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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
All of Our Splendid Guaranteed Furs from 1-4 to 1-3 Less SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Beautiful Zcyplir Ginghams 7c yard Less than Wholesaler's Cost Limited 20 yards to a customer DAIIT CAPITAL JOntXAI.. .,, flRroo) f fx ft (fill Ifi - 00 WOMEN'S SUITS AND COATS At Greatly Reduced Prices A new shipment of coals just received - all sold at bargain prices as we secured a bargain when wt purchased them Every Suit and Coat Brand New This Season SATl'KDAY, XOYEMIU lt Sft, WI. tho nmtir ,tr ...i.i. . . "l'M" l f.i'n. The ,,..,! . i'aiiusoiiii brldo wore 11 dark 1.1 LV c "' comvmlon of ti. '"""I Polng away gow an,, ....... , toU"""" of Women ' Clubs, a,H,u, nor (lowers wore " , " lh "IV TI.- elding ..roakfuM w v ' I '1 I!"' """"i T,,iit ' "-' of Mr. and -' v '"' ,'" ' represent. where a profusion , l. .. , h "'" "'""'"'I vote, 0f tho ' "'" I.I1U Hill l h'.ui'd uio inning centered tin lalil. Mr. ('logon. i"i"'.i and members 0f ilo he: the On stale ehy petition ;ho and Mrs !!., , . " " cekl loft on an carlv t-.i,, t ,, . c,,u;.to prevision for '' '"" , , ""T """" "--'v a,ul turn to sal,,,, a, - , ''T' ll",!"-ve Mwy for rlonds a, ,IC, N, C'r ", i,,,J h- iu,(, ,y ,, , , , - her education. $15.00 Suits now . 17.50 Suits now . 25.00 Suils now . 30.00 Suits now . 45 and $35 values $ 9.85 12.95 17.50 21.00 24.00 CHILDREN'S COATS ONE-THIRD LESS ... m., i-.Moral Ion of Oregon A w.ry largo audience rilU-.i l.iio Olul-s. would ,,.,.,., flllv ,,,,lllon ,ho Methodist church last Wednesday .IWI.m.m of F.dncatlon of ,l,o , , cning when "Old Father Time" was Orpgon to extend the purpose ' Presented under the auspices of ,u, ' Arbor Day , ,llt, , ,,.,. (,f ipworth league. , national resources, espcolallv of hlids Tho entertainment wan won.lerfullv ! fisl "'"1 water coiiimcs; and ih ,t the '""vossful ami tho atldionoo oUiuvil ''"Ih'd A'-lmr and Consorvation tliolr ploasuro and approval 1-v oonti,,. 1 "' """H "IM'lnuso. j "Whoroaf. tho ,.. l,IWv, of Milton Kmironan a wry pon'od ' M,,K''' lma proposod n. hill to ho pro In artlnB of tho tltlo rolo. a n;ost up- B,,,w,,'l l tho loKilaturo at lis m. I"oirlato coatunio was sotit from ln 8,,,:sl'"i providing for tu ponslon I'ortland to ho usod on thi.i oouislon. , of " orihy and doponant mot ho, h. Tho old yoar was roproMi,u., pv ""1' I'l.vdo Skiff. Now Year thuhy,. M;W "'r' tliU hill l dosignod to Pcrlhor. Kach month hrought Its glfti:uul wi" 11 ,m,i,t "t'K'Ht nooi'ssily to 1'athor Tlnto. .lanuary - l.oa Nyi. j a,u1 MMVt a mm worthy purposo; ilrossod in fur, was cowrod with ',... "Thorofoi". 1 t Hosdvod. That tho Ik. only Daiiiiig Powder IN SOCIETY (Continued from Page 3.) Tho Adulnnte society of Willamette I'nivorslty divided Itself Into three sections and held a Thanksgiving meeting on Friday afternoon of last week. Miss Ruth Young, Miss Lottie Venn and Miss Gertrude Eakln were the leaders of the different divisions, and illustrated the lives of our Pil grim fathers from the time of their departure from England to their first Thanksgiving Day on American soil. Miss Young's portion of the society gave In tableaux, costumed, represen ts. Before leaving the house, this band of newsboys tuned llmlr shrill voices for nine different cheers for Mr. Davenport, manager of the theatre. ; A playette and basket supper com posed the Ha.iel Green district enter tainment one evening this week In tlielr school house. The little comedy was well staged and the character parts were extreme ly good. The acted story caused great merriment and the woll-fllled house showed Its appreciation In a