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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1893)
yfy 7SMafc-fc ' - ., rW X " L I ' I J 1(& sj I aVJitttm CAl'l'l'Ati JOlllltfAI, MODAl"IAW(it, 17, !!. m mmi jminml rifeisrButi2 & PtfttMttJ iAii, rttuAf HUNilAf i ntin 0fHJ Jwfwl rnWWtlng Company 1 ltfWAtolt.-tVimweMlnlr!, HUM .1 . J ; . jjjj. f " -' - ' ''" -JJSf "HOT tn MOTHER, - Ullofi. tar Mrrtoj rr iMfwIh, iWM mtJiBT itmiif wr jrnr MMII7I n, vrr J rnri- W ,,. JtW TMM HflllKK- BrtlflBi iina otij.iyi'ri Hie iflt few week a quiet excltemoiit In (ho Way of n'tiiMrfMlflkit. it In true, there WftM Naftolny demonstratlona or retwrto of Vk)leee by (h fafnrerit In the vine' yard of the Lord, Jtut thero wan ft firm itfHKgle with all the attendaul feature of a mloeewiful atrlko, TtM Salem ailiilHlvrs union rcolved that It wa not getting enough pay for aervloeii rendefml lit tliu Btltle InntltU tloti, or lu fact Hot paid at all. Bo the gentlemen of tliu cloth nerved notices ou their employers, or Ihoso lu charge, that not a prayer would ho uttered, or a aerinou preached, or a soul absolved, unleee there wu au twljuslmeut of dlf terenow. All relations were suspended until tb segoUtloua wire completed. Then wm! voluminous correspondence with oTMeiala, boards, trustees and BUperiu tendeata. The compensatlou wa greed upou, Hunday all the strlklnj mlnlstera were at their posts. The re utt wai, as usual, ucompromUo, I'lJIILISII TUB HKl'OHTS. Tiik Jouknai. hns called attention to the fact tune and again that the semi annual financial statements from (he county clerk, treasurer and sheriff of Marlon county, required by law to be made Oct. 1st and April 1st of each year, have not been made public. Th.e county clerk Is n Domocrnt and rode Into ofllco on n wave of reform, In cluding this very question of county finances. Ho cannot claim that thin law was not obeyed by his ilopubllcun predecessors, because it was. The law Is very plain and requires tbeae balance sheets from theso otllcers to be made pUbllo every six months. Either theso.reports must bo mado pub He or the public must bo Informed through the proper channel why the law ! not obeyed, as It Is made for pub lic officers as well as for the people. UAWAII AS OUItS. By all preoedont, by rulslng our Hair, by oommeroiul rotations, by odor of the provisional government, by Its position of! our coast, thoBundwIeh Islands are ours. If they wore ofT the coast of England there would be no question as to their ownership or government. The Brit ish flag would have llouted over thorn long ago and would uever Imvo been bauled down oxcopt by forco of a super ior power. Never! The pretenso that thero In n vIcIoub population that would deteriorate our citizenship is a pretenso only. This country baa taken In fur viler popula tions already. The Huwnlluns would sot come lioro to auy appreciable mini br. Americans would go thoro by tbouaauda to 11 vo and for pleiwure. TboM islands would become a parudiso for American tourists. t.' , , ! 8UGU&STKI) C0MMKNT8. The American sportsman of Ulovr land, O,, (a an up-to-dato turf paper and Ita editor Y. II. Goucher Is a wrfter of vigorous Knglish. satisfactory, Thero lll WiJef (if tanner- of ll.e "Olark-' u$tf JTfJlt ttlTi AMimtUVtMt hotel which fell m ( "i" ( J " ' Ztt mm f ilshes i MP lalmtlol bt II at lmbHl(e) f Ul0 t,M,, lf a ,,H,or ., MlMtroii IV which sounds MiiftuliHy k, 1W1 htMcA , t,, AwU Ul Milk Mill) iHKMlUnUH. liRTOftBWJllCiOrillilHilwbOiXHl. Tlih ii lultltf utH u!?i,0r V,i V III tl tMuht ,8 Mi """ Vino alii tlmt Irtilldllig witfi Jak0 mt A Hi securely of aoino vcmwli Jtwl wlmt ftort of n bfatnilhtf fouiidatloti, It