floyd W. Melvine Plimpton, Miss Sophie Catlln, Miss Thompson and Miss Lou- reading ,V;ls l'Toi'eiii'o" i , won cave ii... ,..., .. l nst hristlan Chuiv'r with ,l,-,. ; ... story. ,,., ., ""u lervor. I 11 "" - i-iiiiiK vi iii.tojsri :!al! e oves of Mary Aim" was Miss '. ?? ' BUdi',,UV - I-tlH'l Ihonias'B contribution to the 1W mwi ni II" w"rt l'ro,Kram- Hr "iale(t rk is rm" ' X n,lmsl!,s,lc' Mr- 1,, U n,x. "'" verse Wfls K,wn lavld Bispham. a dnCer "umiuuy, H't very strong Individuality Tim ,l,,l,l.. , .....mht uuuiner, ia It ''. resuon 1 i j i u i.i t'. ;iu ir uu ,ii,Mr, i, , I no in',, ' i i. :re n-men;. , is in.lesci : an pave a at the one of the best iy aiuus. Miss Iola Roberts, bride-elect was surprised Saturday with a miscellan eous shower party, when Mlss Olive Ileckley asked a crowd of young wom en to pass tho afternoon fashioning holders for all sorts of kitchen uten sils. Conspicuous among the decora tions were red hearts. Streamers of these love tokens wero floating about the rooms and trailing from the elec trolier to tho dining table's cornets. Red geraniums and maiden-hair forns completed the decorative scheme. An Inverted white umbrella, sus pended from tho celling, was filled with numerous household articles, and others, all daintily wrapped and toss ing over the edge of the umbrella a i In M... - Three," and (b, "Th, Fishing Pa;,;.: M 11,9 VPr- Boud work eif Miss Hor', person The audience enjoys M. , t. , 1 1 j iiiT.erpretation uf ""'II," her piano si l''.v I'tMinest, Miss Merle' llek,. n inouoiociut ."Keeping neiieni," which was efforts of the evening and ve m g. u'e program closed with a comedv "ketch, "Tom's Arrival," ,vell ,,'v three maiden ladles, whose aues were seventy-five, sixty and fifty. Misa Knzello Krixon as tho ),aUled, feeble vety old woniitn, Miss Patience, wih her high treble voice all iuaveri,m with excitement when a telegram is received announcing the arrival 0 Tom, could not have been excelled Miss Rhea Wilson as Prudence, also i.i,,. i... i i.u.-ii.iui'u wiui care-lined face still bail's ".ii- i mon,l s r me of veiee ""usual and each regis io ,, JovcloiuM. His dnlii l dieti,,,, '"'ikes it possil.lo for tllwt, , understand every word when ,0 sill(., i Ke.glish. It S a pleasure to r,,:e 'l demand for mi. ..r Hisjnuislo. and also it i. ,.,i ...... "' . . .i.,u iii.u such music touches the l:. .,f .... .11.1 ... ... - C.O . . , , ju-ograuiiHed nmnbora. 's encores gave the audioiu'e Saturday Specials t Saturday Specials . Il .M, .1 1 ... 1 . r iemi Mure ailll magnet lier,m.,l pll'tlll I i captivated t ie an.H ireoucnt the shows. Why not give th,. ,,..,Mic n:,, .,,,.tl ef Rood music along iih tl, w,,,, !,,,.. i fully illstruetiy,. Illiw,,.,,; .. . , ...,,.,,,,lfl lilMMl any m n ui, ..-in i . one s else, and the touch ol Scotch ,ie i .,, oent gave a charm f wl r " J .' ' a,.,J , 1 """" 'b goen uieiu the less I hev Women's Gloves Woui i'earl cl en's and miss, White Petit i;lo,-s.Kel..,.t.i i,.,i.. ..... l,I'"k aiul "'"i"'' emlMoi.'cvd st1:,!,,,,, ,. Kicks. ih,. Pleasure of listening to ,ixteon songs. His Interpretation of " nnlo Laurie" entirely aiitereiit It, m , SPECIAL, $1.00 -i i iiiiiv- uiwni MH iSSn :i atur 'i , ers. he allowed the audien, ,. to choose 'lug his encores, which at one time were ' ,.ii,, i , .... I '"'. hi miuuier, .o singers voice lias left, a more lasting impression of