manner most satisfactory to the members of the Hazel Green Literary Society, who were responsible for the play. The cast of characters was: Dreadful Twins, George and May Dunignn, Jo- tatluns of our fore-fathers' lives in Holland and England. The pictures giah Brown, Russell Kizer; Mrs Jo showed religious persecutions, cross- :iah Brown, Miss Teresa Zllllenskl lag to Holland, romance between 'Josle Clifford, Miss Esther Jackson' irutn ana Hans, ana a vision of Becky (an old maid), Miss Ina Coth pteachlng to the Indians In America, ren; Sheriff O'Brien. Rolland Jones; Miss Penn presented In an orlglnnl Lynx (a detective), Harold Peterson; manner "The Landing of the PIN Deacon Whitbeck, Frank Spence; Has grlnis." This was a chorus recitation, tus (negro). Earl Isoni. An American home scene in the ear- j The very delightful affair was ly Colonial days was arranged by Miss topped off with a flna luncheon. Eakln. Indians and witches figured conspicuously and the pictures were appropriately costumed. Eight young women represented a ciety of Willamette University, met turkey, vegetables and other good with Miss Mary Cone and enjoyed an things that made "The First Thanks- Interesting propgram on "Hero Leg giving Dinner." This scene was also ends." in costume. The program opened with a German The Judges of the Adelante's pres- song by the members and was fol- entatlons were Mrs. Gaylord Patter- lowed by: son, Mrs. Robert Walsh and Mrs. M. Valkyries Miss Grace Thompson E. Peck. Honors were awarded to Instrumental Soln...Mlns lailn Heist Balder and Lokl Miss Runner The Nlebelunger Thrasure Ben Neustel Vocal Solo Mr. Jory Last Saturday evening the members of Teutonla, the German literary so- Miss Young's division. Eighty Bmall boys, representing The Capltnl Journal's carrier force, re sponding to Invitations from Mr. Siegfried's Sword Miss Mary Cone Graham Taber, circled the long table "Fables" will be the subject for the In the Hotel Marlon dining-room for a next program. genuine New England Thanksgiving dinner, on Thursday at one o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Gueffray Like a falry-tala from Wonderland , entertained Informally on Friday ev 'as this splendid feast served on ening of last week. Five hundred was shiny linen with pretty china aud the evening's game enjoyed by Miss sparkling glass, pryamlds of fruit and , Audrey Hicks, Miss Marian Lohman. nodding blossoms of chrysanthemums ; Miss Freda Hoover, Mr. R. S. Melron, and carnations, with sprays of smllax. j Mr. Percy J. Read, Mr. F. D. Tim, and Mr. Taber, from his place of honor the host and hostess. Light refresh at the head of this rollicking crowd nients were served, of little men, saw that no one was neglected; and when the last bite they The Catholic Order of Foresters en could hold had disappeared, he told Joyed a delightful evening Thursday, them some things that appealed, to November twenty-first, when they pre thelr childish hearts. Isented a program followed by danc- A number of boys followed his re- Ing. marks with surprisingly good talks, The programmed numbers were: and one little fellow, no higher than Orchestra Selection; reading, "Our the table, sang, to the delight of all. Flag"; vocal duet, "Hiram and Man Mr. Mclnturff, who has charge of dy," Mrs. F. X. Albrlch and G. E. the circulation department, was given Terwilllnger; cla-inet solo, B-nat, a Place at Mr. Taber's right. So will "Scenes That are Brightest Flavins hang on memory's wall a beautiful Melro; cornet solo, selected Herman Picture to gladden the hearts of these Melring; bag punching, L embryo business men. vocal solo, "Rose of My Heart Miss In rounding out this day of Joy, Mr.', Emma Oblesser; bone solo, selected, Taber Invited his dinner guests for Mr. H. St Helens, the Globe theatre pictures In the Punch was served by tw0 ung wo evenlng. . men and dancing rounded out the hap- After the performance Sammy py affair. Woom appeared on the Btage and re- . Plated his dinner song for the pleas- Tomorrow Is the day set apart fo "e of the vast audience, who gave the Elks' memorial services throng Mm a moat complimentary demonstra- out the United State . 