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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1893)
. yv t ".ViiWSw, 5SGt Jswj i'l SEE mvu oMiM BookCoupon ( A P TA - SATURDAY. 'V ---- -- - -1- - J V - -A- '-L 1 A- ..., 1 4 ciA'timi-nAt' tfATUUDAY, Made bo. iDers Aed say low VOL. 6. That ibe fls That Plain for less STORE fls for CASH, we Keeping. Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kepi it PERFECT books, such are The Frey Patent Flat Opening Books. Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise or the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the mercbantile men of the State, are surely derserving of a trial by everyone. Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the Slate of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. SOO.OOO OSWEGO - FALL. 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Bra all Fruits, Ornamental, 8bade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in every reared. Bend for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, jjyMention this paper.- Oswego, Oregon. Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS & SALISBURY, (SUCCESSORS TO BROOKS AND HARRIOT.) Guds, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods. Disc Ball Good. Flags and FireWorks BOXINQ GLOVES, LAWN TEN NIS SETS, CROQUET SETS KNIVES, RAZORS, 8CI8SORS, DOLLS, TOY8, NOTIONS, LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. salem:, - J. W. TflORNBORG, THE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemektta street. A. N. HALES, Proprietor. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Successor to R. B. Ryan.) Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Bungles on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or. month. Oillce at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. AH house-finishing material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. See us before you buy. CHURCHILL Spraying Oiitiils, B I- 106 BURROUGHS) State Street. DtiganBros. mm F. T. HART, "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." IT IS Mechanic's and OjflLSIX STOXtE Is ttie Best Place to Save Money, we sell you better goods money than any can do. That in buying of the best houses, for CASH, and selling can and do sell lor a smaller ma CALL AND BE CONVINCED. J.W.THOMAS, - - 297 Commercial St, Salem. (Successor to B. Foretuer & Co.) TREES ! NURSERIES, SPRING, 1893. Oregon. R. H. PRICE, Manager SEE Copies. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HALEM, Farmer's H B TIME c gin. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. The New Haven has leased for 09 years the Berkshire and Stockbridgo and Pitts field roads. The largest freight depot ever built is to be erected by the Pennsylvania Rail road company in Now York city. Numerous metal ties have been in vented, and many roads have tried them, but all have proved unsatisfactory. Tho principal objections to them are their cost and nonelosticity. The Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany has an order for 16,000 tons of steel roils from the New York Central. It is stated that the company will requiro 23,000 tons besides to be used for better ment, etc. Talk is revived that the New York, Susquehanna and Western will control the new Palisades tunnel when complet ed, so as to enable it to sever its connec tion with tho Lackawanna in its local outlet for its Pennsylvania coal traffic. The New York Central has issued a condensed through time table. A con venient feature of the now folder is that it gives the equipment of all through trains on the system, together with time of arrival and departure at terminal and junction points. JEWEL NOVELTIES. Not much is said of the moonstone, bnt it still commends itself to people of refined tastes. Surplicod dresses that are coming in will give an impotus to necklaces. Gold collars with network depending toward a point will bo a stylo that will become this sort of gown. Some exquisite buckles and slides have been prepared. One shown on a belt of heavy ribbed cream silk was a solid re naissance design in raised work of gold and pale blue enamel. Words fail to convey an idea of the artistic jowelry, especially in necklaces, made from irregular pearls, semiprecious stones, generally opaque, set in gold. The designs are usually Indian or at least eastorn. Jewelers' Circular. WORLD'S FAIR NOTE8. A Cheddar cheese valued at $487 and composed of hundreds of smaller cheeses will be exhibited at the World's fair. A pair of mounted horns measuring nine feet have been sent from Texas to Chicago. They aro expected to be tho biggest horns at the fair. Over $15,000,000 have been paid in and expended on tho World's fair. It is es timated that over $400,000,000 in all will bo expended at and around and by reason of it. Montana's silver statuo of Justico for hor World's fair building for which Ada Rehan posed has been successfully cast and is pronounced a beautiful piece of work. The largest of recent orders given for power is that of the Great Northern, which has contracted with tho Brooks Locomotive works of Dunkirk, N. Y., for 45 engines. Tho