beauty in this clly, than has Mr gen's. i will care for ,;,0 empty ju,,!,, t r with its K- appr.ipriaie sarrouiid- Woincirg and misses' sky grey and glvl as Petticoats 'iiess.i'.m,. and taffeta "; tiiieii, ot colors. SPECIAL, $2.98 l.i',o.,.its. while, pinl,, ebllc Her- Ada Fleming, dean i ! normal school music in Chicago. isii- eii Salem this week ,,s ilie i;uest of Miss Minolta Map. Mrs. Klemlug is on her annual tour of mu- ie inspe, lion tl'ioitglKiut the public schools of u,e liiltcd Stales. She vi'Mtcl Salem scIukiIs on W.sltiesday ami to consult Willi her llu..l..,. . e .i. feel the Influence of his music, lie . 'm" I.eon Marx is a wonderful violinist. Not only were his selections from the best, but bis brilliant teehuiiue. bis fine tone and rhythmic swing, made even those of the leas, comprehension .... ,....u i.ici; .Mill ij , , . ' " ".,. ,n IIIIIMi;iv. straight as an arrow and most p,mc.' ,, "Ca,0f nn? g!,V, a nPW Mrs. Fleinlng has a country-wide re,',- tilllous as to words and behavior, was "U' , l'"' '3 My "f '"''"K tho best elpped w. excellent. Ml p..i . of sustaining his reputation man fur tlik .....b laughter followed many a disclosed article. Mrs. J. W. Ileckley, Miss Esther Copley and .Miss Ernestine Roberts assisted. Enjoying the honoree's delightful The following bit of society news J. Campbell, 511 East Fifty-second street, north, was the scene of a pret- 1sa Thompson. Complimented ladles recel'un Thursday, given to the women of Rose City Park Club to meet Mrs. Laura Baldwin Doollttle. assisting the hostesses were Mrs. Gld eon Stolz, Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Mrs. Os wald West, Mrs. Thomas A. Llvesley, The to were tlle niembers of "Jlrs. C. D. Gabrlelson, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. "Walter Stolz, Mrs. William Brown, TUrs. Elizabeth Case and Miss Margar et Cospcr. the furnishing committee of the new clubhouse, Mrs. 0. G. IIughBon and Mrs. E. II. Carlton serving coffee and Ice In the dining room, with Mrs. E. F. Allshaw In charge, while Mrs. L. iL. Saunders and Mrs. II. H. Rhodes assisted through the rooms. Tho llv A sweet spirit of cordiality pervaded ,ng room wag beiultlfllll1 decorated the rooms In the attractive home of w,tu yolow chl.V8anthmn,lln8i the nftn Mrs. (leorge Waters Wednesday at- wag ft l)ower of grM.nery with ferns ternoon when she entertained with nd I)aImg nm, the dInln(, room wag a charmingly appointed card " party. nan(g0lne wlh ,8 table of silver and Five hundred was played at five tab-ChIna centered with a large basket les and guests came later for tea. 0, Rchnlond roses. The shades were Adding beauty were 'chrysanthe-ldrawn and tne gott gi()W 0f the ebc nuims In yellow and ferns. For the Mo (thlg BBt off tne rnom to goad lnlng room were deep pink geran- (ivnnta(!e. During the afternoon Mrs. linns and ferns. The sun room was Fi H piemlng. accompanied by Mrs. j cooking. Mrs. Fred Schmidt presided delightful with Its growing, trailing !j W., Beveridge, sang two solos, ! over tho ice cream and cako In an "vines above the mantel, and the house wllpl, WPro greatly enjoyed. Two of ! Iceland cave of bunting, all tinsel and Plants scattered about. tho younger women. Mrs. Mark Canip-1 diamond-dust, to represent Ico and First and Becond high scores award- i,n "nnil Miss Elizabeth Harlbson, as- snow, and the English booth, where d Rlfls