13 ACRES Five acres Royal Ana Cherries, 2 acres Spitzenberg aPP es a U l ye old, and in fine condition, 1 acre river bottom land 5 acr bru. tod easily cleared. All land slopes gently to the creek and "HI The 5 acres of Royal Ann Cherries are worth al that is asked for -hole place. Five-room house, good barn and 3 chic en house . nn J water and fine spring. House can be supplied ltn l'lpes from spring. Price $3750; easy terms. H. S. BELLb lu Phone 857, 124 K. Liberty Street lodge will hold Its ceremonies in the Grand opera house. Very pretty was the wedding at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. V. B. Huberts, enst of Salem, when Iola, their daugh ter, became the bride of Asher Hansom of Salem. The rooms were bright. nod with clusters of yellow and white chrys anthemums and ferns. Under an nrch of fir houghs and Oregon-grape was suspended a wedding bell, formed of small white chrysanthemums and here Reverend J. H. Irvine of the ,a-son U-o Memorial Church read the lines of the ring service. As the bridal party entered, Miss Olive Beckley played Lohengrin's chorus. For maid of honor, Miss Alberta Roberts, a cousin of the bride, wore pale blue silk mull and carried cream rosebuds. The brlfle's gown was cream winter serge with lace trimmings and her flowers an arm bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Mr. Kenneth Martin of Salem was the groom's attendant. Immediately following the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served at two long tables, with centerpieces of yellow chrysanthemums, the same flowers being scattered over tho linen. The bride's gifts were very beauti ful. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Ransom will be at home to their friends at 075 North Fourteenth street. Guests asked for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rob erts, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Oplesbee, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Dotson, Mrs. Emma Roberts, Miss Olive Beckley, Miss Dorothy B. Shank, Miss Ernestine Roberts, Miss Elbert a Roberts, Miss Alta Mlnkler, Mr. Ken neth Martin, Walter Ransom, and War ren, Harold and Leland Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church and fam ily who have recently removed to Sa lem from Walla Walla, Washington, and the Misses Grace and Mayme Bah ccck were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Babcock for Thanksgiving dinner when twelve covers were laid for an informal dinner of five courses. The table's center piece was a cluster of gorgeous chrysanthemums In cream, lavender and yellow. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mlnto enter tained Wednesday evening for the Cherry City card club's first gathering this season. Oregon grape and snow berries with marigolds and roses were delightful decorations for the rooms. Five tables were played, Mr. ana sirs. A J. Eoff substituting. Mrs. Frank Brown and Mr. J. B. Craig captured high score prizes. Assisting wr Mrs Ruth Brown, Mrs. Edward Hart Icy and Mrs. A T. Wain. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downing will open their heme for the next meeting of the club. f'nli,.n P.. I it ... ... ... . ,.,, i .rcy wngor. wore winter raiment and fur rap; March. Leslie Springer, raincoat and hat; April, Ethel Hazelton, brings a but tercup to Father Time; May, js Kuirennn, the pretty May (,uon, re cited Howell's "What so Hare as a j Day In June." July and August, two little boys, Lloyd nnd Floyd Mclntyro cue with Hags and llrocraokers and!. lli other bearing a sheaf of wheal; September, Helen Ingroy, carrvin,- a basket of fruit; October. Ilortha Mil ler, with autumn loaves and fruit; No. vomlier, l,oo Barber, with a basket of turkey and pumpkin, and a sack of vegetables and fruits disclosing thom selves through holes; December. Hel en Moore, dressed in red with white fur, brought a Christinas holly wreath. The program opened with a choir se lection. Fifteen little hoys appropri ately dressed, roprosi nted kernels ot popcorn and gave a surprising funny exhibition of what happens to corn when hold over hot coals. While the scenes wore being shifted, Miss Nellie Mclntyro sang beautifully, Mrs. LeMoine Clark gave a whistling solo, Miss Huby Hart recited and Mr. Mitz sang The Last Huso of Summer. For the closing scene all assembled on the stage kneeling, while on a screen far back of them storeoptlcon pictures were thrown of angels bless ing tho old and the new your, the Christ child In their midst; the choir singing Holy Night, Shepherds watch ed their Hocks and Crown Him King. To th president of Epworth League, Miss Edith Sherwood, Mrs. Alford, Mrs. Bracketihiiry, Mrs. William and other members of the church are due the credit of the success of this really delightful entertainment. The pro ceeds will be used for tho Epworth League pledge. A fine program was given In the Marlon public school Wednesday, No vember twenty-seventh, in honor of Thanksgiving day. The throe depart ments met in the large school build ing and enjoyed a program of twenty three numbers. The large audience was made up of families and friends of the pupils, who wore delighted with the program of the school work, and the efficiency of the pupils tut enter tainers. The Marlon school reached "standard" murk last year and has nlrtvidy secured a large number of points toward the new plan of this year's standardization. Professor E. A. Palmer, principal, Is to lie con gratulated upon his splendid record as instructor, and director of the school work. Miss Jennie M. Will anil Miss Law have the advanced work and the primary scholars. As an opening event for entertain ing n their lovely new bungalow. Mr. t;nd Mrs. Paul Hasinussen askid the M S. Q. five hundred club and a few guests h "ldes Holly with Its hrlght red berries, complimenting Christinas, was used to adorn the rooms. Mrs. "logon 1'oueratto,, of Women's Clubs most heartily endorses this measure and most earnestly urges that this bill bo passed by the legislature, and wo especially appeal to oaeh member of tho Oregon Federation ot Women's Clubs to support Ibis hill. "Whereas, the General Federation has adopted the plan of an endowment in mi tor tl,o furtherance of Its work therefore, V t ltosohdl. 'flint we the members of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs In annual conven tion assembled, do hereby endorso and ratify the actio,, of our delegates In the g ral federation of nineteen twelve, In accepting as our share of tho endowment fund five hundred dol lars, nnd recommend to the clubs of the state that they Individually and severally semi to our treasurer a siini eiiial to twenty-five cents per mem ber, appropriated ami so designated for the purpose of putting Oregon In Its proper relation to the national club work. "In view of the responsibility and duty laid upon tho women of the stale by the power of tho