whs left out of crnft, howovef, law Im-oii lost in ob plumb, and, sagging In the ceMef, the curity by thofnet tlmt titMOhl fontlor collapse followed, VoU will wji 100 j,H mu Htnvt w, often tlmt the men at work here III the morning and -.i.i,, wnrnultoP ,,,i,i ,, ,..,11 mi Ha the hold will bo rebuilt at onco, out In Wfl"iBor could tiot utn up lis letter slmpe, Tho plans were passed origin or Unit uprvlea II ww bought iiikjii nv the bulldliiu denartiticulaud imscoronof otliorw nro, nftar It had . "a m 't 'a J . . a . . . .. j . . ooon conuoinncd tin n mrwt, nnu niicr yonrs of bitngln? lctwoon fillips and wlmrvefl only tho Htopnt tho buttond roninlim to toll that It hud over attp ported umiVftR IsancH find wan tnndo In tho center of tho Htop, Into tho rottoii wood of which ho Wufl Idly boring with bis enno. A dozen wiilorH wanted to bo euro tho "luck piece," but tho wharf iugor retained it to tempt fortuno for himself. Tho ctmtoin of planting a coin under tho mast of n vessel is bh old ax tho art of iililplmildlng. In early dayu it wa intended to propi tiate tho gods of tho watern and was universal among ull nations. The cufitorn h still practiced to a consid erablu extent, and nine vessels out of ten afloat today will show a bit of minted gold or silver in tho center of tho step of tho mainmast if search bo mado. The quarter picked up by Isaacs was coined in 1871, and Bavo for being blackened by tho action of the salt wator wa as f rush as the day it camo from tho mint. San Fran cisco Examiner. iiroiiouuced safe and flflllflVfl tllHV WHfH Hitfo mvMlr. are scores of holds surrounding the fair grounds wai are ouill practically In the sflinn way and they are not con s'dereil dangerous. The eret of this trouble will lm found id tho word "lime,'' Everything luu been done with a rush and tlmo has been every thing, May 1st has confronted eery 0110 connected with theso enterprises. I do not mean to say that the work bus been slighted, but the foundations of the building weru necessarily laid lu new ground, and during the fnwty weather tve tried to get below tho frost, but this now soli has allowed the foun dation to settlo some, and In order to make assurance doubly sure wo ordered tho building Jacked up and placed ou n Mound fitting. There was uu unexplained derby hat lu tho ruins last night which this hole) man sincerely trusts does not belong to a man crushed by the collapse. If the collapse had occurred twenty nilnuten earlier there would have been fifty worklngmen where tlio derby hat wab found and the solicitude of this Ingen uous hold man would, wo suppose, have been correspondingly increased, dtlll tho building was "safe and satis factory," for the building department had so pronounced it. And. it 1b to be rebuilt forthwith on pluns even more "safe and satisfactory." Wo must venture to doubt tho accu racy of this gontloman'a statement, lhat "there are scores of hotels sur rounding the world's fair grounds that are built practically In tho samo way." Thero uro scores of wooden hotels in that neighborhood und many, of them the visiting public would do well to let ?loue. Dut wo are not prepared to be lieve thut scores ofjein nro reudy to fall down on a minute's notice and collapse In sections after tho manner of a circus tout from which the center polo bus been withdruu. The Jouknai, has an able list of local correspondents. They cover nearly every town, In Marlon county, and Bub orlbera keep coming lu from all points. Tkwe are still a few people in this eouutry satisfied with a dally uows pa?r glvlug them news 48 hours old. They are not Jouhnai, readers. Dr. Graves, of Denver, who was ouce