to Mrs. Edward S. Tilling-' BH0(1 passing refreshments In the all manner of useful and ornamental 'HHpia i , cAueweiR. MISS I'eilC nun I in vivo clous young creature of fifty, always overcome at the thought of a man caller and moved to tears at disap pointment, was the character assumed by Miss Blanche Listen, and acted to perfection. S. II. Liston was programmed as "Tom," but when, In place of u man, tho coach driver leaves a small basket at tho door, the play runs along mer rily until a tiny whlto kitten Is dis covered to be its contents, much to tho astonishment and amusement of the entire audience, who thoroughly appreciated the joke and gave hearty' " recognition of the good acting. roll(! Every number on the program was generously applauded. Encores are never responded to at these recitals, which makes the evening's entertain ment of very comfortable length. Mrs. Savage is to be congratulated upon the splendid work of her pupils in Mouday night's recital. Other enter tainments are to follow during this winter. as one of America's greatest artists As cellist, Hans Dressel's work was most acceptable. Tho grace and beauty of bis technique is uncommon. Herman Sehiichnrd, the pianist and , accompanist. Is master of the Instru jment and possesses the rare talent of assisting voice or instrumental solos j The following program delighted the i large audience. man for this work Mrs, O'Neil sang "The King My Shepherd Is," and Miss Inez lietilsoii, Allison's "Song of Thanksgiving." at the Baptist, church Sunday last. The llrst monthly recital of Mrs. W. A. IVnton's piano pupils, for this sea son, was given Saturday afternoon at 'lite Studio, assist,.,! ,y i U,.ni.r FIRST BART. jMrs. Dalrymplo and Mrs. Myers. In. Piano, Concert Etude (in F sharp jvilatlons were coutined t the pupils'' major) Maellmvoll parents. The nroL-nim i-,e.i,,l Cello, Sonata (In A major) Boccherlnl (ITOO-lSi'irt A. D.) Pilgrim's Song. . .Tschaikowsky (Tho text Is by Tolstoi.) very Interesting and the yniing play ers gave their nun, hers remarkably well. A most unusual leal, ire of re cital work was the selection by Jen. The ladles of -St. Paul's church will hold their ChrlBtmas bazaar from tho eleventh of December, in the Guild house. It is quite possible that plum puddings will be added to the other goad things for ChrlBtmas dinner, . A "Trip Around tha World Bazaar" was given last Friday afternoon and evening by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Jason Lee Memorial Church. The aftornoon was given over to the salel in Denton, Mr. of useful and fancy articles made by the society and commodities sold from attractive boothB arranged In the base ment and decorated appropriately. Miss Lenora Koon and Miss Mar jorlo Mlnton, dainty in costumes of fair Japan, served tea and wafers from a booth fashioned to represent an Immense tea chest. Mrs. La Bare was In charge of the German booth, where j(ir(li. native dishes were served on bluejmsl, Molin, Russian Airs Wlenlawskl iielle Vandmorl and by ficiiovlcvc- En- SECOND PART. dicolt, who iniiiouiieisl their numbers Songs and gave a synopsis of them as pre- Oft I Am Thy Harp Woodman .hide to playing. Jeiinelln's lulerpre- (b) A Littlo Dutch Garden. Immis talloii of tho Goblins Banco by Kool- (c) Edward Uiewe Hug, was splendid and Genevieve told Violin jwhat a Minuet, was, giving a realistic (a) En