New York Central has decided to spend about $700,000 in the building of 1,000 box cars, 100 flat cars and 100 stock cars, which will be equipped with air brakes and vertical plane couplers. F. S. Deal, private secretary of Gen eral Superintendent Woodford of the Wheeling and Lake Erie, has been ap pointed purchasing agent and superin tendent of telegraph of the company. There is Hope For every one who haa blood trouble, no matter in what ahape or how long Handing, provided none of the vital organ have been i eo ar Im paired aa to render cure ImpoMible. B. . B. goee to the root ot tho Ulaeaw, and .removal the oauae, by expelling the poiaoa I rom the body, and Sttwaamotauei. a tonlo to the whole ayatea. However bad your oaae may be, there to hope pror? YOU. Cared me or a man buijmiii jv of ehroaio blood trouble, let wbtefc a.-, .. ...4 .lflin Akav AnaiLaa. Mhatrt eet- My wlgbt tefraaaed, and ml htti'-n 'T TT leatdr8.S.0. tew Ut teelo I ever Baed. OIIEGON, MOITDAY, APltIL 17 1800. INTERFERENCE WITH LABOR. Tlircfl Thousand Men on the Union Pacific ORDERED TO STOP EARNING BREAD The Island of Zanto in the Greek Archipelago Destroyed. Chicago, Ills., April 17. Specials from Omaha and Denver say a strike has been ordered among tho boiler makers, pattern makers, blacksmiths and moulders Id shops along the entire line of the Union Paclflo system, to take effect at noon. The trouble has ansen concerning a reduction of stand ard time of working days. Last year the company agreed to so reduce the working force as to permit work nine hours a day instead of eight. The company began violating its agree ment in January, and (he men have been unable to bring about a restora tion. Fully 8,000 men a, re Involved in the shops at Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake, Cheyenne, Ogden, Portland, Kansas City, Rawlins, Luramle and Round House points. STRIKE SPREADING. Omaha, Neb., April 17. Six hun dred men, employed in the Union Pa cific shops here struck at noon. The men who went out were machinists, boiler makers, blacksmiths, moulders and pattern makers. SCORES OF DEAD ENGINES. WicniTA.Kan.jApril 17. All freight trains at Newton and Purcell division of the Santa Fe and on the Wichita & Western have been abandoned for lack of engineers. There are twelve dead engines at Newton, 17 at Arkansas City, 10 at 'Purcell, and the road has no means of making repairs necessary to put them in service. FROM HEADQUARTERS. Kansas City, Mo., April 17. All boiler and enginemakers and black smiths employed by the Union Pacific road at Armstrong, near here, went on a strike at noon. Ibis means a strike has been ordered on the entire system, as men here acted under order orders from the bead of the order at Omaha. GO OUT AT DENVER. Denver, April 17. The bhopmen of the Union Pacific hero are ready to go out as soon as they receive orders from Omaha. They, number 200. IN OREGON. Portland, April 17. Sixty men in the Union Pacific shops in this city struck at noon today. Earthquakes in Greece. -The Island or of the Ionian Athens, April 17. Zante. principal one group, was visited by a most destruc tive earthquake this morning. A great part of the city of Ziute Is destroyed. So far 20 bodies are taken from the ruins. It is feared many more are still burled. Hundreds are Injured. Most of the lubabitabts fled to the plains back of the city, where tbey wander about, bemoaning the loss of relatives and property by tho recent earthquakes. whole island devastated. Tho shock occurred at 7:30 a. m. The church of St. Dloulslusand the govern ment ofilces were thrown down. Ad vices from the interior show tho whole island is devastated. Many villages are destroyed. It is thought the loss of life Is very great. News of the dis aster comes in vety slowly, as commu nication with thd interior of the island has been greatly interrupted by the destruction of many telegraph lines. The full extent of the calamity cannot be estimated at present. A warship will be dispatched from Pirieus with clothing and medicines for the suffer ers. Japan aud China. Ban Prancisco, April 17. Advices via the China, from Hong Kong, via Yokohama. und Honolulu, are: One solitary remuaut of 70 fishing boats, recently carried away from Otaru, Japan, In a gale, has turned up. One of the bouts drifted ashore March 0th. There was no one In It. Of the other 00 boats tio news has been re received. Tho Koel Miru, the steamer owned by the Hokkul Steamship Company, sailed from Otaru March island the following day foundered in jbeYaklJIrl sea and 11 persona were drowned. Two thousand bouaes were destroyed by fire at Kawagee, Japan. Mauy peo ple were also Injured but no Hvas were lost. The Japanese naval departneot Is making preparation for tho construc tion of four now men-of-war. According to n Tohlo paper, a largo batch of Jnpnneso womon Is (o bo shipped to Chicago for immoral pur poses. Tho number Intended to bo sent over is to exceed 800. Ono hundred of these unfortunates aro said to have al ready entered Into contracts to go to Chicago and 200 mora aro being on- gaged In tho various parts of the coun try. Tho pollco, however, have