ballot; liesolved, That, a committee of political science be established In our slate federa tion. And we recommend that this department he thrown open lo all women, whenever duplicated In local clubs, whether they arc members or not." The music, department, under the dlrwtlon of Mrs. William Uuighardt, Jr., will moot at Mrs. John 11. Alberts', CO South Winter street, on the after noon of December twelfth, l-a lloheme will be studied. Miss Itiiilso .Mine land will play from the score, and a number of Vlctrolla records will Illustrate. ' niuue from Royal Gmdp (irmfltiiiar. No Alum No Umo Phosphates Tho second cIuhh In modern drama will meet next Tuesday al three o'clock In the club room at the library 1 uildlng Mrs. Arthur Fish Ih director of this class. The delegates lo the National W'oin ,n Suffrage Association convention. held In Philadelphia this week, on Tuesday tdectetl the following offic ers: president, Doctor Anna Howard Shaw; first vice-president, Jane Ad iliinis; second vlce-presltbul, Anita Whitney, of California; corresponding secretary, Mary Ware Dennett, of New York; treasurer, Miss Stanley McCormlck of Chicago. The manage nt of the Old Peo ple's Home In this city Is rejoicing over a gift t'f one hundred dollars, donated bv Mr. V. W. Brown of Burns, Oregon. Mr. Brown bad given j other sums of money for th" support j of this most worthy Institution. ' I'ersiiiial "ti'. Mi'-s Margaret Hndgerii, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Ooige F Hodge, s, and Miss Helen Hose, Mr and Mi", (leorge L, Hose's daughter, left on 'he Sli.mta Limited Monday noon, f'"- Oiclr Initial; trip alone. 'Ihclr ti-stinaiion Mr. Vance rouse of Taconui was the Kuest of 11. S. Hollos last week, ro imilning until Monday, Mrs. Edward Scholll of Astoria and Utile daughter, Helen, were house gnosis this week of Mrs. II. S. Belle, Mrs. W. 11. Bingham of i'ortland re turned to Salem Tuesday with MrH. Ii G. Bingham, who will bo guest at her sou's homo, for a visit of ludoflii nte higth. Mrs. William Korren camo up from I'ortland Monday to visit tier sister, Mrs. H. K. ,oo Htolnor. Mr. Karron was guest for Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Denton were week end guests of Mr. I lemon's parents In Brownsville, Oregon. Mrs. ,1 It. Starr, of Us Angeles, California, was the guest, this week td Mrs. (i. ti. Bingham, Mrs. Starr was MiHS (intra before her marriage, and resided In Salem. Miss Lucille Hello attended the root bull game at Albany, going from there to Corvallls fur tho (). A. C, hop and continuing to Portland, where a Tow days were passed as Iioiihii guest of friends. Mr. Albeit V. Talklngton of Grange, villi', Idaho, arrived In Salon, Wednes day, ami will remain with his brother, Mr. F. P. Talking! for a hIioi! visit. Mr. Solomon Dnrbln roluinod this week from a visit with Ids sou Chailcs In Vancouver, British Columbia. After a niottt delightful tbron uionlhs' visit with Mrs. Crocker In San Francisco, Miss lilta Sleluer returned home Wednesday noon. Mr. and Mrs. (loorgo Waters passed Thanksgiving with Mm, Waters' mo ther, Mrs. 10, Magulro, of Portland. J. Donald Meyers of the Oregon Ag. rleultural College was u Tluiuksglv lug guest of his brother, Mr. Mllloii L. Meyers. Mr. Hubert Kinney camo down from Astoria to attend the Assembly dance and to pass Thanksgiving tiny with Mr, and Mrs. Frederic Thlelncu. Senator Ilea,, and family of Fugeno woii gnosis this week of Mr. and Mis. O. P. I luff, Fourteenth and Clieineketii Hi reels. Mr, and Mrs. Itay l.uper bam re turned to Salon, and are occupying tho leiino of tho Wllllnm BurgliardlH, Sr., for l tin winter. Mrs C. P IIIhIiop arrived homo Thursday from a two weeks' visit