aeBVleied of the murder of Mr, ltarua by of Providence, It. I., will go free. He got a new trial and thoro are no feud to further prosecute. An Awful Tragedy. Thousands of lives have beou sacri ficed, thoUHUtidsof homes made desol ute by tho futull mlstako of the "old school physicians, still persisted in by some, notwithstanding the light thrown upon the subject by modern re search, that consumption is Incurable. Ills not. Consumption Is a scrofulous disease of the lungs, and auy remedy which strikes the seat of the complaint must and will euro It. Such a remedy Is Dr. Tierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery. It Is a certain specific for all scrofulous complaints. It was never known to fall If given a fair trial, and that Is why tho manufacturers sell It under a positive guarantee that If II does not benefit or cure, tho money paid for If will bo refunded. The only lung remedy possessed of bucIi remark able curatlvo properties as to wairunt its maliers lu selling It on trial. Spraying Prohibited In Canada. Orchardlsts who are contemplating graying their fruit trees for the pro tection of tho fruit from Insect pests will bo Interested lu knowing that a law to pruveut tho spraying of ibo blossoms of fruit trees has recently been otiucted lu tho province of Ontario, Canada. It has been found that tho blossoms sprayed with Purls greener other poison have been destructive to tho houey-gatheriug bees, aside from tho fact thut tho presence of tho poison lu the blossom may result lu Iho pres ence of poison In tho honeycomb, A second serious objection to tho preva lent custom Is that the poison has been known to present an obstuolo to the complete fertilization of fruit. Tkk Jouknal Is the only paper lu Um eeukal Willamette valley that pub. ItofaMallthe telegraphic news of tho 4ay om the same day received. The May number of tho Overland Monthly will voutaln au article ou the retaUeottirtiof Ban l'rauclsco, by Krnwt V. Pdxotto, the artist, whose eu and lk keteiw Illustrate the text thor- wwfthly. These drawings, with photo wwihaof aowe wort promlueut arvhl tMtoimltyp, will wake up a thorough ly well Illustrated number, M 1 LULL MIX I. .. '.. I - HkftU QroiavMtau fc Co., Ckivelaud, ',,tv(W thank for au advance nM4r4'I.Utk Carink' baUII H flv the rwd of play m, ajjadtoglam ehths, wkiof Ike Ms, DttMiHg averagf wim iftwwftHM April ST, when pMM, HHtll aHrHwwr 9U, Ikiby cried, Mother alghoil, Doctor presciibed 1 Castor! The Kansas Gallery Is south of the postofllueat Montmj's old stand. First class work and honest treatment. Give us a call. S-23-lOt Two Stepping; Stones to consumption are ailments we often tleem trivial a oiu ami a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termeel Con sumption from neglect." Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it is re- markably successful where the cough bas become uccp seated. Srttft's JZmulsim is tkt richest of fatfeods ytt tk Assitst fat'food t fak H arrests tvase and iuiUs healthy ytesh. HliiirtlinncI I.nnipiuce. "Ono col," iio bnuKuely announced as ho ontored a gonts' furnishing storo on upper Broadway. "(;ort." replied tho girl in attend anco as Bho took down a collar and wrnpiwd it up. "Much!" ho queried as ho toyed with a Bilver piece. "Quar dol," sho answered as she gavo him tho change "O K," ho said as ho turned awn'". "Tra la." sho replied as she wet back to finish waiting on nn old man who had been looking at nockties. "What sort o' languago do you call that?" ho naked. "Shorthand, sir." "Oh, that's it? Sort o' saves your breath, doesn't it?" "Courso." "Well, I don't think I could over got tised to it at my ago. It