cau tioned, through tho various provincial authorities, parents against permitting their daughters Into such contracta.and tbey are furthermore watching tho do parting steamers much more closely to proyeut the shipment of girls. SHERMAN THE DICTATOR. The Iron Will of the Gold Monarch. Single CLEVELAND'S SECRETARY CALLS DIM IN. Oar Country's Treasury Reduced to Half a Million. Carlisle and Sherman. Washington, D. C, April 17. Secretary Carlisle absolutely declines to outline his future financial action, pre ferring to await the arrival of the emergency before indicating what he will do. He bad this morning an ex tended interview with Senator Sher man. An order for one and a quarter million dollars of gold engaged for ex port tomorrow reduces gold In the treasury to about $500,000. To Cripple Cleveland. Buffalo, April 17. The city ball was under guard all last night to pre vent the city mayor from taking action under a bill passed last week by the legislature for appointment of new police and exclso commissioners. In junction preventing such action was served on tho mayor and other officers this morning. Lieutenant Governor Sheeban denies the purpose of the bill is to cripple the Cleveland Democraoy. Crushed to Pulp. Chicaoo, Ills., April 17. While a party of soldiers were setting up a 14 ton gun aa part of the government ex hibit at Jackson park this morning, the gearing broke and Private Warwick was crushed to pulp. Private Kern was fatally hurt. Mine Firo. Hazeltom, Pa., April 17. A fire Is raging in the Crystal Ridge Colliery near here. Five men are said to be In the mine. DOMEbTIO INFELICITY Causes a Banker's Wife to Suicide at Baker City. Baker City, Or., April 17. Mrs. J, H. Parker, wife of cashier of the first National bank of this city, committed suicide last night by taking au overdose of morphine. Domestio In felicity waa the cause. A police broke open a bedroom door and found the deceased lying on the floor In her Death bad resulted sever al hour previous. She threatened to take her life yesterday morning, If her husband did not return home. He bad not been home for several days. De ceased leaves a daughter, by a former husband, who Is. attending school at Oakland, FARMER KILLED. Yesterday a locomotivo of train No, 2 of east bound Union Paclflo passenger train ran into and killed J. J, Cavan, a farmer living three miles west of Hunt ington. Deceased was deaf and was struck Just as the engine was making the curve. Deceased leaves a wife and several children all crown. SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Paclflo Land & Orchard Co, to Henry T. Metcalf, 1 4, East Salem Fruit Farms, $1200. B. R. Jessup and wife to D. M. Lett zel J lot, Suunyslde, $000. R. G. Keene and wife to D. M. Lett zel, lot, $1800. C. C.Green aud wife to D. M.Lpltzel, aud B. R. Jessup, 1 8, Bunnyslde, $1200. D. M. Leltzel to Sarah A. Prettyman, I, Suniiyslde, $1300. C. F. Edmunds and wife to Sarah A. Heath I 0 bl 17, Riverside add. Salem, $a?o. Ben Brown fc wf. to Maurice Jacobs 6.24 a., 426. J. H. Watson & wf to Wra H. Cowles, Bpokace, $ 1 3.4 bl 2 Prospect Park, M00. CoapreaMd yeast Clark EppWy. "TO-IXAY'8 NEWS TO-DAY'.' Highest of nil in Leavcnlnfj Powef. Latest U, S Gov't Report RoYal S&S2X& ABSOLUTELY PURE An Ex-King's KccoHcllialien to His Queen. The Duke of Southerland's Will Case Tho Royal Family of Kan akas Approve Clerclands Course. bervja'b youncj ruler. Vienna, April 17. Tho events at Belgrade explain ex-King Milan's re conciliation with Ills wife, Queen Na talie. Both had Intended to return to Belgrade, If necessary, to advise their son in his difficult situation. Alexan der proved col and firm enough to carry out tho coup alone. Dottitch, the new prlmo minister, on pretense of a holiday, went to Paris a fortnight ago to consult with Milan, while ex-Queen Natallo was instructed tosouud the czar and see whether Russia would ap prove tho meditated change. Garas chanin and Pachitch, the Servian rad ical leaders, and a number of the chief officers of the army Were taken into confidence, and, while the regents were kept in absolute Ignorance, everything was prepared for the coup. The re gents have themselves to blame, as, falling to get a parliamentary majority, they entered to govern the country by force, Alexander's new ministry Is Ju diciously chosen. The chief danger in the present situation Isthut Rurslan instigation, and probably promises of assistance, may revive a feeling for re venge, and preolpitato a quarrel with Bulgaria. Honolulu, April 8. The steamship Alameda, whloh arrived here yester day, brought, among her passengers, Paul Neumann and Prince David Kawanaukoa, the deposed queen's en voy to Washington. Neumann stated be bad enjoyed tho (rip to Washington. "I went there," he said, "lu the inter est of the queen to prevent, if possible, any Injustice being done. I favored the appointment of a examine Into the state of affairs before Judgment was pronounced and I have secured my point. I have brought back no assurance to the quen, but I oellevo her best assurance lies in the fact that Mr. Blount waa appointed and has been sent