Bateau. Debussy ihserlptlou of tills dance at Grand- th) Caprice Vlennols Kreisler father's. Mrs. Aul'raiic read an eiiter- (c) Llebesfreud Kreisler .tabling paper on the life of Stephen (Alt Wiener Tanzwelsen No. 1) .Poster and the folk songs of America. Songs jsomo If bis best and miuii-loved songs (a) In the Time of Roses. Relchardt are Swanee River, My Old Kentucky (b) Tho Pauper's Drivo Homer Home, Old Black Joo, Massi s In de (c) A Morning Hymn. . . .Heusrhel Cold, Cold Ground, and others. Mrs. Trio jWeiigcr and son, Karl, sung with syni- (Andantlno and Allegro Con Fu- ! i utliollc expression, Old Folks at oco Gado Home, accompanied by guitar. Old j Black Joe, and Massa's In do Cold, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Denton will at- Cold Ground were very swoolly sung tend tho Symphony orchestra concert by Mrs. Dalrymplo and Mrs, Myers, in Portland tomorrow. i Taking part In the program for this W. A. Denton's recital wero Irene Curtis, Earl Khafer, brother, who has been chosen by bis collegiies to direct the second con cert of the series, Is a native of Eng land, but has been a well-known figure In Portland musical circles for the past twelve years. For nine years ho was organist at Trinity Episcopal Church und at present Is organist and director of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathe- Ho has studied under the best s of the old world, both on the and while china, by MIbs Grace Tyler organ and violin, and first appeared and Miss Violet Grieg. I in London r.t the age of seven years Pennants and pillows decorated the j He was graduated from tho Royal) American college booth, under dlrec-1 Academy of Music, Ix.ndon, and later t f mm. flimlei-Itlnioiiil and Miss! played under the baton of many of. Iantba Irvine, who served home-made MUSICIANS' DIRECTORY BEATRICE SIIELTON Teacher of Piano Studio :il." Marlon Street Telephone Main 1 213 candy and a variety of chafing-dish ".est nm Mrs. TI s p,,ui Thanksgiving turkey hon bans were luncheon favors. Mrs. E. e. Waters, Mrs. George G. Brown and Miss Margaret Poisal as sisted (he hostess. An affair of delightful interest was the season's first Assembly dance cel ebrate,) Wednesday night in Armory Hall, and one of the smart events of the week. Garlands and ropes of cedar, palms and flags and festoons of bunting with clusters of globes artistically shaded, sd,le'l lo the frou-frou of silk and Eauzy things, the flash and sparkle f dainty flying feet in the swirl of mr'7 dancers and the beautiful music from the Peerless orchestra, all made a brilliant opening for the winter's se Tes of parties. Punch was served f,ni a vine-covered, latticed bower, where the young people refreshed themselves between dances. Suspend d above the gaily-decorated orchestra stand was a wonderfully pretty trans parency with the greeting, "Thanks fvim." gilt-lettered on white gauze nd framed with cedar. The program, "worat.'d with a bronze, strutting tur t kp'. included twenty dances and a "limber of extras, the dreamy waltz allrnatinB with the merry two-step. Mr- William C. Knighton, who Is 6'iest of her cousin, Mrs. A. N. the McCullv hon,; In Portland, has been the or guest at a number of charming 'al affairs, beginning -with Monday dining room. England's most famous directors, in cluding Sir Alexander Macknisie, Sir Hubert Parry, S. ('.ileridge-Taylor, Sir Edward Edgar, Ramiogger, and others. At tomorrov.'s concert four or five notable nn tnl-'fs will be played. The symphony selection will bo tin- beau tiful symphonic I""'"'. "U'S 1'reliides ' liy Li;.,:'., t!.c overture will be the Voisiilel. Iron, Wagner a li.'ind-mado articles were on , i r Mm V s. Stewart llupres.