don't ex press onough." "How?" "Why, land o' lovol I want to say to you that I'll wear ono of my su spenders around my neck for a tie be fore I'll pay CO cents for such shoddy as theso. How could you express all that in throo or four words?" "I can do it in ono." sho replied. "How?" "Git." And ho ambled. Now York Clip por. I'erdlnund. Tho first half of this word is feorh, "youth" or "life." Tho second half is n littlo uncortain, but may bo con jectured to bo probably nanth, "dar ing." It was tho Spanish Goths who gavo it its earliest voguo in tho pen insula as Fernando or Fornan. San Fernando, king of Castile, sent it on to Aragon and theuco to Naples, whoro it bccainoFerdinnndo and fig ures in "Tho TempeBt" accordingly ns Ferdinaud. With Ferdinand and Isabella its famo grow worldwide Again, in Spain itsolf, it became Her nando and Hcruan, In which Inst Bhapo it was immortalized by Cortez. Who would have suspected tho con quoror of Mexico of bearing n name which on analysis turns out to bo puro Anglo-Saxon? Longman's Magazine Atiluiul OIU In Medicine. Tho number of animal oils and fats usod in modicluo are extremely nu merous. Largo quantities of oil are obtalued in Tasmania from tho mut ton biixl and used as a liuiment for rhoumatism. while tho fat of tho frigate bird is feuid to bo an excellent specific for sciatica. Cod liver oil is too well known to bear more tlian mention, and tho oil got from tho dugong, an aquatic monster related to tho whalo tribo, has a high repu tation as n substitute for that ob tained from tho smaller fry of tho cod. From Q to 14 gallons of this me dicinal oil can bo taken out of a sin gle animal. Loudon Tit-Bits. fililtiE on lli Murch. Cavalry soldiers often slejp in tho saddlo after a fatiguing march, aud although it would seem impossible to march ou foot and sleep at tho samo time, thero nro authentic instances of such a feat. Artillerymen in bat tle have been kuown to sloop under thoir own guns, which were constant ly firing. Now York Evening Sun. W (Hilling King Olreii Awry. It may not b gwiorally known that immigrants who dtwiro to get married in Now York aro provided at a certain church with a plain gold ring fiva of cost, and during tho last two years uo fewer than it& brides have lwi supplied with rings. New York Letter. Nareot Have adgr, ohl man, but ( don't know how goal it k CM MR That dooMi't worrr hul ltu AWirhhsiilVrf,hr ''Dear I dear I" exclaimed Geotgo U, i?Ktam to a covey of railroad birds In the m, James, "how many llara there are In tho world anyhow, Every small and largo town haa itfl star liar, and my old town had ono. My old town was Chatham, Mass, Thoro wna, when 1 was a boy, an old fellow of tho namo of George San dors, who woro without an effort tho silver star of champion long distance Uar for tho town and neighboring vicinity. Tills follow had been, ac cording io himself, lost 60 times in great ocean wrecks. Ho had wan dorod naked and starving up and down cannibal islands and been res cued In a most providential mannor. Sharks and whales had vainly har bored designs against his lifo, and in variably he had led them a bootless chase. In doing all tills ho had also established his star reputation. One day George camo into tho town drag ging after him an immonso codfish. "Ho stopped at all tho houses, ho was so well known, and calling out tho inhabitants pointed with pride to tho fish and said: 'Now, if I had told you peoplo I had caught a fish of that size you wouldn't have belioved it ' Qeorgo know his reputation well, and ho knew that to gain tho actual credit for his catch that ho would have to work for it. It al wayB tickled mo to think that tho biggest liar in town should catch tho biggest fish and then bo compelled to drag it all around town to prove it." St. Louis Globo-Democrat. now the Ilttbjr Looked. A child who had been attending a kindergarten for some months, on being introduced to tho now baby, regarded it critically for some mo ments and remarked, "Itanosoisan oblato spheroid I" Washington Star. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOUAli APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to euro It you must take Internal remedies. Halls Catarrh Ctiro Is taken internally, and acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by one of the best pbyslcansln this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two In gredients Is what produces such won derful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hood's Cures WwsnsMp Mrs, Mary SpeaUman Of Philadelphia. A Week of Writing Would Not Tell The Story Scrofula for Seven YcaraGured by Ilood's Saraaparilla. "A week dOTOtod to writing would not bo be sufficient to tell ot the good Ilood's Barsaparllla has done mo. Scvi-n years ago a running sore appeared on my (inkle, which grew worse until It entirely covered my toot and the bones came out ot my toes. Then tho sores appeared on my other foot, right arm und hand. Holes were eaten In my loner iimus, my nnu was one from tho shoulder down, and the out of tw o ot my lingers. Words Cannot Trll Mr Muttering. I could not sleep and had no appeUto. My husband read of what Ilood's SarsaparUla had done (or others, and urged me to try It I was confined to the bed at the time, had Riven ui! all hope. However. I commenced taking the medlclue. aud before I had fin ished the bottle, cuuld sleep, and uot oubf eat, but enjoy my food. Now the Hart urn All Healed I7p with the exception ot ono spot on my limb. I Uvauk God for having directed my bus band's attention to Hood's Barsaparllla. otherwise I should have been In my grave. An) one who could hive seen uiycoudlUon when 1 commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparllla would marvel that I am now alive,' Mrs. Mauv SFKJkKiUN, 272S Laton Street, Philadelphia. Take Hood's one great sore Dimes camo Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, coosU patioo, bluousueas, Jaundice, sick headache. Money to Loan. La& will bs made oa Improved pity or farm property by the j LUMHARU IKYttSTMJSMT CO. for terms, tie., apply to JOHN A. OARSO.S, Attorney at lw, over HU' KBk, Salem, Or, NEW MILLINERY STORE OI'filtA UOtlSH U1.OCIC, 108 COUNT BT. Mrs. B. F. Haftttgan. T. .1. KKKSS. HOUHB I'AINTINU, 1'APEIt HANGING, Natural Wood finishing, Cor, 30th and Chcmcketa Street. Undertaking -d Embalming. Ileal facilities In the city. A.M.(JIX)UOH. - KBBtiiteBt. ADAMS & DAMON, SHAVING FARMRS, 102 State 8(ret atrtitoA TiitAL. Jlorlej v iVInstonlcy, Carpenters and Builders, Slop 05 Btale stret. StoroFlttlngs a Specialty J.L.ASHBY. Meat Market, 203 Commerolal Street. Good mraU. Prompt delivery. j. u. MUKPllT. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, MOUTH BALlkM. Take lt EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cent a day delivered at your door. JOHN C, MARTIN, Horseshoeing. BLACKBMITHING. HUtte Street, Balem. J, L, BENNETT k SON, CANDIES, Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Blook, 11. t. itintii'iiitiiYs, Clients and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 043 Oora'l Strost. T. W, THORNBURG, Tho Upholsterer, ivemoaem, re-covers nna repnlri n . BUtfl Insurance block. upiioisvorca iurnuure. First. MtAtJi Inaurancn Mrwb """i, CHARGES I'AOFISStONAL AND BUSINESS cXnDS. Owing to the "bard limes" the Dre. Darrln