In lit anls Pass and Brownsville. Ileforn ret in ning hIio alteudod Mr. .lumen lllakely'H ciuiteiinarlaa anniversary, Mrs. Bishop will remain for tlm winter at In r homo, ;:in North Liberty stni't. Mr and Mrs. V Melvin.t Plimpton and children paesisl Thaiiksf.HIng day with Mr. Plimpton s parents In Portland. ttmiimtnjttntmanmmmttuunmttttmtuanmMmtMramtmmmMtttamnmttn ...Globe Theater... PROGRAM FOR TODAY The Voice of Waiiiinf; Scli; Tlit! Fact; or the Voice ... .Vit;i When Wealth Torments Fr,:;;i nay Wa'er Hats Lulan T... tt no. lf Liwt,n L'lli'fi I an -u'-7 ":. Slle, and the Journey was for lb- tllgll SCOP"! iUWIliI"! ue ill ... .I,,,,,, MonnNie oi tin Miss Mabel Hasuiussen assisted with serving a dainty and dining ors. the hostess luncheon. 1 ( I ! 1 1 Is attending Wash:n.'' ui Thanksgiving Hay with Mis:' CI' Ros'i, who University. Mr and Mrs ixuial Macf'arthy, of Or vide, Oregon, were haiem gnis Thursday, when Mr. Biers, Mrs. Mac- fiirtliv's father, celebrated bis seveniv- foiirth birthday with a family Thanks-1 giving dinner: it few close friends rt. re Inchni'-d. Mrs. MaoCanhy re-j mained over Friday for the re e.'loti. 1 Salem Wmium's Club ' Mrs. Seymour Skiff, a" ompaiilcd by; her little daughter, limi", and her j slsii r, Alice Skiff, wont to Portland Tuesday to he wlili her piuents null! lomorp'v,'. t Norlvt. Iloff. who Is mi:, i, Irr ' ol lege at. Corvallls, passed ThunkHglv ing day with his parents In Salon. RALPH RA YMOND, Tenor will sing tonight IheHosaiy.- By rthelheit Nevh "Believe Me If All IlioSe Lndeaiiti Yoii'ii'. PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY AND MONDAY (joM and filittf. f:i') Suvi'd Ii' 1 ire he Sai'hi'-, I ia."U."; . fjatika:. Uiipf':. Rcei'i'timi Tea of the S;t.".ras : SUNDAY EVENING RALPH RAYMOND will sing 'CALVARY by Paul Rodney Hubbard Building ianttRtttnrnnir.mntnj::tu:::tnn::antj!ntminHmtitin!nnt:miinumnauo I'.i.n.r oiinervlslnri of the club, mem- ,, i,rJ i,.,,,,, iia'iii ftr'rn r i n,,,-, "i ,ij i ui'i " i ... i.r.narlnir to sell Christinas i,,.,,!,!,,,. ,.! M-i.'a The marriage ceremonw of Kati,or- 8 frora , firi)t of io,l,er. '( ,.01't)an,, came up for "l h. ksU ine A., daughter or air. aim .-. .. W)k8lor,B a, various other "-,;., ,, r at Mllf. -,.. w. ry Melring to Edward K. Piaaeckt, LQng A,)01lt 0!glny per tent of the I.limKartn.-r nd tin solemnized at six o'clock Tnurl! amolirit B..frol will be sent to the rr,.i,.in(, for .,. r,day " a morning, November twenty-eigh tn, r,MII1iee for distill..,- ,,,,,. t'lrtfU Him'' " t'a. of s . hll'lr ti .lid S..t- niri' nd . r-o.lmllp church. Revert. Father Mabr officiated and Ml. Olive VcGeu sang the nuptial hymn. Owing ,Vthe losing away of Mr. Phu. ,othPr. which occurred recently, th wedding was extremely t.uiet and on b ,h(! immediate relative wore wit ncsses. The church decorations were con fined to.Itar.nd rail where Immense chrysanthemums and ferns carried ou. and mi all i-r h p; v.. lit tion. ' ' ' l vrh:i8 it would be well to explain , !(J r, M, K I her that the '.'.'"man's (Tub Is privi- ,(r(. vU!)n(, ,, M h..,.,l t.-, draw from 'his amount for ,,;,,,i,,.,i r Jtof.-r irhe benefit of any d.-s"rvi!,g csn thi' fl)f Tt;ftt.kHglvli.P. nu.V he reported in Salem. j ! ' . . . t .1 ;.. ) M ...... t l, Tl'.o knowle'lge ui in) ' "" tIrs fan u. , fiorri;.im :,,U...I to the sale in . . .,,i!hu-r, V i,c v.igiina. give nd stamps In this U'-. guests of Mrs. Tl.omp'' i Ralph A. Glover. !. Among many important ro.olutlo,.H ' ConTl greets. B:Hter, 'dn -ht.ea'h and I December 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Depoiita Made in Our Savings I On tie Above Dates Draw Interest from the First j START THE ACCOUNT NOW ....i 7C :.