-ne . . I , M,. Valerie Itarker. j great r ' lous np a, I'msdal Miss Harriet Rhlgoii tins nsam -'; .,.,,...- about forty of the high school senior I A ... . i- ilm elioreli or-! Mr. Ralph l!ay I of Portland. girls for a Christmas sewing party " i w s.. . t. ,. vole, has Ih, this afternoon at her home on nter u .,.. ,v U,,- street. I .. . ,, ,,.; ,lf iiff.'tl.n from Mrs C'm-u It. """ - -- one of the mo- man, nml p-spoii'iing " . m.. . v , llvi.ra lion Ml'ture lions a merry bouse supper unci tne -, " ,,.,,,,,, wit,i ,,, heaii-! afieruoon. ('arm , , . M'n,l,,.,u, III. II L' IT. I1SK- o senioiy , " ' Ing Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thiel seu, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sargent and Miss Cira Wltchen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dick gave i on Thanksgiving , .bo oliH- Hotel s "A Western Co of Chicago, II I'epl eselilat l i coutse ill iMtoio, Hid a' tlcorctlciil luanebe,' e, upon coiiiplcthiii rooit.s X '.i llpei.'t I phone lit,'). I'uplls i hip' A very evening nii'l 1'"' As a matter of course. St. Joseph's hall was filled to overflowing Mondav night when the Sara Brown Savaee, . . ,. ..ri.oehted ft 1110SI SCllOOl 01 K.XP1CMI. , cresting program, which was open - ed bv Mr. Lloyd ixe 1 ,ii.i f rtona Notte." Miss Kiiea Wilson followed with a splendid rei-d-1 ' n..n,l.rfnn Mill, i LOM ing Of "Tne ran ui " " This number called for dramatic In terpretation and continued pathos In Its lines. Mlss Wilson fully her reputation as a fine reader. Little Ruth Barnes was rrfectl' at home and gave her monologue, niinrrel" with all the i.h oetlons. to the tossing of her ty head and mvrcblng with Inna tfon from the s.age. Miss H Erlxon'. "Chapter from 'The ho -, Udy'" was an unusually exce lent bit of acting. Ml-Eriion n. J dialect and vernacular ne the most difficult arts of elocution. t if ul reading of "A Christinas htory, i "j TieinksL'iving Story" for en- ,1 1 e i core. Mr. selfdion :ib Un " th? storv of an Indian girl. i.-iun.r sail1; "Last. Night i.-miea. L,,ighri,!ge read "I Ain't to Cry No Moiv encore. A made good and Uis- MlH. Miss loillg responding to :,n quartet of it, en's vmc-s music and Mr. McMillin nidi' N'etli the program by stngmg re, ending ,ove Song. . with two read s'lhto-idcr closed For Ail Eter- .Mtti "A Jp."' . ... . i.i large crow ii i ' ' e aIl.Tina wrn buyers niougli to make u. tare a limine... The kiml'M garti n Their mat')' natural chibl pret the wot k Sunday School cl, he attention ot t ,.'ay wa-i exhibit room. ,f th lien .TYOIie. T 1 In the r ti.i.' v ill''', Is di- Mr and Mrs. WilHum llurghanli. jr., enterwined with a imH l"'""'1 dinner Tues day evening. ( on page 5.) Morris' Cash Feed and Grocery Store i.m .'1 ,kg 2 pkgs le 1' cat s (." ' cil:S la: lbs b ,", !h(, il k ,': ears ;al Z pkrs Kr1 ,', cans lal ', cans ta'. .'! cans ;i ct.-.s : llaf, wl:-'' I'.-rt.-i lion Nice Ir'illte d 1, Ih' at ..-illS k tat rasters ie r'.liS .lt;S L'.lc l.'.c . I :: l.'.c . i'ir .'.' ...'.'.( eS l.iC ..Vic .Vc Corn i'bike ai I, i s riootb ,'S i :,? I.