have reduced their charges to less than half their former prices for this mouth only, bo as to accommodate many of thenllllcted who were unable to meet their terms In the past, aud also for the benefit of others who have hesitated to apply to them. There is no reason why the rich or tho poor should sutler for the want of professional services at the hands of these skillful physicians. Their testi monials heretofore published Bpeak volumes of their wonderful ability in curing diseases. The Drs. will treat the poor free ex cept medicines from 9 to 10 a. m. dally aud those who are able to pay, will receive medical or electrical treat ment at $5 a month for each disease or in that proportion as tho cases may need, surgical and special diseases ex cepted. Consultation free. No cases taken if not deemed curable or im provable. Ofllce hours from 10 to 5 daily; even ings, 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 12. All cur able chronic, acute and private diseases, catarrh and deafness are confidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and question list sent free. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctor's olllce. Drs. olllce 310 Commercial street, Salem, Or., room 11. p. 11. b'akct. ojo. a. BiNanAM. D'AKCY & BINOI1AM, Attorneys at Law. Itocms 1, 2 and 8, D'Arcy Building. Ill euito Ktreet. Special intention given to busi ness In the supreme ana circuit courts 01 tue state. a it Rl BOISE. Attornty at law. Salem, Ore . Kou. Olllce 'UK Commercial street. 11ILMON FORD, Attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. Olllce up stairs in l'utton block LK. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur . pby block. H J B.QUKH, Attoi ney ai law.Salem, Ore gun, olllce over Bush's bank. JJ.SHAW.AI.W.HUNT. 8UAWAHUNT . Attorneys at law. Office over Capital .National bank, Balem, Oregon. ci T. UICUAKDSON, Attorney nt law or O, lice upstairs In front rojins ol new Bush block, coruer Commercial and Court streets, balem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAUsON, Attorney at law, rooms X and 4, Bush bank building, Balem, Or. Before Going to the Wold's Fair Enquire About The Limited Exprew trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Puul Railway between St. Puul and Chicago aud umaua auu utnrago. These truius are vestibuled. electrl lighted and steam heated, with the fin est Dlulng una Sleepluc Car Service lu tue world, The Electric readlug light In each berth is the successful novelty of this progressive age, and is highly appreciat ed by all regulur patrons of thin line. We wish others to know its merits, us the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the only lino in the west enjoy ing the exclusive us-e of this patent. or further information apply to nearest coupon ticket ngeut, or address C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. CASKY, Trov. Puss. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf Dr. Powell Reeves & Co., The Old tollable Specialists, Late of New York Hospitals. Graduate with High Honors. Twenty years' experience as Professor, Lecturer, Author and Specialist lu Chronic Diseases. Catarrh, Bronohltia, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated with specif ic remedies thoroughly tested and proved by tho OLD DOCTOR Who la one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to hi3 profession and ever ready to help the afflicted. HKRYOOSDEBIUn&lTSVffi middle sged men, The a fill eftccta of early In discretion, producing weakness, LOST MAN HOOD, night emlMious, exhausting draltia, bsahfulncM, loss of energy, weaktieM of both body aud bralu.unllttlug one for study, buslncis