here." Commissioner Castle said that there was no denying that roaotlon had set In In the United States to a certain ex tent against annexation, but ho saw no reason to infer that Cleveland was bos tile to the annexation policy. Celebrated Will Case. London, April 17. A celebrated will case came up in the probate court to day. In 1880 the late Duke of Suther land married a second wife against tho bitter opposition of bis sou and heir. The result of the disagreement was a will as favorable as possible to the sec ond wife and after the duke's death bis Bon began a suit to set aside the will. In the course of the litigation com plainant's counsel secured from the court an order for access to certain pa pers held by tho widow. In tho court this morning counsel asked for au at tachment against her for contempt of court on tho ground that sho had burned some of the papers called for In the order. The court cited her to make answer Tuesday. From Chili. Valparaiso, April 17. There was an explosion supposed to have been caused by dynamite, near the Monc-du. Santiago. The government has given orders that none of the details shall be made public In all the morning papers here and In BantlaKO there Is printed a report that the United Stales government re fuses to surrender the refugees harbored by Minister Egan lu the legation of the United States. At a,ialt. Ottawa, April 17, A dispatch slates that theEsqulmalt fortifications, which are to be constructed Jointly by the Iui pruil and Canadian governments, are to be LHllt by the DobiIbIob authorities NO. 00. Baking Powder under tho direction of British officers. General Herbert will 'visit Eneland, to rooolvo instructions before the' proposed work is begun. Coming to Fight. London, April 17. Stanton Abbott, the light-weight champion of England, who goes to America to fight Jaok Mo McAullfTo, the American champion, has sailed on the Paris. London, April 15. The Canard steamer Campania had her final trial trip Saturday. She attained the max imum speed of 23 5 koota, or fully 20 miles per hour. This Is the greatest seed even attained by any Bteamshlp and Justifies the hopo that she will be ablo to mako tho run from Fastnet to Sandy Hook In five days and a half. A Bloody Butchery. AuiiUHN, N. Y., April 17. John Johnson, known as tho Blue Nigger from Clyde, run amuck in the broom shop of Auburn prison this morning, armed with a sharp knife, used in cut ting broom corn. Ho first attacked Charles Peck, u fellow convict, leaving him dead In his trucks. He next fatal ly stabbed Daniel Britten, a convict, and severely wounding several others. Ho was finally captured and confined. MARKETS. Portland, April 17. Wheat valley $112.J1.15. Walla Walla, $1.05. 1.00. Ban Francisco, April 17, Wheat, May $1.25j. Chicago, April 17. Wheat .70 Dr. Contrls (111b teeth without pain. THE LATEST. Delsarto corsets and waists, MoCabe corsets and waists, Hygela combination shoulder brace, corsets aud waists, Electric corsets aud waists, properly adjusted free of charge. Orange Blos soms, Eglantine MaBage,Cream Bloom of Roses, Lungtry Lotion, at .Mrs, Frank Coopers, 2S0 Commercial street, up stairway next Van Eatoim store, Salem. 4 15d8t Dissolution. Tho partnership heretofore existing between J. C. Robertson and F. S. Bar zee at Turner has been dlsolved by mu tual consent. J. C. RoberUon will re ceipt for allmonUs paid on account due said firm and pay all outstanding debts. 4-18-4W Raspberry Plants. Bougbegan, Gregg, Cutbbert and Malabar, last two red strong plants. Several thousand, call early, or deliv ered free to any part of tho city, at re duced rates. Leave orders at John G. Wright's grocery. H. W. Bavaoe, Market Gardner, Salem. 818 0-wd For Rent. One good dwelling at No, 17 Court street, opposite Cottage. Call at Osburn's Racket store. Don't forget Grunt's lecture tonight at tho Y. M. C. A. on Evolution. PHYSIOGNOMY. A stcoly bluo oyo is often the sign of a merciless disposition. Doublo lips aro unfavorable indicating a tendoncy to grossnoss. Bhort, thick curly hair la an indication of great natural strength. Largo, widespreading nostrils show ample lungs and good health. Long, projecting teeth aro often found in persons of good disposition, but rarely of markod ability. A well arched forehead, with one slight perpendicular wrinkle, belongs to a wise and discroot character. Noses turned down and inward at the tip aro always close, penurious, often ill humored and satirical. Eve with weak oyobrows and vory long eyoloahos lxtokcn u feoblo constitu tion and inoluticholy wind. The upper oyolids should cover from a fifth to a third of tho iris, more indicates cunning; less, Imprudence Regular, ovon noses aro generally asso ciated with well balanced though prob ably not strong characters. Positive character lu a face disekwes positive power, but its lack does not always signify tho opposite. Noses turned up at the point and stak ing iu at the top are inollned to ease awl pleasure, though at the same tls tky -may be gifted with eloquence and tsaag -issHon aud are almost always & t lant. St. Louis qiobe-DsjBOM m -i i ii Ml COMKKltOIAL STJliiRT.