-JI $1,011 . r if k--t s wenrora aim i' I.lM-rty i'ieture shows. Phone US' f t ,r, sack tail')' ciired battiB Oi, ! or. :" Rt'idio ti. :ti. . CH Tli'.ro. all or '.' ;., ii. ti I'nlvi and I'ompl''" th and ' It; an' h' B of Mas Meiel't.', I red'-riik H. ,11, I' ml, ;ALEM VOC': W i ,l'. Stiii" :-" ' np,'-,:l" Poi.toffl' and M rorncon leid Sweaters Women's and misses' all ! sweaters. Norfell, brown, Oxford and naw. ole. white, ratdlual, SPECIAL, $2.98 Afternoon Gowns SPECIAL, $12.50 Soils and coats greatly nsluced, ducid prices in dressej, Kcduced ori luices on all tUn. Ru- T i i . r if ix'israiic nt tlte ionunq 9UALITY POPULAR ft6.5liijjSrii4iiiiinnnnx j MERCHANDISE i.n utf i ;iu;ri ttt ckci PRKCI 1'lorelice tilgln, Alice Mcl'lellau, Kill Ii 'I'ille Vtllcelll, .lentlello Valid, 'Holt, C' lievieve Kinllcolt, Uda ;Min, Clare l.reltensielii, Thelnui, .;u. b nn At, franc, (Irace XlcCull, Umlii l''rost, 11. at i l.N. Walton, Mildred lirunk liarliaiii Stelner and Karl U ellger. H Is easy for persons determined to do no to fit passing; events to ancient and obscure "prophecies" or lo make a prophecy relato to li current event. I luUllail Si lence l eclure. l'raucls .1. Eluno, of Oaklaml, C,il will speak on the subject of Christian Hclence at the (in, ml Dpeiu Hoiihii ThuiHilay evening, Kecemlier 5, ill H o'clock p. in. Hr. Klu in i spenka with iiulhorlly on IIiIh subject, beliiK n tueinher of the Hoard of Lectureship of I ho Mother Church, lh,i Elrst Church of Ch.lst, ScletiilHt, in IIohIoii, Mam. Tim ledum is lien, Th public Is ir. dlally Invited. n 311 i Three New Victrolas VictrolaX$75 VictrolaXI$100 VktrolaXlV $150 Those aro tho thnio new models for this nenson, and n will bu Kind t to give )iu a denioiistratlon. RemeintKT, theso are In Block In Habun, and ready for del Ivory. Iairifn I stock of records,, Doiildn Kaen und "ll"d Heiil." CHAS. E. ANDERSON, Aficnt 1'I7 North Cominnrelal Street. Hiileni, Oiegon f MINNCTTA MAGERS Contralto Teacher of $M?yx. i Studio, Elrst National Bank HulldlnK! Telephone Main '".u , 4 Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forci oh. t. 1 tux cotnuimrt Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL DEAUTIt ICR JiL 1 II. 1' , ink I ! Chun hlll, Salem bi, ii, cli. Complete coiiipany'iig, 1, mas I'tat t- ill--.' 1, 1, olio, t il'. It.'M , at,v time TIl!ISFJllrvwi!nt,f,t Ml A rAICllATlM AIO HflltO COMPKIIOI It la tii duly of vw7 v.nian to ru l,rr Imuty, tcul fviu tU nin-t ,r,,u t' tiuilr 0iMiipl'lli4. . A, nwtirt,' p.irn, siul wluiliKoii.fl i 4ntliii,i( fvury ,n,n' il,-.r. mid ttliichenii l, mulilji i,l.iln.l l.jr ui'ij(! (JOl.'KAlD'S OklCMAL Ctv'I.AV.. 'i Im ,ll kin.wti t,ri'tniton liJ l"n li,,'l,if ni'e.ii-' Hi',,, ,d by plmtemii", ulnm, i ru.-r . ted n i-ti nf fi..,i"ii f,,r over U;f i i, It ,.:, !! -, till. rUll 1,1,11 tl.d IK,ftlM of Vrivrt, I ! III,." II ( I, nr Kiel Kl l hll. .Illl MAI L'S (iUII MAL CUI'AM SL.ii luf, rib.) .'.'ii lrr,,nt,,n, n i ) , .' I VI,"THt. J II. III, U.iut ,!,.K Kiel e ; ' ' oi.ii, I lel,Ki and i Ktiiiet l lutpu.i -cl r I-; iii. f, vi-iiiiii! Hii" , K"i S.M I- I'V I kl.'IK.IS'lH AND MNl.Y l.'K'I.S liVAl fl'tl . I'KRD. T. IIOI'KINS, I'ro)riMor, 37 Grr&t Junri Slrcct, New Ymk1 (V, IU HUM"" ''(, 1 1 fjy tiff it torn r, wn Ml IM HI mtX Do Your Christmas Shop ping Early Watch This Space for Our Specials... Salem Hardware Co., Inc. 120 North Commercial Street I