and marriage, treated with net cr falling success. Oet cured and be a man. BLOOD AND SKIN Sirrffiir.'SJoS; irrhilltlo Ulut, rbemnatlmn, eruptions, etc., of all kinds, blood poison from any cause whale er, cured promptly, leaviug tho at stem pure and healthful. KIDNEY AND URINARY jaSifMl?.!? der, aedlmeut lu urine, brick duit or while; rutin while urlnatlug, frequency of; llrlght'a dUeaM KI1U nil U1K CATARRH and all disease ot Hie bladder of both sexes, throat, lunn. lier dvanenl.,.inH. Bottlon. ami nil iltft..i ufTA.i.. t hlfe ,U.Uf A,B ..,..iii.I. u .t......... .- . wunc., tuui.i,u, en;. . U1B11UUCU, u)euierT, eto. Troubles qf thiicbarartcrrelliedateuc: cures etleetM as soon a pocslble. PRIVATR J',Kle. gonorrhoea, syphllli, -".- uTurunar. ranoceie, lenderneu. B. r.BONHAM. W. H. UOLMEa. nO.NHA.M & HOLMES. Attorneys at law, XJ Ofllce In Bush block, between State and court, on commercial Btreet. East and South via THE SHASTA ROUTE rth Southern Pacifid Company, CAMI-OHNIA rXPRESS TRAIN ntJN DA1LT Is. TWEI'N rOUTl.AND AND S. P. South. rth. 7.-U,' p. 111. 9:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. L.V. L.V. Ar. i'oiiiuua Balem Ban Frnn. Ar. I Lv. bv. I 7M)H,ni 6:28 a. m Wp.ra Above trains stop only ul ioIiovviuk mtioci north of Iloseburg, Kast 1'ortland Orgon Clti. Woodbura, Balem, Albnm Tangent, 3hedaiL Ualsey, Harrlsburg.JunctlonC'lty, Irving and r.ugeue KOSKIIUKO MAT.!. DAll.t. 8.i a. m. I L.v. 11:17 n. m I Lv 6:50 p. m. i Ar. roilluud Balem Kopeburg Ar. I Lv. Lv. :'0 p. iu, 1:40 p. m. 7:01 a, a Albauy Local, Dully Except suuuar. liJL. wrltest Best equipped typewriting of. lieu uui one in Salem, Oregon. E. FOGUE, Stenographer and Tjpe- uest equipped typewriting ol Oregon. Over Bush's bank,' 6 Co p. in. 7:512 p.m. 9.-00 p.m. Lv. Lv: Ar. X'ortland eulem Albany Ar. Lv. LV. 10-.JUU.IU. 7:31 a. m b:30a.Ei. QTELLA HHEKMAN.-Typetvrlllng and O commercial Bieuogrnpliy, mom 11, Gray block, flrst-clas work. Bates reasonable. Dlt. A. B. OILLliJ, specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Boom 10 Bush bunk building, e alein. DK. T O. BiUTH, UcntlBt, W State street, Salem, Oregon. Finished dental opera tions of etery description. Painless opera tions a specialty. T 1), TT . tlons and superintendence for all PUU11, Architect, plans, speclflca- lerintennence for all Office W0 Commercial classes ot buildings, sireei, up stairs, c. A. HOBKKT, Architect, room 421, Mar quam building, Portland, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a Specialty. snop 45 State street. Dining Cars ou Ogttcn ltoute POLUIAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Auacneu io an inrougu trains, iYestSlde Division, Between Foitlui and Corvallis : DAILY-(BXCK1T SUNDAY). 7:J a. m. laiO p. m. Lv. Ar. .Porilanu ('orvallls Ar. Lv. o:.ju u. ui, 12:56 p. ni. At Albany and Oorvullls connect trains of Oregon Pn!flo Railroad. wits KXPKKM 1HAIM (UAIi KSffctTHt M'- 4:4U p. m. 7:25 p. m. Lv. Ar. Portland MrMlnnvllle Ar. I Lv. I o:jJa.m f):4Tn,m PllOTEOTION LODGE NO. 2 A.O.U. W. Meeu In their hall In State Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. A. W. DENN1M, M. W. J. A. SELWOOD, Recorder. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAU SALKM. - - - Or.eon. Office removed to 211 Commercial at. Rates reasonable. Public and private work C. B. CLEMENT, Manager. done, . J. H. HAAS, .THE WAT CHMAOB, 2I5H Ccmmerclil St., - ba1m, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. WaicheH and Jewelry. TiiitoiHJit lieu i;is To nil points in the riihtem btatcH, rnnadt and Europe can be obtained at lime&t ratei Irom W. W. sKlNMllt. Aeent. sulem. K.P. ROOEHS. Ai-kUU. K. unuPubH.Ag'l iv. ji.ui!.nijj.i, Manacnr, The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC II B. And Oregon Development company's steam ship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any other route, First clasi iiirougn passenger nna freight line from Portland and all joints lu the Wlllametls uuey m uuuiromi'an Francisco. TIME BCHKDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1:00 p m Ar Yaquina 5:X0 p m Lv CorvallU. 10:ii5 am Lv Corvallis 1:40 n m Lv Yflquiua.(i.4 a rfl Ar Albany ll:10a m IHT 4 IV A JPO (Northern Pacific R. R, Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Daily. lilipm l::!0pui 10-l.ani 1 50pm 7 loam 025pml ... Mlnn. ul 7:6pm -Rtl-aut.a ssoim 7-'iipm 1 . Ashland, a g'aoam I)t9ami..fhlo.go..a 5.l.m 4;15pm a: 40pm 8 60pm 3jpm 1015pm Ticken sold and bag Uen. Pass, and TkU&ffiRl , iii ". "- imiuwir, lenaerneu, welllngs, wetuei ol orgsns. auj piles, fiituia! rupture, qub sly cund without any rlu or de I rntton from bu.IueM. WRITR ?"w,". "Ting swsy from the Hill in city. inoufsuds cured at home by corretpondeuee and mo-llcluej cul secuie from obtenatlou. ruclose li) cents tn stamps for BR.PnwELL REEVES & CO.. New keite-d it 216 Coa'l St, Salco. . "-. WHmsb m if 2aPn ONLY LINE RUMING 2 HOWARD, The House Mover. 'EfiSffi WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. .CAHTAL STOCK, all SnWribJ vt j TmsttMt a tsral banking buslorM lu altlu bmncbe. -Vloe .Prrsldent President Cashier. THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. 3 7:30 P. M. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul. 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .nd TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. O. A O. tr&lDfl lYinnM. nt Aldmivniirl . Tallls. "' w 1 he above trains connect at Vaqulna with taeOreeon I)evAl nmpnt. rni. iinZ ..r.AOm. er" between Yuqulna and Ban Francisco or,., 1Tf."J,Be?,'tr8 Irom Portland and all Willamette Valley rHIIntj. rnn mnlil,iii nut. nect on with thu trains of tho YaqUlna ltoute at Albany or Corvallis nnd If deKtlned to Han Francisco, should arrange to an tvu at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. Passenger and Fielght Mates aHnus the 7,tl: . EI Information apply to ilewrs SiJ1'I'iA,55Co",'reEht nd Ticket Agents aooand 302 Front sireet. Portland. Or., or C. O. HOG UK, Ae't lien'l Fu l'ass. Agt, r. n P"V elflo K. It. t'o.. Corvallis, Or. C. H. UA8WJSLL, Jr., Gen'l Freight and Pass. A gt. Ore Dereloproent Co., iiOl Moutgoiuery St. From Terminal or Interior Points tho Northern Pacific Rai u Is tho line to take To all Points East and South. rit,i1Ki?ei!ln!UB" cnT Toie- ltmns through vestibule trains; every day In theyi-nrto ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Oompsfled pf dining cars unsurpassed, nuimau drawing room sleepers .Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. aSmm!?, "nructed nnd In which SSh2rtm?h l S1" "re bo,h ' d fur UckeU.Md m8nd eoon(1cl'i, ELEQAMTJ)XY coaohes. linfnn?J ie Ptliig with all emce, rrtrt nrffl-tinluteiTurted Pullman ilfirf MMfrii fS .'? Vti Ci tfcru. our uKntLol lateSj" "eketa to and from all points nureSSSS . ;"8land and Europe can be Purchased at any ticket onice otlils com- oftaiin? l2?.Uoll.concni,n? nt. time 121 ri, vkii ";. u siui, fu, Jaw a TXWNINO, Atrpxta Mexican War Soldiers Increase jf Pensions! - DnderAHoJ JaBMTtia .rJ.,,,, ? lite" frhNltiik HulastMlsulWkihiraH.Tias and U. A7mE?'A' We', J. W HsoFl. or i40rt4. Hwnuwa esOl ea wioartase. Apply to ' IYhM W KM a Rmm, K. Y. SEXr m " ' w fi& EMkka" - o-ESr W..U.HDRUJURT.AI I 11 - T.A. D. C.HUEBMAN, IliOrsyalHtULV rn., ... I m n iOmr, viii;,' ,3s; How UA it la W what rw afraid of. -Dreit JV Pr.